Acknowledgment: The study was supported by the project with the Plitvice Lakes National Park. We appreciate help from Maja Vurnek and Andrijana Brozinčević (Scientific Station “Dr. Ivo Pevalek”, Plitvice Lakes National Park) for sampling in 2015. ESIR XIII, ZADAR, 20 - 24 September 2015 CARBON ISOTOPE FRACTIONATION DURING PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN SUBMERGED MOSS AND AQUATIC PLANTS RESULTS and DISCUSSION SAMPLING and METHODS Andreja Sironić, Jadranka Barešić , Nada Horvatinčić, Ines Krajcar Bronić Laboratory for Low-level Radioactivity, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia INTRODUCTION From these analysis we found the 13 C fractionation between DIC and the plant tissue for mosses is -41 ± 3 and for aquatic plants -22 ± 3 ‰. This difference is probably a result of different plant adjustment to photosynthesis of HCO 3 - (aq) and CO 3 2- (aq) molecules from DIC. Mosses are known to be adjusted to photosynthetic assimilation of CO 2 so there is probably an extra step of transformation of HCO 3 - (aq) and CO 3 2- (aq) to CO 2 resulting in a larger 13 C fractionation factor between DIC and plant tissue for mosses than for aquatic plants. CONCLUSION The Crna River, spring, sampling of moss (CR-spr) Kozjak Lake, sampling of algea (Chara sp.) (Koz-K3) The Korana River, sampling of moss (Kor) Freshwater mosses and other aquatic (submersed, floating, emersed) plants important fragments in the environment of karstic lakes, such as the Plitvice Lakes, accelerating tufa formation. Understanding the sources and the way they incorporate carbon, gives an insight into the formations of tufa barriers. Carbon isotopes are a good tool for understanding the sources of carbon (from 14 C composition) and mechanisms of carbon incorporation (from 13 C composition) into plants’ tissue. We observe plant samples collected in 2011, 2012 and 2015 (2nd period) in the natural habitat of the Plitvice Lakes: terrestrial moss, water submerged moss, marsh and aquatic plants. All collected samples are C3 photosynthetic cycle plants. The a 14 C and δ 13 C values of the plant tissue are compared with values of carbon reservoirs the plants use in photosynthesis: atmospheric CO 2 and/or dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as well as with the carbon isotope composition of plants measured 30 years ago (1st period, Marčenko et al, 1989). The fraction of each carbon reservoir in plants is determined and the 13 C fractionation factor between DIC and organic tissue of a plant is calculated. References Marčenko E, Srdoč D, Golubić S, Pezdič J, Head MJ. 1989. Carbon uptake in aquatic plants deduced from their natural 13 C and 14 C content. Radiocarbon 31(3):785-794. Srdoč D, Krajcar Bronić I, Horvatinčić N, Obelić B. 1986. Increase of dissolved inorganic carbon along a river course. Radiocarbon 28(2A):515-521. Coinciding sampling of plants and 1 L of water were performed in spring/summer of 2011 and in spring s of 2012 and 2015. The sampling was performed at the Crna River spring, the River Matica, Lake Prošće, Burgetići cascades, Lake Kozjak, two locations, Rječica stream tributary and the Korana River. DIC in water was precipitated as BaCO 3 and prepared at Ruđer Bošković Institute in the form of CO 2 (for δ 13 C - IRMS) and graphite (for 14 C AMS) and analyzed at AMS facility of the University of Georgia, Atlanta, GA, USA. a 14 C of plant samples was determined by LSC (in form of benzene, Ruđer Bošković Institute) and by AMS. 2nd - period 1st - period Location Fraction of atm. C (%) Fractionation (‰) Location Fraction of atm. C (%) Fractionation (‰) Mean (‰) Mosses CR 19 -40.1 BR-spr* 15 -24.0 Bur 66 -43.9 BR-spr 8 -36.7 Koz-b 16 -33.5 SpV 50 -42.5 Kor 62 -39.7 Vir** 12 -23.3 Gra* 0 -27.0 Kal 64 -36.7 -41 ± 3 Algae Koz-K3 (0.3 m) 26 -20.1 BR 18 -25.3 Kal (14 m) 1 -22.2 Floating Rje 21 -23.1 Okr 12 -17.4 -22 ± 3 Emersed Mat 90 -20.3 BR-spr 57 -29.8 Pro 96 -14.8 BR-spr 87 -30.5 Koz-B 96 -28.0 M-V 98 -143.8 Bur 86 -15.9 Plitvice Lakes Lake Prošćansko, emersed plant (sedge) (Pro) Rječica tributary, floating plant (Rje) Kozjak Lake, bridges, sedge (Koz-b) The Korana River, moss (Kor) In blue- mosses out of line *carbonates not removed completely? **Mniobrium albicans; others are Cratoneurum commutatum and Fontinalis antpyretica The fraction of atmospheric carbon in submerged mosses ranges from 8 to 66 %. Calculated 13 C fractionation factor between DIC and organic tissue of moss is -41 ± 3 ‰. Aquatic plants (algae, submersed species) sampled from ~30 cm water depth show higher fraction of atmospheric carbon (~20 %) than a sample from 14 m depth (~0 %). Floating plants have 15 - 20 % of atmospheric carbon, while emersed plants 90 - 100 % of atmospheric carbon (marsh plants, sedge, grasses). Calculated 13 C fractionation factor between DIC and plant tissue for submersed and floating plants is -22 ± 3 , which is the same as the 13 C fractionation factor between the atmospheric CO 2 and plant tissue for C3 plants. Emersed plants have higher dispersion in 13 C fractionation factor values (from -14 to -147 ). Calculated fraction of atmospheric carbon in aquatic plant and 13 C photosynthesis fractionation between DIC and aquatic plant Comparison of a 14 C and δ 13 C data for DIC and plants in two observed periods, 1984 - 1988 (1st, Marčenko et al, 1989) and 2011, 2012 and 2015 (2nd) at each location is presented. a 14 C DIC for the 1st period is approximated from Srdoč et al (1986). a 14 C values of DIC for 1st and 2nd period have changed due to a decrease of a 14 C of atmospheric CO 2 , while δ 13 C is the same in both periods. All plants show higher a 14 C and lower δ 13 C values than that of DIC at the same location. a 14 C values are a result of mixed carbon sources, from atmosphere and from DIC. δ 13 C values are also influenced by 13 C fractionation from CO 2 /HCO 3 - from atmosphere and water to plant’s tissue during photosynthesis. a 14 C and δ 13 C of plants and DIC at sampling locations Legend for Figures and Tables white background - 2nd period (2011-2015) blue background - 1st period (1984 - 1988) BR-spr Bijela River- spring BR Bijela River CR-spr Crna River- spring Mat Matica Pro Lake Prošćansko SpV Špiljski Vrt (beneath a waterfall) M-V From Lake Malo to Lake Veliko Okr Lake Okrugljak Vir Lake Vir Gra Lake Gradinsko Bur Burgetići, cascades Koz-K3 Lake Kozjak, K3 Koz-b Lake Kozjak, bridges Kal Lake Kaluđerovac Rje Rječica stream, tributary Kor The Korana River, bridge Land Sampled on land BR-spr BR-spr BR CR-spr Mat Pro SpV M-V Okr Vir Gra Bur Koz-K3 Koz-b Kal Kor Rje Land -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 BR-spr BR-spr BR CR-spr Mat Pro SpV M-V Okr Vir Gra Bur Koz-K3 Koz-b Kal Kor Rje Land 13 C Atm. C/both periods 13 C (‰) 14 C DIC/2nd 14 C DIC/1st 14 C Atm. C/2nd 14 C Atm. C/1st Moss/2nd Float/2nd Moss/1st Float/1st Alg/2nd Emers/2nd Alg/1st Emers/1st a 14 C (pMC) Kaluđerovac Lake (12 m depth), Chara sp. with tufa coating (Kal) 1 mm Cross-section of Plitvice Lakes from springs to the Korana River with sampling points δ 13 C (‰) Correlations of a 14 C to δ 13 C of plants A very good correlation between a 14 C and δ 13 C of for mosses in both periods is a result of variation of the ratio of atmospheric and dissolved inorganic carbon in moss. All samples from the 1st period have higher a 14 C than in 2nd period, with the similar δ 13 C . Emersed plants have higher a 14 C and δ 13 C values than floating plants or algae (completely submersed). BR-spr SpV Kal Land 1984 Land 2011 Kor Bur Koz-b CR-spr

