CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor of Engineering with Honours TP (Civil Engineering) 770 145 2010 2010

CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

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Page 1: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil


Kenneth Kho Wee Hong

Bachelor ofEngineering with HonoursTP (Civil Engineering) 770 145 2010 2010




SCS I ICNGAJIAL 2006 - 2010

____ K _-IFTH KHO WEf HONG_____--F ~ c


mcnglku mcm bltlui-an ICS I ~ 11)1 dbil1pnn dl PUStt KJidnul l 10k umal ademlk t I Il ~ nrlli 1) l~~II

Sor(1wnk dCIl ~im synrcl l-sYilnll1 tgtg llll ilJll scpcn i btniut

I Tes ls HIIJuh 1 1~ k ll ll l jk Ui li vcr- f i Ma1~ siu S~lra a 2 Pusal Khid nml l llklLln1a AkadcllI ik Ul1i (middot ~1I1 MaLtYil u S~nLv lk tl i~lnMJ1I1 numhmu ~dtl1an IJ1l1ul

Lli lurm rCllgaliall sahaIt 3 l- k lJ dHlal re ndig ll JIl UIILtik 11111Ib 111 II I1 1-lt1n Pmgktl111 l)aLa KrmdlJllll1 re Il1Ilkn

j USl l Khi I1l l1 I~l klum jt ALILkrn lk Unic111 iVLILl y~ llt1 lt rawn k d ih~J1 rl[111 rTltrnhllill jllnLtl l c-J3

lilt -1lMgll blhdl1 JCIt UJ bullbull tJ1l IIlHHltl 1~tJt Ui i IKngl jliJillinggi S SILl t ~lfl d1kan ( ) l1i hotltlk ynng hrKel1ilUl

o SULIT (Mtn inndungi JnJk lumal yll1g hadlqah h~d amalH al1U lell1 ntingiJ Malaysia gtCpcrtl yang tC l mnl lllh di lk11Jn h rA RAIlSA RAStvll 19 72)

(MCl1golldungf 1lllkhlll1n rf R I IAD y lIl~ ldlh dltc nlul~11 nkh m gmgtiI j b ld l J J millll ]Jell ycl ld iLtn Lli l)lanJ111 J




SA RA K DR DHSYf n I r___oClIlf G r ( f 1111lt1 h l1~ Ilial

l ~ 11 2H l n lllkh

CTA TAN T~I~ dl m1 ~$u kll n z~bq~11 Ie j$ hClg IjJh O~ lo r r~I IsJ[ah S~l rjlItJ liI11 SltIIJ3nJ lud J Ia kOSI$ tn i SUI I r lt1111 T E R1-IAD ~tla lampirkw sunJt darirXHI rihnk ~(rtlla~lrgmb I Io 1 bcrktWltlIl ltit njJ Il nenltllk111 sdd ji sClh dar hrnpoh le l Inl Plrlu ukcld]l l1 (hatdJ


T he Fo ll owing Final Year Project

Tit le Ca lc ium Carbide Waste (CCW) as Cement Replacement in Concrete

Author Kenneth Kho Wee Ho ng

Ma tri c number J6430

has been read and ce rtified by

I~gtIf~ Dr De lsye Teo Ching Lee Date

(S uperv iso r)




This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with

Honours (Civil Engineering) 2010

To my be loved fami ly and friend s



I wo uld like to express my app reciation to my superviso r Dr Delsye Teo

Ching Lee for her constant supervision he lp and adv ice throughout th is research

Without her guidance the project repo rt would not have been co mpleted smoothly

A specia l thanks fo r my fam ily for the ir continuous morale and fin ancial

support during the peri od of the project My sincere appreciation also goes to all my

fr iends that helped me duri ng the peri od of laboratory works as it was impossible to

carry out such a hugc amount of work alone without de laying too much time

My gratitude also goes to Me Jimmy Tan from Eastern Oxygen Sun Bhd

for hi s full cooperation and help when asked for the supplies of Calcium Carbide

Waste for this pro ject No t fo rgo tten is also the concrcte lab tec hn ician for hi s help in

the co ncrete lab

Last but not least a si ncere thank s goes to all others who contribu ted direc tly

and indirectl y to help enable thi s project to be completed success ful ly



The most commonly used material in a construction is concrete and the most

importan t materia l in conc rete is cemen t However the product ion of cement

produces a huge amo unt of CO2 which is not benefi cia l fo r the environment and

comes with a high price lorence there are many researches conducted to search for

a lternative materials to replace cement in order to reduce th e cost and al so to keep up

wi th the dema nd s Calci um Carbide Waste (CCW) is one type of industrial waste

w hich can be used as partial replacement [or cement Thi s study focuses nn the

compress ive strength spl it tensile strength and fl ex ural strength of the concrete

containing eli tTerent percentages of CCW The cement is replaced with 5 10 15

and 20 of CC W The performance of the concrete containing CCW will be

compared to a con trol mi x that does not contain any CCW The result s show tha t

CC W can bc used as a type of cemen t replaceme nt material The early strengths of

some spec imens are comparable to the contro l specime n It was IO Li lld that the 5degmiddot

CCW replacement is simi lar and the nearest to the control spee ill1en in terms of

strength As thc amOLlnt of CCW increases the compress ive strength split tens ile

