AT PLAY-Th e N urse ry Sc hool ha s a "ar ied sel ec tion of play grou nd wh ich a ttrac ts the y ounger se t. Sa ndl ot pla y is a lways a popu lar I)a stime. All act h'i ty is c hHclrcn are ne\'er le ft to thei r own d evices. Nursery School Offers Pro ficient Child (are Now in its third year of operation as a nonprofit com- munit), enterprise, the China Lake Day Nursery and Ex - tended Day Care Center continues to serve the families of S tation employees commensurate comodate seve nty youngsters rang· w ith the State Department of E du - ing in age from to the third cation policies, and is also licensed grade level. Director Ruth Newland by the State Department of Social maintains a professional staff to ,\\Telfare. per for m specialized instru ction. This excellent program is an as Members are: Beverly Smith, Jo- s et to working mothers challenged anne Griggs, Peg Knoblauch, and I with an employment goal and the Minnie Stevens. Nora Craig is in special needs growing children re- charge of the lunch program. quire. Parents want a full-time An additional benefit which pal'- program for the preschool children ents find most gratifying is the ;and can better devote capacity tal- informal report on the child's pro- ents to their jobs when assured of gress given in a private conference. proper care and a supervised re- Vacancies creational outlet for their activc Swimming classes, and special o ffspring. arts and crafts group participation Under the guidance of a skilled are currently being planned in ad. t eacher. these youngsters learn im- dition to the regular schedule. Par- p or'tant rules of social play - and ents are urged to investigate thi s preparation in self-help is basi..: summer program and enroll th ei'r to nursery school learning. Children child for whatever session interests n eed and react well to this instruc- them. ti on. Part-time Sen'i ces Nonworking mothers also take advantage of this service. They, es - llecially, appreciate what the China iLake Nursery provid es in the way of fu n and wholesome activity. !Morning and afternoon snacks, a n utritious hot lunch , and a rest IPCriod are principal services offer- ed, and the value of these service.] is compo unded by the planneu tichedules and sensible rou tine pro- v ided for the children within theh· own age groups. At present, th e school can ac - . A T \\' O'R K-This pert yo u ngster f in ds sa t isfactio n in mi xing colors and exp r ess ing herself with p ain ts. This cra ft is on e of th e su pe n 'i sed act ivit ies a dvan ced at t he Nu rse ry Sc h ool. Many civic minded citizens have devoted their time and efforts in formulating policies aimed toward an attractive balance of efficient performance and cheerful atmos- phere to satisfy the most fastidiolL'i inspection. Thes e persons manage the Asso- ciation through the use of an offi- cial board. The present member- ship is: Cdr. Ben Gantz, W. B. Mc - Bride, Harold E. Pierce, James Sims , B. Arthur Breslow, the Mmes . Arnold Adicoff, Eli Besser, Ben ja- min Glatt , Richard T. Gray, Ed- ward Price and Pierre St. Amand. Carolyn Lindberg is t he school treasurer. The average mother, whet h er or not employed, can rarely spend an entire day to instruct and be f.l companion to the preschoo ler. Par- ents are therefore invi ted to tour the facilities and review the acti - vity and instruction offe r ed - which is the only way to ascertain the value rec ei ved . ASCE Organizes L. A. Airport Tour A field trip to the new Los A n- geles I nternational Airport is be· ing organized by the America:1 Society of . Civil Eng i nee r s, Desert Area Branch, for Saturday, June 17, from 1 :30 to 4 p.m. T ourists will view the n ew fa - cilities under construction such as the United Air L ines building, sl at- ed for occupancy J une 29, t he new Control Tower. and the cus t omer service facilities. Members and interested p ersons and their families m ay take t he tour provided they arrange for their own transport ation to the port. A bus will be available at the airport for the to ur at 1:30 p.m. at the new Control T ower, No. 1 W orld Way (south of Ce n tury and west of Sepulveda) . Reservations are r eq uir ed and should be made prior to J une 9 by calling anyone of t he follow in g: Fred Weals, Ext. 72257; Gordon Hannon, 72930; or J ohn L. Cox, 71549. THE ROCKETEiER President Stresses Nondiscrimination In Recreat ion Un its A memorandum from the Secre· tary of Defense was distrib u ted thi':i month to all government installa- tions in the Department of De- fense emphasizing President Ken- nedy's directive on his nondiscrimi- nation policy concerning military and civilian employee recreational organizations. Personnel are advised of the contents of the directive by the following ,excerpt from the SecNav memorand u m: "Discrim i nation based on race, creed, color, or national origin by employee recreational is cont r ary to the purpose and spirit of Executive Order 10925, March 6, 1961. "No employee recreational organ - ization which practices discrimina- tion based on race, creed, color, or national origin will be permitted to use the name of, or be sponsored by the Department of Defense. No facility of activity of the Depart - ment of Defense will be to such organization. "The foregoing applies to all fa- cilities and activities of the De · partment of Defense, including those financed from non appropriat · ed funds and to all recreational or- ganizations composed of full-tim e civilian and military personnel in the Department of Defense. Thi s policy is effective immediately." Month Iy Re port of Police St at is tics Security Po lice statistics for the month of April released this week show that there were 52 reported violations of civil law and Station directives in the China Lake com- munity. Included in these offenses were 23 violations of State law and one violation each of County and Fed- eral law. Among these were five cases of theft. fi ve family distur- bances, one case of auto theft , two cases of vandalism, two prowlers. one forc ed entry, one peeping tom, one case of child n eglect, and one drunk. Five juvenile cases were referred to the County juvenile officer. The se involved such offenses as vandalism, petty theft, prowling and malicious mischi e f. April traffic statistics show that there were 11 cases of speeding on the Station , which resulted in 10 suspensions of Station driving pri- vileges , One of these was a per - manent grounding when the of- fender failed to appear in Traffi c Court. One speeder, who failed to make a posLed stoP. and was with- out a driver's license, was ground. ed f or three weeks. T here were also three groundings for a period of weeks and five for one week. IFriday , June 2, 1 96 11 Golf Club Honors Capt,; Holl ister all behalf of tbe Boara of Directors aI/a all of ),ollr fri el/as of the Cbina Lake Golf Cluv, 1 TVould like 10 present Ibis plaque 10 )'01' ;11 apprecialion of )'011'- dedicaled sen 'ices in. promoling golf al China Lake and also exteud 10 rou a perpetual ;'ll!itation to return eacb rear, as 01lT bOllored gues t, to present tbe H ollisler Cup to Ibe willners of tbe ammol Hollisler Tropby TOllnJal11el1t. May 1 also 1visb rOlf good beallb, prosperity, aud good golfin.g during ),OUT fortbcoming retirement . Presideut, Cbil/a Lake Golf Club Jo bu AfacbolVsky 1' R.ESENTATIOK OF COLORS-Th e Ma rine Corps color guard co m- posed of COrl)O ral V. Rom o and Lan ce C orporals R. \ V. Turn er, J. D. and R. \ V. 1\[ilne p rese nt th e colors duri.ng th e l\le mo r ia l Day se n ices las Tu es da. y. O\'er 20 se rvi ce org anization s lla r t ic ipated io. the ce remoni es. // IN 1\IEMO RI Al,t -Preceding taps by a l\Iarin e Co rps bugler, me mbers of the 1\1 a r i n e Bar ra cks firin g sq u ad, La n ce C orporals J. G. Teas dale, C. E . Pulliam, J. P. Varga s, B. L U pton, J. D. Ra ikes; Prh ' at es Fi.r s t Cla ss O. V. Th ollll)SOn, an d L. \ V. Bit e, und er th e c omma nd of C orp o ral L. R. Is B.. 'lc, pr e pare to sa l ut e th e de ad of all o ur wars wi th a. \'o lley or rifl e tire at th e an nua l Day se n -ices - Capt. Blenman New Station Commander TEMPERATURES Don't Miss the IFirst Annual ISPRING . FESTIVAL ROCKETEER Mox.Min. May 26 .... 84 62 May 27 .. _ 85 S3 May 28.... 77 58 May 29 .... 75 55 May 30 .... 80 51 BUDD GOTT. EDITOI PHONES 71354. 72012. 71655 OFFICE. HOUSING BLDG.. TOP DICK May 31.... 