CADMON'S HYMN Northumbrian Version (MS Cambridge University Library Kk, 5. 16) Nu scylun hergan hefaenricaes uard, metudes maecti end his mod3idanc, uerc uuldurfadur sue he uundra gihuaes, eci dryctin, or astelide ; he aerist scop aelda barnum heben til hrofe, hale3 scepen, VeRreNr RreorNcs : Q) nu: DP nulue ; scylun : L scilun, DP sciulun (pene A. S. C. Ross, scuilun Wuest) ; hergan : M her3en with e dotted for deletion and a written above the line, L herga, DP herga; hefaen: L hefen, DP hefun; ricaes: L ricas, P rinca es ; uard,: DP pueard'. (z) metudas: D rnetwd,a es, P metuwdaes; maecti: L mehti, DP rnechti; end, : LDP and i -3idana: L -3ithanc, D gedeanc, P gedana. (3) uerc: D puerc,P puere; uuldur- : D puldur, P omits ; fad.ur: D fudur ; sue : DP suae ; he :D hae ; uwndra : DP pwndla ; gihuaes : L 3ihues, DP gi-. (4) drycli,n: M y made out of i and o out of n, D drichtin, P drochtin, o being deleted and i written over i astelida : DP astalde. $) aerist: L arist, D uerst with a o:r.et L.t, P raeitst ; scop : DP scoop ; aelda : L alda, DP eord,u ; barnum: M barnil', D bearnum, P pearnum. (6) heben: L heJen, DP efen ; til. : LDP to ; hrofe : L hrofa ; hale3: L halig, DP halig; scepen: LDP sceppend. (i) Gollancz (The Ced,mon Manuscripl, lxi) thinks that the open- ing word Nu might reflect the influence of some liturgy where the word referred to the Hour; he also points out a tenth-century Benedictine Liturgy where the Ofhce for each Hour began We sculon God herian (E. Thompsot, Select Monuments of Doctrine and lVorship of the Catholic Church in England., 1875, p.rr3); cf also CfrDMON'S HYMN West Saxon Vers,ion (MS Hattou, 43) tr1u p9 sculan herian heofonrices peard, metudes_ pfhte 7 his modgepanc, 3 purc_puldorfader, spa he pundra 3ehpilc, ece drihten, ord asteald.e; - he arest gesceop ylda bearnum o heofon to hrofe, halig scyppend, Bouterwek, Cailmon,s des ags, biblische Dichtungen, ccxxii. On the ellipsis 9{ the _proooun .we, cf supra p.4, note r. g) aelda: cf Bede'sf tiis homiium i oii Op ,oido, cf sufua p. z. (6) scepen: the second half_Une is metrically impCrfect (cf Sievers, ESt xliv. zg5) atd would nave Ueen so,in tf,e-llginat 3l:.: s"!pe% is a mistake for- sceppemi wbic.o rpp""r. io-*i"otU", MSS inctuding the ctosety related L. rt i. poriiri" tn Jl)pprna has been replaced by another word oE .urp,;r awe;i'irioitno4, yry.h Schticking (ESt xliv. r55) sees i" B;il. )"u"rry"ipr"irt*a"r" d has been added ,by_a tat# scriue,lr J. ZupftzJ,, iiiit)prc o1 Beowutf, p.6) and i1 Kt .sceppeniia.pi ai";;-tl.i#*Ji." ", the. verb sceppan; but tue latter -"v t" a Kt development of sceppend, as beccen is for becgend,, wreiten f;;;rh;;'i;f?rgu, IF vi. 34r), and in the c"r" of nioi. uyppen it is ". u*iy to sup- pose the omission of. .fi,*l-.d. (corrected'dy in"l"t"i"."#ilui"*. to s^{ppose the analogical addit-ion of. p in a ronn unrecorded outside 9\:upr!. A formal para,el to Jocn a wora scepen i, foooa"'in" 0JJG scffin, scffin, F,is shappeno, uoitnu meaning of such words, ' juryman ,, is far from thid ,"qrir"a Uere (cf Si";;r;, ;.)'. Ia view of the absence of anyindep'ena"oirpport for "o bp ,scepen (the. meaning of which would io .oy "r." be doubtfur in the cou_ text) and the fact that alt otuer MSS tr cH .S." J oi ,iiiprra, it is3erhaps better to regard scepen ". Orrog only a scribal variant (so F0rster, Lasebuch, 3)l 38

Caedom's Hymn

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    Northumbrian Version

    (MS Cambridge University Library Kk, 5. 16)

    Nu scylun hergan hefaenricaes uard,metudes maecti end his mod3idanc,uerc uuldurfadur sue he uundra gihuaes,eci dryctin, or astelide ;he aerist scop aelda barnumheben til hrofe, hale3 scepen,

    VeRreNr RreorNcs : Q) nu: DP nulue ; scylun : L scilun,DP sciulun (pene A. S. C. Ross, scuilun Wuest) ; hergan : M her3enwith e dotted for deletion and a written above the line, L herga,DP herga; hefaen: L hefen, DP hefun; ricaes: L ricas, P rincaes ; uard,: DP pueard'.

    (z) metudas: D rnetwd,a es, P metuwdaes; maecti: L mehti, DPrnechti; end, : LDP and i -3idana: L -3ithanc, D gedeanc, P gedana.

    (3) uerc: D puerc,P puere; uuldur- : D puldur, P omits ; fad.ur:D fudur ; sue : DP suae ; he :D hae ; uwndra : DP pwndla ; gihuaes :L 3ihues, DP gi-.

