Cancer Prevention You Can Make a Difference in Your Own Health Prevention Department January 2011

Cancer Prevention You Can Make a Difference in Your Own Health Prevention Department January 2011

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Cancer Prevention

You Can Make a Difference in Your Own Health

Prevention DepartmentJanuary 2011


Discussion Outline

What is cancer? Myths about cancer

prevention What is prevention? Importance of prevention in

cancer control Cancer and other chronic

diseases Cancer risk factors Cancer prevention

recommendations What can I do as an

individual? Early warning signs of


January 2011


What do you think about when you hear the word “cancer”?

3January 2011


What is Cancer?

4January 2011


Where do you think cancer occurs most commonly in men and women?

Men Women

5January 2011

Cancer Statistics

In Canada in 2010: an estimated 173,800 new cases of

cancer an estimated 76,200 deaths from cancer

In Saskatchewan in 2007: 8,447 new cancer cases were diagnosed

(includes non-melanoma skin cancers)

2,236 people died of cancer

6January 2011

Cancer Projections

Globally by 2020: more than 16 million new cancer cases over 10 million cancer deaths per year

In Canada over the next 30 years: ~ 6 million Canadians will develop cancer ~ 3 million Canadians will die from cancer

7January 2011


What are some of the myths about cancer or cancer control that you have heard?

For example, myths that you have heard from your family, friends, co-workers, community members, etc.

8January 2011


Myths About Cancer Control

Everything causes cancer…

We are sitting ducks just waiting for cancer to happen…

There is nothing we can do about it…

Finding a cure is our only hope…

January 2011


… the function of protecting and developing health must rank even above that of restoring it when impaired …

(Hippocrates, born in 460 BC)

January 2011


Approaches to prevention: Primary Secondary Tertiary

What is Prevention?

January 2011


No matter what advances there may be in high-technology medicine, any major reduction in deaths and disability from cancer will come from prevention, not from cure.

(The Cancer Atlas, ACS, 2006)

January 2011


Cancer Control

Prevention, screening, surveillance, treatment, supportive care and research

Prevention is an essential component of all cancer control plans

Prevention has the potential to have the greatest impact on the health, social and economic burden of cancer

January 2011


Human behaviours or lifestyles such as, smoking, poor diet, tanning, and sexual activity play a significant role in the development of cancer.

Do you believe this to be true or false? Why?

January 2011


Research Shows …

85% of lung cancer cases are a result of smoking

Smoking is responsible for 30% of all cancer deaths

20 – 25% of all cancers are linked to food, nutrition, physical activity, and obesity

15January 2011


Convincing Evidence

Compelling association of risk:

Tobacco misuse – lung, pancreatic, kidney, esophageal cancers

Obesity – colorectal, breast, pancreatic, kidney, esophageal, endometrial cancers

Physical inactivity – colorectal cancer

Alcohol consumption – colorectal, breast, esophageal cancers

World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research. Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of

Cancer: A Global Perspective. Washington DC: AICR; 2007.

January 2011

17January 2011

18January 2011

19January 2011

20January 2011


Cancer Remains a Disease Where Human Behavior Plays a Significant Role

The Harvard Report on Cancer Prevention estimated that 50-75% of cancer mortality in the US was related to human behaviors including:

tobacco misuse lack of physical activity overuse of alcohol diet overexposure to sunlight sexual activity

Modification of these exposures and behaviors is the focus of cancer prevention and control

Colditz G, DeJong W, Hunter D, Trichopoulos D, Willet W.Harvard report on cancer prevention.Volume 1: Causes of human cancer.

Cancer Causes & Control1996 Nov; 7 Suppl 1:S3-S58.

January 2011


Environmental factors such as, geographical location and dietary patterns play a significant role in the development of cancer.

Do you believe this to be true or false? Why?

January 2011

















Breast Cancer Male Stomach Female Stomach

Patterns of Change of Migrants: Japanese Migrants to Hawaii, 1973-1977

Japan 1st Generation 2nd Generation Local

Environmental Factors

January 2011



SunSmart – Australia rates of melanoma & non-melanoma skin

cancers use of hats and sunscreens in sunburn and people’s desire for a tan $2.32 net savings for every dollar spent

California Tobacco Control Program $86 billion saved in health care costs from 1989 to

2004 50 times the rate of return on the expense of the

program at $1.8 billion in 2004 dollars

January 2011


Role of Prevention is Crucial

Current healthcare spending is not sustainable...

Prevention is cost-effective…

At least 50% of cancers are due to preventable factors and only ~10% are due to heredity…

Modifiable risk factors…such as smoking, poor diet, inactivity, and obesity have the greatest bearing… also sun/ultraviolet radiation exposure and occupational and environmental carcinogens

Requires a new approach / new way of thinking…

January 2011


Cancer & Other Chronic Diseases

January 2011


Risk Factors

Non-modifiable risk factors Age, gender, ethnicity, genetics

Modifiable risk factors Change at the individual level Change at the population level

January 2011


What do you see?

January 2011


According to Canada’s Food Guide, what is the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables daily for females age 19 to 50 years?

a. 4 servings

b. 5 to 6 servings

c. 7 to 8 servings

d. 8 to 10 servings

e. I don’t know

January 2011


Food and Nutrition

January 2011


What are some good alternatives to meat that will help you get enough protein in your diet?

a. Fish

b. Beans

c. Eggs

d. Peanut butter

e. All of the above

January 2011


Food and Nutrition

January 2011


“You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces; just good food from fresh ingredients.”