71 58 June 1...._ 75 52 Vol. XVII, N o. 22 NAVAL ORDNANCE TEST STATION, CHINA LAKE, OALIFORNIA Fri ., Jun e 2, 1961 Continuance of RAFT Impressive Ceremonies Bo, MarkChangeofCommand munity Council was advis.ed that 200, China Lake. Persons who pre- Statio n Command was considering fer to personaJ ly discuss the mat- the disestablishment of the local ter are invited to attend the youth ce n ter, the RAFT Club. ;meetings of their Community Pr ior to any final decision , Com- : Council held every second and mand h as asked the Community fourth T uesday of each month at Counc il to 0 b t a i n community 7 :30 p.m. in Room "B" of the opi n ion regarding the need for re - Community Center. S ALUT ES \ VAn DEAD - Ma r in e Co rp s bu gler prc. Ca ldwell sta nds by to so und tal )5 at th e l\Jemor ial D ay ser vi ces held at the D ese rt l\l emoria l Park Ce metery. J. R, Felton Ea rn s P hD, in Economics J. R. (Dick) Felton, Edu cation Di rector in the Employee Devel- o pment Division of P ersonnel Dc- partment, recently fulfilled all thf' requirements for his PhD in "Eco- nomi cs from UCLA. . Hi s dissertation explored the ex· perien ce with, the rationale and impli cations of, and the alterna- tives to The Horizontal Dissolu- Dr. J. R. Fe lt on t ion of Manufacturing Enterprises u nder the Sherman Antitrust Act. Felton also received his B.A. and M.A. from UCLA where he was a teaching assistant in economics while pursuing graduate work. He t aught at San Diego State College , where he was an assistant profes- sor. Prior to coming to NOTS in M arch , 1953, he ,vas Director , Lo3 A ngeles Branch, W age Stabilization Board. During his first two and one-half years here he served as ;Head, Systems and P rocedures Di- viSion, then a function of Command Administration Department. He as- sumed his present position iii Au- gust. 1955. T he Fe l ton family consists of his wife, Kay , a fourth grade teacher at Vieweg School , and Jimmy and Joyce who attend Murray School. taining the club and their willing- ness to actively participate in fur- thering youth activity within the center. The RAFT Club was officially opened ]'1ay 2, 1958. Funds to con- vert the old Chapel to the present youth center and operating ex- penses for the past three years have been borne by the Navy Re - creation Council. Currently, annual operating costs alone total approximately $8,000. Th e benefits derived by this ex- penditure are available to local young men and women between the ages of 13 and 20, however, only approximately 150 of these people participate in the organization. Based on current costs for gen· eral r ecreation, it is Command's feeling that the cost per capita is excessive and therefore, if the rate of participation does not increa se, the only alternative is disestablish- ment. Since membership in the RAFT Club consists largely of civilian youth, it seems logical that their parents or guardians make necessary effort to maintain an excellent youth program. As Command's position on the continuation of the RAFT Club is very clear, it is the community's opportunity to make its desires known on the matter. T he Community Council need s to know the views of Station resi- dents on the following questions in order to convey the realistic at- titude of the community to Sta- tion Command: Do you thi nk there is a need fo r a youth rec r eation center? A re you willing to support su ch a center? A re you satisfied with the present operation? If not, what i mprovements would you suggest? Wou ld you be willing to fin - ancially support the operations of a youth center, and also assume the responsibilities associated with its operation? All comments may be mailed to NITE GRADS AWARDED DIP.LOM·AS Ei ght members of the Armed F orces will be among the thirty - seven students graduating from Burroughs Evening Hi gh School at the end of the present school yea:" according to W. J. Shortt, princi- pal. Twenty- two men and women will receive their diplomas which are awarded as of June 9. No public ceremonies are planned. 'Station Commanders Ca l)t . Cha .rl es Bl e nma n J r .......... _._._ ...._............ :f une 1961 - Ca llt. \V. }V. Hollister (Re ti red) ......_ ........_ ... 3 e.p t. ·1957 - J une 1961 Ca.pt. F . L. As hwort h (n o\ \' RAdm .}. .... :._.. _. <\ u g. 1955 - Sept. 1.957 Capt. R . F . SelJ ars ....... _ .. _.-:_ ...._ ........_ ........_ ....... J ul y 1955 - Aug. 1955 Capt. D. B. Young (Re tir ed ). .._.. -. .. _ .. _ ...... _ .. 3ept . 1953 - J ul y Ca pt. Paul D. S troop ( now RAdm .}..._ .. __ .... Oct. 1952 - Aug. 1953 Q lpt. \ V. V. R. \"ieweg (Dece asedL. .........._ ...se pt . 19! 9 - Oct ,. 1952 R-Adm . \ V. G. S wi tzer ( Retired ) ..._ ........ __ .._._.. S"ov. 19-17 - Sept. 19t9 Ca pt. J . B . Syk es (Retired ) ... _ .......... _ .........._A ug. 19t5 No" . 19-17 Capt. S . E . Burroughs (Retired ) ......_ ............ J)ec_ 1ll! 3 Au g_ 1945 OFFICER-C.'lpt. Joseph G. Chud:r,jnski r eports to from the USS Nereus to re li eve Cap t. R. C. 1\lill ard as senio r de nt al off icer. Ca pt. 1\lill a rd is schedu led to s ail fr om Sa nF ran cisco on J Wl e 19 fo r hi s Ilext dut y s tat ion at H a- wa ii. Ca pt . Chudzin s ki, hi s wife Su sann e, and s ix so ns h ave bee n a ss igned quarters at 511 Esse . \': Circle. First Female Jo ins Golden Shoe Cl ub T he NOTS Golden Shoe Club re- cently wel comed its first female member to the ranks - H azel Par - ish from Code 45437. Other per- sons admitted, bringing total mem- bership to 23 were: Charles Sewell. Jr., James R oss , ATN3, Clyde L. Kinslow, Will iam L. Burson, and Jackson F. Wright. T hrough close adherence to safe practices and the precaution of wearing safety shoes, th ey were spared serious or painful injuri es and were awarded Jifetime mem- bership in the exclusive Golden Club. Ca pt ain Charles Blenman Jr. offic ia lly to ok over com- mand of the Station du ring ce remoni es held at Kelly Field yes terday morning, relieving C apt ain W_ W. H oll is ter, Sta- tion Co mmand er since Septemb er 1957. As Capt. Blenman and Capt. of life required here in the desert Hollister entered the field , Master - without your help we could not Sergeant H. L. Fagan struck up accomplish our mission. the Barstow Marine Band to set the stage for the colorful ceremony to follow. Capt. Hollister and Capt. Blen- man took their positions for the traditional change of colors as th e 41-man companies of Air Develop- ment Squadron Five, the Naval Air Facility, and the NOTS com- plement, snapped smartly to at- tention. Capt. Hollister received the colors from the Adjutant and pr esented t hem to Capt. Blenman who returned them to the Adju- tant. Final Duty Before relinquishing command of the Station, Capt. Holli ster gave a short address expressing appre- citatio n for the cooperation he re- ceived during his tenure as S tation Commander stating his confidence in the Station's future under Capt. Bl enman. He said: "Today marks the com- pletion of 30 years of active duty for me in the Navy. I want to ex - pr(:!ss my stncere appreciation to those who have made thi s last tour of duty very interesting and mem- orable for me . "First, I want to commend all of you enlisted men of the Navy and the Marine Corps. I am proud of your ability to adjust to the type GEBA Asses s ment No. 50 Is Now Due Assessment No. 50 is now due and payable by members of the Govern- l ment Employees Benefit Associa- tion following the death of R obert Robinson , electrical inspector for Public Works Department. Robinson died T hursday, :May 25, following chest surgery at the Ridgecrest H ospital, leavi ng his wife , Helen , at 402 Dorado, and two children . 'His wife received a S1,()()() beneficiary check from GEBA. Assessment payments of S1.10 per member may be mailed to the re- sidence of the secretary- treasu r er Frank M. Brady, 302-A Groves, China Lake. "To the officers here at NOTS I e xtend my highest commendation for your loyalty, dependability, and' the highest standards of perfor- mance. "To all civil seni ce em plo:rees, bo th at C hin a La ke a nd P asa dena, who make NOTS th e importa nt Naya l La borat ory it is, I oIre r my honest praise." As Capt. Hollister announced his readiness to be reI i eve d. Capt. Blenman stepped to the reviewing stand to mai{e his address. Capt. Blenman said in part: "It is a great honor for me to have been selected as the next Commander of t he Naval Ordnance Test Station which h as made, and will continue to make, so many outstanding contributions to the E-ecurity of our country. \ Vork To ward Su ccess "The outstanding record of NOTS in the fields of weaponry and science is no accident. It is cause a brilliant and dedicated group of men and women have been provided a fertile place in which to work , live, and play; a place where their ideas and dreams can be transformed into useful substance. ''NOTS is a unique Station. It is one of the very few in the Navy where the philosophy has been that it is primarily a civilian operation which we in the military support. I assure you that this philosophy will be continued." Exa c ting Guidan ce In conc l usion Capt. Blenman paid trib u te to Capt Ho1lister for his serv ice to the Station and the comm unity for t he past three and one- half yea rs in t he same out- standing, dedicated , and unselfish manner as he se r ved the Navy and his co u nt ry du ri ng the past 30 years. I say, 'T hanks, Capt. Hollis ... ter, and W ell Done.''' A qu ick salute and a handshake ;narked the cha n ge of command. . then Capt. Blenman and Capt. H ollister reviewed the Battalion as it passed in parade. READ ORDERS - Cap t ain W. W_ Holl ister (r J reads orders relieving him of command of the St at ion. Captai n Ble nma n (I J assumes Stat ion command .

