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  • 7/29/2019 Caesarbk1 Beta 16feb13


    Caesar's De Bello Gallico I

    Latin Text with Facing Vocabulary and


    Geoffrey Steadman

    Beta Edition February 2013

  • 7/29/2019 Caesarbk1 Beta 16feb13


    Caesar's De Bello Gallico I

    Latin Text with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary

    Beta Edition

    2013 by Geoffrey D. Steadman

    All rights reserved. Subject to the exception immediately following, this book may not

    be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by

    Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the

    public press), without written permission from the publisher.

    The author has made an online version of this work available under a Creative

    Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The terms of thelicense can be accessed at

    Accordingly, you are free to copy, alter, and distribute this work under the following


    (1) You must attribute the work to the author (but not in any way that suggests thatthe author endorses your alterations to the work).

    (2) You may not use this work for commercial purposes.(3) If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting

    work only under the same or similar license as this one.



    Published by Geoffrey SteadmanCover Design: David Steadman

    Fonts: Times New Roman

    [email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Caesarbk1 Beta 16feb13



    How to Use this Commentary

    Research shows that, as we learn how to read in a second language, a combination of reading and

    direct vocabulary instruction is statistically superior to reading alone. One of the purposes of this book

    is to help readers identify the most frequent words and encourage active acquisition of vocabulary.

    1. Skim through the book and familiarize yourself with every grammar box and the appendix.

    2. Master the core vocabulary list as soon as possible.

    A.Develop a daily regimen for memorizing vocabulary and forms before you begin reading.

    Start with an intensive review of the running core list on the next page. Although a substantial

    number of core vocabulary words come within the first few lessons of the commentary, readers

    have already reviewed most of these words in first year Latin and can devote their efforts to

    mastering the handful of words in the initial lessons that they have never encountered.

    B. Download and use the core list flashcards available online (ppt or jpg format). Research has

    shown that you must review new words at least seven to nine times before you are able to commit

    them to long-term memory. Flashcards are particularly efficient at promoting repetition. As you

    work, delete flashcards that you have mastered and focus your efforts on the remaining words.

    Digital flashcards for less frequent vocabulary (occurring 3-4 times) will appear online in time.

    3. Read actively and make lots of educated guesses

    A.Persistence counts. Caesar is very consistent in his use of vocabulary and grammar, and so

    while the readings will maintain the same level of difficulty, you will become a much betterreader with time. The more earnestly you learn vocabulary and new grammar in the early

    readings, the more fluently you will be able to read later passages without much preparation.

    B.Read in Latin word order. Initially, readers have a tendency both (i) to scan through the

    entire Latin sentence quickly to order to attain a sense of the constructions and (ii) to treat the

    sentence as a puzzle and jump around the passage from subject to verb to object and so forth.Ideally, you should read in Latin word order. Whatever method you use, always review the

    sentence which you have just translated in Latin word order. Over time, as you acquire more

    vocabulary and your comfort with Caesar increases, make reading in Latin word order your

    primary method of reading. It is a lot of fun, and with persistence it is very satisfying.

    4. Reread a passage or lesson immediately after you have completed it.

    Repeated readings not only help you commit Latin to memory but also increase your ability to

    read the Latin as Latin. Caesars consistent use of vocabulary and grammar makes it possible for

    readers to develop reading proficiency very quickly. Always read the words out loud (or at least

    whisper them to yourself). While you may be inclined to translate the text into English as you

    reread, develop the habit of reading Latin as Latin and acquiring meaning without using English.

    5. Reread the most recent passage or lesson immediately before you begin a new one.

    This additional repetition will strengthen your ability to recognize vocabulary, forms, and syntax

    quickly, bolster your confidence, and most importantly provide you with much-needed context as

    you begin the next selection in the text.

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    Caesar Book I Running Core Vocabulary (5 or more times)

    The following seven pages includes all 335 words in the Book 1 of Julius Caesars De Bello Gallico that occur

    five or more times arranged in a running vocabulary list. The number in the right column indicates the lesson in

    which the core word first occurs. The number at the left of the dicitonary entries indicates the numer ofoccurrences of the word in Book 1. The author tabulated the frequency lists by counting the words manually.

    Digital flashcards are available online.

    1 , ab: (away) from, 102

    1 absum, -esse,fu: be absent, lack, 9

    1 ad: to, toward; near, at 109

    1 alius, -a, -ud: other, another, else, 13

    1 animus, -m: mind, spirit; pl. courage, 11

    1 appell (1): call, call by name, 5

    1 atque: and, and also, and even, 46

    1 aut: or (aut...aut eitheror), 361 Belgae, -rum m.: Belgians, 5

    1 bellum, -, n.: war, 32

    1 capi, -ere, cp, captum: to take, capture, seize, 8

    1 causa, -ae f.: reason, cause; case, 25

    1 contend, -ere, -, -ntus: strive; hasten; contend, 20

    1 cum: with (+ abl.); when, since, although, 96

    1 d: (down) from; about, concerning, 37

    1 dc, -ere, dx, dictus: say, speak, tell, call, name, 35

    1 dvid, -ere, -vs, -vsus: divide, distribute, 7

    1 et: and, also, even, 196

    1 etiam: besides, also, even, 171 fnis, -is m./f.: end, border; territory, 38

    1 flmen, -inisn.: river, stream, 22

    1 Gallia, -ae f.: Gaul, 51

    1 Gallus, -a, -um: Gallic; subt. a Gaul, 20

    1 Germnus, -a, -um: German, 25

    1 ger, -ere, gess, gestus: carry (on), wage, 8

    1 Helvtius, -a, -um: Helvetian; subst. a Helvetian 64

    1 hic, haec, hoc: this, these, 82

    1 in: in, on (abl.), into, to (acc.) 182

    1 incol, -ere, -u: inhabit, dwell on, 5

    1 inter: between, among (+ acc.), 171 ipse, ipsa, ipsum: -self; the very, 48

    1 is, ea, id: this, that; he, she, it, 286

    1 mons, montis m.: mountain, mount, 20

    1 noster, nostra, nostrum: our, 40

    1 obtine, -re, -u, -tentum: hold, maintain, 8

    1 omnis, omne: every, all, 70

    1 pars, partis, f.: part, share, side 26

    1 pertine, -re, -tinu: to pertain to; reach, extend to, 6

    1 proelium, -in.: battle, combat, 33

    1 prohibe, -re, -u, -itus: keep off, prohibit, 11

    1 proptere: on this account, therefore, 151 prvincia, -ae f.: province, 25

    1 proximus, -a, -um: nearest, very close, 12

    1 que: and, 114

    1 qu, quae, quod (quis? quid?): who, which, that, 326

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    Caesar Running Vocabulary xv

    1 reliquus, -a, um: remaining, left (over), 20

    1 Rhnus, -m.: Rhine River, 20

    1 Rhodanus, -a, -um: Rhone, 11

    1 saepe: often, 5

    1 s: himself, herself, itself, themselves, 1671 Squanus, -a, -um: Sequanian, 33

    1 slus, -a, -um: alone, only, lone, sole, 8

    1 sum, esse, fu, futrum: to be, 79

    1 suus, -a, -um: his, her, its, their own, 124

    1 tertius, -a, -um: third, 11

    1 trns; over, across (+ acc.), 7

    1 trs, tria: three, 7

    1 nus, -a, -um: one, 23

    1 virts, -tisf.: valor, manhood, excellence, 15

    2 addc, -ere, dux, ductum: draw to, influence 12

    2 ager, agrm.: field, land; farm, 162 amcitia, -ae, f.: friendship, 12

    2 annus, -m.: year, 7

    2 apud: among, at the house of (acc.), 13

    2 arbitror, arbitrr, arbitrtus sum: to judge, think, 6

    2 autem: however, moreover, 8

    2 carrus, -m.: wagon, cart, 7

    2 cvits cvittis, f.: state, city-state, 28

    2 confici, -ere: to exhaust, finish, 8

    2 confirm (1): make strong, confirm strengthen, 5

    2 constitu, -ere, -u, -tus: decide, establish, resolve, 11

    2 cnsul, -is m.: consul, 62 copia, -aef.: abundance, supply; troops, 28

    2 dc, -ere, dx, ductus: lead, draw, 11

    2 , ex: out from, from, out of (+ abl.), 64

    2 exe, -re, -i (v), -itus: go out, 6

    2 facilis, -e: easy; adv. facile, easily, 9

    2 faci, -ere, fc, factum: do, make, perform; grant, 70

    2 fnitimus, -a, -um: neighboring; subst. neighbors, 5

    2 fi, fier, factus: become, be made, 5

    2 frmentum, -n.: grain, 13

    2 habe, -re, habu, -itus: have, hold; consider, 45

    2 hom, -inism./f.: man, mortal, human, 222 imperium, -n.: command, power, 9

    2 infer, -ferre, -tul, illtum: wage, carry on, bring on, 13

    2 iter, itinerisn.: way, road, journey, 33

    2 locus, -m.: place, region, location, 33

    2 M.: Marcus, 7

    2 magnus, -a, -um: great, large; mighty, important, 34

    2 maximus, -a, -um: greatest, largest, 7

    2 mllepl. mlia, ium n. : thousand, 28

    2 minor, minus: less, smaller, 18

    2 multitdo, inis f.: multitude, population, people, 11

    2 nbilis, -e: noble, renowned, 6

    2 numerus, -m.: number, multitude, 17

    2 Orgetorx, -is m.: Orgetorix, 8

    2 passus, -s: pace, 13

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    Caesar Running Vocabularyxvi

    2 px, pcis f.: peace, quiet, rest, 6

    2 persude, -re, -sus, -susum: persuade, convince, 8

    2 Ps, Psnis m.: Piso, 5

    2 possum, posse, potu: be able, can, avail, 73

    2 pr: before, for, in behalf of (abl.), 142 proficscor, -, -fectus: set out, depart, 9

    2 regnum, -n.: royal power, kingdom, realm, 8

    2 rs, re, f.: thing, matter, affair, business, 71

    2 satis: enough, sufficient, 8

    2 ttus -a, -um: whole, entire, 16

    2 ut: as, just as, when (+ ind.); (so) that, in order that, 74

    3 ac: and, and also, and even, 29

    3 accipi: to take without effort, receive, get, accept, 8

    3 Aeduus, -a, -um: Haeduan, Aeduan, 43

    3 amcus, -a, -um: friendly; noun, friend, 8

    3 ante: before, in front of (acc); adv. before, 123 arma, -rum n.: arms, equipment, tools, 12

    3 cg, cgere, cog, coctum: to collect; compel, 7

    3 cnor, cnr, cntus sum: to try, 12

    3 dlig, -ere, -lg, -lectum: choose, elect, select, 6

    3 dis, -m./f.: day, time, season, 37

    3 Divicus, -m.: Diviacus, 13

    3 d, dare, ded, datum: give; grant, 20

    3 Dumnorx, -gis m.: Dumnorix, 10

    3 nunti (1): announce, speak out, divulge, 7

    3 exercitus, -s m.: (trained) army, 27

    3 fds, ef.: faith, honor, 63 frter, -trism.: brother, 11

    3 dem, eadem, idem: the same, 20

    3 ille, illa, illud: that, those, 18

    3 item: also, likewise, in like manner, 8

    3 is, irisn.: justice, law, right, 11

    3 maxim: exceedingly especially, 5

    3 multus, -a, -um: much, many, 16

    3 n: lest, that not, no, not, 31

    3 neque: and not, nor (nequeneque = neithernor), 50

    3 nn: not, by no means, not at all, 91

    3 ob: on account of, because of (acc.), 73 occup (1): seize, occupy, 11

    3 oportet: it is proper, fitting, necessary, 9

    3 rtio, -ionis f.: speaking, speech, language, 8

    3 pater, patris, m.: father, 6

    3 per: through, across (acc) 33

    3 perfici, -ere: complete, accomplish, 5

    3 pls (plris): more, 7

    3 populus, -m.: people, nation, 47

    3 qun: nay (even), (but) that, 7

    3 Rmnus, -a, -um: of Rome, Roman, 55

    3 sentus, -sm.: senate, council of elders, 21

    3 sequor, -, sectus: follow, pursue, 7

    3 tempus, temporis, n.: time, occasion, 14

    4 Allobrogs, -um: Allobroges, 11

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    Caesar Running Vocabulary xvii

