C++ & Object-Oriented Programming The Class

C++ & Object-Oriented Programming The Class 2 A class is a unit of encapsulation l Public operations, and l private implementation

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Page 1: C++ & Object-Oriented Programming The Class 2 A class is a unit of encapsulation l Public operations, and l private implementation

C++ &

Object-Oriented Programming

The Class

Page 2: C++ & Object-Oriented Programming The Class 2 A class is a unit of encapsulation l Public operations, and l private implementation


A class is a unit of encapsulation

Public operations, and private implementation.

Page 3: C++ & Object-Oriented Programming The Class 2 A class is a unit of encapsulation l Public operations, and l private implementation


A class is an abstraction

StringString abstracts the char * of C, stackstack -- the canonical abstraction List Student, etc.

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Classes and C structures

default access for class: private default access for struct:public

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Example of a bad class declaration

class Student {public:

float gpa;

char * name;


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Classes and structures Correct example of Class Declaration

class Student {private:

float gpa;

char * name;

}; do we need the “private” designation?

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Classes: writing setset and getget functions class Student {

public: void setGpa(float g) { gpa = g; } void setName(char * n) { name = new char[strlen(n)+1]; strcpy(name, n); } private: float gpa; char * name;};

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Classes and Objects Declaration of a class variable (i.e. object)

Student s, t;

Student * v;

int i;

float x;

The syntax is identical to conventional variable declarations.

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Classes Since class declarations will likely be

used by many program modules, put them in a header file that can be included as required

#include “Student.h”

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Classes and Objects Access to class data members



v = new Student(4.0, “Fox”);

t = s;

The Student class also needs constructors

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Classes: constructors

class Student {public:

Student(); //default

Student(char*, float); //conversion

Student(const Student&); //copy

friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &,

const Student &);


char * name;

float gpa;


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Constructor parameters:

Default: no parameters Conversion: parameters to make one Copy: the parameter is the copy instance

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Guarantee that data is initialized allow classes to manage memory

constructors allocate: new destructors deallocate: delete

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Prefer initialization to assignment

class Student {public: Student(int a) : age(a), iq(age+100) {} Student(int a) { age = a; iq = age + 100; }private: int age; int iq;};

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Prefer init to assign

Initialization is more efficient for data members that are objects: init: uses copy constructor assign: uses default constructor and

assignment only way to pass a parameter to base


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Passing param to base classclass Person {public: Person(int a) : age(a) {}private: int age;};

class Student : public Person {public: Student(int age, float g) : Person(age), gpa(g) {}private: float gpa;};

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List members in init list in order that they are declared

class members are initialized in the order ofclass members are initialized in the order oftheir declaration in the classtheir declaration in the class! What’s the value of iqWhat’s the value of iq?

class Student {public: Student(int a) : age(a), iq(age+100) {}private: int iq; int age;};

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Exercise to learn constructors Write 3 constructors and a destructor for

Student class. Test it with:

void fun(Student stu) {}int main() { Student a, b(“Darth Maul”, 3.5), c = b; Student * d = new Student(“Anakin”, 4.0); cout << *d << endl; fun(a); return 0;}

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Why is this a bad class definition?at least 2 member functions missing

class Student {public:

Student(); //default

Student(char*, float); //conversion

Student(const Student&); //copy

friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &,

const Student &);


char * name;

float gpa;


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Q: what output should we get:

int main() {

Student x(“Count Dooku”), y(“Anakin”);

x = y;

y.setName(“Darth Maul”);

cout << x << endl;


Soln: need deep copy: operator=

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Copying a class object

Original Object


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Copying a class object

Original Object


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Canonical orthodox class form J. Coplien

Default constructor copy constructor destructor assignment operator

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What functions does C++silently write?

class Empty{};

class Empty {public: Empty(); Empty(const Empty &); ~Empty();

Empty& operator=(const Empty &); Empty * operator&(); const Empty * operator&() const;};

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How would you need them?

const Empty e1; // need default constructor, and// destructor

Empty e2(e1); // copy constructore2 = e1; // assignment operator

Empty * pe2 = &e2; // address-of operator (non const)const Empty *pe1 = &e1; // address-of operator (const)

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What do the compiler generated functions look like?

inline Empty::Empty() {}inline Empty::~Empty() {}

inline Empty * Empty::operator&() { return this; }

inline const Empty * Empty::operator&() const { return this; }

The copy constructor and assignment operator simply do a member wise copy, i.e., shallow. Note that thedefault assignment induces a memory leakmemory leak in Student!

