Wisconsin Lutheran College’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1973 Vol. 32, Issue 1 Saturday, August 23, 2014 e SWORD Upcoming Events..........1 Letter from the Editor ....2 Political Columnist....... 2 Opinions........................3 Arts & Entertainment.....5 Movie Review ................5 Games and Comics........6 Sports ............................7 Index OPINIONS appearing in this publication, unless expressly stated otherwise, represent the views of the author and are not the collective views of THE SWORD, its staff, or Wisconsin Lutheran College. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR must be no longer than 300 words and should be sent to Josh Scheibe via email at [email protected]. The Sword reserves the right to edit or hold any letter. The Sword is published by Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Editorial Staff Editor-in-Chief Josh Scheibe Layout Editor Rebecca Miller Social Media Editor Audrey Oppermann Section Editors News Rachel Italiano Opinions Marcus Mortensen Arts & Entertainment Jack Albert Sports Baxter Colburn Administrative Staff Faculty Advisor Dr. Jerralyn Moudry Business Manager Taylor Chladek August 23 Org Smorg 12:30- 2pm; Welcome Back Party 7-10pm 24 Opening Service 10:30am; Shopping Shuttle 5:30-7:30pm 25 First Day of Classes; Comedy Sportz 8:30pm 26 PHAT Tuesday 9:30pm 27 Vespers 9:25pm 28 Movie Night 30 Trip to Bayshore 1-4pm 31 Worship 10:30 am September 1 Labor Day - No Classes 2 Poster Sale 9-4 pm; PHAT Tuesday 9:30pm 3 Vespers 9:25pm 4 Free Day at the Public Museum and the Art Mu- seum; Sardines 5 Karaoke 6 Movie Night 7 Worship 10:30am 8 Free Day at the Domes 9-noon; Monday Madness 9:35pm 9 PHAT Tuesday 9:30pm 10 Afternoon Tea 2-4pm; Vespers 9:25pm 11 Remembering 9/11 6:30pm 12 Brewers Game Tailgate 13 Briggs & Als Run; CMO Fall Retreat; Open Gym 14 Worship 10:30am; CMO Fall Retreat 15 Free Day at the Domes 9-noon; Tie Dye & Corn Roast 16 PHAT Tuesday 9:30pm 17 Vespers 9:25pm 18 Pep Rally 8pm 19 Warrior Feud 20 Homecoming Game 1pm; Bonfire/Dance 21 Worship 10:30am 22 Free Day at the Domes 9-noon; Dare to be Chris- tian 7:30-9pm Monday Madness 9:35pm Campus Events By: Alex Richardson The Warrior Orientation program added an additional event this summer under the direction of Barb Westness of Student Programming. A summer camp was de- signed so incoming freshman could meet professors and other campus staff and ad- dress any questions or fears they may have had about college before the orienta- tion weekend. Forty students were able to stay at Camp Wonderland in Camp Lake, Wisconsin from Friday, July 18 through Saturday, July 19. Upon arriving at the camp, the group participated in icebreakers and team build- ing challenges in order for the class of 2018 to bond before the start of classes. Afterwards, the group was introduced to Dr. Rhoda Wolle, who gave a seminar on academic excel- lence and the resources that can be used by students during their academic career at WLC. There were three additional seminars that were given to the students by other staff members. After each of these sessions, students were split into different groups to discuss the topic further and ask ques- tions with their group leader. The other seminars included the following topics: personal growth with Mrs. Karen Fis- cher, spiritual growth with Pastor Wayne Shevey, and, serving others with Interim Dean of Students Nathan Stro- bel. Throughout the sessions, the students were actively lis- tening and taking notes. The discussions afterward were engaging, and students were able to connect even further with their fellow classmates. In addition to the semi- nars, the students also had opportunities to enjoy a late night campfire, paddle boat- ing, and additional team build- ing games run by the Camp Wonderland staff. Overall, the camp was a huge suc- cess and it is hoped to have started a new WLC tradition. Warrior Orientation Adds Summer Camp By: Nicole Stahmann Beginning this fall, Wisconsin Lutheran Col- lege’s College of Adult and Graduate Studies will offer classes at the Bethesda Lu- theran Communities corpo- rate campus in Watertown. The College of Adult and Graduate Studies at Wiscon- sin Lutheran College provides working adults with the op- portunity to pursue further ed- ucation through weekly night courses. This program offers accelerated bachelor’s degree completion in the areas of Busi- ness Management and Lead- ership. Degree completion can take as little as two years. Previously, these one- night-per-week courses were only offered on-campus in Milwaukee or online. Howev- er, the mission of Wisconsin Lutheran College—the Col- lege of Adult and Graduate Studies included—is not only to help its scholars to reach their full academic potential, but also to prepare them for lives of Christian leadership. In affording working adults with a convenient new loca- tion to attend their weekly courses, the College of Adult and Graduate Studies at Wis- consin Lutheran College hopes to expand this mission. For readers interested in additional information regard- ing the accelerated degree completion program or its new location, WLCdegrees.com is an excellent source. The Col- lege of Adult and Graduate Studies can also be contacted by telephone at 414-443-8896. Graduate Classes Offered at New Campus inWatertown Photo Courtesy of Jack Albert Students work together at the WOW Summer Camp.

Campus Events - Weeblyrebeccamillereportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/3/...The Sword OPINIONS 3 August 2014 By: Marcus Mortensen, Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have

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Page 1: Campus Events - Weeblyrebeccamillereportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/3/...The Sword OPINIONS 3 August 2014 By: Marcus Mortensen, Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have

Wisconsin Lutheran College’s Independent

Student Newspaper since 1973

Vol. 32, Issue 1Saturday, August 23, 2014


Upcoming Events..........1Letter from the Editor....2Political Columnist....... 2Opinions........................3Arts & Entertainment.....5Movie Review................5Games and Comics........6Sports ............................7

Index OPINIONS appearing in this publication, unless expressly stated otherwise, represent the views of the author and are not the collective views of The Sword, its staff, or Wisconsin Lutheran College. LEttERS tO thE EdItOR must be no longer than 300 words and should be sent to Josh Scheibe via email at [email protected]. the Sword reserves the right to edit or hold any letter.the Sword is published by Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Editorial Staff

Editor-in-ChiefJosh Scheibe

Layout EditorRebecca Miller

Social Media EditorAudrey Oppermann

Section Editors

NewsRachel Italiano

OpinionsMarcus Mortensen

Arts & EntertainmentJack Albert

SportsBaxter Colburn

Administrative Staff

Faculty Advisordr. Jerralyn Moudry

Business Managertaylor Chladek

August23 Org Smorg 12:30-2pm; Welcome Back Party 7-10pm24 Opening Service 10:30am; Shopping Shuttle 5:30-7:30pm25 First day of Classes; Comedy Sportz 8:30pm26 PhAt tuesday 9:30pm27 Vespers 9:25pm28 Movie Night30 trip to Bayshore 1-4pm31 Worship 10:30 amSeptember1 Labor day - No Classes2 Poster Sale 9-4 pm; PhAt tuesday 9:30pm3 Vespers 9:25pm4 Free day at the Public Museum and the Art Mu-seum; Sardines5 Karaoke6 Movie Night7 Worship 10:30am8 Free day at the domes 9-noon; Monday Madness 9:35pm9 PhAt tuesday 9:30pm10 Afternoon tea 2-4pm; Vespers 9:25pm11 Remembering 9/11 6:30pm12 Brewers Game tailgate13 Briggs & Als Run; CMO Fall Retreat; Open Gym14 Worship 10:30am; CMO Fall Retreat15 Free day at the domes 9-noon; tie dye & Corn Roast16 PhAt tuesday 9:30pm17 Vespers 9:25pm18 Pep Rally 8pm19 Warrior Feud20 homecoming Game 1pm; Bonfire/Dance21 Worship 10:30am22 Free day at the domes 9-noon; dare to be Chris-tian 7:30-9pm Monday Madness 9:35pm

Campus Events

By: Alex Richardson the Warrior Orientation program added an additional event this summer under the direction of Barb Westness of Student Programming. A summer camp was de-signed so incoming freshman could meet professors and other campus staff and ad-dress any questions or fears they may have had about college before the orienta-tion weekend. Forty students were able to stay at Camp

Wonderland in Camp Lake, Wisconsin from Friday, July 18 through Saturday, July 19. Upon arriving at the camp, the group participated in icebreakers and team build-ing challenges in order for the class of 2018 to bond before the start of classes. Afterwards, the group was introduced to dr. Rhoda Wolle, who gave a seminar on academic excel-lence and the resources that can be used by students during their academic career at WLC. there were three additional

seminars that were given to the students by other staff members. After each of these sessions, students were split into different groups to discuss the topic further and ask ques-tions with their group leader. the other seminars included the following topics: personal growth with Mrs. Karen Fis-cher, spiritual growth with Pastor Wayne Shevey, and, serving others with Interim dean of Students Nathan Stro-bel. throughout the sessions, the students were actively lis-

tening and taking notes. the discussions afterward were engaging, and students were able to connect even further with their fellow classmates. In addition to the semi-nars, the students also had opportunities to enjoy a late night campfire, paddle boat-ing, and additional team build-ing games run by the Camp Wonderland staff. Overall, the camp was a huge suc-cess and it is hoped to have started a new WLC tradition.

Warrior Orientation Adds Summer Camp

By: Nicole Stahmann Beginning this fall, Wisconsin Lutheran Col-lege’s College of Adult and Graduate Studies will offer classes at the Bethesda Lu-theran Communities corpo-rate campus in Watertown. the College of Adult and Graduate Studies at Wiscon-sin Lutheran College provides working adults with the op-

portunity to pursue further ed-ucation through weekly night courses. this program offers accelerated bachelor’s degree completion in the areas of Busi-ness Management and Lead-ership. degree completion can take as little as two years. Previously, these one-night-per-week courses were only offered on-campus in Milwaukee or online. howev-

er, the mission of Wisconsin Lutheran College—the Col-lege of Adult and Graduate Studies included—is not only to help its scholars to reach their full academic potential, but also to prepare them for lives of Christian leadership. In affording working adults with a convenient new loca-tion to attend their weekly courses, the College of Adult

and Graduate Studies at Wis-consin Lutheran College hopes to expand this mission. For readers interested in additional information regard-ing the accelerated degree completion program or its new location, WLCdegrees.com is an excellent source. the Col-lege of Adult and Graduate Studies can also be contacted by telephone at 414-443-8896.

