CAE Plus RCE Body of Knowledge

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  • 8/20/2019 CAE Plus RCE Body of Knowledge


    AE Competencies &RCE Body of KnowledgeA Guide for the Successful REALTOR® 

    Association Executive

    anage the AssociationIts Business Operations

    (MODULE 1)

    Understand the Structure ofthe REALTOR® Organization

    (MODULE 2)

    Foster EffectiveInterpersonal Relationships

    (MODULE 2)

    Understand Real EstateIssues and Trends

    (MODULE 3)

    Acquire and CommValuable Informa

    (MODULE 3

    2018 Update

    The desired skills, attributes, and knowledge base of a successful REALTOR® association executive (AE) vary from association to association, depending on theassociation’s size, organizational structure, and demographics, as well as the diverseneeds of its members.

    This document identifies five competencies in which an AE shall be proficient tosuccessfully serve the evolving REALTOR® association. Within each competency thereare three levels of knowledge. Each of the five competencies is attached to a body ofknowledge that identifies topics leading to proficiency at the three defined levels. Thisdocument can be integrated into different formats for the following uses:

    • Tool/checklist for association executives to assess their own strengths and needsfor further education.

    • Reference tool for NAR’s Association Executive Committee (AEC) in planningprofessional development programming and identifying external sources ofeducation and information.

    • Preparation for the RCE exam.

    uPlease note that the RCE Body of Knowledgeis identified by a diamond symbol

  • 8/20/2019 CAE Plus RCE Body of Knowledge


    Manage the Association and Its Business OperationsAssociation executives (AEs) today need a comprehensive skill set, including the ability to prioritize time, finances, materials,space, and human resources; to plan and coordinate processes to produce desired results; build a professional environment oftrust and respect; and optimize association resources to ensure effectiveness of association decisions and provide knowledgefor members.

    ADMINISTRATIVE LEVELPossess general knowledge of business and financialoperations; establish good working relationshipswith service providers, volunteers and staff; efficientlyadminister association business.

    MANAGEMENT LEVELDevelop and manage staff around an organizationalplan with clear responsibilities; ensure that strategicplanning and business planning processes are in place.

    LEADERSHIP LEVELSeek out new and innovative programs, products andservices; develop creative management solutions;cultivate a highly evolved and trained staff team; be respected and motivating influence for staff and lead

    Association Structures and Relationships 

    u  Understand association of choice and UniversalAccess to Services

    u  Understand association structure – 501(c)6 for-profitand applicability to REALTOR® associations

    u  Understand the Three-Way agreement

    u  Understand multi-association management

    u  Understand the shared services concept

    u  Understand the advantages/disadvantages ofmergers/consolidations and describe how theyare accomplished

    u  Understand the structure of a 501(c)3 non-profitsubsidiary (i.e. charitable or education foundation)

    • Create and implement systems to meet the currentand future needs of the members

    • Identify potential opportunities to implement council

    or chapter structures or satellite offices

    u  Define and implement structural and internal aud

    • Regularly evaluate other association structures antheir potential benefits and ramifications

    • Explore and engage in discussions on shared servagreements and/or mergers, when deemed in thebest interest of the organization.

    Association Technology

    u  Understand fundamental relationship databasetechnology, including NRDS, and be able todemonstrate the skills necessary to be a POE

    Be familiar with website resources, state association websites (i.e. CRT,

    Demonstrate competency with office productivitytools, including implementation of effective andefficient communication channels, data analytics,

    accounting software, customer relationshipmanagement (CRM) applications

    Develop and manage an interactive website, asmandated by the Core Standards. Website to includelinks to other levels of the association for promotionof member programs, products and services, andaccess to professional standards and arbitrationfiling processes

    Have working knowledge of social media from theassociation perspective and how to communicatewith members and the public (i.e. Facebook, YouTube,LinkedIn, etc.)

    u  Assess computer hardware, software, and integratedtools (cloud computing, outsourced vs. in-housesolutions)

    u  Identify e-commerce options (i.e. NAR and others)

    u  Identify cyber security issues (i.e. virus protection,firewalls, backup and restore systems, hacking,password protection)

    • Use social media to communicate with membersand the public (i.e. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn,

    Instagram, etc.)

    • Stay informed about the latest technology trends bothinside and outside the real estate sector

    u  Be prepared to advise members on how to use somedia in their businesses in a professional and legmanner (i.e. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.)

    u  List and analyze technology solutions for memberand the association (i.e. electronic key systems,hardware, software, ISPs, smart devices, Internet oThings, etc.)

    • Demonstrate competency using technology tools as webinars, virtual meeting software, podcasts, c

    storage, etc.

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    u  Understand applicable IRS regulations governingfor-profit and not-for-profit corporations; unrelatedbusiness income tax (UBIT); and the basicrequirements of IRS Form 990

    u  Understand state corporate law, sales and incometax law and reporting requirements relevant to

    the associationu  Adopt policies to ensure the fiscal integrity of the

    association’s financial operations, as mandated by theCore Standards: policies and practices include basicbookkeeping skills; accounting principles; payrollmanagement; applying financial controls, includinginternal and external audit procedures; reviews and/orcompilations; enforcing policies and procedures; adopta conflict of interest and records retention policy

    u  Understand Core Standards requirements relatingto the requirement to have an audit, review orcompilation report prepared by a CPA annually basedon the annual revenue of the association:

    – If association’s annual revenues are $50,000 ormore, it must obtain a CPA report that includesan audit opinion or an accountant’s review report

    – If association annual revenues are less than$50,000 annually, it must obtain a compilationreport prepared by a CPA

    u  Forecast association financial needs and planaccordingly to meet strategic objectives

    • Understand requirements and deadlines, and developa process for completing and filing all governmentforms (e.g. 1099s, W2s)

    • Understand all aspects of the NAR dues variableformula

    u  Identify components needed to develop, monitor,and implement the association budgets, includingplanning for a capital budget

    u  Determine products, services and expectations for abusiness plan

    u  Understand and implement ecommerce applicationsand principles related to association business.

