DR/il^T THIS DEED made the day of 1969 BETW5BH ... the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act I908 (hereinafter .. called "the Institute") of the one part MD THE MAYOR COmiCILLOHS & CITIZEHS OF THE BOROUGH OF OFOTIKI a municipal .. corporation under The Municipal Corporations Act 195^ (herein- . after called "the Borough Council") of the other part V.IiSHEiiS .. the Institute is the ov/ner of certain freehold land situated in. Church and King Streets Opotiki upon which are situated certain. shops ?;hich are let and leased under varying terms and conditions such land being more particularly described in the .. Schedule hereto AND YIHWl'MB the Institute has agreed with the . Borough Council for the transfer to the Borough Council of all of the said land to be held by the Borough Council upon certain ... trusts IlTD LHEHErlS the parties hereto desire to create a trust under which the Borough Council shall hold the said land N(17 ... THERBFCRE IN C ON SI DEILiT I OH of the premises and of the Institute transferring to the Borough Council the land mentioned end described in the Schedule hereto the parties hereto agree .. and covenant with each other as follows 1 . THE trust hereby created shall be known as the "Opotiki .. Mechanics Institute Trust". 2. THE Borough Council shall hold the said land and all .. moneys derived therefrom whether by way of capital or income ... in trust exclusively for library purposes for the Borough of ... Opotiki. Such expenditure for library purposes shall include .. the power to erect alter and maintain buildings for libraries .. and the provision and maintenance of furnishings'and suitable .. ornaments for the same. 3. TIIS Borough Coomcil will credit the Institute with the amount of the shop rentals ov/ing and unpaid as at the 3"! st day of March 1969 and the Institute will credit the Borough Council with the. amount of the shop rentals paid in advance a s at the same date.. U. THE Institute will pay all rates ovi/ing to the 3i st day of .. March I969 on the shops leased to Iviessrs. C. Pettigrew and R. ..

called the Institute) of the one part MD THE MAYOR COUNCIL/Ele… · the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act

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Page 1: called the Institute) of the one part MD THE MAYOR COUNCIL/Ele… · the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act


THIS DEED made the day of 1969 BETW5BH ...

the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under

the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act I908 (hereinafter ..

called "the Institute") of the one part MD THE MAYOR


corporation under The Municipal Corporations Act 195^ (herein- .

after called "the Borough Council") of the other part V.IiSHEiiS ..

the Institute is the ov/ner of certain freehold land situated in.

Church and King Streets Opotiki upon which are situated certain.

shops ?;hich are let and leased under varying terms and

conditions such land being more particularly described in the ..

Schedule hereto AND YIHWl'MB the Institute has agreed with the .

Borough Council for the transfer to the Borough Council of all of

the said land to be held by the Borough Council upon certain ...

trusts IlTD LHEHErlS the parties hereto desire to create a trust

under which the Borough Council shall hold the said land N(17 ...

THERBFCRE IN C ON SI DEILiT I OH of the premises and of the

Institute transferring to the Borough Council the land mentioned

end described in the Schedule hereto the parties hereto agree ..

and covenant with each other as follows

1 . THE trust hereby created shall be known as the "Opotiki ..

Mechanics Institute Trust".

2. THE Borough Council shall hold the said land and all ..

moneys derived therefrom whether by way of capital or income ...

in trust exclusively for library purposes for the Borough of ...

Opotiki. Such expenditure for library purposes shall include ..

the power to erect alter and maintain buildings for libraries ..

and the provision and maintenance of furnishings'and suitable ..

ornaments for the same.

3. TIIS Borough Coomcil will credit the Institute with the amount

of the shop rentals ov/ing and unpaid as at the 3"! st day of March

1969 and the Institute will credit the Borough Council with the.

amount of the shop rentals paid in advance a s at the same date..

U. THE Institute will pay all rates ovi/ing to the 3i st day of ..

March I969 on the shops leased to Iviessrs. C. Pettigrew and R. ..

Page 2: called the Institute) of the one part MD THE MAYOR COUNCIL/Ele… · the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act

2 -

Tew and the Estate of T. Coory deceased.

5. THE Borough Council will indemnify the Institute against ..

all other claims for rates whether past current or futiire on the

said land.

6. THE Borough Council agrees that all current insurances .. .

effected by the Institute in connection with the said land shall

remain with the existing insurance companies holding the same ..

unless the said companies should desire to go off risk. The ...


7. THE Borough Council shall accept responsibility and liability

for all maintenance work arising in connection with the said ...

land and the buildings erected thereon as from the 1st day of ..

