The most comprehensive Oracle applications & technology content under one roof Carbon Footprinting for Compliance Schemes [email protected] [email protected]

Carbon Footprinting Compliance Schemes - Australia

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Matt Drum and Ray Kan of Ndevr present Oracle's Environmental Accounting and Reporting solution in E-Business Suite R12, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, as well as a full demonstration of the sustainability reports that can be generated from these modules using BI.

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The most comprehensive Oracle applications & technology content under one roof

Carbon Footprinting for

Compliance Schemes

[email protected]

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1. Introduction – policy and legislation

2. Emissions scopes – brief overview

3. Reportable emissions and liable emissions – NGERs vs. CPM

4. Thresholds – NGERs vs. CPM

5. Methods for measurement

6. Data capture and management – IT systems

7. Overview Oracle Environmental Accounting and Reporting

8. Accounting for Carbon

9. Daily Processing JDE and E-Bus

10. Implementation Overview

11. After the Implementation

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Mandatory Reporting NGERs & CPM & More


National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Act 2007

– Originally designed to closely underpin the emissions trading system which was shelved


Carbon Pricing Mechanism – provided for by the Clean Energy Act 2011

– Introduced carbon price on the economy

– Very much an upstream liability focus - 300 liable entities (CPM) vs. 800 (NGERs)

Voluntary Schemes


– NCOS (carbon neutral)

– General Sustainability reporting – often tied to Annual Reports



– California ETS – begins 1 January 2013

– China – seven major provinces kicking-off from 2013

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Carbon Emissions’ ScopesScope 1-3 emissions sources

(2008, National Greenhouse and

Energy Reporting Guidelines,

Australian Government,

Department of Climate Change,

p. 10)

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• The four challenges

• Uncertainty

• Methods 1 to 4

• Data source and factors uncertainties

• Energy

• Penalties• Up to $1.1M for CPM - serious non-compliance

Measuring Emissions

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Principles of the Measurement

1. Completeness

2. Accuracy

3. Comparability

4. Transparency

• Can be difficult to achieve for large sprawling organisations

• Multiple sites, thousands of energy and supply accounts

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Pressure Everywhere

Regulatory Pressure

• How do I meet my regulatory reporting requirements?

• How do I report more efficiently and with a higher level of confidence?

Stakeholder Pressure

• How do I meet increasing demands for transparency?

• How do I protect and build the organization’s brand?

Cost Reduction

• Where can I reduce environmental impacts while also reducing costs?

• How do benchmark and share best practices across the organization?

Collect Data Calculate & Analyze Report

Increased Competition

• How can I respond to the peer activity in the space?

• How can I increase margins and gain market share?

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Operational Challenges


Mobile Assets


Other Sources

Multiple, Fragmented Systems

• Silos of information

Manual, Error-Prone Processes

• Data extraction and transformation

• Adjustments and eliminations


Accounting Challenges

• Standards

• Access Control

Lack of Actionable Business Data

• Unreliable

• Currencies

• Auditability

• Latency



l Im

pact S



• Inefficiencies

� Lengthy reporting process with weak internal controls

� Complex systems that cannot identify new opportunities

� Disconnect between strategy and execution

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NGER’s Reporting

• What did you do last week?

• How did your firm total your NGER’s data?

– spreadsheets, templates, pivot tables, vlookups, trim,

if(isna) …

– photocopies of invoices

– photocopies of scans of invoices

– subcontractor energy use

• Transparent, Comparable, Accurate, Complete?

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Oracle Environmental Accounting & Reporting

• Automated, Auditable Collection of GHG and Environmental Data

Data collection in Financials

OBIEE Dashboards

� Comply with Global Greenhouse Gas Regulations

� Increase Data Collection Efficiency and Reliability

� Improve Environmental and Financial Performance

• Data collection using EBS Financials Release 12.1/JD

Edwards Release 9

• Emissions calculation following Greenhouse Gas Protocol

• Pre-built OBIEE reporting and analytics tools, including

responses to the Carbon Disclosure Project

• Rapid implementation as embedded ERP system component

• Proven solution built on market leading technology

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Oracle Environmental Accounting & Reporting