Graduate Classes Offered at New Campus inWatertown

Photo Courtesy of Jack Albert

Students work together at the WOW Summer Camp.

Page 2: Campus Events - Weeblyrebeccamillereportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/3/...The Sword OPINIONS 3 August 2014 By: Marcus Mortensen, Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have

NEWS2 The SwordAugust 2014

By: Alissa Rauh,Political Columnist

College students of-ten live in a bubble, a

place where news doesn’t al-ways reach, a sanctum where they feel untouchable, and an arena to just be young and have fun. While it may be fun for students to stay in the bubble, it does not mean that the world stops affecting them. For example, tuition prices keep rising, but do the stu-dents really understand why? Every day the real world touches the lives of college students, although many of

them do not understand what is happening when it does. Col-lege students should be learn-ing to accept and understand the world they live in, instead of ignoring it. November 4th provides an opportunity for them to become involved in the outside world by voting for the next Wisconsin gover-nor. Whether students vote or not, the decision that is made on that day will affect the next years of their lives. this gov-ernor will be making decisions that will make a difference in the job prospects available upon graduation. So in the spirit of advocating students

to vote, a quick overview of the two candidates is in order. On the Republican side of the playing field is current Governor Scott Walker. he is pushing the issues of the economy, education, and Wis-consin jobs. On the education front, he is sponsoring the idea of choice in schools, including charter and virtual schools. On the economic and job front, his original campaign prom-ise was to create 250,000 new Wisconsin jobs. While 100,313 jobs have been creat-ed, he still intends to keep that promise before re-election. On the democrat side of

the field is candidate Mary Burke. She is pushing for the job market in Wisconsin as well as the educational sys-tem. She currently holds a seat on the Madison school board and was the Wisconsin Secretary of Commerce under Governor Jim doyle. during her term as Commerce Secre-tary, 40% of the jobs promised to be created were not made. As in every other election, both candidates have made a multitude of promises for their respective potential terms of office, and Wisconsin vot-ers must inform themselves before going to vote. Each of

the candidates’ ideas has the potential to affect lives. Col-lege students must step out of their safe school bubble long enough to effect change by voting. they must have a say on the governmental decisions that will be made on their be-half in the following election. All WLC students are now considered legal residents of Wisconsin; therefore, stu-dents can vote here as long as they do not also vote in another state. To get more in-formation about voting, look for posters on how to regis-ter or talk to Barb Westness.

No Matter the Result, Voting Impacts Students

Photos Courtesy of Rebecca Miller

Last fall the Wisconsin Avenue apartments were demolished (right) to make room for the newly constructed dorms (left).

Photo Courtesy of Hailey Schwartz

The residence life staff bringing it together as a team.

the residence life staff is responsible for all the stu-dents living on campus, and as that number continues to grow so must the number of leaders. It is important for the residence life staff to support each other and work together to make campus a place students want to be. the week of August 11th brought the staff together for a week of fellowship, fun, and growth as a unit.

to all those return-ing and to all those new to WLC, welcome, and may your school year be blessed. When I joined the Sword last semester as editor-in-chief, I was stepping with both feet into a pile of unknowns. I had written one article (with an-other on its way to publication) and had barely been involved with or, frankly, even read the school newspaper since the first issue my freshman year. the intent was for me to join the Sword as a staff writer, to get a little more experience under my belt while training to take over as editor-in-chief. then Sean Schrank, our former editor-in-chief and graduate of the Class of 2014, stepped down to focus on his academic pursuits, and I received a call. Baxter Col-burn, our sports section edi-tor, asked me on behalf of dr.

Moudry whether I wanted to take over. After hemming and hawing for about ten minutes that seemed like sec-onds compared to my normal method of decision-making, I agreed to the promotion. the team was one of the best I have worked with—welcoming, patient and willing to help when I was out of my league, a phenomenon which occurred fairly regularly. the thing that struck me the most about them, though, was their willingness to take on topics that had the potential to prove controversial, to challenge the status quo (and occasionally, the establishment) and, per-haps most importantly, to im-prove the quality and impact of the paper on the WLC com-munity. Because the majority of the editors are returning this year, the Sword has a solid footing to start adapting to

the modern media landscape. this last leads me to introduce the exciting de-velopments in store for the 2014-2015 school year. First, returning readers may notice some changes to the layout of the print edition. these in-clude a new byline format, edi-tor and columnist photos, an updated flag design and logo on the front page and a list of upcoming events on campus. Second, and perhaps most importantly, we have consoli-dated staff positions, meaning that the Lifestyles section has been folded into News (led by editor Rachel Italiano), Arts & Entertainment (under editor Jack Albert) and Social Media.

