President’s Message By: Bob LoRusso, President I can’t believe it is almost Halloween! I guess it’s time for me to get out that Freddie Krueger mask again that I have had since 1987. I always enjoy this time of year because all of the sudden, it gets cold and I get to collect more candy from my 6 ¾ year old son (he made me say that). I have so much left over from last year that it will be sitting on my porch this year! I wanted to thank everyone for coming out last month to our first dinner meeting of the term. We had a great turn out and our speaker, Jeff Morales with Parsons Brinckerhoff, started the year off with a bang! He discussed the Federal stimulus package and what it suggests about new priorities and policies. After some discussion, it was clear from many of our members (Continued on page 5) CALENDAR OF EVENTS Meetings are at the Sacramento Hilton unless otherwise noted. 5:00pm - 6:00pm Board Meeting 6:00pm - 6:30pm Networking / 6:30pm General Membership Dinner Meeting / Cost: $35 Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Board and General Membership Dinner Meeting Guest Speaker : Bob Coupe, Senior Project Manager San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge, C.C. Myers, Inc. Topic: Bay Bridge Closure –Labor Day Weekend 2009 Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Board and General Membership Dinner Meeting Guest Speaker: Kent Craney, Sacramento County Office for McClellan Conversion. Guest Speaker: Alan Hersh, McClellan Park LLC. Topic: Infrastructure Redevelopment at McClellan Business Park No Board and General Meeting in December Friday, January 8, 2010 Joint ACEC/APWA Lunch Meeting Lions Gate Hotel (Register on APWA Website: www.Sacramento.APWA.Net) January 17 - 21, 2010 2010 Engineering Excellence, Legislative Visit Day & Annual Conference - Wrapped-Up in One! Location: Hyatt Regency Sacramento. Details coming soon! October 2009 In This Issue Bay Bridge Closure-Labor Day Weekend 2009—- October Meeting Topic 2 2009 ASCE Awards 2 Proposed By-Laws Amendment 3 Drake Haglan and Associates—Company Profile 4 Stimulus and Beyond—September Meeting Recap 5 President’s Message Cont. 5 Board of Directors 6

CALENDAR OF EVENTS...2. Associate Member. An “Associate Member” of a Chapter shall be a person who is an employee of a Member Firm who does not qualify as an Individual Member

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Page 1: CALENDAR OF EVENTS...2. Associate Member. An “Associate Member” of a Chapter shall be a person who is an employee of a Member Firm who does not qualify as an Individual Member

President’s Message By: Bob LoRusso, President

I can’t believe it is almost Halloween!

I guess it’s time for me to get out that

Freddie Krueger mask again that I

have had since 1987. I always enjoy

this time of year because all of the

sudden, it gets cold and I get to

collect more candy from my 6 ¾ year

old son (he made me say that). I have so much left over

from last year that it will be sitting on my porch this year!

I wanted to thank everyone for coming out last month to

our first dinner meeting of the term. We had a great turn

out and our speaker, Jeff Morales with Parsons

Brinckerhoff, started the year off with a bang! He

discussed the Federal stimulus package and what it

suggests about new priorities and policies. After some

discussion, it was clear from many of our members

(Continued on page 5)


Meetings are at the Sacramento Hilton unless otherwise noted.

5:00pm - 6:00pm Board Meeting

6:00pm - 6:30pm Networking /

6:30pm General Membership Dinner Meeting / Cost: $35

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Board and General Membership Dinner Meeting

Guest Speaker : Bob Coupe, Senior Project Manager

San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge, C.C. Myers, Inc.

Topic: Bay Bridge Closure –Labor Day Weekend


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Board and General Membership Dinner Meeting

Guest Speaker: Kent Craney, Sacramento County

Office for McClellan Conversion.

Guest Speaker: Alan Hersh, McClellan Park LLC.

Topic: Infrastructure Redevelopment at McClellan

Business Park

No Board and General Meeting in December

Friday, January 8, 2010

Joint ACEC/APWA Lunch Meeting

Lions Gate Hotel

(Register on APWA Website:


January 17 - 21, 2010

2010 Engineering Excellence, Legislative Visit Day

& Annual Conference - Wrapped-Up in One!

Location: Hyatt Regency Sacramento.

Details coming soon!

October 2009

In This Issue

Bay Bridge Closure-Labor Day Weekend 2009—- October Meeting Topic


2009 ASCE Awards 2

Proposed By-Laws Amendment 3

Drake Haglan and Associates—Company Profile 4

Stimulus and Beyond—September Meeting Recap


President’s Message Cont. 5

Board of Directors 6

Page 2: CALENDAR OF EVENTS...2. Associate Member. An “Associate Member” of a Chapter shall be a person who is an employee of a Member Firm who does not qualify as an Individual Member

Page No. 2 ACEC California/Sierra Chapter Newsletter - October 2009

Bay Bridge Closure –Labor Day Weekend 2009 — October Meeting Speaker and Topic Submitted by: Eli Aramouni, Chapter Director

ACEC California President Tom Blackburn with Blackburn Con-

sulting and ACEC California Secretary-Treasurer Eddie Kho with

Morton & Pitalo, Inc. were among those honored at the Ameri-

can Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Sacramento Section’s

Annual Officer Installation and Awards Dinner at the Citizens

Hotel Ballroom on September 17. Tom Blackburn was the re-

cipient of “Francis N. Hveem Geotechnical Award” while Eddie

Kho received the “Outstanding Civil Engineer in the Private Sec-

tor” Award.