CARBON ISOTOPE FRACTIONATION DURING PHOTOSYNTHESIS …fulir.irb.hr/2237/2/ESIRXIII_Bilje_ASironic.pdf · Kozjak Lake, sampling of algea (Chara sp.) (Koz-K3) The Korana River, sampling

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  • Acknowledgment: The study was supported by the project with the Plitvice Lakes National Park. We appreciate help from Maja Vurnek and Andrijana Brozinčević (Scientific Station “Dr. Ivo Pevalek”, Plitvice Lakes National Park) for sampling in 2015.

    ESIR XIII, ZADAR, 20 - 24 September 2015




    Andreja Sironić, Jadranka Barešić , Nada Horvatinčić, Ines Krajcar Bronić

    Laboratory for Low-level Radioactivity, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia


    From these analysis we found the 13C fractionation between DIC and the plant tissue for mosses is -41 ± 3 ‰ and for aquatic plants -22 ± 3 ‰. This difference is probably a result of different plant adjustment to photosynthesis of HCO3

    -(aq) and CO3

    2-(aq) molecules from DIC. Mosses are known

    to be adjusted to photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 so there is probably an extra step of transformation of HCO3-(aq) and CO3

    2-(aq) to CO2 resulting in

    a larger 13C fractionation factor between DIC and plant tissue for mosses than for aquatic plants.


    The Crna River, spring, sampling of moss (CR-spr)

    Kozjak Lake, sampling of algea (Chara sp.) (Koz-K3)

    The Korana River, sampling of moss (Kor)

    Freshwater mosses and other aquatic (submersed, floating, emersed) plants important fragments in the environment of karstic lakes, such as the Plitvice Lakes, accelerating tufa formation. Understanding the sources and the way they incorporate carbon, gives an insight into the formations of tufa barriers. Carbon isotopes are a good tool for understanding the sources of carbon (from 14C composition) and mechanisms of carbon incorporation (from 13C composition) into plants’ tissue. We observe plant samples collected in 2011, 2012 and 2015 (2nd period) in the natural habitat of the Plitvice Lakes: terrestrial moss, water submerged moss, marsh and aquatic plants. All collected samples are C3 photosynthetic cycle plants. The a14C and δ13C values of the plant tissue are compared with values of carbon reservoirs the plants use in photosynthesis: atmospheric CO2 and/or dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as well as with the carbon isotope composition of plants measured 30 years ago (1st period, Marčenko et al, 1989). The fraction of each carbon reservoir in plants is determined and the 13C fractionation factor between DIC and organic tissue of a plant is calculated.

    References Marčenko E, Srdoč D, Golubić S, Pezdič J, Head MJ. 1989. Carbon uptake in aquatic plants deduced from their natural 13C and 14C content. Radiocarbon 31(3):785-794. Srdoč D, Krajcar Bronić I, Horvatinčić N, Obelić B. 1986. Increase of dissolved inorganic carbon along a river course. Radiocarbon 28(2A):515-521.

    Coinciding sampling of plants and 1 L of water were performed in spring/summer of 2011 and in spring s of 2012 and 2015. The sampling was performed at the Crna River spring, the River Matica, Lake Prošće, Burgetići cascades, Lake Kozjak, two locations, Rječica stream tributary and the Korana River. DIC in water was precipitated as BaCO3 and prepared at Ruđer Bošković Institute in the form of CO2 (for δ

    13C - IRMS) and graphite (for 14C AMS) and analyzed at AMS facility of the University of Georgia, Atlanta, GA, USA. a14C of plant samples was determined by LSC (in form of benzene, Ruđer Bošković Institute) and by AMS.