    (4) drycli,n: M y made out of i and o out of n, D drichtin, Pdrochtin, o being deleted and i written over i astelida : DP astalde.

    $) aerist: L arist, D uerst with a o:r.et L.t, P raeitst ; scop : DPscoop ; aelda : L alda, DP eord,u ; barnum: M barnil', D bearnum,P pearnum.

    (6) heben: L heJen, DP efen ; til. : LDP to ; hrofe : L hrofa ;hale3: L halig, DP halig; scepen: LDP sceppend.

    (i) Gollancz (The Ced,mon Manuscripl, lxi) thinks that the open-ing word Nu might reflect the influence of some liturgy where theword referred to the Hour; he also points out a tenth-centuryBenedictine Liturgy where the Ofhce for each Hour began Wesculon God herian (E. Thompsot, Select Monuments of Doctrine andlVorship of the Catholic Church in England., 1875, p.rr3); cf also

    CfrDMON'S HYMNWest Saxon Vers,ion

    (MS Hattou, 43)tr1u p9 sculan herian heofonrices peard,metudes_ pfhte 7 his modgepanc,

    3 purc_puldorfader, spa he pundra 3ehpilc,ece drihten, ord asteald.e;- he arest gesceop ylda bearnumo heofon to hrofe, halig scyppend,

    Bouterwek, Cailmon,s des ags, biblische Dichtungen, ccxxii. On theellipsis 9{ the _proooun .we, cf supra p.4, note r.g) aelda: cf Bede'sf tiis homiium i oii Op ,oido, cf sufua p. z.(6) scepen: the second half_Une is metrically impCrfect (cfSievers, ESt xliv. zg5) atd would nave Ueen so,in tf,e-llginat3l:.: s"!pe% is a mistake for- sceppemi wbic.o rpp""r. io-*i"otU",MSS inctuding the ctosety related L. rt i. poriiri" tn Jl)pprnahas been replaced by another word oE .urp,;r awe;i'irioitno4,yry.h Schticking (ESt xliv. r55) sees i" B;il. )"u"rry"ipr"irt*a"r"d has been added

    ,by_a tat# scriue,lr J. ZupftzJ,, iiiit)prc o1Beowutf, p.6) and i1 Kt .sceppeniia.pi ai";;-tl.i#*Ji." ",the. verb sceppan; but tue latter -"v t" a Kt development ofsceppend, as beccen is for becgend,, wreiten f;;;rh;;'i;f?rgu,IF vi. 34r), and in the c"r" of nioi. uyppen it is

    ". u*iy to sup-pose the omission of. .fi,*l-.d. (corrected'dy in"l"t"i"."#ilui"*. tos^{ppose the analogical addit-ion of. p in a ronn unrecorded outside9\:upr!. A formal para,el to Jocn a wora scepen i, foooa"'in"0JJG scffin, scffin, F,is shappeno, uoitnu meaning of such words,' juryman ,, is far from thid ,"qrir"a Uere (cf Si";;r;, ;.)'. Iaview of the absence of anyindep'ena"oirpport for

    "o bp ,scepen(the. meaning of which would io .oy

    "r." be doubtfur in the cou_text) and the fact that alt otuer MSS tr cH .S." J oi ,iiiprra,it is3erhaps better to regard scepen ". Orrog only a scribal variant(so F0rster, Lasebuch, 3)l



    tha middungeard moncynnes uard;eci dryctin after tiade

    g firum foldu, frea ailmectiS.Primo cantauit Caedmon istud carmen'

    Q) tha: D d,a,P dd.; middunSeard,: M the first d altered fromn,L' rniddin3ard,, DP ruidd,umgeard,; -cynnas: DP 'c'i'nnes; uard':DP peard,.

    (8i eci,: D Cci,; d,ryctin: D d,rintinc,P-d,rihtim; efter: D efter,e 'aifter; tiad'a: M ti made out of d,, DP ti'ade',

    Oi foia": M u added above the line, D onJold,u, L olfold'r't' ;-mecti3: L -mehtig, DP -mechtig,

    (ro) LDP omit.

    C,DMON'S HYMNmiddangearde mancynnes peard;ece drihten after tida

    9 firum on foldum, trea almyhtig.

    0) tha is correlative to aeilst in line 5 (cI Bede primodeiinc . . .1. It is probable that eci d,ryctin begins a new sentencewhich simply expands the preceding one and which is entirelyomitted by bedet Latin paiaphrase (supra P. r) : " the EternalLord, the Lt*igfrty Ruler, afterwards adorned the earth for men "

    In that case,,nonncynnes.ctard, is in apposition to hale3 scefen, vn,ruidd,un3eard, is the object of scop and -parattel

    to hebit. it i, o.tikely that fotdu (tirre 9) is gen.ig. ". ^Fr.*pton

    (Mph xxii. 7, 5suggests (cf. -supra p. 3 and p. gS, g rga).(8) tiada from *teogar? (Forite;, Giivan' g432, note z). On thetding -ada cf. supra p. 33, $ r5.

    (9) foldu : -u is a kiqd of shallow z added above the line. Fdrste(Lesebu.ch..4, note) interprets this superscribed a as an incompletabbreviation mark'- ind expands as -un, on r""o""t oi-l.r*like scylun, rnid,d,un-, where fiial _n is kept (cf also Archiv cxxxvz8+)' But the shallow superscribed u is uied'for z in r,vD (surteeSoc. Facsimite, fot. 3ab) 1n the name biu.uutf, and in CUlij tfr,reading is fold,u (despite Miss Dobiache-Rojdesivensky,s

    "*"ialtio,to foldun); on the early loss of final -n'cI supra p. Sl, Sl+.