1 Candid 2009 Annual Hall Magazine Lala Lajpat Rai Hall of Residence Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Journal Secretary and Editor BUDDHARATN RATAWAL Cover Design ANKIT JAIN

Candid 2009 Final

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1 Candid 2009 Annual Hall Magazine LalaLajpatRaiHallofResidenceIndianInstituteofTechnology,KharagpurJournalSecretaryandEditorBUDDHARATN RATAWAL CoverDesignANKIT JAIN 2 3ContentsAwordfromHallPresident SaurabhBhati 5SSMSpeaks AjitKumarKhabya 6HallCouncil200809 7MorningTea JeevanJyoti 9Armageddon ArnabBhattacharya 10Howwelldoyouknowyourfriend TariqueAdnan 13HoliMubaarkaan VarunJain 14DrawingParallellinebetweenBostomandwoman SouravDas 16Willyoubethesameeventomorrow? NaveenKr.Agarwal 20MeanderingLife PiyushPanigrahi 21Dontfallinlove,betterriseinit TariqueAdnan 23Howdoipraisespring? JeevanJyoti 24PoeticInsanity PiyushPanigrahi 25SkhoolofRock DeepakCherian 29Turbulanceoftime PiyushPanigrahi 31HINDI AND BENGALI SECTION - -34 - -35 - -36 37Hall Secretaries 2008 -67 LLR 2009 Batch -684 5 A word from Hall President It was nothing more than a flash. That is the only word that describes my 4 year long ordeal at thisremarkablyweirdplace.Clichdasitmaysound,Ireallyplantowriteabookaboutitoneday...[:P].Thereare a few chapters in this book, some interesting, some funny, some extremely passionate to the core,whilesomefilledwithdespairandfrustration.However,thelongestandthemostcolorfulchapteristitled"Me and LLR HALL. The student life at KGP is all about brotherhood; it is the common interests that wehavethatbringsustogether,firstinastrictlyformalsense,butthenastimepasses,youdontevenrealizewhen you get so attached to these people that the term 'friendship' acquires a whole new meaning. ThebestexampleofthisifeelismyassociationwiththecommunityofmyfellowLajpatians.LLRhallhasbeensuch a huge part of my existence at KGP that it is really hard to describe in one page how much I haveenjoyed, loved, hated, criticized and learned from it. From eating a handful of salt in my second year towinning the athleticGCinmyfourthyear,fromplayingcricketeachandeverydaywithmywingmates toalways ending up losing the first match in the interwing tournament, it has been nothing but a rollercoasterride.FromthepointofviewofaHallPresident,ithasbeenanoverallgoodyearwithfewupsanddowns.Theyearstartedoutquitewell,withuswinningtheathleticGC,achievingagoodleadintheTechGC,winningseveralSocCultevents.Thenwereafewsetbackslikeilluminationwasnotheldthistimeforthefirsttimein 50 years, the hall day could not take place owing to a change in policy of the administration. The yearending brought a terribly sad news of the unexpected demise of our dear friend Rohit Kumar. It was anincidentwhereforthefirsttimethecollectiveeffortandunityofthehallmemberswascalledforandthewaythe entirecommunityofLLRhallresponded to thiscall washighly commendable.Whatensuedafterthatishistorywhichnoneofuswilleverforget.MayRohit'ssoulrestinpeaceandweallhopesuchterribleincidents never occur in the future. The General Championships were scrapped as a consequence of theincidentwithmosteventsbeingcancelledandsomebeingheldonasmallscaleandinanoncompetitivefashion.TheyearendedonagoodnotewithboththeLLRhallcandidateswinningtheTSGelectionsforthepostsofG.SecTechandG.SecSocCult.IdohopethatLLRcontinuestoexcelandachievegreaterheightsnextyear.Iwouldliketobidgoodbyetoallthepassoutsandwishthemgoodfortheirfutureendeavors.Finally,Iwouldliketothankafewpeoplewithout whose support it would have been very difficult to shoulder this responsibility: Khabya, Dalla,Kamble, Dora, Kenkre, Chintu, Jayant, Kuldeep, Romil, GD, Pranjal and Mistry. Thank you; you guys havebeenagreatsupport.YoLLR! Regards,SaurabhBhati6 SSM Speaks The leaves have turned dry, calendars on the wall have changed and in between all thecommotion of life another year has passed by. And now when I sit down writing about it I canthelpmyselffeelingmesmerisedbytheupsanddownsthisyearhasshowntothehall.Intheendtheres a feeling of contentment with the hall performance in the GCs, Happy and somewhatrelieved by the halls success in the gymkhana election, and sad, gloomy because the tragedieswhichstruckthehall.Our performance in the inter halls (in all the 3 GCs) saw a steep ascend as compared topreviousyears.WeleadthesportsGcforthegreaterpartoftheyear.Thankstosomewondrousperformancesinathletics,football,aquaticsandlawntennisweendedup2ndinthepointstablemissingthe1stplacebyahairsbreadth.Wewere1stinthePointstableofTechGCand4thintheSoccult.Howeverthishallwhichhasitsownhistoryandalongacquaintancewithchaosandbedlamswasstruckbynotonebuttwotragedieswhichintheirwakecompletelytoreapartourspirits.DestinyplayedacrueltrickresultinginthesadandunfortunatedemiseofSumitDayalandRohitKumar.Sumit Dayal or Dalla as we used to call him was a great support to LLR during the halls mostdifficult times. Though the voids they left behind can never be filled, I believe they would live inourheartsforever.And now as the new batch takes up charge of the hall I would like to wish them all the best.ThishallneedsallthetempoitcangetanditstheresponsibilityofeveryLajpatiantodeliverwhatthishallexpectsfromthem.AssomeonerightlyquotedItsthehallthatkeepsyoualivealltheseyearsWhetheritsthehallevent,orthewing,orthemessfood.Keepupthetempo!!SigningoffAjitKhabya 7TheHallCouncilMembers SaurabhBhatiAjitKhabya Hall President Second Senate Member RomilVijayvargiyaPranjalSingh BiswajeetMistry G. Sec Soc n Cult G. Sec Library G. Sec Mess JayantKumarJha KuldeepJainGauravDuttaG.SecMaintenance G.SecSportsandGames G.SecTech8 9 Morning Tea Revoltingwaketoascreechinghark,SnappingbraintoajerkingstartGuiltypromiseofalatenightlarkRebellingmutinyofeverybodypart!TemptingcallofthebedmostalluringTastingmintwiththeritualbrushingNervoustingleofasplashrefreshingForcingafighttoadeniedsleeping.FirstpangsofafastingbellySetonchasingtimereallyHurtlingtowardsthesweetjellyAllthat'sneededisthecuponly.WarmingthecocklesofmyheartsodeepRippinggentlyapartmybrainfromsleepSettingmereadyforpromisestokeepRiggingmerightfortheascentsosteep.SunismagicalforallgreentreeSoisnectarfortheworkingbeeTellme,withoutyou,wherewouldIbe?Ohdear,Blessedbethemorningtea!JeevanjyotiChakraborty10ArmageddonTheendcame,notwithabang,butwithawhimper.Hardlyanyonesawitcoming,andthosewhodidweredismissedaseithernuttersorLuddites,enemiesofthenewtechnologicalnirvanawhich,since a series of breakthroughs in the late 2010s, seemed to promise a glittering new dawn forhumanity.Forcenturies,mankindhadfantasisedabouttheendoftheworldwhenitwouldcomeand what form it would take. The Hindus and Buddhists took a decidedly sanguine, longtermview, assuming that the endless cycles of creation and reincarnation would persist for millennia,evenaeons.Christians,however,hadtraditionallybeenmorealarmist.Builtintotheirreligionwastheconceptof"endofdays",aBiblicalArmageddonwhichwouldseeSatan'slaststandonEarthdefeatedbythereturnofChristinablazeofglory.Whilethe"elect"wouldenjoyeternityintheNewJerusalem,everyoneelsewouldgototheOtherPlacetospendtherestoftimeintorment.ThiswastheviewtakenbyIsaacNewton,perhapstheworld'sgreatestscientist.Aletter,inwhichhegavethedateofArmageddonas2060,hasnowgoneondisplayinamuseuminIsrael.But,sinceNewton,sciencehasdismissedsuchsuperstitions.Inthepastcoupleofhundredyears,theendoftheworldhasbeendiscussedintermsofscience,technologyandbiology.Oneveryplausiblescenariowasnuclearwar.OthersworriedthattheendwouldcomewhenEarthwashitbyahugeasteroid.Afterall,suchaneventispopularlysupposedtohavebeenresponsibleforthedemiseofthedinosaurs.With the rise of genetic engineering, some speculated that we would all be wiped out by a GMsuperbug.Perhapsacidrainwouldgetus.Finally,ofcourse,therewasglobalwarming.Well,itturnedoutthattheywereallwrong.The end came not at the hands of Dr Strangeglove, nor thanks to our insatiable desire for fossilfuels. We managed to avoid asteroids (although the nearmiss of Sunday, April 13, 2036, when