    • Develop and implement association investmentpolicies

    u  Ensure that the board of directors understands its rothe financial management of the association’s asset

    u  Understand the different corporate structures (i.eexempt [trade association], tax exempt, foundatiofor profit, parent and subsidiary companies, etc.)

    u  Determine the structure that best suits theassociation’s strategic objectives

    u  Evaluate whether a foundation can help meetassociation’s goals

    • Utilize, understand and present financial reports appropriate bodies

    Commercial Services and Structures

    u  Understand commercial structures and overlayassociations

    u  Understand the services offered to associationsthrough NAR’s Commercial and Global Services team

    u  Understand how NAR supports the commercialreal estate sector,, including resources and servicesavailable for members on, etc.

    u  Understand the Institute Affiliate Dues structure

    • Understand NAR’s industry partners, including thefive NAR commercial affiliate organizations and otherexternal organizations

    • Seek commercial accreditation from NAR

    • Provide access to NAR’s commercial resources,including research and technology tools (i.e. RPRCommercial, and commercialadvocacy information

    • Consider taking NAR’s Commercial Membership byDesign course

    • Develop programs, education, products and servidesigned to serve commercial members

    • Engage members in the commercial real estatemarketplace through communications and industevents

    • Understand and address real estate advocacy neeand concerns

    • Seek out best practices for serving commercialmembers

    • Utilize the Commercial Innovation Grant Programdeveloping programs for commercial members

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    u  Comply with the provisions of the ADA, as well asstate and local fire marshal, zoning, and occupancyrestrictions

    u  Implement appropriate risk reduction/insuranceactivities

    • Maintain a list of all capital equipment with datepurchased, and include depreciation and potentialreplacement costs

    • Create a contact list of vendors who provide servicesin your building so the association is prepared in anemergency

    • Maintain a file of all services and contractsperformed in the building with date serviceperformed, provider and cost

    • Have an emergency response plan for evacuationsand lockdowns that outlines staff options; reviewplan with staff annually

    u  Perform needs assessments for facilities andequipment; develop RFPs for significant purchases

    u  Understand the issues related to maintenance, lease,and purchase agreements

    • Have a maintenance plan for building, grounds, andequipment

    • Understand the principles of property management

    • Coordinate vendor selection and manage ongoingsupplier relationships

    • Stay informed about sustainable building conceptsand smart building technologies; implement infacilities and operations as feasible

    • Create an annual capital asset replacement plan

    • Understand the differences between on-premisesequipment (capital expense) and managed servicesthrough a cloud-based provider (operationalexpense)

    • Understand the basics of building design and be advocate for sustainable features

    • Purchase/lease equipment or facilities based on cbenefit analysis

    Human Resource Managementu  Identify and understand employee hiring and

    termination procedures, and be able to documentactions in compliance with employment law

    u  Understand appropriate federal and stateemployment issues including worker’s compensationinsurance, wrongful dismissal and unemploymentclaims

    u  Identify questions that may/may not be asked in job interviews

    u  Know the classes protected by federal and state law

    u  Understand the differences between exempt andnon-exempt positions

    u  Understand the ramifications of hiring anindependent contractor

    u  Maintain current job descriptions for each staffmember

    u  Conduct annual performance reviews for eachemployee

    • Ensure all employee records are properly filedand secure

    • Review and update of HR policies and procedures/employee handbook on an annual basis

    • Implement effective communication channels andstrategies to engage staff and resolve disputes

    • Provide employee coaching and frequent

    performance feedback; know the steps to correctiveaction

    • Provide and utilize the association’s up-to-date,legally compliant, and association-approvedemployee handbook

    • Develop a checklist for new employee orientation

    • Demonstrate knowledge of employee compensationand benefits

    • Motivate, guide, coach, mentor, and developemployees

    • Develop, utilize and manage association’scompensation and benefits programs and providecomparative data to ensure employee retention

    • Annually assess health and other insurance costs toensure programs align with budget

    • Create, review, and update procedures for supervisoryfunctions and duties in compliance with policies andprocedures

    • Develop a succession plan and implement employeecross-training to grow and develop employees

    • Develop conflict resolution solutions with employees

    • Succession strategy: development of successionstrategies for key association positions (such as anemergency transition plan, ongoing development ofkey staff)

    • Understand when staff structures need to be revisedto achieve organizational goals

    • Track employment trends and implement changehiring practices as appropriate

    • Utilize resources for management, including salasurveys and benefit comparisons

    • Demonstrate change management skills and abilto adapt to change

    • Understand workforce differences related toemployee needs and work styles

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    u  Maintain, or have access to legal counsel, asmandated by the Core Standards

    u  Understand the application of the Americans withDisabilities Act (ADA), state and local regulationsto association activities and ensure compliance,including website accessibility compliance

    u  Have an in-depth understanding of antitrust lawsand ensure association’s compliance with these laws

    u  Understand how copyright laws impact theassociation and ensure compliance

    u  Understand how music, software, and photo usagelicensing laws impact the association and ensurecompliance

    u  Implement and maintain a document retention policyand ensure compliance

    u  Minimize liability for the association, officers,directors, committees, and employees

    u  Understand and ensure compliance with trademarkpolicies applicable to the REALTOR® trademark

    u  Understand conflict of interest/duty of loyalty policiesu  Understand intellectual property rights and

    implement compliance policies for images onwebsites, disability issues like accessibility ofwebsites, and other issues

    u  Understand insurance policies, coverage, and limitsof insurance, particularly NAR’s umbrella professionalliability policy and the general liability policy

    u  Be aware of patent issues in the industry

    u  Understand the legal liabilities of social media

    • Work with association legal counsel as required

    • Be aware of NAR and state association Legal ActionFunds and legal resources

    • Have a working knowledge of state real estatelicense laws and the separate roles of the licensing/regulatory body and the association

    • Be aware of local and state business licenserequirements

    • Demonstrate the ability to manage relationships withlegal counsel and auditors

    • Understand and determine coverage and limits ofNAR’s Umbrella Policy

    • Analyze differences between insurance policies andintegrate with commercial coverage where applicable

    • Keep abreast of current real estate legal andregulatory issues at the federal, state and local level

    • Understand legal and financial implications ofthe association and its relationship with the MLSincluding preservation of the association’s tax-exempt status if applicable

    • Develop educational materials and/or conductsession for members on risk reduction

    • Advocate at local, state and federal level regardireal estate-related legal and regulatory issues

    • Establish and nurture relationships with regulatobodies dealing with real estate

