I~Sk,}IAC: NATURE'LS \CURE FOR CANCER All Interview With DR. GARY L. GLUM by Elisabeth Robinson INTI\()f)UCnON Itcnc Caisse was a nurse livinu III Can:llla who for a perklJ of alll\osl sixlY YCilrslfcatcJ hundreds Llf pcoplc, with an hcrbal rcmc,ly she callcd Essiac. She JiscovercJ this rcmcdy t brollgh a pat ient in the IHJsplt..1where 'ila: wock.:,J \\'h.l had beCl1 cured of cancc£. The patil;r\l had uscd 'I!n herb;!1 remcdy uiven " hcr by all OJioway herbalist. (tene lefr the hospiral in 1922. :Il agc 33, a IIII wcnr to Bracebridgc, l)IHarill, C.II\adO1where she began '1,IIIlini:,lerilll! E"siac I,) all who <:an\l: 1<)hcr. The l1\ajnl'ity nf d)l)se whom ~he trealed carre on referral with kllers frulII 1IH.:irphysicians certify- il)g lhcy h;!d in.cmable or ,,'colinal forilis of cuncer and that they hild been given lip oy lhe mcdical pro- fessinn as IInrrcatablc. Rwe oegan gathering the plants anJ IHeparin~ lhe herbal remedy herself in hcr own kirchen, in a bud,lillg leiII her fm hcr pUclenls. She administcre,1 Essiac borh mally allJ by injectiun. In cases where therc was severe dal1lage [0 (ife Sllppml nrgam, hcr paliclHs Jicd - Om Ihey lived far Ilmger than the IOlcJk;.;!pruf;:s~iun had predictcJ, ,IIhI, Ilh)[e signiticandy, they lived f,.:e of pain. Still utllc..s. listed as l\\Ipd.:ss and tcrminal, out without se\'erc damage {l\ lifc support nq~ans, were cured and livcd 35--45 years (many arc s[illlivinl:). :)11startling was lhe effective- ness \)f this simple herbal remedy, it CUlIl.! IIU[ be ignorcd, ilnd the Cuwlian !vlinislryuf t leahh and Wdfarc and lhe Parliament became involved. Friends, fl)rmcr patients, ;lIhl gr,lIeflll LUllilies p..:tition..:d C.lI\OIdian ufficialdolll for Rene Clissc's righl (\1 administer lhe remcdy t\) any\'ne who asked im it widH )ut the thrcilt (If interferencc '., ' Dr. Gary L. GII/JII, I/ntil two yellrs ago, was a c!Jiroprtlc/or wi/.II offices ;" Los A"geles, Cillifonrill. lIis elicltts i"eI/ldrtl well-k"ow" profl!ssiolllli a/II/elic teanls fllld OIYlllpic ICfllIIs. . 1111988 Dr. G/Jlmp"blislled ~' I II J ,, tJlI: story of Hi:lle Caisse aud Essinc. Two yenrs "go III: closel his practice nwt IIOW dl!voli:S lIis /i1llt! /0 illve$tigatil,le wri/illg. fwm aUlhmities. Fifty-five thmmmJ sil:natllH:$wcre collectcd on thc 'pelilion. In 1938. Essiac came within threc VOICS of bcin!: ICIJalizc,1 by the Ontariu jloveCOlllell(as a remeJy for tcrminal cancer patients. The story of Rene Caisse. hcr lifc, her work, and tllI.:-cffectivcness of the remedv she named Essinc, 'is tOlJ in a bouk'Sun Bcm ftiCcivcd, Calling uf an AII~d. hy Dr. Gary L. Glum of Los Angclc£. Afrer rcadin!: tllt: bOllk allJ £iIlJin!: it't\J he informutive, wcll dllcumenrcd and moving, I dl:c idcd hI intervicw Dr. Glum. I verified the basic infllrma- tinn in his bllllk through Canadian S~)llrCCS,onc 111\ herba li~t who knll\\'s u( Rcnc Cai£~c alld hcr wurk and who has pcrsonally liI..de and successlully useJ Essiac. ' , As I cOl\lplete.1 lilY secolld COIl'lersitlion with nr. Glum, he said. "You'rc upelli'nu it Pandora's Box here, publishing this interview .ihout Essim:." I dis"greed, InH bcgan thinkill~ abnut Pandufa's "hllx." In the stl)f)' III' J\indura most wcll--known mday, she is SCtHhy the gIlds III C\lrse hUlI\anily fl)r offctidinl: -18 W'iLlfiri: VIII. 6 Nil. I ---.-.--.. " ... ,, ,.,_., ~ ,..- ,.."'" ...... ",---""'.'--'" .....- """""-," ""-"" -"

Cancer Cure Tea

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This is very rare procedure to cure cancer

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Page 1: Cancer Cure Tea


by Elisabeth Robinson


Itcnc Caisse was a nurse livinuIII Can:llla who for a perklJ ofalll\osl sixlY YCilrslfcatcJ hundredsLlfpcoplc, with an hcrbal rcmc,ly shecallcd Essiac. She JiscovercJ this

rcmcdy tbrollgh a pat ient in theIHJsplt..1where 'ila: wock.:,J \\'h.l hadbeCl1 cured of cancc£. The patil;r\lhad uscd 'I!n herb;!1 remcdy uiven "

hcr by all OJioway herbalist.(tene lefr the hospiral in 1922.

:Il agc 33, a IIII wcnr to Bracebridgc,l )IHarill, C.II\adO1where she began'1,IIIlini:,lerilll! E"siac I,) all who <:an\l:1<)hcr. The l1\ajnl'ity nf d)l)se whom~he trealed carre on referral withkllers frulII 1IH.:irphysicians certify-il)g lhcy h;!d in.cmable or ,,'colinalforilis of cuncer and that they hildbeen given lip oy lhe mcdical pro-fessinn as IInrrcatablc.

Rwe oegan gathering the plantsanJ IHeparin~ lhe herbal remedyherself in hcr own kirchen, in abud,lillg leiII her fm hcr pUclenls.She administcre,1 Essiac borh mallyallJ by injectiun. In cases wheretherc was severe dal1lage [0 (ifeSllppml nrgam, hcr paliclHs Jicd -Om Ihey lived far Ilmger than theIOlcJk;.;!pruf;:s~iun had predictcJ,,IIhI, Ilh)[e signiticandy, they livedf,.:e of pain. Still utllc..s. listed asl\\Ipd.:ss and tcrminal, out withoutse\'erc damage {l\ lifc support nq~ans,were cured and livcd 35--45 years(many arc s[illlivinl:).

