BYLAWS OF THE CEDARS CONDOMI]UUM ASSOCIATION om ro -rl ><D Qm zG) JD -(: . N z6 6 '71 mm oo D -t f-H @ff f,) o c). z -.1! <= FN $Y\ 3\ N 6 (o

BYLAWS · ARTICL,E I ARTICLE II ARTICLE IiI Section 3.6 Section 3.7 Section 3.8 Section 3.9 Section 3.10 Section 3,1 1 Section 3,12 ... Section 3.16 Section 3.17 Section 3.18 ARTICLE

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Page 1: BYLAWS · ARTICL,E I ARTICLE II ARTICLE IiI Section 3.6 Section 3.7 Section 3.8 Section 3.9 Section 3.10 Section 3,1 1 Section 3,12 ... Section 3.16 Section 3.17 Section 3.18 ARTICLE






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Section 3.6Section 3.7Section 3.8Section 3.9Section 3.10Section 3,1 1Section 3,12Section 3,13Section 3.14Sect ion 3,15

PargePlan of Unit Ownership .,,.

Section 1.1 Applicabitiry.:. :.,Section 1,2 Compiianc.:..,,.Section 1.3 Office,

1 C1 1

1 , )L . a

1 a l

1 ^ \L l .

1 1L L

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Page 3: BYLAWS · ARTICL,E I ARTICLE II ARTICLE IiI Section 3.6 Section 3.7 Section 3.8 Section 3.9 Section 3.10 Section 3,1 1 Section 3,12 ... Section 3.16 Section 3.17 Section 3.18 ARTICLE


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Section 3.16

Section 3.17Sect ion 3.18


Section 4,1Section 4.2Section 4.3Section 4.4Sect:ion 4,5Section 4,6Section 4.7Section 4,8Section 4.9

ARTICLE VOperation of the property.


Liability of the Boar.d of Directors Officers,^Unit Owner,s Association, , . . . -. _:. . . . . . .Common or Interested Directors,..,, ,Covenants Committee

Unit Owners and1 4_t J

T 4I 4

1 )

1 51 6I 61 6T 6

1 al o

1 nt l

t 7

1 -t /

section 5.1 Determination of common Expenses and Assessments

; ; ; : : : 1 7

, ' , , , , , , ' 2 . 0

)enses. """" '2 '1

.cemenr and other i;il;; ' ' "" 21

. . . . . , . . : 21Lprovements bv. . ' . . ' . . . , . ' , . , ' . , . 2 , 2provements by Unit Owners, ..,.,:23l* I *:." ::'. ':. '.. : :: : : : . .,,,it

, , ' , , , , ' 2 ' 5

:r of Baitee ri"uiii#. . :, ., : : : :, : : :, . .. . .,,it,



6 , 1n /


Authority to purchasePhysical Damage Insurance

2ilLiability Insurance

Page 4: BYLAWS · ARTICL,E I ARTICLE II ARTICLE IiI Section 3.6 Section 3.7 Section 3.8 Section 3.9 Section 3.10 Section 3,1 1 Section 3,12 ... Section 3.16 Section 3.17 Section 3.18 ARTICLE

Section 6.4Section 6,5Section 6.6Section 6,7


Other Insurance.Separate Insurance.Insurance Trustee,,,,..


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Board of Directors as Asents a 1J I

ARTICLE VIIRepair and Reconstruction After Fir.e or. Other Casualty.

31Section 7.1Section 7,2Section 7,3Section 7.4


a aJ J

Section 8, iSection 8.2Section 8,3

Section 8.5

ARTICLE IXCompliance and Default , , . , . , , , . . .


Section 9.1Section 9.2Section 9.3Section 9.4

P o l i o €r \ v r I v I ,

WhenRepairandReconstruct ionareRequired., . . . . . . , . . . , , , . . 3 iProcedure for Reconstruction

""d R;i;i. . . .. .....,31Disbursements of Construction funAs,,,

When Reconstrucrion is rvot nrquir; . . . . ., ., . . ., . . . ., . . ., . ., . . .. . ., : jr,


Notice to Board of Directors,,.,,.Notice of Default, Casualty of Condemnaticln.,,Notice and Approval of Amend*;i;fDeclaration and Bylaws.,.,,,


Othel Rights of Mortgages.., ..

Lien for Assessments, ., .,Supplemental Enfor.cement of the Lien... ..Suboldination and Moftgage prot..iion,,. .

' 4 F

. J )

? a

ARTICLE XAmendments to Bylaws.,,,,.

Section 10,1Section 10.2

ARTICLE XIMisceilaneous,, . . , ,

Section I 1,1Section 1 1.2Section 1 1.3

AmendmentsApproval of Mortgages 3i8

3 9NoticesCapt ions . . . . , , 3 9

J vGender,.,

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plan of Unit Ownership

Section 1'2 cornpliance, Pursuant to the provisions of section 47-7c-2ofthecondominium Act, tut'y Unit ownel and allthose entitled to occupy a gnit shallcomply with these Bylaws.

section 1.3 office. The office of the condominium, the tlnit owners,Association' and the Boa'd "f

Dl;.;rs shail be rocatJ uirr* property or at such otherplace as may be designated rro*i*. to time by the Board of Directors.


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The Condominium.Condominiu* Ar, specifici

lt as to those matters which the'Ass_ociatio;;rt;

foregoing F the vote of the iJnit Ownersor Managinl agrnt as mor(

med by the Eoard of Directors: iII of these JBylaws,

section 2'2 Membership' ownership of a unit is required in orde:r to qualify for.membership in the Association. any pr*on on becoming an owner of a unit shartautomatically become a member ottne Association and ie subject to these llylaws.section 2'3 AnnualMeetings, The annuar meetings of the Unit,owrrers,Association shall be held no later tli-an thuty nve (r_t ;;;r before the begiruring of tht:riscal vear' or.i:n^iT]l]?1;ilrg;the Board oioirrrtrs shar be erecred by balot ofthe unit owners in accordance witi the requirements of iection 3,4 of these Bylaws,Section 2'4 Placeof Meeting. Meetings of the unit or,vners, Association shall beheld at the principal office

"rtrt. u"Ti ownersi Association or at such otrrer r;uitable p.laceconvenient to the Unit ownerr u. ,nuy be designated by the Boarci of Directors.

section 2'5. Special Meetings. (a) The President shall call a special meeting o1ithe unit orrynets' Association if so ilrected by resolution of the l:toard of Directors orupon a petition signed and presented to the secretary uy ijri, owners of not less thantwenty percent (20%) of thi unit owners. The notite oruny special meeting shall stateXrf'hiffit f:Tf:Jl"*i

No business shall be transact ed ar. a,,pr-riur meeti'g

section 2'6 Notice of Meetings, The Secretary shall mail to each unit owner anotice of each meeting of the unit o#ners at least trn rioi but not ,,or. tr*n'ri*ry ioo;days prior to such meJting, rtutini trr. ti-. ana ptace oriiie rneeting and the items of t'eagenda' includi's the general natire of uny proposed urn.na,,,..nt to the deelar.ation orbylaws, any budfet"l*trg1;;;i*v p,.oooril to ,e-oue a director of offroer. Themailing of a noticeof meiting in the *unn,,. provided in this Section and section 11.1 ofthese Bytaws shal be considJr;;;i;. of notice,

(a) Electronic notification of meetings may replace postar mailing,Section 2'7 Adjournment of Meetings. If at any meeting of the unLit owners,Associations a quorum is.not pr.r."i

""it owners of a majority of the unit orvners wh.are present such meeting in person orlby proxy may adjourn trre meeting tc,, a tjme notless than fo:fty-eight (4s) ho;; a;;r rn. ti-. the originai meeting was called.

