c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals - Minor Mineral - Red Earth & Pebbles - Villppuram Distrld - Ulundurpet Taluk - Vanampattu ViLage - S,F,Nos,10/6C & etc-, _ over an extent of 1.42.5 hect, - quarry ease appLication - Minor Minera Red Earth & PebbLes preferred by Thiru V Sekar, s/o,velayudham, Ku,Ka akurichi Village _ submission of mirinq p'd1 lor approval - Approred _ Bega-d'19 Application of Thiru.v.sekar, S/o.Velayudham, Ku.Kal akurichl VlLlage, ul!nd!rpet Taluk dated 02.09.2016. 2, This offi.e even No, dated 02.09.2016 3. Report ofthe Revenle Divislonal, Tirukoilur in Rc,No,A2l5144/2016, dt.15.02.2017, 4, This office even No, dated 14.03.2017. 5, Report ofthe Tahsildar, ulundurpet ln Rc.No.B4l8651/2016, dt.29.04 2017. 6. Report ofthe Revenue Dlvisiona , Tirukoilur in Rc.No.A2l3175/2017, dt,12,05.2017. 7. Technica report oflhe Assistanl Director, Geology and Mining Villupuram d1.22,06.2477. L G.o.(I4s).No.79,Industries(MMc.1) Department, dated 06,04,2015. L This offlce Precise Area Communication in Noti.e Rc.No,B/G&M/5172016 dated 06.07,2017, (addressed to the applicant Thiru.V.Sekar) 10, Mining plan submitted by the applicant dt.01.08.2017, In the reference 1os cited, Thiru,v.Sekar, s/o.velayudham has submitted three copies of Mininq plan, prepared by Thiru. S.Lakshmikanthan, Recognlzed Qualtfied Person bearing Re9.No-RQP/MAs/262l2014/A.

environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

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Page 1: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

c, Ravlchandran, M,5c.,

Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post,


Sub: Mines and Minerals - Minor Mineral - Red Earth &Pebbles - Villppuram Distrld - Ulundurpet Taluk -Vanampattu ViLage - S,F,Nos,10/6C & etc-, _ over anextent of 1.42.5 hect, - quarry ease appLication - MinorMinera Red Earth & PebbLes preferred by Thiru V Sekar,s/o,velayudham, Ku,Ka akurichi Village _ submission ofmirinq p'd1 lor approval - Approred _ Bega-d'19

Application of Thiru.v.sekar, S/o.Velayudham,Ku.Kal akurichl VlLlage, ul!nd!rpet Taluk dated02.09.2016.

2, This offi.e even No, dated 02.09.2016

3. Report ofthe Revenle Divislonal, Tirukoilur inRc,No,A2l5144/2016, dt.15.02.2017,

4, This office even No, dated 14.03.2017.

5, Report ofthe Tahsildar, ulundurpet lnRc.No.B4l8651/2016, dt.29.04 2017.

6. Report ofthe Revenue Dlvisiona , Tirukoilur inRc.No.A2l3175/2017, dt,12,05.2017.

7. Technica report oflhe Assistanl Director,Geology and Mining Villupuram d1.22,06.2477.

L G.o.(I4s).No.79,Industries(MMc.1)Department, dated 06,04,2015.

L This offlce Precise Area Communication in Noti.eRc.No,B/G&M/5172016 dated 06.07,2017,(addressed to the applicant Thiru.V.Sekar)

10, Mining plan submitted by the applicant dt.01.08.2017,

In the reference 1os cited, Thiru,v.Sekar, s/o.velayudham has submitted

three copies of Mininq plan, prepared by Thiru. S.Lakshmikanthan, Recognlzed

Qualtfied Person bearing Re9.No-RQP/MAs/262l2014/A.

Page 2: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

The Mining Plan submltted for the grant of quarrying Lease for Red Earth

& Pebbles ln Patta Lands in s.F.Nos,1o/6C, 1O/7C, 10/8C, 1Ol9C' 11/6 over an

exte.t of 1.42,5 hect. in vanampatto village, ulurdurpet Taluk' viluppuram

Distrlct by Thiru.v.sekar has been sfiutinized as per the guldeines issued bv

rhe commissioner of Geologv and l'4inlng, chennai in letter

Rc.No,3s68/LC/2012, dt.19.11 2012, based on the reports and records- The

minlng plan is herebv approved subject to the fo Lowi'g condiuons:





rhat rhe minrnq pan is approved w1loJt p elJdice ro anv o!5er

."** ",,rlii" "i"

tt'" q-..v lease notr ! ma to rre wherrer slchlis Jre mao. ov tre ce, t al Golernre'r, stare Governne't or

rh's aoDroval o'milinq pl"1 does.ot 1an/ way inp'' ttel"i-J

"r G" c--,.i".r in terrs o'dlv othFr orov'srons o'the

ra:i.i ".. rlin.at (Deve'opne.t ard ResL'a!io1, Ad 19s7, or

"", ;,;e, ."**,"d- aws '1.lud'19 Foreqr (colserydLion) Acl'iqio. rorest Co..eratior PJ'e< 1981, E1{iolment Protection

^" -'.ded.]"ai;"

Explosves Acti I8s4 (cellral a'r lv or 1884)

;;; ;; Ri. ;. -"".,i-",...der dlo thF I an:r Nadu Miror 14'1era

..n.esslon RuLes, 1959.

thaL lhe mrnrnq plar is dPproveo w!1ort p'ejJo(e to anv o(her

"'""- o. ai*.rlo"t'.oo r.v '4urt olcompele't jurisd'd:or'

tle io',owrnq spe\.al condrons l-ave to oe rnpo)e"_ rh" _re o'qrant of quarry lease to the app[cant:

a. A saiety zone of 10

b. A safety zone of 7 5

mts shouLd be Left oltforthe adjacent

hts should be left out ior the adjoinlng

. while ouarrv.rq deep vF-calrurnngs sloJ'd oe avoided a'd. nrruino musi oe car-vou ov lo'mrng proper slooe as per Ac's

and Rirres drd after qlal 1q rl'e lano mtst be eveled dnd

brought lnto a state fit for cultivation

d. Qlarrying Gn be done to a maximum depth of3 mts. onlv

e. ouarrv'na sloutd be restricred w (-'f ie le"s- l r !s only a.ddaroeo w:-e ten.'rq ",1a.org

the bourddrY ot ease gra' ed

area before the commencemen! of quarryin9 operation'

f. The lessee shail strlctlY adhere allthe slipulated statllory and

Page 3: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

h. Oud-rv .q s'ra' be do'e ds pe' ltle 'ond I on5 la d dow' '' rhe

' --i"^l''i" "4" pr"

"'d lne aDDrovd' rs wrthour o'erJd'' ro

"" "- "-

r';;;;;1;;" ' 'h; qlar v ecq. rron ti-e to-r rp:

;.:';;a.:;r",:, "'" '""" bv r'e cenua Gove rnerr' sLdre

cover.felt or a'y otrer aJthoiries

You are herebv directed to produce Envkonmental clea'ance from the

Djsric! Level EnvironmenGllmpact Assessment Authoritv over the subject area

as per G.o (Ms).No.79, hdustries (MMc 1) Department daled 06 04'2015

En.l . approved Minrng Plan ln duplicaLe'

q. The waste likelv be denerated durinq quarrying operauonw"lthin the area qranied under lease




coDv sLonitted to the : l*Arg\,rd\t \

1 prin.in.l secretarv to Government,- i"a',ctries oeoaamenL, secretariar, che'ra''

, comm "sro1e- ol Geologr/ dno l'4 n:ng' Che'na"

3. Dislricl collector, viluppuram

. The chairman, Dlstrlct Level EnvlronmentalIm.a.t Asgessmen! Author ty, Tamilnadu'

Page 4: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -



I Atfi ai



(Pt pd€d urd.r 41 & 42 TaEtlnadu Mhor Mh.nl Co!c...lon RuL.' 1959

Ald rEeE&il Mildor Mb.nl cos.mtto! .!d DerelolE.nt Rul.r, 2olo,PERIOD I ItYo) 2 YEARS OIILY


E,(TENT : 1.42.5II.