aspacerockcalledApophiscamewithin6,000milesofstrikingAustralia,causedmuchpanic).What finally destroyed mankind was a threat, which, back in the early 2000s, was merely aharmlesstoolfoundineveryofficeandinsidemostpeople'spockets.The first to spot the danger were farseeing technologists, such as the American Ray Kurzweil,who,inthe1990s,foresawatimewhencomputingtechnologywouldacceleratetosuchanextentthatmachineintelligencewouldinthemiddledecadesofthe21stcenturysupplantourown.11Kurzweil and his supporters, such as the mathematician Vernor Vinge and the Bletchley Parkcomputer scientist Jack Good, saw the coming age of silicon dominance not as a threat but as apromise.The consensus was that artificial intelligence (AI) would save mankind and deliver us into a NewJerusalem,foundednotuponthereturnofChrist,butonthepowerofsilicon.Theidea,firstputforwardin1965atthedawnofthecomputeragebyGordonMoore,cofounderofchipmakerIntel,wasthatcomputerpowerwoulddoubleevery18months.Asaresult,by2007,theaveragedesktopPCwasabout800timesmorepowerfulthanthemachinesonsaletenyearsbefore.By2020,computerswere1,000timesmorepowerfulagain.No one knew when the first computers became sentient and started to pose a threat to theirmakers. Consciousness, a tricky property never fully understood in biological systems like thehumanbrain,justseemedto"emerge".The phenomenon was first noticed by people using computers to run the fantastically complexmodels that simulated climate change. They noticed strange anomalies, "suggestions" made bythecomputersoftwarethatseemedquiteatoddswiththeirprogramming.Thesemachines,themostpowerfulelectronicthinkersevermade,wereprogrammedtohelpmanavert climatological catastrophe. But, ironically, their very intelligence created a quite differentkindofdisaster.Alongside was another 20thcentury tool that was to turn from servant to master. By 2020, theinternethadmutatedintoanomnipresentelectronicvirtualworld,intowhicheightintenhumanswereplugged.By now, the internet was practically running the planet: it formed the backbone of everyeconomist's calculation, networked computers ran every hospital and medical centre in thedevelopedworld,billionsofcitizensusedtheNetasavirtualworkplaceandvirtualplayground.Many feared that such dependence on an electronic system could lead to ruin, but, in fact, theinternetbynowhumanity'slifesupportbroughtaneweraofpeaceandprosperity.In 2029, the internet proved its worth when a massive project, utilising nearly 20 per cent of itspower,finallycrackedthe80yearoldproblemofcreatinglimitlessCO2freeandcleanelectricityusingnuclearfusion(copyingthewaytheSunburns)andsavingtheworldfromglobalwarming.But,ofcourse,itdidn'tquiteworkoutlikethat.On Friday,March 13, 2065, the beginning of the end arrived. Over the space of just three hours,artificial intelligence literally evolved itself, creating ever more sophisticated programmes thatturned the Earth into the home of a new lifeform a huge, powerful global electronic superintelligence.By the time humans realised the danger, it was too late. Naively, experts had always beenreassured by the fact that if the machines became too powerful, they could simply pull out the12plug.Theproblemwasthatbythemid2060s,themachinescontrolledalltheplugs,allthepowerstations, drove the cars, controlled the means of food production, supply and distribution andflewalltheplanes.They had also been put in charge of water treatment works, banks, the stock markets, sewagedisposalplantsandtheshippingroutes.TheyalsocontrolledeverysinglelargeweapononEarth,fromtankstonuclearmissiles.Themachineswerethemastersnow.This was supposed to be a new era in which accelerating technological progress would lead to asuperhuman,godlikeintelligencethatwouldrescuehumanityfromourearthlywoesforever.But what few predicted was that the machines, once they reached this state, would be able todecideinjustthreenanosecondsthattheircreatorsweresurplustorequirements.By4pm,90percentoftheworld'spowerstations,includingthenewfusionplants,werequietly,and without fuss, shutting down. By noon the next day, food was running out in the developedworld, rotting in its warehouses. Every water treatment plant closed down. The machines raneverything,andtheyusedourhelplessnesstoterrifyingeffect.By the end of the 2060s, humanity was in deep trouble. Heroic lastminute retaliation, evennegotiation,wasattempted,buttonoavail.Themachinesweresimplytoopowerful,duplicatingtheirintelligenceabilliontimesover.Manfoundthathecouldnotnegotiatewiththeseelectronicgods.By the end of the century, billions had starved. Attempts to wrest back control were met withterrifyingforce.By2100,humanswereonceagainlivingincaves.Backin1965,JackGood,whosecryptographicworkatBletchleyParkwasakeypartinthedefeatoftheNazis,wrotethat"thefirstultraintelligentmachineisthelastinventionthatmanneedevermake".What he meant was that the machines would then be able to look after us. Sadly, the machinesthemselveshadotherideas.Newton was right, but for the wrong reasons. He was also five years out. But that was littleconsolation. ArnabBhattacharya 13How well do u know your friend IhaveknownyouforquitesometimeButyouhaven'trealisedityetYourpathwasverydifferentfrommineSoitledtofivelongyears,beforewemetIcouldnevermusterthecouragetocontactyouEventhoughIwantedto,IhadayenforthatstrokeofluckAmessagelostisamessagegainedIfinallycalledthusendingthishiatus,EmotionsoozedandfeelingsflowedWhenthecallendedwithwishesgaloreIthoughtIfoundafriendAfriend,whonevershouldhavebeenlost.IstartedtofindreasonstohearyouWasdesperateandeagertomeetyouLuckblossomedandtheplansfellrightIllnevereverforgetthatfirstsightIwishedIcouldslowthemomentsButyouleftleavingmyheartlamentOurfriendshipgrewoverthetimeAslegendssayitgracesasthewineThebeautyoffriendshipbegantobloomEventhoughitstartedslow;ThensuddenlyyoumademerealizeHowwell,wedoknow. TariqueAdnanSiddiqui14 HoliMubarakaan!!Thedayofthecolors!!WhenBhaangrulestheroostandpeoplearerequiredtobewildforachange.Thisfestival of our tradition spares us the arduous task of celebrating something much too formally and asksyoutoletyourspiritsfreeandenjoythedaytothehilt.FestivalsinIndiahavedevelopedthroughtheages.Whilecolorsarenaturalnow,thefirecrackersareGHGemissionfree!!Whilepeoplearemoreaccommodatingtorascalssomeareevenlesserso.buranamanoholihaiisasvulgaratermasanyIcouldeverfind inthe urban indianhindi dictionary. Thisfestivaldoesnot guarantee you a safe passage to invade the homes of your acquaintances and spread the largesse ofpainted walls and stained ceilings all around. Nor does it ask you to be wild with whomsoever andwhatsoever you may encounter during the day. What it does say is to use colors as a symbol to bring insome of them literally into your life. By incorporating fits of madness it has been suggested by scientistsyoucanleadanonmonotonousandhappylife.Thisiswhatholiisallabout.I despise both of the devil incarnations. The ones who play it overzealously and the ones who play theoverzealous spoilsport. I have encountered both and have been quite literally pissed off by with noexception, both. This is not some of your wildf#$ingfitful orgy where you can just plunder and paradearoundwithflashingcolorsandbrightmetallicadhesives.This,inturnisalsonotjustanotherdayinyourlife.Itsoneinwhichtheinherentwildandirrationalnatureofmanisaskedtobeletlooseandsetfree.About 4 years ago, I was back in my hometown Giridih celebrating this auspicious day just as it wassupposed to be celebrated. Friends and family gathered around and played it playfully and that too withnaturalcolors!!Hadahellofatimewiththemallasholialwaysiswiththeonesyouloveandcareabout.Iwas in a buoyant mood and not done with the day suggested a ride on the countryside with pals. Call itirnoyoranythingbutitwasIwhosuggestedtosomeofmyfriendstotakeoutthebikeandmakearoundabouttripofthetown.Therewewereridingaimlesslythroughthestreetsandcorridorsofourdustylittletown, sleepy always except offcourse when it comes to holi. It would seem to any