car2go university take over

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Strategic implementation on how to take car2go national by targeting university campuses across the nation instead of large cities.

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JORDAN GILBERTSON strategy and creative

JAKE HYSELL research and strategy

EVAN GORONKINresearch and strategy



Demographic Maps

Culture of Millennial


Universities are Hubs of Change









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We then discuss the social and cultural en-forcers that make students the prime target market for car-sharing services and collabora-tive consumption. The book concludes with recommendations on how to engage and network on each campus, as well as what di-rection the campaign needs to go when at-tacking universities on a national level.

This book will explain to you that car2go should center its national campaign around students on college campuses. We pro-filed three schools whose states already use car-sharing and have car2go services in their major cities. The schools are San Diego State University, University of Oregon, and Univer-sity of Texas.

Enjoy the ride, it’s free.


Consumers on college campuses prove far more accessible, marketable, and profitable versus their city dwelling counterparts. We il-lustrate this with graphic maps that highlight key insights about the universities demo-graphics, as well as the financial situations of the average student at each school.

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Avg. Student Debt upon graduation: $22,736If a student wanted to park on campus a permit would cost:12 months: $3009 months: $225.001 Term: $125.00Student Monthly: $125.00No free parking but on the weekends

The cost for meters on campus go for:1 HR: $1.502 HR: $3.503 HR: $6.504 HR: $9.505 HR: $12.00Daily Max: $12.00Parking tickets on campus run from: $16-$20

Average Student Debt upon graduation: $16,104If a student wanted to park on campus a permit would cost:Semester: $135Overnight Semester: $213Weekly: $11Weekly overnight: $17Daily: $5No free parking but on the weekends

The cost for meters on campus go for:1 HR: $1.502 HR: $3.503 HR: $6.504 HR: $9.505 HR: $12.00Daily Max: $12.00Parking tickets on campus run from: $16-$20

Average Student Debt upon graduation: $24,667If a student wanted to park on campus a permit would cost:Dorm Student Garage annual $874Commuter Student Garage $602Surface Parking Dorm or Commuter $120Student Remote $120Remote $142No free parking but on the weekends

The cost for meters on campus go for:1 HR: $1.502 HR: $3.503 HR: $6.504 HR: $9.505 HR: $12.00Daily Max: $12.00Parking tickets on campus run from:$16-$20

Here is a quick breakdown of the financial situations of college students at each of the universities. In that order, the demographic maps and insights are provided on the following pages.


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San Diego State University is located in a unique region of Southern California, situat-ed 10 miles outside of the heart of the city. The freshmen population of roughly 4,000 students resides in three out of the four cor-ners of the campus, all approximately a mile apart from each other. All are a few minutes drive away from Mission Valley Freeway, the gateway to the heart of the city. Car2Go of-fers an affordable and fun way to navigate the greater San Diego area.

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Eugene, Oregon is the state’s leader in sus-tainability. With that, the University of Oregon is in a position to emerge as a trailblazer in the reduction of students’ carbon footprints; and it all starts with the first years. Car-shar-ing is the answer to this reduction in waste. With rain falling in this city six out of the 12 months, driving an enviro-friendly, inexpen-sive vehicle around campus presents an op-portunity for students to arrive in class feeling comfortable, and most importantly, dry.


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The Longhorns at Texas are a prideful bunch, and rightfully so. Between 48 national cham-pionships and being considered 15th-best university in the world by The Times of Lon-don, they’ve built themselves quite the repu-tation. With the introduction of car2go at the University of Texas, students there are pre-sented with a greener transportation alterna-tive. This new product adds one more notch to the Longhorns’ belt, and takes steps in the right direction towards a more sustainable fu-ture for the students, and more importantly, those they bring into the world.

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The reality is, targeting this specific demo-graphic proves most useful with a look at the numbers. Analyzing the population density of these areas tells us that there are more peo-ple crowded into these college campuses than there are in their respective greater city limits. By at least 1,500 in each.