April 1969 .

8. THE Borough Council will indemnify the Institute and its ..

individual Tris tees against any claims which may be made against

it or them or any one or more of them v/hether before or after ..

the 31st day of March 1969.

9. THE Borough Council shall limit its annual expenditure in.,

the administration of the said Trust to % of the gross rentals,

received from the said land,

10. THE Borough Council agrees not to make any further claim of

any kind v/hatsoever on the Institute in the future.

11.. THE B orough Council shall permanently and suitably record

the benefactions of the Institute (and of the Opotiki Ten

Thousand Club Incorporated if it shall so desire) in the Library

building erected on the land previously given by the Institute.,

to the Borough Council.

12. THE Institute will pay to the Borough Council upon the ...

executioner these presents the sum of $1600.00 in final settlement

of the contributions which it has agreed to make towards the ...

library loan.

13. TPIE Institute shall be at liberty to transfer and assign .

its rights herein if it shall so desire.

1 k. THE Borough Coiincil agrees to pay all legal costs in .. ..

connection with the transfer of the said land and all stamn duties

Page 3: called the Institute) of the one part MD THE MAYOR COUNCIL/Ele… · the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act

- 3 -

and registration fees in connection therewith and also all ....

legal costs in connection v/ith the preparation of this deed ..

and the stamp duty thereon.

15« THB Borough Council shall accept liability for any

maintenance work to the buildings on the said land arising from

any Health Department, Government or Local Body requisitions ..

between the date her-eof and the said 31st day of March, 1969.


All that parcel of land containing 3 roods 25.71 perches

more or less being lots i, 2, & 3 on Deposited Plan

860l). (Auckland and lots 6. 7» 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13 & 14

on Deposited Plan 11965 (Auckland) situated in Section 2

of the Town of Opotiki and being the viiole of the land

comprised and described in Certificate of Title Volume 1A

Polio 431 Gisbome Registry

n ilMiliii

Page 4: called the Institute) of the one part MD THE MAYOR COUNCIL/Ele… · the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act

" maa® me d©y oi

■-„.IH,3TlilH!i tm institiiii® '|s©o'i?p0s?atfef1 ^lO T


•"■( !-(%

■the Lpr^iiB Bik& Maolioaios'^-.InstJitJi^tes A©t5 ,1908 (liosohk^tQW 01? i]'@ali@,a «fcli® ©f the mo past ICATQR 6^"/;

BOHOTjaH OF..QPOg£IS e giMi^teaieoyporafciQH -imaeff Ki© Mujiioipal Oo»p©:?a&iOES Cteolaaft^s"^©aMea Bo^etagli of the otlio^ ' xntwms tho

MMInstltutsQ is tlid 6?is\or of do'^taiE fffsohoM land aittsated Ia ^imQh0aa.,Etea^|pOla ©potiki Hp©a^_^"elii©V^e 0itji@toa;©e^talm:ahop0

ami loasod imdo^ v^yiag toms ^d'seMitio&s^ laud being no^Q pss'taomllo^ly doeoi^k^ed'

I'llMBM th@ IsGtitia^G ogsoea tJitk %1ik ^t£?0ii8to fo tko Bomigk 0©mo.il'ori^k ''Mx% tk© upon ps^tfeW fittotQ "f .iio apa^feioi lieTOtQ a@0iTO t® aroat© a tpu'et.md® 'g^f/


0®imOil 0|ia^l !i©M tti® @aid land wuf>.., ..i.j.T&ja£.r»ji^ j,Hi.^vyj\i&A,ut!.iia:rAUira.aof the psemieo®'©aQ'Of tk® laatitata'trmsfo^^ing Sai'Pisgfek.^Ootikoil th® ld4d ®@ntiQa®a and 4e0@rkl3p&the ^Mmto smm® tmO. QOmnm^ •^itk'bilok o%li©#

-V f

' %' "■>8SiS#M|3!


ie m tF«@slioHonlit® SnBtitiits

' < i. I'