:)11startling was lhe effective-ness \)f this simple herbal remedy, itCUlIl.! IIU[ be ignorcd, ilnd theCuwlian !vlinislryuf t leahh andWdfarc and lhe Parliament becameinvolved. Friends, fl)rmcr patients,;lIhl gr,lIeflll LUllilies p..:tition..:dC.lI\OIdian ufficialdolll for Rene

Clissc's righl (\1 administer lhe

remcdy t\) any\'ne who asked im itwidH )ut the thrcilt (If interferencc

'., '

Dr. Gary L. GII/JII, I/ntil two yellrs ago, was a c!Jiroprtlc/or wi/.II offices;" Los A"geles, Cillifonrill. lIis elicltts i"eI/ldrtl well-k"ow" profl!ssiollllia/II/elic teanls fllld OIYlllpic ICfllIIs. .

1111988 Dr. G/Jlmp"blislled~' I II J , , tJlI:story of Hi:lleCaisse aud Essinc. Two yenrs "go III: closel his practice nwt IIOW dl!voli:S lIis/i1llt! /0 illve$tigatil,le wri/illg.

fwm aUlhmities.Fifty-five thmmmJsil:natllH:$wcre collectcd on thc'pelilion. In 1938. Essiac camewithin threc VOICSof bcin!: ICIJalizc,1by the Ontariu jloveCOlllell(as aremeJy for tcrminal cancer patients.

The story of Rene Caisse. hcrlifc, her work, and tllI.:-cffectivcnessof the remedv she named Essinc, 'istOlJ in a bouk'Sun Bcm ftiCcivcd,Calling uf an AII~d. hy Dr. Gary L.Glum of Los Angclc£. Afrer rcadin!:tllt: bOllkallJ £iIlJin!: it't\J heinformutive, wcll dllcumenrcd andmoving, I dl:cidcd hI intervicw Dr.

Glum. I verified the basic infllrma-tinn in his bllllk through CanadianS~)llrCCS,onc 111\ herba li~t who knll\\'su( Rcnc Cai£~c alld hcr wurk andwho has pcrsonally liI..de andsuccesslully useJ Essiac. '

, As I cOl\lplete.1 lilY secolldCOIl'lersitlion with nr. Glum, hesaid. "You'rc upelli'nu it Pandora'sBox here, publishing this interview.ihout Essim:." I dis"greed, InH bcganthinkill~ abnut Pandufa's "hllx." Inthe stl)f)' III' J\indura mostwcll--known mday, she is SCtHhy thegIlds III C\lrse hUlI\anily fl)r offctidinl:

-18 W'iLlfiri: VIII. 6 Nil. I



... ,, ,.,_., ~ ,..- ,.."'" ......

",---""'.'--'" .....- """""-," ""-"" -"

Page 2: Cancer Cure Tea

, -I."'", . ,..~".M'.'- ".' .~tUIoS.~Ia:~: "': ,.;, 4.,,-n'" .. . ,.. .

them.. :itan~d. all I had WitS II piece ofI\mdnra is fjivcn a "box" 'ur paper. I thought. what am I co'ing to

cuntalner with instrlll:tluns nil( tu "U wilh this 1 I decided the bcst way'Ipen it, whkh the gods knM.' she hi go would he tu find the infurma-\\'ill dis,)hey. When PanJnrad,)C1O tiun bchind Essiac und put it inopen the IHI;(,f,unlne. W;1r.pla\:uc. buuk (orm and bring it (0 the world.diseasc. pcstilcncc - 1111Ihe ill~ o( I h~arncd ub<)Ut Rene Caissehumai)kiml.- urc released. Then ut fr~)mMary McPhcrson whu was alhe last comes hope, lis untidote t,> very close personal (riend o(,bpaCt. Rene's.. . nm onlya (riendbut al1Ol)

But according to Barbara a patient, Mary's mmher and herWalker's EIII:yclo/leJia, Pundora- hus"band werc also patientS. They\l'hosc name mcans "all giving" - were all treated for cancer and curedwasoriginallyan imagcforMother by Rene.,E,irth.Shc had, nOt a hux, hut a Mary worked with Rene begin-hon~yvasc like the C(\r~ucopia . ning in the 193010and she hau infwm which (lowcd all \ife and h~r possession111\these documents(feativilY, as well as Jeath and thar haJ to do with Essiac ovcr rhfir(hinh - Earth's Ui(u to her 40 years Rene administered it. Allchildren. Because we are natural the documems Rene had werc

. heinljs in a natural wqrld. It seems deStroyed by the Canadian Ministryappropriucc that a simple re.me<iy o( Mealth &. Welfare at the time o(cumplJ~eJo( (our ~ummun h~rbs, " ..her death In 1978. They burned allIjift~ o( Eanh, Wtluld suggest so much' that Information in fifty-five gallunpmmise for us today. drums behind h~r"home.


Elisabeth Robinson! To begitJ with. \ ,

Dr. Glum, cun you tell us a little"hOlt! huw you hecame interested inthe swry you tcll in Calling of an .

Angel; and IlIlw you learned about.Rcne Caisse and her wurld, . .


Dr. Gary Glum: A personal friend,"',I!' mine knew this WOI\lan. whose,lIame I have promised not to reveal,\\'hl1 was living in Detroit. Michigan,T\\'enty years UJ.:Oshe had peendingllosed widl cervicnl cancer In aDetroit hospital wherc she was.cvcnlually given up u~ Incurable 'nndI,~rmil\ili. Shc was givcn abolJt ten'days !II live.

She convinced her husband tomake II trip to I1racebridlju.Canada\l'here shc went. to see Rene Caisse.She was trcilted with the hcrbalrcmedy devcl'lped hy Rene :- Esslac- and in a shun tiitie'.she didn'thave a canccr cell in her body. Sdailer thill time Ihis woman began,blical illg her li(c to Jisseminatinginl~lrIl\athmabout Esslacin rhe'Unitcd States. Wncn I inet her,she\\'as Ihe only pcrson in possession ofIhe miginal herhal (ormula who\\',nlldrelinquishit. I gOIIhe for- ,mula fill"Essiilc (rumher. .