Section 2'8 order of Business' The order of business of all meetinpls olithe UnitOwners' As;sociation shall be u, foiio*r,

(a) Roll cail and determination of quorum;(b) Proof of notice of meeting,

-r-'- -

(c) Reading of minutes of prJceding rneeting;

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(d) Reports of officers:(e) Report of Board oiDirectors;(0

$.eno1s of committees;

if;j iqlil ;i tr#illT :tT: il::il':;'""J er e cri on (when s o re qui re d) ;(i) Unfinishrd b;i;;;r,

vr r'v rruilru or uttectors (whe1 so requii'ed); '

(j) New business. --'

Section 2.9 Titreto units, Titre to l unit may be taken in the name of one ormore persons, in any manner per.mitteJ uy u*, rt .'u"ir'o*.rs, Association mayA:15:hlill*llltt*;,*;r;saiii,,l,o one or _o,. co,,oominium units in the

Section 2.10 Voting.

(a) The vote to which each unit owner is entitred sha, be the votingInteresr assigned to his unit in flr. n..ru*ti"r. wh;;'rrri"i,lr.rrn,oof a Unit is in more thun on, pel'son, the person who slmll be entitledto cast rhe vore of such Unit ,i,ufiC.,hr,"'executed by all of the owners of such Unlor, in

Jhg_lbsence of such nur.d;;;;;;who.shall be entitled to cast the vote of sro*lilg such Unit who is pr.rrnt.lil;;s u c t Y ' . .

-,,1 d1j; :.ffi:'"l Jih'i,1,l;h,13[,r y,y ant toS e cri on 47 .7 c. r 0of the condominium Act' s".rt'.*in.-tJrhail be valid unfil revoker,by a subsequent certificate similady executecl.

(b) Subject to the requirements of Section 47-Act, wherever the approval or Aisapprovatby the Condominiurn A.t, the Declarationapproval or d.be entitied toOwners, Assr rny meeting of the Unitthe Condomirthe Unit Owners entitled to cast tyenty p.r".ni 1:uor.r^11lh" Associarion, pre;9nr in p.rrin o, O, *duly conv.ened meeting- at whicha quorum isadopt decisions uru"y"-..ting of the aruo.iufiltient,

is required to

(c) No Unit OwneAssociation or the Unit Owners,are not cunent Board of Directors if theyOwnel.s,Assoc .3.n11 or if the Unitamount necessi ainst his Unit and thesuch meeting o

rt been paid atthe time of

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(d) No votes allocated to aunitowned by the Association rnay be cast,

??t:ul receipt by the person lor the persons owning such i

excess ofone hundred eight5

r, Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the<y of u'it owners entitied to cast twenty percent (20%) oreiation shall constitutes a quorun, at alr meetin5.s of the

; of Meeting' The President shall preside over.all meetinrgio'and the Secretary shall-keep url minutes ;f .,h; meeti'g'11 resolutions adopted at the ineeting as wet as a record ofeqr 'r-r.^ D..^^:r^_-, I a person to rserve asfion, The then crur.entrf all meetings ofthe Unir>n, these Bylaws or therted by the pr:esident.

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Board of Directors

section 3,1 Number and Quarification. The affairs of the unit ownersi,Association shalr be govemed uy a noara of Director.il; Boarcl of Direc,tors sha, becomposed of th'ee (3) pe'sons, utt or*t om shalr u. unit o*rrers ol.spouses of unitowners, Mortgagee.s or designees oitvtortgagees. lir*r"* shall serve tru.e,e yearstaggered te'ms wirh one dd.tJr;.r- "iplr.inu.*d;;;. In rhe evenr a director

:#ffi:Ti,.,:i?iXi$*'', u "plu.*nie't directlr *ill'u. -rr"ted to comprere rhe

Section 3,2 powers and Duties. The Board of Direrpowers and duties necessary for the administr.ation of the aAssociation andmay do_all"such "rr, "O

things as are notDeciaration or bv these Bylr;, ,.d;io,o be exercised anThe Boar.d of DirecrnegurarioiJffi".lT:;1111";:li:ll+ir3t1Jffi.,ffiT#i^:Hffi :tl'l*,*,provided, however' that sucrritri.rl"jn.gurution, ,hliino, u. in conflict with

Page 9: BYLAWS · ARTICL,E I ARTICLE II ARTICLE IiI Section 3.6 Section 3.7 Section 3.8 Section 3.9 Section 3.10 Section 3,1 1 Section 3,12 ... Section 3.16 Section 3.17 Section 3.18 ARTICLE

condominium Act. the Declaration or these Bylaws, The Board of Directors shalldelegate to one of its memo.rr, o,. to u person employed for such purpose, the author.ity toact on beharf of the BgaLd on rl.rr *olti.rrr.ruting to thr-Juti., of the Managing Agent(as defined Secrion3 3."+h;rd#'j,ltry;?r"h,riu]'urir. between meetings o:f,rheBoard of Directors as the eou.a oi;ir..rot, d;r"T"il;;"priate. In addirion to irre duriestmposed by these Bylaws or uy any r'.rotution of the ijnit owners Assor;iation that may

nt1;Hff.adopred, the Board;'Di;;",.s sharl o,, uerratiof the unit owners,

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(i) Prepare an annuar budget, in which there sha'be estab.[ir;hed thetr'i'Jfi:lT,i::.:ttf unit owner for the c"'.t*"" e-tr,en,se pursuant

(2) Make assessments against unit owners to clefray the cosf andexpenses "trf i::i:li1iu3, estabtish,rr_ *.i".lnd methods o:fcollecting such assessments from, the unit oramers; a'd establish trreperiod of theinsta,lgnJ puy;;; of the annuarassessmenr forcommon Expenses, unress other*ir.-0.[""r".ii,.',n, ]loard ofDirectors, the annuar assessment against each Unit ow'er for hisproportionate share of the common Expenses ,h;r';. payable inequal quarter{y instatments, each suchrnstail*;; io b, ,Ju. und