a.F.!to. I 1o/6c,1o/7c, rO/aC!rolgc,lU6 b r2l I












Mohan Plea,lhd Fl@r, N.7, Ned Sonacollcg.,

Jun.lon main .oad, salcd 636o0s

Ph 0427 426162/cell 9442663162

Ehail, lakshm*anthan.as.a cnail..onslobellmininB.alsman..om

Page 5: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -






e."u co--"ni."tio" I-.t* r.o- tt "



nicoDv ol RQP Ccrtificale

Page 6: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -







Topo Sketch ol Qu.rry L€ase area 1or


Qudtr Lase md Suda.e Plan \1

Topography, ceologrcar Hd & sectionYear visc Delelopment, Pr.du.tion Aa


1zooo(onceptue Ptrl dd Section vnl


Page 7: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -


Thc Mning Pld in R€slecr ol R€d Earth & Pehbles qu

of 1.42.5 hectares oa Corsent Patta lald m S F.Nos. tO/6C (0.09.51, 10/7C

{o.o6.s), 1o/3c lo.13,o), 1o/9c /.0.62.51, 11/6 to.06.s) & 12lr {0.44_s) oa

V.nnampattu Village, Inundu!€t T3luL, Viluppu.am Dislricl, T3mllnadn Slate

has been prep ed b, S Lakshrnikeihan,M s. , Res No IiQP/r,lAS/r62l20r4/^

I request the AssisLdt Director, DeprtmenL ol Ce.lory and Mining.

Viluppurm Dstricr 10 mal<e lu.ther con€spondence .egs.ding modilicatioDs ofthe

Mining Pld rnth tne said Recosnized Qu3lined Person on this ,olloL inE .adrcss.

S.LAKSHMIXANTEAN, M.Sc.,EQP tMASt262t 20t4l ^Mohd Plua,llnd Floor, No.7, Near Sona Coll€ge,

Jun.tion maln.oad. S:Jem-636005

Ph A427 1266162/CeL 9a42663162

Email: lakshmiksthm as @ gmail..om


I he.eby undedale that all modilications so madc in fie Mlning Plan by rhe

Recogniad Qualined Person may be aeemed 10 lale been madc wirh my knowledge

ed consent dd shall be accepiable to me od buildincon me in all.espccrs

. r\ <s->!sisnatu.€ of ihe APplicanL


Page 8: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

Iiu.Kallakurichi & Posi,

lilupplran District 606 I 15

The Mininq PIm ln.esrrecr olRed Earth.nd Pel,iles Quarry oYer an exteni

ol 1.42.5 he.tdcs ol corcert Patta Iand in sFNos lo/6c [oos51, 10/7c

(o,o6,sl, 1olsc lo.r3.o). 1o/9c lo.62.s)' ttl6 (o 06.5) & 12l1 (0445) or

Vannampattu Village, lnundulpet Talul<, VilnpPur2n Disrnrr 'n'l Tamil Nadu

Staie ha\. b.en p.ep ed wlth my .onsultaiioD dd I have undcrstood the 'ontents

dd a8ree io impl€mem the sme in a..orddce virh the Mining Laws

- -{- e5trB.1Signaiure oI the Applic:urL

Page 9: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -




Mohm Plaza,llDd Floor' No 7,

Ned Sona Coiege,Jun.tion main road


This is ro certi& rhat. the provisions oI Minor Mlnerals Consenarion and

De\clopment Rules, 2O1O IMMCDR) have been obsefled in thc Mining Plan lor the

grdi oI Reil Earu! snd P€bblcs Quarrv ldase oler d ertent o1 1 42 5 hecrarcs of

coNert I'atta land in S F Nos 1ol6c {o 09 5l' 1o/7c (o 06 s)' 1o/3C (o'13 o1'

1o/9c 10.62.51, 11/6 (0.06 s) & 1211 (0445) ol vannampattu viuase'

uudurpet'taluk, vilupp@m Disiri'l' Tamil Nadu stal€ applied bv

Wherever specific

.equired, the applicdt

cenr.al Colernmeli for

pernission / eaenptiois / rela\aliors or apP'ovals ''e

r'lll aPproach rhe .oD.crned authoiiies 'l SlarP 3nd

grmtnrg such Permissions eic

siglahre of RecoArEed Quatilied PeEon



Page 10: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -


RQP/ \,rAS/262l20 1.+/A

\r.h3n Plaza.lind Floor, No 7,

\ea' Sona C.llege,Jun.tion manr road,


certited rhat, in prcpdarion of Mining Plarl for R6d Eartn and Pebbles

Quarry ove. m extent ol r.42.5 hectares of colsent Patta l'nd in S'F'Nos 1o/6c

{o.og.st, ro/?c (o.o6.s), 1olsc lo.13.o), 10l9C lo.62.s), 11/6 (0 06 51 & 12l1

10,44.5) ol vaEnampattu Village, tnundu4et Taluk, vilu?Pn'm Disd'i,

Thiru. V.SeIa! covers all the provisions ol Nlines Act, Rules and

Regulatiols etc made dr€re un.ler dd $nerever specinc Permission &e reqxned'

ihe Applicdt will approach dre Dlrcctor cencral ol Mines Saielv, chennsi Thc

staldeds p.cscribed by DcMs h respecr ol Mines Hcolth tlll be shlcLlv

Sigratnre of R€cogrized Qualified PeFon


Page 11: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -




over e Er.tent 1.42.sha ofconsent Patta lod in s.F.Nos. r0/6c,1o/7c, r0/3c,

I o/ec, I I /6 & 12 / r oI vdnmpattu villag€, Ulundu+et Taluk,

viluppu.@ District od Tmilnadu

thcn.tpd Lndet 4) & 12 taq.t4ddu Mia ut.orot.one' \'or Ru'er' /45'A anended M-"a, M'""nt a^e.uatioF ."o DP etoPn.r' Puea. )AlA

a. Ceolosical Re*nes is estimaied at 71,250m3 sd Mineable Resefles is

estimted at 24.330mr ol Red Edth & Pehbl€s alter leaving necessatv 8'lety

dist e f.on th.lease boundary as indicated in rhe piecise sea letter d

rel€vdt mininglaG in iorce

5. Produ.tion sci.dul6 is prcposed d average prcdu.tion of 6'oa2m3 of Red

Earth dd 18,24am3 of Pel,btcs ror ihe penod ol (Two) 2 Years oDlv.

1. Th€ pre6ent Minirg Pld md Envi.onmental Mdagement Pld m prep ed

Ior Thi .v-Sek r, S/o,Velaradhm, Ku Kallal'arichi & Post, Ulunduryet

Taluk, viluppur@ Dlst.ict - 606 115

2. The applic t proPosed to qusry Red Eafi]1 & Pebbles in consent Patta

l.nd over d ekent or 1.42.s hect es at s.FNos. 10/6c (00s.s1, 10/7C

(o.o6.s), ro/8c (0.13.0), to/9c (0.62.51, r1l6 (0.06 5) & 12lI (0.44.s1 in

vdnupartu vill.€€ of ulundur!€t Taluk, viluppu.d Disirict lor a pedod

of flwo) 2 Y€Ts Only. The excavated R€d Earlh & Pebbles is used ior filling

sd levelins oi low \,ins ffias ror road projects dd other inrrasiructure

dev€lopnent work in dd mund the district.

3, The applicaiion was meritoriously p.o.essed bv the Disrict Collector

viluppurm dd passed d order vide R.c.No.A/G&M/517/2o16 dated

A6.07 2Ol7 to obtain m Appr@ed Mlning pld dd Environoental

Cle&mce troh the Distict Level EnYironment impa.t AssessmtAuthoriqy, Tmil Nadu as per the order of tie Honble Supreme court of

lndia in I.A.No 12-13/2011 in S.L.P.No. 1962a 19629 ol 2009 etc.,dt.