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When do we need to write a copy constructor, destructor & assign operator?

Anytime the class has heap-based data membersheap-based data members all base classes should have a virtual destructor Studies have shown that, if you don’t need

copy/assign, the compiler generated functions run 10-20% faster than programmer generated ones.

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How do we overload assignment?

Student & operator=(const Student & stu) { if (*this == stu) return * this; delete [] name; name = new char[strlen(stu.name)+1]; strcpy(name, stu.name); gpa = stu.gpa; return *this;}

(1) Why the comparison on the first line?(1) Why the comparison on the first line?(2) Could the first line be: if (this == &stu)?(2) Could the first line be: if (this == &stu)?(3) Why return *this? What does it enable?(3) Why return *this? What does it enable?(4) Why not return stu, rather than *this?(4) Why not return stu, rather than *this?

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Formula for overloaded assignment

Check for equality of lhs & rhs delete storage for lhs create new storage for lhs, that’s size of

rhs copy rhs “stuff” to lhs return *this

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an overloaded binary operator

can be written in infix form a = b; cout << stu;

or can be written in prefix form a.operator=(b) cout.operator<<(stu)

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Principle of least privilege

Can reduce debugging and provide documentation by only allowing a function the least amount of privilege

can prevent a function from modifying a parameter

can prevent a member function from modifying data attributes

allow a function enough data access to accomplish its task – and no more!

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Explicitly disallow any implicit functions you don’t want!

Suppose you want to write a class template array that behaves like C++ arrays, except that it does bounds check

C++ does not allow array assignment; e.g. int a[10], b[10]; a = b; //error

class Array {private: Array & operator=(const Array & );};

don’t define theoperator= to keepmember & friendfunctions from using it!

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Overloading operators

almost all operators can be overloaded operators are binary or unary have the same precedence as their

compiler counterpart can be members or friends, usually overloaded output operator cannot be a

member of any user defined class

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overloading output operator:as a friend function

class Student {public: getName() { return name; } getGpa() { return gpa; } friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Student &); private: char * name; float gpa;};

ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Student & s) { out << s.getName() << “\t” << s.getGpa(); return out;}

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Overloading output operator:as stand-alone function

class Student {public: getName() { return name; } getGpa() { return gpa; } private: char * name; float gpa;};

ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Student & s) { out << s.getName() << “\t” << s.getGpa(); return out;}

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Put prototype in header file,and body in implementation file

class Student {public: getName() const { return name; } getGpa() const { return gpa; } private: char * name; float gpa;};ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Student &);

ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Student & s) { out << s.getName() << “\t” << s.getGpa(); return out;}

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Exercise with classes:

Complete the definition of Student with all 3 constructors, overloaded assignment, overloaded output, and get and set

Write a main program that contains 2 functions: a function to init the list with 3 Students a function that prints the list

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Using students

In actual practice, we want to store lots of students

need an array of students

Student list[10];

Q: How many times does a constructor get called for list?

Q: which constructor?

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What’s missing:

Need an easier way to print a student overload the output operator << operator<< must be a friend function;

cannot be a member function cuz it’s already a member of class ostream

Need a class to manage the list of Students

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Can access private member functions and private data attributes!

Can be functions or classes Might not always be best solution!

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Overloading the output operator

Class Student {public: friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out,

const Student & student){ out << student.name; return out; }};

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Class StudentManager {public: StudentManager() : count(0) { } void insert(const Student &); friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Student &);

private: int count; Student list[100];};


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Class StudentManager {public: StudentManager() : count(0) {} void insert(const Student & student) { list[count++] = student; } friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Student & student) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) out << student[i] ;<< endl; return out; }

private: int count; Student list[100];};


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Class exercise:

Complete the StudentManager Class; rewrite main to use the List Class. Write a new main program that allows the

user to choose among commands: insert student delete student print the list find a student exit

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Discussion of Manager class:

Advantages: encapsulates functionality into a single

class simplifies the main program

Disadvantages: there is a limit (100) on number of Students Student’ default constructor called 100


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Suggested Naming Conventions global constants: ALL CAPS! local & global variables: ALL LOWER CASE, USE




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Operator Overloading:ADT for binary math

Would like variables of type binary to be like any other data type. Thus: overload arithmetic operators overload output to be binary overload input to use decimal

How do we represent internally?

