University of Edinburgh Call Management System – Functional Specification Page 1 of 20 Call Management System (CMS) Functional Specification CMS Terminology Some of the terminology used in the context of the CMS may differ from that of common ITIL terminology, see below for definitions of terms commonly used by the CMS CMS Term Definition Call Incident Customer Person whom the call is about, if any, otherwise set as the person who logged the call (user in ITIL Terms). Owner Person who logged the call or, if call submitted by email, person to whom call was first assigned. User Anyone who has access to the CMS (at any level – requires EASE login). Context A Team to which the user is assigned. Resolver Person whom the call is assigned at any given time. Queue A specific list of calls. All Users ID Function Description AU1 Can view any call in the system for the domain they have been authorised to view. With the exception of sensitive calls (e.g. owned by Disability Office or IRT for UoE - may contain sensitive information) All users can see the data displayed in the fields shown in the screenshot for TM1 below: Priority Definition Critical For business critical faults that affect the whole system and would cause risk to overall objectives and reputation. Generally, this would mean the service is not functioning at all. High For faults that affect individual or isolated users circumstances rendering the ineffective under those conditions. Medium For faults that effect functionality that is not essential to ‘normal operations or where a high priority call has been provided with a temporary work around. Low For any work that is seen as ‘nice to have’ or can be managed without indefinitely.

Call Management System (CMS) Functional Specificationreports.is.ed.ac.uk/areas/itservices/busintel/CMS/CMS_… ·  · 2009-07-28Call Management System (CMS) Functional Specification

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University of Edinburgh Call Management System – Functional Specification

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Call Management System (CMS) Functional Specification CMS Terminology Some of the terminology used in the context of the CMS may differ from that of common ITIL terminology, see below for definitions of terms commonly used by the CMS CMS Term Definition Call Incident Customer Person whom the call is about, if any, otherwise set

as the person who logged the call (user in ITIL Terms).

Owner Person who logged the call or, if call submitted by email, person to whom call was first assigned.

User Anyone who has access to the CMS (at any level – requires EASE login).

Context A Team to which the user is assigned. Resolver Person whom the call is assigned at any given time. Queue A specific list of calls. All Users ID Function Description AU1 Can view any call in the

system for the domain they have been authorised to view. With the exception of sensitive calls (e.g. owned by Disability Office or IRT for UoE - may contain sensitive information)

All users can see the data displayed in the fields shown in the screenshot for TM1 below:

Priority Definition Critical For business critical faults that affect the whole system

and would cause risk to overall objectives and reputation. Generally, this would mean the service is not functioning at all.

High For faults that affect individual or isolated users circumstances rendering the ineffective under those conditions.

Medium For faults that effect functionality that is not essential to ‘normal operations or where a high priority call has been provided with a temporary work around.

Low For any work that is seen as ‘nice to have’ or can be managed without indefinitely.

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AU2 Can view their Calls Users can view a list of the calls which have them set as the customer. AU3 Can Submit calls via email Anyone can submit a call by sending an email to an email address attached to a CMS team e.g.

[email protected]. Sophisticated users can bounce emails from their own mailboxes to create calls while preserving the original customer information.

AU4 Can View ‘Useful Links’ All users can click on the useful links option which will present a list of links to websites and documentation which may be useful to Users, link are as follows: - CMSWeb Home Page - CMSWeb Frequently Asked Questions - CMSWeb Change Requests - CMSWeb Release History - Information Services Reorganisation - overview - Information Services Reorganisation - list by team - Information Services Reorganisation - list by staff name - CMS Webi Reporting (requires password) - Intercom - Search staff/student email & phones - 'WHOIS' database. Identifies the owner of a domain name or IP address - Local DNS/IP Lookup These links are domain specific, i.e. users on different domains will be presented with links relevant to the domain they are part of.

AU5 Quick search by Ref No. All users can quickly find any call by typing it’s 6 digit reference number into the field on the Initial CMS display, this will automatically open the call in a browser window.

AU6 View Help Information All users can view brief guidance specific to the CMS window the have open. e.g. If the users clicks the help link from the main CMS window, they are presented with help relating to the menu options available. However if the users clicks help in the window of a specific call, they are presented with help relating to the fields displayed in the call. The help windows also include links to any websites or documentation which may relate to the topic (if any). The link is located at the top right of any CMS window

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Team Members TM1 Can log new calls Team Members can log new calls by filling in the forms below – See tables for definitions of fields

(fields marked with * are mandatory): The option to consolidate the available tabs is available as a user selected preference. Call Details

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Label Definition Customer See definition – page 1. This can be entered by typing the customers UUN in

the box at the top centre of the call screen, Alternatively clicking ‘Find Customer’ will allow for a search on Details held by the CMS.