2?,02.2012 the Ministry of Enviroment od Forest oiiice Memormdum Dt

Page 12: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

L-L 6. Environmental Pardeters,

i) lnie.state Bou.ddv The a'ea docs n't '*ra'i rhe I'ie'slatc

Boundary dound 1oKms radius

ii) Wll.UiIe lProLection) A'1, 1972 The dea does no1 at'tt the trild li{e

sdciudY dound 1ollms 'adius

iii)The Coastal Regnlation Zine (CRZ) NoiilL'arion 1991:l]le area does

not atraci the Coastal zone around lokms irinrs

n1 hrrasrructure around 500m radius


Qldty stte {m)






Therelore the project seeks cleddce onlv from Distri't L€vel Environmental

lmDact Assessment Auihoritt (DEL{A), under 82 categorv'

Page 13: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -


Thc dea applied lor lease is a Consent Pa a l d in SuFei l0l6c' 10/7C'

1o/8c, 1ol9c, t1l6 t' 12/t at vanndpaltu villase Ulnndlll cr Taluh'

Viluppu.m Districi

a Vlllage Ps.hayat - Vondpattu

b. Pd.hayst Unlon _ Ulxndupet

c Thc proposed total Mlneable Resefles = 24,33om3 'rRed Edth & Pcbbles

d The proposed qustiq otR€sepes Uclel of Pro dudion ) to b' mined

= 6,oa2m3 of R€d E&th od 1a.248m3 oI Pcbbles lor a Period ot

(rno) 2 Ycds OiLY

e Total ext€ntofihe dea = 1,42.51Ia

t Proposed Penod ol minlng = lTvo)2Yc@ onlv

g tuoposed Depth ofmining = 3m l1mabole g'oun'l lnel& 2m belov ground lelel)

h. l\4ethod ol minins Ud,el ol nechdizarion)

Opencasr Semi mechdizd meihod is prcposed riihout ariling md blasiirg

i TWe ol maclineries uscd in ihe qudry

Ma.hlnenes fike Excavators ad TlppeF loTons caPacitv dc proPosed lor

quarrying operation.

j. No rrees euprooteddre to lmingoPeralions.

k ArouDd 1l employees ue P.oposed to be deplovcd lo. the qudrlug

Page 14: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

vANNArrlPArru vri!4GElaqlo!@El {o', 51- !4106

The lease applied area is bounded blr all cor'e's d'l rhe coordinates a'e cl'a'lr

marked in Plare no Vl

Distalc€ betweea the

1l'.11 03',N

79' 2.1 11 E

Ll 4f l1'N

1r-12 = 23 2m 1

I2-1f - 61.2m

13 1.1 = 94.0m

14-1; = 6a.08

11' 41 12',N



r l'41 l1 N

79' 24 19 8








Page 15: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

Addl$ ol rhe APPIi'anl

{ith Phone No and e mail id

Siaius ol ihe Apillicdt

lMsl Wh(h th. apnli'al

Pr-e.i* sea .ommunicar'on

Fiiod or eerm,s.,on 1e"""

limrod AddrPss of thc

RQP prepdi.g Mining Pld


l(u Kallakunch, & Posi,

Viluppu.m Dsiri.i - 606 115

recened Lom District CollecLo''

VilxpFuram lctie. ride R c No'

A /G&M/517/2016 dared 06'07 2017

E rrl 'sLkr:Loholl r'rmiil"m

pei* l)@ .on-uricati'n tett-



Recognized Qualilied Person

Mohm Plra,llnd Eloor. No 7'

Ned Sona College,Jrndion main road'

Pn 0427- 42661r;2, rla426 63162

Emdl: lal<shmilrdihan.asagtrail com'globe[nn rglislail "m

valid up ro 13.11.2024.

Page 16: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

-t Details of ihe eea (wilh Th" ql) y 1..* appli.d area lalls in the

Iiakkoo. villase Th€ applicd area for

quarying lease boundcd bv linlowlng rillagcs'

lO/aC r0/9C. ll b a l2 l

vilupluran Distict, ulundlrPeL Taluk dd

h is a consem

il Disl.i.t, Tlruk and

b) Classii.ati.n ot the



ormership IOccupucy of the

alplied a.ea lsu.ra.e

Iis a Patta land .cglste.ed m the naoe

Thiru.A R Senbagavel, vide Pal1a Nos 241

'rhe Applicant has obtained conscnt fiom

patiadhd. Please rcler the Annexure No lV

iop6 st..t rlo : sr n/oo

Iaritude :N Il'lL 03', lo N 1141',12',

LorSitude : E 79 24',09" io E 79 '11',19

Toposle€t No. virh

Page 17: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

2 ro NE

3 120

t2 0

Pnm.n Hcalth Cenkc



Details of EBistence lDfastluctutes reatbv approxi4ate distance



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! uoourm 15.4km


"l.r- l





Loc.tioa stte of lhtru. v.sekar, Vanradpattu Vilage,Ulundurt et Taluk, VilupPuaE Dlatrict

rtg. I - ShoPllg ,ocatton od route EaP of l€se aPpll€d area

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5r The l€ase aPPlied area 'ste'rain topoeiaph\ 'n\ered irLih P(d Ed h &lPebbles uh,.h iloes nor susLain an\ t\lrc of

leeetation due to the lopo8raphv of tle lmd The

altirude oI the dea is 69m (Msifrum) Lom lvlsL'

' AF"l" '^\"trd c L l_ 'i-

erdF. o.-a,, .F'F' in. ropoB af n L o.o3, ' I o "1

od secrions (Plaie No -vll)

'- AB"

r Re.enl to Sdbrl,-m,-hdrr'_



c ,, . .oA l"en - i ,",

Iqi-e"proat- wIs .arrca m-r1rc Red Edth &

Pebbles lomation cledlv rnsible ishl non the

53 The L,eorog'.ar prMs oef,nuLdurB u!!

commerchllt viable Red Ea.lh & Pebblcs harc beon

prepded i! 1:2000 s..rlcs (Ptdtc No vll)

Seven sections have b€en drasn Thrc'

section.ha\h Lenslh wise as (x Yl, (xl Yr)& X2 Y2l

an.rh$ Fou. se.tion draM lidtrr Nisc as (A Bl,

lc-D), (E Fl & (G H) ro choose the mdimrn a'ea

cold unde. rhe leasc in the ]lorizontal l:1000 ard

Verti.al 1:lOO (plesse.caer Platc No Vll & vl].A)

The cross seciional area lor th. lroled depth

persistencc ot sm (]n dbore grolnd lclcl & 2m

bclolv gtuuDd lercl) has beeD rvorked oui lor Lhc

se.i1on. Thc cross sedi.tul a.ea multlPlicd bt ts

length oI influence on th. long.. a\is gnes thc

'olune (nrsitul nr L\c c.oss scctional dea The su


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i.l.r ot t][ Nitu reseRrs :vailable \r(hl' the

individual ctuss seclional dea Eres the gcoloELC'J

res€flrs ol L\. lease applied dco

As L\e Mlneable olRed Eeth & PebDles ln the

ierms ol cubic neter' The Ceologi"l Reseme'

Mineable Resefl,es ue slen onlv i! tems ol cubi'

The Details of

RescFes dd Mineable

Topographl,, GeologL.al

The Avajlabllty ol Reserlcs is gn'en belo(.

Thc Ceological Resenes de calculaled in Area

1.42 5Ha X l0,000sqm = 14,250mi

14,250 , x 5m Deplh = 71,250mr

eslmahon ol CeooB.al

Resenes ivilh refe.ence

Plan and Se.tion shom i,r I

liLl aiarri,u s rest.ictca uP to a dePth ol3m

l1n abole ground lerel & 2m belon ground level)

The alailability Gcologi.al Resenes ol Red Eath &Pcbbles upto a depth.l5E = ?1,25om3

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Th-- Mmeable Rese €s de calculated bv deduclrng 7'5m &

(Plers. relrr l-larc No !Ll I \ Ll Al

) Recovemhle reseryes


Tobl Minealrle Rese es upto DePth 3m llm abo!' grorrnd lcvel & 2mlelos

Croxnd lertl)= 24,330m'

Ttre applicani p.oposed to e*'avate 6,Oa2m3 olRed Earth

Pcbbles uP to a depth ol Sm lln above ground lerel & 2n

lor a Period ol (Tvo) 2 Yeals OnlY'


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Fts,2 - Ptotogr.ph shows gerenl vicw of the leae applicd area

Flg.3 - Crose !'tee of medtuD to Coatse g!.hed Red Eartb & PebblcarlePGtt

Page 23: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -


b.1 lvlethod of mining lprn asi method ofsha I n mirnrg

is ?rcposed, Mach,ne.ies ldre excararo's

de !.oIoscd lor quaqing Red Eadh &

P€bbles 3Eltm abole giound levcl & 2m

It is being loose in nature lvo dn|tng or

bldstlng is proposet:l Jor ahis tlpe olR.il Ea,+h dnil Pebbles Qudnaing' \r \s

d ecolriendlt querying oPcraiion.

