Cambodia Teaching Program Week 1: 18 th – 23 rd September 2016 &/or Week 2: 25 th – 30 th September 2016

Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future

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Page 1: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future


Teaching Program Week 1: 18th – 23rd September 2016


Week 2: 25th – 30th September 2016

Page 2: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future




Located in the tropics of South

East Asia, Cambodia is a country

of natural wonders, inspiring

people and rich history. From

Angkor Wat to the mighty

Mekong River, there is much to

see, and so much to learn.

Cambodia has 52% of its citizens

aged 24 or under and faces

specific challenges and

opportunities that arise from

such a significant distortion in

age demographics.

Despite over half of Cambodia’s

population being born post the

Cambodia-Vietnam war and 71%

post the Khmer Rouge genocide,

the structural, psychological and

societal impacts continue.

Recognising the strategic

importance that Cambodian

youth have for shaping and

transforming their nation, World

Vision Cambodia have recognised

that “Youth are creative and

active citizens, the next

generation of leaders” which is

one of their four core

organisational objectives.

Page 3: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future

World Vision in

the Community


began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths

and vision for the future. Located approximately 1 hour from

Battambang, the community faces many challenges including

education, access to health care, employment and migration, nutrition,

child protection and water and sanitation.


children and youth to have a voice. The creation of child and youth

clubs and training in citizenship and community engagement has seen

exponential growth in participation. In a culture where youth have little

voice, youth in the community are now working respectfully with village

and district leaders to facilitate understanding and change in areas such

as the environment, child rights and child protection.

In the last 12 months, youth club members have started two after

school English schools for primary children and now have in excess of

140 pupils attending each day.


youth what areas they would like further support in. With the youth

identifying English language and ICT training as their two priority areas,

September 2015 saw the pilot of a 5-day “Summer School”. With over

100 youth attending and 12 local teachers, the program was a

significant success and a request was made by the local teachers, youth

and World Vision team to continue the program.


to the reflections of 2015’s pilot program by local teachers and youth,

World Vision will again run a Summer School program for the

community in September 2016.


recognising the talent, passion and dedication that exists within the

community, the program is developed in consultation with local

teachers and youth to assist with new teaching approaches for teachers,

whilst conducting confidence building and engaging programs for


Page 4: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future

Sunday: Arrive in Battambang

Arrival, check into hotel, team

introductions, explore Battambang

township, further review of program

and materials, Team Dinner.

Monday to Friday: Program

Depart at 6:15am for breakfast at local


Session 1: 8am – 12noon

Lunch Break

Session 2: 2pm – 4:30pm

Travel back to Battambang

Dinner & daily reflection

Program concludes Friday night

Saturday: Depart or Free Time

Depart Battambang on personal travel,

or if staying for the second week, enjoy

the weekend to sightsee in either

Battambang or Siem Reap (Angkor

Wat) before returning on Sunday


Assistance with accommodation pre

and post program can be facilitated,

together with organising transport

from Siem Reap to Battambang.

Program Overview

Page 5: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future

Program Development

The program for each week is being

developed in consultation with local

teacher and youth representatives and

with Teachers from the pilot in 2015

with ESL experience.

In 2015 an overarching theme of

“Sharing My Story” was used to

connect the five day curriculum and

enable students to have tangible

outcomes from the program.

A new theme is being developed for

2016 and the program will again look

to use fun and engaging methods of


Is this program for me?

Whilst we are keen to engage teachers

to join the program, you do not need

to be a qualified teacher to participate.

Experienced teachers are developing

the lesson plans to enable people who

are passionate and committed to invest

their time in supporting Cambodian

youth, make a valuable contribution.

The program is open to anyone from

18 to 90, pending a short interview to

ensure that the program is a good

match and aligns to both your needs

and those of the local community.

Program Overview

“I found the experience and the ability

to build into teachers and students so

thirsty for knowledge, humbling and

immensely rewarding”

Rebecca - Teacher

Page 6: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future

Travel Costs:

$349 per person twin share

($449 for single room option)

This is inclusive of an initial $100 non-refundable deposit within two weeks of

confirming attendance.

Travel Costs

What is included in the cost?

6 nights’ accommodation in


Transportation to and from the

community each day

Breakfasts and lunches for 5 days

What is not included in the cost?

Airfares to and from Cambodia

(Siem Reap is the closest

International Airport)

Transfers to and from Siem Reap to

Battambang (however this can be

organised for you at a low cost)


Travel insurance (obligatory)

Passport costs

Medical health checks prior to the


Items of a personal nature i.e.

phone calls, laundry etc.