(r) fllJ;ij:l:,"fi"T.. on the nrst day oreach 'n;;;h;;*ucrL quafter... . prop erty ;; J ::,:#:::':ffi"tfffn1119 "' "r "t.nuno, o r a1 o r th e(4) Designate, hire and dismis, td;;lr*pt necessary for themaintenance, operafion, t.pui,. u'no replacement of the ,CommonElements and pr.ovid. ,.rui.., iorttre property and, whereappropriate, provide for the compensati"r;J";h!.r,,o*.rr

and forthe purchas. ol^._qipllent and supplies to be usedby such personnelin the performancb oithei' j"ir.r, *rti;#ftft", # e:c1uip'renr sharl.-. 9. deemed part of the proprriy.-"'(5) colrect the assess.ments against the Unit owners, deposit the

fi:*,il:.thereof in bank Jeposirories o*rie"rr.a';""d;Board of the

(6) Make and amend the ltules and Regulations.(7) open bank accounts on beharf of the unit orvners, Association and_^. designate the signatories thereon,(8) Make or contract ior 1re."i.rg "q

repairs, aclditions andimprovements to or arteration, Jf th. properly, and repa.irs to andrestoration of the Property, in urrorourr. J *i;ii il;o'i,.r.-i oium Act,the Declaration and *r.r. evi;r, ut.t d"*"g.;; iJrrr..,rtion by firefi"""lffiHJalty'

ot'as a result of condemn"i"" "...inent,lomain(9) Enforce by regar means the provisions of the Decraratio', theseBylaws and rhe Rures *o nie"irtiln. and acr on behalf of the u'itOwners with respect to all .uJt.r, ur. .proceeding.

t"-'tu 4'trrilrrers artslng out of any etninent, domain

Page 10: BYLAWS · ARTICL,E I ARTICLE II ARTICLE IiI Section 3.6 Section 3.7 Section 3.8 Section 3.9 Section 3.10 Section 3,1 1 Section 3,12 ... Section 3.16 Section 3.17 Section 3.18 ARTICLE

(10) obtain and ca*y insurance against casualties and liabilities, asprovided in Article VI of these gyfr*r, pr;,]h. pr."riums thereforeadjust and settle any claims tir.rr r'rr,de,r. -^'- t.-,

(11) pay, the cost of a' authoriiid.*t"i.r, .*ncrer.ed t. the: Unitowners' Association *a noi ul'., a uri, cirr.^ 'f individuar$f,,*T

otherwise provided ror in sections ii'r"is.z of these(12) Keep books with detailed accounts in chronorogical or:der of thereceipts and expenditures affecting the^i;r.o.nr,,it,n.administration of the conao*inlum, specifying the expenses ofmaintenance and repait ortrt. common premeits and any otherexpenses incu'red, Such books and vouche., -.rr.;iring the e'triesthereupon sha, be availabre for.lxaminatio, bt;h;ii"it owners,their dury authorized ug.ni, ot uirorory,s duling general trusinesshouls on working days-at trr. iim. a'd in the manner set andannounced by the Board of Directors for-the grn.rrLtnou4edge of irheUnit ownerr. ail books unarrroro, shat be kept in accordance with.- - accepted accounting practices,

(13) Notify a Mortgale9 "rr"/a.fault hereunder by the unit owner ofthe unit subject to.sucn iuiorigug., in the event such defau.lt continuesa period exceeding ,i*ty iEoiiuyr,(r4) Bonow money on behaif of the iondominium when required incon'ection with any one instance reratingio rr-"prr"ion, care,upkeep and maintenance orme common Erements, provided,however, that the consent of"if.,r nrere s r o r ui i. unit o *',*,,ri;::,'tT ll:i3i 'f3f ],,T ;:il!"Ji5?., ofor such purpose in accoLoance *irrt tr* provisioirs of ti.*r. Byraws,shall be requi'ed to bo'ow any ru'in excess of Ten ThousandDollars ($10,000.00). If any su. borro*ed by the BoarrJ of Directorsion behaif of the condomini* prrruant to trre authority contained inthis paragruph-g) is not r.puiJotjrr. unit o*nrrrfir*,ori*tion, aunit owner who pays to the creditorsuch proportion thereof as hisPercentage I'terest bears to the tota.lpercentage Interests in thecondominium shat be entitres to oltuin *"ri-rr"o#u rrr.ur* of an.rjudgment or other lien which sucrr-creditor shalr have Iiled or shallhave the right to_fire againJr"rrr u"it o*r-.r;-c"rio..,rni'm unit.(15) Acquire, hord and airp"."

"iLJndominiuo, unit, *a morrgagethe same if such expendiiures and hypothecal;ions are in*luded in the,. -.bu9ggr adopted Uy iiie U"i, O*r.*, Association,(16) In its sole diseretion,

-oesignaie n'om time to time certain commonElements as "Rese'ved comiron Erements,, eurd impose sucrrrestrictions and conditions on the use thereof as the BoarrJ of_ Directors deem appropriate,(17) Furnish the stal;ment required by Section 47-7d-gof thecondominium A,1t, w^ithin ten lro; ,i'ort ing auy,

"ftJ;h- receipt of awritten request therefore n"-

"rv unit oirrr";, *b;;#ially in the

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ffi;::r|,|th on Exhibit A to these Bytau,s and deriig;nared,,Resate

,lnmental reports,and acts not inconsistent wi.th tXre)eclaration or these Bylaws *fri.f, the BoardLorized to do by a resoiutiorL c,f rtre Unit

section 3.3 Managi'g Agent, The Board of Directors may empl.y for theSi:f#j:ium

a " ManagiirgagJ"r "

r compensation estabrished by the Eoard of

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(a) Requirements, The Managing Ienterprise, which rnunugr,

"oirtSuch firm shall employ-.p.rron,

personnel experl in the inreas ofting, labor relations and

rng to maltagement r3f 111* propefl:y,naintenance of reserve fbnds inIthese Bylaws.

tors shall impose approprtate$Snoards of performance upon the trranagrng Agent, rJnress theManaging Agent is instructid otherwise by the Board:

(1) the cash method of accoun(2) two (2) or more persons sh

to maintain adeguate finanr(3) cash accounts of the Unit C...

commingled with any other accounts; 'Jarq'rl\rL u(

(4) no remuneration shair be accepted by the Managing Agentfrom vendors, independent contractors or othe*i providinggoods or services to the unit ownerr, A;r;;;ioli whether i'the form of commissions, finders fees, ,.*i." iU*n o,otherwise; any discounts received shalr benefit fhe rJnitOwners, Association:

Page 12: BYLAWS · ARTICL,E I ARTICLE II ARTICLE IiI Section 3.6 Section 3.7 Section 3.8 Section 3.9 Section 3.10 Section 3,1 1 Section 3,12 ... Section 3.16 Section 3.17 Section 3.18 ARTICLE

r \which the Mernaging Agent mav)os or ser.vices to the UnitJisclosed prornptly to theiloard

(6) a quarterly financial report shall be preparecl fbr the unitOwners,.Association disclosrng:i, all income and disbu

quafie1 rsements activit;' Ibr the precerding

l in au ,,actual,, ver.sus

mat; andIigations which are in excessan amount exceeding theeenpercent (.t5) of a major:lcr lrom a specific line iier:n in

(d) Limitati ounts)'

vrunuli, ttion shall not employ a newapprova 's prior writteu n<xice to, and

Section 3.4Election and Term of Office.(a) Directionr

up for eletheir termperiod, Ttheir.respeOwners, I

(b) Persons quatified to be members of the Board of Direct'rs may benominated for election onfy u, foflo*'

(1 ) A(3heleewiskec l o

a \ r av v L

(2) Norat v m the floor at the meetingDirr hvacancy on the Board 6f,non ne person has been

section ''t 5:1"Y11

o'Resignation of Members of the r3oard of Direcrors. Atany regular or special meeting o"ivGi"o, uny onr-o, morl'ortrre members 'f the Board

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of Directors may be remo

ioard of Directors may resign atsition of his IJnit

ies' vacancies in the Board of Directors cause<J by anyreilsondirecror by avoteof the uni, o*nr,;;ffiffiio'sha, t,ery of the'emaining Directors at a special meeting of the Boardpresent at suc:h meeting maybe a member: of the Biarcl ffsuccessol'shall be elected a g replaced and urLtil aUnit Owners, Association,

Lg of the Boarcl oi Directorrson shall be helrj r,vithin seveny the Unit Olvrrels,

t19t lo the day narned for


.ny time, in wlitirLg or

s lray be transacted at

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Section 3, 1 1. euorDirectors a majority of the Lll rneetings of the Board of

business, and tiie votes of a :um for the transa.ction of

quorum is present shall co' 'l'

:ll meeting at which a:ectors there shalt be less than ffiilTiJ;;# JLiil.,,,, o,he meering f'om time to time. Ai jr"t;"rh ,a:.*.0 meetingrt, any businesswhich might have beln t unrilr.o at theay be tr.ansacted without iurther notice.

Secrion 3,12, Fideii;nderity bonds shar be obtai :l:"-,f},!ll};}H:"il:r uT?uryf as may be requiredI Or the Unit (Jwners,;ponsible for CondominiurnLmon Expense.

section 3 ' 13 ' compensation. No directors shall receive any compenrsation from:X'rff1"#itTtr*ffJ,Tf *, oii."rr, bur may u. ,.i*uursed for exp_e's,rs incurred

:t of Meetings, The president shalr preside c)ver a, meetings' the secretary shall keep a minute book of the Board of'I resolutions adopted uy ttre Boarcl of Directors and aproceedings occu*'ing at such meetings. The then cunentrder sha, govern the conduct of trie #il;;;ffi, Boar<lrict with the Decraration, these Bldaws or tli,r c'ndomi'ium

t allowed by fhelired or permitted to be takenrernbers of tirr; Board ofor electronically to suchLtes of the procee<iings of the

o*nrrrf[jlXl'1;1,f; liabilitv of the Board of Directors, officer.s, Unir ovrners and unit

(a) To the extent aJ{owed by law, the officers and members of the Board of,Directors;l!ff#J#iXl,:lll5 Unit'owners' As s o ci ation ror a'y mi srake'r j'Jgment,Aitfr."ffr. Unir O*n.r,

rwnjndividual willful misconduct or badthe officers and directo,.

,nd hold harmlessr each ofout of contracts made b.

]al liability to others arisingUnir owners' Asso ciation u'ress anv such conrract,n"iit#;:t#f :flfl:ifffaith or contrary to the ptouirio* of the corraomlniJm Act, the Dec.[aration or

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these Bylaws, Officers and membe

lnterest is disclosed or known to the Boardted in the minutes, and the Board of:s such contract or transaction in good faitjh


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(b) The fact of the common directorate or interest is disclosed or known to at least amajority of the unir owners, and rhe unit o*n"r;;;;";"i,.-i:#-lt^or rransacrion in gooJ r*,i,;;; vore sufficienr for trfixffilatifv the contr'ct

(c) The contlact or tt'ansaction is commercially reasonable to the unit ownels,Associated at the time it is authorizeo, *tin.a, ,ooh*a or executecl. Anycommon or interested directors may be counted in-dete'nintdil;;;ce of aquorum of any rneeting of the Boarld of Directors or committee thereof whichauthorizes' approves or ratifies any contract or transaction, and may .vote ther.eatto authorize any contract or transaction with lilrc foi.r. und effect as if suchfJ'ffffiH:re

not such directo, o, orn.r, of surh uni, o*nrrs, A.sso,riation or not

section 3'1q covenants committee. The Board of'Directors per.form thisresponsibility' or' if desired, shall estJiish a covenunt, bo..nitt.., ,on,,irii-rg ornu. csimembers (at least two (2) of whom must beDirectors) appointed by the IloardofDirectors, each to serve for u trt*oiitree (3) years, i" ;r.d* to assur.e that trLeCondominium shall always b.;ilt-"iie d, jnamanner:(a) providing for yi$"l fr*.ony-una,ounOnrss oi..puir;(b) avoiding activities derete'iouJio trrr esthetic or property values of theCondominium:(c) furthering the comfoft of the unit ow:rers, their guests and tenantrs; ancr(d) prornoting the generar werfar. oi*r. coniominii,n i;o**unity,(1) powers. The covenants committee qhdi,ffirr rt. extemar cresign,appearance, use and maintenance of the cotitnon Ei;;il.1'r,*i:"""rrrn*committee

fallhlve the power to issue a cease and desist r.equest to a unitownet' his guests, invitees, or lessees whose *iion. are inconsistent with theprovisions of the condominium Act, the condomlnium lnstrurnents , theRules and Regulations or resorutions of the B;il of,Directors (up'n petitionof a'v unit,owne's or upon ir,s own,n"t.t, T;. b"r.r..i, i##ilu.,shall fi'om time_to time, as required, prouiJ. interpretations of trrecondominium Instruments, Rules uno n.gulutioi, 'no resorutions pursuantfo the intents, provisions and qualification"s trr.rlor*rren requesteclto do soby a Unit owner or the Board oroir..trtr. arv "rtion,

ruling gr dercision ofthe covenants committ.. *uy be appeared to irr. -no*d

of Direc,tors by any1:arty deemed by the Board orlit..tots to rrave sianding as an ag;grieved pariySliri"H:Tft'1ff :l.Hi,"t'HBoardorDirecto*tuvmodirvo,:,iu.,r.unv

(2) Authority' The cov.nunts Co*mitt.. shalr have such additional duties,

ffH,'"?l*#'T;1t , 1". til.;;";**i,ouio.of any of it,s duties.

the Covenants Committeebasis byvote ora quor ;.Sffii;:Jl#,ffi'b/ff,its duties ancl exercise.its powers and. authority in th. oru*.l. provided for inthe Rures and Regurations or by resolution of the Board of Directors.