    • Understand the difference between the functionsand authority of regulatory agencies and legislativeentities, and how government works at all three le

    • Understand vendor contracts and potential liabilifor association


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    u  Develop policies with volunteers regarding committeeand agenda preparation, defining the purpose of themeeting, meeting notices, materials preparation andrecording of meeting minutes pursuant to associationpolicy and Robert’s Rules of Order

    u  Work with volunteers to develop successful meeting

    and event planning procedures including speaker andsite selection, room set-up, AV use, food/ beverage andregistration and fees

    u  Understand basic elements of meetings contracts,including cancellation policies, insurance policies andvendor liability law

    u  Ensure policies are in place to address attendeesrequiring special accommodations

    u  Develop procedures for meeting follow-up andevaluation

    • Handle speaker/special guest arrangements

    • Implement meeting policies, including registrations,cancellations, and refunds

    • Work with volunteers to seek sponsors for programsand events

    • Ensure association calendar is updated with meetingand event information

    • Promote conferences, trade shows and otherassociation events

    u  Utilize technology tools for conference calls,videoconferencing, podcasts, webinars, etc.

    • Plan conferences, trade shows, and other associationevents

    • Conduct surveys, focus groups, task forces andcommittees for member input on meetings

    • Identify and recruit appropriate speakers formeetings

    • Develop relationships with key sponsors to ensurecontinued association involvement

    • Participate in professional meeting groups

    u  Research and negotiate favorable contracts forspeakers and facilities

    • Create sponsorship programs, coalitions andpartnerships to enhance association goals

    Membership Development

    u  Gain basic understanding of strategic goals formembership development

    u  Understand the membership classifications and the

    membership benefits at all three levels of REALTOR


     associations (local, state, and national)

    • Understand the motivating factors behind a realestate licensee’s decision to join the REALTOR® association

    • Know the current composition/demographics ofthe REALTOR® association membership and non-member licensees

    • Understand the economic climate, along with realestate and general market conditions, impactingthe industry

    • Assess the needs of members in all segments inorder to effectively address those issues

    • Gain basic understanding of member benefitsand programs at all three levels of the REALTOR® organization

    • Ensure programs and benefits are reviewed, updated,and discontinued, if necessary, at least annually

    u  Create realistic membership goals that are reflectedin the association’s strategic plan

    u  Develop a member value proposition

    • Develop appropriate methods of member retention• Obtain the resources necessary to accomplish

    membership goals

    • Understand the relationship of the association andprimary MLS

    • Interact with members through outreach to promotethe value of the association/MLS

    u  Understand membership trends in real estate andother industries and measure the impact of thosetrends on the application

    • Formulate a plan of action that will accomplish thmembership goals in the strategic plan

    • Create and maintain the member’s value proposi

    • Position the REALTOR® Code of Ethics as thefoundation of REALTOR® membership

    • Implement ongoing evaluation and updating ofmembership goals, value proposition and program

    • Promote the value of the REALTOR® brand

    • Identify, develop and promote member benefitstargeted at specific member segments

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    u  Recognize the main elements of strategic plans,business plans, and mission and vision statementsand develop them appropriately

    u  Annually adopt a strategic or business plan thatmeets or exceeds NAR’s Organizational AlignmentCore Standards

    • Regularly provide status/progress reports on strategicor business plans to the board of directors

    • Recognize the importance of effective needs analysis,including both surveys and focus groups

    • Know how to conduct an association member survey

    • Utilize NAR’s planning resources including theREALTOR® Association Models Planning Tooland other NAR planning tools available

    • Drawing on the association’s history and culture,implement programs, products, and services thatadvance the direction determined by the association

    • Manage the elements of a strategic planning

    session, including location, agenda, responsibilities,assignments, review and follow-up

    u  Regularly examine industry trends that may impactthe association’s vision, mission and/or strategic orbusiness plan, and report to volunteer leadership

    • Communicate plans, goals, and vision to themembership annually, or more frequently, using allrelevant association communication channels

    • Manage the process of forming a strategic planningcommittee, selecting a facilitator and assuring thatdiverse stakeholders are represented

    • Develop business plans for the overall association,as well as for new products/services, and managebudget integration

    u  Effectively integrate strategic and business plannobjectives into the budgeting process.

    u  Understand and utilize best practices for gatherininformation, including member surveys, focusgroups, etc.

    u  Understand impacts of demographic differences

    address the desires and needs of future membersand leadership when planning and visioning

    • Recognize key business elements that impacteffective planning, including technology,dissemination of data (i.e. MLS), communicationsfinances, staff and strategic partnerships

    • Attain strategic plan success by monitoringassociation results compared with goals

    • Review strategic plans from other associations,including NAR, state and local associations, durinthe planning and visioning process

    Product/Program Development

    u  Identify core vs. optional services and determinewhether the product/service offering is consistent withassociation’s mission statement and strategic plan

    u  Identify available NAR, state, and local programsand products and communicate the offerings tomembership

    u  Assess the impact of a product or program for anyassociation liability, impact on tax status, and staffing

    • Periodically re-evaluate association products/ servicesthroughout the product life-cycle

    • Ensure membership is aware of affinity/partnerrelationships offered by NAR

    u  Develop and conduct a member needs assessmentto determine products and services needed bymembership

    u  Develop and conduct member, market, andcompetitive research to determine if the product/service is feasible for delivery, including a cost/benefit analysis

    u  Create a business plan for products/services

    including the product requirements, rationale,funding and implementation plan

    • Identify the components and benefits of eachproduct/service (including non-dues revenueopportunities)

    • Identify current/future trends affecting membershipand select products/services based on the researchand association objectives

    • Identify and create strategic alliances, sharedservices, and affinity relationships, if necessary, todeliver association member services

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    Professional Services

    u  Understand how to conduct needs analysis forprofessional services

    u  Understand how to prepare an RFP for potentialvendors


      Understand the key issues, including cost/budget,purchase vs. lease, length of contract term andrenewal, responsible parties, etc.