$xL^m norough Odmail sliari lioia'thd'sald 1£M kidderlWd tbes-efrora whefeho^ by way of eapital;,ip2? iaoofflo in tiuBfexolusi-rely fos* library^ oentro purpose® for,'tji®'Borough dii Opotiki. '-'ao fmas'tom tho Jrpt.to b© tis^d lor ©the£..tii0n^Mbrar7 purposes ?uatil the, presOBj libraryoxpeaaitwe for library ̂ oeatr® piitpoi@su«h#3,, iaSlM^ the ̂ owo^HV*-. •'<!sreot alter, and ©aiataM ¥taMiaga..for .liteiri©0\aa^.'th®',.sTOt-isim-' '"''V?ana mimfeeaaaoo of furaitus?® mil ftixtiislilage'-fer'th® @aa©?-'' . '' ,3s - -Borau^Fh 'Ooims^ll ■®54l

nV^i tk® shop r#fel;oao-|^4|, ill&^V'k' lastitmt®'will asT all s^afeof^'wiin^ *JIftstitrnt® will pay all. rafeos *ow4pig-Wtka liot'day'^f ̂ '-b^ M

MBrm^969 @ii th© Bbops/leaaad to MdssrOe I'dltigrot#. eafi H& feWb "geaa ^th® sstato of Td Oo0i?ir ^

Borough aovmoil will ina&miifY dm, against all' , 'other oiaite for mtoa whether paot, e3xrr©ht,^r fiiti;ir5 m^the pait», / iimah > ' . „^ . ' I ^ , , . . g ' ' i . V

' ̂ '1 . ' ; ;. r\; ' ^%j====»P| Bdrough .Odunoil agree®'tfat''to oWro'al^ tottibaoae'eoffGoy^ hy the Saotituto ia oomo&tipn with th© eaia lead 'aal'"- "'M «oalMiags shall'remaM wiih the. existiag iiieuraao's eompaalog 6o> - t^uhoMiag thp >0affl@ for k, period of teal year® vUsileso tk® ®aM «$ '«bs \>oompaaieD GhouM doeife-e t© go off rieko ' " f ^

" 1^' » ' - ^ " V'.^ ^ /, '' lA©ooept respfepito"% Qiia\ilaiijiTyt fto aaihteaaiio® work arising ?

gala l^a a^iaj}i@"huiMlsi@s d^©C)tod:>tte@0a1®a/^Pa:%ho Ipt-jlfe <■'''' 'iApril 19690' - ' , s , • 'i V- , , ,' • !

> ' ' ' ' ' , s ^ ^1 ' • " ^VV > V'. ! ^ ^ ^ ^ - V 11 Borougli Oouneil w&H 4iidSH®if^ thd Sh'63t£^?it® 'aiid'^ Sltfl

Page 5: called the Institute) of the one part MD THE MAYOR COUNCIL/Ele… · the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act

/" Mh ,\y,f. . ,

/'H , "

It OS-ilie® esi^'^as'-ei^ oa:ra ,«& v31aa €:^ H®a%A 19^9^ , , ,, l ,, w . ,.

<« ! -r- ' '^ 1 i > \ ^ it' lit

Somigh Oaiitoil dliaS.|'ili!d3 Itii .gakii^^^e%ea6ilti3i?0 M ^ ̂ r.i,


"^Sftiets^atiQ^ ©f tiia &ai4 Ci^iiot %% $%&s'oasiif^a ivm tho oaM laafiet . ^ ^ "f

?» ^

i£§^-lS Ootmeia, tgroQ^.aot mf SWt&o^ oid® ©£d Jasa^sMl wliatsosws? on itta Xnotit^t^ M tli© . - ' "f

Baratigh OoMsii emits.%i^'g§e©x€ oothaTen^faetions df tte Instittlio. tearOf M $kdui®lldltals SfiQ@2?po:rat©fi ilf it ©hall 0@ imim), M hniliiMgQKOQtaa

4 '^1r

II J t


i m tho 1®4 4lf®B .laiilMte -t§. tlio #cif I , ^ ^ ® ^ r ^ V ̂ V ^ ^ ^ ^ 5

• •'. : i--.' ' • . - • • ' •-• V •--fW-:l'^;t^■r.^^./^;;r--Ar--- '^'vi^tv,r.v ji^«.^«.?.:r-i«--;:.',i,i.-/j; y.-.fi ?? .v.-.'i:»:."'^-Vix-t:

f4pc f e , -


©1 thQ it i'm gt# »& , t.aih^agf lorn ^ ^

Borotagh Ootmsll '©'dsts.isi'cormeofcion with the t^aasto, of th® ©ni ^11ma ffoglsferatlom foes' tesOdsmeoi-ioa' the^^witli ma legal® ̂ :• 'oosts ili oQimeetion with ths ama ma ihe.tc c- "sfcamp dufey thoreoEft t' - ,i ,<