    4 cnsilium, -in.: plan, counsel, 12

    4 conveni, -re, -vn, -ventus: come together, assemble, 6

    4 domus, -s f.: house, home, dwelling, 15

    4 duo, duae, duo: two, 12

    4 e,re,v, itum: to go, come, 104 existim (1): judge, consider, think, 13

    4 iube, iubre, iuss, iussum: to order, command, 15

    4 L.: Lucius, 7

    4 mns, montis m.: mountain, mount, 20

    4 nihil: nothing, 8

    4 nllus, -a, -um: none, no, no one, 8

    4 omnn: altogether, wholely, entirely, 7

    4 oppidum, -n.: town, 14

    4 par (1): prepare, make ready, 5

    4 perculum, -n.: risk, danger, peril, 10

    4 recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: take back, recover, 104 rpa, -ae f.: bank, shore, 5

    4 singulus, -a, -um: one by one, 5

    4 socius, -m.: comrade, ally, companion, 9

    4 sps, -f.: hope, expectation, 10

    4 trnse, -re, -i (v), itus: pass (by), 15

    4 ubi: where, when, 11

    4 ut: as, just as, when (+ ind.); (so) that, in order that, 27

    4 tor, ut,sus sum: use, employ (abl.), 5

    4 vel: or, eitheror, 7

    4 vide, vidre, vd, vsum: to see, 18

    4 vs, vs, f.,pl. virs: force, power, violence, 55 adventus, -s m.: arrival, approach, 7

    5 Caesar, -aris m.: Caesar, 87

    5 certus, -a, -um: certain, reliable, sure, 7

    5 concd, -ere; go away, withdraw, yield, 5

    5 dum: while, as long as, until, 5

    5 facults, -ttis f.: opportunity, power, skill, ability, 5

    5 imper (1): command, order, bid, 9

    5 iniria, -ae f.: wrong, insult, injustice, 16

    5 lgtus, -m.: an envoy, legate, 23

    5 legi, -nis f.: legion, (4200 soldiers), 19

    5 licet: impers., it is allowed or permitted, 65 memoria, -ae. f.: memory, 6

    5 mles, mlitis, m.: soldier, 17

    5 mitt, -ere, ms, missus: send, hurl, dismiss, 26

    5 nunti (1): announce, report, 6

    5 pell, -ere, pepul, pulsus: drive, push, 8

    5 perveni, -re, -vn, -ventum: arrive, 8

    5 princeps, -cipism./f.: chief, leader, 9

    5 put (1): to think, imagine, 7

    5 responde, -re, -d, -nsum: to answer, 10

    5 revert, -ere, revers: turn back, return, 6

    5 rog (1): to ask; tell, 55 s: if (only), whether, in case that, 49

    5 sine: without (abl.), 12

    5 sub: under, below, beneath, underneath, 7

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    Caesar Running Vocabularyxviii

    5 sum, -ere, sumps, sumptum: take, spend 4

    5 tamen: however, nevertheless, 9

    5 tene, tenre, tenu, tentum: to hold, keep, 13

    5 llus, -a, -um: any, 5

    5 vol, velle, volu:will, wish, be willing, 245 volunts, -ttis f.: will, wish, choice, 10

    6 beneficium, -n.: favor, benefit, kindness, 6

    6 grtia, -ae f.: gratitude; favor, thanks, 13

    6 impetr (1): obtain, accomplish, 5

    6 itaque: and so, 5

    6 novus, -a, -um: new, fresh, young, recent, 9

    6 obss, obsidis m./f.: hostage, 18

    6 opus, -erisn.: work, deed, toil, 6

    6 ostend, -ere, -, ntus: show, promise, 5

    6 patior, -, passus: suffer, endure; allow, 5

    6 ps, pedis m.: foot, 56 plrimus, -a, -um: most, very many, 6

    6 praesidium, -in.: guard, protection, 6

    6 propter: on account of, because of, 12

    6 relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum: to leave behind, 6

    6 telum, -n.: projective, weapon, blow, 5

    6 veni, -re, vn, ventus: come, go, 25

    7 auxilium, -n.: help, aid, assistance, 12

    7 debe, -re, -u, debitum: to owe, ought, 5

    7 frmentrius, -a, -um: of grain, full of grain, 7

    7 ibi: there, in that place, 7

    7 intelleg, -ere, -lx, -lctum: to understand, 137 ita: so, thus, 17

    7 Labinus,m.: Labienus, 7

    7 lber, lbera, lberum: free, 6

    7 prmus -a -um: first, 15

    7 superus, -a, -um: upper, higher, above, 5

    7 trdc, -ere, dx, ductum: lead across, cross 9

    7 trns: over, across (+ acc.), 7

    8 Arar, -aris (acc.) -im (abl.) -m.:Arar river (Saone), 5

    8 calamits, -ttis f.: loss, misfortune, calamity, disaster, 5

    8 castra, -rumn.: camp, encampment, 41

    8 explrtor, -ris m.: scout, spy, 5

    8 fortna, -ae f.: fortune, chance, luck, 6

    8 fuga, -aef.: flight, haste, exile, speed, 12

    8 hostis, -ism./f.: stranger, enemy, foe, 38

    8 idic (1): judge, decide, assess, 6

    8 mand (1): order, command, commit, 6

    8 nam: for, 6

    8 necessrius, -a, -um: necessary, inevitable, 5

    8 pblicus, -a, -um: public, common, 6

    8 quartus, -a, -um: the fourth, 5

    8 sed: but, moreover, however, 21

    8 sve, seu: whether, or (if), 6

    8 statu, -ere, statu, stattum: set up, establish; decide, 5

    8 vigilia, -ae f.: watch (1/4 period of night), 5

    9 ag, agere,g,ctum: drive, lead, do, 8

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    Caesar Running Vocabulary xix

    9 committ, -ere: commence, commit entrust 10

    9 commove, -re, -mv, mtum: move, disturb, upset, 5

    9 fer, ferre, tul, ltus: carry, bear, endure, 11

    9 maior, maius: greater, 7

    9 qur: wherefore, therefore, why, 59 vetus, veteris: old, experienced, 5

    10 accid, -ere, accid: to happen, fall to, 7

    10 aliqu, -qua, -quod: some, any, definite, 5

    10 consuesc, -ere, -v, -sutum: to accustom, 7

    10 discd, -ere, -cess, -cessum: to go away, depart, 7

    10 di: a long time, long, 9

    10 gravis, -e: heavy, serious, severe; venerable, 9

    10 polliceor, -cr, -citus: promise, offer, 6

    10 tam: so, so much, so very, such, 7

    10 time, -re, timu: to be afraid, be scared, 5

    10 tum: then, at that time, 511 amplus, -a, -um: ample, full, spacious, 7

    11 circiter: (round) about, not far from, 11

    11 coep, coepisse, coeptum: to begin, 10

    11 eques, equitis m.: horseman, rider, 10

    11 equittus, -s m.: cavalry, 17

    11 modus, -m.: way, manner; modo (adv.) only 7

    11 pauc, -ae, -a: little, few, scanty, 7

    11 quidem: indeed, in fact, certainly, 9

    11 tantus, -a, -um: so great, so large, 11

    12 confer, -ferre, -tul: bring together, gather, 9

    12 dubit (1): waver, be uncertain, hestitate, 512 potests, potesttis f.: power, influence, might, 5

    12 praesum, -esse, -fu: be over, preside over, 5

    12 queror, quer, questum: complain, lament, 5

    12 summus, -a, -um: top of, highest (part of) 18

    12 super (1): surpass, overcome, 9

    13 colloc (1): place together, arrange, set up, 5

    13 concilium, -in.: meeting, rendezvous, 6

    13 contr: opposite, facing (acc.), 23

    13 ille, illa, illud: that, those, 19

    13 nm, nllus, nmin, -em, nll: no one, 5

    13 quaer, -ere, quaesv, quaestum: to seek, ask, inquire, 8

    13 reperi, -re, repper, repertum: find (out), discover, 9

    14 animadvert, -ere, -vert, -versum: turn mind to, notice 6

    14 C.: Gaius, 7

    14 cognsc, -ere, -nv, -nitum: to learn, come to know, perf. know, 15

    14 perterre, -re, -terru: terrify thoroughly, 6

    14 pet, petere, petv, pettum: seek, aim at, 12

    14 Valrius, -m.: Valerius, 5

    16 acis, - f.: sharp edge, battle line, army, 18

    16 equus, -m.: horse, 8

    16 impetus, -s m.: attack, onset, assault, 8

    16 instru, -ere, -strx, -structum: equip, prepare, draw up, 6

    16 timor, -orism.: fear, dread, anxiety, 9

    17 agmen, agminis n.: battle line, 5

    17 impedmentum, -n.: baggage, impediment, 5

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    Caesar Running Vocabularyxx

    17 muni, -re, -v, -tum: to fortify, build, 5

    18 commodus, -a, -um: convenient, suitable, 5

    18 manus, mans, f.: hand; group, 5

    18 pugn (1): to fight, 10

    18 refer, ferre, tul, ltum: report bring back 618 signum -, n.: sign, signal; gesture, seal, 5

    18 vinc, -ere, vc, victum: conquer, defeat, 14

    19 coici, -icere, -ic, -iectum: to hurl, throw together, 5

    19 intermitt, -ere: to interrupt, discontinue, intervene, 5

    19 nox, noctis, f.: night, 6

    20 redc, -ere, -dx, -ductus: to bring back, 6

    20 sals, -tis f.: safety, refuge; health, 5

    21 ratio, ratinis, f.: calculation, account, 5

    22 infer, -ferre, -tul, illtum: wage, carry on, 13

    22 nisi: if not, unless 5

    23 barbarus, -a, -um: foreign, savage, 523 iterum: again, a second time, 5

    23 postul (1): demand, claim, request, ask, 12

    24 Ariovistus, -m.: Ariovistus, leader of the Germans, 41

    24 barbarus, -a, -um: foreign, savage, 5

    24 consde, -re, -sd:to sit down, settle, 5

    24 consutdo, -inis f.: custom, habit, 6

    24 ditior: a long time, long, 9

    26 colloquium, -in.: conversation, talk, 13

    26 uterque, utraque, utrumque: each (of two) 7

    28 stipendium, -in.: pay; military service, 5

    29 celer, -eris, -ere: swift, quick, 529 contine, -re, -nu, -tentum: hold or keep together, 5

    32 decimus, a, um: tenth, 5

    32 iam: now, already, soon, 8

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    To make the ancients speak, we must feed them with our own blood.

    - von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff

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    Lesson 1: Caesar I.12

    1.1 Gallia est omnis dvsa in parts trs, qurum nam incolunt Belgae,

    aliamAqutn, tertiam qu ipsrum lingu Celtae,nostr Gall appellantur.