See LETTER page 4

Letter From the Editor

Page 3: Campus Events - Weeblyrebeccamillereportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/3/...The Sword OPINIONS 3 August 2014 By: Marcus Mortensen, Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have

OPINIONS 3The SwordAugust 2014

By: Marcus Mortensen,

Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have a few trials seem-ingly picked at random to be reported on by Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and other big news sources. this time the event concerns a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri shooting an unarmed teenager, and it is strikingly similar to another prominent and recent case, the trayvon Martin/George Zim-merman incident. With each episode the perpetrators, vic-tims, and witnesses get trans-formed into celebrities over-night. Media outlets, and by extent us, need to stop focus-ing so much on these relative-ly small tragedies because it’s doing more harm than good. In the grand scheme of things, this is a trivial matter. Or at least it would be had it not been covered by anything aside from local news sources. According to the FBI, 14,827 murders occurred in the US in 2012. thankfully the crime rate has slightly dipped in the

past year and a half, but if the news stations wanted to cover social issues they have no shortage to choose from. the Ferguson shooting is a drop in the bucket of what is a much larger crime problem. It forces people to take sides in an event the media has made a racial issue. On August 14th the Black Panthers over-ran a Ferguson police press conference and the leader of the New Black Panther Party declared that the biggest threat to the United States is “these racist white folks” who are “running” the country. On the other side, the KKK has set up fundraisers to raise money for the police officer who shot Michael Brown. these two groups composed of extrem-ists always see things like this as a racial problem, but unfor-tunately the mainstream media makes it into one as well, just as it happened with the tray-von Martin shooting. So does this mean there were no racist motives to either party? No, there could be, but we can’t say for sure until the judicial system has sorted through all

the evidence. Right now we don’t have all the facts; both we and the media shouldn’t make judgments, but it doesn’t stop people from picking sides as if it is two sports teams playing. there are much bigger events going on right now. What major news outlets cover af-fects what A m e r i -cans care about and d i s c u s s , and unfor-t u n a t e l y they seem to be more in-terested in entertain-ing peo-ple with a real-life CSI dra-ma than a c t u a l l y reporting important topics. Is-raeli sol-diers and h a m a s

continued their month-long spar that has left over 2,000 people dead. though Presi-dent Obama assured the US a new cold war was not upon us, NAtO and Russia con-tinue to lock horns over the ongoing Ukrainian unrest. A human rights group reported

the other day that ISIS once again has executed a massive amount of people, this time some 700 and most of them ci-vilians. there is no shortage of important events to report on, but again, it seems the talk-ing heads are more interested in ratings than informing.

Ferguson Proves Entertainment Trumps Reporting

Photo courtesy of menstennisforums.com

You’re racist no matter where you stand.

Page 4: Campus Events - Weeblyrebeccamillereportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/3/...The Sword OPINIONS 3 August 2014 By: Marcus Mortensen, Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have

OPINIONS4 The SwordAugust 2014

LETTERContinued from Page 2

Because of this, the Life-styles editor position has been eliminated and the majority of the responsibilities given to Audrey Oppermann, our new head of Social Media. Our Opinions section will once again be led by Marcus Mortensen. the Sword now has a presence on Facebook (the Sword Student News-paper), twitter (@WLCS-wordOnline) and Instagram (wlcswordonline), and can

also be found online at thes-wordonline.com. While the print edition will remain as the major focus, having a larger social media presence will allow the Sword to be more relevant to and more im-mediate a source in the lives of our students. this is an ex-citing and growing area, and we hope that the WLC com-munity will support us as we strive to meet its demands. to all, then, on behalf of the Sword, welcome and wel-come back to WLC, and God’s blessings on another year.

Photo courtesy of Jordan Fenney

From left to right: Mortell, A. Miller, Wendt, Fenney, Pagel, and B. Miller

the WLC Women’s Golf team looks forward to a successful season this fall. the team welcomes freshman Ellyn Mortell and junior Kristin Sokol. Returning team members include: sophomores Jordan Fenney and Katherine Seidler; juniors Ashley Miller, Jor-dan Pagel and Rachael Wendt; and senior Becky Miller. Coach Rachel Free has set up a challenging schedule for the team but strongly believes they will surpass her expecta-tions.Their first meet will be Saturday, August 30th at the Town & Country Golf Club in Sheboygan, Wisconsin at 10am.

thinking of writing for the Sword?

Contact any of the listed editorial staff or send an email directly to

[email protected].