strength and tle xural strength decreases



Bahan ya ng paling biasa digunakan dal am kelja pcm bangunan adalah konkrit

liltm bahan yang paling penting dal am konkrit adalah simen Tetapi pengeluaran

simen menghas il ka n banyak CO2 yang tidak berfaedah kepada persekitaran dan

datang dengan barga yang tinggi Justenl terdapat banyak kerja penyelidikan yang

dibuat untuk menca ri bahall lain bagi ll1 ellggantikan simen untuk mengurangkan

harga kos dan juga untuk dapat mengeka lkan dengan kehendak Sisa Calcium

Carb ide (CCW) adalah sejenis bahan buangan industry yang boleh digunakan untuk

mengantikan simen Kaj ian ini alean foku s terhadap kekuatan mampatall kekualan

tegangan pecah dan kekuatan lenturan rusuk bagi konkrit yang mellgandungi

pera tusan CCW yang be rJ a illan S imen diganti ka n dengan 5 l O 15 dan 20

CCW Prcstasi kOllkrit ya ng mengandungi CCW akan dibandin gka n dengan konkrit

kontrol yang tidak mengandllngi CCW Kep utusan menllnju kknn bahawa CCW

bolch digllnakan se bagai bahan gantian simen Kekuatan awa l sbahagian spesimcn

adalah sebanding clengan spesimen ko ntrol Didapati bahawa ganlian 5 CCW

ada lah serupa dan paling hampir dengan spesimen kantra l clari scgi kckuatan

Apab ila kuantiti CCW meningkat kekll atan mampatan keku atan tcgangan pecah

cl an ke kllMan lent man rus uk menurun













Il General

12 Resea rch Objecti ves 3

13 Significance of the Research gt

14 Scope of the Research -I

15 Organ iza tion of Thes is 6


21 General 7

22 Conc rete COllstituenL Materials 8

221 Fine aggregate 8

222 Coarse aggregate 9


2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 2: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil




SCS I ICNGAJIAL 2006 - 2010

____ K _-IFTH KHO WEf HONG_____--F ~ c


mcnglku mcm bltlui-an ICS I ~ 11)1 dbil1pnn dl PUStt KJidnul l 10k umal ademlk t I Il ~ nrlli 1) l~~II

Sor(1wnk dCIl ~im synrcl l-sYilnll1 tgtg llll ilJll scpcn i btniut

I Tes ls HIIJuh 1 1~ k ll ll l jk Ui li vcr- f i Ma1~ siu S~lra a 2 Pusal Khid nml l llklLln1a AkadcllI ik Ul1i (middot ~1I1 MaLtYil u S~nLv lk tl i~lnMJ1I1 numhmu ~dtl1an IJ1l1ul

Lli lurm rCllgaliall sahaIt 3 l- k lJ dHlal re ndig ll JIl UIILtik 11111Ib 111 II I1 1-lt1n Pmgktl111 l)aLa KrmdlJllll1 re Il1Ilkn

j USl l Khi I1l l1 I~l klum jt ALILkrn lk Unic111 iVLILl y~ llt1 lt rawn k d ih~J1 rl[111 rTltrnhllill jllnLtl l c-J3

lilt -1lMgll blhdl1 JCIt UJ bullbull tJ1l IIlHHltl 1~tJt Ui i IKngl jliJillinggi S SILl t ~lfl d1kan ( ) l1i hotltlk ynng hrKel1ilUl

o SULIT (Mtn inndungi JnJk lumal yll1g hadlqah h~d amalH al1U lell1 ntingiJ Malaysia gtCpcrtl yang tC l mnl lllh di lk11Jn h rA RAIlSA RAStvll 19 72)

(MCl1golldungf 1lllkhlll1n rf R I IAD y lIl~ ldlh dltc nlul~11 nkh m gmgtiI j b ld l J J millll ]Jell ycl ld iLtn Lli l)lanJ111 J




SA RA K DR DHSYf n I r___oClIlf G r ( f 1111lt1 h l1~ Ilial

l ~ 11 2H l n lllkh

CTA TAN T~I~ dl m1 ~$u kll n z~bq~11 Ie j$ hClg IjJh O~ lo r r~I IsJ[ah S~l rjlItJ liI11 SltIIJ3nJ lud J Ia kOSI$ tn i SUI I r lt1111 T E R1-IAD ~tla lampirkw sunJt darirXHI rihnk ~(rtlla~lrgmb I Io 1 bcrktWltlIl ltit njJ Il nenltllk111 sdd ji sClh dar hrnpoh le l Inl Plrlu ukcld]l l1 (hatdJ


T he Fo ll owing Final Year Project

Tit le Ca lc ium Carbide Waste (CCW) as Cement Replacement in Concrete

Author Kenneth Kho Wee Ho ng

Ma tri c number J6430

has been read and ce rtified by

I~gtIf~ Dr De lsye Teo Ching Lee Date

(S uperv iso r)




This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with

Honours (Civil Engineering) 2010

To my be loved fami ly and friend s



I wo uld like to express my app reciation to my superviso r Dr Delsye Teo

Ching Lee for her constant supervision he lp and adv ice throughout th is research

Without her guidance the project repo rt would not have been co mpleted smoothly

A specia l thanks fo r my fam ily for the ir continuous morale and fin ancial

support during the peri od of the project My sincere appreciation also goes to all my

fr iends that helped me duri ng the peri od of laboratory works as it was impossible to

carry out such a hugc amount of work alone without de laying too much time

My gratitude also goes to Me Jimmy Tan from Eastern Oxygen Sun Bhd

for hi s full cooperation and help when asked for the supplies of Calcium Carbide

Waste for this pro ject No t fo rgo tten is also the concrcte lab tec hn ician for hi s help in

the co ncrete lab

Last but not least a si ncere thank s goes to all others who contribu ted direc tly

and indirectl y to help enable thi s project to be completed success ful ly



The most commonly used material in a construction is concrete and the most

importan t materia l in conc rete is cemen t However the product ion of cement

produces a huge amo unt of CO2 which is not benefi cia l fo r the environment and

comes with a high price lorence there are many researches conducted to search for

a lternative materials to replace cement in order to reduce th e cost and al so to keep up

wi th the dema nd s Calci um Carbide Waste (CCW) is one type of industrial waste

w hich can be used as partial replacement [or cement Thi s study focuses nn the

compress ive strength spl it tensile strength and fl ex ural strength of the concrete

containing eli tTerent percentages of CCW The cement is replaced with 5 10 15

and 20 of CC W The performance of the concrete containing CCW will be

compared to a con trol mi x that does not contain any CCW The result s show tha t

CC W can bc used as a type of cemen t replaceme nt material The early strengths of

some spec imens are comparable to the contro l specime n It was IO Li lld that the 5degmiddot