Capt. Blenman New Station CommanderIFriday, June 2, 19611 Golf Club Honors Capt,; Hollister all behalf of tbe Boara of Directors aI/a all of ),ollr friel/as of the Cbina Lake Golf

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Page 1: Capt. Blenman New Station CommanderIFriday, June 2, 19611 Golf Club Honors Capt,; Hollister all behalf of tbe Boara of Directors aI/a all of ),ollr friel/as of the Cbina Lake Golf

AT PLAY-The N ursery School has a "aried selection of pla yground ~uipmcnt which a ttracts t he younger set. Sandlot play is a lways a popular I)a stime. All acth'i t y is SUI)~n'ised ; c hHclrcn are n e\'er left to thei r own devices.

Nursery School Offers Proficient Child (are

Now in its third year of operation as a nonprofit com­munit), enterprise, the China Lake Day Nursery and Ex­tended Day Care Center continues to serve the families of S tation employees commensurate comodate seventy youngsters rang· with the State Department of E du- ing in age from 2 ~ to the third cation policies, and is also licensed grade level. Director Ruth Newland by the State Department of Social maintains a professional staff to ,\\Telfare. per for m specialized instruction.

This excellent program is an as Members are: Beverly Smith, Jo­s et to working mothers challenged anne Griggs, Peg Knoblauch, and Iwith an employment goal and the Minnie Stevens. Nora Craig is in special needs growing children re- charge of the lunch program. quire. Parents want a full-time An additional benefit which pal'­program for the preschool children ents find most gratifying is the ;and can better devote capacity tal- informal report on the child's pro­ents to their jobs when assured of gress given in a private conference. proper care and a supervised re- Vacancies creational outlet for their activc Swimming classes, and special o ffspring. arts and crafts group participation

Under the guidance of a skilled are currently being planned in ad. t eacher. these youngsters learn im- dition to the regular schedule. Par­p or'tant rules of social play - and ents are urged to investigate this preparation in self-help is basi..: summer program and enroll thei'r to nursery school learning. Children child for whatever session interests n eed and react well to this instruc- them. tion.

Part-time Sen'ices Nonworking mothers also take

advantage of this service. They, es ­llecially, appreciate what the China iLake Nursery provides in the wa y of fu n and wholesome activity. !Morning and afternoon snacks, a n utritious hot lunch, and a rest IPCriod are principal services offer­ed, and the value of these service.] is compounded by the planneu tichedules and sensible routine pro­v ided for the children within theh· own age groups.

At present, the school can ac-

. AT \\'O'RK-This pert youngste r f inds sa t isfactio n in mix ing colors and expressing herself with pain ts. T h is c raft is one of the supen 'ised act ivities a dvanced at the N u rse ry Sch ool.

Many civic minded citizens have devoted their time and efforts in formulating policies aimed toward an attractive balance of efficient performance and cheerful atmos­phere to satisfy the most fastidiolL'i inspection.

These persons manage the Asso­ciation through the use of an offi­cial board. The present member­ship is: Cdr. Ben Gantz, W. B. Mc­Bride, Harold E. Pierce, James Sims, B. Arthur Breslow, the Mmes. Arnold Adicoff, Eli Besser, Benja ­min Glatt, Richard T . Gray, Ed­ward Price and Pierre St. Amand. Carolyn Lindberg is t he school treasurer.

The average mother, whether o r not employed, can rarely spend an entire day to instruct and be f.l

companion to the preschooler. Par­ents are therefore i nvited to tour the facilities and review the acti ­vity and instruction offered -which is the only way to ascertain the value received.

ASCE Organizes L.A. Airport Tour

A field trip to the new Los An­geles I nternational Airport is be· ing organized by the America:1 Society of .Civil Engineers, Desert Area Branch, for Saturday, June 17, from 1 :30 to 4 p.m.

T ourists will view the new fa­cilities under construction such as the United Air L ines building, slat­ed for occupancy J une 29, t he new Control Tower. a nd the customer service facilities.

Members and interested persons and their families m ay take the tour provided they arrange for their own transportation to the air~

port. A bus will be available at the airport for the tour at 1:30 p.m. at the new Control T ower, No. 1 W orld Way (south of Century and west of Sepulveda) .

Reservations a re r equ ired and should be made prior to J une 9 by calling anyone of t he following: Fred Weals, Ext. 72257; Gordon Hannon, 72930; or J ohn L. Cox, 71549.


President Stresses Nondiscrimination In Recreation Units

A memorandum from the Secre· tary of Defense was distribu ted thi':i month to all government installa­tions in the Department of De­fense emphasizing President Ken­nedy's directive on his nondiscrimi­nation policy concerning military and civilian employee recreational organizations.

Personnel are advised of the contents of the directive by the following ,excerpt from the SecNav memorandum:

"Discrimination based on race, creed, color, or national origin by employee recreational organization~ is contrary to the purpose and spirit of Executive Order 10925, March 6, 1961.

"No employee recreational organ­ization which practices discrimina­tion based on race, creed, color, or national origin will be permitted to use the name of, or be sponsored by the Department of Defense. No facility of activity of the Depart­ment of Defense will be availabl~ to such organization.

"The foregoing applies to all fa­cilities and activities of the De · partment of Defense, including those financed from nonappropriat · ed funds and to all recreational or­ganizations composed of full-time civilian and military personnel in the Department of Defense. This policy is effective immediately."

Month Iy Report of Police Statistics

Security Police statistics for the month of April released this week show that there were 52 reported violations of civil law and Station directives in the China Lake com­munity.

Included in these offenses were 23 violations of State law and one violation each of County and Fed­eral law. Among these were five cases of theft. fi ve family distur­bances, one case of auto theft, two cases of vandalism, two prowlers. one forced entry, one peeping tom, one case of child n eglect, and one drunk.

Five juvenile cases were referred to the County juvenile officer. These involved such offenses as vandalism, petty theft, prowling and malicious mischief.

April traffic statistics show that there were 11 cases of speeding on the Station, which resulted in 10 suspensions of Station driving pri­vileges, One of these was a per­manent grounding when the of­fender failed to appear in Traffic Court. One speeder, who failed to make a posLed stoP. and was with­out a driver's license, was ground. ed for three weeks. T here were a lso three groundings for a period of

weeks and five for one week.

IFriday , June 2, 196 11

Golf Club Honors Capt,; Hollister

all behalf of tbe Boara of Directors aI/a all of ),ollr friel/as of the Cbina Lake Golf Cluv, 1 TVould like 10 present Ibis plaque 10 )'01'

;11 apprecialion of )'011'- dedicaled sen 'ices in. promoling golf al China Lake and also exteud 10 rou a perpetual ;'ll!itation to return eacb rear, as 01lT bOllored guest, to present tbe H ollisler Cup to Ibe willners of tbe ammol H ollisler Tropby TOllnJal11el1t.

May 1 also 1visb rOlf good beallb, prosperity, aud good golfin.g during ),OUT fortbcoming retirement .

Presideut, Cbil/a Lake Golf Club Jobu AfacbolVsky

1' R.ESENTATIOK OF COLORS-The Mar ine Corps c olor guard com-posed of COrl)Oral V. Romo and La nce C orporals R. \ V. Turner, J . D . \\'eb~ and R. \ V. 1\[ilne p resent the colors duri.ng the l\lemo rial Da y sen ices last· Tuesda.y. O\'er 20 service organizations lla r t ic ipated io. the ce remonies.


IN 1\IEMORIAl,t-Preceding taps by a l\Iarine Corps bug ler, m embers of t he 1\1 a r i n e B a rrac ks firing squad, Lance Corporals J . G. T eas dale, C. E . Pulliam, J. P . Vargas, B. L Upton, J . D. R a ikes; Prh'ates

Fi.rs t Class O. V. Thollll)SOn, and L. \ V. Bite, under the command of Corporal L. R. I sB..'lc, prepare to sa lut e the dead of a ll our wars with a. \'olley o r rifle tire at the a nnua l ~Iemorial Day sen -ices


Capt. Blenman New Station Commander TEMPERATURES Don't Miss

the IFirst




May 26 .... 84 62 May 27 .. _ 85 S3 May 28 .... 77 58 May 29 .... 75 55 May 30 .... 80 51


May 31.. .. 71 58 June 1...._ 75 52


Continuance of RAFT ~lub Impressive Ceremonies :~~e~~ ~n~~k~~~- ~~~~~ !~c~~ ~ Bo, MarkChangeofCommand munity Council was advis.ed that 200, China Lake. Persons who pre­Station Command was considering fer to personaJly discuss the mat­the disestablishment of the local ter are invited to attend the ope~ youth center, the RAFT Club. ;meetings of their Community P r ior to a ny final decision, Com- :Council held every second and mand h as asked the Community fourth T uesday of each month at Council to 0 b t a i n community 7 :30 p.m. in Room "B" of the opin ion regarding the need for re- Community Center.

S ALUTES \ VAn DEAD - Marine Corps bugler prc. Caldwell s ta nds by to sound ta l)5 a t the l\Jem or ial D ay services held at t he Deser t l\l emorial Park Cemete ry.

J. R, Felton Earns PhD, in Economics

J. R. (Dick) Felton, Education Director in the Employee Devel­o pment Division of P ersonnel Dc­partment, recently fulfilled all thf' requirements for his PhD in "Eco­nomics from UCLA. .

His dissertation explored the ex· perience with, the rationale and implications of, and the alterna­tives to The Horizontal Dissolu-

Dr. J . R . F elto n

t ion of Manufacturing Enterprises u nder the Sherman Antitrust Act.