    2. H omns lingu, nstitts, legibus inter s differunt. Galls ab Aqutns

    Garumna flmen, Belgs Matrona et Squana dvidit.

    3. Hrum omnium fortissim sunt Belgae, proptere quod cult atque

    hmnitte Prvinciae longissim absunt, minimque ad es merctrs

    saepe commeant atque ea quae ad effminands anims pertinent

    important, 4. Proximque sunt Germns, qu trns Rhnum incolunt,

    quibuscumcontinenter bellum gerunt. Qu d caus Helvetiquoque reliqus

    Galls virtte praecedunt, quod fer cotdins proelis cum Germns

    contendunt, cum aut sus finibus e

    s prohibent aut ips

    in e

    rum finibus

    bellum gerunt.

    5. Erum na pars, quam Galls obtinre dictum est, initium capit

    flmine Rhodan, contintur Garumn flmine, cean, fnibus Belgrum,

    attingit etiam ab Squanis et Helvtis flmen Rhnum, vergit ad

    septentrins. 6. Belgae ab extrms Galliae fnibus oriuntur, pertinent ad

    inferirem partem flminis Rhn, spectant in septentrinem et orientem

    slem. 7. Aquitania Garumn flmine ad Pyrenaes monts et eam partem

    cean quae est ad Hispniam pertinet; spectat inter occsum slis etseptentrins.






    Aquitn, -rum m.: Aquitani, 2

    Aquitania, -ae f.: Aquitania, 1

    atting, -ere, attig, attctus: touch, reach, border, 1

    Celtae, -rum m.: Celts, 1

    comme (1): to travel, go to and fro, 1

    contine, -re, -nu, -tentum: hold or keep together, 4

    cotidinus, -a, -um: daily, of every day, 2

    cultus, -

    s m.: culture, refinement, 2differ, -ferre,: differ, carry different ways, 1

    effmin (1): soften, make into women, 1

    extrmus, -a, -um: farthest, outermost, 3fer: almost, nearly, closely, 4

    fortis, -e: strong, brave, valiant, 2

    Garumna, -e f.: Garumna river, 3Hispania, -ae f.: Spain, 1

    hmnits, hmnittis f.: humanity, culture,

    refinement, 2

    import (1): bring in, introduce, import, 1

    inferus, -a, -um: below, lower, 1

    initium, -n.: beginning, entrance, 3

    nstitu, -ere, -u, -tum: set, establish, 3

    lx, lgisf.: law, regulation, decree, 3

    lingua, ae f.: tongue, language, 3

    longus -a, -um: long, 4

    Mtrna, -ae f.: Matrona (Marne) river, 1

    merctor, -ris m.: merchant, trader, 2

    minim: least of all, least, 2occsus, -sm.: fall, destruction, 2

    cenus,m.: Oceanus, 2

    orior, -r, ortus: arise, rise, spring, 3

    praecd, -ere, cess, -cessum: surpass, 1

    Pyrenaeus, -a, -um: of the Pyrenees, 1

    quoque: also, 1

    septentrins, -um m.: north, (7 stars), 4

    Squana, -ae: Sequana (Seine) River, 1

    sl, slism.: sun, 4

    spect (1): watch, observe, behold, inspect, 3

    verg, -ere, vers: turn, bend, 1

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    The Divisions Within Gaul 3

    1 estdvsa: is divided; dvsa is a predicate

    adjective and not part of a perfect pass. verb

    qurum namaliamtertiam: of which

    (parts) one (part)another (part)a third

    (part); a genitive at the beginning of the clauseis often, as here, a partitive gen. (gen. of whole)

    2 Aqutn:Aquitanians (inhabit); add incolunt

    which is missing through ellipsis (omission)

    Tertiam (incolunt) qu: (those) who.

    (inhabit) the third; the missing antecedent of

    the relative clause is subject of missing incolunt

    ipsrum lingu: in the language of (these) very

    ones; i.e. of the Gauls, ipse usually modifies a

    noun, which is missing and must be supplied;

    lingu is an ablative of respect (in respect to..)

    nostr: in our (language); supply linguCeltaeGall: nom. predicates of appellantur

    3 lingu, nstitts, lgibus: ininin;in respect to, all three are abl. of respect

    4 Garumna flmen (dvidit): nom. subject, add

    dvidit from the next clause

    Matrona et Squana: nom. pl. with a 3rd

    sg. verb because the rivers form a single

    boundary; supply Galls as acc. direct object

    5 Hrum omnium: of all these; or among all

    these, partitive gen., as in line 1, Caesar often

    uses a a genitive at the beginning of a clauseand then specifies the parts within the clause

    proptere quod: because; lit. on this accountbecause, which is a pleonasm (redundancy)

    6 Prvinciae: of the Province; i.e. Gallia

    Transalpina, the area in southern France

    controlled by the Romans. Although the word

    prvincia is a general term, the Romans

    referred to this province as the Province. This

    edition uses the capital P to distinguish it

    from other provinces.

    6 longissim: very far; superlative adverb longad esto those; es is demonstrative

    7 ea quaethose things which; neut. pl.

    ad effminands:for softening; lit. for

    courage going to be softened ad + gerundive

    (fut. pass. pple) often expresses purpose; when

    translating, readers should employ a gerund-

    gerundive flip: translate the gerundive as agerund (e.g. softening) and the noun modifiedby the gerundive as an object of the gerund

    8 Germns: dat. with special adj. proxim

    9 quibuscum: cum quibus

    Qu d caus:for which reason; concerning

    which reason qu modifies caus; as often,

    Caesar places the adjective, here a relative adj.,

    before the preposition

    10 virtte: in (respect to) valor; abl. respect

    quod: because

    cumprohibentgerunt:since; cum +indicative, not a preposition of sus fnibus.

    11 sus fnibus:from their borders; abl. ofseparation (a construction which includes but

    is not limited to place from which), governed

    by prohibent, (Helvetians) keep

    sus: their; Helvetians, reflexive possessive

    es: them; i.e. Germans, personal pronoun

    ips: (they) themselves; Helvetians

    12 erum: their; i.e. Germans

    13 erum: of these (three parts); partitive gen.

    obtinre: ind. discourse (that clause), Gallsis acc. subj. and quam is acc. d.o.

    dictum est: it has been said; as in line 2 above14 contintur: governs all three abl. of means,

    which are missing conjunctions, asyndeton

    15 ab Squns:from (the side of)

    16 oriuntur: rise; pres. deponent, orior

    17 spectant in septentrinem: looks to the

    northern; i.e. opens up to the northeast

    orientem: eastern; rising sun; pres. pple.

    18 eam partem: that part; demonstrative

    19 ad Hispniam: near Hispania; with estspectat: looks to; i.e. opens up to

    Gerund-Gerundive Flip

    A gerundive (effeminandus,-a,-um in line 7) is a future passive participle. It is an adjective

    which agrees with a noun in case, number, and gender. Because it is awkward to translate

    (e.g. going to be softened), readers should employ a gerund-gerundive flip and translate

    the gerundive as a gerund, a verbal noun (e.g. softening), and the noun modified by the

    gerundive as the gerunds object. This is a popular construction in Caesar. So, be prepared.


    Ad anims effminands ad effminandum anims

    For courage (going) to be softened for softening courage

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    Lesson 2: Caesar I.2 I.3.24

    2.1 Apud Helvtis long nbilissimus fuit et ditissimus Orgetorx. Is, M.

    Messl, et M. Psne cnsulibus, regn cupiditte inductus conirtinem

    nbilittis fcit et civitt persusit ut d fnibus sus cum omnibus copis

    exrent: 2. perfacile esse, cum virtte omnibus praestrent, ttus Galliae

    imperi potr.

    3. Id hc facilius es persusit, quod undque loc natr Helveti

    continentur: n ex parte flmine Rhno ltissim atque altissim, qu

    agrum Helvtium Germns divdit; alter ex parte monte Ir altissim,

    quest inter Squans et Helvtis; terti lac Lemann et flmine Rhodn,

    qu provinciam nostram ab Helvetis divdit. 4. Hs rbus fibat ut et minus




    rentur et minus facile f


    s bellum

    nferre possent;5

    . Qu

    exparte homins belland cupidmagn dolre afficibantur. 6. Pr multitdine

    autem hominum et pr glri bell atque fortitdinis angusts s fns habre

    arbitrbantur, qu in longitdinem mlia passuum CCXL, in ltitdinem

    CLXXX patbant.

    3.1 Hs rbus adduct et auctritte Orgetorgis permt cnstiturunt ea

    quae ad proficscendum pertinrent comparre, iumentrum et carrrum

    quam maximum numerum coemere, sements quam maxims facere, ut in

    itinere cpia frument suppeteret, cum proxims cvittibus pcem etamcitiam cnfirmre. 2. Ad es rs cnficiends biennium sibi satis esse

    dxrunt; in tertium annum profectinem lge cnfirmant.






    affici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: toaffect, afflict, 3

    alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), 1

    altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall, 2

    angustus, -a, -um: narrow, confined, 2

    auctrits, -ttis f.: influence, clout, 4

    bell (1): to wage war, fight, 1

    biennium, -n.: a period of two years, 1coem, -ere, -m, -emptum: buy up, 1

    compar (1): prepare, acquire, get ready, 4

    conirtio, -nis f.: conspiracy, pact, 1

    contine, -re, -nu, -tentum: hold or keep together, 4

    cupidits, -ttis f.: desire, eagerness for, 3

    cupidus, -a, -um: desirous, eager, keen, 4

    ds, dtis adj: rich, wealthy, 1dolor, -ris m.: pain, grief, anger, passion, 3

    fortitd, -dinis f.: strength, courage, 1

    glria, -ae, f.: glory, fame, 1

    indc, -ere, -dux, -ductum: to lead in, bring in, 2

    imentum, -n.: beast of burden, harnessed animals, 1Ira, -ae f.: Iura (a mountain range), 3

    lacus, -s m.: lake, pond, pool, 2

    ltitd, -inis f.: width, breadth, 1

    ltus, -a, -um: wide, 2

    Lemannus, -m.: (w/ lacus) Lake Geneva, 2

    lx, lgisf.: law, regulation, decree, 3

    longitdo, -inis f.: length, width, 1

    longus -a, -um: long, 4Messl(l)a, -ae m.: Messala (M. Valerius Messala), 2

    ntra, -ae. f.: nature, 3

    nbilits, -ttis f.: nobility, renown, 2

    pate, -re, -u: lie open, extend, 2

    perfacilis, -e: very easy; adv. very easily2

    permove, -re, -mv, -mtus: upset, move deeply, 1

    potior, -r, -tus: gain possession of, possess (abl.), 4

    praest, -re, -stit, -stitus: to perform; show, 2

    profectio, -nis f.: departure, 2

    sementis, -is f.: sowing, planting, 1

    suppet, -ere,v,tum: suffice, be at hand 2

    undque: (from) everywhere, from or on all sides, 3vagor, -r: wander, roam, go to and fro, 1

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    Orgetorix Forms a Conspiracy to Emigrate from Helvetia 5

    1 nbilissimus, ditisissimus: superlative adjs.

    fuit: pf. sum, esse

    M. Messl et M. Psne cnsulibus: when

    Marcus Messala and Marcus (Pupius) Piso

    were consuls; with Messala and Piso (being)consuls abl. abs. i.e. 61 BC, Romans named

    the year after their annually elected consuls;

    since there is no pple. for sum, esse, the subject

    and predicate are the abl. abs.