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Binary should “look like” int

#include “Binary.h”

main() { int sum = 0; Binary number1, number2 = 7; number1 = 15; cout << number1 + number2 << endl;}

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// This is file Binary.hclass Binary {public: Binary() : number(0) {} Binary(int n) : number(n) {} Binary(const Binary & bin); Binary operator+(const Binary &); Binary& operator++(); Binary& operator=(const Binary &); friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Binary &);

private: int number;};


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#include “Binary.h” // this is file Binary.cpp

Binary Binary::operator+(const Binary & rhs) { Binary temp(number+rhs.number); return temp;}

Binary& operator++() { ++number; return *this;}


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// this is a global function; s/b in Binary.cppostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Binary & bin) { stack<int> stk; int number = bin.number; while (number) { stk.push( number % 2 ); number /= 2; } while ( !stk.empty() ) { out << stk.top(); stk.pop(); } return out;}


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Exercise for Binary type:

Complete the class definition for Binary construct a main program that uses Binary Discuss return value transmission mode

operator= operator++ operator+ (postfix, prefix)

Discuss merits of friend vs member functions for +, ++, output, etc.

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Discussion of Binary class Compilation can be made simpler by

using a makefile makefile automatically compiles and

links program modules makefiles are mysterious

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Consist of definitions, Followed by sequences of 2 line

commands. Begins with id:id:, followed by dependencies

of idid. Second line is the rule to make idid; this line

MUST be preceded by a tab To use the make file type: make {<id>}make {<id>}

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main: main.o Binary.o$(CCC) $(FLAGS) -o main main.o Binary.o

main.o: main.cpp Binary.h$(CCC) $(FLAGS) -c main.cpp

Binary.o: Binary.cpp Binary.h$(CCC) $(FLAGS) -c Binary.cpp

clean:rm -f main *.o core 55


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Discussion of makefile

$(CCC) permits us to easily switch to another compiler; e.g. CC

make clean will ‘clean’ the directory of large files

-o option creates an executable -c option creates .o file

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C-strings are no fun:

Programmer must manage memory comparison is awkward concatenation is non-standard

strcat(a, b), instead of: a + b

No substring facilities

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Solution: write our own String classWhat do we need:

Constructors default conversion copy

overloaded operators output concatenation

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Dynamic storage

Need pointers “never” run out of room ;-) must allocate storage: new must also deallocate storage: delete failure to deallocate storage: memory leak constructors/destructors were designed to

facilitate memory management

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// This class definition of String s/b in file: String.hclass String {public: String(); String(char *); String(const String &); String operator+(const String &); int len() const ; friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const String &);

private: char * buf;};


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// This class definition of String s/b in file: String.hclass String {public: String(int n = 0) : buf(new char[n+1]) { buf[0] = ‘\0’; } String(char * s) : buf(new char[strlen(s)+1]) { strcpy(buf, s); } String(const String &); ~String() { delete [] buf; } char & operator[](int i) { return buf[i]; } String operator+(const String &); int len() const { return strlen(buf); } friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const String &);

private: char * buf;};


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// This is file String.cpp#include “String.h”

ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const String & s) { out << s.buf; return out;}

String String::operator+(const String & rhs) { String temp( strlen(buf)+strlen(rhs.buf) ); strcpy(temp.buf, buf); strcat(temp.buf, rhs.buf); return temp;} 62


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We need operator==

Discuss the merits of the following comparison function:

bool String::operator==(const String & rhs) {

return (*this == rhs);


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String exercise:

Discuss ‘what’s missing’ from String spec Complete the class definition and

implementation; write copy constructor Write a main program that uses Strings. Write a makefile Thoroughly test the class Is there one in the standard C++ library?