Felton also received his B.A. and M.A. from UCLA where he was a teaching assistant in economics while pursuing graduate work. He t aught at San Diego State College, where he was an assistant profes­sor.

Prior to coming to NOTS in M arch, 1953, he ,vas Director, Lo3 Angeles Branch, W age Stabilization Board. During his first two and one-half years here he served as ;Head, Systems and P rocedures Di­viSion , then a function of Command Administration Department. He as­sumed his present position iii Au­gust. 1955.

T he Felton family consists of his wife, Kay, a fourth grade teacher at Vieweg School , and Jimmy and Joyce who attend Murray School.

taining the club and their willing­ness to actively participate in fur­thering youth activity within the center.

The RAFT Club was officially opened ]'1ay 2, 1958. Funds to con­vert the old Chapel to the present youth center and operating ex­penses for the past three years have been borne by the Navy Re­creation Council.

Currently, annual operating costs alone total approximately $8,000. The benefits derived by this ex­penditure are available to local young men and women between the ages of 13 and 20, however, only approximately 150 of these people participate in the organization.

Based on current costs for gen· eral r ecreation, it is Command's feeling that the cost per capita is excessive and therefore, if the rate of participation does not increase, the only alternative is disestablish­ment.

Since membership in the RAFT Club consists largely of civilian youth, it seems logical that their parents or guardians make th~

necessary effort to maintain an excellent youth program.

As Command's position on the continuation of the RAFT Club is very clear, it is the community's opportunity to make its desires known on the matter.

T he Community Council needs to know the views of Station resi-dents on the following questions in order to convey the realistic at­titude of the community to Sta­tion Command:

• Do you think there is a need fo r a youth rec reation center?

• Are you willing to support s uch a center?

• Are you satisfied with the present operation?

• If not, what improvements would you suggest?

• Would you be willing to fin ­ancially support the operations of a youth center, and also assume the responsibilities associated with its operation?

All comments may be mailed to


Eight members of the Armed F orces will be among the thirty­seven students graduating from Burroughs Evening High School at the end of the present school yea:" according to W. J. Shortt, princi­pal.

Twenty- two men and women will receive their diplomas which are awarded as of June 9. No public ceremonies are planned.

'Station Commanders Ca l)t. Cha.rles Blenma n J r .......... _._._ .... _ ............ :fune 1961 -

Callt. \V. }V. H ollis ter (Re ti red ) ...... _ ........ _ ... 3 e.p t. ·1957 - J une 1961

Ca.pt. F . L . Ashworth (no\\' RAdm.}. .... :._ .. _. <\ug. 1955 - Sept. 1.957

Capt. R . F . SelJars ....... _ .. _.-:_ .... _ ........ _ ........ _ ....... July 1955 - Aug. 1955

Capt. D. B . Young (R etired ). .. _ .. -. .. _ .. _ ...... _ .. 3ept . 1953 - J uly 19~

Capt. P a u l D. Stroop (now RAdm .} ... _ .. __ .... Oct . 1952 - Aug. 1953

Q lpt. \V. V. R. \"ieweg (Deceased L. .......... _ . ..sept. 19!9 - Oct,. 1952

R-Adm. \V. G. S witzer (Retired) ... _ ........ __ .. _._ .. S"ov. 19-17 - Sept. 19t9

Capt. J . B . Syk es (Re t ir ed ) ... _ .......... _ .......... _A ug. 19t5 No" . 19-17

Capt. S . E . Burroughs (Retired ) ...... _ ............ J)ec_ 1ll!3 Aug_ 1945

DE~TTAL OFFICER-C.'lpt. Joseph G. Chud:r,jnski reports to ~OTS

from the USS Nereus to relieve Capt. R. C. 1\lillard as senio r denta l officer. Ca pt. 1\lilla rd is scheduled to sail f rom SanF rancisco on J Wle 19 fo r hi s Ilext duty s tation a t H a­wa ii. Capt. Chudzinski, his wife Su sanne, and s ix sons have been a ss ig ned quarte rs a t 511 Esse.\': Cir cle.

First Female Joins Golden Shoe Cl ub

T he NOTS Golden Shoe Club re­cently welcomed its first female member to the ranks - H azel Par­ish from Code 45437. Other per­sons admitted, bringing total mem­bership to 23 were: Charles Sewell. Jr., James R oss, ATN3, Clyde L . Kinslow, Will iam L. Burson, and Jackson F. Wright.

T hrough close adherence to safe practices and the precaution of wearing safety shoes, they were spared serious or painful injuries and were awarded Jifetime mem­bership in the exclusive Golden


Captain Charles Blenman J r . officially took over com­mand of the Station during ceremonies held at Kelly Field yesterday morning, relieving Captain W_ W. H ollister, Sta­tion Commander since September 1957.

As Capt. Blenman and Capt. of life required here in the desert Hollister entered the field, Master - without your help we could not Sergeant H. L . Fagan struck up accomplish our mission. the Barstow Marine Band to set the stage for the colorful ceremony to follow.

Capt. Hollister and Capt. Blen­man took their positions for the traditional change of colors as the 41-man companies of Air Develop­ment Squadron Five, the Naval Air Facility, and the NOTS com­plement, snapped smartly to at­tention. Capt. Hollister received the colors from the Adjutant and p resented t hem to Capt. Blenman who returned them to the Adju­tant.

Final Duty Before relinquishing command

of the Station, Capt. Hollister gave a short address expressing appre­citation for the cooperation he re­ceived during his tenure as S tation Commander stating his confidence in the Station's future under Capt. Blenman.

He said: "Today marks the com­pletion of 30 years of active duty for me in the Navy. I want to ex­pr(:!ss my stncere appreciation to those who have made thi s last tour of duty very interesting and mem­orable for me.

"First, I want to commend all of you enlisted men of the Navy and the Marine Corps. I am proud of your ability to adjust to the type

GEBA Assessment No. 50 Is Now Due

Assessment No. 50 is now due and payable by members of the Govern­lment Employees Benefit Associa­tion following the death of R obert Robinson, electrical inspector for Public Works Department.

Robinson died T hursday, :May 25, following chest surgery at the Ridgecrest H ospital, leaving his wife, Helen, at 402 Dorado, a nd two children. 'His wife received a S1,()()() beneficiary check from GEBA.

Assessment payments of S1.10 per member may be mailed to the re­sidence of the secretary-treasu rer Frank M . Brady, 302-A Groves, China Lake.

"To the officers here at NOTS I extend my highest commendation for your loyalty, dependability, and' the highest standards of perfor-mance.

"To all c ivil seni ce emplo:rees, both at China Lake a nd P asa dena, who make N OTS the importa nt Nayal Labora tory it is, I oIre r my honest praise."

As Capt. Hollister announced his readiness to be reI i eve d. Capt. Blenman stepped to the reviewing stand to mai{e his address. Capt. Blenman said in part:

"It is a great honor for me to have been selected as the next Commander of the Naval Ordnance Test Station which has made, and will continue to make, so many outstanding contributions to the E-ecurity of our country.

\Vork Toward Su ccess "The outstanding record of NOTS

in the fields of weaponry and science is no accident. It is be~

cause a brilliant and dedicated group of men and women have been provided a fertile place in which to work , live, and play; a place where their ideas and dreams can be transformed into useful substance.

''NOTS is a unique Station. It is one of the very few in the Navy where the philosophy has been that it is primarily a civilian operation which we in the military support. I assure you that this philosophy will be continued."

Exacting Guidance I n conclusion Capt. Blenman

paid tribute to Capt Ho1lister for his service to the Station and the comm unity for t he past three and one-ha lf yea rs in t he same out­standing, dedicated , and unselfish manner as he se rved t he Navy and his count ry du ring the past 30 years. I say, 'T hanks, Capt. Hollis ... ter, and W ell Done.'''

A quick salute and a handshake ;narked the change of command. .then Capt. Blenman and Capt. H ollister reviewed the Battalion as it passed in parade.


READ ORDERS - Capt ain W. W_ Holl ister (r J reads orders relieving him of command of t he Station. Captain Blenma n (I J assumes Station command.

Page 2: Capt. Blenman New Station CommanderIFriday, June 2, 19611 Golf Club Honors Capt,; Hollister all behalf of tbe Boara of Directors aI/a all of ),ollr friel/as of the Cbina Lake Golf

.Page Two

Former Command Administration Head Visits


GREETED-Gapt. F. Ray· \l'h itby, Assistant Chicf of Naval P ersonnel S or lUoraJe Services, is gree ted" on his rece nt visit here by LCdr. R. L Barrio ton, the Station's Special ScT\'ices Officer. Capt. \\,hitby served as B ea ll or the Command Administration Departmcnt f rom May 19M u nm Ju1y 1957 when he was rcliel·cd by Cdr. S~Ull W. Mitchcll. T he " All Hands" mag·azine is under the cognizance of Capt. Whitby.

Swim Pool County Ordinance Outlined

During t he fo r thcoming ho t oS u m mer months, m any families will be setting up small swimming or wading pools in thei r backyardJ :w hich will prescn t safety hazards f or small ch ildren.