CCW replacement is simi lar and the nearest to the control spee ill1en in terms of

strength As thc amOLlnt of CCW increases the compress ive strength split tens ile

strength and tle xural strength decreases



Bahan ya ng paling biasa digunakan dal am kelja pcm bangunan adalah konkrit

liltm bahan yang paling penting dal am konkrit adalah simen Tetapi pengeluaran

simen menghas il ka n banyak CO2 yang tidak berfaedah kepada persekitaran dan

datang dengan barga yang tinggi Justenl terdapat banyak kerja penyelidikan yang

dibuat untuk menca ri bahall lain bagi ll1 ellggantikan simen untuk mengurangkan

harga kos dan juga untuk dapat mengeka lkan dengan kehendak Sisa Calcium

Carb ide (CCW) adalah sejenis bahan buangan industry yang boleh digunakan untuk

mengantikan simen Kaj ian ini alean foku s terhadap kekuatan mampatall kekualan

tegangan pecah dan kekuatan lenturan rusuk bagi konkrit yang mellgandungi

pera tusan CCW yang be rJ a illan S imen diganti ka n dengan 5 l O 15 dan 20

CCW Prcstasi kOllkrit ya ng mengandungi CCW akan dibandin gka n dengan konkrit

kontrol yang tidak mengandllngi CCW Kep utusan menllnju kknn bahawa CCW

bolch digllnakan se bagai bahan gantian simen Kekuatan awa l sbahagian spesimcn

adalah sebanding clengan spesimen ko ntrol Didapati bahawa ganlian 5 CCW

ada lah serupa dan paling hampir dengan spesimen kantra l clari scgi kckuatan

Apab ila kuantiti CCW meningkat kekll atan mampatan keku atan tcgangan pecah

cl an ke kllMan lent man rus uk menurun













Il General

12 Resea rch Objecti ves 3

13 Significance of the Research gt

14 Scope of the Research -I

15 Organ iza tion of Thes is 6


21 General 7

22 Conc rete COllstituenL Materials 8

221 Fine aggregate 8

222 Coarse aggregate 9


2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 3: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

T he Fo ll owing Final Year Project

Tit le Ca lc ium Carbide Waste (CCW) as Cement Replacement in Concrete

Author Kenneth Kho Wee Ho ng

Ma tri c number J6430

has been read and ce rtified by

I~gtIf~ Dr De lsye Teo Ching Lee Date

(S uperv iso r)




This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with

Honours (Civil Engineering) 2010

To my be loved fami ly and friend s



I wo uld like to express my app reciation to my superviso r Dr Delsye Teo

Ching Lee for her constant supervision he lp and adv ice throughout th is research

Without her guidance the project repo rt would not have been co mpleted smoothly

A specia l thanks fo r my fam ily for the ir continuous morale and fin ancial

support during the peri od of the project My sincere appreciation also goes to all my

fr iends that helped me duri ng the peri od of laboratory works as it was impossible to

carry out such a hugc amount of work alone without de laying too much time

My gratitude also goes to Me Jimmy Tan from Eastern Oxygen Sun Bhd

for hi s full cooperation and help when asked for the supplies of Calcium Carbide

Waste for this pro ject No t fo rgo tten is also the concrcte lab tec hn ician for hi s help in

the co ncrete lab

Last but not least a si ncere thank s goes to all others who contribu ted direc tly

and indirectl y to help enable thi s project to be completed success ful ly



The most commonly used material in a construction is concrete and the most

importan t materia l in conc rete is cemen t However the product ion of cement

produces a huge amo unt of CO2 which is not benefi cia l fo r the environment and

comes with a high price lorence there are many researches conducted to search for

a lternative materials to replace cement in order to reduce th e cost and al so to keep up

wi th the dema nd s Calci um Carbide Waste (CCW) is one type of industrial waste

w hich can be used as partial replacement [or cement Thi s study focuses nn the

compress ive strength spl it tensile strength and fl ex ural strength of the concrete

containing eli tTerent percentages of CCW The cement is replaced with 5 10 15

and 20 of CC W The performance of the concrete containing CCW will be

compared to a con trol mi x that does not contain any CCW The result s show tha t

CC W can bc used as a type of cemen t replaceme nt material The early strengths of

some spec imens are comparable to the contro l specime n It was IO Li lld that the 5degmiddot

CCW replacement is simi lar and the nearest to the control spee ill1en in terms of

strength As thc amOLlnt of CCW increases the compress ive strength split tens ile

strength and tle xural strength decreases



Bahan ya ng paling biasa digunakan dal am kelja pcm bangunan adalah konkrit

liltm bahan yang paling penting dal am konkrit adalah simen Tetapi pengeluaran

simen menghas il ka n banyak CO2 yang tidak berfaedah kepada persekitaran dan

datang dengan barga yang tinggi Justenl terdapat banyak kerja penyelidikan yang

dibuat untuk menca ri bahall lain bagi ll1 ellggantikan simen untuk mengurangkan

harga kos dan juga untuk dapat mengeka lkan dengan kehendak Sisa Calcium

Carb ide (CCW) adalah sejenis bahan buangan industry yang boleh digunakan untuk

mengantikan simen Kaj ian ini alean foku s terhadap kekuatan mampatall kekualan

tegangan pecah dan kekuatan lenturan rusuk bagi konkrit yang mellgandungi

pera tusan CCW yang be rJ a illan S imen diganti ka n dengan 5 l O 15 dan 20

CCW Prcstasi kOllkrit ya ng mengandungi CCW akan dibandin gka n dengan konkrit

kontrol yang tidak mengandllngi CCW Kep utusan menllnju kknn bahawa CCW

bolch digllnakan se bagai bahan gantian simen Kekuatan awa l sbahagian spesimcn

adalah sebanding clengan spesimen ko ntrol Didapati bahawa ganlian 5 CCW

ada lah serupa dan paling hampir dengan spesimen kantra l clari scgi kckuatan

Apab ila kuantiti CCW meningkat kekll atan mampatan keku atan tcgangan pecah

cl an ke kllMan lent man rus uk menurun













Il General

12 Resea rch Objecti ves 3

13 Significance of the Research gt

14 Scope of the Research -I

15 Organ iza tion of Thes is 6


21 General 7

22 Conc rete COllstituenL Materials 8

221 Fine aggregate 8

222 Coarse aggregate 9


2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 4: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil




This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering with

Honours (Civil Engineering) 2010

To my be loved fami ly and friend s



I wo uld like to express my app reciation to my superviso r Dr Delsye Teo

Ching Lee for her constant supervision he lp and adv ice throughout th is research

Without her guidance the project repo rt would not have been co mpleted smoothly

A specia l thanks fo r my fam ily for the ir continuous morale and fin ancial

support during the peri od of the project My sincere appreciation also goes to all my

fr iends that helped me duri ng the peri od of laboratory works as it was impossible to

carry out such a hugc amount of work alone without de laying too much time

My gratitude also goes to Me Jimmy Tan from Eastern Oxygen Sun Bhd

for hi s full cooperation and help when asked for the supplies of Calcium Carbide

Waste for this pro ject No t fo rgo tten is also the concrcte lab tec hn ician for hi s help in

the co ncrete lab

Last but not least a si ncere thank s goes to all others who contribu ted direc tly

and indirectl y to help enable thi s project to be completed success ful ly



The most commonly used material in a construction is concrete and the most

importan t materia l in conc rete is cemen t However the product ion of cement

produces a huge amo unt of CO2 which is not benefi cia l fo r the environment and

comes with a high price lorence there are many researches conducted to search for

a lternative materials to replace cement in order to reduce th e cost and al so to keep up

wi th the dema nd s Calci um Carbide Waste (CCW) is one type of industrial waste

w hich can be used as partial replacement [or cement Thi s study focuses nn the

compress ive strength spl it tensile strength and fl ex ural strength of the concrete

containing eli tTerent percentages of CCW The cement is replaced with 5 10 15

and 20 of CC W The performance of the concrete containing CCW will be

compared to a con trol mi x that does not contain any CCW The result s show tha t

CC W can bc used as a type of cemen t replaceme nt material The early strengths of

some spec imens are comparable to the contro l specime n It was IO Li lld that the 5degmiddot

CCW replacement is simi lar and the nearest to the control spee ill1en in terms of

strength As thc amOLlnt of CCW increases the compress ive strength split tens ile

strength and tle xural strength decreases



Bahan ya ng paling biasa digunakan dal am kelja pcm bangunan adalah konkrit

liltm bahan yang paling penting dal am konkrit adalah simen Tetapi pengeluaran

simen menghas il ka n banyak CO2 yang tidak berfaedah kepada persekitaran dan

datang dengan barga yang tinggi Justenl terdapat banyak kerja penyelidikan yang

dibuat untuk menca ri bahall lain bagi ll1 ellggantikan simen untuk mengurangkan

harga kos dan juga untuk dapat mengeka lkan dengan kehendak Sisa Calcium

Carb ide (CCW) adalah sejenis bahan buangan industry yang boleh digunakan untuk

mengantikan simen Kaj ian ini alean foku s terhadap kekuatan mampatall kekualan

tegangan pecah dan kekuatan lenturan rusuk bagi konkrit yang mellgandungi

pera tusan CCW yang be rJ a illan S imen diganti ka n dengan 5 l O 15 dan 20

CCW Prcstasi kOllkrit ya ng mengandungi CCW akan dibandin gka n dengan konkrit

kontrol yang tidak mengandllngi CCW Kep utusan menllnju kknn bahawa CCW

bolch digllnakan se bagai bahan gantian simen Kekuatan awa l sbahagian spesimcn

adalah sebanding clengan spesimen ko ntrol Didapati bahawa ganlian 5 CCW

ada lah serupa dan paling hampir dengan spesimen kantra l clari scgi kckuatan

Apab ila kuantiti CCW meningkat kekll atan mampatan keku atan tcgangan pecah

cl an ke kllMan lent man rus uk menurun













Il General

12 Resea rch Objecti ves 3

13 Significance of the Research gt

14 Scope of the Research -I

15 Organ iza tion of Thes is 6


21 General 7

22 Conc rete COllstituenL Materials 8

221 Fine aggregate 8

222 Coarse aggregate 9


2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 5: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

To my be loved fami ly and friend s



I wo uld like to express my app reciation to my superviso r Dr Delsye Teo

Ching Lee for her constant supervision he lp and adv ice throughout th is research

Without her guidance the project repo rt would not have been co mpleted smoothly

A specia l thanks fo r my fam ily for the ir continuous morale and fin ancial

support during the peri od of the project My sincere appreciation also goes to all my

fr iends that helped me duri ng the peri od of laboratory works as it was impossible to

carry out such a hugc amount of work alone without de laying too much time

My gratitude also goes to Me Jimmy Tan from Eastern Oxygen Sun Bhd

for hi s full cooperation and help when asked for the supplies of Calcium Carbide

Waste for this pro ject No t fo rgo tten is also the concrcte lab tec hn ician for hi s help in

the co ncrete lab

Last but not least a si ncere thank s goes to all others who contribu ted direc tly

and indirectl y to help enable thi s project to be completed success ful ly



The most commonly used material in a construction is concrete and the most

importan t materia l in conc rete is cemen t However the product ion of cement

produces a huge amo unt of CO2 which is not benefi cia l fo r the environment and

comes with a high price lorence there are many researches conducted to search for

a lternative materials to replace cement in order to reduce th e cost and al so to keep up

wi th the dema nd s Calci um Carbide Waste (CCW) is one type of industrial waste

w hich can be used as partial replacement [or cement Thi s study focuses nn the

compress ive strength spl it tensile strength and fl ex ural strength of the concrete

containing eli tTerent percentages of CCW The cement is replaced with 5 10 15

and 20 of CC W The performance of the concrete containing CCW will be

compared to a con trol mi x that does not contain any CCW The result s show tha t

CC W can bc used as a type of cemen t replaceme nt material The early strengths of

some spec imens are comparable to the contro l specime n It was IO Li lld that the 5degmiddot