Spending money

Page 7: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future

Fundraising amount:

$350 minimum

We feel privileged that we have the opportunity to

visit and engage with these communities, and as such

believe it is important to support them in practical



In addition to your time and talents, we

are seeking to support the ongoing

educational goals of this community by

providing a set of tablets that can be

used for ongoing self-learning through

relevant pre-loaded applications


Each $350 raised will fund the purchase

of a tablet and significantly enable

youth and children to continue

learning beyond their existing

limitations of teacher access.

Most students in this community have

never used a computer, with electricity

only coming to the area in late 2014

and resources such as computers out

of reach for families.

With many remote villages that have

never heard of a computer, the more

tablets we can fund the more students

will have access.

Page 8: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future

How do I fundraise?

There are various fun and creative ways

to successfully fundraise. When you

register for the trip, you will have a

regular point of contact that will be

there as support right up until your

departure and can provide ideas to

assist if required.

Given the tangible nature of a tablet

and its ability to provide educational

assistance in both Khmer and English

to remote communities, one of the

most effective ways is share your

journey with family, friends and

colleague who may be willing to fund a

whole or part of a tablet.

Photos can be provided to all

supporters showing the tablets in use

and the youth involved.

What sort of things do people do

to fundraise?

Sausage sizzles, trivia nights, auctions,

morning teas, collecting gold coins,

eBay sales, school activities, family

dinner, chocolate boxes, dance parties

and donations from family and friends

are just a few ways to fundraise.

When does the fundraising target

need to be reached by?

By August 15th, to enable the relevant

learning apps to be installed.

The secret to making fundraising easy

is to speak to us, develop a clear

strategy, and then get started!

How can I get the company I

work for to help me?

Many larger companies have

Community Foundations or Corporate

Social Responsibility programs and as

part of these programs they offer to

dollar match funds raised by

employees for World Vision. We

recommend approaching your

company and finding out if they are

able to support your fundraising


Why would people want to

donate to me?

Generally, people want to make a

difference. Critically, your friends and

family will support your commitment

to helping the world’s poor.

Fundraising is a way to include them in

your journey, before, during and after

the program.

Are donations tax-deductible?

All donations that go to World Vision

over $2 is tax-deductible (providing

your supporters received nothing in

return for their donation) your donors

will be issued with a receipt.

How do donors get receipts?

When your fundraising monies are

paid to World Vision we will issue a

tax-deductible receipt to the

supporters who made a donation,

providing they have provided all the

relevant details.




Page 9: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future

Is it safe to travel in Cambodia?

World Vision International monitors

security in Cambodia. In addition, staffs

monitor the Department of Foreign

Affairs and Trade Smartraveller website

(smartraveller.gov.au) for security and

risk levels. Cambodia is currently

categorised as “exercise normal safety


What is the accommodation like?

When choosing accommodation and

transport methods, the security of our

travellers is always our first priority,

and our well-travelled staff members

from World Vision Australia are there

to support and journey with you. The

accommodation will be in a 3 star hotel

with western facilities to ensure

participants are well rested after a busy


Do I need to get medical

clearance from my doctor?

Yes, every participant will need to have

a medical check completed by a

doctor. We advise participants to see a

travel doctor who can provide

specialist advice about travelling in


Do I need travel insurance?

Yes, comprehensive travel insurance is

compulsory for all participants and is

the responsibility of each participant to


Is there consular representation

in Cambodia for Australians?

Australia has an embassy in Phnom

Penh, Cambodia.

What if there was an emergency

in Cambodia?

All necessary steps and precautions will

be taken to ensure your safety and the

safety of the group whilst in Cambodia.

World Vision has a comprehensive

emergency and crisis management

plan, should a situation arise. Our

leaders are experienced regular visitors

to Cambodia and we are also

supported by World Vision Cambodia


What will be the size of the

group travelling?

The size of the group is generally 10

participants and 2 World Vision


Page 10: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future

Click ‘Register Now’ before the trip

becomes full

A $100 non-refundable deposit is required

14 days after registration.

An information pack is sent to you after

deposit is received

Fundraise a minimum of $350 for each

tablet you would like to provide the


Final payment is due one month prior to


Team meets in Cambodia 18th Sept 2016!

Please note: dates above are subject to change depending on group needs

and schedules

Countdown to Cambodia

Teaching Program!

Page 11: Cambodia Teaching Program · active citizens, the next generation of leaders ... Listening began in 2011 to understand the community’s challenges, strengths and vision for the future