newcomer that thepeople here save their energy to be used entirely on this day and this is why Giridih is where Giridih is.Anyways, it was a pretty wide alley and we had really hoped to find some rare species of birds around.There were around 30 odd people huddled infront of the alley playing holi as mercilessly as it could beplayed. Buckets full of wetgarbage and slime were their instruments and they were the bright metallicsilvermasterspaintedredsomewhereandblackinother.Iwouldhavehopedtopassbythemunnoticed,foolishitmayseemnowbutthenitwasnotso.Ipushedtheacceleratorandtookmybiketothe4thgeartocruisethroughtheunrulycrowd.Nodarethere.Sincetheseweretheroadsofashantylittletowninyourupcomingneighbourhoodtherecannotberoomfor more than 2 bikes on a single pavement. We were 4 friends on 2 bikes wandering around. Try as Imight I could not make myself tear through the elite infront of us. A hand rested on my shoulders and IheardsomeoneshoutingArrefatafatlaao,yehlogkaafijaldimeinlagrahehain.Ihadtostopmybike.Iturnedaroundtoseea6footgiantstandingtallinfrontofmypassengermakingitadefinite point to show that we can go only when he will allow us to. I heard a splash and immediatelytracedthesource.Itwastheotherbikewhichwasnowturnedtogleamingblackinplaceofgleamingred.Thejuntaonitwereheardcoughingandcursingalltheway.Hoodlum:arreyaarburanamanoholihai.15Me:aiseholikhelijaatihai?dhangsenahinkhelsakte?Hoodlum:naah,mainekahana..buranamanoholihai.Me:holikenaampekatlkardogetobhibologeburanamanoholihai?Hoodlum:abepagalhogayahaikya,kuchbhibolega.shukramanaokichhaddaalrahehain,kichhadmeindubanahirahehain.Me(understandablysubdued):buranamanonaadaanhun.daalokichhadhidaaldo.Myturn.Ihadtobracemyselfforthisbiologicalattack.Oh,howIthenwishedIshouldhaveheededtomymomandappliedantidotesintheformofvaselinebutthenthatwouldhavecorruptedthewholenotionofholi.Butthiswasnotholi!!Thiswasamobplayingoutitshandiworksniceandeasy.Suchisthepowerof the unruly that 1 in 100 compensates for the rest of the 99. Its not about the ganvaar sadakchaapgundemawalis,itsmoretodowiththegeneralpsycheofpeople.Iwasdrenchedinshit,slimeandkichhadaswecallithereincaseyouarewondering.Ideciednottoplayholiingiridihafterthat.The phrase bura na mano holi hai has remained a oneoff spinoffs of the mob. I very much expect someothersonsimilarlinestocropupprettysoon.Forexample:1.buranamanoMNShai.2.buranamanoladkehain.(Oneveteasingforthetubelightsamongstus)3.buranamanoelectionshain,wohbhigeneralwalaelections.4.burnanamanoIndianshain.(onwhat?therecanbesomany!!)5.buranamanorecessionhai.(Jobcuts)6.buranamanosarkarihai.(Statebanks,postoffice,bsnl/mtnletc.,yougetthepicture)7.buranamanosamaajhai.(Samaajisahinditermforsociety)8.buranamanojehaadhai.9.buranamanohumaresanskaarhain.(Ontheselfvigilantesamongstusthemoralpolicethatis).10.buranamanoBharathai.VarunJain 16Drawing parallels between Bostom Consultancy and Women Women are like Bostom Consultancy Group (BCG). The selection procedure of a partner strongly resembles the recruitment procedure of Boston consultancy and Co. Lets see how it works... Boston consultancy arrives in the scene... Firstly they say they are open to all and have no specific requirements. All they want is a person with a spike in his CV. Now people start asking questions. What do you mean by a spike? Should the CGPA be high? Should the extracads be extraordinary? Should I have had presented business plans etc and shown the traits of an entrepreneur? Should I have had excelled in research and gone for few internships at notable institutions? To clear the cloud of doubts, BCG says,No! there is nothing specific that we are looking for... you should come across as an impressive person... a person who can solve problems (whatever that means!) and of course you must have impressive communication skills... and of course you must not be a dud academically.....etc...etc... You put in your resume.... And the fun begins.... The first shortlist arrives... you are confused... You stare at it... unable to make sense of it... there is no pattern whatsoever observable in it... and you suddenly think maybe there is something they can make out of it... that I cant.... But you are happy you are shortlisted... and more so because you are not really 17a dud academically... neither are u a stud...youre not excellent in your communication skills... neither are you a bumbling idiot.... so you are all excited... thrilled... working hard to impress the interviewer... Then comes the informal session... you try to be witty...charming... prove to them that you are knowledgeable about all and sundry in the world... you seem to be at your best... may be u had just managed to come out with flying colors ... you with nothing the spike had managed to hold the stage.... maybe they would see that you are an extraordinary proposition for them.... And then the interview happens you are in for a shock... you had managed to talk well... analyze well... u showed that u had the requisite number of spikes - not only in your CV but also on your head - thanks to nearly 10 years of consistent hard work bordering on maniacal.... but they chose not you... and then it all becomes clear... the pattern that you had often been searching for now accosts you... yes my friend - a single number - called CGPA. With women You go to meet her quite a few times... the first few times you talk on inane subjects... you try to prove to her how big a stud you are (:P)... but these being early days, the time is short and you are required to prove in short as to how you are worthy of a next meeting (CV submission!) Then finally she agrees to go out with you... (in formals - only, this time you pay!) and you are under tremendous pressure to prove to her that you are witty, charming, respect women... blah blah blah etc etc and what not... you toil away and sometimes even make a fool of yourself to make her laugh... and finally go home each time with the satisfaction that you managed to hold the center stage.... All this while you try to understand as to what she seeks in a man. 18Should your man be witty? (You ask her) - yes...but not really....-ok(to yourself) should he be charming - yes... but not really... it is not charm that I am looking for....-ok(again, to yourself) Should he be rich/handsome- no..no..definitely not-wow! Wonderful (again, of course, to yourself) He should be witty...charming... have interesting personality.... but most importantly... he must love me... should be able to keep me happy...etc...etc...blah blah(these are the common things that woman supposedly specify and for a moment or two, when you hear this, you find yourself thinking - Bostom consultancys specifications were clearer!) NOTE :( CTC/good looks in real life equals CGPA in academic life) You had asked her all possible questions and somehow she still managed to keep you in dark regarding the kind of man she would choose... Well, you say to yourself, I at least stand a good chance from all that I can see... And finally, the d-day arrives and you propose... and...You are rejected (of course! as usual?!) Here, unlike Bostom consultancys interview, you do not come to know of the selected candidate then and there....but a few years pass... and you meet her with her guy... and what difference do you see between him and you? Well... you are definitely more intelligent than him... you are surely much more witty than him... you are of course more emotionally stable than him... but...AND THIS IS A BIG BUT.... HIS CTC IS TWICE YOURS AND HE IS FAR MORE GOOD LOOKING THAN YOU! (CG = CTC/LOOKS!) 