B02?dtxsh OoiaEdil Shall meept liability "fos^ W oV^bmMntcnonoQ work,to the huildlasa^oa tM.'iaia Imamj Heolfth mp^tmmtg C^syo^jaoht ssGulaition®-ex^4#hstwaoE th® fiat# hereof mM the '^eda^Mni 4m at '1969^ ^

■■ X ' ^ \ 'Ml ^ I ^4 «> -i'.M • '■"/'; ' , ?-4 i>-«s,''', '•

'AH that pa^eel et laaM'hhfttaiiilhg' 3 i^oodiS fiior© ^4 h&SiL^-utB 4 1 oh'S)spo0itM.4m®i'?e^q4'(Awhlaadl

. f» I.IOf'Hl 'jS,4 14^^11 Aep^siioa^lsn he, 119S5 CATOkloaal aitndt-M'iw SeotiOE of-dooiM. ,'md h&ing the-wSiol® of >th@: oomprisM aht^^esi^riheC inOsfftifioate 6f Title V&ZmeJ4^^$liQ^Jpi&UljGpie negi^t^^P' ,

tSsaS'p^deoBtg th^.ifetd'^„4yoa^ firat hoj^oiBhofeM ;writt0'4# " ' .l\



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honBuniQ be affXSod in fchS ^proseno© of


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' llU3-liO.HOUgn OP OJ^OI'IKI 0ha. O'TlimiTirrrxTtri rir-irrMiltiirxiiT1firrilfiii*ffn'pllli>»' h lix ■ I ini 'n'm '.HI I iV 'III«• • f . . - :

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3:Gd t) 0 <iorouayo"Te■nrc^nnwQO ft f' q

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Page 6: called the Institute) of the one part MD THE MAYOR COUNCIL/Ele… · the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act


•.!>. ',J< • .V, .1,1. >";'! , •••; , • , 'A■■, • •> u'-'i •• ■' • ' " -';••■• ■ »i . !■

'■■</.% '■ r. '.- ;-■• '■ ■ ■ ';,' V, ■ . .■ 0 , • ''''j:-,. -'• •■ :,•.■' ■ ■■ : /"• ■i .-,i . ;

y . t!i0 , aer• of ;: ' ' ' ■ . ^' MEMOmXjmiimXQB XN3?IOTKij ^■•inQ^^^fe,4n©!9^0!?atpA •

t5iQ Lf"braxioD aaS MoQheiEioo'^' Islstitiatfeo HSOQ.'Cli02?o4a^'^oj?' 'o^^ / oallei ®th0 Inotitwtio") tho too. D&gt ' Atto,'' ■' THE WkWU ■' ■ ■ a» \^ AtTT) OlgliZEWg OF HIE SQRQTO 0P:ip6te'., .

oorporatloij wndos T'lio Mimioipal bo»poz''ati0iSd..'A6't;'..39^4 (li.Qtoiiio£'t€)S^• oallQfl "fch© Boro«gh doimoil") of tho 0thos", ' •-' •' 'jShoInsfeitufeo i0. tho Qmpv ©f oostGia ifrsoliola ;Stoi vaitiadt;Ga, Ik ^ws?o.!p.and ■■Kiiig.^lj^.eofeq ©pdtAIcS. ttpoa wMoh'-:(^d-©'Itncitod' ■«.«?

eM'' ioaQod'imaos^ t6i-aiSrp;ad;$©Ma|A4oaS;o"«iPh;'s-' :;land fesiug mm postioidos'l.y aobo'^iljdd' :BoiioflulQ'??HEtiSAS, tho. Saotitdtp .hm Ggsood :.thb ■;ifi_@,k?pmeai. geissaMSL foj? ;tiac"' , .tjpoaofos? to tho 'Soifowsh OoimoiS of IjiO 'odid'litoQ to .ho- :ho5.^i ■.- , ■hy tho Borough domsAA upoa oort^ytnwtd " tho, si;. :. ' ;part400 horeto -doairo t® ©roato'.a tmiot midpW'';'^ieh' the ■-Dorough, »^ '. ' 'OQimoil sheai hoM' .tfeo oal4 laafi ■ mi[:Wmmomof tho prsmi0©0 oafl of tho Snotituto/tr^pf©'rr^i^•'f^o,tho Sproufih■•'«,; ••dotooil tho Itod ciGBtieabd tod fiGrote .«-0 ' ■tho partioo horoto Ggroo mH oevoatot iij4th-;:dabh. dtkbz?' h6


truot hOrohy erjsatoa" ohall l5o"Ja'oPh •bBvtho"-^Opo^ilci". ̂ © .-6Mtoliajliis illStjltiatG. \., ■ ' • ■■ •■ . 'y'Vy'^ •f ';-: . "

