14 - 30 Lancewood St Park Ridge QLD 4125 Subscribe: Subscribe: http://parkridgeshs.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe Email: Email: [email protected] Phone: Phone: 07 3380 4111 Fax: Fax: 07 3380 4100 11 May 2017 11 May 2017 CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS 16 May P&C Meeting 6pm 18 May 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm. 1st Enrolment for Year 7 (2018) 18 May Information Evening for 2018 Year 7 17 – 19 May SCIM Camp Message on behalf of the Principal…. Last week, our Years 7 and 9 students participated in NAPLAN, the ‘National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy’ to assess their skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. I know our students worked hard preparing for NAPLAN and did their best. I would like to thank the staff involved for their contribution in preparing our students and organising and overseeing the tests. I would also like to thank all the staff involved in the invitation, organisation and monitoring of the students involved in the RACQ visit. It was highly successful and three of our talented drama students supported the team in their re-enactment of a car accident. This week we have our annual SCIM camp where students from all our primary schools come to learn more about music. This culminates in a concert on Friday night in which all parents are invited to attend. We will also have our primary school student leaders with us next week developing their skills in leadership by exploring what makes a good leader and what they stand for as a leader. As we approach the half way point of this term in the coming week’s students will be completing their common formative assessment. This allows a teacher to identify where a student sits within the learning cycle to adopt different strategies and make adjustments to the learning environment in order to support individual student needs. You can help support your child by encouraging them to work hard to understand the concepts being presented and ask for help of their teacher if needed. Our amazing teachers will always go above and beyond to ensure the success of our students here at Park Ridge State High School. Sharon Amos - Principal P & C News Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6pm. Please feel free to attend to contribute to your school community. President Amanda Licence Vice President Teresa Walker Secretary Peter Stewart Treasurer Yvonne Rylatt Email: [email protected] Stay warm this winter, School Jackets can now be purchased from the uniform shop.

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14 - 30 Lancewood StPark Ridge QLD 4125Subscribe:Subscribe: http://parkridgeshs.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email:Email: [email protected]:Phone: 07 3380 4111

Fax:Fax: 07 3380 4100

11 May 201711 May 2017


16 May P&C Meeting 6pm

18 May 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm. 1st Enrolment for Year 7(2018)

18 May Information Evening for 2018 Year 7

17 – 19May


Message on behalf of the Principal….Last week, our Years 7 and 9 studentsparticipated in NAPLAN, the ‘NationalAssessment Program – Literacy andNumeracy’ – to assess their skills andunderstanding in the areas of reading,writing, language conventions (spelling,

grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. An individualNAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. Iknow our students worked hard preparing for NAPLAN and didtheir best. I would like to thank the staff involved for theircontribution in preparing our students and organising andoverseeing the tests.

I would also like to thank all the staff involved in the invitation,organisation and monitoring of the students involved in theRACQ visit. It was highly successful and three of our talenteddrama students supported the team in their re-enactment of acar accident.

This week we have our annual SCIM camp where students fromall our primary schools come to learn more about music. Thisculminates in a concert on Friday night in which all parents areinvited to attend. We will also have our primary school studentleaders with us next week developing their skills in leadershipby exploring what makes a good leader and what they stand foras a leader.

As we approach the half way point of this term in the comingweek’s students will be completing their common formativeassessment. This allows a teacher to identify where a studentsits within the learning cycle to adopt different strategies andmake adjustments to the learning environment in order tosupport individual student needs.

You can help support your child by encouraging them to workhard to understand the concepts being presented and askfor help of their teacher if needed. Our amazing teachers willalways go above and beyond to ensure the success of ourstudents here at Park Ridge State High School.

Sharon Amos - Principal

P & C NewsMeetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6pm.Please feel free to attend to contribute to your schoolcommunity.

President Amanda LicenceVice President Teresa WalkerSecretary Peter StewartTreasurer Yvonne Rylatt

Email: [email protected]

Stay warm this winter, School Jackets can now be purchasedfrom the uniform shop.

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Anzac Day at Park Ridge State HighSchool

Continuing our proud involvement in ANZAC Day communityservices, students from Park Ridge SHS proudly representedthe school in a number of important and moving ceremonies.

School ANZAC Ceremony

April 24, our school Captains Luke Retter and Hannah Smyth,Vice Captains Maddy Jordinson and Mitch Lindsey led theschool in a moving ceremony honouring the men and womenin Australia’s armed forces who have served and sacrificed forthe freedoms we enjoy today.

