Candies Sad once had 5 boys who decided to go trick or treating on halloween, like other children every year but they did not have it would be a terrible halloween scary more than strange and perverse. tom strong group leader and calculating decided to make a joke of day witches Ancian Neighborhood strange and eccentric Mrs. Grimm, for them it was a wicked person was not with anyone or anything, bitter she hated all children, was time of their due. tic-toc ... approaching the time of executing the master plan and joker tom, the halloween was like waking the little intrigue simon could not find reason to make a joke like tom thought an old lonely and bitter, Fred the second the command did not have much to say, but it quietly thoughtful analyzed what they were up to. Tom brother Carl did not hesitate to follow the idea to his brother so what is custom look for the material for the joke of the year. In group the just different and apathetic louis repented from the beginning of the and worry about whether it was true

Candies sad

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Page 1: Candies sad

Candies Sadonce had 5 boys who decided to go trick or treating

on halloween, like other children every year but they did not have it would be a terrible halloween scary more than strange and perverse.

tom strong group leader and calculating decided to make a joke of day witches Ancian Neighborhood strange and eccentric Mrs. Grimm, for them it was a wicked person was not with anyone or anything, bitter she hated all children, was time of their due.

tic-toc ... approaching the time of executing the master plan and joker tom, the halloween was like waking the little intrigue simon could not find reason to make a joke like tom thought an old lonely and bitter, Fred the second the command did not have much to say, but it quietly thoughtful analyzed what they were up to.

Tom brother Carl did not hesitate to follow the idea to his brother so what is custom look for the material for the joke of the year. In group the just different and apathetic louis repented from the beginning of the and worry about whether it was true what others were saying of Mrs. Grimm .. witch?? or not?

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if it was like that all changed forever.

on the other side of the street but at the end of this home was in Mrs. Grimm with coraline cat between her legs sitting in black chair night, celebreting the holiday celebrating his ... without anyone knowing.

Tinnnnn it was already 10:50 pm and got much candy ye s were countless but nothing would compare with the fun of a good joke. Tic Toc toc-tic. time passes, the house is just the costumes disappear into the night and even decorate a creppy fog was present at night.

Tom-"ready! Time!" with a wicked smile on his face.

louis-"No ... no .. I'm not sure." scary


Fred is not afraid not remember the story of Mrs. Grimm?

simon-"is right fred" hitting his head

Tom-"there is nothing to worry about" said fight fingers.

11:58, five children outside the house of Mrs. Grimm were 3 not very convinced and 2 determined spend a great time with your halloween joke.

Tom-"in their positions"

tom I turn off the lights in the house were in l shed, the dark house and the lady is it tales, sitting in his chair black as night was quiet.

simon started to throw small stones at the windows to distract and confuse Mrs. Grimm, carl and Louis

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rang the doorbell of the house many times a sound of the stones for a touch miss the joke, while it was also a signal to tom who worn the light to go out and touch the rear gate 'pair well distract Mrs. grimm for a final act ... unsuspecting ...


turn to turn the lights on turn the final act of this would take care Tom, disguised as the lord scare ghost tales so who would go to check that spends enough time to wait in the hall near the black sofa ... but but ... no ...

Tom did not realize that .. Mrs. Grimm was still there.

  A voice from the darkness said: - "Now s my turn"

disguised as a ghost tom was pale as the sheet that had on me, he did not imagine that everything they said was true, that all we planned was a complete failure ... tom and thought:

and since, as you may know all .. the alarm ... the silence in the house .. was was was true! no!

   petrified tom could not leave even the sign that gave the boys. ls caught fire and it was creepy looks in the eyes of tom, simon, fred, carl louis. were in a trap that they built Grimm Witch ...

tom. was the surprise.


Louis-"you have to go!!

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Carl-"I'll go no no!

Simon-"we have to go.

If better go or pass them like his friend tom the mischievous ghost, pointing to a corner of the room, a child-shaped sweet!

the scene before the eyes of the children was scary ....

your go to here? Said the wicth.

Carl-"Never until tom do not return to its natural state, Witch"

it's late I have hunger and it's my turn to party-adding the witch ...

Congratulations dumb kids are naughty boys 31 numbers! said the witch

  louis and the other thought: there were more? Trapped were other children? 'everyone thought that the time ...

a large line of wool rolled up to the 4 boys and l lie down. and from there could see how the witch devoured in one bite tom ...

simon came loose as he could and helped others ...

Witch saw the scene and said:

- "Not so fast"



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-Help us ...


was all I could hear what malevolent laughter away between the Witch and the dark wind of halloween.

Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc ... the clock marked 12:01 .. the longest minute and horrifying of all ... from outside the house could be seen as 4 figures were sitting drinking sweet tea ... their eyes and their hearts beat run but their bodies were petrified.

Each year a new story a new case, but nobody suspected old single, cute, with her cat friendly, always something happened you came to your house with a basket of candy made by her parents casually over the children disappeared ...

to be eating ... no you'll know ...

in memory and sweets were lost .. a perfect crime, yes sir .. yesterday was you .. and perhaps another year I will

be .. Me.