    2 regn:for the kingship; objective gen. governed

    by cupiditte, equivalent to "he desires kingship

    3 persusit ut:persuaded(dative) that; this

    common verb in Caesar governs an indirect

    command (ut + impf. subj. in secondary seq.)

    4 exrent: they come out; impf. subjunctive, exe,

    exre in an ind. command, which can often betranslated as an inf.: persuadedto come out

    perfacile esse: (and) that it is very easy ;

    ind. discourse also governed by persusit

    above; asyndeton, supply a conjuction between

    the ind. command above and perfacile esse

    cumpraestrent: since they excelled; causal

    with impf. subjunctive governing abl. respect

    ttius: gen. sg. (-ius) modifying Galliae

    5 potr: to possess; dep. inf. potior governs an

    ablative object

    6 idpersusit: he persuaded them (to do) thishcquod: by this (reason)because; abl.

    of cause

    facilius: comparative adv. facilis, facile

    7 n ex parte: on one side; from one part

    flmine Rhn: abl. means; supply the verb

    continentur, an example of ellipsis

    8 agrum Helvtium:Helvetian land

    alter ex parte: on another side; see line 7

    monte Ir: by Iura range; add continentur

    9 terti (ex parte): parallel with line 7 and 8

    lac Lemann: abl. means, add continentur10 hs rbus: because of; abl. of cause

    fibant ut: it happened that; fi governs ut

    + impf. subjunctive (noun result clause); the

    subjunctives are impf. in secondary sequence

    because the main verb is impf.

    11 vagrentur, possent: impf. subj. vagor and

    possum; in result clauses these are translated

    as normal impf. indicatives; vagor is deponent

    minus: comparative adverb; minor, minus

    11 facile: easily; irreg. adverb from facilis, facile

    fnitims: on neighbors; dat. of compound

    verb (the infinitive inferre)qu ex parte:for which reason; from which


    12 belland: of waging war; gerund, gen. sg. with

    the adj. cupidwhich in turn modifies homins

    Prpr: because of; in proportion to or

    according to, pr is causal in force

    13 s habre: that they had; ind. discourse in

    secondary sequence: angusts fns is acc. d.o.

    14 milia passuum: miles; thousands of paces, a

    mile is 1000 steps; subject of patbant

    16 adductpermt:Helvetians influencedand moved; the participles are nom. pl.

    agreeing with a missing subject

    ea quae: those (things) which; ea is object of

    comparre and is translated as a demonstrative

    17 ea quaepertinrent: those (things) which

    pertain; relative clause of characteristic is

    often used to limit and characterize general

    antecedents (i.e. ea) and governs an impf. subj.

    in secondary sequence

    ad proficiscendum:for setting out; gerund

    (verbal noun) + ad expresses purposecomparre, coemere, facere, confirmre:

    complementary infinitives with cnstiturunt,

    supply the missing conjunction et

    18 quam maximum: as possible; quam

    + superlative is frequently translated as X as

    possible, here it modifies numerum

    quam maxims: see above, with sements

    utsuppeteret: so that might suffice; ut +

    impf. subj., purpose clause in secondary seq.

    adconficiends:for accomplishing; for

    those things going to be accomplished ad +gerundive (fut. pass. pple modifying rs) often

    expresses purpose; when translating, employ a

    gerund-gerundive flip: translate as a gerund

    and es rs as the object of the gerund

    bienniumesse: that; ind. discourse

    sibi:for themselves; dat. of interest/advantage

    21 inannum: into the; i.e. during, 58 BC

    Translating Subjunctives

    With the exception of purpose clauses (may, might) and conditional sentences (if should, would; ifwere, would; if had, would have; see pg. 19), almost all the subjunctive constructions that readers

    will encounter do not require a special translation in English. Readers should simply identify the

    tense (see verb synopses, pp. 74-81) and translate the subjunctive just as one would an indicative.

    Imperfect and pluperfect subjunctives are the most common tenses in secondary sequence.

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    Lesson 3: Caesar I.3.3 I.46

    3.3 Ad es rs conficiends Orgetorx dligitur. Is sibi lgtinem ad

    cvitts suscpit. In e itinere persudet Castic, Catamantaloedis fli,

    Squan, cuius pater rgnum in Squans mults anns obtinuerat et

    sent popul Rmn amicus appelltus erat, ut rgnum in cvitte su

    occupret, quod pater ante habuerit; 4. itemque Dumnorig Haedu, fratr

    Dvicic, qu e tempore principtum in cvitte obtinbat ac maxim pleb

    acceptus erat, ut idem cnrtur persudet eque fliam suam in

    matrimnium dat. 5. Perfacile fact esse ills probat cnta perficere,

    proptere quod ipse suae civittis imperium obtentrus esset: 6. nn esse

    dbium quin ttus Galliae plrimum Helveti possent; s sus copis suque



    s regna concili


    rum c


    . H




    ne adduct

    inter s

    fdem et iusirandum dant et regn occupt per trs potentissims ac

    firmissims populs ttus Galliae ss potrposse sperant.

    4.1 Ea rs est Helvtis per indicium nntita. Mribus sus Orgetorgem

    ex vinculs causam dcere cogrunt; damntum poenam sequ oportbat, ut


    2. Di cnstitt causae dictinis Orgetorx ad iudicium omnem suam

    familiam, ad hominum mlia decem, undque cogit, et omns clients

    obaeratsque sus, qurum magnum numerum habbat, edem condxit;peresncausamdceretsripuit.3. Cum cvits ob eam rem incitta armis

    is suum exsequ cnrtur multitdinemque hominum ex agrs magistrts

    cgerent, Orgetorx mortuus est; 4. neque abest suspici, ut Helveti

    arbitrantur, quin ipse sibi mortem conscverit.






    Casticus, -m.: Casticus, 1

    Catamantloedis, -is m.: Catamantaloedis, 1cliens, -entis m.: client, dependent, 2

    concili (1): win over, unite, 1

    condc, -ere: bring together, gather, 1

    conscsc, -ere, -scv, -sctum: to agree on, decree, 1

    crem (1): burn, consume by fire, 1

    damn (1): condemn, punish, convict, 1

    decem: ten, 3

    dici, dicinis f.: sway, power, sovereignty, 2

    dubius, -a, -um: doubtful, wavering, 1

    ripi, -ere, -u, reptus: rescue, take from, 4

    exsequor, sequ, sectum: follow/carry out 1

    fact: to do (supine), 1familia, -ae f.: family, household, 2

    flia, -iaef.: daughter, 4

    flius, -im.: son; child, 3

    firmus, -a, -um: strong, steadfast, 2

    ignis, ignis, m.: fire, 2

    incit (1): urge on, incite, 1

    indicium, -in.: information, evidence, 1

    iudicium, -n.: decision, judgment; trial 4

    irandus, a, -um: to be sworn (is irdanum: oath), 4

    lgtio, -nis f.: embassy, envoy, 4

    magistratus, -sm.: magistrate, officer, 4

    mtrimnium, -in.: marriage, matrimony, 2

    morior, mor, mortuus sum: to die, 1

    mors, mortis, f.: death, 3

    ms, mrism.: custom, manner, law, 2

    obaertus, -a, -um: indebted, 1

    perfacilis, -e: very easy; adv. very easily2

    plebs, plbis, f.: common people, masses, 3

    poena, poenae, f.: punishment, penalty, 3

    potns (potentis): powerful, influential, 2

    potior, -r, -tus: gain possession of, possess (abl.), 4

    principtus, -s m.: leadership, rule, 4

    prob (1): approve, commend, 1

    spr (1): hope (for), expect, 2

    suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, receive, 4

    suspci, -cinis f.: mistrust, suspicion, 4

    undque: (from) everywhere, from or on all sides, 3

    vinculum, -n.: bond, chain, 1

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    Orgetorixs Conspiracy Fails 7

    1 adconficiends:for accomplishing; for

    those things going to be accomplished ad +

    gerundive (fut. pass. pple modifying rs) often

    expresses purpose; when translating, employ a

    gerund-gerundive flip: translate as a gerundand es rs as the object of the gerund

    sibi:for himself; dat. of interest/advantage

    2 e: this; demonstrative pronoun

    persudet Casticut:persuades Casticus

    that; verb governs dat. and ind. command

    3 cuius: whose; gen. sg. relative pronoun

    mults anns:for; acc. of duration

    4 appelltus erat: had been named; + predicatenominative; the verb behaves as a linking verb

    utoccupret: that he occupy; ind. command

    with persudet can often, but not always, betranslated as an infinitive: to occupy

    5 quodhabuerit: pf. subj., relative clause of

    characteristic, the antecedent is regnum

    DumnorgHaedu: (he persuades)Dumnorix

    the Aeduan; dat. i.o. of missing persudet in

    a construction parallel to Castic above

    6 e tempore: at ; abl. of time when

    maximacceptus erat: had been especially

    (well) received; governs a dative of agent (by...)

    7 utcnrtur: that: ind. command

    governed by persudet; impf. deponent cnridem: the same thing; id-dem, neuter acc. d.o.,

    i.e. utoccupret in ll. 4-5

    e: to him; dat. sg. indirect object with dat

    8 perfacileesseperficere: that it is; ind.

    disc. governed by probat; perficere is inf.

    subject and perfacile is the pred. adj.

    fact: to do; in doing abl. sg. supine (PPPstem + ) is an abl. of respect qualifying the

    adj. perfacile, very easy

    ills:for those (men); dat. interest

    conta: the things attempted; PPP, neuter pl.9 proptere quod: because; lit. on this account

    because which is a pleonasm (redundancy)

    ipse: (he) himself; i.e. Orgetorix

    obtentrus esset: would attain; would be

    going to attain, fut. pple + sum (here impf.

    subj.) is a periphrastic fut. form; verbs in

    subordinate clauses in indirect disc. are very

    often placed in the subjunctive

    nn esse dbium: (that) he did not doubt but

    that; he was not doubtful, ind. discourse10 plrimum possent: would have very much

    power; common idiom in Caesar, impf. subj.

    11 concilitrum (esse): that they will win over;

    fut. infinitive; ind. disc., s is acc. subj.

    12 ius-iurandum: a sworn oath; as one or two

    words; both decline; gerundiveiur , -re

    13 ttus: of the entire; gen. sg. with Galliae

    ss: that they; acc. subject of posse

    potr: to possess; dep. inf., regn as abl. obj.