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section 4' 1 Designatio'' The principal officers of the Grit owners, Associationshall be the president, tnJVice pr#O*r,,frJirrr.-.r"rf, and the Tr.easurer, all of whomshall be elected by the gourJ ;f Dir*.rorr, Trie Board of D^irectors may appoint anassistant tteasuret' an assistant secretaly and such other- ofticers as in-it,s judgment rrLaybe necessarY' Th9 ptttio.nlunl-;;. presidenr ,rruiii, members of the B,card of

3:TrT:T"fJJJ,ll.'orfi;';;y,iut need not, be uniiowner.s or members orrhe

section 4'2' Election of officers. The officers of the unit owners, Associati'nshall be elected annually by tht B;;t'd of Direct"r, "iirr.

organization nLeeting of eacrilnew Board of Directors and shall t oio om., u, tt .;i;r. of the Boarcr of Directors,section 4'3 ' Removal of officers' upon the affirmation vote of a rniljority of allmembers of the Board of Directors uny om.r, *"y u. r=*oved, either with or withoutcause' and a successor may be electeilat.any t=d;;..ii"g of the Board or.Directors orat any speciar meeting of the goutJoroirrrtorr"ruii.d;;

such purpose.section 4'4' President' The President shall be the chief executive officer of theunit owners' Associati*; ptttio.'at att meeting, oiih.

-uni, aruoriatio' and of theBoard of Directors; and have uil orlir. general po**., and duties which aue incident tothe office of the

Tt;*:f-liit.i;tt;*tion incrudi"e *i*r"rr iimitationLthe power roappoint committees fi'om among the iJnit owners rrori ti-. to tirne u, tt ,, prruident may3#.1Tx':::'J,j,T#' t; ;6;;;;i;;" assisr in rhe,onJu.t orrrie arrairs orrhe rrnit

section 4'5' vice President. The vice president shall take the piace of thePresident and perform the duties ortn. President *rr.n.urrtrre president srhall be absentor unable to act' If neither the pLeJJent'or the vice president is able to erct, the Boardof Directors shall appoint ton,"oirt.i-*.rob.' of the il; of Directors to act in 're prace9f the President' on a.n i'terim uurl,^ it * vi* presideni s'irail also perform such other#fi#Jj#t

from time to rime be imposed uponhirnby tt, eoura of Di'ectors or by

section 4'7 ' Trcasu:er' The Treasurer shall have the responsibility for unitowners' Association funds "ta

t*rriries and ,rrail u. r*sponsible for keeping full andaccu'ate financial records and books oi urrount showing ai1 r..eipt, and disbursemenrs,and for the preparation of all ;.q"i;;d {i" anciar data; ..ui'Lb" r*.pon.ible fo,, the deposit ofall monies and other valuable .ir..ir in the name oitrr. g;d of Director.s, th* unitowners' Associarion :1th: M*&iillgent, in ,u.n J.p-*rrorr*u as may from time rotime be designated by lhe Board o?n?rectors; and, in generar, per..form arl the dutiesmcrdent to the office of Treasurer of the corporation,

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ARTICLE VOperation of the property

o*nr.rltttion 5'1' Determination of common Expenses and Assessments A.gainst U'it

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Liabilities' and which may be:payable ina lump surn 01.in installme,nts as theiT:[|f R',ffi:H:,"'"t

dlter:mine. rhe Board-orDirecrors ;i.;ii;;,;, norice oreleotronically givinbecome effective wdays after the deliveshall be obligated to pay the adjusted amount-or, if such further.ilsseissment is notpayable in instariments, such assessment shari be a lien as of the efferctive dater asset forth in the preceding paragraph (c)

(e) Effect of Failule to Prepare o'Adopt Budget. The r%il're or.del'y of the Board ofDirectols L:Irepa,re

or adopt a budgelfot"r"v dr."r year shall not constitute awaiver or. r.elease in any aunn,rt. of a Unit Owner,share of the Commo rcr or a unlt Uwner,s obligation to pay his allocable

detelrnined and, ip tl ffhenever the same be

Unit Ow'er shall cor t,or acljusted i:udget, each

established for the pr ltlfltli:j_ihe quarterly rate:

is due more rhan fifteen (15) days after such ,,.* "rl;fi :ffij'rtir:tlffi:l Iffthave been deliverecl and iatinlo by the Unit Owner.s,

(0 Accounts, All sumsassessments against t.

ttors with respect tocontmingled iito a sir

ler.soufce may beraccordance with his (

rach Unit Owner in

Section 5,2. paymentCommon Expenses assessed

Jnit Owner slLall pay theSection 5.1 oitlrese Bylaws, ', unttothe provisions ofcontribution toward Comrnon

nself from lia.biliity for hiscommon ElenLents orbv abandorunent orhis Unit. No u"t, 3i"H:1ffi;litl"f,lT,.payment of any part of the Cc

r \v v' rst his Unit after flre date o:lided notice is givrln to the'sllch conveyance, all lienr;.rarged. The trrurchaser of a.Owner for al,[ unpaide (lommon Expenses uo tcrer's right to rr;correr fi.orn

te subject to a lien for, anv

;o possession of a condomini""i$flf#T,lfurther, rhat-rment in l;teu of foreclosure, or any purchaser at a

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foreclosure sale, shall take the Condo.minir

Seclion 5.3 Collection of AssessmeAgent, at the request of the Board of iirect

section 5'4 Statement of comnon Expenses. The lloar:d of Directorrs shall

fi :'J;ffiffj,ffii:liemen r ro cover,n. .::l'"ffililff ilf,:"ffi : ff }lffi #JJt;Section 5.5. Maintenance, Repair, Replacement and other common Jl:rpenses.

irectors shall be reslronsible fbr ttLe, if in the opinio.n of not less than two_thirds

,tors pursuant to the Rules ancl l{egulationsl without limitation the items enuirerated irr

(a) By the Unit Orvner.(1) Each Unit Owner shall keep hir

appurtenances in good order, crsanitary condition, and shaltdowhich may atany time be neoercondition of his Unit. In additi<all damage to any other Units o;failure or negligence to make ar