29 ^ '"ilbreiigil Goraidil bIigII'hold' 'tlid' 'said'laad tod A'kLl'''moriiGyS'ASeHv0j"^t;hGrGfroni .vrhefelioy hj way of eapital' ;,©2? .iaoomo ,ia t^Gt- »A », ■•'"oxolttoively for lite0.ry. OGEtro purposeo for' th© :Borough-©f;.Opotilci,. '' bno fimds from tho Jruot to "be iiiOQd for ■othei?' 'th0ii 'Mteary p^xrpoooD- ." ' '.until fch®'.,pro0eiit,library .loon ohalX- hoVfitlly repaid©. such,. «&"'■oscpenditttfo' for library ©oatr© piis^pOsoo-shall'iEOlMo the p'owot? • t'6 ' '©root alter ©ad maintain bwiMiaga .for. liteciries -and tho proyioiess ' ■Qiid mainfeGnanoo of '.fumituro.' cadlftarnishingo fer.; th® .oamoo • ' •', . ' . ■

3»' !rn^ •'■•Borough Oouneil.v?ill ors'dlt'. thsi,Indtituto the esamount of' ;fchb shop rontaio wing ohd; tmpo-itl ao at tho 3 v'Ot- tley; efyMnreh' 19^^9; tod tho, XnotifeBtO wl/Xl''orGdi't; 'thO ■ Bororgh (soiiino. bithis-.tho 'Qaouiit :of--tho cSiop-rontal(:i,,yoi!i/4htddv;(.au'j0 ih.i'Ui

;^Xh0titv-to-v7ill ,p9y:;,^l''-rat6b'"Ot7iae' to .tho S'A-Jt doy^ 'of ••«,«>'iaroh. ,l969'.0a • th© "'ehopa. ibased'- A©' M&otoi-&v • ??ottie£'ou; -to(l .W■'2oihtod ;i;hQ -totato 'of 6''ilo@sy "aG0OtoMa'Ov'., ,': -0 ;■- /.y;

Borcagh Sc"t5noil Mill todctoify..:feho,,lEQtitE''to ©.gainot'fell': ■'ofehQr ..olcdias .for rot00 ..whofehor paot.0ii'srtot'-fe' '^atu^o 0'\;tho .iooidA,: ."Itod's' 1 :•;■ ■ 0' ' ■ . • ,

'M' Borough' .Oounoil ©grooo -that' .all ourrtotfteQurtooco.'-j,o': io.:effcoted by. tho. Inntituto in Oomieofion vith'tha o.olS lead toti: 0,06huildiiigs;shall'romain f;itla.'tho osd's'ttog. 'iiiouraaoo eoEinatiios do' '^e'.lioMlsig tho oajii© for a period of t0a;;yeard,' 'toi©so. ,tho,.baiti 06 . 'Usl'oompaiilG0' ohoulfi doslro to' ao off tinlu-- ■ ; ' ■'a-' ,' , , ,, ;■.■■

7,;,; '„; ; 'Borou^ Oounoil shali addbpt ..rospohoihility totl'. oV ■■'"■■ i»-iiabiiity'for all Hato-tonotop ivorlstorioiRg idto^ai.ootiQaAA'i'.tfe tho elsaid:Icuad tod tho huildingo brootod 'tho2?ooh"a0 fs'sa-tito <liy • vtApril ■ " ■ ■ • • ■ • • .y" ' "- 'l: , . '.lyA/.l; ' 'o . , - ■ '

jBorough gotooil-willi-'todCEinify Ihatitut'o 'tod ita

Page 7: called the Institute) of the one part MD THE MAYOR COUNCIL/Ele… · the OPOTIKI i.IIiXIH/dTICS INSTITUTE an institute incorporated under the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act

.Si , 111 ill' uiMiii^i^ii<>

^.4;;5,:,„; 3?0'^ n&mo.■ ^ vv^ife • v;^U' ' ■-' - ■ ■ - ■ ^ ■''V . ' .' ■ •' ' • '. ' "T ' ■ i' . 'Isi' '">"' '. ■' ' \.| .' ^•'. •" '-'f

;. . ^feoiJdtigls- ^oiMaii' "'EtM mi&tiGi '-^oniMmiS 'IsxV^. ■ ■laietmbioa ot,tliG oaiC. 'iSfcoco-£?catcm «r. '

rcooi-^ai tmm mo oaM Imih. ' ^

ifiiUaJ® BoayatigiSa-Ootmoia." «?g»o®diriiot.tdyhialsa^ai^ fetkos? ..elcito'C^.)-" "a^TMal vfe&tooovo2^'©a tito . ' 'a' ^ ir.; ^ "' u.