That's how it heJ.:iin. When I





Essiac is a,!on-toxicherbal

cure. fotca-,icer .~

that's" been:with liS sincJ


ER; Why?

GGa Because they dun't want thi1Oin(ormatlon in the hands o( thepublicur the prcssor anyhodyelse.

, They 'Indeed (uund ~)utwhat Essiacwas In 1937.The RoyalCancerCommission hearings 'had then cometo the same conclusions that Renehad -f that Esslac was It cure (nrcancer.

ERI Whar is Essiac exactly?

GG; Essiac is a non-toxic herhal'ClIrC for cancer thm's hcen with IU

.:' since 1922.It's a for)nula maJc frl)mfour vcry commun hcrhs.


ERI ,I woul~ lJucssthat virtuallyev.:ry' person in the U.S. loday hasbeen tnucheJ by cancer, cilherpersonally or through a loved line. Ifthis information is true, and the ef-(ectiveness o( this remedy is actuallymedically documented, many livescould be saved. Why do you thinkthe in(ormatlon on Essiac is nO(more widely known?

GOa The information is withheldbecause cancer is the second hHgcSIrevenue producing business in theworld, next to the petrochemicalhusiness.MoneyanJ powersuppressthis rruth.

No cne has eVer ~OUIjIH ru cllrecancer - only to control it. I !\Ican,

the research institutes, (ederalgovernmentS, pharmaceut ica1companies,anybody that has a vestedinterest in the health care of cancer,including the American Cancer

, Society, the Canadian 'Cancer Soci-ety, any o( these so-called henefac-torS'tO those who have contractedthis Jisease - all o( these instilU"tions are involved in the money andpower around cancer.

. These Institutions have influ-ence over government and regula-tory agencies such as the Food andDrug Administration. The FDArecommends only allopalhic treat-mentS for cancer and other lifethreatening diseases. It does notapprove nor make legal alternativetreatments of any kind.

ERa You're saying that Essiac is in aposition similar to, (or examplc,lactril.


GGa Yes, the only reaSOn laetril wasstopped - and it couldn't bestopped any other way -. wasthrough the insurance companies.

, The insurance companies sent Juwna directive to all allopathic physi-cians stating that they could notcover them in any malpractice suitin. the event they were treallngpeople with any substance nOl'approved by the Food and DrugAdministration.

ERa In your book you mention thatthe Brusch Clinic in Massa~husettsworked with Rene Caisse and wilhEssiac, during the early 19605. Is Ihis

WildfireVol. 6 No. I 49

Page 3: Cancer Cure Tea

~'II".lIU!'~Jlib:':n' :;;'~;;~'~: ;,~, ~ ""':""""~I"""":"" :",,;4':",'"

Welfare hec.lllse d\Cy say it is"advcnisinf:' "

ER: Advenisinf: what! The videoyou Jon't sell any Inord

GG; No, a ClI~~fllr cancer.

ER: (;an \'ml explain \Vh;\[ youmean hy (he Pllhlishers' fearing awronf:fu\ Jeath sllit!

GG; ,What YlJu're dealinf: with isgivinf: people a formula that theycan make and use in (he privacy ,If(heir own IWllIes without' theapprova I of (he A ~1A lJr FnA oranyhody ebe, If any attorney ,Ir allYfamily memher should decide, forI..;hawver reason, that the reasonsumeone expired was from the use ofEssiac, then you arc PUUil1f:yourself.,lip for il wnmgful death suit, ThecUlUen(ion is thar if it isn't ap-proved by the Fnod aod l)rqg AJ.minislfalion, there's no legality in' "

, IIsil\l-; il when YOlI're dealing wilh a

life (hreateninf: disease,When Rene Caisse set up her

clinical trials in Canada to testEssiac, she was given f:llvernmempermission tll tn.:at terminally illcancer patients who had heen 'givenup fllr h'lpdess hy the medicalpmfessilm, That was Ime criteria,Sewndly, this was all tll he cenifiedhy il pad1l1lof:y repon. And third,she wliid nlH charf:c anything forher services, Shc awced to all these'crileriil ilnd pfl1ceeded 1<1trc.\[pcople wilhEssiilc' Many she tn:areJwere slill (here 35 years Iilrer hll1uryher wl1l:n slw died OIlage ~o,

The best that ilnYllllc can dn isjust try to disseminilte this infnnna-[iun [0 [he puhlic and let peoplemake .heir own chuices, That's allYUIICOIl)d'I, Arid jllsl say. h~lk, ifYULIfeel (hat EssicK has'value inyour life and (he lives of your hIvedones, you have the rif:ht to makc(his remedy and usc it in the privacyof YUlirOWl)hUlne and withoutilnYlHw's approval.

Ypu knll\\', in 19)7 Essiac camewilhin duce Vllles uf b~ing legalizedas a Ire.\( mcnt for cancer, Peoplehad garnered IlVcr fifty-five ,IwIIsWlJsif:nalures 01) a petililu) III allll\\'I~ene III ClIIHinlic III lIS~' Essiac, Till'

IInly ["a"lI) die 1'1I1l' Idl Sllll[\, slw

Page 4: Cancer Cure Tea

fmmJ uut year~ Imer, wa~ thm theCullelteof Physicians nnd Surgcon~

, met and ~aid to Parliament, if yuuI.\on't respund m the puliticalpre~~ureand legalize Es~iac,thenwe'll mke a sincere luuk and givethis womana fair hearing.So '

Parliament didn't legalize Essiac.So following the Royal Cuncer

Commission hearings, Rene wasallowed to continue her practict: blH

only within t~e cri\eria I me"tiunedbefore, which allQwed the Ministry,of I-Ienlth & Wtlfare to remictpeople'sacces~ to Essiac treatments.

I knuw this because I havc acopy of the hearing transcriptswhich I gUt frum Mary McPhersun,which is some,of the information'that Jid nm get burned whcn Renedied.

ERI'Yuumentioned that earlier.Whatexactly wasoum~d!:

001 All her research,fur that,,'40-year,period' 4f:time. All t~)e

names, "11her clinical' data that shehnJ collected. Hcr ,files and rccords.