    • Identify competent professional service relationships(legal counsel, financial consultants and auditors,technical/computer consultants, managementconsultants, government affairs/lobbyist or othercontractors, building maintenance, marketingand public relations consultants, et al.) andmatch prospective service providers with theassociation’s needs

    u  Identify and develop criteria for the procurement,management, evaluation and termination ofprofessional service relationships: legal counsel,financial consultants and auditors, technical/computer consultants, et al.

    u  Develop negotiation skills for procuring newservices, determining terms of agreement, basiccontract language, and contract provisions such asindemnification (coverage of association for potentialliability issues), use of association marks, andlocation of arbitration; and ongoing executionof the contract (i.e. negotiating billing disputes)

    • Select, contract and educate: legal counsel, financonsultants and auditors, technical/computerconsultants, et al., on required local, state andnational policies

    • Know when to consult with legal counsel, e.g. nearea of service, any potential liability, review ofcontract, dispute resolution

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    UNDERSTAND THE STRUCTURE OF THE REALTOR® ORGANIZATIONWITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE EVOLVING REAL ESTATE INDUSTRYDemonstrate the ability to analyze, interpret, and apply REALTOR® association governance, policies, and procedures tounderstand and work with the governance and structure of the REALTOR ® association.

    ADMINISTRATIVE LEVELUnderstand the fundamental structure of the REALTOR® organization; ensure that association’s governingdocuments comply with NAR requirements.

    MANAGEMENT LEVELHave an in-depth understanding of NAR policies andprocedures, as well as local and state associations; takean active role in the REALTOR® organization.

    LEADERSHIP LEVELMake a difference – contribute to policy formulationthe direction of the REALTOR® organization.

    Governing Documents and Policy

    u  Understand the components of and be able to apply/comply with the following: Bylaws, NAR ModelBylaws; Constitution; and Articles of Incorporation

    u  Understand and enforce the REALTOR® dues formula

    u  Know the function and purpose of governingdocuments, policies, and procedures

    u  Maintain governing documents in compliance withNAR policy

    u  Be able to obtain approval of governing documentsby NAR (a condition of coverage under NAR’s MasterProfessional Liability Insurance Policy)

    • Know the state association’s constitution and bylaws• Know governing MLS rules and regulations

    (if applicable)

    • Educate volunteer leaders about key documentsand policies

    • Periodically review the association’s governingdocuments and policies 

    • Determine how often the documents should berevised and the process for revision and approval(board of directors/ membership vote, etc.)

    • Attend NAR meetings to learn about upcomingchanges in bylaws, policies, and/or MLS rules andregulations and present needed changes to theappropriate governing bodies of the associationfor implementation

    • Understand the difference between bylaws (broadstatement) and policies (precise statements);understand how and who can modify or amendbylaws and policies


    • Identify trends and situations that could create aconflict with existing governing documents

    • Understand the roles of volunteer leadership vs.staff responsibilities

    • Educate volunteer leaders on their fiduciary duespursuant to the association’s bylaws and othergoverning documents

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    ADMINISTRATIVE LEVEL MANAGEMENT LEVEL LEADERSHIP LEVELInstitutes, Societies, and Councils, and NAR Designations, Certifications, and Certificate Courses

    u  Identify the Institutes, Societies and Councils andunderstand the scope of their respective designations

    u  Identify the various NAR Designations andCertifications and Certificate Courses and understandtheir purpose in the marketplace

    u  Be aware of programs offered by REALTOR® University

    • Be aware of designations outside the REALTOR® family and understand the disclaimers that must beused if offering them

    u  Identify and assess the need for developing specialtysections or councils (i.e., appraisers, propertymanagers, et al.)

    u  Know the steps needed to bring a NAR designationor certification course to the association andwhat resources and support are offered by NAR

    and the ISCs• Identify partnership opportunities when offering

    designation courses and the potential for non-duesincome

    • Promote and/or offer NAR/ISC designation andcertification programs to increase the levels of skilland professionalism in the membership

    • Understand the support provided for educationdirectors at the NAR meeting, online communities,course provider resource pages, and marketingassistance

    • Manage the local chapters of Institutes, SocietiesCouncils

    • Establish specialty sections/councils and developprograms to meet members’ needs

    • Quantify the value of designations to a member’scareer

    Membership Policies and Proceduresu  Understand association of choice and how policies

    apply to other association services:

    – Identify how association of choice applies to adesignated REALTOR®

    – Identify how association of choice applies to afirm’s licensees where the firm’s DR belong todifferent associations and where the firm operatesin multi-state markets

    – Identify the requirement for a REALTOR® (nonprincipal) to choose an association as primary

    – Identify how NAR dues formula applies to aDR who holds both primary membership in oneassociation and secondary membership in another

    – Identify whether a secondary member may receiveMLS services

    u  Understand and ensure compliance as mandated bythe Core Standards

    u  Identify, implement and enforce member policies andprocedures, including:

    – types of membership

    – membership qualification criteria

    – application process

    – membership privileges and obligations (includingbiennial Code of Ethics training requirement)

    – membership suspension, expulsion or termination

    u  Develop and conduct new member orientations asrequired by NAR

    • Understand membership policies and proceduresutilizing resources on

    • Promote online or in-person Code of Ethics classesthat satisfy the NAR Code of Ethics trainingrequirement

    u  Understand and ensure compliance as mandated bythe Core Standards

    • Define who is responsible for policies and procedures

    • Educate volunteer leaders on the implications ofassociation of choice

    • Review and revise new member orientationcurriculum as necessary

    • Understand potential membership issues that coube raised among staff and members

    • Ensure the implementation of effective governanstructures

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    MLS Policies and Delivery of Services

    u  Understand the value and purpose of MLS, includingancillary services

    u  Be able to describe the differences between core,basic and optional services

    u  Understand the difference between an MLS

    subscriber and participant and how their rights/privileges differ

    u  Understand the different MLS operational structures(committees, corporations and regional entities) andthe NAR MLS policies and model documents

    u  Understand listing content management anddistribution including ownership (copyright vs.license) and authorized displays and possible usesof MLS data by participants, subscribers, and othersincluding IDX, VOW, syndication, aggregation andother service vendors

    u  Understand NAR Model MLS Rules and their impacton MLS services and delivery


      Understand the value and functions of RESO, datadictionary, WEB API and industry data standards

    u  Enforce NAR MLS Rules and Regulations, includingthe NAR MLS Antitrust Compliance Policy