CCW replacement is simi lar and the nearest to the control spee ill1en in terms of

strength As thc amOLlnt of CCW increases the compress ive strength split tens ile

strength and tle xural strength decreases



Bahan ya ng paling biasa digunakan dal am kelja pcm bangunan adalah konkrit

liltm bahan yang paling penting dal am konkrit adalah simen Tetapi pengeluaran

simen menghas il ka n banyak CO2 yang tidak berfaedah kepada persekitaran dan

datang dengan barga yang tinggi Justenl terdapat banyak kerja penyelidikan yang

dibuat untuk menca ri bahall lain bagi ll1 ellggantikan simen untuk mengurangkan

harga kos dan juga untuk dapat mengeka lkan dengan kehendak Sisa Calcium

Carb ide (CCW) adalah sejenis bahan buangan industry yang boleh digunakan untuk

mengantikan simen Kaj ian ini alean foku s terhadap kekuatan mampatall kekualan

tegangan pecah dan kekuatan lenturan rusuk bagi konkrit yang mellgandungi

pera tusan CCW yang be rJ a illan S imen diganti ka n dengan 5 l O 15 dan 20

CCW Prcstasi kOllkrit ya ng mengandungi CCW akan dibandin gka n dengan konkrit

kontrol yang tidak mengandllngi CCW Kep utusan menllnju kknn bahawa CCW

bolch digllnakan se bagai bahan gantian simen Kekuatan awa l sbahagian spesimcn

adalah sebanding clengan spesimen ko ntrol Didapati bahawa ganlian 5 CCW

ada lah serupa dan paling hampir dengan spesimen kantra l clari scgi kckuatan

Apab ila kuantiti CCW meningkat kekll atan mampatan keku atan tcgangan pecah

cl an ke kllMan lent man rus uk menurun













Il General

12 Resea rch Objecti ves 3

13 Significance of the Research gt

14 Scope of the Research -I

15 Organ iza tion of Thes is 6


21 General 7

22 Conc rete COllstituenL Materials 8

221 Fine aggregate 8

222 Coarse aggregate 9


2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 6: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil


I wo uld like to express my app reciation to my superviso r Dr Delsye Teo

Ching Lee for her constant supervision he lp and adv ice throughout th is research

Without her guidance the project repo rt would not have been co mpleted smoothly

A specia l thanks fo r my fam ily for the ir continuous morale and fin ancial

support during the peri od of the project My sincere appreciation also goes to all my

fr iends that helped me duri ng the peri od of laboratory works as it was impossible to

carry out such a hugc amount of work alone without de laying too much time

My gratitude also goes to Me Jimmy Tan from Eastern Oxygen Sun Bhd

for hi s full cooperation and help when asked for the supplies of Calcium Carbide

Waste for this pro ject No t fo rgo tten is also the concrcte lab tec hn ician for hi s help in

the co ncrete lab

Last but not least a si ncere thank s goes to all others who contribu ted direc tly

and indirectl y to help enable thi s project to be completed success ful ly



The most commonly used material in a construction is concrete and the most

importan t materia l in conc rete is cemen t However the product ion of cement

produces a huge amo unt of CO2 which is not benefi cia l fo r the environment and

comes with a high price lorence there are many researches conducted to search for

a lternative materials to replace cement in order to reduce th e cost and al so to keep up

wi th the dema nd s Calci um Carbide Waste (CCW) is one type of industrial waste

w hich can be used as partial replacement [or cement Thi s study focuses nn the

compress ive strength spl it tensile strength and fl ex ural strength of the concrete

containing eli tTerent percentages of CCW The cement is replaced with 5 10 15

and 20 of CC W The performance of the concrete containing CCW will be

compared to a con trol mi x that does not contain any CCW The result s show tha t

CC W can bc used as a type of cemen t replaceme nt material The early strengths of

some spec imens are comparable to the contro l specime n It was IO Li lld that the 5degmiddot

CCW replacement is simi lar and the nearest to the control spee ill1en in terms of

strength As thc amOLlnt of CCW increases the compress ive strength split tens ile

strength and tle xural strength decreases



Bahan ya ng paling biasa digunakan dal am kelja pcm bangunan adalah konkrit

liltm bahan yang paling penting dal am konkrit adalah simen Tetapi pengeluaran

simen menghas il ka n banyak CO2 yang tidak berfaedah kepada persekitaran dan

datang dengan barga yang tinggi Justenl terdapat banyak kerja penyelidikan yang

dibuat untuk menca ri bahall lain bagi ll1 ellggantikan simen untuk mengurangkan

harga kos dan juga untuk dapat mengeka lkan dengan kehendak Sisa Calcium

Carb ide (CCW) adalah sejenis bahan buangan industry yang boleh digunakan untuk

mengantikan simen Kaj ian ini alean foku s terhadap kekuatan mampatall kekualan

tegangan pecah dan kekuatan lenturan rusuk bagi konkrit yang mellgandungi

pera tusan CCW yang be rJ a illan S imen diganti ka n dengan 5 l O 15 dan 20

CCW Prcstasi kOllkrit ya ng mengandungi CCW akan dibandin gka n dengan konkrit

kontrol yang tidak mengandllngi CCW Kep utusan menllnju kknn bahawa CCW

bolch digllnakan se bagai bahan gantian simen Kekuatan awa l sbahagian spesimcn

adalah sebanding clengan spesimen ko ntrol Didapati bahawa ganlian 5 CCW

ada lah serupa dan paling hampir dengan spesimen kantra l clari scgi kckuatan

Apab ila kuantiti CCW meningkat kekll atan mampatan keku atan tcgangan pecah

cl an ke kllMan lent man rus uk menurun













Il General

12 Resea rch Objecti ves 3

13 Significance of the Research gt

14 Scope of the Research -I

15 Organ iza tion of Thes is 6


21 General 7

22 Conc rete COllstituenL Materials 8

221 Fine aggregate 8

222 Coarse aggregate 9


2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 7: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil


The most commonly used material in a construction is concrete and the most

importan t materia l in conc rete is cemen t However the product ion of cement

produces a huge amo unt of CO2 which is not benefi cia l fo r the environment and

comes with a high price lorence there are many researches conducted to search for

a lternative materials to replace cement in order to reduce th e cost and al so to keep up

wi th the dema nd s Calci um Carbide Waste (CCW) is one type of industrial waste

w hich can be used as partial replacement [or cement Thi s study focuses nn the

compress ive strength spl it tensile strength and fl ex ural strength of the concrete

containing eli tTerent percentages of CCW The cement is replaced with 5 10 15

and 20 of CC W The performance of the concrete containing CCW will be

compared to a con trol mi x that does not contain any CCW The result s show tha t