The Red Etuth & Pcbbles {'ill bc

loaded drre.rlt to ltre ]m/Tippcrs lor

trosportaiion to lhe ncedy customer s snc

lor filling ard lereling ol Low lying areas lor

road projed md oiher irr.astrucru.e

devel{rpmenr trork nr dd a.ound the

Mode oi working lme.hoi-d,s.mi mechanized. mdu3ll

opercasi qxarrying ope.aiion

The applicd area is soft so / floar depost

wirh .15" stope lrom the honzontal and

benches deprh 3m l1m atJove ground 1e!el

& 2fl belor ground lc\el) md $ldrh n.t

less L\d 3n rormed as Per 105 12) or

Indicate the overburden / 'rh.r. is no ole.bxrden, lhe Red Ea h &

P€bbtes ls to exPloit only to a deptn ol3m

(1m abole Sround level & 2m bclow

ground teftl) The aPplicdi P.oposed to

excavate lpto a dePlh ol 3m (]m abovc

mine.al p.odu.tion er?ected

pit visc as dcralled belo{

lconposire plaD and seciion

showin8 pn hyou1, dumPs,

disposal ol lvaste if dY etc )

Page 24: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

E\.ai aLor of0 90m .afa.it) Dlese Drire

b) Loading equipnenL Excavator ol0 90mtr capacily, Dlcscl Drive

(includes {nrhin rhe

mlne dd minc to

Hired fippers loTons capaciiy Diesel Diye.

{onlv lrom q! ry 10 needy orstomer! sitel.

Disposal ol overbu.den / There is no vasiage is dticlpaicd during the

qua ying operation the entire Rcd Earth &

P€bbles rnll be used lor nling da leveling ol

1ow lying aeas road proje.r md odre.

in&asr crure delrlopmenr Nork in and

Brief noi€ on conceptual

mining plar for Lhe enti.e

lease period base on the

geological, mining dd

Con.eplual mlnirg plan is prepared based

upon Topography, Oeological plan and

se.ron wilh an object ol (T$o) 2 Yedrs or

sysremanc development oflay outs, setection

of ulrimate pir limir et., The xltimare pIdimensions olthe qur.v &c siven belo\r.

It is an E.o fri€ndlt, Qr:myingoperation virhoxi drillnrg a.d Blasling.

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TIrype A-"pl""t*a t" b"

MaG;--Fp"="d bminimize ground vi6ration

Et...*- oa -- "tv-.,sxres to be ta]{en while

'n LJrtrr' No dr:'iliago, tt*ri"s i. p,"p"""a Jo, !li-i' 'sP" "JR.d Edrth dnd Pebbles Quarrying ir lr

an.colncndl] qx anfUl oPerarion

Ardgements dd Placess'here the mine water is

iinelly p.oposed to be

t-h.mte, uut. is noticed a1 1am _2om

bel.w E,ound ere s redrLr\ open $els olthe rL,ma|]. nu.adlrors

durnle the ranly season 1Am b€lo$ g!'undlelel and the slr]rder scason 20m belo\-.

s.ound l4el ol ihis area.

oTITER PERMAnENT sTRvcTUREs (allo stosa in the map)

fhe€ $ no habirarion sitrated.adius of 3OOm. Please ref-"r the

permanent si crlrre maP Plate

;;_PN er lfds lFrT,Lr vthin lhe3OOm lrom the quarrY sir.

as u"a,es l.,uer eond, irr-re i' ar} odo, 's

lo.ated sL the distan'c

lakc. odai, chdnel erc l ol 15Om on South Wcstem side an'l rhe

La}e is located at ihe distan.e oI loom on

North westeh sid€ liom the lease AppLied

ArchacoloAical / historic,l i-trft is no Archaeoloacal /nonufrcnts within 500m radius

!5 Elsrenle or publr road / t Th"re i n exisllns .oad rron rhe

(SH,NH others),Railway lne are! L.ads vanndpaLlu 'oad ai th'

No,thast€rn sid. ol th. a!cd.

sH 6gvtrlrdhachalm b vilxpPu"un

road is locaied whr.I is abouL 7 5(m

on rhe North\,cstern sid. olihe area'

rr.'-.* louch tYPe of aclivities

dhcipated 'n thts qnd\nrB operation

Page 26: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

.r NH-.15 tichy to viluppur@ road islocated which is about l0.0Km on

the Wcstern side oI the dea.a The Ned€si RailwaY line is

Ulundurp€t stalon hne which isaboul 9.5kft on ihe Nofthvc$lern

The.e is .o Temples is f.Lnd aroxnd the

5OOm radius olthe Proposed sitc

Forest Consenation Aci, r9a0

.:. The Kallamedu Rescred Forcst lo.sted a1

the disidce ol 2.5kn on Easter! sidc

f.om ihe lease applied a.ea

.:. The Scmakotrai ReseNed Foresi lo.ated

at the disran.e of6 2km on southeasrffn

side rrom rhe lease aPplied a.ea

, The Kuttadi Resere.t Foresl located ar

the distdcc ol .l4km on North*estern

side lrom thc lease aPplicd area

.] The VisDr Rese^ed Forest lo.ated at dre

distance ol 67km on Noiheasiem side

Lom the lease applied area

nThe Kutiadi Rescned Foresr locared ar

the disian.c of 44kn on Northnesler.

side lrom lhc lerse aplrlled srea.

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The f.llownrg mm pow.r is proposed Io. the IledErth dd Pcbbles Qu:rrying 1o .dry out tie datto day quarqans actirnn.s, .imed ai ihe prolosedproductlon tdBet d also ro comply trlth the

statuiory pro\nsions ol rhc Go\ernmeni n.ms


n Ex.avators Operators

The aboye mMpo\cr 6 adequale to meer o!1 L\e

producrion schedule dd the mach,nery sireDgth

enlisaged in the minhg pld dd ro comply viL\ the

shrxrory pro\tsions oa the Mi.es saJdly

Regxlarions It is ensu.ed rlai the labor will not

deploycd under lA yeds No child labo. {ill engagc

or entertained Io. dy kird ol qrarnlDg operati.n,

ell the labo.s enBaged lor qua.ryinB ope.aiion qill

be insurcd !U lhe end oflile of qu:E}

Page 28: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

Hl,g,enic sdltiry laciLitics rv l be conslru.ted firhin rhe quarflin8:trca as semipcmdneni stru.tLr.e.

Packaged Drinking rvai€r will be bmught lDn rhcauL\oriad vater suppliers in ih€ Vannampauu

which is about 2.0Km on the Nofiheasrcm side ot

First aid ldrs de kcpr in Mines oltcc .oon if arta..ident happens nrst dd will te grven ar site ddthe lnjured pe.son will be tal<en io dre hospxrlimmcdiately, Hospiral is avaitabte aL Utrmdrupcrvhi.,h is about l2.0km on the Wcsretu siae ot rhe

area.'lhe competelt staturory Mires Mare sitl be jn

In the E.o lriendly op€Dcast quarrying operatlon N.drilline or blasnng is invohcd onty Excavaror reused, hence lalors health may nor :rIecr in dymdn.r howryer penodically mcdi.at che.krp vilbe condxcted to aI ihe rvorkers ro. ary mine hedhh

related problems, proper Firsi Aid kaininS andindrcrion wiI be eircn to qnarrrlng quarjfiedpersomel to creale ari eness ro dr€ vorkprs

All the qu ry worke.s will

hclrnets, Mine Goggles, Ednask, R€necior ja.kets

lre pro;ded slu saJet,

pluEs, Ear mufis. Dusr

and Saleiy Shoes as

pe.sonal protective .levi.e as per the specificarion ofDi.ector of Mine SaJery

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Ii's e dn bdren Imd colered ivth xeo Larur a