    14 Ea rs: this matter; i.e. Orgetorixs conspiracy

    est.nntita: nntita est; pf. passiveper indicium: i.e. through spies and informers

    mribus sus: according to their customs;from their customs, often with ex denotes

    a source of action (separation) not abl. cause

    15 causam dcere: to plead (his) case; idiom

    damntumsequ: that (he) if condemned

    follow; deponent inf., PPP is conditional

    oportbat: it was necessarythat; impersonal

    utcremrtur: that; ind. command

    ign: ablative of means; i-stem 3rd

    decl. noun

    17 di cnstitt: on the; abl. of time whencausae dictinis:for the pleading of the case

    admlia decem: around; ad means up toor nearly throughout this passage

    18 cogit:gathered; cg (co-ag) means (a)

    compel or (b) drive together; cf. ll. 15 and 22

    19 edem: in the same (place); abl. place where

    20 ndceret:so thatnot; neg. purpose. cf. 15

    cumconrturcgerent: after; cum

    clause with two impf. subjunctives

    exsequ: pres. dep. infinitive, exsequor

    ob eam rem: on account of this matter22 mortuus est: died; pf. deponent, morior

    ut: as; common translate with indicative

    23 quin sibiconscverit: that he broughtonhimself; pf. subj. conscisc

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    Lesson 4: Caesar I.5 I.68

    5.1 Post eius mortem nihil minus Helvti id quod cnstituerant facere

    cnantur, ut fnibus sus exeant. 2. Ubi iam s ad eam rem parts esse

    arbitrt sunt, oppida sua omnia, numer ad duodecim, vcs ad

    quadringents, reliqua prvta aedificia incendunt; 3. frmentum omne,

    praeter quod scum porttr erant, combrunt, ut domum redtinis sp

    sublt partirs ad omnia percula subeunda essent; trium mensum molta

    cibria sibi quemque dom efferre iubent. Persudent Rauracs et Tulings et

    Latobrgs finitims ut, edem s cnsili, oppids sus vcsque exusts n

    cum es proficscantur, Boisque, qu trns Rhnum incoluerant et in agrum

    Noricum transerant Noreiamque oppugnbant, recepts ad s socis sibi

    adsciscunt.6.1 Erant omnn itinera duo, quibus itineribus dom exre possent: num

    per Squans, angustum et difficile, inter montem Iram et flmen

    Rhodanum, vix qu singul carr dcerentur, mns autem altissimus

    impendbat, ut facile perpauc prohibre possent; 2. alterum per provinciam

    nostram, mult facilius atque expedtius, proptere quod inter fns

    Helvtirum et Allobrogum, qu nper pct erant, Rhodanus fluit isque

    nnnllis locs vad trnstur.

    3. Extrmum oppidum Allobrogum est proximumque Helvtirum fnibusGenava. Ex e oppid pns ad Helvtis pertinet. Allobrogibus ss vel

    persusrs, quod nndum bon anim in populum Rmnum vidrentur,

    existimbant vel v coactrs ut per sus fns es re paterentur. Omnibus

    rbus ad profectinem compartis diem dcunt, qu di ad rpam Rhodan

    omns conveniant. Is dis erat a. d. V. Kal. Apr. L. Psne, A. Gabni








    A.: Aulus, 1aedificium, -in.: building, edifice, 1

    alter, -era, -erum: other (of two), 1

    altus, -a, -um: high, lofty, tall, 2

    angustus, -a, -um: narrow, confined, 2

    April, Aprilis m.: April, 2

    ascisc, -ere, ascv, -sctum: to take to, add, 1

    Boii, -rum m.: Boians (Bohemians) 4

    bonus, -a, -um: good, kind(ly), useful 2

    cibria, -rum n.: rations, rationed food, 1

    combur, -ere, -uss, -ustum: burn up, 1

    compar (1): prepare, acquire, get ready, 4

    difficilis, difficile: hard, difficult, 2

    duodecim: twelve, 1

    effer, -ferre, -tul,ltus: raise, lift up 1

    expedtus, -a, -um: unimpeded, fast, 3

    extrmus, -a, -um: farthest, outermost, 3

    exr, -ere, -ss, -stum: to burn up, consume, 1


    , -ere, fl


    , fl

    xus: flow, 2Gabinius, -m.: Gabinius, 1

    Genava, -ae f.: Geneva, 3

    hc: to this place, hither, here 1

    impende, -re: hang over, threaten, 1

    incend, -ere, -, -nsus: kindle, burn, 2

    Ira, -ae f.: Iura (a mountain range), 3

    Kal.: Kalends, 1

    Latovc, -rum m.: Latovicians, 3

    mensis, -is m.: month, 3molior, -r, moltum: set into motion, stir, 1

    mors, mortis, f.: death, 3

    nndum: not yet, 2

    Noreia, -ae f.: Noreia, 1

    Noricum, -m.: Noricum (modern Austria) 2

    nper: recently, lately, newly, 3

    oppugn (1): capture by assault, attack, 3

    pc (1): to placify, subdue, 1

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    The Helvetians Follow Orgetorixs Plan: Two Possible Routes 9

    pate, -re, -u: lie open, extend, 2

    perpauc, -ae, -a: very few, 2

    pns, pontis m.; a bridge, 3

    port (1): carry, bear, bring, 1

    post: after, behind (+ acc.); afterward, next, 2

    praeter: beyond, past (+ acc.), 3

    prvtus, -a, -um: personal, private, 2

    profectio, -nis f.: departure, 2

    quadringenti: four hundred, 1

    quisque, quidque: each one, each person, 3

    Raurc, -rum: Rauraci, 2

    rediti, -nis f.: return, going back, 1

    sube, -re, -i, -itum: approach, undergo, 2

    toll, ere, sustul, subltum: raise, destroy, 4

    Tuling, -rum m.: Tulingi, 4

    V.: Valerius, 1

    vadum, -n.: shallows, shoal, ford, 2vcus, -m.: village, town, 4

    vix: with difficulty, with effort, scarcely, 1

    1 eius: his; i.e. Orgetorix, gen. sg.

    nihil minus: no less; less by nothing, comp.

    adverb; nihil is abl. degree of difference

    id quod: that which; id is object of facere

    2 utexeant: (namely) that; pres. subj. exe,in a noun purpose clause in apposition to id

    ad eam rem:for this matter; expresses purpose

    s: that they; acc. subject of parts esse

    3 arbitrt sunt: pf. deponent

    numer: in number; abl. of respect

    ad: around; up to or nearly

    5 praeter quod: except (that) which

    scum: cum s

    porttrerant: were going to carry;

    periphrastic fut. (fut. act. pple + impf. sum)

    utessent: so that; result, impf. sumsp sublt: with hope having been carried off;

    abl. absolute, pf. pass. pple from toll

    6 adsubeunda:for approaching; for all

    dangers going to be approached, a gerundive

    sube + ad expresses purpose and is best

    translated through a gerund-gerundive flip as a

    gerund + object: for approaching all dangers

    molta: ground; i.e flour, PPP set in motion

    8 utproficiscantur: that; an alternative

    spelling for ut (note: the pres. inf. for tor is t

    with an initial long-u); introducing an ind.command with pres. subj.

    s: having employed; nom. pl. PPP, deponent

    tor governs an ablative object

    n: altogether; adverb formed from an abl.

    10 trnserant: pluperfect of trnse

    scis: (as) allies; in apposition to Boisque

    12 erant: there were

    itinera: routes

    quibuspossent: by which; rel. clause of

    characteristic; impf. subj. of possum, quibus is

    a relative adj. with itineribus, which is

    redundant and may be left untranslateddom:from home; place from which

    num: one (route); in apposition to itinera

    14 qu: by which (way); or where, abl. as adv.

    qudcerentur: relative clause of

    characteristic with impf. subjunctive, the path

    is so narrow that carts must pass one at a time

    15 utpossent: so that; result clause, impf. subj.

    facile: easily; irregular 3rd decl. adv. facilis, -e

    alterum (iter): the other (route); in apposition

    to itinera (line 12) and parallel to num

    16 mult: much; lit. by much, abl. degree ofdifference modifies comparative adjectives

    faclius atque expedtius: comparative adjs.,

    neuter singular modifying alterum (iter)

    proptere quod: because; 3rd

    instance so far

    18 vad: in the shallows; in a ford; place where

    20 sspersusrs (esse)coactrs (esse):

    that they would persuade or compel; fut. inf.

    21 bon anim: seemed not yet of good will to;

    abl. of quality in the predicative position

    22 v: irregular ablative of means, vs

    paterentur: they (Allobrogs) allow; impf.subj. of the deponent patior (3rd-io)

    23 diem dcunt qu di: they name the day on

    which (day); ablative time when

    24 a(nte) d(iem) V. Kal(ends) Apr(ilis):5th day

    before the Kalends of April; March 28th, 58

    L. Psnecnsulibus: abl. abs; add being

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    Lesson 5: Caesar I.710

    7.1 Caesar cum id nntitum esset, es per prvinciam nostram iter facere

    cnr, mtrat ab urbe proficsc et quam maxims potest itineribus in

    Galliam ulterirem contendit et ad Genavam pervenit. 2. Prvinciae tt

    quam maximum potest mlitum numerum imperat (erat omnn in Galli

    ulterire legina), pontem, querat ad Genavam, iubet rescind.

    3. Ubi d eius advent Helvti certirs fact sunt, legts ad eum mittunt

    nobilssims civittis, cuius legtinis Nammeius et Verucloetius principem

    locum obtinbant, qu dcerent sibi esse in anim sine ll malefici iter per

    prvinciam facere, proptere quod aliud iter habrent nllum: rogre ut eius

    voluntte id sibi facere liceat. Caesar, quod memori tenbat L. Cassium

    consulem occ

    sum exercitumque eius ab Helv


    s pulsum et sub iugummissum, cncdendum nn putbat; 4. neque hmins inimc anim, dat

    facultte per provinciam itineris faciend, tempertrs ab iniri et

    malefici existimbat. 5. Tamen, ut spatium intercdere posset dum mlits

    qus imperverat convenrent, lgts respondit diem se ad dlberandum

    smptrum: squid vellent, ad Id. April. reverterentur.





    April, Aprilis m.: April, 2

    Cassius, -m.: Cassius, 3

    dlber (1): consider, consult, weigh, 1

    Genava, -ae f.: Geneva, 3

    inimcus, -a, -um: hostile, unfriendly, 2

    intercd, -ere, -cess, -cessum: come or go between, 3

    iugum, -n.: yoke, (mountain) range, 4

    lgtio, -nis f.: embassy, envoy, 4

    maleficium, -in.; wrongdoing, crime, 3

    mtr (1): to hasten, make haste, 2

    Nammeius, -im.: Nammeius, 1

    occd, -ere, occid, occsus: kill, cut down 4

    pns, pontis m.; a bridge, 3

    rescind, -ere, scid, scissum: cut back, 1

    spatium, -in.: space, room, extent, 4

    temper (1): refrain from, keep from, 2

    ulterior, -ius: farther, 4urbs, urbis, f.: city, 2

    Veruclotius, im.: Verucloetius, 1

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    Caesar Decides to Stop the Helvetians 11

    1 Caesar: to Caesar; Caesar talks about himself

    in the 3rd

    person; dat. sg. of nntitum esset

    nntitum esset: plpf. pass. subjunctive in a

    temporal clause with cum, after or when

    idescnr: this(namely) that theyattempt; acc. subject and deponent inf. (indirectdisc.) in apposition to id

    2 quamitineribus: in as rapid marches as

    possible; with the greatest marches as it is

    possible, quam + superlative is as X as

    possible, potest is impersonal: it is possible

    3 Gallia ulterirem:further Gaul; i.e. the

    Province (Transalpine Gaul) in southern France

    contendit: hastens

    4 Prvinciae ttimperat: ordered from the

    entire Province; dat. indirect object; tt isdat. sg. of ttus (gen. ttus)

    quamnumerum: as great a number ofsoldiers possible; a greatest number of

    soldiers as it is able; see line 2

    4 imperat.(et) pontemiubet: supply the

    missing conjunction et, asyndeton, which

    suggests that Caesar is quick and decisive

    5 ad Genavam: near Geneva

    rescind: present passive infinitive

    6 eius: his; i.e. Caesars

    certirs fact sunt: were informed; weremade more certain, common idiom in Caesar,

    certirs is a pred. nominative7 cuius legtinis: of which embassy; rel. adj.