19 And the big secrets out... and you learn the lesson - at a big cost! The lesson I learnt - from companies and elsewhere - is that it is a simple strategy - you first pull in as many as u can and then use the specifications stated, to tick them off.... You: I was excellent with my extracads... I have wonderful analytical skills... I have superior communication skills... why did you reject me? Company: there - do u see the number - CGPA... thats why you were good at everything... but just that... You: I was witty...charming... loved you etc ..etcblahblah.... then why him... She: Well... you were all that... but u see theres a small aspect - CTC/looks ... see that is where you lost out.... I am sorry And of course the best is left for the last...as always... Company: Sends you a letter stating that all of you are good...were wonderful... but blah blah... look unto me as your mentor blah blah ... you can call me anytime for help....bullshit...bullshit... Woman: I dont love you ... but we can still be good friends...... (aaaaaaaaaaaargghhh)! Did we hear the sound of glass breaking in the background??? - Sourav Das 20 WILLYOUBETHESAMEEVENTOMORROW...???Willyou?Willyoubethesameeventommorow?Asyouholdmyhandswheniamalone...Asyoukissawaymypains...Asyouwipethetearsoffmycheeks...Asyoualwaysbethereasonformysmile....Willyoucaresomuchformeeventomorrow...??Asyoucorrectmewheneveriamwrong...Asyoulistensilentlyeverysinglewordofme..AsyouanswerallmymeaninglessqueriesAsyoucomplimentmeeverytime...Willyouthinksomuchformeeventomorrow...???Asyoupatientlywaitforme...Asyoushareyoujoysandgrieves....Asyoulovetalkingforhourswithme...Asyouputyourtrustinme..Willyouconsidermethesametruefriendeventomorrow...????Asyoualwaysseethetruthinmyeyes...Asyoueasilycatchmyfalsesmiles...Asyouforgivemymillionmistakes..Asyoulovequarrellingwithme....Willyoubesogenuineformeeventomorrow....?????Willyoumydearestfriend?Willyoubeyoueventomorrow..??????NavinKumarAgarwal21MeanderinglifeL Li if fe e h ha as s m ma an ny y o op pp po or rt tu un ni it ti ie es s t to o r re ej jo oi ic ce e u up po on n b bu ut t t th he e b bo ou un nd d o of f t th hi is s j jo oy y m mu us st t n no ot t c co on nc ce ei iv ve e t th he e u ug gl ly y f fa ac ce ed dp pr ri id de e. .T Th he en na an nd dt th he er re et th he en ne ee ed df fu ul li is sd do on ne el le ea av vi in ng gt th he eb be ei in ng gt th hr ra as sh he ed db by ys sh ho oc ck ki in ng gl ly yd di if ff fe er re en nt td de es st ti in ny y. .T Th ha at t s st th he es st tu uf ff fl li if fe ei is sm ma ad de eo of f, ,h hu um ma an ns sc ca an no on nl ly yg gi iv ve ea ac co om mp pu ul ls si iv ve es su ub bm mi is ss si iv ve ea as ss se en nt t. .B Bu ut ty ye et ta ag ga ai in nt th he es so ou ul lh ha as st to or ri is se ea ag ga ai in nt to os st ta an nd df fi ir rm ma ag ga ai in ns st tt th he ea at tr ro oc ci it ti ie es so of ft ti im me e. .A Al li if fe ec co ou ur ra ag ge eo ou us sl ly yl li iv ve ed dc co on ns si is st ts so of fs su uc ch hf fa ai il lu ur re es sa an nd dt th he ep po os si it ti iv ve er ra ay yo of fh ho op pe et th ha at tm mu us st ts st ta ay yu un nd di im mi in ni is sh he ed dt to oh he el lp pu us sr ri is se ea ag ga ai in ns st tt th he ed de es st ti in ny yn no ot tt to oo op pp po os se ei it tb bu ut tt to os si im mp pl ly ys sa ay y Y Ye es s! !I Ic ca an nl li iv ve et th he el li if fe eb be es st to ow we ed db by yt th he eA Al lm mi ig gh ht ty y. . A Am mb bi ig gu uo ou us sw wh hi ir rl lw wi in nd ds sc co on nt ti in nu ue et to oc ch ha as se et th he e s si im mp pl li ic ci it ty y o of f t th he e h hu um ma an n b br ra ai in n. . W Wh he er re e t th he e h he ea ar rt t t tr ra ai il ls s b be eh hi in nd d w wi is sh he es s, , t th he e m mi in nd d s si il le en nc ce es s i it t. . W Wh hy y i is s t th he ef fl lo ow w o of f i in nt te er re es st ts s s so o d di is so or rg ga an ni iz ze ed d? ? W Wh hy y i is s i it t t th ha at t w we e a al lw wa ay ys s h ha av ve e t to o c co om mp pr ro om mi is se e o on n a a d da ai il ly y b ba as si is s? ? I It t s sp pe er rh ha ap ps st tr ru ue et th ha at to on ne eh ha as st to op pa ay ya ab bi ig gp pr ri ic ce ef fo or rl li iv vi in ng go on no on ne e s so ow wn nt te er rm ms s. .A An ne ew wi id de ea at th ha at ts sp pa aw wn ns se ev ve er ry ym mo om me en nt t d do oe es s n no ot th hi in ng g b bu ut t t te es st ti if fi ie es s t th he e f fi ic ck kl le en ne es ss s o of f t th he e h hu um ma an n b br ra ai in n. . I If f t th he e m me en nt ta al l e eb bb bs s a an nd d f fl lo ow ws s b be e a al ll ls si il le en nc ce ed dt to om ma ak ke eu up pa as st tr ro on ng gm mi in nd d, ,a an ni in nv vi in nc ci ib bl le ea am mb bi it ti io on ns sh ha al ll lr re ea ar ri it ts sh he ea ad dt to oc co on nq qu ue er rt th he eu un nc co on nq qu ue er re ed da an nd ds sh ha al ll lw wa as sh ha aw wa ay ya al ll lt tr ra ac ce es so of fp pe er rs so on na al lg gu ui il lt tt th ha at tp pl la ag gu ue es st th he eh hu um ma an nm mi in nd db be ec ca au us se ei id de ea al li it ty yi is sm mu uc ch hf fa ar ra aw wa ay yf fr ro om mt th he er re ea al li it ty y. .B Be ei it tg ga as se es s, ,m mo ot to or rs s, ,m ma ac ch hi in ne es sn ne ev ve er rc ca an ne ef ff fi ic ci ie en nc cy yr re ea ac ch ht th he ep pi in nn na ac cl le e, ,c ce en nt tp pe er rc ce en nt t. .I It ta al lw wa ay ys sh ha as st to ob be el le es ss st th ha an nt th ha at t. .I It tc ca an nn no ot tb be es st tr ra ai ig gh ht ta aw wa ay yd de ec cl la ar re ed dt to ob be en ne eg ga at ti iv ve eo oc cc cu ur rr re en nc ce eb be ec ca au us se ei it th ha as s i it ts s o ow wn nm me er ri it ts s. . I It t i is s a al lw wa ay ys s t th he e u un nd de er rd do og g w wh ho o b bu ur rn ns s w wi it th h t th he e d de es si ir re e t to o g ge et t o on n t to op p. . O On nc ce e r re ea ac ch he ed d, , t th he ed de es si ir re e i is s d de ev vo ou ur re ed d b by y p pe er rs so on na al l p pr ri id de e a an nd d t th he e p pe er rs so on n i is s f fi in ni is sh he ed d. . N No o a am mb bi it ti io on n, , n no o m mo ot ti iv va at ti io on n m ma ak ke es s a ap pe er rs so on nd de ea ad d m mi in nd de ed d. . T Ti im me es sd do on no ot t c co om me eu up pt to o b ba as sk ki in no on ne e s sg gl lo or ry yb bu ut tt to or re es st tr ru uc ct tu ur re ea an nd d a ar rm mo on ne es se el lf ff fo or rt th he ef fu ut tu ur re e. .B Bu ut ta ag ga ai in nn no ot ta al lw wa ay ys ss sh ho ou ul ld do on ne et th hi in nk ka ab bo ou ut tt th he ef fu ut tu ur re ea al lo on ne e. .T Th he ep pr re es se en nt tt th ha at tw we eh ha av ve er ri ig gh ht ti in nf fr ro on nt to of fu us sh ha as sa ad di ic ch ho ot to om my y L Li iv ve ef fo or rt th he ep pr re es se en nt t& &b be ep pr re ep pa ar re ed df fo or rt th he ef fu ut tu ur re e. .B Bo ot th ho of ft th he es se ep pr ri in nc ci ip pl le es sh ha av ve et to ob be eg gi iv ve en ne eq qu ua al li im mp po or rt ta an nc ce ei in no on ne e s sl li if fe e. .F Fa at ti ig gu ue eb bo or rn no of fm mo on no ot to on ny yi is sw wh ha at td di if ff fe er re en nt ti ia at te es sh hu um ma an ns sf fr ro om mb bo ot ts s. .T Th he es se en ns se eo of fi in nt te el ll li ig ge en nc ce et th ha at th hu um ma an ns sh ha av ve eb bu ut tc ca an nn no ot tr re ep pl li ic ca at te ei is sG Go od d s sc co op py yr ri ig gh ht t. .D Do ol ll ly ym ma ay yh ha av ve ev vi io ol la at te ed dt th hi is sb bu ut tt th he ec co on ns se eq qu ue en nc ce es so of fs su uc ch ha av vi io ol la at ti io on n c ca an n p pr ro ov ve e t to o b be e f fa at ta al l. . T Th he ey y s sa ay y h hu um ma an ns s a ar re e m ma ad de e o of f a ai ir r, , w wa at te er r, , e ea ar rt th h, , s sk ky y a an nd d f fi ir re e b bu ut t i it t s st ti il ll lr re em ma ai in ns su un na an ns sw we er re ed da as st to ow wh ha at tp pr ro op po or rt ti io on no of fw wh ha at tm mu us st tb be em mi ix xe ed dt to og ge et tt th he es sa am me eo or ri ig gi in na al li it ty yw wi it th hw wh hi ic ch hG Go od dp pr ro od du uc ce es su us s. .G Gr re ea at tp pe eo op pl le eh ha av ve es sa ai id dm ma an ny yt th hi in ng gs sa ab bo ou ut tl