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Each Unit owner shall per-florm his responsibilitv in such marmer as shallnot uffeasonably disturb or interfere *ith th., other unit owners,. EachUnit Owner shall promptly report to the Board of Director:s or theManaging.Agent any defect ol need for repairs for which the Board ofDirectors is responsible.(2) The Unit Owner of any Unit

maintenance and care o1'such portion and shall use such portion in a safr;

All repairs and replacements sha.tl benstruction and installation and shall be ofrroving payment vouchers for: all repairs andhe Board of Directors.

rall assess all Unit Owners fcrr the cost.s, alterations or improvements costing T.erLLod of twelve (12) consecutive rnonths matpproval of the Unit Owners and the cost

n thirty (30) davs after such lequest, and

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failure to do so within the stipulated time shali constitute a consent to the alteration orimprovement' Director approval or disappro vaI maybe transmitted electroni.ulv. r[ anyapplication to any govelnmental authoriiy for a permit tolnake any such structuraladdition' alteration or improvement in or to any unit requires execution try the unitowners' Association, ani provided consent_has been giuui by the Board of Directors,then the application shall be .x..ut.,ion behalf of th.lunii orvners, arr.*iJmn by theBoard of Directors only, without, ho,veuer, irLcurring anyliability on th* part of thefl:l'*;l.?I:::T :'-T,f,l.ti1bi,r..i91, to Ty contractor, subconrractor or marerial

section 5.8 Restrictions on Us* of Unit; Rules and Regulations,

(a) Each unit and the common Elements shall be occupiecl and used. as :flollows;(1) Except for the areas of the condominiu. orrijnuted for com:meroial andrecreational use, no unit shall be used for othei'than housing ,"d;h; relatedcommon purpose for which the properly was designed. The Board ofDit'ectors may permit leasonable, ternporary non-residential uses fiom time totime.(2) Nothing shall be done or kept in ar

will increase the rate of insurance Iapplicable for residential use withoDirectors. No Unit Owner shall oeor in the common elements whicir,on the property or any paft thereof orregulations ol administr.ative ruling.

(3) No offensive or unlawfur ur;e shalfbe made of the properly or any part[d laws, itonrng ordinances ancl regr.ilation, of ad


diction thereof shall be observed. All

Directors, whichever shall have the

or constructed in or removed fi.om tl

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f,].H#ilffrconsent of the Board of Direcrors or rhe covenanrs commitee,

ed only for the furnishing of the servicese reasonably suitecl and ia,hich are inciclentits,

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(b) Each Unit and the Commorcompliance with the Rules and lamended by the Board of DirectorJ,shall be furnished by the iloard of DAmendments to the Rules ancl Regulations shall be conspicuously posted priorto the time when the same shall become effective and copies ther:eof shall befurnished to each Unit Owner upon request,

ceptance ofhis deed ofconveyance, each LlnitI Ulit, as provided by Section 41-7C-7 of the1.1 (b) of the Dr:claration, to the Board of

section 5' 10' utility charges., The cost of utilities serving the c.ndominiumexclusive of the Units shall be u C"o**on Expense,

Iity, The Boar.d of Directors,, the Unitrll not be consiclerecl a bailee of anyrents (including p::oper-ty located in)r or not exclusive possessiori of the,rage putposes, and shall not be responsible

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for the security of sueh personal properly or for any loss ol damage thereto, whether or:not due to negiigenee.


Except as otherwise proviclecl jn Section 6.5

covel'age fi.om reputable insurance comoanieat demonstrably uru.easonable cost.

(a) Eaeh such policy shall provide that:(1) The insurer.waiYe.s

Ty right to claim by way of subrogation against theDeclarant, the unit owners' Associatioir, the Board oinfur.torr, th,Managing Agerit or the Unit owners, and their respective agents,employees, guests and, in the case of the Unit Or,vners, the il.rnb.r, of theirhouseholds;

(2) Such policy shall not be canceled, invalidated or suspendecl clue to theconduct of any Unit owner (including his invitees, agents and ernployees)or of any member, officel or employee of the Boar.clof Directors or the

r demand in writing that the:Iloard ofnt cuLe the defect and neither shall have so(60) days after such demand,

Ducn pollcy may not be canceled or substantially modified ( in.cludingcancellation for non payment of premium without at least tliirty (30) daysprior written notice to the Board of Directors and the ivr*ugini5Xgent ano ,in the case of physical damage insurance, to arl MortgageeJ


(b) All policies of insurance shall be written by reputabte coirp-anies licensed to clobusiness in the State of New Mexico, lhysicaidarnage policies sha.l be in formand substance acceptable to the Mortgagles.

Section 6.2 Physical Darnage Insurance,

(a) The Board of Directors shall obtain and maintain a blanket,, all risk,, formpoiicy of fire insurance with extended coverage, vandalism, malicious mischief,windstorm, sprinider leakage (if applicable), Jebris removal, cor;t of'demolitionand water damage endorsements, insuring the entire Property lincfuOi"g all ofthe units and the bathroom and kitchen fixtures initial.lyinstalied therei'n by theDeclat'ant and the replacements thereto installed by the Declararftburt notincluding furnitu'e, wall coverings, fuinishings or'th.. prrronui ir6;;ysupplied or installed by Unit Owners), together with othir *rrui,,. -urhirr"rycontained thercin, and covering the intereits of the Unit owners, Association,the Board of Directors and all Unit owners and their Mortgagees, as their

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lnrerest may appear, (subject, houprovisioned in favor of the Boardof theses Bylaws), in an amount erthen curent replacement cost of tlexcavations, foundations and othe:cover.age), without deduction for cshall be re_determined annually bythe insurance company affoLding s

insurer to repair, rebuild or.replace anylecision is made pursuant to these Bylaws not

(2) The agreed amount endorsement, or equivalent.(3) That anyo,other insutance,, c

Owrlers' policy purchased b;excess covel.age, and in no eand maintained by the Boardbrought into contribution witOwners or. their Mor.tgagees

(c) A duplicate original of the policy o:thereof, and any sub policies or cert

rn.surance company, or.such other source as the Board of Director,s maydetermine, of the current replacement cost of the Prope.rty (exclusive of theland' excavation, foundations and other items normally excludecl from such- oreciation, for the purpose o.fl d.etermininsrance to be sec;ured pursuant to Section 6"2rall be notified promptly of any eventicy.

p o I i cv sh ar 1 no t b e prej ud i c e d with,.,::J. $:;tlH*ffii*i H[1Tllljii#-insured;

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hired and non-owned vehicle coverage;host liquor liability coverage with reJpecr to events sponsorecrb), the unitOwners' Association;