Our special guest speaker was Ms Helen McLaren, who servedin the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corp in the 1960’s andwho delivered an informative and moving speech on the roleof women nurses in Australia’s military history. Ms McLarenbrought some authenticity to the stage as she wore the uniformof a World War I nurse.

We are grateful once again for the ongoing support ofCouncillor Laurie Smith, our school leadership team, staff, andmost especially the students, family and community memberswho came along to support the ceremony.

Acknowledgement must surely go to our outstanding seniorleaders who delivered speeches, and our cadets who formedthe Catafalque Party under the able leadership of Jai Rudzitis.Special mention must go to our school band and trumpeterLuke Stanley whose musicianship added a special tone ofrespect to the ceremony.

Guest Speaker

Ms Helen McLaren— former Australian ArmyNursing Corp

Poem Reading ‘A Tribute to ANZAC Day’

The OdeLast Post

OneMinute’s SilenceRouse

National AnthemPark Ridge State High School Honour Roll

Closing RemarksCatafalque party dismounts

Official Guests depart

Thank you to Deb Sparks, Craig McBrien, Cath Armstrong andDerek Berry for their hard work in organising a very movingAnzac Parade. Thank you to Deb and Cath for supporting thegreat efforts of our Senior Captaincy Team when they deliveredan address on behalf of our school at the Greenbank RSL onAnzac Day.

Greenbank RSL ANZAC ServicesApril 25, School Captains; Luke Retter and Hannah Smyth,Vice Captains; Maddy Jordinson and Mitch Lindsey proudlyrepresented Park Ridge SHS as the key-note speakers forboth the Dawn Service and the general public service later inthe morning. Delivering a moving speech about what ANZACmeans to them as young people today, our school leaderswere wonderfully presented and eloquent. Many members ofthe public came forward following the services to praise thestudents for their outstanding presentation and the school alsoreceived phone calls in the days after. Special thanks must alsogo to Mr Howard Buckley, Hon. Secretary of the GreenbankRSL Sub-Branch for inviting our students to participate in thismost important community service on ANZAC Day.

Logan City Marine Modellers ANZACService

April 23, senior leaders also participated in a Dawn Service withthe Logan City Marine Modellers ANZAC Service. Accompaniedby School Captain; Luke Retter and Vice-Captain; MitchLindsey. School Captain, Hannah Smythe read a moving poemthat had personal significance to her. Luke Stanley once againvolunteered his excellent skills on the trumpet to play the LastPost and the Rouse. Special thanks must go to Mr Ted Fisher,Commodore of the Logan City Marine Modellers, who invitedour students to participate and who also came along to supportour school service the following day.

Senior School Update

2 & 3 June Careers and Employment Expo

15 & 16July

TSXPO – Australia’s largest tertiary studiesexpo

22 July Australian Catholic University Open Day


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24 July Griffith University Open Day

30 July QUT Gardens Point Open Day

6 August UQ St Lucia Open Day

20 August USQ Springfield Open Day

2017 Careers ExpoLast week saw more than 20 career stands set up in ourStudent Activity centre at Park Ridge High.

Police, Defence Force, employers, TAFE and Skills tech, werejust some of the many organisations who came to Park RidgeHigh.

This provided invaluable opportunities and information forstudents and parents to talk to organisation’s and employers,to seek information, to answer all those questions about whereto go, how to get there, can I do it.

OSMAC and WPC are two of our main partners who areproviding guidance and support to our Year 12 and Year 13Students in preparing for full time employment. (Last year’s year12’s). Many Year 12 students had the opportunity to fill out anapplication form in readiness for the end of Year 12.

TAFE and SKILLS TECH also shared the courses they have onoffer in 2018 for school based and full time.

Thank you to the staff who also set up faculty stands andprovided advice to students and Parents. Year 10 students willbe preparing for their subject selections so our Career Expoprovided a great recourse of information to better assist parentsand students making those all-important choices.

SPECIAL THANKS TO OSMAC who provided the Sausagesizzle, where the gold coins went toward our schoolChaplaincy, and to Sean, our chaplain and the Leaders whoassisted in running the sausage sizzle.

Wendy HowardWork Education Transition Officer

Students’ AchievementsPark Ridge State High School, have two aspiring youngstudents’ going places in Traditional Shotokan Karate. WhetuTe Huia-Graham (Brown Belt, Year 10) and Sophie Talbot(Black Belt, Year 9) competed in the 7th Australasian NationalShotokan Karate Federation Competition held at Runaway Bay,Gold Coast on March 13 – 19 March 2017. Whetu representedCrestmead PCYC Dojo and Sophie represented Logan VillageDojo. Whetu placed in both of her events gaining a Gold andSilver medal.