Pet'bles fomation, do.s nor sustain mv ivpc ol

vegeiation due to this Red Earth & Pebbles


tr2 Ground vater is noxc€d as r.the ground Ievel is n€dbv OPen vell ol ihis dea The

quarrying is resrflded up io 3m (1m abole ar'und

ldel & 2m below eround level) hcnce the qntrry

operatlon {ill ndt be alle.ted bv the ground ilaler'

1-n. -an t *".r"rio no.,,,ry.e,n, etc, rhe'o 6 no

notllied resefl,e lorcst or social lorest ncar rhe rea

applied lo. qu rjrng lease. No llora oI botsictl

interesr nor fauna .l zoologlcal interest noti'ed'

B.t], ih; N".rn E".i;d-s* h w..t '-**oco.s here dd the summer de hoi od tiniers are

cool. Duing Apnl dd Mav ihe tempcrature ma]

shool upto 34.0'c dd durin8 qnnle' rle

tempe.ature does.ot lall belou 23'a'C The dnual

rzinfall1s aound 807mm

There {e fetr vllages lo.ated

the lease applied dea rhe detajls of rhe eas 3ro

*":H* l





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rn ihs E". lriendl] qu rying operciion onlv

Eacayator a,e proPosed wtthout driling an't

brastlns, hen.e the :ni qu3ltv $i11 not afiecL due io

the quaDrne .Pei.tLor \.rr NLI hc spr nl('n 0

rhe haul oadr pEnodl.all\ to st pp css dusi AmLnnt

Air Qnalty monnoring lfl1l be .,'!ied o!tr tD check

the Quality olAn in dd uound ihe QlarI w3ier

Ior dusr suppression qdl !e exlraci Lom ihe 'risling

bnrenol! nvrrd b\ rhc ipFlr rnL tum thi nearbr

dppl,Lrt P3tra laLds D! rr3 r.rsn uor Lh" Prd

E:rth & Pebbles ivill be lullv cdrcred bv Tarpaulo i'prerrni rtusr od Qillag€.

1r.7 This Eco Frie.dly quarv'ng operalon does not

invo\,e dli blasting and drilling methods, hen'c

nolse wil be minimal md this is ontv duc to the

movement ol Excavators dd lrucks Ponodicallv

Noise ldel monirorilg vill be cmied out io che'k

the Noiselevel in ud douDd rhd Quarry


lle q"dry is proposed Ior the

pe.iod oflT\s) 2 Ye s Only, thc Proposed qudving

lor a small production ol Red Edrh & PcDlles docs

noi invoFe decp hole drilling dd blasiing Su'h

limited mining adilit! is Dot likelv to clxsc m,inpact adle.se]y .n dnlnonmcnt ss ld as PoUltion

of 4r, water dd noise is co!.e.ned

ir,iIa. ro-*asasc. icipared dlnng the

qusrryi4 op€ratlon The mtire Rcd ErL\ & Pebbles

sall be tdspoiied ro ihe tucdv.ustomei \ s(c


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The quarry operarion 1s .esnicred up ro a dcprh

ol3m lln al)ole Br.L.d level & 2m lclotr g.ound

lc!€ll, aJtei rcmoling thc Rcd Ea.L\ & Pebbles th.rc

is no proposal for bactfillins or .eclamaiio.

The qudied on1 ldd iviil be Levcled md uscd lbr

agri.ulture purlose The apPli.anr €nsu.es ro levei

d1e noor ol the d.a aJter qu,Eljne, Thc lcvellnE.ost

Nould be a.ound Rs.sO,000/_

11.r1 Afrer rhe completion of the qxtrryDrg oPeralloni

rhe land will be lcveled ard used lbr aFi.ulturc

purlose. The applicant ensu.es to Plan nddT

species like pungm, neem, d causirina along the

saJety bmiers ol the applied .rea md nearbv

villaBes dd \dlage ,oad afrer consuliarion sith itre

competent pm.hayal auL\ont1es. li is ProDoscd to

plmt dound 100 tees lor the ponod ol lTN.) 2

Yeds The cost estimate ior atlo.estation is round

The prolosed linancial estimatcis ound R.,3,14,OO0/Jor ure

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Ftojc.t cost / investmcnt

It is consent Patta lmd, Lhc App.oxltuaL€ Dresemld.l cosL is about Rs.5,00,000/ per Hecta,e hence

ih€ land costis calculated as Rs.7.12.500/-

The Ex.avarors of 0.90m3 bu.tet capacitr ard

Tippers ol loTons .apacitr sill be usetl lo. thc

There is no proposal lbr Refilling, alier theex.avarion ofRed Ea.th & Pebblcs the quaried outland will be fenced wiih bsrb€d wnc rencing thecosl wonld be dound Rs.5O,OOO/-

No h6ou.s sre proposed for qnarying Red Edth &Pebbles. The ma.hine operators de lrom nedbylocal villages, hence no cosi is involved. Rest

shelter will be constructed as semi pe.manentsr.ucture at rhe cost ofRs.Tstooo/-

Sanirary la.ihy riu be .onsr .tcdpemmenl sLru.tu.e, rh. .osr {ill

Leveline afrcr quturyins = Rs, 75,OOO/-

Proi€ct Cost / Inwestm€nt !

i) Mz.hinerr to Le used = Ps 15,00,000/-

ni) RenlIn C / Fenci ng .ost = Rs

il Rest shelter = Rs.

a) Smibry Facility = Rs.

vl) othcrltcns = Rs.




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1l Labours at the raie ol Rs.300o/ monrh lor a

pcnod ol lTuo) 2 Yoars, thc .ost (ill bc ar.n..l

Sanital maintcnance

month ihe .osi will be

period of lTwo) 2 Years

RS.5O,OOO rnl be spent ,or

Helmet, Mine Go8eles, Ear

Mask, Reflcctor jackeis ad

at rhc .ost of Rs.2000/

around R5,4a,o00/ fo. a

the s:Jety kits such as

plugs, Ed mull, Dust

Rs 4000/ month {ill be speni lor sl.i.kling the

water on haul roads tor Dust suppressioni the cosl

sill be a.ound Rs.96,000/ to. a Period oI (Ts'ol 2

Affo.esration is p.oposed saletv barier or thc Lcase

applied !.ea d1d plmtation will be caried onr on

ihe ne by lillagcs and yillage roads atter

consulration with rle pan.hayai authornies The

cosr estimate is aroxnd Rs.4a,OoO/ -

ii Sanibrr Ardgcmenls

iv. w2ier Sprintrling

r. Aforestaiion cosr

Page 34: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

Steps proposed lor phasodrestorati.n, rc.:ldation of:I.eady mincd out areas

h's a New qudljng projecr no quarri.d.ut easwithin rhe lease appll.d area

M€asures to be und€r takenon mine closur€ as per Act

Ths Eco F.iendly qua..y1ng for a delrhof3m (1m abovc ground level & 2m belonground lclel)aoes not require any backlill,Reclamation dd RehabilitaLion thequdicd oui lands ll be lcvclea andused Io. agnculture purpose dv hos'theclosure plan qill be preFr€d aftcrremovins ihe sDeci( quaniilr

Mitigation measure to beundertaLen for saJetI andrestoration / recldarion orthe al.eady mined out area

This is a r.csh Red Eanh and Pebbies

] 2,o MINE c],osURE PLAN

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,l P.'m'ss,.n u,ll be obkLied from Lhe DtsrrL Nln

PFo L.'" a. o'.or. ro_' . Bundr't''Fi d :

ii) cdc and pre.auiionary measu'€s rnl be liten toi ihc

qu .y ihc Red Earth &

and io iinprole the

as p€r Rules dd Acts

iil The aPplicdr will endealor everv attempt to

Pebbles economicallv wilhout anv \'astage

.nvironmem and ecology

i!) The Mining Pld is Prepared Lrv incoryoraiing the coldiuons stipulaled

in the lrecise area commrni'ation issred sd also prepded bv

incorporating the .letails merlioned in the letter SEIAA/TN/NIin'| and

Minerals/2012 daied l7 04 20L3'

vl Any liolaiion ponrrcd out bv thc inspe'ting althorlries shall be rcctined

as per ihe guidelines or the Deparrmcni

lil The prolosed qusrltv is 6,oa2m3 of Red Earth & la '24am3

of P€l'ltles

up to a deplh ol3r (lm above ground lelel & 2m beloN e'onnd lcrelllor

a lease Period or(Trv.l2 Y€ars onlv'


