VIGNAN’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Branch: M.Tech MID-I Academic year: 2013-14  Subject Name: CMOS Ana!" inte"rated circuit de#i"n $ ear%Sem &%& Ma'.mar(#: 2)  * acuty Name: +A ,&ANT , /ate ! 'am: 04%10% 13 /urati!n: 120 Min ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- PART A 1. Discuss about different types of resistor and capacitors in MOS technology 1x1010 !10" PART #  Ans$er any T%R&& 'x(1( 1. Dra$ the s)all signal )odel for MOS transistor in acti*e region and deri*e expression for Transconductance+g ) ,. !(" -. a,Dra$ the S)all Sig nal o$ /reuency )odel of MOS/& T !-"  b,&xplain about MOS )odel para)eters and )ention any 10 para)eters !'" '. a, &xplain ntegrated circuit ayout and its i)portance !'"  b, Discuss about MOS Diod e or diode co nnected T ransistor and deri*e expression for its output i)pedance !-" 2. Discuss about Si)ple 3MOS current )irror and its eui*alent circuit and find output )pedance !(" (. 4rite short notes on  a, 3ascode current Mirror !- 5"  b, 4ilson current Mirror !- 5"


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7/21/2019 CAICD I

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Branch: M.Tech MID-I

Academic year: 2013-14

Subject Name: CMOS Ana !" inte"rated circuit de#i"n $ear%Sem &%&Ma'.mar(#: 2) *acu ty Name: +A,& ANT , /ate ! 'am: 04%10%13/urati!n: 120 Min



1. Discuss about different types of resistor and capacitors in MOS technology 1x10 10



Ans$er any T%R&& 'x( 1(

1. Dra$ the s)all signal )odel for MOS transistor in acti*e region and deri*e expression for

Transconductance+g ) ,. !("

-. a,Dra$ the S)all Signal o$ /re uency )odel of MOS/&T !-" b,&xplain about MOS )odel para)eters and )ention any 10 para)eters !'"

'. a, &xplain ntegrated circuit ayout and its i)portance !'"

b, Discuss about MOS Diode or diode connected Transistor and deri*e expression for its

output i)pedance !-"

2. Discuss about Si)ple 3MOS current )irror and its e ui*alent circuit and find output

)pedance !("

(. 4rite short notes on

a, 3ascode current Mirror !- 5"

b, 4ilson current Mirror !- 5"