Both girls have gained lots of experience, increased theirconfidence and skills levels and have been mentored by someof Australia’s strongest Coaches/Sensei’s in this field.

Following on from the Nationals, Whetu graded andsuccessfully gained her Black Belt in Traditional ShotokanKarate which will be awarded to her at the next Brisbanegrading opportunity.

Their goal is to attend and represent their clubs at the 2020London Olympics. We are so proud of their efforts and wishthem well in reaching their future goals.


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From the Guidance Officers

THE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD – Strengtheningyour YES voice

The following excerpt is taken from Maggie Dent’s, Parentingthe Teenage Brain (2007). Leave this by the fridge, or put itunder your child’s door – hopefully they will get the message!

Helping to train the teenage brain into having more positiveaffirmations will certainly help in their ability to cope with thechallenges of today’s society. Try these tips with youradolescent and practise them over time.

Pausing and listening from time to time will give you moreinfluence over the inner voice you choose to listen to. The YES,the NO and the Saboteur (I don’t know) voice. Too much of theNO and the I Don’t Know will see you struggling with how yousee yourself, your abilities, your confidence and ultimately howyou behave.

Tips to strengthen your YES voice.


She has posters, stickers, inspiration and an app that sendspositive messages to your phone every day.

From the ARTSOn Friday April 28 we had a meet and greet for our newdance troupe parents. The direction and vision for the dancetroupe was discussed and parents were introduced to thedance committee. The dance troupe is currently involved in afundraising venture, a reminder that the cookie dough formsand payment are due back next Wednesday May 17.

The Brisbane Performing Arts Challenge is fast approaching;students are competing, Thursday June 1, after school andFriday June 2, all day. Please check your rehearsal schedulesfor upcoming rehearsal times for polishing of routines before thecompetition.

• Ask your best friends AND your parents to list the fivethings they like about you.

• Have a motto or life-affirming saying to silently repeatto yourself to drown out your negative voice. Trysome of these:

- I am more than this- I am, I can, I will- I can do this- Every day I get better and better- I believe in me

- I am lovable and capable- Bring it on!- If I think I can, I will.

• Be the best friend anyone could ever have.

• Know that you are on a journey up a stairway andeach step will see you grow and get better at life.

• Surround yourself with positive people.

• Use life-enhancing language to yourself and others.

• Use positive visioning everyday.

• Be grateful for the good in your life.

• Make a positive difference to the world everyday – nomatter how small, how un-noticed, how seeminglyunimportant – just do it!

• Surround yourself with positive posters, sayings,books and photos – they feed the unconscious mind.

• Spend moments in quietness and stillness every dayjust being YOU – this means taking some time outfrom our crazy world and switching all your devicesoff!

• Choose a positive life metaphor to live by.

• Feed your own dreams and help feed others.

• Honour your mind and body with good food,exercise, plenty of water and sleep.

• Look for the good in others.

• Know that you are not the mask you sometimeswear.

• Treat others how you would like to be treated.

• Try practising random acts of kindness.

• Nurture your sense of humour and learn to laugh atyourself.


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Junior School Leadership Project UpdateThis year the JS leadership team have been working on anumber of different projects throughout Term one and two. InTerm one, we worked hard on Say No to Bullying Day andNational Youth Week,

Term two is a term that is going to be pretty busy too, andwe have hit the ground running with our Car Wash fundraiser,which we ran alongside the Cross Country in week one. We hada number of leaders who (very diligently) put in the hard yardswith their cross country run, before joining us to wet down,scrub and chamois some teacher’s cars. Their hard work wasrewarded with many teachers thanking the team afterwardsand in our efforts, we raised a quick $120. This money willcontinue to add to our fundraising efforts to purchase a jointnoticeboard for our Junior Years Precinct, which will house allYear 7, 8 and 9 notices. We hope to do this fundraiser againin term four so we can get closer to our goal. Our fundraising,in conjunction with the P and F committee, will focus on thisnoticeboard being erected by the end of the year.

It’s that time of the year again when the cooler months areupon us, so in preparation, the JS Leadership team will beholding our annual pie drive fundraiser. Order forms for theHomestyle Bakery menu will be sent home with students overthe next few weeks, and spare forms will be available from theoffice. So, look out for those order forms in the next few weeks.Orders and payments can be returned to the office. Due datesfor all of the orders, including delivery will also be attached tothe order forms. Any questions can be directed to the frontoffice, AFTER FORMS HAVE BEEN SENT HOME.