,ER: What about the records of the', BruschClinid It seemsthese would

oeconvincing evidence.

00; As far as I know all thatmaterial has been destroyedalsu. Iknew that Rene had worked withDr. Brusch from 1959to 1962,su Iwent to Dr. Brusch's home inCambridge; MassachusettS where-upon he delivered to me the unlymateriul he had Icft in his files unEssinc. One of those files was hisuwn personal (ile when: he hadtreateJ anJ cured his uwn cancerwith Essiac. I have his persunalrecords.

All the information in my houk, is verifh:d hy 1\sheet uf paper with a

signatUre nnd 1\ d.lte un it, and, thosesheets and signatures mc all ~,)rigi.nal~. They .1fe nlit cupies.

ER: Have you had any persunnlexpericnceswith Essiad '

00: Ycs,I cun cive yuu an ex.ample. Hc was a twelve-year-uldboy named Tuby WOlld. He haJHeute lymphoblastic, which i~one ofIhe most virulent of all Icuken\ias.

. ".

'He h\11.\oecn on chcl1\Othempyfurfuur years and radimilm fur three.tlis mnther's only hope in lifc wastU finJ a cure fm him. She wenleverywhere. She tried every alterna-tive treatment.

Her last stop was Dr. AlvaznJusin Athens, Greece where her SI)l)'Swhite cell CQuntwas 186,000. Hehad no red bldoj cells and noplatelets. He wus hemorrhaging todeath. So they transfused Tuby inGreece and put him on a plane toAla~kawhen: he wasgiven less thanfive days [0 live.

I met his mOther's sister in LosAngeles while I wa~putting thebunk 'together and she a~kd' ;( eLL..:was any creJibility here. We satdown and mlkeJ. She then borrowedthe money for a tlight to Anchor-age, and delivereJ a bottle of Essiac.By the time she gOt there Tohy wasgiven three days to live. He was inII statc uf complctc Jctcrioriuiun. Ilcwas givcn the Essiilcand nil thehemorrha1:ing shipped within 24hnurs. Within three months all hisblopdtests werenormal. J arrived inA laska later that year and met him,

Tuby Wmx1diJ die, and wefinally found a pathologistwhowould Joan exhaustive autOpsy.Weknew that he didn't have leukemiaany more. We wanted to find outwhat was the cause of Jeath. It toukfour months to get the repun back.The pathologist auropsied the brain,testicles, and all life support organs,inciuJing the oone marrow. Nu blastcells were found in any life supportorgan. NI) blast cells were found inthe Plme, marrow. There wcre a fewstray cells in the tt:sdcles .md in thehrain. Ciulse uf demh was damagc hithe myocarJial sac of the heOlrl, aresult of the chemOlherapy.

This wos the (irst report any-where in medic,,1 hiswry of anyuncsurviving Iymphohlastic leukemia.That information was mken to AP.md UPI out thcy said it was nOtnewsworthy.

Our information on Essiac hasheen sent OjrounJ the worlJ twicethrough Publisher's Weekly magazinein a hUHe twu-page ad. We receivednu responses ilt all from any publish-ing company worlJwidc, no produc-ers, directOrs, throughout the UniledSlates, Ihl lalk show programs, nlillC

,," ",.'1"'" "1 """"11"~m'-"ml~Ii\""UI,"""'"

Page 5: Cancer Cure Tea

,.i' Ih,lI, \Vl' rail" ,I(l','" dl,' 1I1l'.li,1.

In fa." II'" (alkl'.1 III I'hill('~l'hdlkr, I'rlldlll'l'r "fill) :\tilllH('S,Ilc rl'ad dll' "'ulk all.fl\\' l';alk-.I hllll

I,) :I,k whal Ill' wa:>g'lIng h' .I,) ,

;lh"UI ii, I k :>;11.1,n",hillg, I "lid, ;alldll' II1f"rII\;Ililll)' in dll' !>'\llk is "l'ri.

i'1:lhk-, III .lIlll'r 11'1'1\1>,it'> ,hl' Irlllh,. ,

I ~;lj.1. jl \,'"I'fl' ill) fltjllllll',~ why.1.II\'r \,.111CXI'I'Sl' IlIl' :lnd E:;:;iac: a~ ;Ifrall.1. lie said, n,'\1(', l';ln'l d'i il.

, ,Wc Ilu,k it 10 J'Il' I)Pllall\, \\'hll's'[hc 'C:O>I'e:ulivl'IIl'll'S I'ro.JaIl'l'r fpr

r\nC 11\ NclI' )'. 1I'k, \Vl' sai.1 \\'h\, '

n,1I gil'c il I" ('l'll'r .klll)ings,

('cl';1l.I" Ri\'cra, Ted "pl'l'd, ,Inl' nfd",s.., Ik sai.1. n'II'I:, WI' ilskl'" ,wh)'nol. Ilc said hl~C:iI\ISChis I'h, 'nc lim'sw,"d.1 hc il\\'adcd wilh 61,(\1('

ph.lnc (ails, Wl' silid, 1,,1\\' SYlI\l'iI-[hClle .III \'1111Ihillk iI I'arl'nt \\'h,'sl'chil.\ is dying ,)f 1"lIkcmiil, \\'lIIdd he" '.

[0 \,.1111'(15,000 I'h,mel'alls, lie, I\'eIH,,1\ [II :i"Y I\l"~ gl.1 " lII<lrrgagc 111\his11I1I1'cand I\c'~ I,u.king ('I\\'ilr~1 rl'", "

IlrCmCI\( ,

::)11rh;II's Ihcl'nlhlcl\\, N,\ olle ,

wanls Ihi. ill!;\fIllalioll disseminalcd,

A lid ir's ntH jllsl llje mediil, eirhcr.Ii indu.I..., Ih.; hcrhal cllmpanics '

\\,111'arc n<l\\' sllhsriluring Ihe clirly. I,Ie:k f"1" ~lll'ep '> Slll'l"\-I.S" I'cople' arl'gl'U ing d\\' Il"rllng ingredienrs 1',II"Es-,iac. 111II rll 1I\Cllrilln dw five III' six

..dwr f'lrlllllhs Ihal arl' cirl'lIbli"gwhich aI',' .liI"fl'rl'nl 1'1"'1\\Ihe I'lle I"'Ihl '"11. Thl'sl' LaI,,' ';'I'I\IIt!as ilfl'

heing .li",'minall"1. Tlll'rl' i, iI di,;jn-

1;.rI\Llli"n 1';II\\l'aign g..illg pn I\\'rl',"HII,'h.I\\',

En: I 1:1, Ihi~ ,11:.jllt"'I'IUalil'lI ,'am-

paign ~1;1rrl,.1jll,1 ~in';l' )"'\11' l'lu,khas hccn IIll! !