Page 5: Campus Events - Weeblyrebeccamillereportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/3/...The Sword OPINIONS 3 August 2014 By: Marcus Mortensen, Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 5The SwordAugust 2014

By: Jack AlbertA&E Editor

God’s Not dead is everything wrong with

the “Christian film” pseudo-subgenre. What was once an-other great opportunity to wit-ness to unbelievers about our faith is a film mired in atro-cious writing, bespeckled with clichés, and so far out of its own depth it fails to realize it. A story about a college student being challenged by his philosophy professor to de-fend his faith in God is a great premise. this apologetics-style standpoint has taken a strong grip of Christendom in the past four to five years, so choosing a topic so relevant to today is a good start for the filmmak-ers, but it all goes downhill from there as the philosophi-cal standoff is drowned in a sea of minor characters and subplots that rarely add any-

thing relevant or important to the story. the character’s di-mensions are paper-thin, with one character going so far as to show a complete lack of empathy for his girlfriend who reveals she has a terminal ill-ness. It is not so much what the characters do – characters in fiction are bad all the time – but the way it is delivered and the overall quality of the acting just is not there. this is a result of the unholy mixture between bad writing and bad acting; just when you think a scene could not be any worse, either the writing or the act-ing drags it down even further. the good news is the de-bate between the protagonist and antagonist is the film’s best stuff. there are some thoughtful arguments being used for and against the theo-logical viewpoint, and it is bolstered by the solid acting.

there is not much that could be changed in these three or our all-too-short scenes. the major problem that detracts from all the potential this film has is it tries too hard to do too much. It has too many ideas that could be awesome if fleshed out — like the view-points of different cultures and how faith doesn’t discriminate on when you believe — but they end up coming across as half-baked in execution. hon-estly, to top it all off, the cameos of Phil Robertson and News-boys just feel like cheap cash-ins instead of clever or smart. God’s Not dead has noble aspirations, but its title coupled with its execu-tion would make someone like Friedrich Nietzsche take pride in his statements. Overall rating: 2 out of 5

Photo Courtesy of imdb.com

God’s Not Dead Lacks Real Answers

Why do I live in such bitter anguish?Can’t the world just leave me alone?I’m suffering, but I don’t want anyone to know.I keep it inside, wanting noth-ing to show. Tumultuous musings fly through my head.I cannot control their mis-guided tracks.Everything, it seems, is flying out of control!Yet nothing can fill this bot-tomless hole. these wounds won’t heal despite my efforts.Impossible pains lay upon my heart.I want to rid myself of this pain and sorrow,But all people tell me is, “to-morrow.” I can’t wait that long!I’m going insane over here!My thoughts are ripping me apart at the core,And I don’t think that I can take much more! I’m sick of it, I’m sick of it, I’m sick of it!I’ll say it louder. I’ll scream it to the worldBecause it’s the only thing I feel right now!And yet will my timidity nothing allow. I’m tired of being timid and scared.I want this nature cast out of me.how do I even begin to ac-complish this?

I fear that everything will go amiss. I feel like such a terrible friend.I cower in self-hate asking your help,But this is a battle I have to faceIf I ever wish to this nature efface. I put you in a terrible place.You don’t want to bear my burden.I have to carry it on my own.Sharing this burden is what I bemoan. this was my internal civil war from the start.Why I tried to get help, I’ll never know,But this is my battle that I must fight.I’m sorry for putting it in your sight. I only wish I knew where to beginFor this will be completely new for me.Guidance is welcome, but none exists,Not while this dangerous conflict persists. I’m getting nowhere for I know not where I am.Where do I go? What do I do?I’m fighting against an invis-ible foe;A foe you would think I should know. It is elusive, that much I know.When it looks dead, it’s really pretending.

Why can’t I deliver the final blow?Why does the problem con-tinue to grow? Just one quick slash and the beast would be dead,But why can’t I bring myself to do it?It’s lying there. Kill it! Before it wakes!One good stab is all it takes! I hesitate. the sword is heavy.A thousand thoughts whiz through my brain.this beast was my friend for all these years,Perhaps it isn’t as evil as it appears. It drags me into the tunnel of black.No light shines inside. It’s darker than night.I need to be freed to find the light,But I still cannot bring myself to fight. I gave up before the battle began.Now am I falling through darkness again.I see nothing around me to hold on to,But that was when I found you. You held out your hand to stop my fall,And at first, I took hold with-out a thought.So why do I doubt your will-ingness,When you just saved me from nothingness? You show me a glimpse of

what light looks like.the substance I’ve been searching for.I reach out and touch it. It is astounding!So much happiness, love and hope abounding. I feel myself slipping from your grip.You offer encouragement to not give up.I have nothing but your word to go on,Nothing but your voice to depend upon. I have to trust you know what’s best.After all, you’re not falling down the abyss.You’ve saved me from the pit of despair,I should be willing to follow you everywhere. I feel the beast’s breath upon my back.he knows I’m attempting escape.All at once, the light goes out,And darkness again reigns throughout. the beast laughs at my fool-ish effort.he knows that I could never escape.I’m telling you to leave now before he gets you too,But you laugh saying, “I’m not leaving you.” I freeze astounded at your risk.You’ve done what no one else has done.You don’t run away in fear,Instead, you choose to remain

near. I’ve been acting like a doubt-ing fool.I should take your help for I’d die without it.But what is holding me back?the beast. It’s getting ready to attack! You say now’s the time; I should not wait.I yearn to jump and land in safety,But I am suspended in midair -darkness surrounding me everywhere. I search for the light end-lessly.Willing for it to return to me,But it is not enough to simply yearn.No, I have so much yet to learn. I’m seeking guidance, the beast ever near,trailing behind and half inside me.he puts out every light he sees -Anything to bring me to my knees. I hear your voice. You say to run.I know the beast has heard you too,But now my legs pick up their speed,And I shall run ‘til my feet bleed.

