By Zya Shelton & Arelis Romero

By Zya Shelton & Arelis Romero. Biome's Place on Earth Located In the Ocean Abiotic Factors are Temperature, Salinity,and Nutrients The Native Plants

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By Zya Shelton & Arelis Romero

Biome's Place on Earth

• Located In the Ocean•Abiotic Factors are Temperature, Salinity,and Nutrients• The Native Plants that live there is• Kelp-Needs to withstand ocean currents so its roots grow

fast •Coral-Face climate change & Ocean Acidification • Seaweed-Gas bladders that keep the fronds afloat,

Holdfasts instead of roots

Native Animals

• The Native Animals are • Plankton-Flat bodies, Lateral spines and Oil droplets• Shrimp-Ability to change gender & High efficient systems • Crab-Use of shell and climate change • Turtles-Hinge in lower parts of water,change of color

Attractions/Tour Packages

• Activities in the Ocean -Sailing -Diving -Jet Skiing • Many people enjoy going to the beach to do all different activities in

the ocean • Side Trips- Freshwater Biome, Coral Reef Biome, Estuaries Biome

• The Average precipitation is from 60 to 200 inches per year • Average temperature since it's the largest biome in the world -Climate varies from -40 F to over 100 F• The average temperature is 39 degrees F • Is warmer near equator where the rays of the sun can warm it • Supplies tourists should bring-Swimsuits,Water shoes , Goggles

Weather Report

• Threats to the Biome-Overfishing depletes stocks of fish beyond their ability to recover• Disrupting the ecosystem and eliminating a valuable source of food• Pollution can poison marine life and hurt entire marine environment • Solid and chemical waste from human activities are continually

dumped and go into oceans-Plastics, Sewage, Sediment, Oil, and Toxins


Warnings- Endangered Animals

• Hawksbill Turtle-Found in tropical regions -population has estimated to have declined by 80% all over the last century -Known to be a subject of heavy trafficking in tourist trade in tropical regions • Hammerhead Shark -Traced in tropical regions of the oceans around the world -Dragged on board and is cut off their fins while they are still breathing

Fear of Climate Change?

Yes,there is because it is already happening. The marine environment is already impacted by climate change. The current increase in global temperature of 0.7 C since pre-industrial times ,which is disrupting life in the oceans, from topics to the poles


The marine biome is globally important because without it we wouldn't be able to survive, the marine biome covers 70% of the earth and the water and animals are crucial to our lives


•"Marine Life." What Is Marine Biology ? N.p., n.d. Web.•"All About Marine Life." Marine Animals and Plants. N.p., n.d. Web.