CG: l'rl'\'/lIII' "' lilY b'\llk, IIIIIW III'Ih is illl~'1'111:1Ii IIII \\'a~ a\'ailahle' I" Ih~'

gelll'r,d pllblie: :II :III.TIll' I'liblic' had111>illf'll'lll:ll/l'" ,'ubid,' Ilf iI fl'\I'

ass"fI,'d :11'1ides. (:,'rlilinly.rla: Essial"

j;l)')lIlIl(/ \\',1' n"1 ;II'ai!:ihll' II' till'

gl'I\\'r;1! I'lIhlic: a' all. :\11 Ih:ll infllr-, 11\;\1i"I\ \\':lS IIdd hI' tI\\' It,'sl'~'rin

(:, 'q,..ral i,'11 in TllrlliHII, ( :alla.la,whi..h '"I'I'"sl'dly is a_l'rlV:lll'ill~llIlI[i.,",

II, I\\'l'\'l'r, dll'Y 11"'11 h;II\\1 ill

glll\'l' \\'ilh III\' (::lII:ldian Minislr)' III'Ilv:lilh & \V\'I f:ll"" , \\'hll \\'I.rb

.111'",.11\' 11'111111\1' :\IIIl'II,';1I1 hilI.!

;lIhll1fllg :\.hllilll~lr;lIi,ul ;111.1 till'

Nalillll;aI (:;1111'\'1' InSlil\ll,' III

I\I'dll'~.I". i\ bryLIII.1. TIll' b'I;ll'

I~'1'111111a\\'01' nl'\'l'l" givl'n III an)', 'nl'

b~' Itl"'I','!'in,

13H: Pi.1 tlwlh'sl'l'l'In Curl'"r;IIIIU\.Iii allY I'l'sl'ar.;h 1111Essial'!

(;0: Thl'Y'\'l' ,1'II)e !'l'SCnl"dl sin';l'

1l)7~ \l'hl'n lI\l't~II'I\)lIb \\':ls rl,lill'.',lislll'd III Ihl'l\\ by Rem' f'H' d\\'I'llrchas~ prkc o"'lInedllllo'lr. :\s

snlln as rlwy g' \( rhe 1'111'1\\11101,tI\l')'",1.1 Rl'lW Ihl')' had no fllrlhl'r 11:>1'I~'r Iwl'. ~h... had bl'l'lI lll\lb Ih",,Ibr illc:r il\\l'ressilln fmm tlw 1 \inislryII" Ile.illh & Wdl;lre and Ih~' .I~l'sl'erin Cprl"'nll illn Ih;\I she \l'asIII k'ad the res..."rd\ aCli\'ilil's th;\IIhl'~' SII dl'sl'er;lIdy "';IIHl'd 1'1 1'111.

hlgedwr, '

Blil R~ne had alread)' donedinkal .rri"ls, SIll' had names an.!rCl;l\rds.She: (h;'",.:h( IIw Rc~perin

. Corpor!lIhln I\'as Pl,lilkillly p'I\\'l'rfliland h"d "h\\Iney cnllligh III gel 'Essial.:inlll (he pllblic: sec:rur \\'irhlllllC:IHnrmmising hcr vahies, Then shefllllnd IllIr Ihe Cllrp, Inll hIn wasw;lrking d,)sc!y lI'irh rhe glwe:rnmcnr ,ilnd adl\\inisrnHilin an" rhe tvlinisrr)'III' lie:ahh & Wl,lfilre:,

S. I nilI\' relll'le whl I werererminally ill and given l'l' ils '

h.ll'l,kss had 111g,' Ihrllllgh a f".!eral

hurellllcnllk ma=e 111gel dw remedy,By rlwn, fill' I11l1srIlI'lhesl' I'l'IIple, ilwas 111,1lall', ')lI! e\'e:n \\'Iwn I'cllpk'were CUI','d, Ihill inf"rlllali,1I) \\'as n,1{

rdl'ascd 1\1 Ihc puhlic:,Rl'sl'l'rin riln r,'sear.;h II"'S "n

Es~ii\l:, l )"e: r,'S( \\'as ';1'ndllcll'd illNllrrlwrn Canada and rhe ,1.1.:11-

I\\enu I\'cre fillsified, F'lr eXilmple:,line lI\Hn was lisrl'd as d,'ad II'hll iIfl'll' IIIIHulls Iale:r ki\lIc;kl'd IIn I~e:ne's

,lIlliI' and ~ajd, Ylll! kn,IW I Will\{£IIIhal\k Y"l! fill' rhl' Essiac: and b,,'ingparr ot' Ih is e:xpl~rilllenlill I'rllgmm,Yl'l Ill' \\'as lisl~'d as ,k",d in Ihe

rl'S('an:h l~r0ll'C( findings,

ER: II's hl'ginning hi Sl'elll ilmming'" IIIl' 111;\1al\Y inli Inmll illn ilr illiilhlllll ,his r"l\ll.'d\' hils sltrviI'l'd Ihe'\'lInsl'irill'Y III' Sile'I\Cl'" III' '1IIIrt~hlIk'SI fIICI illil lit' rl'l'lIrds 0111.1Sll 111\,

(;0 I TI\\' 111\I)' rl'aSlin r:s~ iac: is

kllll\l'l\ 11I.1a)' is I,)' 1\'1'1"<1III 1IIIIIIIh:11\.1 1"'1';111'1' t:..sia.'is \\'hal jl is.