See BATTLE on Page 6

The Battle; A Poem by Rachel Bugenhagen

Page 6: Campus Events - Weeblyrebeccamillereportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/3/...The Sword OPINIONS 3 August 2014 By: Marcus Mortensen, Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have

Across:1 Emotionless5 _____ d’oeuvres9 War god

13 Enticed15 Berserk16 Obote’s deposer17 Atmospheric layer

18 Fleshy fruit19 tabula ____20 teutonic god of thunder21 Rhymester23 Ribald25 Bloom of cinema26 1995 De Niro film29 Region south of the Sahara31 Creature seen later?33 Basics37 Neighbor of Wyo.38 Breathed out41 Milne marsupial42 dark blue44 Pastime46 Chew the scenery49 Fishing baskets50 Mistreated53 Knock down54 World War II aid57 “As ______ and breathe!”61 Spike62 Petty quarrel63 More recent64 Noted first name in jazz65 Math ratio66 Broad smiles67 At no time in verse68 Old69 huffy stateDown:1 Lump of earth2 Aniseed-flavored liqueur3 Scientology founder, hubbard4 Roman coins5 Joyous6 Melville title7 trevi Fountain locale8 Artist’s rendering9 Sicilian fortified wine10 Stradivari’s men-tor11 Stair tread con-nector12 Gin14 drive mad22 hoppy brew

24 Cajole26 Son of Adam27 “Crimes & Misdemeanors” ac-tor28 Bulgar, e.g.29 Italian white wine30 Woody’s son32 “All ____ Jazz”34 Camembert alternative35 detachment36 Male offspring39 Behold, to Pilate40 Sweetheart43 Sweetheart’s assent45 Bank employees47 director Brooks48 Ukrainian seaport50 Burns’ partner51 Baldwin’s “If ___ Street Could talk52 Kinsman53 Celebrated55 ____ in a poke56 Rational58 Game-ending pronouncement59 ____, vidi, vici60 Formerly, formerly

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT6 The SwordAugust 2014

Y t O P N’A h M P P V Y C d t P A G A. t A Y I V h Y C R X h U P A C Y C d, O P N U Y d Z R Z S K h R P X h Y d Z R S M Y R R M h X Z Y M h.

today’s Cryptoquip Clue: O equals Y

The Cryptoquip is a puzzle in which one letter is replaced by another. If you think that Q replaces T, then Q will replace T throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words, and punctuation will give you clues to solving the puzzle. Each puzzle contains the last name of a WLC faculty member.

The first person to e-mail [email protected], with “August Cryptoquip Solution” in the subject line and the solution in the body of the e-mail, will receive a super amazing prize.

Each Cryptoquip is sponsored by the WLC Math Club. Contact [email protected] if you are interested in joining Math Club.

Warrior Cryptoquip

BATTLEContinued from Page 5

I seek the light like the one you showed me,I want to feel that joy again,But the beast is quick; he puts them all out.he yearns for me to wallow in doubt. But on I must run to flee the beastAnd all the darkness that comes from it.then suddenly again your voice I hear.And all at once, am I without fear. You tell me to look within myself.“the light is dwelling there,” you say.I keep on running to flee the

beast.Will its speed ever decrease? I remember your words and look within.I see a mangled heart. hiding from darkness.“Open the doors. Ride out and fight!then you will see the glorious light!” I find the doors throwing them open;And find a white stallion therein.As I struggle into the saddle to ride,I know that I can no longer hide. With sword in hand, out we run,to face the vicious darkness and beast.

the beast cowers from the white horse and sword,But one last thing I hear as I run toward, “do not hold back! drive it in deep.this beast must no more take hold of you.”thus far, your voice has led me true,And out from my hand the sword flew. through the air it twirled and circled;I prayed that it would find its mark.“do not doubt! that will lead it astray.”I did my best to obey. To Be Continued...

By: Rachel Bugenhagen

A cool night, A hot fire, those nights I desire. Just with youAnd no other,to hear your voiceAnd see your face. Just youAnd no other.

A cool night, A hot fire, But I feel neither. No. But you, your arms, they I feelAgainst myselfAs I relax in your embrace. Cold night,

Dead fire, We hold each other tighter. Conversation continues,And love begins to grow. If only that nightCould have lasted forever.

Warm day, By the fireWith the man I now admire. his smile, his eyes, his warmth, his touch, Especially his kissLeave me breathless, Make me smile, Fill my heart with love. this is all God’s design:he gave me his heart, God gave him mine.