CC W can bc used as a type of cemen t replaceme nt material The early strengths of

some spec imens are comparable to the contro l specime n It was IO Li lld that the 5degmiddot

CCW replacement is simi lar and the nearest to the control spee ill1en in terms of

strength As thc amOLlnt of CCW increases the compress ive strength split tens ile

strength and tle xural strength decreases



Bahan ya ng paling biasa digunakan dal am kelja pcm bangunan adalah konkrit

liltm bahan yang paling penting dal am konkrit adalah simen Tetapi pengeluaran

simen menghas il ka n banyak CO2 yang tidak berfaedah kepada persekitaran dan

datang dengan barga yang tinggi Justenl terdapat banyak kerja penyelidikan yang

dibuat untuk menca ri bahall lain bagi ll1 ellggantikan simen untuk mengurangkan

harga kos dan juga untuk dapat mengeka lkan dengan kehendak Sisa Calcium

Carb ide (CCW) adalah sejenis bahan buangan industry yang boleh digunakan untuk

mengantikan simen Kaj ian ini alean foku s terhadap kekuatan mampatall kekualan

tegangan pecah dan kekuatan lenturan rusuk bagi konkrit yang mellgandungi

pera tusan CCW yang be rJ a illan S imen diganti ka n dengan 5 l O 15 dan 20

CCW Prcstasi kOllkrit ya ng mengandungi CCW akan dibandin gka n dengan konkrit

kontrol yang tidak mengandllngi CCW Kep utusan menllnju kknn bahawa CCW

bolch digllnakan se bagai bahan gantian simen Kekuatan awa l sbahagian spesimcn

adalah sebanding clengan spesimen ko ntrol Didapati bahawa ganlian 5 CCW

ada lah serupa dan paling hampir dengan spesimen kantra l clari scgi kckuatan

Apab ila kuantiti CCW meningkat kekll atan mampatan keku atan tcgangan pecah

cl an ke kllMan lent man rus uk menurun













Il General

12 Resea rch Objecti ves 3

13 Significance of the Research gt

14 Scope of the Research -I

15 Organ iza tion of Thes is 6


21 General 7

22 Conc rete COllstituenL Materials 8

221 Fine aggregate 8

222 Coarse aggregate 9


2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 8: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil


Bahan ya ng paling biasa digunakan dal am kelja pcm bangunan adalah konkrit

liltm bahan yang paling penting dal am konkrit adalah simen Tetapi pengeluaran

simen menghas il ka n banyak CO2 yang tidak berfaedah kepada persekitaran dan

datang dengan barga yang tinggi Justenl terdapat banyak kerja penyelidikan yang

dibuat untuk menca ri bahall lain bagi ll1 ellggantikan simen untuk mengurangkan

harga kos dan juga untuk dapat mengeka lkan dengan kehendak Sisa Calcium

Carb ide (CCW) adalah sejenis bahan buangan industry yang boleh digunakan untuk

mengantikan simen Kaj ian ini alean foku s terhadap kekuatan mampatall kekualan

tegangan pecah dan kekuatan lenturan rusuk bagi konkrit yang mellgandungi

pera tusan CCW yang be rJ a illan S imen diganti ka n dengan 5 l O 15 dan 20

CCW Prcstasi kOllkrit ya ng mengandungi CCW akan dibandin gka n dengan konkrit

kontrol yang tidak mengandllngi CCW Kep utusan menllnju kknn bahawa CCW

bolch digllnakan se bagai bahan gantian simen Kekuatan awa l sbahagian spesimcn

adalah sebanding clengan spesimen ko ntrol Didapati bahawa ganlian 5 CCW

ada lah serupa dan paling hampir dengan spesimen kantra l clari scgi kckuatan

Apab ila kuantiti CCW meningkat kekll atan mampatan keku atan tcgangan pecah

cl an ke kllMan lent man rus uk menurun













Il General

12 Resea rch Objecti ves 3

13 Significance of the Research gt

14 Scope of the Research -I

15 Organ iza tion of Thes is 6


21 General 7

22 Conc rete COllstituenL Materials 8

221 Fine aggregate 8

222 Coarse aggregate 9


2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 9: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil












Il General

12 Resea rch Objecti ves 3

13 Significance of the Research gt

14 Scope of the Research -I

15 Organ iza tion of Thes is 6


21 General 7

22 Conc rete COllstituenL Materials 8

221 Fine aggregate 8

222 Coarse aggregate 9


2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 10: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

2 33 Cement 9

23 Cement Rt placement Material I 1

231 Fly as h 12

23 11 Introduction 12

23 12 Concrete properties 13

23 2 Ground granul ated blas t furnace slag 14

232 1 Introduction 14

2322 Concrete properties 15

~ j Calcium Carb ide Waste 17

2 41 Composition 17

242 P roperties 17

24 3 Manufacturing Ill e thod 18

244 Other applica tions 19

245 Stabil it y and reactivity 20

246 ToxiJogi ca l inforillation 20

25 Past Researches with CCW in Concrde 21


3 1 General 22

32 Materials Used

32 1 Ceillent 23

322 Potable wate r 23

3 2 3 Ca lcium Carbide Was te 23

32 4 Aggrega te propert ies test

325 Coarse aggregate


326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 11: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

326 Fine aggregate

33 Concrete Mix Des ign

34 Specimen Preparation

35 Properties of Fresh Concrete

35 1 Slump tes t

35 2 Fresh concrete density

36 Propert ies of Hardened Concrete

36 1 Compress ive strcngth test

353 Tensil e strength test

354 Flex ural strength tes t

37 Chapter Summary


4 I Ge neral

42 Calc iu m Carb ide Waste

42 1 Spec ifi c gravity tes t

43 Mix Design

44 Properties of Fresh Concrete

44 1 Slump tes t

442 Fresh concrc te density

4 5 Properties of Hardened Concrete

4 5 1 Compress ive strength test

4 52 Tens ile strength test

453 Flexural strength test



3 1
















-1 -1






5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 12: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil


5 I General 52

52 Conc lusions 53

53 Recol11mendations





Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 13: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil


Tabk Page

31 Aggrega te properties test 24

32 Coarse aggregate properties 25

33 Sieve analys is for coarse aggregate 26

34 Fine aggregate properties 27

35 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate 28

36 Mix proporti on trials 30

37 Compress ive st rength and slump ofrn ix

propo rtion tri a ls 30

41 Mix design propo rtion ratio for control mix 40

42 Propert ies or fresh conc re te for contro l mi x 41

43 Properties of hardened concrete fo r control mi x 41

44 Slump te st value 42

45 Wet density value -~ 3

46 Ratio of ten sile s trength to compress ive strength 47

47 Rat io o f fl ex ural strength to compress ive strength 50



Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 14: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil


Fi glJlc Page

31 Gradi ng curve for eoarse aggregate 26

32 Grading curve fo r fine aggrega te 28

33 Slump cone 33

41 Calcium Carbide Waste 39

42 S lump test 4 ~

43 Concrete wet dens ity g raph 4

44 Compress ive strengtl1 of CCW specimens 45

45 Concrete cube specimen after compress ion test 45

46 Tens ile strength of CCW specimens 47

47 Crack patte rn 48

48 Cylinder spec imen after tensil e s trength test 48

49 Flexural s trength of CCW specimens 50

41 0 Concre te beam after fl ex ural strength tes t 51














tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 15: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil













tvl SWI

Si0 2



American Concrete Insti tute

American Society for Tes ting and Materials

Ca lcium Carbi de

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Oxi de

Calcium Hydrox ide

Calcium Carbonate Equi valent

Cal cium Carbide Waste

Carbon Dioxide

Calci um S ilica te Hydrates

Ground Granul ated l3last Furnace S lag

M unic ipal Solid Was te Inc inerato r

Si li con Diox ide

Sa turated Surface Dry




11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 16: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil



11 Gencral

As Ma laysia continues to develop througho ut the years the construction

industry remains stab lc However as the wo rld economy weakens the construct ion

industry is a lso affected as demands for new construction projec ts decreased due to

the drop in sales Hence it is undeniable that the pri cing is one of the main factors

that have to be taken into consideration

For a building production cost a round two-thirds of the cost comes fro m th e

materi als used for the constructio n As the price of the material s continuc to ri se the

total cos t for the construction is affccted as we ll and it makes the local houses

becom e less affordable fo r the citi zens especiall y those fro m the third wor ld

coun tries Therefore one of the best ways to red uce cost wo uld be to find a way to

reduce the price of the materi als used wi th l ittle e ffect on the quality of he end

prod uct (Ayangade e t a i 2004)

The 1110st commonly used materi al fo r construct ion is concrete Concrete is

made up of coa rse aggrega tes fine aggrega tes water and cement Depend ing on the

mix proportions of the materials diffe rent strength of the concrete CC1 11 be achieved

For the aggregates they can be obtained from loca l resources The strength and

properties of the aggrega te s do no t differ much therefo re in o rd er 10 achieve highe r

streng th th e mi x des ign proport ion is im po rtant


One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 17: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

One of the mos t important elements in orde r to achieve higher slrngth is the

amount of cement However it is not economical if the pe rcentage of cement in a

mi x design is too high He nce there are many researches done to search for

altclllative cement replacing material s in order to redu ce the cos t and also to keep up

with the demands Hence researches are being done to find suitabl e cemcntiti ous

materials to enabl e larger quant ity of cement rep lacement in the fu ture

Th is research focuses on the replacement of a percentage of the cemcnt with

Calc ium Carbidc Waste (CCW) The cement used is th e Port land Cement Type [

which is commonly used in construction Cement is a very expensive materi al and

the dema nds for the cemcnt is expected to continue ri s ing th rou ghout the years

l-lence resea rches are being done in order to determine suitable mater ials that can be

used to re placc a portion o r th e cement so that the demand ror the cement can be met

and a lso reducing the price of the raw materia l at the same time

The usage of CCW as a cement replacement materi al is c urrentl y being

studied in the recent years However there are still a lo t tests a nd researches to be

done in order to determine if the usage of CCW as partial cement rep lace ment will

have any significant effec ts One of the main concerns of lI si ng CCW as the cemcnt

replacement materia ls is that whether the quality and durab ilit y of the concrete will

be adequate to be Ll sed in the constructi on industry Shoul d the test prove thJt the

concrete made from the partial replacement is strong and du rable enough without

a ny side effec ts then it is poss ible for the CCW to be used as the partial cement

rep lacement in the future


12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 18: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

12 O hjective of the csearch

The obj ectives of the research are

1 To identify the optimum amount of CCW to be used as the partia l cement

repl aceme nt matcrial

2 To determine the engineering properties of the concrete containing CCW as

the partial re placement material fo r cemen t

3 To compare be tween the e ngineering properties o f the concrete with CCW as

the partial cement replacement wi th conve ntio nal concrete

13 Significance of thc rescarch

Co ncrcte is a very important materi al in constructi on and it con tains a lot of

raw materials The main element affec ting the concrete is the cement hence it is

important to research more in o rder to find newer and more su itable methods to

replace cement and reducing the cost

CC W is a waste product produced from the l11 Jn ufacturing of Calcium

Carbide (CaC2) The chemical name for CCW is Calcium Hydrox ide (Ca(OH)2) It

is al so known as hyd ra ted lime CCW is di sposed after the prod uction of CaC l

Hence the disposed product may cause some environmental problems if not taken

care o f properly


The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 19: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

The ad van tages of using CCW are that the re are more chances 10 exp lore and

research regarding the possibilities of using it as a parti al cement replacement

material From there more information rega rding CCW can be obtained for research

purposes I f success ful it will prove to be benefi c ia l to the local peo ple and also to

the economics o f the country as well This is because the de ma nd s [or the cement

matcrial can be met and also the cost to r construction can be reduced as well without

affecting the quality of works At the same time it is also beneficial to the

elw lronment s ince CC V iII be reused instead o f being disposed There fore it will

so lve the enviro nmenta l problems that the di sposal ofCCW poses

14 Scope of the rescarch

This research is done in order to determine the pro perties o Clhe concrete with

the introduction of CCW as the partial replace ment material for cement The most

important propel1y o f concre te is the strength since the most important fea ture of a

concrete is to be ab le to withstand the loads From there o ther properties of the

concrete are also determined through tensile strength test and fle xural strength test