    2nd - period 1st - period Location

    Fraction of atm. C


    Fractionation (‰)


    Fraction of atm. C


    Fractionation (‰)

    Mean (‰)




    CR 19 -40.1 BR-spr* 15 -24.0 Bur 66 -43.9 BR-spr 8 -36.7

    Koz-b 16 -33.5 SpV 50 -42.5 Kor 62 -39.7 Vir** 12 -23.3

    Gra* 0 -27.0 Kal 64 -36.7 -41 ± 3



    Koz-K3 (0.3 m) 26 -20.1 BR 18 -25.3 Kal (14 m) 1 -22.2

    Floating Rje 21 -23.1 Okr 12 -17.4 -22 ± 3



    d Mat 90 -20.3 BR-spr 57 -29.8

    Pro 96 -14.8 BR-spr 87 -30.5 Koz-B 96 -28.0 M-V 98 -143.8

    Bur 86 -15.9

    Plitvice Lakes

    Lake Prošćansko, emersed plant (sedge) (Pro)

    Rječica tributary, floating plant (Rje)

    Kozjak Lake, bridges, sedge (Koz-b)

    The Korana River, moss (Kor)

    In blue- mosses out of line *carbonates not removed completely? **Mniobrium albicans; others are Cratoneurum commutatum and Fontinalis antpyretica

    The fraction of atmospheric carbon in submerged mosses ranges from 8 to 66 %. Calculated 13C fractionation factor between DIC and organic tissue of moss is -41 ± 3 ‰. Aquatic plants (algae, submersed species) sampled from ~30 cm water depth show higher fraction of atmospheric carbon (~20 %) than a sample from 14 m depth (~0 %). Floating plants have 15 - 20 % of atmospheric carbon, while emersed plants 90 - 100 % of atmospheric carbon (marsh plants, sedge, grasses). Calculated 13C fractionation factor between DIC and plant tissue for submersed and floating plants is -22 ± 3 ‰, which is the same as the 13C fractionation factor between the atmospheric CO2 and plant tissue for C3 plants. Emersed plants have higher dispersion in

    13C fractionation factor values (from -14 to -147 ‰).

    Calculated fraction of atmospheric carbon in aquatic plant and 13C photosynthesis fractionation between DIC and aquatic plant

    Comparison of a14C and δ13C data for DIC and plants in two observed periods, 1984 - 1988 (1st, Marčenko et al, 1989) and 2011, 2012 and 2015 (2nd) at each location is presented. a14CDIC for the 1st period is approximated from Srdoč et al (1986). a14C values of DIC for 1st and 2nd period have changed due to a decrease of a14C of atmospheric CO2, while δ

    13C is the same in both periods. All plants show higher a14C and lower δ13C values than that of DIC at the same location. a14C values are a result of mixed carbon sources, from atmosphere and from DIC. δ13C values are also influenced by 13C fractionation from CO2 /HCO3

    - from atmosphere and water to plant’s tissue during photosynthesis.

    a14C and δ13C of plants and DIC at sampling locations

    Legend for Figures and Tables white background - 2nd period (2011-2015) blue background - 1st period (1984 - 1988) BR-spr Bijela River- spring

    BR Bijela River CR-spr Crna River- spring

    Mat Matica

    Pro Lake Prošćansko

    SpV Špiljski Vrt (beneath a waterfall)

    M-V From Lake Malo to Lake Veliko

    Okr Lake Okrugljak

    Vir Lake Vir

    Gra Lake Gradinsko

    Bur Burgetići, cascades

    Koz-K3 Lake Kozjak, K3

    Koz-b Lake Kozjak, bridges

    Kal Lake Kaluđerovac Rje Rječica stream, tributary

    Kor The Korana River, bridge Land Sampled on land












    Okr Vir



















































    13C Atm. C/both periods






    C DIC/2nd


    C DIC/1st


    C Atm. C/2nd


    C Atm. C/1st

    Moss/2nd Float/2nd

    Moss/1st Float/1st

    Alg/2nd Emers/2nd

    Alg/1st Emers/1st






    Kaluđerovac Lake (12 m depth), Chara sp. with tufa coating (Kal)

    1 mm

    Cross-section of Plitvice Lakes

    from springs to the Korana River

    with sampling points

    δ13C (‰)

    Correlations of a14C to δ13C of plants

    A very good correlation between a14C and δ13C of for mosses in both periods is a result of variation of the ratio of atmospheric and dissolved inorganic carbon in moss. All samples from the 1st period have higher a14C than in 2nd period, with the similar δ13C . Emersed plants have higher a14C and δ13C values than floating plants or algae (completely submersed).