    • Ensure policies are in compliance with NAR MLSpolicies and model documents

    • Offer ongoing MLS training sessions

    • Understand the use of MLS data, both confidentialand public

    u  Understand state and federal regulations and NARpolicy governing MLS functions and use of listingcontent, including copyrights, advertising andownership of MLS data, licensing, agency, procuringcause, compensation, intellectual property rights andantitrust and enforcement procedures

    u  Understand the potential benefits of MLSregionalization, cooperative and reciprocalagreements

    • Analyze and periodically review third-party licensingagreements to ensure data security and integrity

    • Develop guidelines for data management access andprotection, ownership/copyright violations, includingappropriate steps for enforcement

    • Understand MLS/association management systemsto communicate, integrate and deliver MLS services

    u  Develop and implement policies regarding data ffor subscribers, participants and third-parties

    u  Develop and implement policies regarding the pudistribution and use of MLS statistics

    • Form collaborative groups to share/distribute

    MLS data in the best interest of participants andsubscribers

    • Support standardization of MLS industry data asrecommended by RESO and NAR

    • Participate in MLS related vendor selections andfoster continuing vendor relations

    • Stay informed of proprietary and license issues,strategic alliances, and their ramifications

    • Understand intellectual property and privacy issurelated to MLS databases

    • Monitor and understand external market influencand industry trends to identify future innovators.

    • Explore new MLS products and services

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    u  Know the local, state, and national expectationsfor voter registration of REALTORS®, Call-For-Action (CFA) Rates, and REALTOR® Political ActionCommittee (RPAC) fundraising

    u  Identify information, programs, and data available forREALTOR® voting engagement efforts

    u  Understand the expectations and directions of theCore Standards’ Advocacy section on political andgovernment affairs programs

    u  Be able to find information about the differentpolitical action committees (PACs), political funding,grants, programming and other resources at thelocal, state, and national level

    • Be familiar with resources

    • Understand the local, state, and national resourcesand methods to achieve CFA success

    • Be able to identify and contact elected/appointed/staff officials on the municipal, county, state, and

    federal levels that represent the association’s area

    • Identify which officials are shared with other localassociations and combine resources to maximizeaccess and influence

    • Understanding basic guidance on PAC lawcompliance for REALTOR® organizations

    • Be familiar with the local, state, and national RPACfundraising levels and contribution methods

    • Locate resources to identify current and pastcontributions of REALTORS® to RPAC and relatedPAC/campaign funding programs

    • Possess basic understanding of the legislative process

    u  Understand and identify the fundamentals ofapplying for NAR grants, programs, and fundingsources

    u  Identify resources for evaluating and supportingcandidates with PAC fundraising and independentexpenditures

    • Coordinate with neighboring associations, thestate/local associations, and coalitions on keyissues and efforts

    • Be intimately familiar with the application process ofthe various political programs, grants and resourcesat the local, state, and national levels

    • Have connections with government affairsprofessionals at the local, state, and nationalassociations who administer political andgovernment affairs activities, including PAC legalcompliance

    • Develop and administer education programs forREALTOR® voter registration, CFA, and fundraising

    programs• Develop and administer programs for monitoring and

    advocating for government affairs priorities at thelocal, state, and national level

    • Understand the role of the local Government AffairsDirector (GAD) and associated responsibilities(monitoring governments, reporting to members,representing the association in public policydevelopment, etc.)

    u  Identify both traditional and non-traditional coalipartners, and ways REALTOR® goals and valuesalign with other organizations, such as real estateindustry organizations, housing and finance tradeassociations, property rights coalitions, workforceand affordable housing organizations and chamb

    of commerceu  Identify multiple strategies including grants/resou

    to support a successful RPAC fundraising strategy(Use of PAC management systems, fundraisinggrants, major donor programs)

    u  Identify resources available for policy developmenstrategies and support (Land Use Initiative, HousiAffordability & Smart Growth Grants, Polling)

    • Promote and advance legislation/regulationfavorable to the real estate industry at the local,state and national levels

    • Provide resources and training to encourage meminvolvement in political campaigns.

    • Look for opportunities for leadership participation high visibility, key communication or statewide gro

    • Organize attendance at the National AssociationLegislative Meetings and/or the state’s legislativeactivities/lobby day

    • Develop strategies to identify and elect REALTORmembers and other candidates that support realestate issues

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    u  Know components of the Code of Ethics, the NARHandbook on Multiple Listing Policy, and the Code ofEthics and Arbitration Manual (CEAM)

    u  Be able to explain the duties of the REALTOR® underthe Code of Ethics and how they apply to his/herdaily business

    u  Describe the general steps for processing an ethicscomplaint and for processing an arbitration request(including who is eligible to file and the differencesbetween an ethics complaint and an arbitrationrequest)

    u  Know the role and scope of the GrievanceCommittee, Professional Standards Committee andthe Board of Directors in conducting ethics hearings,arbitration hearings and appeal hearings

    u  Understand and enforce NAR’s Code of Ethicstraining requirements

    u  Understand and enter into a cooperativeenforcement agreement

    u  Understand NAR’s REALTOR® Association DisputeResolution Process

    u  List the basic principles of due process and how theyapply to administrative timelines and the role of theAssociation Executive to ensure parties a fair andimpartial hearing

    u  Understand the differences between mandatory andvoluntary arbitration

    u  Know the elements of an ethics decision including:(1) clearly articulated findings of facts that supportthe conclusion and are reasonably applicable to thecited articles (2) progressive discipline and (3) useDeclaratory Relief when appropriate

    u  Understand what a REALTOR® association maypublish about a member found in violation of theCode of Ethics

    • Complete state and NAR professional standardstraining, such as the Certified Professional StandardsAdministrator Course

    • Ensure that the members of the ProfessionalStandards Committee understand the basic definitionof procuring cause

    • Review the CEAM with the members of theProfessional Standards Committee and acknowledgeany conflicts with state law

    u  Promote and explain the benefits of the disputeresolution system (DRS) for buyer and seller

    u  Promote and explain the benefits of the mediation

    u  Promote and explain the benefits of the ombudsmanservice


      Understand the role of the board of directors in theprofessional standards process

    u  Understand both employee and member roles in theobservance of confidentiality

    u  Understand who must be disqualified/excused fromany tribunal considering a professional standardsmatter

    u  Understand the optional sections in the CEAM thatmay be adopted at the discretion of the association

    u  Understand the options available to REALTOR® associations to expedite complaints – Fast Trackprocessing, ethics mediation, citation policy,anonymous complaints, expedited administrative

    ethics proceduresu  Understand the principles of progressive discipline

    u  Understand the Core Standards that apply toprofessional standards

    • Apply mediation techniques learned by participatingin mediation training

    • Provide training for Grievance and ProfessionalStandards Committees

    • Understand the importance of cross-trainingassociation employees in professional standards toprovide a consistent level of member service