Short Description A Short description of what the call is about. E.g. Problem with CMS. Full Description A detailed description of the problem Call Type The type of incident the call is about. E.g. Complaint, Fault, Information

[Predefined List] Call Source Shows where the details for the call came from. E.g. Email, Phone, Webform

[Predefined List] Category (Team Specific)

The category of the Incident. E.g. Access Problem, Change Request. [Predefined List – Can be Changed by Team Administrator – TA4]

Time Recording (Team Specific)

The time recording code associated with the call. [Information Services Only]

Status The current status of the call. E.g. Open, Closed, Pending [Predefined List] Priority (Team Specific)

The Priority setting for the call – See Page 1 foe definitions [Predefined List – customisable by Team Administrator – TA4]

Resolution Entry (User Selected Preference)

Used to enter a Description of the steps taken by each team member who has worked on the call, this enables them to track the progress of the call so far and Communicate with other teams.

Category, Time Recording and Priority fields shown in the diagram above are Team Specific (not shown for all teams) The field for resolution entry shown in the diagram can be added as a user selected preference.

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Owner See Definition (Page 1). Is set to the person who submitted the call by

Default or the person to whom the call was first assigned if received by email

Owning Team The team that the Owner of the call is a member of. Resolver The person who is working on the call at any given time Resolving Team The team that the Resolver is a member of (A button to return to owner is

available on existing calls to quickly pass back to the owner for closure). Default Alert Time Can change the Escalation Time for the call [Default set by Team

Administrator – TA1] Mins Now For team members to record how much time the have spent on the call,

This is added to the Mins Prev. Spent when the Apply button is clicked. Retain Call How long the call will be kept before it is deleted from the system. Pass Ownership to Allows the Ownership to be passed to another team(Only available for a

selection of teams).

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Note – Fields available are domain specific See TA4, these values are customisable by the Team Administrator. Application Any application that the Call is relating to. E.g. MS Word, Dreamweaver Hardware Any Hardware that the call relates to. E.g. Hewlett-Packard, MAC Server/Host Any Server that the call relates to [Server Name] Operating System The operating system the call relates to. E.g. Windows XP, Apple OSX

TM2 Can view their Queue Can view a list of the calls which have are assigned to them or are owned by them at a given time. The list, in table format, shows the following: Call ID, Short Description, Customer, Owner, Resolver, Status, Date Created, Alert Status

TM3 Can view their teams Queue

Can view a list of calls which have been assigned to or are owned by a member of the team they are part of. List format as above.

TM4 Can change their context Team members can choose which context to work in, provided they are a member of more than one team

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TM5 Can view or print a call report

Team members can create a call report, with the options of including the following data:

Option Fields Call Details Short Description, Full Description, Status, Type, Source, Category,

Priority, Time Recording Code Customer Details Surname, Forename, Title, University ID, Customer Type, Email,

Address, Phone, Department, Planning Unit, Planning Unit Number, Faculty, Preferred Contact Method

Call Admin Owner, Owning Team, Resolver, Resolving Team, Minutes on Call, Submitter, Create Date, Last Modified By, Modified Date, Alert Time, Last Alert

Call Technical Application, Hardware, Server Host, Software Admin Diary [Username, Create Date, Entry] – For every event on call Resolution Diary [Username, Create Date, Entry] – For every Resolution Entry Emails [From, To, CC (if any), Subject, Date, Message

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TM6 Can bookmark any call Team members can bookmark a call, this enables them to follow the call’s progress as it moves from team to team.

TM7 Can view a list of bookmarked calls

Team members can view a list of the calls they have bookmarked, this list is in the same format as their own queue.

TM8 Can Modify any call Team members can modify the data in any field in any call in the CMS domains that they have been given access to. With the exception of those which may contain sensitive data (i.e. from the Disability Office or the IRT within UoE).

TM9 Can view customer details Team members can view all the customer details held in the call. These include; Surname, Forename, Title, Known As, Department/Course, Address, Email, Additional Email, Phone, Phone2, Mobile, Customer Type, University ID, University Username, Preferred Contact Method, Comments.