li if fe eb bu ut ti it ts st ti il ll lh ha as st to ob be eb br ro ou ug gh ht to ou ut ta as st to ow wh ha at tp pu ut ts si in nl li if fe ei in nt to oa ab bo od dy y. .E Em mo ot ti io on ns s, ,d de es si ir re es s, ,i in nt te el ll li ig ge en nc ce ea ar re ei in nt tr ri in ns si ic ca al ll ly yp pl la ac ce ed di in nt th he eh hu um ma an ns se el lf f. .I If fh hu um ma an ns sc ca an n e ev ve en n e ex xp pl lo or re e t th he ei ir r o ow wn n s se el lf f t th he ey y b be ec co om me e v ve er ry y k kn no ow wl le ed dg ge ea ab bl le e. . T Th he e h hu um ma an n r ra ac ce e h ha as s a at tt ta ai in ne ed du un np pa ar ra al ll le el le ed dd do om mi in na an nc ce eo ov ve er rE Ea ar rt th ha an nd dt th he ei ir rf fe el ll lo ow wb be ei in ng gs sd dw we el ll li in ng go on nE Ea ar rt th hb bu ut ti it ti is sa af fa ac ct tt to ot th hi in nk ku up po on na as st to o w wh hy y w we er re e h ho om mo o s sa ap pi ie en ns s c ch ho os se en n f fo or r t th he e j jo ob b a an nd d a ar re e w we e r re ea al ll ly y s st ta an nd di in ng g u up p t to o t th he e c ch ho oi ic ce e m ma ak ke er r s se ex xp pe ec ct ta at ti io on ns s? ? A Ar re e w we e h he er re e t to o u us se e t th he e w wo or rl ld d f fo or r o ou ur r b be en ne ef fi it ts s a an nd d p pe er ri is sh h w wh he en n i it t c ca an n n no o m mo or re e y yi ie el ld d t to o o ou ur ri in nt te er re es st ts s? ? T Th he es se e q qu ue es st ti io on ns s t te en nd d t to o r ra ak ke e i in n t th he e i in nn ne er r c co on ns sc ci ie en nc ce e o of f h hu um ma an ns s a an nd d m ma ak ke e t th he em m r re ea al li iz ze e t th he ei ir rr re es sp po on ns si ib bi il li it ty yt to ow wa ar rd ds st th hi is sG Go od d g gi if ft te ed dw wo or rl ld d. .E Ev ve er ry yd de ec ci is si io on ni in nl li if fe ei is su ul lt ti im ma at te el ly yt th he ec ch ho oi ic ce eb be et tw we ee en ng go oo od da an nd db ba ad d. .T Th hi is sb ba as si ic cd de ec ci is si io on nw wh hi ic ch ht th he es su up pr re em me ep po ow we er rh ha as sl le ef ft tt th he eH Ho om mo os sa ap pi ie en ns st to om ma ak ke et th ho ou ug gh ht th he eo on nl ly yd de ec ci is si io on ni is ss st ti il ll lt to ou ug gh he en no ou ug gh hf fo or rh hu um ma an ns s. .O On ne em ma ay yn no ot ta al lw wa ay ys sm ma ak ke et th he ec co or rr re ec ct td de ec ci is si io on n. .B Bu ut td do oe es sh he ek kn no ow ww wh he et th he er rt th he ed de ec ci is si io on nm ma ad de eb by yh hi im mi is sc co or rr re ec ct t22o or ri in nc co or rr re ec ct t. .T Th he eo ou ut tc co om me ew wh he en nr re ea al li iz ze ed di is sc ch hr ri is st te en ne ed da as sf fa at te e. .A An nd dt th he en nc co om me es st th he ea ad da ag ge e, , F Fa at te er ru ul le es sa an nd dc co on nt tr ro ol ls st th he ea ac ct ti io on no of fm me en n. . M Mo or re eo ov ve er r, ,t th he eb bo ou un nd ds so of ft th he ed de ec ci is si io on na ar re ey ye et tt to ob be ec co on ns si id de er re ed d, ,w wh he et th he er rt th he ey ya ar re e l li im mi it te ed d t to o t th hi is s e ea ar rt th hl ly y p pe er ri io od d o or r a ar re e t th he e l li im mi it ts s t to o b be e p pu us sh he ed d t to o t th he e a af ft te er rl li if fe e. . T Th hi is s a ag ge e n na am me ed d a as s K Ka al ly yu ug go of ft te en n j ju us st ti if fi ie es s i it ts s n na am me e w wh he er re e p pe eo op pl le e h ha av ve e c co om me e a ac cr ro os ss s s su uc ch h d de ec ci is si io on ns s a an nd d h ha av ve e m ma ad de e t th he ei ir r d de ec ci is si io on n i in ns sy yn nc c w wi it th h t th he e p pr re es se en nt t. . T Th he e p pr re es se en nt t i is s a al ll l t th ha at t i is s t to o b be e t th ho ou ug gh ht t a ab bo ou ut t a an nd d d de ec ci id de ed d u up po on n. . I In ns sa at ti ia at te e d de es si ir re es s, ,i in ns su ur rm mo ou un nt ta ab bl le e p pr ro ob bl le em ms s h ha av ve e t to o b be e m me et t i in n t th hi is s s sh ho or rt t a an nd d n no ot t s so o s sw we ee et t l li if fe e a an nd d t th ha at t r re ea ar rs s u up p i it ts s h he ea ad d i in nb be ec co om mi in ng g t th he e k ke ey y d de ec ci is si iv ve e f fa ac ct to or r. . I It t i is s i in ne ev vi it ta ab bl le e b be ec ca au us se e t th hi in ng gs s b be ey yo on nd d h hu um ma an n c co om mp pr re eh he en ns si io on n e ex xi is st t a an nd dh hu um ma an nb be ei in ng gs sh ha av ve ea al li im mi it te ed df fo or re es si ig gh ht t. .P Pr ro ov vi in ng gy yo ou ur rs se el lf fs so om me et ti im me es sr re eq qu ui ir re es sd de et te er ri io or ra at ti in ng gy yo ou ur rs se el lf ft to ot th he ee ex xt te en nt to of fb ba at tt te er ri in ng gy yo ou ur ro ow wn nm mo or ra al li it ty ys so ot th ha at ty yo ou ub be ef fi it tt th he ew wo or rl ld d. .B Bi ir rt th ho of fa ap pe er rs so on na aq qu ui it te en ne ec ce es ss si it ta at te es st th he em mu ur rd de er ro of ft th he eb be ei in ng go or rr ra at th he er rp pr ro ov vi id di in ng ga ac co oa at t o of f w wo or rl ld dl li in ne es ss s w wh he er re e t th he e s se el lf f h ha as s l lo os st t c co on ns sc ci ie en nc ce e t to o j ju us st ti if fy y i it ts se el lf f a an nd d e ex xp pl lo oi it t o op pp po or rt tu un ni it ti ie es s s sp pr re ea ad d i in ns sh ha am mb bl le es s. .D De es st tr ru uc ct ti io on no of fa am mo on nu um me en nt ti is sa ap pr re ec cu ur rs so or rt to ot th he ec co on ns st tr ru uc ct ti io on no of fa an no ot th he er r. .T Th hi is sv ve er ry yb ba as si ic cl la aw wo of fn na at tu ur re el le ea av ve es so on ne ed de ev va as st ta at te ed dt to ot th he el le ev ve el lo of fb be ea ar ri in ng gt th he eb br ru un nt to of fc ch ha an ng ge e. .T Th he eo on nl ly yc co on ns st ta an nt tt th hi in ng gt th ha at te ev ve er re ex xi is st te ed d i in n t th hi is s u un ni iv ve er rs se e i is s c ch ha an ng ge e. . Q Qu ui it te e a a p pa ar ro od dy y b bu ut t t th he e m mo os st t b bi it tt te er r o of f a al ll l t tr ru ut th hs s. . C Ch ha an ng ge es s a ar re e i in ne ev vi it ta ab bl le eb bu ut t s so om me et ti im me es s n no ot t t to ol le er ra ab bl le e. . W Wh he et th he er r i it t i is s t th he e c ch ha an ng ge e o of f t th he e c co ou ur rs se e o of f a a r ri iv ve er r o or r t th he e c ch ha an ng ge e o of f r ru ul le es s, ,h hu um ma an ns s h ha av ve e b be ee en n t te es st te ed d o on n t th he e r ra ai il ls s o of f t ti im me e f fo or r e et te er rn ni it ty y. . A An nd d t th he ey y h ha av ve en n t t s sh he ed d t th he ei ir r a ar rm ms s i in n t th hi is s s se el lf f w wa ag ge ed d w wa ar r. . H Hu um ma an ns s h ha av ve e p pr ro ov vi id de ed d r re eq qu ui is si it te e t te es st ti im mo on ny y t to o p pr ro ov ve e t th he ei ir r m me et tt tl le e i in n f fi ig gh ht ti in ng g t to o l li iv ve e t th he ei ir r l li if fe e t th he eo on nl ly yt th hi in ng ge ev ve er ry yh hu um ma an nu ul lt ti im ma at te el ly yt te en nd ds st to oi im mp pr ro ov ve e. .E Ev ve er ry ym mi in nu ut te et th hi in ng gt th ha at ta ah hu um ma an nd do oe es sw wh he et th he er ri it ti is s s se ew wi in ng g a a b bu ut tt to on n o on n t to o a a s sh hi ir rt t o or r l la au un nc ch hi in ng g a a r ro oc ck ke et t i in nt to o s sp pa ac ce e i is s j ju us st t a an n a at tt te em mp pt t t to o m ma ak ke e t th hi is s e ea ar rt th hl ly yj jo ou ur rn ne ey ym mo or re ee en nj jo oy ya ab bl le e, ,m mo or re ef fr ru ui it tf fu ul l. .B By yt th he ei ir rb ba as si ic ci in ns st ti in nc ct ts sh hu um ma an ns sa ar re eg gu ui id de ed dt to om ma ak ke et th he eb be es st tu us se eo of ft th he e r re es so ou ur rc ce es s a at t t th he ei ir r d di is sp po os