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(d) deletion of the nonnal products exclusion with rerspect to events sponsored bythe unit owners' Association; and (0 a'o severatrility o:tintere:s1.,,-endorsementwhich shall p'eclude the insure' fi'om denyinjiiauility to a unit owner becauseof negligent acts of the unit owners' Associoltion o, of another u'it owner.The Board of Directors shall review such limits once each year but in no eventshall such insurance be less than one Million Doilars fsr,ooo,boo',00; .ou.ringall claims,for bodily injury gt p1.oq..l1y damage arising out of one ocourrence.

ffiT::f,:ii ;ilTlTolrumureual' riiuirliv iiJ,run.* in exces s or the primarv

section 6'4' other Insulance' The Board of Directors shall obtain and maintain:(a) adequate fidelity covel'age to protect against dishonest a.cts on the 'art ofofficers, directors, trusteis and employees of the unit owners, Association imdall others who handle, or are responsibie for handring, funds of the unitowners' Association, including th9 Managrnglq:", su.h n;;iiiyionds shalr :(1) narne the Unit Owners, Association ai ai obrrge;

Q) be written in an amount not ress than one and one-haif (1,5) times theestimated annual operatiou expenses of the condominir"t,ir-j"oi"gTESETVCS;

(3) contain waivet's of any defense based upon the exclusion of per:sons whoserve without compensation from any d'efinition of "empl":tJ-;,, similarexpression;(b) If required by any governmer.rqa]or quasigovernme.nta.l agency includingwithout limitation the Federal National viottgug. Association or the FederalHome Loan Moftgage corporation, flood inJurlnce in accordanoe with the thenapplication regulations of such agency;(c) workman's compensation insurance if and to the extent necessary t<l meet therequirements of law;(d) Such other insurance as the Board of Directors may determine or as may berequested fi'om time to tirne by a Majority of the unit owners.

section 6'5' Separate Insurance. Each unit owner shal.lhave the right, at hisown expense, to obtain insurance coverage upon his personar property ,"J rT,' iri,personal iiability as well as upon any improvements made uy iri:m to his unli'ormattycalled o'tenants" improvements and betterments coverage; provicled, howe,,zer, that nounit owner shall be entitled to .*.r.i., his right to acquire .r maintain sur:h insurancecovel'age so as to decrease the amount which [rr gourd oiDirectors, on be6alf of all unitowners' may tearize under any insurance policy maintained by the Board of Director.s orto cause anv insurance coverage maintained by the gourJtirjirectors;;ft;;;ghr int.contribution with insurance.covel'age obtained by a Unit oiLer. All such policies shallcontain waivers of subrogation. No"unii o*ner rhull obtui' separate insurarLce policiesexcept as provided in Section 6.5 of these Bylaws,

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section 6,6, Insurance Trustee, Alr physrcar_damage insurance porioiespurchased by the Board of Directo* strail ue ror th. b*;fi; of the unit (Jwrers,Association' the Unit owners their lvrortgagees, as their interests may appear. All suchproceeds shall be paid to the Boa'd orniiecto* u, r.urt.."for the Unit dwrLers and theirMortgagees to be appried puttruni-tolil, t.r-, of Articre vII of these Bylaws.

:Directors as Agents, The Board of Directors is rrereby:nt for each Unit Owner, each Mor_tgug.r, oih.; nurn.Oies and any other hordei of a rien or other interest in thel.? T*:r

and setrle all claims;arising und;;i;;;;nrcpayment of claims.

trc or Dlrectors and to execute and deliver'r:elease, upon the

Repair and Reconstrucrion ttl5l3 Jt5*n", casualty

Section 7,2. prccedure for Reconstruction and Repai.r.

reconstruction and repair. and fundsinsufficient, the amount necessary t<replacement funds and/or sliall be dtassessment therefore shall be levied.

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(c) P1ane and specifications, Any such reconstruction or repair shall besubstantially in accordance with the original lo'struction of the i;roprny.Section 7,3 Disbursements of Construction Funds.

(a) constructio'Funds and Disbursements. The pr'ceeds of insurance co,ectedon account of casualty, and the ,u,n, ,.r.iu.o'uy the BoaJ-orilrrrro* rro*ffff:Hffi,?rj.rrdents againsr unir o;;;, ,n account of,such casualty,costs of reconstr.r be disbursed in payment of the

(b) Surplus, It shall l l;ne Board of Dilectors.

cost ofreconstrucshall be divided among allUnit Owners in propcInterests. and shall be iistriouted in accordance veach Unit.

(c) common Eiements' wren the-damage is to both common Elernents andIJnits' the insurantt p,.o...ds shall d"ppil;rs,t tc, ttre cou^,,rr.prrring thoseportions of the common Eremenrs which.nrtor. ";;;;;;#iirr'iin,rr, then ro

lffi:iJ;irTfffi|:: the other common steme;rs and rhereaft.rl"ir,. cost or

(d) certificltgs' The Insurance Trustee shall be entitred to rely upon a certificateexecuted by the president or.vise president, unjr.n. secretar.y, eer.tifying:(1) whether the damased Propertyir t.,iit=a to be reconstr:ucted andrepaired;(r) rl:rl.T::llh: payee and the amount to.be paid with respecr tosrsDursement fi'om any construction fund orivhether ilpi;; funds tobeodisa'ibuted are lessihan trt. us,"mn .nts paicl by the ljnit owners;(3) at other matters concerning the hording and_ disbursing of anyconstruction fund, Any such certificatJshail be delivered to theInsurance Trustee pr.omptly ut.,r.rqu.ui

section 7 '4 whenReconstruction. is Not Required. Irr t.he event of'substantialdamage to the common Elements uno-irrrr. unit o#ners shall elect not to repair the

nce poiicies, if any, shall be di.respective Morlgages in propor ; allUnit owLers and theirthe share of eaci'dnit O*n..,l 1, 3fter

first paying out ofliens on his U'it in the order ol

::, the amount of any unpaid

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Section 8'1 Notice to Boa'd of Directors. A unit ow:rer who rnortgages his unit;Hif:lig,Ht:*o

oroirecto,s;r,h' name uno uJa,o', orhis Mortgag,r'with rhe

(a) Voring rights;

lbordination of such liens;i replacement of the common areas;


,d common areas;elements or of common elemerLts into

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(m)By act or omission withdraw the submission of the property to the!:lj:fiililfi f:l:

*..0r as provided bv the conoominium rnstruments or rhe(n) Expansion or contraction of the trannexation or withdrawal of protr

In addition to the Unit Ownmoftgages on Unit which hevotes of Units subject to momaterialprovisions of the Cestablish, goveln or legulate(c), (d), (0, (g), (h), (0, G) a