TM10 Can change call customer Team members can change the customer assigned to any call in the CMS. TM11 Can close calls Team members can close calls in which their team is set as the owning team (Calls can only be

closed by their owning team, unless granted permission to close any call). TM12 Can Add new customers Team members can create a new customer when the customer for a call does not already exist in

the system.

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TM13 Can change personal preferences

Team members can change their personal preferences, options shown in screenshot below:

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TM14 Can mark a call as junk Team members can check a box which will mark a call as ‘junk’ and will pass to the CMS-Service Queue for review when the delete button is pushed (this is usually used for calls auto generated by spam - Calls can only be marked as ‘junk’ if generated by email and customer is not recognised). Calls can also be passed to the cms-service team with a request to delete (this is usually used for duplicate calls) NOTE – When calls are delete they are completely removed from the system and cannot be retrieved.

TM15 Can create a ‘dump’ of team’s calls

The CMS can generate a .csv file containing the details of the calls created by their team between dates specified by them. The .csv file contains the following: Application, Call ID, Call Source, Call Type, Create Date, Customer Type, Department Course Contact, Faculty, Hardware, Last Modified by, Minutes on Call, Category, Time Recording, Modified Date, Owner, Owning Team, Planning Group, Resolver, Resolving Team, Server Host, Short Description, Software, Status, Submitter. This was deprecated in favour of an ODBC view of a team’s calls.

TM16 Can submit a change request

Team members can submit a change request by filling in the form below:

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TM17 Can search for calls Team Members can search for calls using the form below (see TM1 for Definitions of criteria):

Searches are based on Keywords between fields. E.g. Searching ‘CMS’ will bring back all calls with ‘CMS’ in the Short Description. The fields which appear on the search can be chosen by the team administrator.

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TM18 View Recent Searches Team members can also view their recent searches and run them again by clicking on the Query No. The data is given in a list containing the fields: Query No., Description and Date Created. Team members can choose the number of recent searches available, 10 is the default number.

TM19 Can log a Quick Call Some CMS teams can log quick calls, which only Ask for the Mandatory fields mentioned in TM1, this collects the required data and places it in a standard call, It can be useful for teams who handle a large amount of calls which require similar data. An API is in place to produce team specific, bespoke quick call forms if required.

Team Administrators TA1 Can amend escalation levels Team Administrators can amend the escalation times and contacts for calls, the options available

can be seen below.

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TA2 Can amend email signature and notification settings

Team Administrators can change the settings for email notifications and the signature which will be automatically added at the bottom of emails sent from the system, the details which can be changed can be seen below:

TA3 Can change default call owner Can change the team member who calls are automatically assigned to when they are passed to

their team.

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TA4 Can edit field menus for team Team Administrators can edit the field values for the following fields if they have been made available to their team: Application, Hardware, Category, Priority, Time Recording, Quickcall Short Description, Server Host and Software The details which can be edited can be seen below:

Adding additional fields is relatively trivial, however these are team specific and may not be useful if only one team could see them.

TA5 Can view statistics of team’s call activity

Team administrators can view graphs showing the volume of calls created by and passed to any team within the system for:

• The current month • Previous Month • Past three Months

See example: (External team statistics excluded)

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System Administrators

SA1 Can Delete ‘Left’ Customers System administrators can delete customers provided they are not sat as the customer for any calls, and their details have not been modified in the last 30 days. These customers can only be deleted in bulk, not individually. When deleted the basic details of each customer are held in a table in the database which is cleared when the next delete is carried out. This table can also be cleared by system administrators at any time.

SA2 Can remove content from emails received by calls

As anyone with a university login can view a CMS call sensitive data such as passwords should not be disclosed in CMS calls, however some external users such as students are not aware of this. To combat this system, administrators can remove such data from emails by accessing the mail server through a secure shell. Such data is generally removed by a comment in square brackets indicating that content has been removed. E.g. [Removed by AF]

SA3 Can delete spam calls from system

When team members mark calls as junk they are sent to the system administrators queue for review. System administrators can then completely remove the call from the system by deleting it.

SA4 Can stop all access to system System administrators can ‘freeze’ the whole system by selecting ‘Stop cmsweb’. When this is applied the system will have no functionality.