I n order to safeguard against any possible death traps, all resi­.den!:.! are required to observe the p rovisions of the Coumy Ordin· ..ance Code which a pplies to such ;pools. A summa ry of t hese pro· • visions is outlined as follows:

If the wading o r s wimming pool b as a depth of two feet or m ore, O\"""1lers are requi red to enclose t h::.­.pool v .. ;th a fence whic h will k eep ~ut sr!lalL childre n. The gate to s uch a fence should be self-closing and self-latching and should be at l east fou r teet above grade, or otherwise inacC<3'3sible from the o U13ide to s mall children.

If a fence is not provided, r esi­~ent.s must furnish supervision o r k'eep the pool under observa tion a t all times while it is filled with w ater.

A pool cove r or other protectiVi" d evice may be used if it is ap­p roved by the Director of Public ~orks of Ke rn County.

The provisions of the Ordinance p ode also a pply to po rtable or t emporary structures, irrespect ive of design, type of mater ials an~ length of time of the use of such fStructures.

P er.3ons who fail to observe ap· p licable p rovis ions of the Ordi · nance are guilty of a misdemeanor.

Care should a lso be taken by residents to preve nt the develop· ment or unsanita ry conditions in the use of such pools. W ater should h e changed frequently, so that it is not allowed to s tagnate and be­-come a breeding ground for flies tllnd mosquitos.

Widows May Ask !Pay Adiustment

Certain vete ra ns ' widows in this area may be entitled to h igher de ­pendency a nd indem nity compen· sation payments based on t he high· est rank the vete ran he ld in se r ­v ice. accord ing to the recently in­s tated Public Law 86-492.

If the veteran served satlsfactor~

ill' for six months or m ore in such h igher rank a nd if he was so se rv­ing l~O days prior to his release f rom active duty or dea th in ac­t ive sen'ice, the widow m ay request an increase in payme nts through t he VetE:rans Se rvice Office. Addi­t ional ben e fi ts payable will be e f­fecti\'e from the date the VA r eo ceives the cla im. Determina tion a s t o whether the veteran served sa· t isfactorily for the required pe riod in a higher rank shall be m a de by t he secretary of the Armed Forccs D epartmen t in which the r a nk wa<t h eld .

F urther information may be ob­tained from Juanita Cox a t 236 \Y. Ridgecrest Blvd., telephone 8·3231. ,

Men, li k e tacks, are usefu l if , they ha ve good heads, and a re 1J>ointed i n the right direction.

Dental Officer Leaves

HA\VAII BOUND-o..lj)t. Jt. C. Millard, Senio r Dental Officer he re for the past six years, left the Station Thursday cn routc for hi~

new duty assig nment in Hawai i. A former varsity pitcher lor the University or Oregon and a. pro· fessional basebaU player in the Oregon \ViUiamclte Valley J...ea guc. ~IiUard de\'oted much of his time to coaching with the Babe nuth League during his te nure herc.

Nathan Cites Need For ASPA Prestige

At the r ecen t m ce ting of th American Society of Public Ad· ministrators, newly ins ta lled presi ­dent Fred N atha n out lined the needs in the public administration area to boost the pres tige of t he profession.

He cited for the m embership the things t hey might do. His exa mples were: Mem bers o f t he society by thei r contact a nd persona l conduct can change the public's ima ge of the civil servant.

T he status a nd prestige of t ht' profess ion is de pe ndent upon ex· a m ples set by m embe rs in the fi eld of public adminis tration.

On the local scene he urged that g reater recognition be g iven the cont r ibutions of the non- technical administrato r. This would add to the admin isl rato r's prest ige both on a nd off t he Station, he s tated.

On the national scene he urged all members to participate in t he Society's nationa l progra ms.

Nathan cited Preside nt K enne· ay's statem ent "Don't a sk what yo ur count ry can do for you bu t what you can do for your country" a lsl) p rese nts a c ha lle nge to the civil servant admin istrator.

Interested pe rsonnel are invi ted to contact Natha n regarding mem­be rshi p in the local organization of ASPA.

Drivin9 Tip of the Week Modern or high compression en­

gines are more dependent than ever upon good cooling. At cvery fu el s top m a ke sure to have the wate r level of your radia tor checked. An ove rheated e ngine may force you to s top, thus adding another un­necessa ry hazard to the highway. Keep that ra diator full! .



" City FOR HAPPY" (l l0 Min.) Glenn Ford, 90flCid O't:onnbt, Mike Taka

6 and 8; 15 p.lI'l. (Comedy in Color) Novy combot photog­

rapher team gets hous;f19 loon of a geisha house whose occupants ore oway, but they unexpectedly return. Four $oilors and three geisha girlsl To cover up the deal from news correspondents, they invent a story Ihol the house is on orphanoge. lovely girls and sparkling comedy_ (Adults)

SHORT. "Hip Hip Hurty" (7 Min.) SATUROAY JUNE 3


Dqna Andrews I p.m.

SHORTS, "Plumber of Se ... ille (7 Min.) " Son of Geronimo No. 10" (16 Min.)

-EVENING­"DUNK IRK" (1 13 Min.)

J ohn Mills, R;chard AHenborough 7 p.m.

War Drama) No Hollywood heroics In this rough and tough two·fold story of the com· placent British home front at the start of WW II and 0 1quad, but off from command, trying to ovoid the Germans and reach the sea for the now renowned evacuation.

(Adults.Yaung People) SHORT; "Pup on Picnic" (7 Min.)

SUN.-M.ON . JUNE 4·.5 "THE GREEN KElMEr" (88 Min.)

Bil l Travers. Nancy Wolters 6 and 8:15 p.m.

No Synopsis Avoi!oble. (family) SHO~TS: "Flea Circus (7 Min.!

"Man from New Orleans" (16 Min.) TUES.·WED. JUNE 6-7

" THE WARR IOR EMPRESS" (89 Min.) Kerwin Mathews ,Tina Louise

7 p.m. Drama in Color) The hie of lesbos, circa

600 B.C., when the underpriyileged populo· tion attempt to overthrow 0 decadent gOY· ernment. ladies of the high.priestess temple stage chariot roce ond there's sober combat and man vs. lionl Italian·made speclacle saturated with aclion ond lovely ladies of the lime. (Adults)

SHORT, "Flying Sorce~ss" (7 Min.) "AFSM No. 586" (17 Min.)


Don Murray. Lorry Gates, Cindi Wood • 7 p.m.

(Drama) Fabulous true story of the reo markoble Rev. Charles Dismas Clark, con­fident of St. Louis hoodlums whom he helps to rehobilitate. He promotes a "half·way house" where men just released from prison may live. One ex<on creates a major prob· lem with tense excitement. Here is that dif· ferent filml (Adults'YOOr1g People)

SHORT: "Goby's Diner" (7 Min.) SATURDAY JUNE 10

" lliE TIME BOMB" (92 Min.) Curt Jurgens, Mylene Demongeot

• 7 p.m. No Synopsis Availoble.

(Adults·Young People) SHORTS: "first Fast Moil" (7 Min.)

"S_dish Jets Zoom" (10 Min.)

PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Present Siolion employees are encour·

aged to opply for the positions li sted be· low. Applications should be accompanied by an up·to-date Form .58. The fact that posilions are advertised here does nat pre· clude the use of other means to fill these vacancies.

Elech"onic Engineer, GS·ll to GS· J3, PO No. 1.50021 , Code .5058-Design electronic cir. cuits and equipment necessary for on invesli· gation of the reaction zone structure in deton· ating propellants ond explosive,. Conduct tests, interpre t data, report resu lts, prepare papers at scientific meetings. Grode level will depend on qvalificafions.

f ile applications for aboye posit ion with Pat Ga unt, Room 31 , Personnel 8uilding, Ext. 7·1393. iEquipment Specia li st (genera l), GS·5, PD

No. 130027, Code 3002-lncumbent will assTst the contract and equipment seclion head in all phoses of electronic and guided missile parts and equipment logistics.

Supv. Transportat ion Ass' t., GS·7. PO No. 12.5009, Code 2S61-Responsible for determin. ing meo", of transportat ion and scheduling shipments.

File applicat ions for above pOlitions with fa wn Haycock, Room 34, Personnel Build· ing, Ext. 7·20l2.

Sea-etary (typing), GS...(, PD No. 18486, Code D02-Secretory to the Technical Presenta· tions Coordinator. Composing and reviewing correspondence. obtaining and presenting in· formation, persanol and telephone contacts, selling up and maintaining files and records, minutes and resumes of conferences. Miscel· loneous duties.

Budget Analyst, GS·9, PO No. 017002, Code 17l-Prepare local and off·stotion budgetary reports, prepare special analyses of budget doto of significance to Siotion Management which dolo would be readily available and current, prepare and assist in preparation and a oolysis of special cost studies by Sta· tion programs and departments.

Secretary( I tenography), GS-5 or GS-6, PO No. 111001 , Code 113-Arranges and attends con ferences on community problems, receives telephone calls and visitors, composes corre· spondence, ossembles information and sets up a nd maintains files for Hea d, Community Relations.

Seaetary (typing). GS·5, PD No. 311.53, Code 455-Secretory to Division Head. Tele­phone a nd personol contacts; a ttends meet· ings a nd conferenc:es; orranges a gendo; pre· pares minutes; composes correspondence;

'Friday, June 2, 19611

What's Doing , ,.