Enables you to…

� Automate Environmental Data Collection

Leveraging Existing Business Processes

� Calculate Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Auditable and in Line with Global Standards

� Analyze KPIs and Comply with Regulations

Meet Internal Reduction Targets and Report Externally

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Oracle Environmental Accounting & Reporting

Environmental Data Collection

Excel (WebADI)

Invoice Processing

Inventory Issues

Emissions Calculation Engine

Business Intelligence DashboardsEnergy Emissions Metrics Usage Transactions Reporting

Environmental Data Load Concurrent Request

Environmental Ledger

Environmental Data Warehouse

Manual Batches

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Oracle EA&R - Making Your Life Easier












CO2 &






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Oracle EA&R - Process Overview


















PO with

















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Reporting Dashboard

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Reporting Dashboard

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Implementation Overview

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Management Reporting


Levels 1

through 12


Levels 1

through 12

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NGERS Reporting

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Implementation Overview

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Invoice Processing – Emissions Detail with Gas Breakdown

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Reporting Dashboard

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Reporting Dashboard

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Reporting Dashboard

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Answers Analysis

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Answers Analysis

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Answers Reporting

results tab to

run report

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Answers Analysis


Levels 1

through 12


Levels 1

through 12

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JD Edwards Environmental

Accounting and Reporting

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Complexity is HiddenEnvironmental Specifications

Source Energy (Content) Factor (GJ/t) Emission Factor (kg CO2-e/GJ)

Black Coal 27.0 CO2 CH4 N2O

88.2 0.03 0.2

Environmental Transactions

Source Transaction Quantity (t) Source Type Scope* Transaction Mode

Black Coal 20,000 Consumed 1 (Direct) Manual Entry

Data Source: National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors, Department of Climate Change, Australian Government

Environmental Accounting

Energy Consumed

in GJ


Emission Type Emissions in kgs of CO2-e Scope

540000 CO247,628,000 (20,000 x 27.0 x 88.2) 1 (Direct)

CH4 16,200 (20,000 x 27.0 x 0.03)

N2O 108,000 (20,000 x 27.0 x 0.2)

Cumulative Total 47,752,200















* Based on GHG Protocol Emission Scope

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EBS Invoice Processing

Pressing this

button will

create the

emissions and

shutdown the


This will allow

you to allocate

the usage




On detecting

an invoice as

being a EA&R

transaction, a

pop screen


appears to

enter usage

• Automatically detects when additional

data needs to be entered

• Values default data based on setup

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EBS Emissions Overrides



Override criteria and justification

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Associate Environmental Impact

to Assets

Trans Type – Engine Type

Will have different emission factorsEXTERNAL

assets are

ones that do

not exist in




assets are

ones that do

exist in



• Leverage Assets already defined in ERP

• Set up external Assets as needed

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Allocate Environmental Impact

to AssetsThe system will

determine the Item

code, sub -inventory

and unit of measure

based on setup

The User enters

the usage &

commits the


On selecting

the type, user

is automatically

prompted for the



Using the Standard Miscellaneous

Transaction Screen In Inventory

Issue Fuel Consumption To Fleet Vehicles Or Other Assets

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Trans Type –


assets are

ones that

do not exist

in Oracle



assets are

ones that

do exist in



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User Defined Metrics

• Define custom key performance

indicators to more deeply analyze

key metrics

• Normalize data to operational


• Use drag-and-drop BI Answers

environment in OBIEE to create

custom reports

• Rich end user interaction features

Example: Diesel Oil Consumed per Kilometer traveled

Creating Custom KPIs

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Implementation Overview



•Reporting Structures (Hierarchies)

• Legislative, Management, Responsibility


• Locations, Transport Types, Emission Types,

Measurement Criterion

•Emission Sources (energy factors, emission factors)

• Parent-Source-Activity

• Over-ride factors

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Implementation Overview

•Payables Business Processes

•Environmental Suppliers

•Environmental Assets (cars, stationary, transport type)

•Environmental Inventory

•External Measurements (meters, solar, flows, volumes)


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Implementation Overview


• EA&R Company Constants

• Organization to Business Unit Mappings

•E-Business EA&R

• Profile Options

• Operating Unit Parameters

• Project Parameters

• Account Segment Values to Facilities

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Post Implementation – The Findings