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String exercise:

Add operator= to String Q: when are constructors called? Q: when is assignment called? Q: which is better: initialization or

assignment? Consider main.cpp, String.h and


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#include “String.h”

String & String::operator=(const String & rhs) { if (*this == rhs) return *this; delete [] buf; buf = new char[strlen(rhs.buf) + 1]; strcpy(buf, rhs.buf); return *this;}


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Discussion of String::operator=

Note the return transmission mode. Why? what happens if we do not delete buf? Why do we need +1 when we new buf ? What does return *this mean? Discuss the following 3 options:

if (*this == rhs) return *this; if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (strcmp(buf, rhs.buf) ==0) return *this;

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#include “String.h”

int main() { String a, b(“hello”), c(a), d = “world”; }

What constructors are called?


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// Note that it’s more efficient if constructors// use initialization rather than assignment.// To see: place cout in constructors for String!

class Test {public: Test(char *n) : name(n) {} // initialization Test(char *n) { name = n; } // assignmentprivate: String name;};

main() { Test t(“surprise”);}


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Making Strings useful:

Sometimes we want to ‘run through’ a string; i.e. iterateiterate through the string.

For example, if we read a line of text from a file, we might want to access each word on the line.

Can write a special class called an iterator

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Iterator class

Allows user to ‘look at’ each item in the data structure

can be forward or backward can have more than one iterator on a

given data structure

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For a linked list: would return each item in the list, starting with the first an proceeding through the list;

for a string: might return each word in the list, or it might return each character

for a tree: would return each item in the tree, in some order (preorder, depth first, etc.)

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// partial specification for iterator over Stringclass StringIterator {public: StringIterator(const String & s, char d = ‘ ‘) : str(s), index(0) , delim(d) {} void operator++(); String operator() () const; bool atEnd() const { return index == str.len(); }private: String str; unsigned int index; char delim;};


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StringIterator spec discussion

Constructor must init data members in the order that they are listed in the declaration

default delimiter is a blank overloaded parens looks odd note that str.len() is one past the end! we could overload operator<< for


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// implementation of operator++#include “StringIterator.h”

void StringIterator::operator++() { while (index < str.len() && str[index] != delim) ++index; while (index < str.len() && str[index] == delim) ++index; }


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// implementation of operator()

String StringIterator::operator() () const { char buf[80]; int temp_index = index, i = 0; while (temp_index < str.len() && str[temp_index] != delim) buf[i++] = str[temp_index++];

buf[i] = ‘\0’; return String(buf); }


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StringIterator exercises:

Complete the specification and implementation overload operator<< for debugging thoroughly test your ADT extend StringIterator to accept a set of

delimiters what happens if you initialize the data

members in different order than they are declared?

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Stack: a common data structure

Public operations: push pop test empty possibly test full

private data representation

The canonical abstraction


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class IntStack {public: IntStack() : count(EMPTY) {} void push(int n) { items[++count] = n; } void pop() { --count; } int top() const { return items[count]; } bool isEmpty() const { return count == EMPTY; } bool isFull() const { return count == 99; }private: enum {EMPTY = -1}; int items[100]; int count;};


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Stack exercise:

Implement and test Stack class Discuss alternatives to items[100] modify IntStack so that it accepts a

parameter describing the size of items Discuss drawbacks of IntStack What are solutions to drawbacks?

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Template classes

Functions accept variables as parameters

template classes accept types as parameters

functions can also use templates

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template <class T>class Stack {public: Stack() : count(EMPTY) {} void push(const T & n) { items[++count] = n; } void pop() { --count; } const T top() const { return items[count]; } bool isEmpty() const { return count == EMPTY; } bool isFull() const { return count == 99; }private: enum {EMPTY = -1}; T items[100]; int count;};


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Discussion of template stack

Note the change in parameter transmission from IntStack to Stack<T>

Note that top() passes return by value; can pass-by-value return be avoided?

Can arrays, in C++, be dimensioned dynamically?

What happens if user pops from empty stack?

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Useful for handling error conditions. Also useful for exceptional cases, such

as eof, end-of-line, etc. keywords: try, catch, throw

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How to use exceptions

Each try block has corresponding catch block(s)

calls to functions that may throw an exception are placed in a try block.