--, , ,- -,"--' ,' "-_U_'-"'", .'-."'- ,-

Page 6: Cancer Cure Tea

Wh.1Iwillkeep Essiilcknown b ils '

dfccliveness, Rene said it rears ag~l.She said, luok, if Essiac doesn't hilveany merit, let me P.ut it out there. Ifil ducsn'l have merit, it will killilsclf. Of c~lIIrseshe knew full well ifpeople had the currec[ herbs, therellledy woulJ :;tund (1(\,it:; own.And Ihat is exactly what Essiac ha:;dune uvcr Ihis periud,of time rlmtwc've been disseminilting theinfnrmalion. '

Rene ulso fuund that Essiilc was'a Slrlllll: preyemive. These findinuswere suhStimdateJ by Dr. AlberiSchall iI[ T ernple Universit}' whlldiscovered dll: cure for tuberculosis.

Rcne alsu fuund thill Esshu.:\\'Iluid normali.c [he thyruiJ ChIOJ.My wifc WilSun IWOcrains uflhyroiJ :Since ,he sixth I:IraJc. After ImCI her, shc slMteJ taking Essiac,anJ shc haso't IiIken u crain uflhyroid since. " ,

I~cnc illS\) founJ thi\[ Essh1CWIHlldhcal slOmach ulcers withinIhree or four wecks. Shc felt tharLlkers were a precursl)r w cancer.

Sir Fn:Jerick BaOlinl:l,'Iheco-Jjscoverer of insulin, wantcJ (IIwork wilh Rene. She ha!-i clioical 'cases where a person on imulin '

disconrinued it with the Essiac, sinceno one knew how Essiac wouldillleract ~ilh Ihe illSulin. ApparentlyEssiac regula[cd the pancreas incases of Jiabe[es mcllitus. So these

people then became insulin-free.Anolher Ihinl: I've founJ with

Essiac is Ihal I've experiencedalmost perfect hcalrh., As yilu gl;tuldcr yuu think, wC,II,I'm fUrlYnnw,Ihcse rhin!!s happcn. Well, IheseIhin!!s Jon't hav!: w happen. Sincl:"ve laken Essiac, I've experienceJalmosl perfcct health. Jr's amadn/:. Isleep like a Imby, have all kindsufenercy, anJ no sickness, nqt even IIwid or [he Ou.

I also worked with the AIDS '..

Prujeel LlIS Anceles rhrollMh theirLong Beach anJ San Pedro districts.They had sent 179 patients hume (IIdic. They ull huJ pneum()cy~tl~'

earinii ilOd hiswplasmosis. Theirwcij;lu was duwn (0 aomlt 100

puunds. Their T -4 cell cmanu "Wen:less than [en. The Project Havemt:

five ul [hese patients. 1 wuk diemIIff Ihe AZT and Ihe DDI nnd put.hclII .,1\ Essi;u; Ihrcc times a day.

Thllse lire the \lnl\' IIncs all"". Illday,The wlwr IH arc dcnd. ' '.

, ,

ERI Thill is in're~lihle -' hut whatkind uf lives me they leadinlt tIIdayf


GG; Thcy'ru cXcn:i:iin~three times,a da}', cadnu three 'mcals a diiy.Their weiuht Is hack 10 nurmill. Furilli intenr~ und purpuses Y"Uwlluldn't knuw 111e\'\\'er~ sid il Jayin their livcs.


But ~thi:o.


ltlon i~nUt kin" dissemh'llred eilher, .hceRusc,AfDS'Is UI) the hllrimn iI~',anllther big l1I!lnermukcl',.Thcd1i1irmanIII' the AIDS prlljeet InLus Anucle~ makes IIVl'r$loq,OOO iI

YCllr. '

Evenlhe ahemative hea!.h carepmfesshlnals'llre lillr Iherc [IIc!lntrol, nllr HI 'life. AltemalivemeJical practice is just as mc"enllrynriJ dcceplh~.ells thc allupathic. Nuone wants II cure: fllr cancer IIr

.AIDS. "

" Niltionibide ;'1' the, water 'Cve drink

: over 2,100 organio.. ,and inorganic'

chemicals have,been identified, and

156 of them are'pure carcinogens.

The ahermuive pCllple IIrc nlsu, Inrn it fur the muncy. Whlll ym,'re

flmtinu with Esslac.:Is that It i:onmeven allmveJ Intu Ihe menns ufnhernativc heuhh 'arc. Su rl:allywhm yuu've JlUt mil here is peuplecllntinllally pcrpetrath11t Ihese lieslIualnst lIIankind. Fur IIIOIlI:Y,Furmllney and power, It's dult sil,lpk '

Rcally un'c y"1I !hillk' about it,thc unly rcaslln We,llIn't have slIlarpuwer Is thill nu one's figured uut IIway HI sell EXXONthe SUII.h'stfllC, If [hey cUllld, YUlI'dhave sulnrpower. Yuu knuw YOll'd have h,

ER; So, in \'llIlr IIwn perslllliIlcxpcriencc, Ihis herbal remedy wllrkshi - 1'111 Ituinlt IU ill~[ "I'UII~~ Y"".


herc;~IInd sa}' "curc" - canccr,Ihyrllid cunditillns, diabeles, AIDS,ukers ...GG: It IIlslI cures rhe commllil wid.Essiilc cleviltes the immulle SY~lelll.

"I've been mkinu line IIlII"e a day fursevcl" }'eIlU,IInd;in sevcn years Ihaven't 'had iI clIlll, nu ur vinas.

ER: And all 'ul' this frum 1\ simpleNiltlve hcrbal remedy!

00: Yes. Ahhllugh J\l:ne did aherit. She alrereJ 'it with Turkishrhubarb rollt (Rhcum,m/milium).Turkhh rhubarb hils II 5,000 \'earhistllry. It uculillly camc up (filmIndm Inw China and Ihell wastaken h)' ,he British.

ER:. Turkish rhubarh milt cerrainlyis nllt nallve in this Clllln[ry, nllrIIvaiiable here. t lerlmb fnllll furl'igncmmlfies arc fumigilteJ and irradi.IIlcJ, $11I~ It 1\ gllnd Idull h~ U~CrhcTurki:;h rhuba~hl ,

GG: Yuu CliOsuh~tlrure urdinmyrhubarbrom.Thc ulher tWII inwedi-enu arc burJuck milt (ArcliulII~ppa) pnd rill: Inner bmk of slippery

. elm (U/nllls IlIft'a). They lire easy hi

obtain, u~ulllly. Sheep's sllrrel,Rumexacct(w:/~,is what dcslroys [hecancer cells, The IIrher [hree herbsarc billud purifiers.