But we already assumed colleges were im-pacted like that didn’t we? What gets swept underneath the rug is the culture within that dense area. NEW RELATIONSHIPS are what describe the college life in a nutshell. Times of change are upon these newcomers. Why not introduce them to an offer they can’t refuse?

Between cost of meters, parking permits, parking tickets, and debt leaving college, the financial spendings of a college student start to accumulate. Students who own cars also find access to parking on a campus a hassle. With a long list of on-campus transportation issues, students are naturally the most desir-able target audience for car-sharing.


To spark change, you must target people at new beginnings, which makes college a per-fect time and place to introduce the car-shar-ing concept. car2go is presented with a marketable generation who not only is hardwired to share, but innately recogniz-es the benefits of collaborative consump-tion.

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Collaborative Consumption is the HEART of the Millennial


The Millennial Generation grew up with col-laborative consumption as the norm con-sumption. They have literally been hard-wired to share; from Netflix to Facebook, sharing is second nature. 18-24s NEED to be the target market for the car2go nationwide campaign. It would require little to no mar-keting efforts to teach these consumers how and why collaborative consumption is more economical and convenient. 18-24s prefer to pay for the benefit of using products rather than paying to own the product out-right. Popular examples of this are found on the next page.

Product Service Systems:Car2Go, Call-A-Bike, Social Bicycles, GoCarShare, Carpooling, Solary City, Rent-aToy, CampusBookRen-tals, Bag, Borrow & Steal, Netflix, Hey Neighbor!, Getable, Hulu

Redistribution Markets:Craiglist, eBay, GiftFlow, Gazelle, Thebookswap, Toyswap, Clothing Exchange, Swap, Zaarly

Collaborative Lifestyles:Citizen Space, Hub Culture, CoLoft, DesksNearMe, The Lending Club, TimeBanks, CouchSurfing, Taxi2, OurGoods, Kickstarter, Urban-GardenShare, SkillShare

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Almost half (45%) of 18-24s socialize on-line, compared to only 23% of all adults. http://academic.mintel.com/display/602724/

Mobile phones are a key element of so-cial dynamics within the segment with more than half (53%) using them to feel connected to their social world. A third see their mobile phone as an expression of who they are. http://academic.mintel.com/display/602724/

Few respondents (10%) are the first among their friends to have the latest electronic equipment. However, among those aged 18-24, twice that amount report being an early adopter.


Data also shows that 18-24s are con-siderably more likely than those from older age groups to give advice to their friends about electronic equipment, supporting the notion that http://academic.mintel.com/display/586228/#atom2

Many young adults are going mobile,

and therefore mobile marketing is becom-ing an increasingly important tool for those seeking to

create brand rela-tionships with the



18-24s are among the most tech-forward of

American consumers.

18-24s are not only avid tech users but also play a key role in INFLUENCING the technology decisions of older adults. Others will catch on and start using car2go when they see the tech advisers doing so.

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STEP 2:While you wait for your membership card, get to know the website and download the app on your mobile deviceSTEP 3:

When you need to get from point A to B, forget stress and extra expenses. Locate a car, drive to the destination, park & go.

$0.38 per minute



What’s up party animals? I heard you needed help finding your cool in college. First off you need to ditch the old ball and chain. I know in high school she represented

your independence, adulthood, and cool points but its time to grow up. Your moving out and up in the world. So get rid of your old clunker and get with the new model.

Best advice I can offer, leave your car at home and start traveling like your actually in college with Car2Go...or you

could not take my advice and perish for eternity in the junk yard. Your choice.


but bringing your personal car to school is anything but. So while you prepare yourself to marry a thousand new responsibilities, allow yourself to break up with the neediest

one of them all -- your car.

STEP 1:All you need to register is a parent signature. Registration fee waved for new students.

Maintenance Included_Insurance Included_No Annual Fees_No Contract_Fuel Included_Parking Included_No Monthly Fees

The best part about college is having the freedom to do what you want, when you want. Don’t let your car hold you back. Choose Car2Go and experience

college the way its supposed to be experienced ON THE GO.