I E REA By Joan Cone, ec.reat1oD Director

Ten o'clock on Monday morning, June 5, will be the opening time and date for registering at the Community Center for the sum mer courses in cake decorating and m odeling. Classes will begin on f ilm will b e "Angelika ," a poignant J uly 10 and be conducted d aily that story of a fa ta lly s tricken girl who week. E ach class will be limited d iscove rs tha t her physician spouse to 20 students in order that personal h ad been "bought" by her doting atten tion a nd instr uction can be fa ther. This is a German film star­given. r ing Ma ria Schell. Running time~

T he regis tration fee for each class 99 minutes. is $5. Cake decor a ting kits a re 8S- New Disneyland Canls sembled by the instructor and will The Magic K ingdom Club's new a lso cost $5. T he k its will include Gold Membership Ca rd , passport to t he basic colors, paper, t ips, pat- the best ticket va lues a t Disneyland ~erns and t ools n ~ e d e d for that and the P a rk 's "M i II ion Doll ar'~

course. The student will, of course, t hese kits a t the end of the

session. Beginning cake decoration classes

will be h eld from 8:30-11:30 a.m . a nd 7-10 p.m. T he a fternoon ses­s ion from 1-4 p.m. will be for those with previouS decorati ng e::lSperience if enough a dvanced students regis­t er. Mrs. Loraina Anderson in­structs.

MOdeling classes for J Unior H igh age girls will be held f rom 8 :30-11:30 a.m. and for H igh School g irls from 1-4 p.m. daily. P ractical knowledge s uch as how t o coordinate a wa rd-


PO\VERS l\fODEL-Evelyn Green. shown with John i{obert Powers of the tamed modcl agency, will in­tttruet modeling classes to be h eld at the Community Center starting July 10. Registration opens next .l.\londay.

* robe, how to be well dressed within a budget, a nd wha t clothes are cor­rect for d ifferent occasions is cov­ered in these classes. The adult c lass will b e held from 7-10 p.m . The instructor will . be Mrs . Evelyn Green .

Adult tation. Dance R eserva tions for groups of eight

o r more a re being ta ken (E xt . 7-2010) for the adu lf S tation da nce to be held a t the Community Center on June 16 . . T he ''Beachcombers,'' popula r H awaiia n combo from Los Angeles, will fur n i s h the music while showtime will feature a uthen­tic songs and dances of the isla nds. Dance time is 9 p.m.; admiSS ion is 75 cents a person.

Cribbage Tourney All cribbage players a re reminded

that the next tournament will be held, on Monday, J une 12, at 7 p.m., in the Community Center lounge. F our hand, partner ship cr ibbage is p la yed with trophies going to t he winning team .

Amateur Radio Class Classes in theory and code which

enable one t o pass the FCC exam fo r amateur r ad io licenses a re be­ing offe red by the IWV Radio Club. Classes a re held each Tuesday and Friday from 6 :30-8:30 p.m. at the NOTS Hobby Shop B uildi ng.

The club h as also announced it w ill be open eve ry week day nig ht from 7-9 p.m. C lub meetings a rc held each Monday night at 7 :30 p.m . F or further informa tion on the classes and club activiti es, call Jerry Brooks, E xt . 7-5923, a fter 4:30 p.m.

Film Society The last moyie of the current sea~

son of the China Lake Film Socie ty will be shown on June 5 a nd 6 at the Community Cente r a t 8 p.m . The

types leiters and · reports) sets up o nd main· tains Division fi les.

file applications for oboye positians with Dillie Snonahan , ' Room 26, Per~nnel 8uild· ing. Ext. 7·2676. Deadline date for all ap. plication. June 9.

s ummer line-up of spec ia l e nte r tain­ment, is now a vaila ble at the Com­munity Ce nter.

The new Gold ca rd replaces the g reen card, which expired Ma y 3L There is n o cha rge for m embersh ip in the Club, a nd m embers a u to­matica lly becom e eligible for the "F a mily of the M 0 nth" a wa rds. E ach m on th, three f a mil i e s a re ch osen for a complete, a ll-expense paid week end a t Disneyland a nd the D isneyland H otel.

Good t hrough Ma y 31, 1962, the n ew Gold Ca rd entities the m em­ber and h is family to purchase the Magic K in g d 0 m Club's Specia l T icket Books, which include a dmis­s ion to D isneyland a nd tickets td 12 a ttractions. These ticket book s, a nd other specia l v a l u e s offered th roughou t the year, a re available exclus ively to Ma gic Kingdom Club m embers. Disneyla nd is n ow opeQ daily.

E~I Club The Oasis Room a t the Enlist ..

ed Me n's Club will r esound to the music of the local "Keystones" t o ... n ight beginning a t 9:30 p.m . Da nc .. ing will conti nue through 1 :30 a.m..

AAUW Directors For 1961 Installed; Award Scholarship

N ew officers of the Amer ican Associa tion of University Women were installed at their annual ban ... quet last week and their annual scholarship a ward w as presented to Marion Snearly, Burroughs High School va led ictorian, class of '61-

Officia ting during the coming year will be : Ca rolyn Lindberg, pres ident; Audrey Gray, firs t vice" president; P eg Bruba ke r, second vice-pres ident ; J ean Chris tman, corresponding sec r e t a r y ; N a n Krueger, r ecording secreta ry ; and Flo Condos, treasurer.

Gues t speaker, Dr. Philip Schles ­s inger of Los Angeles City College, di scussed the criteria for r ecogniz .. ing and evalua ting propaganda in our da ily Jives.

Gems 0 f Wisdom The only fellow less popular than

a wise guy is a w ise guy w ho is, righ t .

Looks as if too m any parents tie up t heir dogs and let their 16-year olds run loose.



China Lake, California

Captain Charles Blenman Jr. , USN Station Commander

ludd GO:~~======~:;~Edltar Phil/ys Wair .ssoc. Editot "Tony" Gaff Staff Writ.

Dan Preuninger. PHAN Photograph.

Alt Illustration by TeclInicallnformation Depollment

Office--Housing 8uilding 3' Telephones 713.54. 716.55, 72082


NeWl Storiee"::::====:1Tue •• , 4:30 p .... Pha tographs Tues., 11 130 a ....

PASADENA Nova SemeynO-______ Correspondtat

Phon. Ext. 482 Shav Monun, A. E. 8lack, D. Sanchu


PrInted weekly by Hubbard Printing, 1M., lldgecrest, Calif., with appropriated fund ••• complianc. with Hoyexo. P-35, Rev. July 1951.

The Iockete., ,ecelves Armed ForCfl ...... Service material. All ore official U. S. Naoty phota. unless othe,wlse sptIcified.

""""""""""', ..

~riday, June 2, J 961

Sports Slants

calloftball V.arsity Hail Bakersfield Team

By Chuck. Mongold, Athletic Dfreetor

The Station varsity softball team, composed of twenty of the best players from the intramural league, will play the Bakersfield Merchants tomorrow night. Game time at the Beer Hut diamond is 8 p.m. ley, 93. Third place went to Thelma T he Sta tion t eam has a one and one Sperber from Edwa rds with a 96. r ecord for the season after losing The low net winner was Marguer-4-2 to the Douglas Oil Co. at Lake- ite P a ge from Edwards with a 75. wood last Sa turday night. These I n a tie for second place were Dot t eams will ha ve a return game here Gould, China Lake and Nancy Gray on June 17. from Apple Valley w ith scores of

Intramural Softball Standings 77. T eam- Won Lost.. The least put t S contes t e nd-Sta tion R esta urant ... _....... 6 1 cd in a three way tie between Reg-Ridgecrest Merchants _.... 6 1 gie Hibbs, Bernice Rice and Hazel Sa lt Wells ... _ ._ ............ _ _ ._ 4 4 Cooper a ll from China Lake with NOTS ..... __ .... _ ................... _.. 3 3 l$1 putts, A prize was given for M arine Ba rracks ... _ ..... __ . 3 3 the longest drive on the firs t hole. VX-5 ....................... __ .. _ .. _... 2 2 Ba be Wat t enba rger was th e win-NAF ................... _ ...... _........... 1 6 n ero Sta ff ........................................ 1 6 The shortest drive contest w as

Softball Schedule won by Ma ry Lou Smith from E d-June 3 wards. The duffe r prize for t he

Bakers field vs. NOTS-8 p.m. fh ighest score went to Ann Ba ll June 5 from China Lake. Second place

VX-5 vs. NAF-6:30 p.m. winne r was Gla dys R ose from E d-NOTS vs. Sta ff- 8:30 p.m. wards. The prize for coming the

June 6 closest to a hole in one on. the S taff vs. Salt Wells- 6:30 p.m . eighth hole went to Vera Green-NAF vs. Ridgecrest Mer cha n ts- fjeld, China Lake.

8 :30 p.m. Baseball June 7

NOTS vs. Ma rine B a rracks-6 :30 p.m.

VX-5 VS. Station Resta urant-8:30 p.m.