Essiac elevme~ thc enzymesystl:m IInJ !:Ives 1111cancer palicnts

. IInJ all AIDS patients ,[he enzymesthat have hecn destroyed. Essi",:clevlltcs the cnzYllle system; irdevllt\!s ,he hllfIJ\I)ne SYSICIII,whkhc\eviltes the Immune liysu:m, :in Ihc

, hoJy can cure it:i own discase.

ER; Whm abllut ~Iuant it ies! SlIlIIeherbals IIrc Ulxic.

GG; Evcn its worst enemy culiidnever lay claim that Essiachad anydeleterious side effe'ts whatever.YIIUcan lake Essia, safely, rllnlugh'1111Ihe dink..1 trials Ihal have heendllne, up hI six mllKes a Jay. Thai's1\\'11ounccs in the cvening, IWII inrhe lHuming IIn.! tWII amundnuontime. That's a high dll~!lgc.Renc had the wrrect herhs and sheused ilS IiIIIe liS olle oUIll;e a \wl.k.

1\".1hlilk i" Ihe differclKc~

" H Wildfirc VIII. 6 Nil. I

Page 7: Cancer Cure Tea

, In July, J991, the CalladinlllVI/run/ vf Ht!/'bnlislI/published anarticle, "Old Ontario Remedies," -about Essia,c. The article givesspecific information on the in-

" gredients of Essiac and includesdes<::riptions of. the herbs.Sheep's sorrel, tor example, is a

,'" (91k rem~qy for tumors. ,

~ The "rtide also warn$of high': oXidicacid'cont~"t in two of Uw.

herb~,ma~ing the rel11edyunsafe "for ,persons with kidney ailme,ntsor arthritic' conditions. ' ,

The article concludes: "Essiacis not l' hoax or a fraud. To heilrexp~riences d~scribed by, the ,pi\tients themselves CiUlnothelpbut convince observers that

GG: I WIHIIJlike 10 say Ihat I dramatic and beneficial changes' ",lidn't In all thi~ research heciluse I ctdinitely took place in many butfeel I have a responsibility 10 lither not all of those who receivect thepcuplc, I did il hecausc I hilve a re- remedy. Altlwugh the focus'on,sponsibililY'I\) myself. I knuw IbM Essiac has been as it cancer('ve done all I ~:lInhI disscminmc; treatl1wnt, it .ilh:vii\l~d IIIIJsome-rhis in(mlTImionanJ bring il co tbe tim~s curect many chronic anctpeople, ctegenerative conditions because'

( was the firstpersnntn release it cleansesthe blood as well asIhis informac;on IIn Essiac, how 10 the liver and strengtl1ens the im-milke iI, (II the general puhllc and mune system."say, hcre il is, here's !he formula,' ,Write: Ontario Herbalists As-herc's Ihe stllry. So nmv Ihe story is lipdation, M. J. Pimentel MH, 7out Ihere and Inok whill'~ happening Alpine Av~., n~ronto, Qt1tario,- jl's Helting killeJ Ihmugh a Canada M6f 3R6 for information

disinfurlllalhm campaign, I mean ,on ubtainh'g a Cl~pYof .t.l.,eJulyHarvard, Tcmple, Tllf{~,Nmlhwe~f- ,v, 1991 issu~, Vol XII,No III "f theern Universiry,Chicilgo- aUrhc~c ".' Oll/mUIIIIJIIl/fl1II1pf HfrIJil/i:;m.insli~lItiuns have tesrcJ Essiacwith'Ihe riHhl ~Iuff,and Ihey all Came hI '

Ihe ~ame CIIndllsilins as Rene,

Caisse, But ilil thill infllrmarilln hilshCl'n huricJ.

hetwecn Ihcn and now, The li)oddidn'l have carcinllgens' in it, andIlei'rhcr did Ihc Wi\[er, nllt Ihe air. 'Sn what have we dune! Wc'vekilled Ihe air, killed Ihe WOller,killed:rhe fund. $0 whilt's IeI'll'

N'arinnwide,'in Ihl! willer we ,

Jrink over 2,100 \)rHanicand inor-ganic themicals have h~cn identi-fied, and 156uf thcm arc purccarcinogens. Of Ihose, if you have alumor, 26 are Cllll)orpromoling, SIIIhey inake th~ lumor lar~er. Bul ofcourse thjs infllnmitilll\ is nOt ilvilil-able tl) IhI; public, either. Thosc '

figures arc frllm tests CIInductcdbyrhe Environmental Proleccilln '

Agency which have never heenJisrrihiJleJ (0 Ihe public.

ER: How JiJ you get the infmma-tionl .

GGI From 11Rulph NaJcr \'Ircaniza-linn nut nf Washingmn, n. C.- Themedia has nllt JisseininalCJ this,!" "

, information, Another prublem bthar very few people read books any'more. We can only hope Ihey'll readCalling (!{ an Angel. Of c\)ursc, Ihe ' ,

problem light r\IIWis peuple gettingIhe righl herbs.

ER: Anyrhing you'J like III addhdme we dl1sc this intervic'V1 '

ER: nary, iI's hccn IIl'ry il\lercslin~

h) speak wilh \'°11,



GG: It's bccn a pleasure, You're., openinj( nPanJllra's Box" \'1111know,

I'uhlishi!,g this interview..

.)~Ri I think wu're Ih~ IInc \~Ihn'~ j,

" dun\: that. Wlluld y"Ulell pelll'le ' ,

hmv to gct \,lIur bllllk ""J IIwInfpnmnilln IIn EIi~iad "

ad; They ~ill\plycall n'1cillCalifornia iH,310-271-9931..Thl:hI~)kis $35.00.The inrmula is free.

. . . . .

00 00 co \>0 co


Page 8: Cancer Cure Tea

~'" '---\f'\"'" ~ '..;"" , ,.' ,


. ,""',

,} ,"';; ,,' ,

,"; ",,},,' " "', ":..

~, .,' ,.,ESSIA C

.", .