ROP IMAS 1262 /2AA / A




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h,, ij,.t L.rt&,r/ s17l rr)r6 ui,itr .".!ii!' srBjoNBLi.lq6r r1.!rr .,trr } ir arrii5i,. 16,o)

d,,iir i'd,r,,trLi' ar!!trla.4Li, f I6rtrii tiliufi LrLi: ori' : L. nr ili,:rr eri6r hr:Llb.'!nb r O d7rur'LLLI i)

*n in o/4 riNln dldiurrildir Gn55 !'nq :.e6{r Glplrriir iI(.ti .t

r"l| !6i]iij, rrli :rrrt),.r! .1!i!., Cnri {}vG{r,:r'56L.C.r,i r ifri ,r.r-irora61jliJl,rlrr(i, iltr6r!5r (,Or -,,!;'r rirrr Djrxni, BtnlL &DursLr6n r'rri r.r'n3"Dat",ixu|lr' l ritlr)r U!.4 aDDall ,ir.iU Gi lluL du'nd.i,r,orj r-,tirr [, 6]r,jt iL '4I ,rrvejlr. jr.6l

' onN rrr'rri, ,,.,,;ni ,i,irl,drr.f a

! !'r.ri., rr!6lire!L{)L d'r r r7 idlotrr., urol

r. A,i, r),iNa lil13!,6EnddlL dir4i. It16n0:.0q.1016'. r r' . ,"G L. .i 1 r$rrt

aii4i,r, r.i, oll5L.rl/1016 Er'ir.l5 0l301;

| , iib1.r.rr r!lc, i;rDrrr 1,'7,ri !,nrn.Lrlrrr{' 1

ir Lir i 13r,L'nl,nri {iit;lidr.ia/ d,,!t,L L Liu1. aou ,aur: 'i ! n ..1!,r'iLlrro6itJgr,,i!i.riLlu, , lrrr)

j. ,iui ri .inlL n:rii, r.,-€!tF,ni0LLrrL ddi,e,iiojlcrtirD,s t!.rdot.ar,a/565r/:11)16. n ;ir.2901.:017

. ,)niin I;6r', r'4rr. ,r g.l,Bri,iftJrir .liLirtrii"lr

7 Lr.f A u,r!r.!,ir. FfrLiir troLDr. alriru/ii[rdtn.;nlqllgLj si, rrirnLn i ri'i!;Enl;i")tr 5,it6o6

irtri 6,r! ) ,ri 79, 612!l lt;n ldlLb dt ,n r)

+,)) r !,,iiL16Lrr.l ll, .,')Li elr 4ri,6J,rirair

oLL i.. 4 r,'iH i,orrr,l ijtrroa,,,r,o !i!!r,j,iie n e!- dLrr b, ;rxo tuLO

10A l0 r7 0), r016c t009.sl. 10/7.10.06 r) 10/3c l0 r3.0),

6lrLirtin Bllrr r,0ri!i!6nl-6t ar@rD "rr

ji!,nr4i6irtnri,r, r,41.4 G6trf Lnrr6o'

Page 37: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

6r.10 n c,nrlLLrr 1. ,lDr,oe,itorr. !-6ii o]ri,i5trri. LtoirtQa) ljrtrlrdi,rn6qr.9ior. ,;irgulu ir .rj],ourir € /rD"q qnj/6,is. rqji&.r4 crrcretr n6,rrvrji,i,. r!.6]|r.ei'r!rq.!1. iru ,!44 , ali,5r tG!a4! i)rlLri. ;irin a0 drrDd,.!l ' ,ri ,i;rj,,n r0/6c {o0s5) Erc 1oro.5), lo/sc to1rq, 10/ec (062r, 116 (006s), r2lj(o4r, .116!,'!r,t;r ctr.',irr)

'rlr:jq trr.i lrsr;L] r t0niijii aLrd, ! ..1.r,!jr361o6oc\ \;r n,r.r,i.,,!'ir il,rrjjn 6t.r:

'\r6!3d;n 0ifnrilEnir iunba)o(,'D4r,rill! ,,or,;

,,, i. i!,:fLj .. I ,:_, _r.- n a, ,

'1,. r '..tr..' .'...i' ,"f i,r ,rji \ij )t itl rt erirlt1iri .r lulorfl Gtrnrd,r.rj ,rf44l5rnj,.i.: n. '..n...,,,,. |2,r,,.'f, ) t. h,E, C.L, ". j-mi n. .f . ,.,,, .( /,.,. :6r" ...,. .,,, ir. , ..,, , ,,.,,.r,; ,6r rrii,,iJ, ,'))rrtui, o idr a,jDir6 eo,,$r,EriI I ri . tn.rl.r r, 1r.6tu;i c,ir jri trjir} i n,rrri5ir4on cdi0crS;5r , ,,,f;,r.,, .1ri Lt!rerj'4, B6)ii6sr6i. ,,uri.!un,i ctrilcar.nfld; ,,1,6ri , rrr.; rrrnjiL]LL Lrarr,,r,i trLOCr ,"!rr:iu,rr Gnriictaiindrnll

u.j ,, f r f, ,..jF t..i' 1: " ' '- .i',.1 i

r,/ ),n tr i x t -I.J,,,r ,,.i,i (,!,i,ar S;s,i,rodr bLrnl ,trLriri,F !i"nL;u 9oi;.|,,11j', (r\., -' ,L) .),rDi i!:rrjNlrriLni!r,),j,, ., j ,r, tCLr:rn dLLLn. 6, aln,nr5rf,lrl jljr(aoa/t eri1i6

.{ r!r.1", ,,,, ,.B,.r ii.ri .rrIr.lr,i,, :r |l!r,],)rflllI irl, ,. irBnirtr.0 ,jt!florir.Ln ' I' r,,r.,,,r r!/6c to.oes). ro/7c {0.06s). Io/s. tor3 0). to/ec io.62.sr, iV5 lo06,, 1t^{0a. !r ,ttrj r/.,, jlj,i 6tr. .r!, ,Lq rrt.j {ea,tri,Li LL| .Lfir.i ,!,nli!,rit ,ru,rd,iu.... ,:.' r,,, ,il I, r.jd1 .t L^rr, ..,,sJ.

""" ",.

;.,;.lunil,f!,r,, Llitrn, qn\ln \,,tr\ i4jrnrn ,;,, ro,,0,,., ,1r0,,,,, oCr,,q,rrli li:r, {"lrl i b ,ltil !tti)!4.u, ,t !}uri id5r1n: r ,,;,;,* 5, _;, ru,i,ft,"",. irlrd ',rr

L- rij'r.i jrx,,i. ,,,j,r, trarjdai .1.n),r[!r)t!LLi. (qdi ogrtr., ;rrlh,') .l ,\ t,, in.,n!; .v,1.

ori'/ (cr,o@6fi .Ao.dndr001106)Dtrrtr ,4L,,I ri

), Li jti, tti J & at..l,t,;:. rrrr, llLr:,,: irLL i




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6,"rlri -o61D );DLAt


n a-,--A n: il



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lli 6Lt! : :r =A











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tr'' r a. i&&tu 8asfrc,6 ' ANI/!,AUKts -I],L

6rd Ltr6D


6rurd66n:6. d6f 1o(1) dlrl6:l

flLL,l ' 2@E9ricuLmL

oln6odL 56dd / &trtuo6!! 860 d t B6'n 'tun

uocal4dllisrouEulLmo goo6eeffir6m hhp://eservices.tn.E.v,in d6I!) Fft,MU

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o.Li':riulilgrotu, 1a6@u ce6o. j6rtu Liron d!48,h




E 5! .n6.ir 13 c7roL7 3.iI9 1 1 444s AM cDr69!! ar"LlsgrulLAr

88,er9r96tu d]J '1166e


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dLlmrolt 5gldo5 @6nnuc'n)'r s ugcoiG dojtu6mf, uitF dL

dlltb : Lr€DEEldclLoL


;'iffi?::; 1,1119:v"i.r.fl lltjl!{;B:*r1*!fr i?:r':ffi;Y,T:i;;;;;;6 ;,,,5' -D'e os'n5r6'trdn6'D