The research project is d ivided into se veral different stages r 11st of all the

ph ys ical properties and o ther details of the aggregates used ar determined through

laboratory tests The laboratory tests are ca rried out to determine the spec illc gravity

unit weight total mo istme content surface moisture content vo id ratio and

absorption rate

Next the mi x des ign proportion for the conc rete is determined The concrete

used in this research would be of Gracie 30 Hence the optimum mi x proportion for a


f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 20: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

f u- i a ~ llh uuJ bull 1 n4aU(Ullk lfNJVEIltSITI MAl IISIA SAil ~w

Grade 30 concrete wi ll be determined and used as the reference for normal concrete

It is used to com pare wit h the concrete containing CCW

The o the r spec imens contain certain percentages of CCW as the pa rti a l

cement replacement material T he percentages of the CCW 3re 5 10 150 and

20 The propcrties of the conc re te are tested and compared w ith the reference

spec imen Then the most economical a moun t of CCW is determined from the resu lts

For a ll the spec imens they are casted in the Civil Engi neeri ng Lab of

VNIMAS Then the spec imens are put in to a curing process and the tests for the

hardened conc re te propcL1ies are conducted at the specific age of 3 days 7 da ys 28

days and 56 days The tests include the compress ive strength test th~ sp lit tensi le

st rength tes t and th e nexural st re ngth test Al l the in fo rmation and results ob taincd

fro m the tes ts are used in order to ful fill the objecti ves o f the researc h



15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 21: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil


15 Organiza tio n of t hesis

For thi s thes is there will be 5 main chapters

Chapter one gives an introduct ion to the re sea rch It includes the general

iniormation rega rd i ng the purpose obj ec ti ve and scope of wo rk of the research The

main purpose of thi s chapter is to give a general idea regarding the contents o f the

thes is

Chapter two concentrates on the literature revIew and e labo rates further

regarding the mater ial s in vo lved in the resea rch and a lso rega rding similar type of

researches done by othe r people

Chapter th ree descri bes about th e methodology used to carry out the

ex periments and tes ts in orde r to obtain the required resul ts

Chapter four is the compilat ion of the data ob ta ined from th~ laboratory tes ts

The da ta will be ana lyzed and illustrated according to suita ble format This chapter

a lso discusses the re sults and the Endings of the research

Chapter 5 contain s the summary conc lusions and a lso the rCC(l I11I1l ndati ons

iiom this research




21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 22: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil



21 General

In this chapter in fo rm ation related to the research is provided The fOC ll S of

the research is on the concrete Hence the in fo rma tion regard ing the constituent

material s of the concrete is given regarding their properties and sources The

methods and tes ts done to obtain the inIi)rmat ion are di scussed in Chapter three

f or thi s resea rch the main point is regarding the usage of CCW as a p3rtia l

replacement materi al to r the cement Thereto re the litera ture rev iew includes

information regarding similar technologies involving the replaceme nt of cement with

other suitable materia ls The information also includes rev iew on the re~ldts of past

resea rches done

The li terature review also includes more detailed information regarding the

CC W The properties sources manufacturing methods and other applications of the

CC W wi ll be included

The information rev iewed in this chapter is used to form the b is of the

hypothesis and serves as a reference for ex tra in formation regarding the research


_shy ~

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 23: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

22 Con ucte constituent materials

According to DVOlkin amp Dvorkin (2U06) concrete can be classified as

composite material and that is a combination of diffe rent components which improve

their perFo rm ance propert ies The components include cement aggregates and wa tcr

According to Nev ille (1995) the watercement rati o is the largest sin gle fac tor in the

strength of Full y compacted concrete The water used should be normal water that is

Free of materials thM will aFfec t the hyd rat ion reac tions of Portland cement (S teinour

1960) For some cases ad mi xtu res are added in for specific reasons such as

enhancing the concrete strength red ucing amount of wa ter req uired reducing the

se lling time dec reas ing permeability and others

22 1 Fine aggregates

According to AC I (A merican Concrete Institute) Commi ttee 207 (1997) fine

aggregate is that rrac ti on almost cntirely passing the NO4 (476 mm) sieve It may

be composed of natura l gra ins manufac tured grains obtained by cruhi ng larger sizc

rock panic les 01 a mi xture o f the two Fine aggregate should consist of hard densc

durab le and ullcoa ted panicles


222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement


Page 24: CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT ... carbide...CALCIUM CARBIDE WASTE (CCW) AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT IN CONCRETE Kenneth Kho Wee Hong Bachelor ofEngineering with Honours TP 770 (Civil

222 Coarse aggrega te

Accordi ng to ACT Committee 207 (1997) coa rse aggregate is defined as

gravel crushed gravel or crushed rock or a mi xture of these nominally larger than

the No4 sieve and sma ller than 150 mm sizes for large structures However the

maximum size of the coarse aggrega te shou ld not exceed one-fo urth of the least

dimension of the structure nor two-thirds of the least clear di stance between

re inforci ng bars in horizontal mats Coarse aggregate should consist of hard dense

durable and uncoated particles

223 Cement

Nevi lle (1995) described ce ment as a material with ad hesive and cohesive

properties which make it capable of bonding mineral fragment s into a compact

whole Raw materials for manufacturing cement consist of basicall y calcareous and

si liceous material The mi xture is hea ted to a high temperature wit hin a rotating kiln

to produce a comp lex group ofci1emica ls co llec tivel y cu ll ed cltmcnt clinker (Neville

amp Brooks 1987) The American Society for Testing and Mate ri als (ASTM ) Standard

C 150 Speci fi cation for Portland ce ment provides for the fo ll owing types of

Portland cement

Type I General Portland cement

Type l Moderate-sulfate-resistant ccment

Type III High-early-strength cement

Type JV Low- hcat-of-hydration cement

Type V High-sulfate-resistant cement