    8 qudcerent: who would say; relative clause

    of purpose, impf. subj. dc, which one may

    translate as a regular purpose clause: to say

    sibi esse in anim: that he had in mind; + inf.,

    there is to him in mind, dat. of possession

    9 proptere quod: because; lit. on this account

    because, 4th

    and final instance of this phrase

    habrent: they had; impf. subj., subordinateclauses within indirect discourse govern verbs

    in the subjunctive

    rogre utlicret: they asked that it beallowed; historical inf. and ind. command

    eius voluntte: with his permission

    10 memori tenbat: in memory; abl. of means,

    a common idiom for he recalled or he


    L. Cassiumoccsum (esse), exercitumque

    pulsum (esse)missum (esse): two

    separate instances of indirect discourses (two

    acc. subjects) governed by tenbat, supply

    esse to form pf. passive infinitives

    11 occsum (esse): had been killed; pf. pass. inf.

    pulsum (esse): pf. pass. inf. pellsub iugum missum (esse): had been sentunder the yoke; i.e. had been enslaved

    12 cncdendum nn (esse sibi): that he must

    not yield; that it is not going to be yielded by

    him, a passive periphrastic (gerundive + form

    of sum) which expresses obligation or

    necessity, often with a dative of agent

    hominstempertrs (esse): that

    peoplewould not refrain; fut. inf. governed

    by existimbat

    inimc anim: of hostile intent; abl. ofdescription modifying homins

    dat facultte: ablative absolute13 itineris faciend: of making a journey; of a

    journey going to be made gerundive modifies

    gen. iter which is better translated through a

    gerundive-gerund flip

    ab inri..malefici:from; abl. separation

    with tempertrs (esse)

    14 ut spatiumposset:so that; purpose

    clause with impf. subj.; spatium is subject

    15 ssmptrum (esse): that he; indirectdiscourse, supply esse for the future inf.

    ad dliberandum:for deliberating; ad +gerund expressing purpose, which can also be

    translated as an infinitive: to deliberate

    16 quid; anything; aliquis, aliquid is a common

    indefinite pronoun (anyone, anything), but

    quis, quid is commonly used as an indefinite

    (who anyone; what anything) after s,

    nisi, num, and n. The mnemonic for this

    construction is the jingle After s, nisi, num,

    and n, all the alis go away (in other wordsindefinite aliquid becomes just quid)

    svellent,reverterentur: if they should

    wish, they could return; in direct disc. afuture less vivid condition (spres. subj., pres.

    subj.) which are placed in impf. subjunctive in

    indirect discourse in secondary sequence

    ad Id(s) April(is): near the Ides of April; the


    of April, the Ides denotes the time of the

    month when there is a full moon; Ids is 4th

    decl. acc. pl. and Aprilis is gen. sg.

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    Lesson 6: Caesar I.8 I.912

    8.1 Intere e legine, quam scum habbat, mlitibusque, qu ex Prvinci

    convnerant lac Lemann, qu in flmen Rhodanum nfluit, ad montem

    Iram, qu fns Squanrum ab Helvtis dvidit, mlia passuum decem

    novem, mrum in altitdinem pedum sdecim fossamque perdcit. 2. E

    opere perfect, praesidia dispnit, castella commnit, qu facilius, s s

    invt transre cnrentur, prohibre possit.

    3. Ubi ea dis, quam cnstituerat cum lgts, vnit et lgt ad eum

    revertrunt, negat s mre et exempl popul Rmn posse iter ll per

    Prvinciam dare et, svim facere cnentur, prohibitrum ostendit. 4. Helvti

    e sp diect, nvibus iuncts ratibusque complribus facts, ali vads


    , qu

    minima altit



    minis erat, n

    n numquam interdi

    , saepiusnoct, sperrumpere possent cnt, operis mntine et militum concurs et

    tls repuls, hc cnt dstitrunt.

    9.1 Relinqubtur na per Squans via, qu, Squans invits, propter

    angustis re nn poterant. 2. Hs cum su sponte persudre nn possent,

    lgts ad Dumnorgem Aeduum mittunt, ut e dprectre Squans

    impetrrent. 3. Dumnorx grti et largtine apud Squans plrimum

    poterat, et Helvtis erat amcus, quod ex e civitte Orgetorgis fliam in

    matrimnium dxerat et, cupiditte regn adductus, nvs rbus studbat etquam plrims cvitts su benefici habre obstricts volbat. 4. Itaque

    rem suscipit et Squans impetrat ut per fns sus Helvtis re patiantur,

    obsidsque ut inter ss dent perficit: Squan, n itinere Helvtis

    prohibeant; Helvti, ut sine malefici et iniri trnseant.






    altitd, -inis f.: height, depth, altitude, 3

    angustia, -ae f.: narrowness, straitness, 4

    castellum, -n.: fortress, stronghold, fort, citadel, 1

    communi, -re, -i, -tum: to fortify strongly, 1

    complres n.: several, 4

    contus, -s m.: attempt, effort, 1

    concursus, -s m.: running together, gathering, 1

    cupidits, -ttis f.: desire, eagerness for, 3

    decem: ten, 3

    dici, -ere, -ic, -iectum: hurl down 1dprector, -ris m.: interceder, one who intercedes, 1

    dsist, -ere, -stit: desist, cease, give up, 4

    dispn, -ere: arrange distribute, 1

    exemplum, -n.: example, 2

    flia, -iaef.: daughter, 4

    fossa, -ae f.: ditch, trench, 1

    influ, -ere, inflx: to flow in, 3

    interdi: by day, during the day, 1

    interdum: sometimes, now and then, 2

    invtus, -a, -um: unwilling, 3

    iung, -ere, iunx, iunctum: join, attach, 2

    Ira, -ae f.: Iura (a mountain range), 3

    lacus, -s m.: lake, pond, pool, 2

    largti, -tinis f.: generosity, giving much; bribery, 1

    Lemannus, -m.: (w/ lacus) Lake Geneva, 2

    maleficium, -in.; wrongdoing, crime, 3

    mtrimnium, -in.: marriage, matrimony, 2

    minimus, -a, -um: very little, 2

    ms, mrism.: custom, manner, law, 2

    mntio, -inis f.: fortification, paving, 3

    mrus, -m.: (city) wall, rampart, 2

    nvis, nvis, f.: ship, boat, 2

    neg (1): to deny, say thatnot, 1

    noct: by night; abl. as adv. nox, noctis, 1

    novem: nine, 1

    numquam: never, 3

    obstring, -ere, -strinx, -strictum: to confine, bind, 1

    perdc, -ere, dx, ductum: lead through 1

    perrump, -ere, -rp, -ruptum: break through, 1

    ratis, ratis f.: raft, 2

    repell, -ere, reppul, -pulsum: drive back, repulse, 1

    sdecim: sixteen, 2

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    sponte: willingly, voluntarily, 2

    stude, -re, u: be eager, strive after, 1

    suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: undertake, receive, 4

    vadum, - n.: shallows, shoal, ford, 2

    via, -ae, f.: road, way, path, 3

    1 scum: cum s; s is a 3rd person reflexive

    pronoun, which refers to the subject

    (mnemonic: s as in Subject)

    3 fns: borders; ends or territory

    mlia passuum decem novem:for miles;

    thousands of paces; acc. of extent of space

    decem novem:XIX; typically there is an et

    joined these two numbers, modifies mlia

    4 in altitdinem: (up) to a height

    pedum sdecim: of; gen. of quality


    cit: draws up; i.e. builds; the verbdc is often used for digging and building

    walls (to draw up a wall); here the wall and

    ditch form a sheer fact of 16 feet; as often,

    Caesar is subject of 3rd sg. verbs without a


    Eperfect: abl. absolute; e as an adjective

    is demonstrative: translate as this or that

    5 dispnit (et)commnit: asyndeton (lack of

    conjunction) emphasizes Caesars decisiveness

    qupossit: that may be able; adverbial

    purpose clauses may begin with ut or quo(whereby = ut e, that thereby)

    facilius: comparative adverb

    s invt: abl. absolute; add being, without a

    pple for sum, subject and pred. assume the abl.

    6 cnrentur:

    8 negat: he says that not; or denies that

    spossedare: that; indirect discourse,

    translate dare as to grant or to allow

    mre et exempl: by; i.e. in accordance

    with; abl. of cause

    ll: dat. sg. ofllus (gen. llus, dat. ll)9 vim facere: to carry out force; use force

    prohibitrum (esse): fut. inf., supply Caesar

    as subject

    10 nvibusfacts: two ablative absolutes

    ali: others; in apposition to Helvti: some

    crossed by boat, others crossed on foot

    vads: in the shallows, abl. of place where

    11 qu: where

    nn numquam: sometimes; not never,

    litotes, parallel to the adverb saepius

    saepius: comparative adverb

    13 repuls: PPP governs preceding ablatives

    hc cnt:from this; abl. of separation

    14 qu: where; abl. place where

    Squans invts: abl. absolute; add being,

    without a pple for sum, just as in line 5; here l

    likely conditional in force: if the Sequanians

    were unwilling Caesar suggests that the Gauls

    would be unwilling to let Helvetians pass

    15 Hs: i.e. Sequanians, dat. obj. of persu


    su sponte: by their own will

    16 utimpetrret: obtain (what is requested);


    edprectre: this one (being) an

    interceder, abl. abs., supply pple for sum

    17 grti et largtine: because of; abl. of


    plrimum poterat: was very powerful; idiom

    19 cupiditte regnadductus: compare the

    same description of Orgetorix pg. 4, line 2

    novs rebus studbat: was eager forrevolution; eager for new things

    20 quam plrims: as many as possible

    su benefici: by his favor

    obstricts: bound; i.e. by obligations

    21 utpatiantur: that allow; noun result

    clause; pres. subjunctive patior

    22 obsidsqueperficit: normal word order:

    perficit utobsids inter s dent; the ut

    clause is another noun result clause

    perficit: brings it about that

    inter ss: to one another; amongthemselves

    23 Squan: supply give hostages, which is

    missing through ellipsis

    nut: so thatso that; negative and

    positive purpose clauses

    itinere:from; abl. of separation

    23 trnseant: pres. subjunctive of transe

    Helvti: supply give hostages, which is

    missing through ellipsis

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    Lesson 7: Caesar I.10 I.11.314

    10.1 Caesar renntitur, Helvtis esse in anim per agrum Squanrum et

    Aedurum iter in Santonum fns facere, qunn long Tolstium fnibus

    absunt, quae cvits est in Provinci. 2. Id s feret, intellegbat magn cum

    pericul Prvinciae futrum ut homins bellicss, populRmn inimcs,

    locs patentibus maximque frmentris fnitims habret. 3. Ob es causs

    e mntin quam fcerat T. Labinum legtum praefcit; ipse in Italiam

    magns itineribus contendit, dusque ibi legins cnscrbit, et trs, quae

    circum Aquileiam hiembant, ex hberns dcit et, qu proximum iter in

    ulterirem Galliam per Alps erat, cum es quinque leginibus re contendit.