June 8 VX-5 vs. NOT8-6:30 p.m. NAF vs. Marine Ba rracks-8:30

p .m. June 10

Bishop vs. NOTS- 8 p,m . Gear Issue Room

The Station gear equipment issue r oom, located north of the tennis courts, is open each weekday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Boxing All military personnel interested

in taking boxing lessons are invited to participate in these sessions given free of charge by Bernie Locker each week day from 4.:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Station Gym.

Ladies Golf In the Ladies Invitational T our­

nament held last Tuesday the win­ners we re, Babe Wattenbarger from Bakersfield, low gross 78. In second place was Julia Tatum, Apple Val-

All mili tary and civilia n person· net interested in pla ying for the S tat ion baseba ll t eam are invited to r eport to Schoeffel Field n ex t i\.Ionday a t 7 p.m. Ensign Sid Beau­champ a nd Lt. Bob Rice will coach. The firs t scheduled ga m e is Sunday, ..June 11 against K elleys Ma rket from Ba kersfield.

BRL Players Clinic Slated Tomorrow

Babe Ruth League baseball play­ers will get a chance to sharpen their skills at a baseball clinic slat· ed for 9 to 12 a .m . at Schoeffel Field tomorrow, Saturday, June 3.

H erb Guest. BRL umpire-in­chief, will conduct special instruc· tions in batting, fielding, pitching and catching. The session will also include a r eview of the latest base· ball rules .

The clinic is open to all Babe Ruth League players, and the team m a nagers and coaches are expected to attend.

China lake 'liHle league Schedule , "AA" ',LeaCJue

Diamond No, 1 D a te Time Diamond No.2

I ndia ns vs . Athletics ...... _ .. __ .. _ .. June 13-5:45._ .......... White Sox vs. Cardinals Athletics vs. Braves ... _ ...... _ .. __ .June 15-5 :45 ..... _ .. _ ...... _ ... Eagles vs. India ns .E a gles vs. White Smt. .. _ .. _._ ... ~ .. June 16-5 :45 .. _ ...... _ ....... Ca rdina ls vs. Braves Ca rdinals vs. Eagles_._ ........... _ .. June 20-5:45._ ......... _ .. .Bra ves vs. White Sox Bra ves vs. Indians ... _ .............. _ .. June 22-5:4.5 ..................... E agles vs. Athleti cs Athletics vs. White Sox. ............. June 23-5:45 ......... _ ...... .Indians vs . Cardinals Ca rdinals vs. Athletics ....... _ ...... June 27- 5:4.5 ........................ India ns vs. E a gles Braves vs. Eagles .... _._ ........... _ .. June 29-5 :45 ................. White Sox vs. Indians Ca rdinals vs. White Sox ......... ~ .. June 3O-5:45._ ... _._._._ . .Athletics vs. Braves Ca rdinalS vs. Braves ... __ ... _ .. _.July 6--{j :45_ .. __ . __ . .Athletics vs. E a gles Bra ves vs. Indians ... _ .. _ .............. July 7-5:45 ..... __ ..... White Sox vs. Athletics Indians vs. Cardinals ... _ ...... _._.July 11-5:45 .......... _ ...... Bra ves vs. White Sox E agles vs. Braves ......................... July 13-5:4!L_ ...... _ .. .Athletics vs. Ca rdinals ................................................... _ .... _.July 13- 8:00 .. _ .... _ ....... India ns vs. White Sox Athletics vs. Indians ................ ~ .. July 14-8 :0()..._ .. _ .. _ ....... Ca rdinals vs. E a gles ........................... _ .......... _ ........ _ ... _ ... July 17-5:45._ ................ White Sox vs. Eagles Indians vs. E a gles ... _ .......... _ ....... July 18-8:00._ ...... _ .. _ ... Bra ves vs. White Sox E a gles vs. Cardinals ....... _ .. _ .. __ .July 20-5:45._ .... _ .. _ ...................... _ ..... _ .. _ ..... _ .. . \Vhite Sox vs. Athletics .......... _ .. July 20-8:00 .. _ .. _ ..... _ ........ Braves vs. India ns ... _ .................. _ ...... _ .................. ___ ... July 21-5:45 .. _ ... _ ...... .Athletics vs. Cardinals White Sox vs. Eagles ... _ ............. July 24.-8:00 .................. Cardinals vs. India ns Indians vs. White Sox. .......... _ ... July 25-8:00 ................ _ ... Bra ves vs. Athletics Ca rdina ls vs. Braves ............... _ .. July 2i-8:00 .. _ ........ _ ...... .Ea gles vs. Athletics Athletics vs. Indians ................ _ .. July 28-5:45 ........... _ ...... _ .......... _ ...... _ .......... _ .. _ .. . White Sox vs. Cardina ls ............ July 28-8:00 .... _ ...... _ .. _ .. _ .. .Ea gles vs. Braves

"AAA" LeaCJue Diamond No.1 Date Time Diamond No.2

Sena tors VS. Padres ....... _ ........ _ .. June 12-5:45 ..... _ ...... _ ............... Cubs vs. Ducks Angels vs. Reds ....... _ ..... _ .... _. __ .. J une }4-5:45 .. _._ ...... _ .. .Mounties vs. T erriers Padres vs. Buccaneers ... _ ........... June 14- 8:00 .. _ ...................... Ducks vs. H a wks Sena tors vs. Ducks ........... _ .. _ .. _ .. June 19-5 :4.5 .... _ .. _._ .. _ ...... .Padres vs. Angels Buccaneers vs. Mounties ....... _ .. June 21-5:45 .. ~ ........ _ ............... Hawks vs. Reds Cubs vs. Angels ... _ .. _ .. _ ...... _ .... _ . .June 21- 8:00 .. _ ............... Terriers vs. Senators Mounties vs . Angels ... _ ............•.. June 26- 5 :45 .. ~ ........ _ ............... Reds vs. Padres Terriers vs. Hawks ... _ .. _ ...... _._ .. June 28--5 :45 .... _ ........... Buccaneers vs. Ducks Reds vs. Mounties ... _ ................... June 28-8 :00._ .... _ ...... _ ....... Senators vs. Cubs Terrie rs vs . Buccaneers ... _ ........ July 5-5:45. __ .. _ .. _ .... _ ..... Cubs VS. Mounties Hawks vs. Padres .. ___ .... _ ... _~ . .July 6-8:00 .. _ ..... _ .. _ ...... .Angels vs. Senators Reds vs. Cubs ....... _ .. ___ .. _ .... _._.July lo-5:45 ... _ .. _ .. __ .Buccaneers vs. Angels Cubs vs. Buccaneers ....... _ ....... _ .. July 12-5 :45 ................... .Mounties vs. Hawks Ducks vs. Padres ........... _ ......... _ .. July 12-8:00 ................. _ ....... Terriers vs. Reds Ducks vs. Terriers ............... _ .. _ .. July 14-5:45 ..................... Senators vs. Hawks Angels vs. Hawks ............... _ .... _ .. July 18-5 :45 .................... Mounties vs. Padres _ ... _ .................. _ .. _ .... __ .. __ ........ _ .. July 19-5:4.5_ ... _ .. _ .. _ ...... _ ... Terriers VS. Cubs _ ... _ .................. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .............. _ .. July 2o-5:45 ... _ ....... Buccaneers vs. Senators Senators vs. Reds __ .. _ .. _ .. _ ... _.July 24-5:45 ..... _ .. ___ ...... _ .. .Angels vs. Ducks H awks vs. Cubs ... __ ._ .. _ .. _ .. __ .. July 25-5:45._ .. _ ...... __ ... Padres vs. Terriers Angels vs. Terriers ... _._ .......... _ .. July 26-5:45 .. _ .... _ ...... _ ...... _ ... Padres VB. Cubs Ducks VS. Mounties ... _ .. _ .. _ ..... ~ .. July 26-8:00 .. _ ........... _ ... R eds vs. Buccaneers M ounties vs. Senators ... _ ............ July 21- 5 :4.5 .. _ ............ H awks vs. Buccaneers _ ............................ _ .. _ ...... __ ..... __ .. J uly 28-5:45 ......... _ ... _ .............. R eds vs. Ducks


What's Doing ,Cflp and Save

Published once a montn as a com~ munity service.

Monday APG,E, 2d, Community Center, 7 p .m. Alkali Angell (model airplanes), ht. Ridg.

crest Hobby Shop; 3rd, NOTS Hobby Shop. I p.m.

Amateur ladlo Club, 2d, 4th, NOTS Hobby Shop, • p.m.