    • Involve legal counsel in professional standardsenforcement as needed

    u  Promote the benefits of the mediation process ascompared to the arbitration process

    u  Promote the benefits of the ombudsman processcompared to the ethics process

    • Promote an environment of camaraderie amongcompetitors

    • Promote the professional standards process as anequitable means of dispute resolution

    • Promote the professional standards process as ameans to promote professionalism

    • Understand areas of the Code of Ethics that areinconsistent with state law/regulations and informmembers

    • Understand the relationship between REALTORS®

    the various tribunals, and their roles compared toAEs in the professional standards process

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    FOSTER EFFECTIVE INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSDemonstrate the ability to accomplish objectives through effective relationships and partnerships with a variety of internaland external constituencies and coalitions; integrate social, organizational, and technological considerations to implementthe most efficient structures and processes; effectively manage and work with staff and volunteers and to developeffective coalitions.

    ADMINISTRATIVE LEVELBuild an internal and external network of professionalesources for the association.

    MANAGEMENT LEVELPlan and implement alliances and partnerships in thecommunity; become a credible source for real estateissues in the community.

    LEADERSHIP LEVELTake the lead in developing strategic alliancerelationships – coordinate ef forts, build coalitions, seout a leadership role at NAR; shape and develop futleaders; serve as a mentor.

    Working with External Organizations

    u  Identify and use NAR grants (Smart Growth ActionGrants, Commercial Innovation Grants, DiversityInitiative Grants, et al.)

    • Encourage and foster partnerships within theREALTOR® family - with NAR, the state association,and other local REALTOR® associations such as YPN,Equal Opportunity-Cultural Diversity, Green-SmartGrowth, et al.)

    • Develop a planning document for collaborativeefforts with other organizations using collaborationplanning tools

    • Share results of collaborations with leadership andmembership

    • Understand how collaboration with externalorganizations meets the goals and expectations ofCore Standards

    • Encourage and foster partnerships with otherlocal real estate industry groups (i.e. homebuildersassociation, mortgage bankers association, local Barassociation, commercial real estate groups, chambersof commerce, community building and economicdevelopment groups, local colleges, technical schools,county and city commissioners, local school systems,local elected officials, service clubs).

    • Identify the value for members in participating inthese partnerships

    • Become involved in relevant NAR and statecommittees

    • Encourage and foster partnerships toward shared gwith the local chapters of other real estate associati(i.e. AREAA, NAHREP, NAREB, FIABCI, etc.)

    • Encourage and foster partnerships with businessspecialties - (CCIM, Global, Resort & Second HomAppraisal, Auction, Association Management,Brokers, Buyer Representative, Green, Short Salesand Foreclosures, Senior Market, Land

    • Provide networking opportunities among groups share mutual knowledge and information

    • Consider partnerships such as:

      – Combining statistics press releases with mortg

    bankers, home builders, and commercial broke  – Working with local bar associations on forms a

    training for members

      – Sharing networking events to introduce membto the leadership of external organizations.

      – Getting association committees involved withexternal organizations as appropriate (i.e. YounREALTORS® Network could be working with a Young Professionals Network; Legislative AdvoCommittee could be working with the Chambeor business groups on shared legislative prioritProfessional Development/Education Committecould be partnering with local high schools,colleges or technical schools to share knowledg

    on the real estate industry and the benefits ofhome ownership)

      – Identify instructors to teach certain topics to mem

    • Become a leader by chairing NAR committees anwork groups

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    Working with Volunteers

    u  Understand the role of leadership, volunteersand staff

    u  Understand the differences between committee,task forces and work groups

    u  Implement an annual call for volunteer leaders

    u  Identify training and other opportunities forvolunteers to develop their leadership skills

    • Ensure that volunteer leaders have a generalunderstanding of association policies and thatthey are in compliance with such policies

    • Recognize volunteer efforts

    • Educate volunteers on how to act in the bestinterest of the association

    u  Implement programs to train and develop effectivecommittee and work group leaders

    u  Develop programs to recruit, recognize, and retainvolunteers

    u  Understand and accommodate volunteers’

    generational and motivational preferences• Obtain feedback from volunteers regarding their

    experiences and use the feedback to enhance futureinteractions

    • Determine the necessary competencies andexperience needed to be an association officer/leader

    • Develop systems to ensure successful volunteer/staff collaboration

    • Partner with leaders to craft work plans to achieveassociation goals

    • Anticipate and implement measures to ensureleadership continuity

    • Train volunteers how to act in best interest of the


    u  Implement and ensure access to a leadershiptraining program

    u  Understand, and accommodate different leadershstyles, personality types, generational andmotivational preferences

    • Develop an inclusive leadership recruitment progthat reflects the diverse makeup of an associationgeographic area and membership

    • Foster relationships of trust and inclusivenessbetween members and staff

    • Identify member candidates for state and nationaleadership training programs or academies

    • Mentor and promote outstanding volunteers forhigher positions within the REALTOR® family

    • Align volunteer input with the needs and goalsof the association

    • Adapt non-traditional models to tap newvolunteer talent

    • Empower volunteers to act in best interest ofthe organization

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    UNDERSTAND REAL ESTATE ISSUES AND TRENDSUnderstand the diverse issues that foster a successful real estate operation, as well as the forces that are shaping theindustry; manage these changes to ensure an environment that puts the REALTOR ® at the center of every real estatetransaction; analyze and affect the impact of issues and trends in the industry.

    ADMINISTRATIVE LEVELPossess a basic understanding of the real estate industry– functions of an agent, broker, firm; understandmembers and their business in your market area.

    MANAGEMENT LEVELDevelop a working knowledge of real estate licenselaws and real estate firm operations; focus more onthe industry and industry trends; develop workingrelationships with your organization’s internal andexternal constituents.

    LEADERSHIP LEVELIdentify critical issues and trends before they impact members; build trust and confidence in the associatiand its members.