ARTICLE IXCompliance and Default

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(b) Costs and Attorney,s Fees. In andefaurtf iiunnil;,#;'1"1;[Tilj,xTiit?Hil[31]?l'lf,]s,,n.,..frff and such reasonabie attorneys, fees as may be

condition which mayCondominium Act siOwners, Association

re Unit Owner to enforcecovenant, or condition in they future, All rights;;es granted to the Unit owner:s, Associatililk;Boardnit Owner.pursuant to any term, provision, covenant ordeemedtobecumu,",l##:,Tn:":l';T,::,:f";ll:f :i"ffi'#ffi lt;.not be deemed ro constitur, u".i.rtiol of ,=*;i;;;;;, shafl it preclude rhepartv exercising the same from *::y,*;y;iffi;;rivileges as may begranted to such party by the condominium Instrumerris or th.e condomi'iumAct or at law or in equiiy

(d) Interest. In the event ofa rtrassessed against his Ur

rer tn paying any sumfor a period in excess ,

'xpense which. continuesbear interest at the rate fl?1ffi#t:lfilt:Tl,

The violation of any ofthe breach of any gytaw

Condominium Act shal he Declarat.ion oi the

any other rights set fort s the. right, in addition to

as to whichi".f, violat ter the U:r:it-in which, or

remove, at rhe expense orrhe o.*",jjlg y"n o1"".rTiiUXl,TT, ?il,lu ".condition thatmay exist therein ronuury to the inteniuno *.rrrin1g of theprovisions hereof and the g""tJ"inirr.tor, ,rrr*i]", irr.r"b), be creemedguiity in any r1T-.t of ,l,rrpurq i, frlr" *j"i",-li;;;;, remedy by

;ff:J.11ff1esal Proceedings, tith., uiru* o,lin'.qJr, rn. conti*ance of(f) Legai proceedings, Fail

Declaration, these Bylav te terms ollthe

relief, including without tions shall be grounds formoney damagei, injunct: ver any surns due for

3:il;ilT,lJl,ffittrif lierprovidedrorin,n.,-u,]i,?;,ffi ':ntorarljurisdiction, all of which a coult of competentAssociatiorl th, gourO o.

Unit owners'by any aggrteved Unit o,

gent 9r, if appropriate,

remedies. r an election of

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Section 9.2. Lienfor Assessments.

(a) The total annual assessment of each Unit Oany special assessment made pursuant to thto be a lien levied against tfr. ^ConJo*iniun

pl.ovrded in Section 47_7C_16 of the Condowithrespect to annual assessments, be effecfiscalyear of the Condominiu* unO, u, to-,day of the nedelivery to tlof Directors <notice of any

I or record such other or furtherestablishrnei and priority of such lien,

:her document, to confirm the(b) Where an ass

a default by sconsecutive itinstallments cBoard of Dir.edeclared due zthe defaultinsthe Managin!

(c) The lien for asprovided by t'

foreclosed in the mannerthe Boarcl of t

ilico by action in the name ofOwneL,Assoc :rt, acting on behalf of the Unitshall be requirr

'such suit the Unit Owner'to sale pul.suant to any judgment or order of aovei.such sale.^ The plaintiff in such proceedi:appotntment of a receiv er, if available under. t.lvtexlco,

(d) A suitto recov(maintained witj

:l-contributions may beforeclosure ma;

lien securing the same, and atecover a mone

g the pendenoy of any suit to

ntal Enforcement of the Lien, l>rcement of the lien. EstablisheAct, all of the Unit Owners marconditioned upon the faithful pablished thereby.

rtion aird Mortgage protection. Notwithstancring any otherry, the lien of any assessmenr tevilJ;;;;ff;.r"y penalties, interest on assessmr:nts, late chalges or therd shal in no way affecr rh.'.i;h;;;iilffi,ff;"br value received; provided, however, that such Mortgage

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secures a roan made by an institutionar lender; and provided, fuither, trrat sucht'Jr'r*T:ffilglli:yJi*to uJ,r,r*ents whicir have becorne due and payable priorUnit pursuanr to a decree "i r.r.,Jr"r*.., oi;;r" JilTfiti:l':#Hilff t

ffi:sale or transfer shall not ttri.ut tirlpurrhur.,. bf tn. unit at srrch sare from riab'ity foi.any assesslnent thereafter becomi'n dr., nor.no,,, it;ll;" ojany such su.bsiequentff:l,iltr}';,r},X1ch

lien shall have tf,. rur. effect and be enforced in rhe same manner as

o**ffjf*?"1,,u*,Section i0'i Amendments,

Tl::: Bylaws may nor be modified or amendedffi ffi :r':;:ff l;i#:f.',i:','.1f; 3fl;i#'#i'io'"il;;il;,'p*,u*tto

'al of Mortgue?,rr, T!9se Bylaws contain provisionsriorities remedies and interests of Mortg;grrr.' s".r,lre to be construed as covenantr; for the"pr?i..ii." of suchamendment or modification of rhe* Bii;;;i*]ruiring o,ies, remedies or interests of Mortgagees shat be'adoptedrsent of such Mortgagees,

ARTICLE XIMiscellaneous

section i 1 .1. Notices. Alr notices, repofis, actions, an, routine b'rine underH:i:fft^vs

mav be submitieoi" *titi"g or r.nt.t..fficaily ro the ownerriemair(a) demands' bills stalements or othel communications u.nder these Bylara,s shall be inwriting and sha' be deemed to hurr. ur."o"ry-given if delivered t,ersonally or i:fsent by registered or certified mail, retur.n ,..fiirJq,"rested, postage prrepaid (orotherwise as th-e Condominiu* o.t may permit),

a' if to a unit owner, at the address whi.t, ih, Unit owner shall d.esignate inwiting and file with the secretary or, iinolrch acldress is designat ed, althe address of the Unit of ,u.f, UniiO;;;;,;lb. if to the unit owners' Association, the goura of Directors or to theManaging Agent or at such other aidress as st,att be designated by noticein writing to the unit owners pursuant to this section. If a l-Init is owneclby more than one person, each-such prr.on *rro so designated an address

;Hffft? to the Sicreta'v shat be entitred-ro receive

"ri".ii.., '

.",".,:;:'J?11ji;?,.?i.1,".T #"T:Hil:iH,1l;l?,".,1.*:,ly.HJj:ff:iln,,.Bylaws or the intent of any pr""lri"*ifrereof.



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section 1 1'3' Gender' The use of the rnasculine gender in these B.ylaws shall bedeemed to include the feminin.lni?.rr.' genders and ti, or. of the singurar sha, bedeemed to include the pruLar, anJ,.i.. u.rru, whenever the cont;ext so r,ecluires.IN wirNEss 'HEREoF, these Byiaws have been executecrand attested by the'W:: -:;;ffiffi'" b;-l';ri;i the unit own.,si As r; o ciati o n, tt i,,,- -' vlb da,y or

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