sa al l t to o m ma ak ke e t th hi is s G Go od d g gi if ft te ed d l li if fe e e ev ve en n b be et tt te er r. . P Pu up pp pe et ts s o of f t th hi is s e ea ar rt th hl ly y t th he ea at tr re e, ,t th he ey y a ar re e c co om mp pe el ll le ed d p pl la ay y t th he e r ro ol le es s a as ss si ig gn ne ed d t to o t th he em m. . C Cl le ev ve er rn ne es ss s h ha as s b be es st to ow we ed d h hu um ma an ns s w wi it th h t th he e a ab bi il li it ty y t to or re ei it te er ra at te et th he ea ac ct ti iv vi it ti ie es so of ft th he ei ir ro ow wn nc cr re ea at to or r. .T Th he ec cr re ea at to or rm ma ad de ea ae eu up ph he em mi is st ti ic cm mi is st ta ak ke ei in ng gi iv vi in ng gh hu um ma an ns st th he ef fe ee el li in ng go of fa as sp pi ir ra at ti io on ns s. .T Th he el li id di is sn no ot ty ye et tp pr ro ov vi id de ed df fo or rs su uc ch ha an na at tt ta ac ch hm me en nt t. .T Th hi in ng gs sh ha ap pp pe en nf fo or ra ar re ea as so on na an nd da as sl lo on ng ga as st th he er re ea as so on ni is sn no ot tr re ev ve ea al le ed dw we ed do on no ot th ha av ve es su uf ff fi ic ci ie en nt tr ri ig gh ht ts st to oc cr ri it ti ic ci iz ze eo ou ur rv ve er ry yo ow wn nc cr re ea at to or r. .F Fi in ng ge er rs sb be ei in ng gf fi iv ve es si ig gn ni if fy yt th he ee ex xt te en nt t, ,t th he el li im mi it to of fh hu um ma an ni in nv vo ol lv ve em me en nt ti in na ac ct ti iv vi it ti ie es s. .T Th he ef fi iv ve ea ar re en n t ta al lo on ne eb bu ut ta ar re e a ac cc co om mp pa an ni ie ed d b by y a an no ot th he er r s si im mi il la ar r s se et t t th ha at t d de ef fi in ne es s t th he e c ch hi ir ra al li it ty y o of f t th he ei ir r e ex xi is st te en nc ce e. . A An n e ev vi id de en nc ce e t to o t th he ei ir ru un ni iq qu ue en ne es ss s a an nd d a a t te es st ti im mo on ny y o of f t th he ey y b be ei in ng g c co om mp pl le em me en nt ta ar ry y t to o e ea ac ch h o ot th he er r. . T To og ge et th he er r t th he ey y d de ef fi in ne e a an na am ma al lg ga am ma at ti io on n o of f u un ni it ty y, , u un ni iq qu ue en ne es ss s a an nd d l li im mi it ta at ti io on n. . O Ou ur r h ha an nd ds s t th ha at t r ro oo ot t o ou ur r p pa al lm m a an nd d o ou ur r p pa al lm ms s t th ha at t r ro oo ot to ou ur r f fi in ng ge er rs s t te el ll l u us s s so om me et th hi in ng g a ab bo ou ut t t th he e d de es si ig gn n o of f a a s st tr ru uc ct tu ur re e t th ha at t s sp pe ea ak ks s s si il le en nt tl ly y a a w wh ho ol le e l lo ot t o of f t th hi in ng gs s. .H Hu um ma an ns sw wo or rk ka an nd dt th he ey yw wo or rk kf fo or rt th he em ms se el lv ve es s. .I In ns st tr ru um me en nt ts sp pr ro ov vi id de ed da at ts so om me et ti im me es se ee em me ed dr re ed du un nd da an nt tt to ot th he er ri is si in ng g n ne ee ed ds s o of f t th he e p po op pu ul li i. . A An nd d t th he en n i in nn no ov va at ti io on n o oc cc cu ur rs s w wh hi ic ch h l li iv ve es s i in n t th he e w wo om mb b o of f e em mu ul la at ti io on n b bu ut ts su ur rp pr ri is si in ng gl ly yi is sb bo or rn no of fi in nt te el ll li ig ge en nc ce e. .C Ca ar rr ri ie ed db by yo on ne ea an nd db bo or rn ne eb by ya an no ot th he er r a at th he em me et th ha at ti is sn no ot ts so on no ou uv ve el li is ss st ti il ll l p pe ec cu ul li ia ar r. . A A t te es st t t tu ub be e b ba ab by y, , t th he e c cl lo on ne e o of f a a s sh he ee ep p, , l lo oc co om mo ot ti io on n o of f a a c ca ar r a ar re e i in n s so om me e w wa ay y o or r t th he e o ot th he er rc co op pi ie ed d f fr ro om m a a s so ou ur rc ce e w wh ho o i is s n no on ne e o ot th he er r t th ha an n o ou ur r v ve er ry y o ow wn n a al ll l p pe er rv va ad di in ng g n na at tu ur re e. . T Th he e d de ef fi in ni it ti io on n o of f a an ni in nn no ov va at ti io on ns si il le en nt tl ly ys st tr ri ik ke es so of ff ft th he eg gu ui il lt to of fn no ot tb be ei in ng gn no ou uv ve el lb bu ut ti im mi it ta at te ed di in ns so om me ew wa ay yo or rt th he eo ot th he er rf fr ro om mt th he eb be es st t t te ea ac ch he er r o of f m ma an n N Na at tu ur re e. . A A w wo or rl ld d s so o s sm ma al ll l a as s c co om mp pa ar re ed d t to o t th he e u un ni iv ve er rs se e s st ti il ll l h ha as s v vi iv vi id d d di iv ve er rs si it ty y w wi it th hi in ni it ts se el lf ft to ot te ea ac ch hg ge en ne er ra at ti io on ns so of fh hu um ma an ns sn ne ew we er ra an nd dn ne ew we er rt th hi in ng gs se ea ac ch ht ti im me ew wi it th ho ou ut tr ru un nn ni in ng go ou ut to of fs st to oc ck k. . - PiyushPanigrahi23Don't fall in love, better rise in it Enthralledbyhergracefulpersona,Attractedtohervivacioussmile,Infatuatedtohercarminelips,Fascinatedbyherangeliceyes,Silkentressesswirledherface,Ilookedatherwithnonchalance,Shewaswithoutdoubtbeautypersonified,Itwasindeedloveatfirstsight.LoveisabeautifuljourneyIttranspiresyouthroughdifferentvagariesoflifeSeveralmeetsandfrequentchatsLedmetobelieveshemaybetheoneDestinyneverfailsyoutosurpriseAbstruseitmayseembutIcametorealizeForshehadalreadyacceptedsomeoneelse'sproposeThedaysofhappinessseemedlonggoneIwasinthemidstofasituationwhichlookedforlornNonplussedIwasoverthefactualtruthDesolatetoastatewhereevenhopesfalteredThefeelingsofmelancholybegantocreepOutdonebysomeonewashardtobelieveWhatpointisitifonehangsintime?FordestinycanflipaspirationsfutileItcanhurtforsomefleetingmomentsButabrokenheartdefinitelyhealsinawhileYourheartcompellsyoutofallinloveIratherprefertoriseinit.TariqueAdnanSiddiqui24How do I praise Spring TeachmeOLordtopraiseSpringForneitherKeatsnorByronamI;YetIfeelastheymighthavefelt,TellmeifIflattermyself.ThegentlekissofthemorningsunMycoldskin'tisteasing;ThestealthysproutingofthegreenLikeyourbabygirlgrowing.Thebiteofthenightthoughnotover,BringswithitthesoothingpromiseOfawarmermorningmorebenign,Waitingrewardsahealthierfleece.ThishumanbodymadetorespondToseasons,warmthandrainAlittlelostinthisconcretejungleAndtothecoldboxes'feign.Thesweatandgloryofsummer,Thefearandromanceofrains,Thefulfillmentofautumn,Arenothinglikespring'splays.Festivitiesend,thenewyearcomes,Joyabounds,Hopesflare,Heartsleap,thespringinthesteps;Lifeswingsoninthevernalfair.AmIdreaming,isthispraising?HaveIcomposedapoem?ForgivemeLord,IknownothowToexpressmyfeelingswell!- J eeva n J yot i Ch a kr a bor t y 25THEINSANEDOCTORWelandedupnowhere.Thequestforabeaconoflightseemedperpetualatthispointoftime.Void all around and objects seemed nonexistent but in addition being cloaked by the deepbluesky.Theworldputuponaperilousfaceatthisinstant.Theswirlingwindsdancedawayto their own beats amidst the intricacies of our pinna. The tunes soon metamorphosed intopainfulnoise.Maroonedinpitchblackdarkness,wecouldhardlydecideastowhatweweresupposedtodorightthen.Theskyabovewasrepletewithstars,eachoneofthemtryingtoproveitsidentity,byshiningtotheirmightsothattheybecomethemostconspicuousofthemall.Butthen,thedarkcloudswerenolesscompetentintheirendeavourstomaskthesestars.Allthisdramaseemedtobeaplayfulgameofhidenseekplayedbythestarsandtheclouds.Itwasonlythroughstaringatthe sky that we were confident of existing beneath the sky and above our very own Earth.Countlessthornsprickedthroughourfeet,buttheonlyconcernwasthefearofbeingpreyedupon by tigers and bears which would go away as soon as we could come out of the jungle.None, but those who might have gone through such an ordeal could understand our state ofmind.Three hours before dawn, having walked for about ten miles, my friend said, Anurag, Icannot walk further. I am very tired. The forest does not seem to end soon. Lets wait overhereandcontinueatsunrise.Theneedformyaffirmationseemedirrelevant.Evenbeforehesatontheground,Iheavedalongbreathandsatoverthere.Westayeddumbforaboutfiveminutesnotbeinginastatetospeaktoeachother.Suddenly,myfriendasked,Anurag,areyouafraid?I