First Weekend

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Courtesy of sudokokingdom.com

Page 7: Campus Events - Weeblyrebeccamillereportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/3/...The Sword OPINIONS 3 August 2014 By: Marcus Mortensen, Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have

SPORTS 7The SwordAugust 2014

By: BaxterColburn,

Sports Editor After finishing the

2013 season 8-7-3 and 5-4-1 in conference play, the Wisconsin Lutheran College Men’s Soccer team is ready for action in 2014. The Warriors finished seventh in the Northern Athletic Collegiate Conference (NACC), just miss-ing the playoffs by one game. head Coach Joe Luedke returns to the helm with high expectations for the upcom-ing season. his squad scored 43 goals in 18 games last sea-son, 13 of which came from sophomore Nate Wasser. Wasser was the breakout athlete for the Warriors soccer team in 2013. After seeing him play mostly defense his fresh-man year, Luedke decided to

move Wasser up front to see what would happen. the results were immense and the move paid off better than anyone could have imagined. Wasser’s stellar performance earned him Second-team All-NACC and honorable Mention on the All-Wisconsin State team. On top of his brilliant season, Wasser tallied two hat-tricks. Aside from Wasser, sopho-more Austin drake wowed coaches and fans throughout the 2013 season. drake tal-lied eight goals and seven as-sists, earning him First team All-NACC and Second team All-Wisconsin State. his con-sistency was unmatchable and opponents struggled to keep him under wraps all season long. the biggest piece missing going into the Warriors’ 2014

season is former goalkeeper and graduate of the class of 2014, Jon Stewart. his presence in the goal for the Warriors was com-parable to that of United States goalkeeper, tim howard. Stewart was part of the driv-ing force behind the Warriors’ success the past four seasons. Wisconsin Lutheran stands a solid chance at a playoff berth this year, especially with the many attacking options the team has. With a talented group of juniors and seniors who stepped up their game last season, the Warriors are a force to be reckoned with in 2014. Predicted Finish: 4th Players to watch: Aus-tin Drake (MF), Teffie Joyce (MF), Jake Sem-mann (FW), Matt Schmidt (MF), Nate Wasser (FW)

By: Baxter Colburn,Sports Editor

the 2014 Wisconsin Lutheran College Wom-

en’s Soccer season is upon us. head Coach tony Pierce en-ters his fifth season in charge of the Warriors program. the Warriors finished their 2013 campaign in ninth place in the Northern Athletic Col-legiate Conference (NACC) with a record of 4-13-2 over-all and 2-7-2 in the NACC. WLC only graduated two seniors last season, Maggie Smith and Cari Westover, but also lost starting goalkeeper, Kate Gucinski, defender, Sarah Kolander, and forward, Sarah Luebke, who decided to focus on their schoolwork this year. thankfully, the Warriors feature a talented core of returning seniors to

lead the squad this season. this year’s seniors are Katie Bentz, tori Albrecht, Emily Sowinski, heather Nielsen and Mandy Sch-nell. These five seniors must perform at the highest level possible for the Warriors to excel this season. More im-portant will be how many goals this group can produce. Bentz is a class act for delivering perfectly placed passes, Nielsen has a cannon leg, Sowinski can out-run any defender in her way, Schnell will shut down the middle of the field and anyone who dares make a run into the defense will deal with Al-brecht and her physicality. Aside from the seniors, Stephaney Scott, Beth West-phal, and Meredith Wilson return this season with much

promise on their side. With Scott, Westphal and Wilson returning, the midfield and defense improve substantial-ly. While Scott and Wilson struggled with injuries last season, staying healthy this year is the number one priority. the 2014 WLC Women’s Soccer team is dangerous and will create problems for op-ponents. Coach Pierce runs a tight ship, but that is the main reason for such a tight bond. his squad may sur-prise many this season. Keep an eye out for big success from the Warriors in 2014. C o n f e r -ence Prediction: 5th Players to watch: Rachel Sebald (GK), Katie Bentz (MF), heather Nielsen (FW), Meredith Wilson (MF)

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Sophomore Nate Wasser avoids defenders.

Men’s Soccer Has a Chance at Playoff Berth

Women’s Soccer Headed for Success

Photo courtesy of wlcsports.com

Sophomore Beth Wesphal maneuvers through two players.

Photo courtesy of wclsports.com

The players to watch: Kendall Bonnin (left), Kalyn Geddes (middle), and Amanda Pearson (right).