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" ' 3, 'a5"

. aedmuc8e

dLLLir : L@69lniclioL

soDedkL E6d.r / rrddqp !5.i i,id[nir6dr 6.h u6rcdL]4661(D681 oueiruLLhd9 oe! rrn htp,//.s.,u.es$.sou. 1!oo86tru,-Er" .'' id54irq dd6m Lii\i o"isrLEr4i osu4o&trdtrob


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i.Ltri6L! 5.6rra ro6 €r6,mLU c6@o 4 u6rc' 0 ia rh6@m u@mn riL

dLLb ' L@itigricuLoL

lL 6''6d (o-o@)12, !4iq l6!4d;cLi .

s 6rr6s9ioo (c

cbo6tuL q.o6 / sfuiirrsD DEd ddtdr6d 6d uErco':4dcter qrleuuLloa6r;nso 6;d5.n httpr/"'i."dt*.h.eov.in n ip 96mu dE4id

'?cr ' 1 ddD

64nq d6id6@ Ld'ltl o5l1lo Loqi crdLlSroarn or]



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d.LiioL'rsqaa&Oodoc&6d sdgic Gdd[fr66f, Ltrt6'utL

dLLr' I L(qEgrriculmL


crD6dL e& ri rd 0iDs d' Ef.a u6co b'5 Da' rr' -ooe. "D; . hrp,,.;*.* h.eo{.'n .dr Fom-3r34' - 'nD

di'jq n6mm Lidrc 0, 5J LEr4i a,LirEJa&r.nnqb

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ar ' tr ,rr't as' s5 s@@,I cFsn a 6rcno.rnqdaoo iioirnl

c6D6'itrL a&iri / {n.n6r5, D&d 6fr rd&6n L6rin L9cd.'4dG65r 6ur!!!LL6d9d,tm9 sffign http://€sepi.es.h,sov,in nrn9 somu snii6r{n,o,?, '.i,D6Oi! rrtuom L'i,6i0 asirsj L!)O orrArosrnflob

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dLL au,sgldN6Odmuc6@o r'urcaodnr{66nutri@6itr

dllln I L€rDOnicLLmL

6147'4. 0m.3c !m4 9' "L_d'-mo c: ',. ntp,r/"n,-*,.tn.equ. 1rd ' oo ru 3-r 61.

r'r trm6m Lndlo 0ru9 Lod 6tru9o&rmnot!

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oiLtrLnuiss]do6o@truc6@o r urcdodn4 slDn L trirot' tri!


r uolru qo LaLr'lor 1r-r

5 eq&/ ru6Erdr4r tuEsidrrl

6 4dE6,i' dtr& 'rdjor

cDoEtr' q&nq ortr.rDp_&tu.t _ '5

( ,- eda'-o"rci, * nrtp'ri"a."*,.,n.qovir.ft rsoffi . 60o3tu'

6r'jq n6om Lidnl o,liJ6r L@r6] o6L!!J6&tr(ndqr

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dLL6 : a@DgxtclLol

Dd'&{i,L e6dc! / srdo.l! 05tu .odtdsfi Lr6iI !ErcdLl}o51c!ie] oleiu.LoisdEmD grtu&fi hapr/.sqvtes.rn,eov in n6e q\om! EdE4i.r :ii': ndD6ttiq n.i"od Ld. O tuirli LE|O o'ror66rtn.ioi

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oLLtuaLt 3qdtu6 gomru cioo ' &u4rcno oidqmiffl L r'r6oLdL

dLLr. : Lr€6DEariclLoL

riha@ aada a djli,!.!s.i dd ,a! -4d 6cft:q65ru I orr L en

;:H;;ff"'.;,:J",;l;:".,n.sv h " dn sa m

[[iu*-- ""to o"or 'e6] o'us66inmirb

Page 52: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

aLLtrLhuaDn06s6@! c.6. 3 rrtrcn onnn !656trLrroo ui

dLL'. : zl!6igricu:nL


:Do6ML s6d6r / 'r6roeb !6.r 'fidrd&d 6d uricdLqdo6er oueuu.Loo

BdD6DArd&d http'//ese,vi.ee,tn,sov.in d.i,@ omdu 6d69N r0,,i n.nEoo'jq ,.inom L.nrre 0,i5r LrlrIi tur5ro&ndtrqb

A-,-t**S, LAISHMIKANT}IANRQP lMAS 1262 /2014 / A

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F-R. odrdr l.lB € Dl<n


":''i .rr:,i


Ul.,..L. :.::1 .;

/4,o'-_l\tI-' -' BB 31'8t I

V-'Lrtt1\*k' olbdrr \' r!\reLiDqada,Lile6lidri0urtrtrL C No' 1/sa

6.&Foq slqE|d !!tr$!'!ot6l 66Fo& 0.25,000/

I o"O zg,oz.zots s)b,;) 2a.07.2o21 dDgu s 6lfi! 2o16Lir OLLi, s6o)6D Dtrglb, 2eL @.5u9$ A6i{lstrti G99,

ergir.tili LrtrdiLlir. LoiSniiGlLmL oLLLir, U,l i,ldn 9(i5.i n6|nrE99

4lnir.06616ir nral6gLb G5tr. rfl6C6!.i uoLL!tr6J] (q,otrr i

4-R.a6aaru5Gd5b- I (Ccll : 9842313339) (Funri1l Card No.i

0l tGt0821866)

t Guouq rrdLLLh, Guiltp tuLLft, a-. 56nm6;(qdt+dl dlr roE6l'i








- Y",\r'' ijij

- G 6urutgrii (gr0trqi \i c66t_2 (Cdl I 98816s33rq)

i. Molafi F (r, $r^iy.gEhi

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ril.j :


'i.',ll r.r/". r, l. i; rl/1 lY'\-/,. '- .-.:

g.rd$pn@ rEr+rg rAMruvaou t s t t ..---- ,-e\.1 .Bll3, s/r r :

g,'q. 6g--sruaeor \r*r

agl(}ori5d Gsri6qr 6d06t66rea





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' j&!1 G's,d€ir '0. €tu r'n ss- 9,+6 jis d.rsr gqmou5n

qdms 61d65"T 95!616n 2-dgr Elt G66i d6irltui eL]rrs 3lgM6

6l!i9r s.!pnda,i6n. GlaLirrflin (gdtr,R $Ldg Gli 9tr6 l!!in06n 1 ilgr

!,, @rd, c6LL66itrG! l6i 9l9D€ 1-tugJ E!(,6 sLi@gnuLG tt$6ai'6ift'r

EdL66dflin gr6ir6mm ullN Erlb 5.9 Gutfl t!9dr GlrLirp tuOiL e,Er5tu6

Glgrm6 (5.2s,ooo/- OUmn oouiljgl A69109,16 CuDug (969@5

Glgro6mu tu(gL L5lrI6 dOLLi ]_tugr p!flLLn 2- gr DUn G)6rGln!9trril

Bnqriicl6trditrL6l5itr 1-tugJ EUt 2- gr D!flLLn 6gtr+u!tnsdinLGl6trEgr65on 616irur (grryn e{grtugj 29.07 2016 gr9@ 23.07.2021 o@rrlLr6irn

Sigr tuOL etrtu Gl6O.Oi(9 GlrdBd @69d6di5r6 2 dgl I6!fl6ir

&drdddj6r6@ .0661ptrn. 2-dsr Elt gl6irsr srpd O6i l+uqln5etuL

6or4!,6,e6o6i eLl6;61sr6ffi6,r 85tu Cl6rig, 616f,r6r9.n eqr& siCrllo '"r!rglr

s"BrLrn6i6{n. GdLiLoftm (gflmn e)]mDig 9lgu!6n6gr r Gdiajirqugr'

cdELtr? e96n,s srdgoli, 60$ 5r1n.r dll!,otrarLi (3'l) o (dl

EL6gru60oEgngirLir srp@rn J66i-6lii 1- gr liuGd,(g n$gotlgbtrlir

61r61961,!1gltn 4l6oLurs. Gmiuq 6gsm5 6rni9di.n ooiu+ dlo6g;rie

Gd999 Gdnitr+u dn6isrn 6i5otumL 2- gl EUGr 1- g] E Lrn6n GuLfld

cl6er66l 169 Ollip]tsGl6r6irn c n;n9ugl. GuEsmrL c)66l amLi

Uqrip6,r-6n 6lptr4uro seilL 6r6trEeJdr5trdr 1- gl E!flLLir 2-tug! Furi

O6irDl @nq605r6irQ)b 6l'oouilcdcu Sl6Li! 9nq6'G16trO69'al

ca @n}L5l. ODeLg&(5 Etr,ir 6lotu{9Lir Gdt6gl 6nrr6l65r n(,6l66l6rdi'trL

s!9, 9l!st!!!!!i6 6lrLlr 561@i_

"{ €.tvi}P.''t A (Wic Ill ., !r'N]j|.1 |.iy:I

r "r I


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tllL4*- &a C €,g,,,t

! /. ,,1









.a.rr. sirc{, 10r'6 - O.4Z.O .'lno.

