the hand-held 3D imaging solution ® Ideal for • aesthetic consultations • clinical research • medical documentation

Canfield Vectra H1

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Canfield´s new 3D handheld Camera

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the hand-held 3D imaging solution®

Ideal for




w w w.canf ie ldsci .com / info@canf ie ldsci .com / phone +1.973.276 .0336 / (USA) 800.815.43303 D S O L U T I O N S • F A C I A L I M A G I N G & A N A LY S I S • I M A G I N G S O F T WA R E • P H O T O G R A P H Y • R E S E A R C H S Y S T E M S & S E R V I C E S • T R A I N I N G

VECTRA,RBX,andMirrorareregisteredtrademarksofCanfieldScientific,Inc. 1210-13

• Precisionopticsforhigh-resolution3Dimages

• Lightweightandeasytohandle

• Perfectforsmall-to-mediumfieldimaging

• Integratedflashandranginglights

• Readytogowithminimalstafftraining

• WirelesstransmissiontoVECTRAorMirror


The Vectra H1 brings clinical-quality 3D imaging to any practice

Energize your practice with state-of-the-art 3D imaging

Document clinical progress in treatments

Sculpt the patient’s dream in your consultation:• Unlimitedviewinganglesfromasingle3Dimage.

• Visualizeactual3Dsurfacecontours.

• Superimposethesimulationoverthepre-op,compareside-by-side,orfadebetweenthetwo.

Simulate the outcome of procedures such as:• Injectables

• SkinResurfacing

• Rhinoplasty

• Contouring

• Liposuction




Close more complementary procedures.Demonstrate the likely outcome of single or multiple procedures.