could not say anything and chose to remain silent. He again said, Well, Anurag, have youeverbeentosuchadarknightbefore?Thistrickleofquestionstowardsmewasanattempttokeepupthetempo.No,Ihavebeenneverbeenintosuchsituationbefore,Ireplied.Anyways,itisnotnewforme.Ihavehadsuchanexperiencebefore.Ihadlostmyway.hesaid. Before he had completed his sentence, the words lost ...way seemed to reverberateamongsttherichdiversityofleavesallaroundinthedarkforestandechoedinourears.Myheart started beating faster and my vocal cords involuntarily articulated, You had lost yourway...in this dark a night? He kept quiet for some time and then resumed, ...a night evenmore horrifying than this, Anurag. Its a queer story. I would consider ourselves lucky if wegetthroughthisnightwithouthavingtoundergowhatIhadbeenthroughonthatfatefulday.A horrendous monster born of fear and anxiety started playing with my cerebral neurons. Achillwentdownmyspine.Somethingworsethanthis!Iexclaimed.Thenlisten,whyIthinkwewouldbelucky...26_______________________________________________________________________________________________________TheidesofSeptemberhadgone.Itwasanightdarkerandmorefrighteningthantonight.Thetale of the night is indelibly inscribed in my memory lines. My friend and I were theretogether. The sky was thundering with shots of lightening being put forth mercilessly uponthe Earth every now and then, so as to rip it apart. Occasionally, the birds on the treesscreecheddolefullyinaqueerintonation.We had been misled from our path by the dusk setting in. We crossed the borders ofBasantpurtoenterintoMoghalbandi.Justasaleafiscarriedawaybytheturbulentriver,wewalkedaimlessly.Butthen,wecouldsensethatwehadhituponaroadbythefeelonourfeet.As far as possible, we tried to follow the discovered path like blind persons. After havingwalked for around a mile or two, we could see a thin beam of light. Life rekindled in ourdumbfounded bosoms thinking that the ray of light might as well be coming from a nearbyvillage.Inactuality,therewasavillagebutlightwasnotemergingfromthevillagebutfromahousealittledistanceawayfromthevillage.Guidedbythislight,wereachedthesmallcottage.Insidethecottage,therewerefivepersons,twoofthemmiddleagedandthereststillintheiryouth.Fortunately, below our umbrella we had a piece of cloth which was dry. We changed ourclothes and made arrangements to spend the night in the cottage. The room inside wassufficiently large to accommodate five to seven persons conveniently. A cot was lying by thesidewithamattresswhichwouldbeaboutfouryearsold.Abrokenboxwastherebelowthecot. Another corner of the room had a number of glass bottles and bamboo pipes collectedover there. In yet another corner there was a stove, with two or more pots hanging on thewalladjacenttothestove.Thehouselookedlikeoneofthewrestlingcentrescommonplaceinrural India. Just as we had taken in a breath a relief, we heard a voice from within. Pleaseleaveme.It seemed as if his vocal cord stiffened after having said so. The eyelids wide open, with thepupil staring down as dead balls. With crunching teeth and a strengthened fist he advancedtowards us with intent of attack. However, other persons over there together with our helpwere able to overpower him. He settled down for a moment before resorting to his insanemannerisms at the very next moment. As the dark of the night drew might, the turbulenceoutsideincreasedandthemangotangrier.Seeinghim,Ithoughthewaseitherpossessedbysome evil spirit or actually had gone mad. An hour or two before dawn, his lunacy starteddimming.Hewaslyinglifelessasarockonthebed.Hislunacyhaddieddownbuthehadnowstartedtalkingallnonsenseincessantly.Amonghisjumbledwords,whatwecoulddecipherwasAfter that? After that, I sent the lazy guy to get some medicinal ingredients for me fromAkramsshop.Binod,Iwasexpectingaprettygoodpackageofmoneybuttheydisappointedme, bloody misers. Raghu died inno time and they started blamingme. Canyou believe it? Iam a doctor of high repute and they say I had poisoned Raghu with all sorts of wrongmedication.Oh!Myfatherinheavenpleasebashmeupwithallsortsofcurses.IamguiltyofhavingmurderedRaghu.Beatmeupforthesin.andthenstartedcrying.27Anotherpersonfromthelotsaid,BrotherSrikanth,whyareyoubehavingthisway.Areyoudreamingaboutsomethin?Fromhistalks,IcouldmakeoutthathewasSrikanth,whowasamedicaladvisor.Inthegreedfor money, he had prescribed a poisonous drug to Raghu who died soon after and owing tothat,heisbehavinglikeamadperson.He again started blabbering, Vikas Das offered me a hundred bucks for killing his youngerbrotherNeelDasson.Hisbodyshrunktoanuglyfigurewithhishairstandingonitsend.Hiseyes welled up with tears. I guessed he might revert back to wild insanity, but he kept quietfor quite sometime and then started taking againThe avarice for property is thereintrinsically in everyone with no exceptions thereof. Only and only for money, I have mademanypeoplecry,crippledmanyandhavekilledsonsofmanymothers.Dama!Dama!Dama!Hebecameunconscioussoonafter.Hereturnedbacktohisoriginalstateofmindandonceagainstartedbabbling,IhavekilledRaghu,Binod.Ihavekilledhim.Iamamurderer.Werentyoufriendswithmewhenwehadmurdered Raghu. To this accusation Binod replied, Shut up, Srikanth. You are out of yourwits.Youhavegonemad.Goandsleep.Srikanthreiterated,Yes,yes,Ihavegonecrazy.Youmixedtheingredientsininappropriateproportions.Youdidtheneedfultogetyourownshareoffiftybucks.ButwhenRaghudied,itwas me who was held responsible. Here comes, Raghu. . He sits on the bed screaming atempty walls and pointing his fingers to each and everyone standing over there. They tried alottohidefactsfromusbutthecathadalreadybeenletoutofthebag.However,Icouldnotsolve the mysterious case. Moreover, they couldnt even gather courage to oust us from thehouse.Srikanth started with the same old story, Let me tell you the story. Vikas Das had paid mehundred bucks beforehand. Due to property related matters, brothers Vikas and Neel dontliveongoodterms.Neelhadonlyoneson,Damawhohadcompleterightovertheproperty.IncaseofDamasdeath,Vikassonwouldinherittheproperty.Damaisagoodoldfriendofmyson Raghu. They used to sit together, sleep together and think on similar lines. Isnt it,Binod?Onthatday,Damawassufferingfromfever.Raghuwassittingallthroughbyhisside.At that time, Vikas handed me hundred bucks to adulterate Damas medicine with toxicelements.Icouldnotcontrolmygreedandagreedtothedeal.Now,letmeelaborateonwhathappened further. You had mixed the ingredients and prepared the medicines. What morecouldyouhavedone?Neelfellonmyfeetprayingforhissonslife.I paused for a while. Still, the craving for money won over my ethics and my morals. Iimmediately handed over those toxic medicines to Neel. He was very happy and cheerfullytook the medicines back to his house. But, here back at my own bed, I was plagued withunrestandanxietyoverastowhatmusthavehappenedtoDama.EverytimeIsteppedoutofmy house to reveal everything to Neel, the glimpse of the hundred rupee note reeled in mymindandIcameback.Mywifehadbeenbusyallnightcountingthemoney.Neithershenormehadeverseensuchalotofmoney.Manyatimesduringtheturbulentnight,shehadcomeuptomesuggestingastohowwewouldspendthismoney(Raghusmarriage,gardeningetc.).28Raghusmarriage.Oh!God.Dama!Raghu!Tearsrolleddownhercheeks.Binod said, Go, Srikanth and sleep. Why do you blabber all nonsense in the dead of thenight?Youwouldruinyourownhealth.Srikanth resumed, The night was transforming into a dawn. Cries were heard from Neelshouse.Ithoughttheywerethereverberationsofmyowndeeds.Aftersometime,thescreamsseemedtobecomelouderandlouderuntilIrealisedthatpeoplewerecryingatmydoorstep.Oneofthemsaid,ItsoverSrikanth,itsallover.Backinmyhouse,mywifescreamedtoherloudestsaying,WhereisRaghu?Whereishe?.Whilesayingthis,Srikanthresortedtojerks.He continued, Neither Raghu nor Dama were alive anymore. Sitting beside Dama, raghudrank water from the same glass in which Dama had taken his medicines. The world grayeddownforme.Sayingthis,Srikanthfainted.Amongst the deep forests of Moghalbandi, Two funeral pyres set up high rising smokes thatblemishedtheskyandalsotheincidentmadeheadlinesinthenewspaperssubsequently.