" T ",



" "I"

,; '\;" ". 'I'" "



.suPVIi,~s oeeded . , ' " , ," ',~

~u\.. 5-gallon stainless iteel po~'" ' ::~~;i \' , " ' , "~ ~ cups ~urdo,c~root .' cut3-gallon 6tainlu$ it8e1 pot, with lid ,/I.~,;\;~" .'> '" ' , :",,".' ", ;' IAf"flumhpp-.', ,; , 'I. , , ..', '" , ", ' ' " 'f",'

Stainlou iteel fine~",~$hdoublo itrainer ;"1,," ""'". '" ",' 16 0;. ,hoop lorrel herb. powderedStainleu stedt funnel; "', ' i. ':", li",,'~ 0'; < .'(Rum-":,,"'/;.lonIl4l1

Stainless steel &pat~ia '" "'" ;" , ' . :' , .:1 oz.turkovrhubarbroot-powdered12 or more 16.oun~e amber glan bottln ,,;;~',,'"\ ';, "',"," ,: (Rh~um Plllm.IW¥lI

with airtight caps (!l21childproof caps I ii. i:" 'C " ,,' , ""',;,;4 oz! iUpporyelm balk - p~wdered2 gallo~s $OdiU


~~free distilled~ater,"


: , " ./,



::";' ';\' ,«,11m,

us fU


1v~1 ", ' I

Measunng~up , , , "",'I1\"'~V'c, (,/\,rl..+-sC n--6- V- b ,Kitchen&calewithouncem@asurements; "i!', ' " ,"i' ::,. ,', ,,' J, ") ~. '" ." .'" "" . ",.', ,,'"

, 'I' ,:~,'" " .'Q'V'-,.. 6'~ ~ fH,'\'l~""Fvf.. <... 44-\/c::---

.!J1!.ePSIratloJl, ,tMc:-d.i~ i"\.44-I'~"',4~(-r~it-t,C 'Sl'~~rJ 5.~v'~&'l .~ w~ id~,,-v~--l~cP i

" " ..'" '," ':'," }"\',;:'f ~C;H,""" Q ~l.~,...~ --:""Fk.o~ ~~O>z- -1-, :CJ Cj ~ t '

1. MixEs~iacformulatboroughly~"'ii'" "},';: ;. '" ,," "~',",' " "'", ",'" -

2. Bring sodium-free dls'tllled wai~r.;to a'roiling boil 'n 5-9allon pot with lid on~ '(Approximately 3C :minute~ at ~ea lev~'.I.", ,'; "" \;'" ,'~i ~." ",' ",,' :

3.' Stir In 1 cup of E~~laqformY,I~. Replace UcJand continue boiling, for 10 minutes.4. Turn oft $toVQ',.,Scrap*, dOvy'n,~lde$'ofP9t with ~piuula\,anQ stir mixture tnoroughly. Replac£ '

lid. i, ;, ,:i'::"; ',I!:t ,::,x,',,~,\.. '"'~,, ,. "I' ...,.':~','.:",~;, ~ "" ',,; '::' ,

5. Allow' pot to 'r~rn~!nelos'ed' fpJ 12, hours;,;i.tWfJtlJrn stove ,to' full heat for 20 minutes.6. Turn off stove..' Stralr) I!qllidInto.3-.g~I!9npot, ~I)dc,lean 5~gallpn pot and strainer. Then strair, filtered liquid ba'ck i'ntd.e~Qai!qn pot.'"~.,;,,,' ' . " ,) '" ';;11:'" l ,,' '>'f,,' ".:'~, ":".",, "

7, Use funnel tQ pourQot;,I'quidint~ p~nle$tmr;n~d!,a~~I~~takingcare to tl9~ten caps: Allowbottle~to cool; then tighten cap, again~!, ,i ,J" "" ", " ," '" i ' ,f ' , "

8. Refrigerate. 'Es~lac p.ontaln;a,n9 p're~ei'vatlveagQQts, ".Ifmol~ $hould. develop In bottle, discarc, 'i" .' C, ,'" ' " ' " "Immediately '. " ,'" .. , ' " "... ,," ;, "', "'.,' ,~..:" , ' , 't ", " ,"

, " ,",' " ' ,'" "" '

, " ,'" ' " ," ' , ,

CAUTION: All bottles and eaps'mu$t be &terllized Ciner u$e'lf you plan to (e-use them for Essiac,Bottle cap~ mu~tb~ wa~hed.and rlns'~d thoroughly, ang may be clEianed with a 3% solution of N!2!

or~de hydroneq p~r9~~~~,~vV~,t~r:.~~'71~:.~"- "'~""~',;~1~~"'~-k~_. --~I\;'j, ::1-,~~. '~~1()~ ~-':"ct~ ""1J.\"'~ih~'P -r<p~'~r'w,"~'" ,.. ~.J~' ~t . ~~,~'""..'!F>-41&:ci,f"o4.",C! \oUr~'c.:.,.'.

. ~IfecdQQ~fof p,~', ,:"~~'. ;~:~;,;':' ,~::::,,','~~;:"i~:};.. '.. "" ~,,' ,: ., ,Heat 4 t(;)ble'spoon$ (2,o~.)' $odltjm..free dls~Uled water In a st~lnlesssteel pot. Addf

, tablespoons 9f Esslac' (ah~k, bottlo flrat)." Mix and'9rlnk..-:", ' '",: A,Take at bedtime ()n an Qmpty"'stQrr'aChiat least 2 hours after eating.

, ." ,,/., "" . " "/', : ,," ,,"', ," "" ,

" '""

':i:, '", .' ',: " ~: " ," i:': t, d" ..<~ ',;:,:':):"',., li; :t'/r '("':,j,,;': ::,,'" ,

Questlo~s regarcJ~ng reclp~ apd dO$8ge fhould be 9lree,ted,to the author:, ",. ,I.' .'/' ""',' '", \,,',' ,;0',', "",', ; ,

, ' :" ,j " '" ,'; '" " ','>, '

;;\:'~:t;:"ipr. G~U}' L. Glum,,;, '

". ,~,;c/9 ~Uent W",l~ef:; PubUshin~"'" , """,: ,',..,P,Q. nox 92856"

Los'Angeles, CaUr~mi~' 90009

" "

- --, ~ '


,,' ,.

,,' ""'.."

.. , ," ,.. ..'..~,."..,-,.-