    4. Ibi Ceutrons et Graiocelet Caturgs, locs superiribus occupts, itinere

    exercitum prohib

    re c

    nantur. Compl

    ribus e

    s proeli

    s puls

    s, ab Ocel

    ,quod est citeriris Prvinciae extrmum, in fns Vocontirum ulteriris

    Prvinciae di septim pervenit; inde in Allobrogum fns, ab Allobrogibus

    in Segsivs exercitum dcit. H sunt extr Prvinciam trns Rhodanum


    11.1 Helvti iam per angustis et fns Squanrum sus cpis

    trdxerant, et in Aedurum fns pervnerant erumque agrs

    populbantur. 2. Aedu, cum s suaque ab es defendere nn possent, lgts

    ad Caesarem mittunt rogtum auxilium: 3. ita s omn tempore d populRmn merits esse ut paene in cnspect exercits nostr agr vstr,

    lbererum in servittem abdc, oppida expugnrnn debuerint.






    abduc, -ere, dx, ductum: to lead away, 1

    Alps, -ium f.: Alps, 1

    angustia, -ae f.: narrowness, straitness, 4

    Aquilia, -ae f.: Aquileia (city on the Adriatic)

    bellicsus, -a, -um: warlike, 1

    Caturgs, -um m.: Caturiges, 1

    Ceutrons, -um m.: Ceutrones (tribe) 1

    circum: around, round about, 2citerior, -ius: on the other side, hither, 3

    complres n.: several, 4

    conscrib, -ere, -scrips, -scriptum: enlist, register, 2

    conspectus, -s, f.: look, sight, view, 3

    dfend, -ere, -fend, -fensus: ward off, repel, 4

    dcitdc, -ere, -dx, -ductus: lead out, 3

    expugn (1): to capture by assault, assault, 1

    extr: outside; beyond, outside of (acc), 1

    extrmus, -a, -um: farthest, outermost, 3

    Graiocel, -rum m.: Graioceli (Gallic Alpine tribe), 1

    hibernus, -a, -um: of winter, wintry, 3hiemo (1): spend the winter, pass the winter, 1

    hc: to this place, hither, here 1

    inde: from there, then, afterward, 2

    inimcus, -a, -um: hostile, unfriendly, 2

    talia, -ae f.: Italy, 3

    longus -a, -um: long, 4

    meritus, -a, -um: deserved, due, just, 3

    mntio, -inis f.: fortification, paving, 3

    Ocelum, -m.: Ocelum (Gallic town), 1

    paene: almost, nearly, 3

    pate, -re, -u: lie open, extend, 2populor, -r, popultus sum: lay waste, devastate, 2

    praefici, -ere, -fc: set over, put in charge over, 3

    quinque: five, 3renunti, (1): bring back word, report, announce, 3

    Santons, -um m.: Santones (Gallic tribe on coast) 2

    Segusiv, -rum m.: Segusiavi (Gallic tribe), 1

    septimus, -a, -um: seventh, 3

    servits, servittis, f.: servitude, 3

    T.: Titus, 2

    Tolsts, -ium m.: Tolosati (Gallic tribe in the

    Province), 1

    ulterior, -ius: farther, 4vast (1): lay waste, 1

    Voconti, -rum m.: Vocontii (tribe in Province), 1

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    151 renntitur: it is reported; impersonal

    Helvtis esse in anim: that the Helvetians

    have; to the Helvetians are dat. of possession

    in ind. disc., often translated with verb have

    2 Santonum: gen. pl. modifyingfnslong:far; common translation for this adv.

    3 feret: translate in impf. impf. subj. fi, fier

    Prvinciae: to the Province; dat. of interest

    futrum (esse): it; future inf., sum

    4 ut hominshabret: that (the Province)

    have; that it have, noun result clause, the

    subject of futrum (esse) above

    5 locsfrmentris: to places; dat. object of

    special adjective fnitims: Helvetians are a

    threat because they neighbor the food supply

    6 emntin: this fortification; dat. objectof the compound verbpraefcit

    7 magns itineribus: with long marches

    8 qu: where; abl. place where

    9 ulterirem Galliam:farther Gaul

    cum es: with these; demonstrative pronoun

    10 locsoccuptts: abl. abs.

    superiribus: higher; comparative adjective

    itinere: abl. of place where

    11 Complribuspulss: abl. abs.

    12 citeririsulteriris: Nearer Province, just

    as Nearer Gaul, is Northern Italy on Romes

    side of the Alps while Farther Province or

    Farther Gaul is Southern France, on the farther

    side of the Alps

    14 in Segsivs: among

    16 sus cpis: this word can mean troops, butthe larger context suggests that this group

    must include all of the Helvetians, translators

    may have to be satisfied with supplies

    17 erumque: andtheir; i.e. the Aeduans

    18 cumpossent: since; causal in sense, impf.

    subj. possum

    suaque: and their own (property); their own

    things neuter pl. parallel to reflexive s,

    19 rogtum: to ask; acc. supine of rog, rogre

    often expresses purpose; in English we can

    express purpose with an inf.19 smerits esse: (namely) that they; ind.

    disc. in pf. pass.; in apposition to auxilium

    omn tempore: abl. time when; i-stem abl.

    abj.; translate tempore as occasion

    20 itautdebuerint : sothat; result clause,

    translate pf. subj. debe as a pf. indicative,

    agr (debuerint).(et) lber (debuerint)

    (et) oppidadebuerint: three subjects rely

    on the same verb missing through ellipsis; one

    must supply conjunctions missing through


    Popular Uses of Subjunctive in CaesarPractical Note: identify and translate most subjunctives in the tense you find them.

    How to identify special translation example

    1. Purpose, adverbial ut/n (neg.) may/might ut Caesar mitteret

    or relative so that Caesar might send

    2. Result, adverbial ut/ut nn (neg.) none ut Caesar mitteret

    or noun clause that Caesar sent

    3. Cum-Clauses Cum + subjunctive none Cum Caesar mitteret

    When Caesar sent

    4. Indirect Question interrogatives: e.g. quis, cr none nvit qus Caesar mitteret

    he learned whom Caesar sent

    5. Indirect Command commanding verb + ut/n (neg.) none persusit ut Caesar mitteret

    he persuaded that Caesar send

    6. Relative Clause of relatives: qu, quod+ subj. none es qus Caesar mitteret

    Characteristic those whom Caesar sent

    7. Verb in Subordinate any subordinate verb in none es, s id mitteret, lgere

    Clause in Ind. Disc. an acc. + inf. construction that they read it, if he sentit

    8. Future-Less-Vivid spres. subj., pres. subj. should/would s sit, mittat

    if he shouldbe...he would send

    9. Pres. Contrafactual s impf. subj., impf. subj. were/would s esset, mitteret

    if he werehe would send

    10. Past Contrafactual splpf. subj., plpf. subj. had/would have s fuisset, msisset

    if he hadbeenhe would have

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    Lesson 8: Caesar I.11.4 I.1216

    11.4 Edem tempore AeduAmbarr, necessri et cnsanguineAedurum,

    Caesarem certirem faciunt ss, dpopults agrs, nn facile ab oppids

    vim hostium prohibre. 5. Item Allobrogs, qu trns Rhodanum vcs

    possessinsque habbant, fug s ad Caesarem recipiunt, et dmnstrant

    sibi praeter agr solum nihil esse reliqu. 6. Quibus rbus adductus Caesar

    nn exspectandum sibi statuit dum, omnibus fortns socirum cnsumpts,

    in Santons Helvtipervenrent.

    12.1 Flmen est Arar, quod per fns Aedurum et Sequanrum in

    Rhodanum nfluit, incrdibil lnitte, ita ut oculs in utram partem fluat

    iudicr nn possit. Id Helvti ratibus ac lintribus inctis trnsbant. 2. Ubi

    per expl



    s Caesar certior factus est tr

    s iam part

    s c


    rum Helv


    sid flmen tradxisse, qurtam fere partem citr flmen Ararim reliquam

    esse, d terti vigili cum leginibus tribus castrs profectus ad eam partem

    pervnit, quae nndum flmen trnsierat. 3. Es impedits et inopnants

    aggressus magnam partem erum concdit: reliqu ss fugae mandrunt

    atque in proxims silvs abdidrunt. 4. Is pgus appellbtur Tigurnus: nam

    omnis cvits Helvtia in quattuor pagos divisa est.

    5. Hic pagus nus, cum dom exsset, patrum nostrrum memori, L.

    Cassium cnsulem interfecerat et eius exercitum sub iugum mserat. 6. Itasve cs sve cnsili derum immortlium, quae pars cvittis Helvtiae

    insignem calamittem popul Rmn intulerat, ea prnceps poens

    persolvit. 7. Qu in r Caesar nn slum pblics sed etiam prvts niris

    ultus est, quod eius socer L. Psnis avum, L. Psnem lgtum, Tigurn

    edem proeli qu Cassium interfcerant.






    abd, -ere, -did, -ditus: to hide, put away, 2

    adgredior, -, aggressus sum: attack, 2

    Ambarr, -rum m.: Ambarr (tribe in N.W. Gaul), 2avus, avm.: grandfather, 1

    Cassius, -m.: Cassius, 3

    csus, -s m.: misfortune, mishap; fall 1

    citr: this side of (acc), 1

    concd, -ere, -cd, -csum: cut up, kill, destroy, 1????

    cnsanguineus, -a, -um: related by blood, kindred, 2

    consum, -ere, -mps, -mptum: take, use up, spend, 1

    dmonstr(1): to show, demonstrate, 1

    dpopulor, -r, -tum sum: ravage, lay waste, 1

    deus, -m.: god, divinity, deity, 2

    exspect (1): look out for, wait for, await, 3

    fer: almost, nearly, closely, 4flu, -ere, flx, flxus: flow, 2

    hc: to this place, hither, here 1

    immortlis, -e: immortal, 2

    impedi, -re: entangle, ensnare, hinder, hamper, 3

    incrdibilis, -e: unbelieveable, 1

    influ, -ere, inflx: to flow in, 3

    inopnns, inopnantis: un expecting, unawares, 1nsignis, -e: distinguished, conspicuous, 2

    interfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: kill, slay, destroy, 4

    iugum, -n.: yoke, (mountain) range, 4

    iung, -ere, iunx, iunctum: join, attach, 2

    lnits, -ttis f.: gentleness, mildness, 1

    linter, lintris f.: boat, skiff, 2

    nndum: not yet, 2

    oculus, -, m.: eye, 2

    pgus, -m.: district, canton, 3

    persolv, -ere, -solv, -soltum: to pay in full, 1

    poena, poenae, f.: punishment, penalty, 3

    possessi, -inis f.: possession, 3praeter: beyond, past (+ acc.), 3

    prvtus, -a, -um: personal, private, 2

    prfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum: accomplish, produce, 1

    quattuor: four, 4

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    ratis, ratis f.: raft, 2

    Santons, -um m.: Santones (Gallic tribe on coast) 2

    silva, -ae f.: wood, forest, woodland, 2

    socer, socerm.: father-in-law, 1

    solum, -b.: soil, ground, land, 1

    Tigurn, -rum m.: Tigurini (people of Helvetia), 1

    Tigurnus, -m.: Tigurinus (district in Helvetia), 2

    ulciscor, -, ultum: avenge, take vengeance 2

    uter, utra, utrum: each or one (of two), 4

    vcus, -m.: village, town, 4

    1 AeduAmbarr: the Aeduan Ambarri

    2 certirem faciunt: inform; make certain a

    common double acc., certirem is an acc. pred.

    ss: that they; acc. subj. of posse

    nn facileposse: that (it is) not easy that

    be able; add esse to complete the impersonalconstruction with neut. sg. predicate facile

    4 fug: in flight


    recipiunt: retreat; take themselves back,s recipere is an common idiom for retreating

    5 sibiesse: that; ind. disc., dat. of possession,

    to themis, can be translated as they have

    solum:soil; obj. of praeter, modified by agr

    nihilreliqu: nothing remaining; partitive

    genitive with nihil

    Quibus rbus: by these state of affairs; by

    which English prefers the demonstrative in

    transitions6 exspectandum (esse) sibi: that he must not;

    is going to be waited for by him; ind. disc., apassive periphrastic (gerundive + sum)

    expresses obligation or necessity, often with

    dat. of agent; in English translate in the active

    7 in: among

    9 incrdibil lnitte: of; abl. of quality

    in utram partem fluat: ind. question

    10 possit: it is able; translate as impersonal

    ratibusiuncts: abl. abs., PPP iung

    13 trnsbant: impf. trnse11 certior factus est: see line 2 above

    trs part

    s: acc. object of tr

    dxisse,Helvtis: acc. subject of trdxisse

    12 Id flmen: across; second acc. obj. of the

    compound verb, trndxisse

    (et) qurtemesse: that a fourthwas; ind.