$50.00 per gallon


+car payments


All graphic icons are meant to be used as but-tons to guide students to helpful web pages.

Example: this phone, when clicked on, will take you to the customized app and web-site according to what school you attend.


We designed an instruction manual to be giv-en to all new students to explain that driving on a college campus is different than what they have grown accustom to.

It illustrates why personal ownership of a car in college is extremely difficult to maintain with such tight financial situations. It also ex-plains how simple it is to use car2go as an al-ternative.

It’s personable, easy to understand, and light hearted, in hopes that students will accept car-sharing as something fun not forced.

It’s also ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY, de-signed to be an interactive PDF that can be customized for each campus that it will repre-sent. This manual would be the only market-ing tool necessary for the nation wide cam-paign. Its simple, virtually free to distribute via email and takes no time at all to customize.Its a win-win.

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Brand Ambassadors are notorious for gain-ing market share on college campuses for the brands/companies they represent. Not only do brand ambassadors provide important in-sight about the campuses they belong to, but they gain trust from their fellow students. By offering this internship to the students it also cuts down marketing efforts, due to the fact that internships are such a hot commodi-ty on campuses, just opening the position will cause hype. As noted in 2008 by CNN, many students shut down completely once they feel that they are being marketed to, “Further-more, methods such as posting flyer’s tend to simply blend into the background. In order to overcome these challenges and cut through the ‘clutter,’ companies employ students as ‘brand ambassadors,’ in order to educate oth-er students about their products and brands.”http://academic.mintel.com/display/586228/#atom2


A huge part of our research findings tells us that finances are the number one cause of stress and worry for 18-24s during their dai-ly lives. Also, coupon books and school deals often boost businesses within communities surrounding college campuses. Because stu-dents are driven towards deals, car2go should offer bonus minutes and/or wave-able fees.


It is extremely important for car2go to work and network strongly with the universities in which they are marketing to. By partnering with the universities you automatically gain trust with the student body. When a brand is entering a new market, interest and trust are key to gaining new customers. Networking directly with students will prove to be in-valuable.

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There is huge potential here. If car2go wants to be the leaders of this social evolution, it is in their hands to ignite the fire and change the way in which we travel. car2go presents an accessible opportunity to help save the plan-et, and since this generation is eager to do so, there would be little hesitation to participate. By making car2go the norm transportation on universities nationwide, car-sharing would become an integral part of the college expe-rience. Upon graduation these students will have become avid car2go users. They will au-tomatically become members for life and DEMAND that car2go be available in the places they graduate to. We hope you can see what’s possible here and that you grab hold of this opportunity before someone else does.

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University of Oregon:Housing: Assistant Director, Silvina Sousa-Ransford. Email – [email protected] Phone – 541.346.4277Sustainability: Student Coordinator, Louisa de Heer. Email – [email protected] Phone – 541.346.8321 Student Coordinator, Michael Donovan. Email – [email protected] + Transportation: Director, Gwen Bolden. Email – [email protected] Phone – 541.346.5796

University of Texas:Housing: DHFS Housing Reservations, Business Office. Email – [email protected] Phone – 512.471.3136Sustainability: Director, Jim Walker. Email – [email protected] + Transportation: Director, Bobby Stone. Email – [email protected] Phone – 512.471.7275

San Diego State University:Housing: Business Office, Jenelle DeJesus. Email – [email protected] Phone – 619.594.5742Sustainability: Coordinator, Morgan Chan. Email – [email protected] Phone – 818.400.8791Parking + Transportation: Coordinator, Janie Guerrero. Email – [email protected] Phone – 619.5946672


Jordan Gilbertson

Email -- [email protected] Phone -- 503.544.1144 Website -- jordangilbertson.com

Evan Goronkin

Email -- [email protected] Phone -- 425.208.6794

Jake Hysell

Email [email protected] Phone -- 503.459.6969

Here are the people to contact at

each of the universities

mentioned in the book to

put this plan in action.

We are all seniors at the University of Oregon. Graduating this spring and ready for employment.