    Diversity and Global

    u  Recognize the many types of diversity (age, gender,ethnic background, etc.) in local markets, in themembership and in association leadership

    • Identify sources of information on current generalindustry trends

    • Identify sources of information on demographics inthe community, the market and the membership

    • Identify sources of information on global investmentresearch

    • Identify sources of information on local and stateassociation global business councils and localchapters of multicultural real estate organizations

    • Recognize and be aware of available globaleducation

    u  Identify the purposes of NAR’s Leading with Diversityworkshop and Diversity Grants

    u  Raise awareness of NAR Global Programs andservices to share with members

    u  Understand the impact of members’ listings

    • Understand market demographics and the sources ofthat information

    • Communicate global trends, statistics, and ideas tothe membership and leadership

    • Strive to structure board of directors/committees to

    reflect the diverse membership• Identify potential leaders representing diverse

    cultures, experiences and demographics

    u  Understand how diversity and inclusivenesscontribute to achieving association goals

    • Promote coalition building in the real estate induincluding internal and external partners

    • Identify and promote community outreach prograleadership development programs, and mentorinprograms for global and diversity

    Fair Housing

    u  Be aware of federal, state, and local fair housinglaws, types of potential violations, and wherecomplaints may be filed

    u  Know the application of Article 10 of the Codeof Ethics

    u  Identify advertising practices that may have a fairhousing impact

    • Become familiar with fair housing materials availablefor members and the public

    • Promote the principles of fair housing

    • Develop or provide fair housing programs

    • Incorporate fair housing issues into educationprograms

    • Develop regular fair housing communicationsto members

    • Be familiar with NAR fair housing resources andgrant opportunities to support local initiatives.

    • Understand how fair housing laws are enforcedin the community and educate members on fairhousing testing

    • Develop coalitions and working relationshipswith key community organizations, leaders, andmulticultural real estate organizations

    • Understand the association’s role in supporting fhousing practices

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    u  Know the basics of real estate contract law

    u  Understand license law and regulations; identifyagencies that regulate licensees

    u  Understand the liabilities inherent in real estateactivities (e.g. misrepresentation, negligence, etc.)

    u  Be knowledgeable of disclosures and documentations

    to reduce liability (e.g. Megan’s Law, stigmas etc.)u  Understand basic listing/sales procedures, and terminology

    u  Understand disclosure requirements

    u  Describe the difference between Exclusive Right toSell and Exclusive Agency agreements

    u  Understand independent contractor status andbrokerage models

    u  Have basic understanding of agency and agencyrelationships

    • Have a general understanding of basic real estateforms, particularly those offered by the local and stateassociations and ensure forms are regularly updated

    • Have a general understanding of TRID (TILA/RESPAIntegrated Disclosures)

    • Identify NAR resources for brokers

    u  Be knowledgeable of real estate office employmentissues

    u  Be knowledgeable of record-keeping requirementsfor real estate practitioners

    u  Understand broker/agent relationships

    • Understand ancillary services (e.g. mortgage,

    title, etc.)• Understand the rules governing personal assistants

    • Understand privacy laws (Do-Not-Call/Fax, CanSpam, etc.) as they pertain to real estate

    • Be knowledgeable of all continuing educationrequirements for real estate practitioners

    • Be knowledgeable of available resources forpractitioners to meet their state required CEcourses for license renewal

    • Understand fiduciary and non-fiduciary rolesand responsibilities of licensees in facilitatinga transaction

    • Promote the association as the preferred forum fseeking solutions to common industry challenges

    • Be recognized as the source for general real estainformation in the community

    • Identify the impact of internal and external issues trends on the business of broker/ owners and agen

    Real Estate Issues and Trends

    u  Work with leadership and volunteers to identify theindustry’s major member/broker liability issues.

    u  Understand the day-to-day operations of real estatepractitioners

    u  Understand the types of government regulationimpacting real estate brokerage, licensing andeducational requirements

    • Be aware of business issues affecting brokers andagents, including safety, data privacy, etc.

    • Be knowledgeable about brokerage business models

    u  Have a working knowledge of the basic economicsof prevailing real estate brokerage business models(e.g. split commission, 100% commission, limitedservice) and their impact on members

    u  Understand trends affecting the transfer andownership of real estate; this includes funding,document processing, title and escrow, and taxes

    u  Understand regulations affecting the ownership andtransfer of real estate, fair housing, and diversity

    • Recognize and respond to trends in associationmanagement, such as membership increases/decrease, membership demands, communicationtrends, service trends, dues and pricing structures,and related demographics

    • Understand the dynamics of competing interestsin the brokerage business and their impact on theassociation

    • Provide/develop safety education programming forassociation members

    • Understand the current regulatory and legislativeenvironment and how changes in major regulationsor laws could affect the real estate industry

    • Be familiar with paperless transactions and theirimpact on the real estate industry

    • Effectively communicate relevant information aboutthe economic and policy environment to members

    u  Identify, evaluate and develop action plans toaddress emerging real estate issues and trends

    u  Understand how the rapid evolution of technologimpacts deliverables (products and services) ofassociations and MLSs

    u  Stay informed about social, political, technology anddemographic trends and how those trends affect threal estate market and the business activity of memb

    u  Develop a leadership pipeline that accommodatechanging member demographics and real estatebusiness trends

    u  Analyze the impact of changing consumer demanand demographics and provide direction to memband the association

    u  Be knowledgeable about consumer demands andtrends affecting the real estate transaction, includcompetitive entities and services to REALTORS®,such as FSBOs, third party aggregators, syndicatioenergy and green, MLS services and potentialreplacements, and related technologies

    • Develop methodologies to anticipate changes orpossible changes to the economy and the regulatand legislative environment that could impact thebusiness of real estate

    • Work with leadership to understand the economiand political nuances of local communities; estabthe association as a strategic resource and achampion of support/change

    • Identify collaborative opportunities to effectively efficiently serve members in the communities whethey live, work, and play

    • Assess and forecast the economy’s impact on thereal estate business

    • Provide programs to assist and educate practitionengaged in specialty real estate

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    COMMUNICATE VALUABLE INFORMATIONIdentify, acquire, interpret, and communicate valuable information to association members and external audiences;market programs and services that meet member needs; use knowledge, skills, and technological tools to achieve desiredresults; relate information from outside sources to support members in their day-to-day business.