1 — ——-.-^•i«-—m^w *tw«MP.o ^itui v v t-a \j Via V ^ I ■ I I'^cit t ' wciiSi^ m* ('-j w >J •«d£il:y t<v J'w '; ?:■ ■ Olutj Inmr^omtoi ' Aif o&oSl' o^.'toteo) 'Isi'-t^o^Mtsbcg^'. o»ooi5oa ©»• tiio Icm^-,prnv^oxm^^- i' ^'^ossi ^^v'^ho. Sab^.iW'O. to tl?.o .6^^ ;

Vidg©i[^ p0^a4|.» ■ , , ,;;; ■o."'^ ,-.■■■/■:<-•■=; ' ^ , ,V\ ■'Xnatitnto ,t7lll 'ta- .tM V» ' - '^V '

exeduMdtt ©f.thcao proQGntd- tlio 'nm' 0^. i^lhcCk eottis^.-^'o©f th® xmm to^' -G^Q^(|;£0;,.aC!!30 ,tecs^Ov-tliD„sj©^Q^AllWOS^ S.@@ai ;■' -'li ;-' 'i ■' ^\"i '^ O- \ ,■ , .; ^ "

■InetitiitQ fgiiaii Urn fet^ i:teiG:iOS-'' cisia-eioslga itri 'rigEWiiarein if it 0M.I 00 deoiTOV' of' O-/. -''"' ■■- ■ ■0 '■ , ,. ■ ■

iis &• Borough' OotmoJli egrooo .p'^:ail-'legoi eosts M' «<$ ««<, .• ooimoofcion with th© trtoote., of'::tlio Bol6i:-lmA.^m(l oil otcm fitxtlcer •emd reglatratioa fooo M eoymcotioa ■thQrav7ith'"'e!aQ oJoo' eVnore!*5>»c-

Odsts to Qomootioa tlio i25ropasdtiea; ©f■ -tMci eocd'aiu'l tho 'te r-stamp dutsy tliorooEa- . . .. , : /■- r ' ' ■ ■ - -• - ■ ' ■' ■

■ : -'U' . "j

Borough OoTxnail ©holl,moeept.:riaMllty aay o'» ds-:-o«0ir* #-4-%^, j*/"s As ««. '■1a...^A^ ft a e.«.' ^- '. » •■ *» « "■ *! ^ v vmainton^po,.work to .th© .buiidlngq . .tli©"..ficdd'-'ieaa arieSjsg u '•;•; i' ^y- H©aXth-,BepertffieHit.f •GovGasHBont.^or;'I-ooGi'"Body" rooi^isitioun Op g;■. . ' ;>Qtw©o^, ;tha dat^ feoof iyi4;tliq'*'daid;J^1st'fioyvo^:'ns^ehp ^

t- ' r"'t~-'|"T'iii( I'l'isi I ij*!! •' • :.A*'

\ 'All ttef^pareoi: of; loud-'ioonthMihg ■S'i0bdd?-gStVi--rere^^ mor©or^los0 ,l)©to||- 1MB. it, ;2^' 3iou'Bs|)Oslt€€':Biaa- 'i3'^d4.. :CAuoK^^^^^^^rf^-fe-s^ , .T./^.?»«a ■ ^ • li? ' A If'* r#- • ■• :*M m ' ' .* is »% . J. \ ." . i.' / ^ ^^a^Jots: -6n 9t, iDp ' f1,,/1gt^" 13 >^'14 Oh^I)opO0i&'^£^toj 19S5 .-(AuolclcM)' oituatod' -to :s©otioa-S-Of tho 'iJown of CVpotl^i- •

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r' ?®pg the, waoio ■ Of • the -icmd ;bompriooa-.a%d aesGrih©a hi «#.«■ , , , Oertlfleatp • pt' 3?itlo ■Voiimo .j/K'.'.^pMov-43l • Olehorac' Rogiotji-j,?!; ;;; M:.I.Il!NE3g ..WHSREQg ' thoeQ' prosQsjtft hm6 'hden oisoeuted tho,. Cloijo' 'cs,■^000? firot lioroitt'bofo2'0 xit!5MtmX'"'''y'' ' ' " •" ' '-- ■. , ''-

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