    discouse; asyndeton, add a conjunction

    13 d terti vigili: during the 3rd

    watch; from

    the 3rd


    profectus: deponent PPP, proficscor

    14 trnsierat: plpf. trnse

    es impedts: those burdened; i.e. with

    perhaps supplies, children, and the elderly15 mand(v)runt: entrusted (acc.) to (dat.);

    syncopated form for 3rd

    pl. pf. mand


    :Helvetian; modifies c


    s18 dom exsset: it had departed from home;

    abl. place from which; plpf. subjunctive exe,

    patrum nostrrum memori: within the

    memory of our fathers; vague abl. of time

    within; Cassius was defeated in 107 BC

    19 sub iugum: under the yoke (of slavery); hence

    the English word subjugate

    20 svesve: whetheror

    quae parsea: which partthis; relativeadjective, the antecedent is ea below

    21 popul




    : upon; dat. of compoundverb

    intulerat: plpf. infer

    ea: this (part); demonstative, nom. subject

    prnceps: i.e. was the first to pay

    22 qu in r: in this matter; in which matter

    nn slumsed etiam: not onlybut also

    23 ultus est: pf. deponent ulcscor

    eiusavum: thegrandfather of his father-in-

    law Lucius Piso; eius, his, refers to Caesar;L. Calpurnius Piso is the father of J. Caesars

    wife, Calpurnia24 edem proeli: abl. place where

    qu Cassium (interfcerant): in which; r

    relative cl.; abl. place where; supply main verb

    also as the missing verb in the relative clause

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    Lesson 9: Caesar I.1318

    13.1 Hc proeli fact, reliqus cpis Helvtirum ut cnsequ posset,

    pontem in Arare faciendum crat atque ita exercitum trdcit. 2. Helvti

    repentn eius advent commt, cum id quod ips dibus xx aegerrim

    confcerant, ut flmen trnsrent, illum n di fcisse intellegerent, lgts

    ad eum mittunt; cuius lgtinis Dvic princeps fuit, qubell Cassin dux

    Helvtirum fuerat. 3. Is ita cum Caesare git: s pcem populus Rmnus

    cum Helvtis faceret, in eam partem itrs atque ibi futrs Helvtis ubi

    es Caesar constituisset atque esse voluisset; 4. sn bell persequ

    persevrret, reminscertur et veters incommodpopulRmn et prstinae

    virttis Helvtirum. 5. Quod imprvsnum pgum adortus esset, cum e



    men transissent su

    s auxilium ferre n

    n possent, n

    ob eam rem autsuae magnopere virtt tribueret aut ipss dspiceret. 6. S ita patribus

    maioribusque sus didicisse, ut magis virtte quam dol contenderent aut

    insidis nterentur. 7. Qur n committeret ut is locus ubi cnstitissent ex

    calamitte popul Rmn et internecine exercits nmen caperet aut

    memoriam prderet.





    adorior, -r, -ortus sum: rise up, attack, 2

    aeger, -gra, -grum: sick, weary, 1

    Cassinus, -m.: of Cassius, 1

    consequor, -, sectus: follow after; pursue 3

    cr (1): care for, attend to, manage, 1

    dspici, -ere, -spex, -spectum: to look down upon, 1

    disc, -ere, didic, --: learn, learn how, 1

    Dvic, -nis m.: Divico (Helvetian leader), 2

    dolus, dolm.: trick, deceit, 1

    dux, ducism../f.: leader, guide, chieftain, 2

    imprvs: unexpectedly, suddenly, 1

    incommodum,n.: inconvenience, unpleasantness, 1

    insidiae, -rum, f.: ambush, plot, trap, 2

    interneci, -ciaonis f.: massacre, 1

    lgtio, -nis f.: embassy, envoy, 4

    magis: more, rather, 4

    magnpere: greatly, very much, 1

    ntor, nt, nxus sum: to lean, support, strive, 1

    nmen, nminis n.: name, 4

    pgus, -m.: district, canton, 3

    persequor, -sequ, -sectus sum: follow up, pursue 2

    persever (1): to persist, persevere, 1

    pns, pontis m.; a bridge, 3

    pristinus, -a, -um: former, previous, earlier 1

    prd, ere, did, ditum: bring forth; betray 1

    reminiscor, -,: to recall to mind, remember (gen) 1

    repentnus, -a, -um: sudden, unexpected, 1

    sn: but if, if however, 1

    tribu, -ere, -u, -tum: distribute, bestow, assign, 2

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    1 Hcfact: abl. abs.

    reliqusHelvtirum: object of deponent

    inf. cnsequwithin the purpose clause

    2 pontemfaciendum (esse): thatmust be;

    (is) going to be made, passive periphrastic(gerundive + sum) expresses obligation ornecessity, here an inf. in indirect disc.

    3 id quod: that which; id is obj. of fcisse

    dibus xx: within; abl. of time within

    aegerrim: with the greatest difficulty

    4 uttrnsrent: (namely) that they crossed

    the river; noun result clause, in apposition to id

    illumfcisse: that that one; illum is acc.

    subj. and refers to Caesar, obj. of the aor. inf. of

    faci is id, at the beginning of the cum-clause

    n di: within; in contrast to dibus xx5 cuius lgtinis: of which embassy; cuius is a

    relative adjectivebell Cassin: in; abl. of time when, i.e. the

    war in which Cassius was consul, see I.12

    6 Is: this one; i.e. Divico

    git: discussed; i.e. engaged, pf. ag

    sfaceretitrs (esse)futrs (esse):

    that ifwould make,would gowould be; the

    beginning of a long ind. disc. aftergit; this

    clause is a future-more-vivid condition (s fut.

    ind., fut. ind.) in ind. discourse in secondarysequence: impf. subj. faci, fut. inf. e and sum

    7 ubiconstituissetvoluisset: where; plpf.subj. (translate as plpf. ind.)

    8 snperservrret, reminscertur: or if he

    should, let him remember both; + gen. obj.,

    a mixed condition, reminscertur is a jussive

    subj. where the pres. subjunctive becomes impf.

    in secondary sequence

    bell persequ: abl. of means and deponent inf.

    9 incommod: a euphemism for disaster

    10 Quod: because

    adortus esset: plpf. deponent; translate as

    a plpf. indicative; verbs in subordinate

    clauses become subjunctive in ind. disc.

    equ: those who; e is nom. sg. of is, ea, id11 sus: to their own (people); dat. ind. object of


    ferre: complementary inf. fer governed by

    possent, impf. subj. of possum

    ntribueretdspiceret: let him not either

    addor look down upon; negative jussive

    clauses (originally pres. subj.) become impf.

    subj. in secondary sequence

    autaut: eitheror

    12 suae virtt: to; dat obj. of tribueret

    ipss: i.e. the Helvetianssdidicisse: (and) that they; s is acc.

    subj. and refers to the Helvetians, the inf. is pf.inf. disc

    13 maioribus: ancestors; those greater (in age),

    a common meaning for comparative maiors

    itaut:sothat they; result clause

    magisquam: (they contend) morethan

    they contend; verb missing through ellipsis

    14 qur:for which reason; by which matter,

    an abl. of cause; at the beginning of a queston

    Qu r...? means why? or for what reasonn committeret utprderet: let him not

    arrange that this place where they had made astand receive its name or pass on a memory

    from the calamity of the Roman people and

    slaughter of the army; a negative jussive subj.

    (secondary seq.) introducing a noun result

    clause, Divico threatens a battle that will be as

    notorious as the battle of Cassius in 107 BC

    cnstitissent: they had made a stand

    15 exexercits: a single prepositional phrase


    A gerundive, a future passive participle (stem + nd + 1st

    & 2nd

    decl. endings) agrees with a noun in

    case, number, and gender. Though it can be translated many ways: going/about/worthy to be

    freed or to be freed, we often employ a gerund-gerundive flip and translate it as a gerund:

    Genitive su liberand for freeing themselves

    bell inferendcaus for the sake of waging war gen. + caus expresses purpose

    Accusative ad nvs reficiends for repairing ships ad + gerundive expresses purposeAblative in petend pce in seeking peace

    Passive Periphrastic (gerundive + sum ) expresses obligation or necessity and governs a dative ofagent. Translate it with must or has to or ought in the present and had to in the past.

    faciendum esset it had to be done in subjunctive

    sibi iter faciendum esse that a journey must be made by him in ind. discourse

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    Lesson 10: Caesar I.1420

    14.1 Hs Caesar ita respondit: e sibi minus dubittinis dr, quod es rs

    qus lgt Helvti commemorssent memori tenret, atque e gravius

    ferre qu minus merit popul Rmn accidissent: 2. qu s alicuius iniriae

    sibi conscius fuisset, nn fuisse difficile cavre ; sed e dceptum, quod

    neque commissum s intellegeret qur timret neque sine caus timendum

    putret. 3. Quod s veteris contumliae oblvisc vellet, num etiam recentium

    inirirum, quod e invt iter per provinciam per vim temptssent, quod

    Aedus, quod Ambarrs, quod Allobrogas vexssent, memoriam dpnere

    posse? 4. Quod su victri tam nsolenter glrirentur, quodque tam di s

    impne iniuris tulisse admrrentur, edem pertinre. 5. Cnsusse enim


    s immort


    s, qu

    gravius homin

    s ex comm



    ne r

    rum doleant, qu

    spr scelere erum ulcscvelint, es secundirs interdum rs et diturnirem

    impnittem concdere.

    6. Cum ea ita sint, tamen, s obsids ab eis sibi dentur, ut ea quae

    polliceantur factrs intellegat, et s Aedus d iniris qus ipss socisque

    erum intulerint, item s Allobrogibus satisfaciant, ss cum es pacem esse

    factrum. 7. Divico respondit: ita Helvtis maioribus sus nstituts esse

    ut obsids accipere, nn dare, consuerint: eius re populum Rmnum esse

    testem. Hc respons dat discessit.





    admror, -r, admrtus: admire, wonder at, 1

    Ambarr, -rum m.: Ambarr (tribe in N.W. Gaul), 2

    cave, -re, cv, cautrum: to beware, be on guard, 1

    commemor (1): to mention, relate, 1

    commttio, -tinis f.: change, 1

    conscius, -a, -um: conscious, witnessing, 1

    contumlia, -ae f.: insult, abuse, 1

    decipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum: catch, deceive, 1

    dpon, -ere, -posu, -positum: put down, 1

    deus, -m.: god, divinity, deity, 2

    difficilis, difficile: hard, difficult, 2diturnus, -a, -um: long-lasting, long, 1

    Dvic, -nis m.: Divico (Helvetian leader), 2

    dole, -re, dolu: to grieve, suffer, 1

    dubittio, -tinis f.: wavering, uncertainty, 1enim: for, indeed, in truth, 3

    glrior, -r, gloritus sum: to boast about, glorify, 1

    immortlis, -e: immortal, 2

    impne: without penalty, unpunished, 1

    impnits, -ttis f.: impunity, 1

    insolenter: unusually, insolently, 1

    nstitu, -ere, -u, -tum: set, establish, 3

    interdum: sometimes, now and then, 2

    invtus, -a, -um: u