:!.!t. aicltu 10/61 - O.o2.O 6ni6iD.

.jjt.Lr- dfqi! r0/6(- - 0.,09.5 6rritu. L

l,i.rr. dnc6! 10/7,\ 0.C2.0 ori6iD.

gt.rr. 6nc6r i0/7C - o.O6_s 6rn6i0.\-,,

sl.rt. 6iG 10/8A - O,os.O 6rifi,91.q, srictu 10/3q - 0.13.0 6ri.i0. !/'e!.q. aictu 10/9A - O_11.s 6ni6it.

9t.!. a,ic6r 10/9C - 0,62.5 6ri6itr.!-Jrl.!. enctu 11/1 - 0,50.0 flndir. .

-!1,1. r,i(joi 11/6 -

.9t,u, eicdj 1211 -9.!& r-GlE.n Oerr&GLn 3jo.o on6iu.

Geiu+ qdjo6 6l@d66n oiGln curiuq anlrSptE(giuLlsl

, l .rr!$.I,,,rr ni\ r. 4 (gtt,L?


6tL'+tE.1 t.









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irdd $q iqk d nc i {qdr ltn T silEi+q Ral{d FR{.iir reso d ft.ir !r{ + ir.d)

CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AS QUALIFIEO PERSON{Under Rute 22C of Minerat Concession Rules I 960)

ri f's ar*elTdr 22/13..6fdqEn otftd {fre. qrot{qt{ira{ +"1q,6{ ,02 i.{dr sI- 3n, -Fir? * +ol C.fl e i* mr-: *ri ,6 ;lP-= , F=!=-* q:{ -T . :' :r- lrili :r .F,r tn qil.c riu,Id.:l]lI.:'+

1060 .$ Fr, ,2f T .7 r- a,q, uF ,r - r q-+"r.+a at ortit--- ShriS. Lakst"fiikanlhan. 2 2/1 3 KatiammEn KovitStreet, Jagi.ammapatayeh Sat€h- 036 102 *hose Phorog6ph snd stEnarure rs aff.ed len;in.b.ve h,uid.,Fn

saLerrlory 6\ dale o. Fis ora.fr.ato-s I € \per ence hereo/ RecOelrSeo _o"",hi.22U o.'i. M'ne atC.rc$_,o. Rr.e 1960.,r oLaIEo berr..o o@p" € v.i_9 ptal\

Hls reqistaiion numb€r,s I

qF crqdr ro rnt d s{En tu\ qFrar t.nl Rrr, r3iro,a +.r mld $rnLTh s.ecognil on s vEUd for a peiod ol lO ye.rs eftring on 13 11.2024

-ir- 6r r<3 Er_nrn irf il"+rl . @d.,ql\ii,*Rlr,tr a o!c,flilcr 4cfl rio 3l(n , ttrln fd{l fi(.,n... ThisGrfcle w,'t,iaoie ro @wlhd6r /s.certeu,n rne ae.r oflr ^i3n?q lrei"o.'! rdo frno./ dotuT€llsr. r% Nting ptaa subrhFdbr l

,lr{ds.6ri ., covERNMENT oF |NJIX{NEXURE tr

RoP /MAs/ 2atlrAiA

w litrr,{ / ReSionai Conkoller of l\4ines{,Glr @ d{l/ hdian Bureau oft!4ines

rFi dB / ChennatRegon



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gar5et@r l.06lc6nrlu.t6hfi rnrl.


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Page 70: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

iia1l?{ trlF I V-' '"j' : r -"--'11*-.t,ltg ffi rr"jii,',r,-,''''i pg'p6Eg ,r'.

dbdnq aoa6,I ..

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grfl$ png afrr+q u-rrr I LNADU 6137la-e- eoll aLZ19e07

. , V'eeE; -. - $9".t;"- / *-E^

, L.c.No.1re6y). r, )AFFIDAVIT for obtaininE Eclrom DEIAA \'_:-_ _

l, V.SEKAR S/o. Velayudham, residins at Koo.Kallakurichi Village and Post,

UlLrndurpet Talule Villupuram District, Tamilnadu state, PIN: 606 115 do hereby

solemnlydeclare and sincer€ly affirm that,

Our Red Eath & Pebbles quaryoveran extentof 1.42.5 Heactares ofConsewntPana land in 5.f.No.10/6c, 1o/9c, 17/6 & l2/7 of Vanampattu Viilase, U undurpetTaluk, Villupu ram District.

1. We declare that whole or in part, our site is not located within 10 KM from the

(i)Protected Areas notified underthe wild Life (Protection) Ad,1972Critically Pollut€d areas as notined by the CentralPollution ControlBoard

I Notif led E.o+ensitive areas.

llnterstate bounda.ies and international boundar es.| 't u't-,lc''l^{(Y..r-

, o,.*,il0i4iK* " ' ",.''I' ad'ottr' No'J4 r'rrc '

-.s).a.,) f ),,,r-r1""1iier,,"..10, \ l! tv'r-r'P''-' o'' t' '"""tr'r

ffil.-1. -

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Page 71: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -


2. we declare that we shall commence the quarry ope€tion

the necessary ECfrom DEIAA

3. we declare that there i! no Quatr, Iemple, Church,

Monuments, Burial sround/Other Habitations found within 300m

4. we declare that ther€ is properapproach road to our quarry site and the road

belon8s to village Panchayat.

5. w€ hereby undertake to declEre that we have not engaged child labout in our

Red Earth & Pebbles quary/also in our manufactu rlng unit.

6. we hercby undertake to declare that we shall plant trees, we shall encourase

a8ricultural a€tivltles near by the site and will develop green belt aroung the

7. we declare thatthe afforcstation/agftultural activity willbe carrled out durin8

the course of quarrying operation and maintain the green belt development afterthe

8. We dedare that we shall insure all labours for then oeriod of work and shallprovide safety pr€cautionary measores during work.

9. We declare that we shall not create any hindrance to th€during the quarry operation and while t€nsporting the mined outmanufacturine unit/needy Customers/Projed sites.

10. We declare that we shll execute all social (CSR) and

commitment without fail.

11. we de.lare that we will deploy RTO certified excavatou and trucks for ourquarry Oe6tion/t€nsportation of mined out material to our manufacturin8

unit/needv Cirstome6/project sites in order to contol the emission.

We declare that we will load minimum quantity ol qua ied material in lhend willnot cause any damage tothe roads and willmaintain the villaee road

vt wbl

rrfr#*Il,*jie->- % j

Page 72: environmentclearance.nic.inenvironmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/District/approvedminplan/... · c, Ravlchandran, M,5c., Ku, Kallakuri.hi & Post, 5n, Sub: Mines and Minerals -

13. We declare that we wil control the spillage of material on transportation by

coverlng the trud with tarpau in and willsprinkle waterto suppress the dust arise out

of quarying and transportation.

14. we declare that we will operate only in the area where minin8 ease/Ec is

sranted and will not deviate from the conditions stipulated ther€ inthe lvlL/EC.

fi 6>r:i(vsekar)

Vt.l/L^kA\e.t- 11

lvt.VENXltfslt{ B ^

.B-r_},.^diocJltlNotryPUnc,.I k.id.s.mveu,am I, rJruNDLrRPEr 606107. I(Yillur!Bd Or. r.mrufd-u,I