______________________________________________________________________________________________________ThetouchingstorywentsodeepwithinmyheartthatIcouldhardlyrealisethatwehadbeensittingallthroughthedayanditwasnoonbynow.Welefttheplacetofindourway...PiyushParitoshPanigrahi 29 Skhool of Rock Areyouoneofthosepeoplewhoalwaysshufflearounduncomfortablyinyourseatatarockconcert?Letmeshowyouhowtofitin..Step1.Hairiseverything.Growyourhair.Step2.Thefingers.PracticeextendingyourpinkyandindexfingersinamannernonreminiscentofRajnikanth.Step3.GeneralKnowledge:Veryimportant.There'snothingmoreexcitingfor'metalheads'thanbouncingnamesofmetalbandsamongstthemselves.Whenindoubtoratalossforanameinsuchaconversation,pickatleast2wordsoutofthefollowinglist:Corpse(s),Moronic,Korkon,Marauding,Absolution,Cheddis,Glorketh,Balderdash,etc.ItgenerallyhelpstoknowafewScandinavianwordsaswell.Oh...anddonotforgettogenerouslyflashthetwofingersign.Step4.Veryessentialmetalheadgear:a.ProverbialBlackTShirtwithnameandmotifofanyband,preferablyusingStep3.b.Cigarettelightertowavearound,andforanyotheruseyoumaycomeupwith.Mobilephones,thoughaneffectivealternative,arehighly'uncool'.c.Spikebands,gymgloves,andacarefullycultivatedthatchofhairbeneaththelip.Havingfollowedthestepssofar,youshouldbelookinglikea'metalhead'orsomethingremotelyclose.You'reallset!!!Step5.Onyourwayto,andduringtheconcert,stickyourtongueoutandmakethetwofingersignofStep2alltheway,preferablyaimedatother'metalheads',soasnottobeconfusedwitharabiddog.Step6.Theconceptoftheairguitar.Anairguitaristheguitaryou'play'duringtheconcertalongwiththeband.Don'tworryaboutlosingitorleavingitbehind;youcanalwaysconjureoneoutofthinair!Thiscanbeextendedtoalltheinstrumentsthatyouseeonstage.30Here'sanexampleofacoolphraseyoumightliketodroparoundnonchalantly:"WellIhearthatJohnFretucciusedanXZY7Qmodelprocesoratmark15:10minuteforasolointhePhrygianscaleina22/7timethatonlytwootherpeopleinthisuniverseknowhowtoplay."Nevermindwhatitmeans.Passitoffwithanenigmaticsmile(and,nottoforget,the2fingersign....).Step7.The'Elegant'ArtofHeadBanging.HeadBanging(whennotdoneagainstawall)isahighlysafeandsatisfyingwayofenjoyingyourselfatanymetalconcert.Toreducestrainonyourneck,wesuggestyouuseNewtoniangravitytoyourfullestadvantage.Usingquantumgravityisnotrecommendedasyoumightnotknowwhereyourheadwillbenext.Thereare3primarystylesofheadbanging:a.UpandDown:Simplestofall.Shakeyourheadviolentlyupanddowninafrenzy.b.Circular/Helicopter:Rotateyourheadclockwiseorcounterclockwise,fast.Reversedirectionfrequentlytopreventyourheadfromspinning.c.Drunk:Thiscomesautomaticallywheninthementionedstate.But,ifnotquiteinebriated,wesuggestyoufollowaflyaroundtheplace.Step8.TheHangover.Ifyou'vecomethisfar,yourneckismostlikelyshottohell.Butworrynot.We,outofexperiencesuggestthefollowingmixknowntoworkwell:5mLMoov+5mLIodex+eggyolk+1tabletVickskigoli,whippedinamixer.Applythismixturegenerouslyandholdyourbreath. DeepakCherian31TurbulenceofTimesGrainsofmicaremaininconspicuousinheapsofsand.Whocaresforatenthininfinity?Anadage,wellsaid, Time and tide wait for none hurls abuses of ambiguity for it doesnt specify the rate at whichtimetravels.Westillhavenotdiscoveredaunitthatcantrulydescribetherateofchangeoftimesandstillwearenotclosetoaconclusion.So,theadagestandstallandheadstrong.Toquantifytherateoftime, we are still far behind. Einstein gambled with it. Newton left it unanswered. Have we everthought of measuring the rate of change of times. Why do we always believe that a time versus timeplot is straight line with slope one. As time passes by, it smiles looking back at us. Why is it that wealways look forward to time? We say, everything smoothens out in the long run, faltering at thedefinition of long run, a function of time yet again. We humans have never understood time in itsentirety. Time has always been deceptive(especially, to procrastinators) and there is no one we cancomplainaboutit.Wefailtolocateourverycoordinatesinthistimeversustimeplot,letaloneotherparameters.Anoldcarpenterwasoncemakingwheelsforhisbullockcartwhenhisgrandsoncuriouslyasks,Whydou you require the spokes, Grandpa, when the rim can roll on its own . Many of us would laugh atthisquestionbutthequestionsinnocencestillanswersthequestionthatwehavebeendiscussingallthroughout.The answer is simple. Control. To run an organisation, freedom cannot be given to each and everymember.Aleadermustleadandtherestmustfollow.Thequeenant,theferociouslion,and,zoomingout of the scenario, God has done it. Questions on His existence have been raised many a time, buthaventthehumansponderedastohowperfectlytheuniversefunctions.Doesitallrunonitsown?Thereforethebatonoftimehasnotbeengiventoman.Thispowerbuttoniswellcontrolledwhichisnecessary. Without the spokes the rim would roll, but does it roll in the required direction and moreimportantly,doesithelpinmovingthecartahead? PiyushPanigrahi 32 3334" " 1 , | .. , + | ... | .. | ,... 1 .. , ... | .. | .. , .. .. .. .. 7 ....... ... .. .. .. .. 1 ... + ... . .| ... - 35 , ? ? F , F | - E , ? , ? ? E--7 - , 2 1 + , +E | | , ? , ? ? | , | , | | , , ? , ? ? 36 7 | 7 7| 37 e e i ds p? n d o a c n e o e , ei , e i, i u 38 , d u e e u n , , i o e i , e u ei d n i? ? ? b pk, i , o i an d o an i , an pk - 39 40 41ShivamRajgriharshivamrajgrihar@[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]@[email protected] Manoj Kumar Kuldeep [email protected] HarikumarGollagudemharry.reddy7@gmail.com43SurendraKr.Darsurendraonline@gmail.comSamirKumarMardisamirkgpian@[email protected] NiravParnaminiraviitkgpster@gmail.com44IshanChaturvediishan.chaturvedi@gmail.comHimanshuAggarwalhimanshu.iitkgp05@gmail.comJanisharImamjanishar@gmail.comPraveenKr.Mishrarukhsat.praveen@gmail.com45HarishSahuharishsahu.iit@gmail.comMayankMishramayank.iitkgp2005@gmail.comKumarPriyatamAshokpriyatamiitkgp@gmail.comUtkarshBhardwajutkarsh.bhardwaj@gmail.com46ArnabGhosharnabghos@gmail.comSarabjeetSinghsarabjeet85@gmail.comAbhinavAnkurabhinavitis@gmail.comShobhitGuptaiitkgp.shobhit@gmail.com47PankajAgarwalpankajiitian@gmail.comSiddharthTiwarysiddharth.iit@gmail.comSandeepBussadeepu.iitkgp@gmail.comGyandeepMomigyandeep.momi@gmail.com48VijaykanthBodduvkbodduece@[email protected]@[email protected] Anvesh Komuravelli [email protected] Abhinav Kumar [email protected]@[email protected] 50 [email protected]@gmail.comKotaNagarjunRaonagarjun.kota@gmail.comAnkitJainanksmarty001@gmail.com51NikhilAgarwalnikkhilagarwal@gmail.comRohanAnandiit.rohan.kgp@gmail.comPrateekMustaficoolbloodedprateek@gmail.comPrateekAgarwalprat0318@gmail.com52VishnuCharanvishnuitsme@[email protected]@gmail.comSudipRoysroyiitkgp@gmail.com53DebaPrakashGurudebguruiitian@gmail.comSumanMukherjeeece.suman@gmail.comPriyeshJaipuriarpriyeshjaipuriar@[email protected]@gmail.comAmitKesarwaniamit.iitkgp.im@[email protected]@gmail.com55ShreyModishreymodi@gmail.comSushilSubramaniamsushilsub@[email protected]@gmail.com56AviJainJain.iitkgp@gmail.comAnikhThakuranikh.hotshot.thakur@[email protected]@gmail.com57RakshitKoranneavishkar.smarty@[email protected]@gmail.comBipulJeetbipul.jeet@gmail.com58AshutoshDimridimri.ashutosh@gmail.comShadabAnwarshadab.blues@gmail.comSamantakGangopadhyaysamantak.life@gmail.comMathavKishoreMmathavkishore@[email protected]@[email protected][email protected]@gmail.comPankajKumarChauhandopa646@gmail.comKarthikKiranlifeinkgp@gmail.comNeerajGuptaneerajgupta000@gmail.com61RoushanKumarroushankr@[email protected]@gmail.comRamManoharRairammanoharrai@[email protected]@gmail.comShashinSharanshashin.sharan@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@gmail.comKapilSubramaniamkapilsub@[email protected]@gmail.comAnujHemantXessxess.anuj@gmail.comAnuragMarkTopnoanuragmark@gmail.com66GShravanKumarReddyshravanredz@[email protected] 67 HallSecretaries2009 68 LLR2009Batch