2009 ASCE Honorees Submitted by: Eddie Kho, ACEC-CA Secretary-Treasurer

1987. He graduated from Oregon State University’s Con-

struction Engineering Management program in 1984. Bob

lives in Wilton California where he and his family enjoy a

country lifestyle.

The Temporary Bypass Structure project located on

Yerba Buena Island creates a detour in the San Fran-

cisco Oakland Bay Bridge to clear the area where the

new eastern span will connect to the tunnel on the island.

In order to place traffic on the detour, a full closure of the

bridge was required so that a complete span of the bridge

could be removed and replaced with a new span connect-

ing the detour to the existing bridge. This removal and

replacement of the spans creating the connection to the

detour was successfully completed over Labor Day

Weekend 2009.

Our speaker for the October meeting will be Bob Coupe,

Senior Project Manager on the San Francisco Oakland

Bay Bridge project at Yerba Buena Island. He has been

in charge of the project since it’s inception in December

of 2003 and has been with C. C. Myers, Inc. since April of

Just for FUN...Just for FUN...Just for FUN...Just for FUN...

Starting in October, we are going to be adding a RAFFLE to our list of events! Bring your business card and drop it

into the basket at the registration table and you could be one of our lucky winners! Raffle items will vary from month to

month. You must be present to win.

Page 3: CALENDAR OF EVENTS...2. Associate Member. An “Associate Member” of a Chapter shall be a person who is an employee of a Member Firm who does not qualify as an Individual Member

In an effort to encourage increased participation

of member firms’ employees, the ACEC CA

Board of Directors voted to approve an

amendment to the state organization’s bylaws.

Discussion and voting on the proposed

amendment will take place at the Sierra Chapter

October meeting 21 OCT ‘09. Approval by 60

percent of the chapters statewide (14 or more

chapters) by 24 JAN ’10 is required for the bylaw


Proposed Amendments to Article IV:

Article IV. Membership.

C. Member Firm.

2. Voting…

b. Designated Voter. Each Member Firm

shall designate one Individual Member

who is a resident principal in the

Member Firm to cast the Member Firm’s

vote on Chapter matters and corporate


D. Other Members. Except when serving as a

Designated Voter or as a Director, Other

Members shall not vote but may serve on

committees or as a chair of a committee.

There are seven six types of Other Members:

1. Individual Member. An Individual Member

of a Chapter shall be a resident principal in

a Member Firm who is a Registered

Professional Engineer, Licensed

Professional Land Surveyor or Registered

Geologist in the State of California. A

resident principal in a Member Firm shall

be a proprietor, partner, owner/

shareholder, officer or management

employee of that Member Firm. Only an

Individual Member may serve as a Director or

Officer of ACEC California. a management

designated employee of a Member Firm.

2. Associate Member. An “Associate Member” of

a Chapter shall be a person who is an

employee of a Member Firm who does not

qualify as an Individual Member.

[No change in the rest of “D. Other Members.”

except to renumber the remaining sub items.]

(2) Proposed Amendments to Article VII:

Article VII. Board of Directors

A. Designation, Number and Qualification of


b. At least fifty per cent of a Chapter’s

Directors shall hold either a Professional

Engineer’s registration or a Professional

Land Surveyor’s license or a Geologist’s

registration in the state of California.

…. [No change to the rest of Article Vii.]

Proposed By-Laws Amendment Submitted by: Christopher Curtis, State Director

Page No. 3 ACEC California/Sierra Chapter Newsletter - October 2009

Page 4: CALENDAR OF EVENTS...2. Associate Member. An “Associate Member” of a Chapter shall be a person who is an employee of a Member Firm who does not qualify as an Individual Member

Drake Haglan & Associates, Inc. (DHA) is a transportation

engineering services firm that specializes in local agency

federal-aid transportation projects, with a focus on bridge,

highway and roadway engineering. DHA provides project

initiation assistance, project development services such as

bridge and roadway design, bridge maintenance inspection

and design, and construction engineering services. DHA

specializes in projects that are funded through the federal

Highway Bridge Program and other federal, state and local

transportation funding programs. The company Principals,

Craig Drake, Dennis Haglan, Kevin Ross, Howard Michael,

and Eli Aramouni have over 100 years combined

experience designing and managing transportation; bridge,

highway and roadway projects in California.