By: BaxterColburn,

Sports Editor Junior star Kendall

Bonnin leads the 2014 Wom-en’s tennis team into their fall season with high hopes. Bonnin was the catalyst for the 2013 season and was named to the All-NACC Singles team. during 2013, Bonnin tallied a 9-6 record overall and finished 9-2 in conference play. Last season marked the second straight year that Bonnin was award with All-Conference honors. Aside from Bonnin, the

Warriors see juniors Amanda Pearson, Bethany Soderlund and Kalyn Geddes returning this season. WLC welcomes four new players to their squad. One sophomore and three freshman will battle it out for a chance to play. the Warriors open their 2014 fall season with a match against Ripon on August 27, at the Princeton Club. C o n f e r e n c e Prediction: 3rd Players to watch: Ken-dall Bonnin, Amanda Pearson, Kalyn Geddes

WLC Warriors Fall Sports PreviewsBonnin Leads Women’s Tennis into Fall Season

Page 8: Campus Events - Weeblyrebeccamillereportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/0/3/...The Sword OPINIONS 3 August 2014 By: Marcus Mortensen, Opinions Editor Like clockwork, each year we have

SPORTS8 The Sword August 2014

WLC Cross Country Team Shows Promise

By: Megan Landvatter In the grand scheme of the NFL, players come and go, but some leave an impact worthy of being set in stone. Before selecting the quarter-backs for a Mt. Rushmore of all-time greats, we felt it was important to establish the cri-teria. Our selections have been based on championships, sta-tistics, and their impact on the National Football League. After evaluating quarterbacks under these requirements, we chose dan Marino, Joe Mon-tana, Brett Favre, and tom Brady for Mt. Rushmore. Yes, Marino may be one of the greatest players to nev-er win a Super Bowl, but the number of records and game-winning drives belonging to Marino make him one of the best all-time. during his 17 NFL seasons, Marino threw for 61,361 yards and 420 touch-

downs, all while playing for the Miami dolphins. It is one thing to have a successful ca-reer, but when a player does it for 17 straight seasons with one team, that is impressive. Mari-no’s records had a huge impact on the NFL and set a standard for other quarterbacks. his leg-acy will not soon be forgotten. On the flip side of things, Montana’s legacy puts Ma-rino to bed, no question. While many people will ar-gue that Marino is better on paper, which is true, Montana is better on the field and in the trophy room. during his 16 years in the league, Mon-tana won four Super Bowls with the San Francisco 49ers. he was also named MVP of three of those games. Mon-tana finished his career with 40,551 passing yards, 273 touchdowns and a 92.3 passer rating. Winning four Super

Bowls places him in an elite category among other NFL quarterbacks and proves he is one of the greatest of all time. the good, the bad, and the ugly: Brett Favre earns a spot on Mt. Rushmore. As the defi-nition of a gunslinger, Favre shattered record after record with his backyard playing style. he leads in the NFL in touch-downs, passing yards, wins, pass attempts, com-pletions, interceptions, fumbles, sacks, and most consecutive starts. that last record is important for Favre; his iron man streak solidifies him as one of the all-time greats. It’s a record that will likely never be broken. tom Brady wins; it is as simple as that. he owns the longest winning streak in NFL history with 21, and led the only

undefeated team in the 16-game era. he has also never had a losing season. throw-ing for 50 touchdowns and 4,806 yards in 2007 proves he has the numbers to compete with the all-time greats. his three Super Bowl rings solid-ify his spot on Mt. Rushmore. While it could be argued that other quarterbacks de-

serve a spot on Mt. Rushmore, these four have all accom-plished things that at least put them in the conversation for all-time greatest quarterbacks. Do you have a differ-ent opinion? Feel free to share your thoughts on our Facebook page. The Sword reserves the right to quote you in the next edition.

Quarterbacks Worthy of Mt. Rushmore

By: Baxter Colburn,Sports Editor

the 2014 Men’s and Women’s Cross Country

teams know the true meaning of the phrase “hard work equals success.” head Coach Steve travis enters his 22nd year in

charge of the program with high expectations for his runners. For the men, five seniors anchor the squad this season. Sam Wallace, Jack Albert, Steve Van Alstine, danny hafen-stein and Nick Biancuzzo lead the charge for the Warriors.

Only one junior is listed on the roster for this coming season, Chase Robles. In 2013, Robles led the team as lead runner. his worth was proven very early in his college career, mak-ing his impact for the pro-gram long-lasting. Robles is expected to excel even more than in his first two years with the Warriors. the Warriors wel-come three new fresh-man this season. Josh Eickoff, Quintin talbott and Noah Walls join the squad and expect to make big impacts right away. Recent graduate Isaac hill will be missed this season. his consistent suc-cess on the course and in the classroom made him a terrific role model for younger runners. hill al-ways kept things exciting and fresh with his team-mates, and knew what it took to excel at the high-est level of competition. For the women’s team this season, senior Julie Fa-vorite is the main focus of the squad’s predicted suc-cess. After running all over her competition last sea-son, Favorite is expected to dominate once again during her final season at WLC. Sophomore runners Lauren howard, Anna Curtis and hannah Shiels look to build off their 2013 successes, while juniors Morgan huibregtse and Amberly Weiglein look

for more consistency as well. Overall, coach travis is ex-cited for the new season with his team and hopes that this year’s senior class powers the team all the way to a conference title.

Conference Predic-tion: Men- 2nd, Women- 3rd Runners to Watch: Chase Robles, Sam Wallace, Ju-lie Favorite, hannah Shiels Good Luck Warriors!

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Chase Robles continues the race into his junior year.Photo courtesy of wlcsports.com

Senior Julie Favorite pushes forward in her final season at WLC.