The called function, when faced with exceptional condition, performs a throw

the exception is thrown back, through the call call chainchain, to matching catch, or

program bombs!

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// give the output for the program below:

void fun(int number) { if (number % 2 == 0) throw “error”; cout << “This is fun” << endl;}

main() { try { fun(2); fun(3); } catch (char * msg) { cout << msg << endl; return 1; }} 86

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// give the output for the program below:

void fun(int number) { if (number % 2 == 0) throw “error”; cout << “This is fun” << endl;}

main() { int n = 2; while (n) { try { fun(n--); } catch (char * msg) { cout << msg << endl; } }}


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class Clean { public: Clean() { cout << “constructing Clean” << endl; } ~Clean() { cout << “destroying Clean” << endl; }};

void fun() { Clean c; throw “error”;}

main() { try { fun(); } catch(char * msg) { cout << msg << endl; }} 88

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Stack exercise

Add exception handling to Stack class write a main program with try/catch

block that uses Stack

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Dynamic storage

Need pointers “never” run out of room ;-) must allocate storage: new must also deallocate storage: delete failure to deallocate storage: memory leak constructors/destructors were designed to

facilitate memory management

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Linked list

Dynamic memory used to store data (usually in a nodenode!)

node usually stores data and pointer to next node (at least)

can be singly linked, doubly linked, circularly linked

can have dummy header node and/or dummy footer node

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Singly linked list

node node node


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// partial specification & implementation for Node classclass Node {public: friend class List; Node() : data(0), next(NULL) {} Node(int d, Node * n) : data(d), next(n) {} int getData() const; void setData(int d) ; friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Node &);private: int data; Node * next;};


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// partial specification & implementation for Node classclass Node {public: friend class List; Node(int d = 0, Node * n = NULL) : data(d), next(n) {} int getData() const { return data; } void setData(int d) { data = d; } friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Node & node) { out << node.data; return out; }private: int data; Node * next;};


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#include “Node.h”class List{public: List() : head(NULL), current(NULL) {} void insert(int data) { head = new Node(data, head); } void delete() { Node * temp = head; head = temp->next; delete temp; } Node * getFront() { current = head; return current; } Node * getNext() { current=current->next; return current:} friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const List &);private: Node * head; Node * current;};


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Discussion of List class insert actually inserts at the front getFront, getNext and current allow us to iterate

through the list. Is there a better way? Why is List a friend of Node? Can we construct Node and List so that friendship

is not required? Note that deleting an arbitrary element is tricky.

Would a doubly linked list simplify? Should List be templated?

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List class exercise

Complete specification & implementation, adding insertAtRear, insertAtFront, insert, deleteFront, deleteRear, deleteNth, ...

Write a main program that uses List and test Re-write Node and List so that friendship is

not required. Push the envelope: template List Write an iterator class for List

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List exercise

Find a solution to the Josephus problem for inputs n and m

describe a solution, using IntList, to the problem of arbitrary precision arithmetic. Compare the speed of your program with bc on unix.

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Doubly linked list

Easier to delete an arbitrary element more overhead to implement more storage sometimes use a dummy header node to

facilitate inserting into an empty list and deleting from a list of size 1.

Can use a pointer to the front and rear, facilitating insertion at either end.

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Doubly linked list

dummy node node

number nextprev

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#include <iostream.h>class Node {public: friend class List; friend class ListIterator; Node(int i = 0, Node * n = NULL, Node * p = NULL) : number(i), next(n), prev(p) {} friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Node &);

private: int number; Node * next; Node * prev;} 101

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#include “Node.h”class List {public: friend class ListIterator; List() { rear = front = new Node; } void insertAtFront(int n); void insertAtRear(int n); bool empty const { return front == rear; } int size() const; friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const List &);

private: Node * front; Node * rear;}


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class ListIterator {public: ListIterator (const List & list) : front(list.front), current(list.front->next) {} void init() { current = front; } void operator++() { current = current->next; } Node * operator() () const { return current; } bool more() const { return current != NULL; }

private: Node * front; Node * current;};


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Doubly linked list exercises

Complete the spec and implementation test the list