Currently, we are working on an important communityawareness project. The JS leadership team have joined in aglobal project, The ‘One Million Stars to End Violence’project (OMS). In conjunction with schools, communities andbusinesses all over the world, Park Ridge SHS is joining theproject to weave beautiful ribbon stars during lunch breaks andin our spare time. The purpose of this project is to supportour community and the OMS’ message to actively promote,support and reflect on the combined effort to end violence inany form. What is particularly inspiring is that this project notonly has a powerful message behind it, but it also promotesa Samoan cultural connection with the artist in charge of theproject, Maryann Talia Pau, bringing her Samoan heritage intothe weaving process. Another incentive is to get as many starswoven as possible before the end of term - our deadline - isso that if we can send our stars to Queensland’s head officefor OMS in time, our work will join thousands of others in awonderful art installation on the Gold Coast, as part of the 2018Commonwealth Games’ commitment to support this importantcause. So far the project’s global count has already hit the 700000 mark.

For more information, click on the link:


We look forward to working with you all as you come on boardto help warm your tummies and improve the school and ourglobal community at the same time. Keep your eyes out in

the notices for more information about the JS Leadership teamprojects and community events that we have planned!

JS Sports News: Cross CountryInterviews with Stars

Park Ridge State High School had a fantastic start to Term 2by kicking it off with our 2017 Cross County. It was terrific tosee so many of our student body participate and earn pointsfor their houses. To get a little more insight on the event, weinterviewed some of our runners to share their experiences withour readers:

First of all is Latishia Hicks-Greenaway, a speedy 14 year oldwho is our very own Usain Bolt. This Year 8 speedster saysthat she was happy but mostly surprised when she discoveredthat she came second in her age group. Her family were superstoked when they found out that their little runner came second.Not surprisingly, she said that the race was easy for her, as shewas very motivated to succeed. Lastly, this amazing star saidthat this race would probably stay with her for the rest of herlife!

The second amazing athlete we checked in on is Amy Bryan,who placed third in her overall age group. Amy was extremelyshocked but very pleasantly surprised with this outcome. Herfamily were also very proud of her achievement. Amy said thatshe found the course a challenge to begin with but summonedthe willpower and strength to push on and give it her best shot.

It is clear to see that Park Ridge State High School hasphenomenal athletes that show excellence in all they do.

By Elizabeth Bumstead

2017 Park Ridge SHS Cross CountryThursday April 20, we had our annual inter-house CrossCountry Carnival. Participation from all year levels was fantastic;it was great to see everyone being active and getting involved ina really fun afternoon! It was also fantastic to see a large numberof students getting involved in the house spirit and wearing theirhouse colours. For the first time, the Leadership team came up


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with house war cries for each house to chant and cheer duringand after the carnival. It was excellent to see the house captainsand students chanting these throughout the day. The amountof encouragement from students has definitely increased sincelast year which was awesome to see, and hopefully this cancontinue to grow into the future.

Congratulations to all the 2017 age champions:

The final results for the day were as follows: Grevillia - 349points, Banksia - 379 points, Eucalyptus - 392 points, whichmeans Waratah are the winners with 438 points.

Thanks to everyone who participated on the day and made it asuccessful event.

Dana Edwards and Lachlan Swain (sport captains)

Manual Arts ClassMs Aisbett is keeping her students in Manual Arts busy, makinga Box drum

Year 12 SSS NewsOn Tuesday May 2nd, the Year 12 SSS students were involvedin a novel STEM-based activity for the whole day. As part ofthe Ekka in Schools program, this group of students spentthe day learning the process of cheese making, in this caseCamembert. They learnt about temperature controls, theimportance of food safety and hygiene, the chemistry of cheeseand the speed of chemical reactions. Their cheese is nowspending the next six weeks aging so it can be judged againstapproximately 50 other schools that also enter the Camembertcompetition each year. Good luck to all involved and may thebest cheese win!

• 12 years boys, Xavier Smith

• 12 years girls, Keira Pope

• 14 years boys, Bert Jarret

• 14 years girls, Zoe Edwards

• 15 years boys, John Baker

• 15 years girls, Chloe Martin

• 16 years boys, Mitchell Fitzpatrick

• 16 years girls, Alysha Torr

• 17 years boys, Aiden Duncan

• 17 years girls, Camryn Newton-Smith