Julia Child, chef, author and teacher (1912-2004)

January 2011


What do you see?

January 2011


Canada’s Physical Activity Guide recommends that adults add physical activity into their daily life by including how many minutes of moderate physical activity every day (e.g., walking, biking, yard work)?

a. 30 minutes

b. 30 to 60 minutes

c. 60 minutes

d. I don’t knowJanuary 2011


Physical Activity

January 2011


Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

January 2011


What do you see?

January 2011


Tobacco Reduction/Cessation

Tobacco misuse and exposure to tobacco smoke increase cancer risk

Tobacco misuse is a behaviour which can be modified to reduce cancer risk

Canadian Cancer Society Smoker’s Helpline 1-877-513-5333 www.smokershelpline.ca

PACT (Partnership to Assist with the Cessation of Tobacco) & TAR (Tobacco Addiction Recovery) www.makeapact.ca

January 2011

Health Benefits of Quitting Tobacco

Within 1 minute – body begins to cleanse itself of tobacco poisons

Within 8 hours – carbon monoxide levels in the body decrease, oxygen levels in the blood increase

Within 48 hours – sense of smell and taste improve

Within 2 weeks to 3 months – lungs work better making it easier to breathe

40January 2011

Health Benefits of Quitting Tobacco

Within 6 months – coughing, sinus congestion, tiredness and shortness of breath improve

After 1 year – risk of a smoking related heart attack is reduced by half

Within 10 years – overall risk of an ex-smoker dying from lung cancer is cut in half

Within 15 years – risk of dying from a heart attack is equal to a person who has never smoked

41January 2011


Consuming alcohol increases one’s risk for:

a. Breast cancer

b. Colorectal cancer

c. Liver cancer

d. Mouth, pharynx, larynx and esophageal cancers

e. All of the above

January 2011


Limit Alcohol Consumption

January 2011


What do you see?

January 2011


Who is at risk for developing skin cancer?

a. People with fair-skin

b. People with dark skin

c. People with blond or red hair

d. People with lighter eye colour (blue, green, grey)

e. Everyone

January 2011


Practice Sun Safety

Seek shade or create your own (umbrellas, trees, canopies, portable tents)

Wear protective clothing; dark, loose and closely woven fabrics to cover your arms and legs

Wear a wide-brimmed hat to shade your face, ears and neck

Wear a broad-spectrum (UVA & UVB) sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15

Wear sunglasses with even shading, medium to dark lenses, and UVA & UVB protection

Remember sun protection when planning vacations to sunny places

Avoid tanning beds; especially youth under the age of 18January 2011


In Canada, what percentage of all cancers are thought to be linked to infectious agents (e.g., bacteria or viruses such as HPV – human papillomavirus)?

a. 2 per cent

b. 7 per cent

c. 15 per cent

d. I don’t know

January 2011


Infectious Agents

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) HPV 16, 18, 33, 39 → Anal, rectal, vaginal and cervical

cancers HPV 5, 18, 17 → Skin cancer

Hepatitis – HBV and HCV Liver cancer, especially hepatocellular carcinoma

Helicobacter pylori Stomach cancer

Herpes – Epstein-Barr Virus Hodgkin’s disease; Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Retrovirus HTLV-1→ Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma HTLV-2→ Hairy cell leukemia

January 2011


Occupational Exposure

Most common types of occupational cancer: Lung, bladder and cancer of the mesothelioma

(lines the lungs and peritoneum)

Excessive exposure to sunlight is responsible for a higher incidence of skin cancer in farmers and other outdoor workers

CAREX Canada – www.carexcanada.ca

January 2011


Environmental Exposure

Environmental tobacco smoke Vermiculite insulation

Contains asbestos

Arsenic contaminated drinking water Arsenic found in the bedrock

Lead contaminated food, drinking water, air, soil, dust and various consumer products

CAREX Canada – www.carexcanada.ca

January 2011


What does all this mean when looking at the determinants of health such as, poverty, inadequate housing, stress related to living conditions, and lack of access to nutritious foods?

51January 2011


Cancer Prevention is Everybody’s Responsibility

…the secret of health is to live the present moment wisely…

(Buddha, 565 BCE)

January 2011


What can you do to help decrease your risk of cancer?

53January 2011


Individual Responsibility

Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains

Eat less red and processed meats

Exercise regularly Maintain a healthy body

weight Be a non-smoker Reduce/avoid alcohol

consumption Practice sun safety Follow screening guidelines

January 2011


“As I see it … everyday you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.” Adelle Davis, pioneering nutritionist (1904-1974)

January 2011


Be a Voice and Role Model

We are either part of the problem or part of the solution.

Which part are you?

January 2011


…young people need models, not critics…

(John Wooden, American basketball coach)

January 2011


Early Warning Signs

Lump or swelling in the breast, testicles or other parts of the body

Sore that does not heal Obvious changes in a wart or mole Change in bowel or bladder habits Blood in the urine, stool or phlegm Unusual bleeding or discharge from the

nipple or vagina

January 2011


Early Warning Signs

Persistent coughing or hoarseness Chronic indigestion or difficulty in

swallowing Unexplained weight loss, fever or fatigue Unexplained aches and pains that go on

for more than 4 weeks Any new growth on the skin or patches of

skin that bleed, itch or become red

January 2011


Thank You!

January 2011

Contact Information

Prevention Department

Population Health Division

Saskatchewan Cancer Agency

400 – 2631 28th Avenue

Regina, SK S4S 6X3

Phone: 306-359-5877


61January 2011