DHA is an emerging small business enterprise (E/SBE)

formed in 2007 to provide transportation and bridge/

highway consulting services to local agency clients. The

company is founded on the principle that project success is

determined by client satisfaction with a quality

product. This is achieved through strong Project

Management and Project Delivery services provided by

each Principal of the firm.

Key Services:

• Planning Studies and Planning Services

• Program Management/Federally Funded Project


• Highway & Roadway Design Services

• Bridge Design & Related Services.

Contact: Eli Aramouni, PE, Principal


[email protected]

Page No. 4 ACEC California/Sierra Chapter Newsletter - October 2009

An ACEC-CA Company Profile


Would you like to see YOUR FIRM listed on this page? ACEC-CA/Sierra

Chapter firms in good standing are invited to submit a company profile for

inclusion in this newsletter. Firms that have not been featured in the

last two years are invited to participate again.

Contact Marco Palilla for submission details.

Point of Contact:

Marco Palilla

HDR Engineering, Inc.

(916) 817-4878

(916) 817-4747 (fx)

[email protected]

11th Street East Tracy Bridge, City of Tracy, CA.

5th Street Bridge & Approaches, Yuba City, CA

Redemeyer Road Extension, Mendocino County, CA

Page 5: CALENDAR OF EVENTS...2. Associate Member. An “Associate Member” of a Chapter shall be a person who is an employee of a Member Firm who does not qualify as an Individual Member

Page No. 5 ACEC California/Sierra Chapter Newsletter - October 2009

For our first dinner meeting of the

new ACEC year we had the pleas-

ure of having Jeff Morales with

Parsons Brinckerhoff speak to our

members about the Federal stimulus and what it sug-

gests about new priorities and policies. Jeff discussed

how transportation issues became a political topic in

Washington during the development of the Federal

stimulas package legislation. Although many of us

would have hoped more money would have been dedi-

cated to transportation and transit projects, Jeff dis-

cussed the balance between spending too much

money or too little and their consequences in the political

arena. This topic generated some healthy discussion

about what positive impact if any the Federal stimulus has

had on the private sector companies. We discussed how

ACEC could more influential in the political arena and get

the attention of Washington that the private sector is not

yet feeling the effects of the Federal stimulus. Thanks

again to Jeff for speaking and it was a great way to start

off the year.

Stimulus and Beyond -- What the Obama Administration May Mean for Infra-

structure—September Meeting Recap Submitted by: Bob LoRusso, Chapter President

President’s Message (continued)

comments that to this point the Federal stimulus has

not had much of an effect on the private sector. So

how do you survive the worst recession since the

1930’s? One way is to get out there and stay engaged

by attending our dinner meetings. This is a great way

to network with others member firms and find

opportunities. Who knows, you may find teaming

partners and develop relationships that could yield

opportunities down the road. So I hope to see you this

month and it is time to do some networking!

Lastly, I ask all members to read the announcement in

this newsletter (Page 3) regarding the proposed

bylaws amendment. Last month the board voted

unanimously to approve the amendment and we will be

holding the Sierra Chapter vote this month. Every

member firm has a vote and I encourage you to attend

(Continued from page 1) and cast your vote. We will hold the vote at the beginning

of the meeting and will allow time for questions and

discussion. As always, if anyone has questions about the

organization, ideas on speaker topics or have issues that

you want ACEC – CA to look into, please don’t hesitate to

email or call any one of the chapter board or state board

members (contact information is on the last page of this



Page 6: CALENDAR OF EVENTS...2. Associate Member. An “Associate Member” of a Chapter shall be a person who is an employee of a Member Firm who does not qualify as an Individual Member

Debbie LoCicero

Recording Secretary


[email protected]

Lisa Thut, CPSM

Newsletter Editor

916.773.2600, x114

[email protected]

Page No. 6 ACEC California/Sierra Chapter Newsletter - October 2009


Bob LoRusso, President (Salaber Associates, Inc.) 707.693.8800 [email protected]

Marco Palilla, Vice President (HDR Engineering, Inc) 916.817.4878 [email protected]

Ed Henderson, Secty/Treasurer (TLA Engineering & Planning) 916.786.0685 [email protected]


Steve Greenfield (Cunningham Engineering) 530.758.2026 [email protected]

Zia Islam

(Kleinfelder, Inc.) 916.366.2377 [email protected]

Jerry Jones (Nolte Associates, Inc.) 916.641.9100 [email protected]

Eli Aramouni (Drake Haglan & Associates) 916.363.4210 [email protected]

Kelly Birkes

(Rick Engineering ) 916) 638-8200 [email protected]

Greg Bardini

Morton & Pitalo 916.927.2400 [email protected]

State Directors

Christopher Curtis (2012) (CBC Surveys) 916.921.9033 [email protected]

Paul Enneking (2010) (Psomas) 916.788.8122 [email protected]

Bob LoRusso (2013) (Salaber Associates, Inc.) 707.693.8800 [email protected]

Jeff Patton (2011)

(Blackburn Consulting) 530.887.1494 [email protected]

2009/10 Board of Directors