    ADMINISTRATIVE LEVELdentify appropriate communication channels and usehem effectively to gain and disseminate information.


    MANAGEMENT LEVELIdentify and analyze valuable information, andcommunicate its impact; manage comprehensivepublic relations and outreach programs to build theassociation’s image in the community.

    LEADERSHIP LEVELBecome a trusted and sought-after source of valuainformation for the public, the media and affiliatedprofessionals; master communication methods tocollect and disseminate “knowledge”; develop acomprehensive member communications program.


    u  Work with volunteers to create and implementa communications plan, including the process,frequency and delivery of messages

    • Determine the most important messages tocommunicate with members, and the best deliverymethod for the message

    • Utilize effective listening skills

    • Utilize appropriate business writing skills

    • Ensure president, president-elect and associationstaff subscribe to relevant NAR communicationvehicles, such as newsletters, magazines, blogs,podcasts and social media groups

    • Effectively communicate programs, products, andservices through written, verbal, and multi-mediaor digital channels

    • Advance association initiatives and goals throughwritten, verbal, and multimedia communications

    u  Learn to effectively use print, email, web, socialmedia, and video communication channels

    u  Understand and adhere to copyright privacy andtrademark laws

    • Survey membership audiences to determinecommunication effectiveness; capture datarelated to member inquiries and analyze for bestcommunication practices

    • Utilize specialized writing skills for variouscommunications, such as scripts, social media posts,speeches, blogs and articles

    • Assess the effectiveness of the association’s

    communications program

    • Seek out public speaking engagements and providespokesperson training

    • Develop a communications plan targetingmembership segments, including newsletters,brochures, advertising vehicles, web sites, socialmedia, etc.

    • Ensure an effective communication platform andpolicies are in place establishing best practices forsocial media, text messaging, videoconferences, etc.

    u  Analyze current online communication channelsand develop a comprehensive platform that includesign, data security, e-commerce features, andmethods to drive traffic to the site(s)

    u  Implement a process to respond to feedback onsocial media platforms and other online channels

    • Research and utilize emerging communicationtechnologies, such as mobile and team chatapplications

    • Use analytics to understand members’ desires foinformation and adjust communication practicesaccordingly

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    u  Develop and maintain effective education programrecord keeping and administration

    u  Understand and utilize educational resourcesavailable through the NAR family of REALTOR® organizations

    • Understand the process for course approval

    u  Identify delivery systems and explore cost-effectivesources

    u  Be able to negotiate instructor fees and expenses,room rental, and other costs of providing educationalcourses

    u  Determine course fees based upon a cost analysis

    • Conduct education needs assessments based onmember demographics and trends

    • Evaluate possible new course offerings or instructorsto meet the needs and wants of the members

    • Develop an effective evaluation process for eacheducational offering and compile a summary forevaluation and planning purposes

    • Develop an annual education plan withcorresponding budget

    • Encourage professional development of theassociation staff

    • Promote the association’s educational offerings

    • Work with state and neighboring associations, aswell as local members, to present training programs

    • Utilize or develop curriculum with instructionalobjectives

    • Provide instructor training when appropriate

    • Assess course evaluations regularly to maintain quality

    u  Develop the association’s overall value propositiofor education, and its long-term impact on theassociation budget

    • Develop a comprehensive education strategy thameets the needs of members, staff, and the publi


    u  Understand the concepts of marketing and selling,and be able to define the differences

    u  Identify the association’s target audiences, and be

    able to customize a marketing plan to accommodatepreferred methods of communication and maximizeengagement (e.g. text, social media, radio, billboard,newspaper, newsletter)

    u  Understand the value of the REALTOR® brand, itsrelationship to the association and ensure the brandis marketed consistently

    u  Understand the latest marketing methods andtechniques and incorporate them into various digitalplatforms (i.e., drip campaigns)

    u  Communicate the association’s value propositionto members in terms of real benefits (what’s in itfor them)

    • Understand how technology changes the face ofmarketing:

    – Be familiar with social media do’s and don’ts

    – Comply with copyrights and licensing rules

    u  Conduct needs assessments to identify marketopportunities

    u  Understand and evaluate marketing processes,

    functions and applicationsu  Identify and develop marketing plans (e.g. targeting,

    timing, exit strategies, etc.)

    u  Leverage segmentation in marketing campaigns topersonalize the member experience and increaserelevancy within the organization

    • Market tangible and intangible member serviceseffectively

    • Identify the budget and timeline, as well asany outside resources necessary to implementmarketing strategies

    • Coordinate staff and leadership communicationsto ensure a consistent message

    u  Define strategic intent, establish standards ofsuccess, specify marketing goals, and be able tomeasure and evaluate results

    • Review, assess, and share results regarding theeffectiveness of association marketing strategies

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    u  Utilize the public relations tools provided by NARand the state association

    • Develop and maintain a media relations plan

    • Know and communicate REALTOR® value to promotethe REALTOR® brand

    • Speak as the “Voice for Real Estate” within thecommunity, to members and the public, as mandatedby the Core Standards

    • Develop and publish relevant real estate statisticsand articles for news media to highlight the value ofthe local REALTOR® association

    u  Define and understand public relations and thedifferences between PR and publicity.

    u  Create a strategy for a public relations programthat promotes REALTOR® value and positions theREALTOR® organization as the recognized resourcefor real estate information within the community

    u  Determine what content is relevant and newsworthy(articles, photos, videos, blogs) to various mediaoutlets

    • Develop a spokesperson policy regardingcommunications with local media and implementa training program to effectively deliver consistent,positive messages

    • Enhance community relations

    • Build strong relationships with media professionalswho are in a position to provide coverage for theassociation

    • Measure and assess the effectiveness of publicrelations activities before, during and after a

    campaign or event

    u  Communicate the vision for the public relationsstrategy to both staff and leadership

    u  Develop and implement an effective strategic purelations plan

    • Establish communications policies, includingappointed media spokespersons, frequency ofmember communications, and a plan for membercommunicate about the association’s value initiat

    • Create opportunities to mentor upcoming leader(staff and volunteer) with regard to both leadershand communications skills

    For More Information Contact:

    Association Leadership Development

    Renee Holland at 312/329-8545; [email protected] orKrystal Allen, 312/329-8514; [email protected]