•Accurately measure and monitor carbon footprint

•Replace laborious, time-consuming spreadsheets

used to produce sustainability reports

•Reduce human error and save on staffing costs

•Comply with the Australian government’s national

greenhouse and energy reporting (NGER) Act

•Data already available for Clean Energy Act

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Key Competitive Benefits

•Reduced time taken to generate data for sustainability and NGER

reports from three to four months to almost instantaneously

•Improved sustainability reports accuracy from 20% error margin

to 1% to 2%

•Reported accurate breakdown of energy consumption and

emissions, such as electricity, gas, and fuel

•Removed the need to hire temporary staff

•Enabled mining and construction project managers to generate

energy consumption graphs and reports

•Easy to meet external obligations as a sub-contractor

•Reduced external implementation - reuse in house JDE/E-Bus


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Lessons Learnt

•JDE/E-Bus EA&R and BI EA&R are separate apps (or

are they?)

•IT and the business must work together

•EA&R is intuitive for current users of JD Edwards/E-


•Easy to use and produces instant outcomes

•EA&R has minimal impact on business processes

•Sustainability requirements is not EA&R

•Reporting - upfront, flexible, rapid changes

•Enable the business with ad-hoc answers reporting

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Key Benefits for Data CollectionLeveraging Existing Business Processes

• Reduced environmental data management costs

• Ensure data completeness and avoid manual errors

• Flexibility and scalable data collection mechanisms

• Leverage existing IT investments

• Leverage existing ERP data

• Minimize organizational impact

• Maintain data integrity and security with single source of truth

• Consistent end user experience

• Rapid time to value

• Seamless integration

• Standard look and feel JDE/E-Bus

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Key Benefits for Data CollectionEmissions

• Multiple data entry options

• Identify missing data sets

• Automate creation of emissions where possible

• Support multiple hierarchies for reporting

• User access control

• Full audit trail, including supporting documentation

• Reliable and scalable platform

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Key Features for Emissions CalculationsControl and Consistency

• Identify emission sources and classify by type

• Set roll-up aggregation levels

• Define emissions factors by source

• Set custom emissions factors

• Manage emissions factor changes with date effectiveness

• Support multiple protocols

• Automatically convert units of measure

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Key Benefits for Emissions CalculationsAuditable and in Line with Global Standards

• Ensures compliance with regulatory standards for GHG reporting

• Identifies of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions

• Automatically determines correct emission factor

• Enables easy changes to emissions factors over time

• Provides complete audit trail for entries and updates

• Reduces data assurance costs

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Key Features for Analytics and ReportingMeet Internal Reduction Targets and Report Externally

• Derive useful business information from raw production and consumption data

• Normalize emissions to square footage, number of employees, revenue, or

other operational metrics

• Link emissions output reductions, energy savings, and other sustainability

initiatives to bottom line savings

• Pre-built OBIEE dashboards with dynamic user interaction

• Custom KPI definition and ad hoc reporting

• Set thresholds and management targets

• Comparative analysis and benchmarking, including versus baseline

• Create scenario based models to answer what-if questions

• Support for carbon offset accounting

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Provide Visibility & Drive PerformanceWith Oracle Business Intelligence Analytics

• Derive useful business information from raw

production and consumption data

• View pre-built OBIEE reporting and analytics tools

• Configurable OBIEE dashboards to track areas of risk

• Manage performance against targets

• Drill down into graphical output of past,

current, and projected data

• Analyze historical trends

• Define variance thresholds and receive alerts

• Leverage BI Publisher for report submission

• Publish and distribute reports in multiple formats

Emissions by Scope

Emissions by Facility

Emissions by Source

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Key Benefits for Analytics and ReportingMeet Internal Reduction Targets and Report Internally

• Scalable and market leading business intelligence platform

• Rapid creation of environmental reports

• Formatted reports to meet external reporting needs such as the Carbon

Disclosure Project

• Flexible reporting capabilities for quick ad hoc analyses

• Multiple delivery formats including spreadsheets, email, and PDF

• Enables management to targets and continuous improvement

• Powerful insights into high opportunity areas for emissions reductions, energy

savings, and cost savings

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Questions/Resources/Thank You

Clean Energy Regulator


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