American Chemlcol Sodety, h t, • p .M. Ceramics Club, 3d, Com. Ctr., ' :30 p.m. CAP. Inyokern Sq. 12 (Cadets), Meh, In,...

kern Airport, 7 p.m. CPO Wivel Club, 2d. CPO Club •• p .m. Desert Art league, ht, Reaeotion Hut, 6 p.m.,

3d, Com Ctr., 7:30 p.m. C.L. Boat Club, ht & 3rd, 7 p.m., Station I

Restaurant. C.L. Bowmen, 4th. 57·a Rowe. 7:30 p.m. China lake P.E.O.'I, 4th, to be announced. Community Women's Club, bt, ~hodItt

Church Sodal Hall, lidgeaest, • p .m. DAV. Chapter 135. bt, County Bldg., 7:30 p_ DAV Aux., 2d. 4th, County Bldg., 7 p .m. Eosteln Star, 2d, " 'h, MasonIc T-.nple, • pa Film Society, ht & 5th, Com. Ctr., 8 p.m. Junior Rifle Club, 4th, VFW Hall, 6:30 p .M. National Sojourne,., 3d, COM. 6 p.m. Natural Science Club, 2d, Com. Cfr., 8 p.m. Navy Wive" ht, 3d, Clubhouse, 1;30 p.m. lodthounds. each. IDCkhound Hut, 7 p.m. I .N. Club, 4th, Community Centtor, 1 p.m. Soarlr19 Club, each, Glider Hut, at Inter ...

tlon of NA.f & SHOAT roads, 7130 p.m. SPEBSQSA, ItQch, Hut '1, • p.m.

Tuesday AAUW. 4th, Com. Ctr., 7:30 p.m. A.lkall Angels (Model Airplanft), MCh, Robb,

Shop, lidgectflt, 7 p.m. Altar Society, St. Ann's, 41h, East Wing, All

Faith Chapel, 8 p.m. American LegIon and Auxiliary, 1st, 3d, Am­

erican LltSfion Hall. 7:30 p .m, IPW. China Lake, 2d. 4th, 11130 a .m. CAP, China Lake Sq. 84, each, 7:1!1 p.m.,

Rowe St. Hut. CAP, Inyokern Sq. 82 (SenIor.), 2d and .tth.

Inyokern Airport, • p.m. CL fencing Club, each, Row. St. Hut, 6:30

p.m. Cl Elem. Sch. Bel., lst, 3td, Murray library,

7:30 p .m. Coin Club, 2nd, Com. Ctr., 7:30 p.m. Community Council, 2d and 4th, CommunI"

C..,ter, 7:30 p.m. Dt!s.,t (mphe Bits. of WWl nteraM __

Avx., .. th, County Bldg., • p.m. !agle., Fraternal Order of, and Aw" lIt,

3d, Am .... legion Hall, Randlburg, 7&30 p .... Imbl.,.. Club, ht, 3d, Elb Lodge, • p.-. Knights of Columbus, reg. mtgs. lst & 3rd;

Officers' mlgl. 2nd"'lh; K. C. Hall, 7:30 p .m. Moose, ht, 3d, Moon Hall, • p.m. Machinists, Int'I Aun., .... 2, ht and 3d, C0m­

munity Cent." 7;30 p.m. Oasi. Garden Club, .. th, ba'eatlon IIdg .•

lidgeae.t County Pork. ' :30 a .m. ShNtmetal Work •• , 2d, Com. Cfr., 7130 p ..... SkI Club, 3d. ComJ Ctr., • p.m. Wom.n of the Moose, 2d and 4th, Moo.

Hall, • p.m.

We4nesda,. Astronomical Society, ht, Com. Ctt., ' :30 p.m. Beta Sigma Phi, 2nd & 4th, 8 p .m. Call

Ridgecrest 5-1.431-Cactu. Square., each, Recreation Hut, 7:30 p .m. federal Employ", Veteran. Aun., Ioat, 239

W. lidgeaHt Blvd., I pm •• fleet Reserve Ann. Branc.h 95, fleet ... .,.,.

Hut, 2d, 7 p.m, FI_t RHerYe Aux., %d, Anchorage, 7130 p.m. lAM Women'. Aux., 2d. ...h, County Iidg •.

Ildgeaest, 7:30 p.m. IWV Sports Cot Club, 2d. Cam. Cfr •• p.fa. Junior Archery, each, 57·8 Rowe, 5:30 p.m. Modern Dance • .ach. Com. Ctr., 6 p.m. Pholographic Society, ht & 3rd, 8 p.m., CI

Hut. lug Club, each, Reaeotion Bldg., ':30 a .m. Ma~nic lodge, each, Ma~nlc T.mple, 7 p.m. NR.OC 11·1, 2nd. 4th, Mich. lob., 7130 p.m. Toastmasters. each, Sta. Restaurant, 6 p.m. Sweet Adelines, each, Rowe St. Hut 203, 8


~'honda,. AIr Res~ Sq., Fit. f, ' ..... 7th, each. too.

1001, Michelson lab, • p.m. 8'W, Kern Desert, 2d, 4th, 8 p.m. Chess Club, each, Com Ctr., 7 p.m. Dtt5ert Dancers, each, Com. Center, 7 :30 p.m. Dust Devil., each, James Monroe School, 7 p ..... Elk., each, Elb lodge, 8 p.m. IOOF. ht and 3d, County Bldg, • p .•• Ladie. of Columbus, 2d, KC Hall, 7130 p ... PTA (Burrough.), 2nd, library. 7:30 p.m. PTA (Elementary, 3rd, 7;30 p .m., Murray. Quortw Midget, 2d, Com. Ctt., 7:30 p.m. Sage Sharks Diving Club, 2nd, Com. Center,

7:l0 p.m. Shrine, 3d, Am. LegIon Hall, 6130 p .M. Scottish lit .. , 2d, COlMty Iidg •• 7130 p.m. Toastmast .... No. '53, each, COM, 5:~ pa-Toostmiltr ... Club, 2d and .. th. 6:30 p ... VFW. 2d and «h, VfW Hall, 1J30 p .M.

Frtday Rebekah lodge, lst, 3d, Cty. Ildg., • p .m. Rocket Bridge Club, each, Com. Ctt .• 7 p.m.

Little Lea9ue Standings "A" League I

Team Won 7

Lost I Yankees 1 Giants ... _ .. _ .. _._ .. _ .. ___ _ 6 1 Tigers ... _ .. _ ......... _ ......... .. 4 4 Dodgers ............... _ .. _ .. _ .. . 2 5 Red Sox ............... _ .. _ .... _. 2 5 Pi rates .4._ ... .......... ············_ 1 6

-DRy ElPfR

Page Three

Feline Reigns As Queen Of the Dam Night Shift

By Carney D. Kaerner

\'(Te didn't get the full story of the conversation be­tween Bill Matheison, Test Mechanic at Morris Dam, and "Fluffy," Queen of the night shift, in the picture above.

W e did discover a few t hings "the best darned night watchman about F luffy on Armed F orces Day in this man's Navy." The last line howeve r, s uch as - occas ionally is a direct quote from a ll the boys she indicates by wor d of pu rr that in the Mor ris Da m Propulsion Lab. s he'd transfer out of t he joint if l he food weren't so good. But of course she is reluctant to leav~

a ll her budd ies to carry on alo ne . E ve n k itties have big dec isions to m a ke .

Fluffy doesn't have security clearance - not even a black badge, but then t he boys in the Propuls ion Lab all vouch fo r hel' loya lty. She neve r breathes a word of wha t they say - as a matter of fact sbe limi ts he r convers ation to a lusty "MEOW" for her daily doughnut (she likes 'em pla in ) a nd her soft purr for a ll those cannell good ie! on the shelf with h er nam (! on them. Of course, she believes in sharing - she shares her com­pa ny (or a few bites of the ir home cooked lunch too.

W e doubt that she rea lly catche~ mice - she just isn' t the type. She probably gives them a good chase for exercise now and then. How else can a girl keep her figure.

Nobcdy knows just what she does a t night - she eats and sleeps a nd purrs all day. W e pre­sume that she stays on in the do­main of noises and smells, guard­ing her e mpire after the lights go out, fo r there has been nary R.

coyote venture in to the a rea since s he a rrived.

So if for the wa nt of som ething bette r to do, you dec ide t o call Mor­ris Dam Propulsion Lab some night, a nd you get a lus ty "MEOW" - its not g remlins, it's just Fluffy

School Notes Jack O'Brien r epresented Bur­

roughs last Saturday a t the CIF Southe rn Section finals held at Chaffey High School in Onta rio. Jack faced som e top competition in the track event a nd fini shed eighth at the m eet. His perfor­ma nce in the previous eliminations has been commendable; we're look· ' ing fo rwa rd to next yea r.

Ted King horn r eceived accep­tance to the Univers ity of Ca lif. at Sa nta Barbara; a substantial scho ... larship was a warded to him by the university. Ted is in the Work Ex­peri ence Program at Mich. Lab. and was recently the r ecipient of a second place Elks Award.

Senior English and Senior Prob­lems teachers selected EmiUe De· l\[oss for the Norman E. Young English Awa rd . Emilie plans to en_ ter Ba ke rsfi eld College in the fa ll.

Valene Halsey r eceived a $125 scholarship from the Community Woman's Club of Indian W ells Valley on the basis of he r scho-· la s tic attainment and s tudent lead ­ership . Va lene has also won the DAR Good Ci t ize n Award and the Bank of Ame rica Award.

The AAU\V a warded a $200 scho. larship to l\larion Snearly for achieving the highest tota l grade point average of any senio r g irl over the four year pe riod.

Z~"'Y ANTICS-The F1ush twins, l\oIolly and Polly, provided the fuse that e xploded laughter throughout the capacity crowd which filled the bleachers at Schoelfel Field as the Cuties took on the NOTS AU Stars in an exhibition softball game last Friday e \'ening.