SA5 Can stop email functionality Using this function, system administrators can stop the CMS from picking up the emails for calls. These emails are stored on an IMAP server.

SA6 Can email all team members System administrators can send emails all members of all teams in the CMS SA7 Can view logins for current

day System administrators can view a list of all the people who have logged into the CMS that day. This list consists of the following: User ID, Name, Customer Group, Login Time, Cosign

SA8 Can copy/move team members from one team to another

System administrators can copy all users from one team and add them to another. This saves time adding users individually.

SA9 Can set messages to be shown when users log in

System administrators can set messages which will be shown when users log into the CMS. These messages can be saved and toggled on and off when required.

SA10 Can review change requests System administrators can view and comment on all change requests submitted by team members.

SA11 Can merge duplicate customers

System administrators can merge two customer records, this transfers all calls associated with one customer over to the other, giving the option to delete the duplicate customer record.

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SA12 Can create, remove or edit Queues

System administrators can create new teams/queues by filling in the form below:

System administrators can also delete or edit teams using a similar form.

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SA13 Can add/remove team members

System administrators can add new team members by filling in the form below:

Team members can also be added and removed from teams using a similar form. NOTE: Users can be added to as many teams as is required.

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SA14 Can view reports of recent calls statistics

Team administrators can view graphs showing the volume of calls created by and passed to any team within the system for:

• The current month • Previous Month • Past three Months

See example: (Including external team statistics)

System Integration SI1 Integrated with email system The CMS is integrated with an email system which allows emails to be sent to and from calls

(Including attachments). Emails can automatically generate calls and automatically assign a customer to the call if the email address from where the email was sent is recorded in the customer database. Spam filters are set up to prevent spam emails generating calls.

SI2 Integrated with MyEd Portal The CMS is integrated with the MyEd portal. This enables users to see a list of their calls through an iFrame channel. Users can choose which context they would like to view by clicking on its name under the call list. The channel also contains a button which launches the full CMS in a new browser window.

SI3 Integrated with IDMS A nightly download from the university Identity Management System allows team members and system administrators to quickly find the peoples details when adding them as a customer or a new team member. This is usually carried out by searching using a University username.

SI4 Integrated with Information stores for external customers

Similarly to SI3 CMS downloads data from external information stores for St Andrews University and the Scottish Agricultural College.

SI5 Integrated with Web Intelligence

CMS is also linked to the universities web intelligence program which allows administrators to retrieve fairly detailed usage data from the CMS database. The predefined reports from Web Intelligence are as follows:

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- Call IDs in Resolution Diary by Individual - Calls by Application - Calls by Department - Calls by Department for MIS Teams - Calls by Department for REP Teams - Calls by Keyword - Calls by Logging Method - Calls by MIS Category - Calls by MIS Category for MIS Teams - Calls by MIS Category for REP Teams - Calls by Month (Owning Team) - Calls by Type - Calls Closed by MIS Teams - Calls Closed by REP Teams - Calls Closed by Team - Calls Escalated by Team - Calls Handled by Support Staff - Calls Handled by Team - Calls Handled For Specified Period - Calls Handled Monthly - Calls in the Resolution Diary by Team - Calls in the Resolution Diary by Team Member - Calls Modified After Specified Date by Selected Team - Calls without Keywords by Owner - Calls without Keywords by Team - Closure Times by Team - Closure Times for MIS Teams - Closure Times for REP Teams - CMS-No TR code - CMS - priorities by Team - Progress Report Hours - Types of Problem Calls

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Searching and Stats As mentioned in TA5, SA13 and SI5 Other Functionality The CMS can cope with multiple 'domains' e.g. can separate St. Andrews from Edinburgh, from SAC calls, users and customers. This Prevents teams from one domain viewing calls from another e.g. UoE teams cannot view St. Andrews calls (any call, from any domain, can be passed to system administrators queue). Manual Procedures For managing the Call Management system, the system administrators have a queue named CMS-Service. Any requests such as the setup of new teams or adding/removing team members (which can only be carried out by system administrators) are put into a call and passed to this queue. The system administrators can then work through these requests. There is also an email alias, [email protected], which can be used to log a call from someone who has no access to the CMS. This queue is also used for dealing with any support queries or problems user may have with the service. What It Doesn’t Do

• Allow the Time stamp of a call to start and stop • Allow change control to be recorded • Provide for a Solution Archive or a Known Error Database