[email protected] www.carevoyance.com find your buyer .

Carevoyance - Med Device

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[email protected] www.carevoyance.com

find your buyer.

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OVERVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________

What is Carevoyance? Carevoyance is a healthcare specific search and discovery platform structured on top of the broadest collection of healthcare data on the market. Carevoyance allows users to access information from across hundreds of previously disparate and silo’d public and private data sources from a single portal.

How can I use Carevoyance to find information?

First, we find new target leads for you. After receiving your current client list, data on your existing customers is used to algorithmically identify similar leads. Your ideal B2B lead profile is used to deliver algorithmic recommendations on who you should target next based on specialty, claims, referrals, geography, and more. Our system learns about your ideal customer over time to improve its recommendation. Target lists can be easily pushed into your CRM (e.g. Salesforce) via our API.

Then, we help you nurture those leads to increase your odds of success. Knowledge is power and Carevoyance provides unprecedented transparency and detail into your healthcare market. Detailed profiles on providers and institutions help make your team smarter before and during the sales process

Lastly, we use help you prioritize your effort to maximize the time you spend on the most lucrative prospects for your business. Clear, actionable visualizations coupled with granular filtering allows you to intelligently prioritize your prospect lists. Work smarter, not harder.

Where does the data come from?

The majority of the information in Carevoyance comes from sources within the United States such as Local, State, and Federal Government agencies. However, we are growing every day and expanding our coverage of data sets from all over the globe.

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OVERVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________

If you know of any interesting datasets that are not in Carevoyance let us know by emailing us: [email protected]

If this is all Public Data can’t I already get it for free myself?

One of the most common misconceptions about Public Data is that it is always freely available for anyone. Not only is the data not always free (some datasets cost tens of thousands of dollars a year) but it is often delivered in a jumble of database formats which require expertise to parse.

The time consuming process of locating the data you're looking for - including the metadata, which explains what the cryptic column names and codes translate to - and parsing the data into a usable format make even free datasets costly. 

How do you obtain all this information?

Carevoyance takes a hybridized approach to data acquisition. We use an in-house suite of our own custom data acquisition tools, connect to government Open Data portals via File Transfer Protocol and APIs, submit Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and even order data from agencies who mail us CDs, just to name a few.

One of the best parts about Carevoyance is that no matter what messy format we receive the information in we present it to the user in a single harmonized manner.

How often does your system update?

We do our best to keep the information as up to date as the source. Some sources are only released once a year while others updated every night, weekly, monthly, or on the fly as new records are filed.

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IN ACTION _________________________________________________________________________________

What are examples of use cases that customers are using Carevoyance to help to solve?

Discovery. Find all of your potential buyers. Discover net new individuals and companies that have the highest intent to buy your product. Ideal Customer Profiles built around your best buyers and on-demand lead lists identifying individuals and companies that match your ideal profile.

Competitor Analysis. Understand which health care providers and institutions have existing relationships with your competitors. The entire open payments database has been untangled and is fully searchable.

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IN ACTION _________________________________________________________________________________

Marketing & business development. Identification, prioritization & nurturing of care networks. Finally you can visualize and understand the business relationships that exist in your market.

Strategy. Seeing the forest from the trees is no longer a fantasy. Intuitive visualizations, geospatial data expression, and cutting edge entity resolution are some of the reasons why Carevoyance is a game changer. We power data driven decisions.

Relational Graph expression of a n= 2 referral network. Vector (to or from) and magnitude (# of referrals) are highly visible. n = number of layers in a referral layer.

Example of user defined heat map. Here the intensity shows incidence of a particular CPT code. User can overlay ESRI map layers to achieve contextual understanding.

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Contextual Profiling:

1. Intelligent prospecting — An unmatched degree of sophistication across web, social and structured data so you can prioritize and segment effectively.

2. Financials — How do you size up your prospects and/or your competitors? Our financial benchmarking tools let you compare any provider against their competition, for each procedure they perform.

3. Contact information — we source our provider information from across the internet, including states’ Boards, regulatory filings and a multitude of other sources. Our databases are continuously updated, so you get the best data available.

4. Network visualization — see the distribution of inbound and outbound networks, by organization type and speciality. Know who to engage with to market up or downstream. Facilitates maximal market penetration.

Referral Network expression by specialty (=Internal Medicine) within an individual providers;s referral network.

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ENGAGEMENT MODEL _________________________________________________________________________________

We deliver the highest return on investment when we are able to establish a true partnership with our customers. For us, this means gaining access to your hardest problems, relevant data sources, and users. For your organization, this means gaining access to our world-class team and applying Carevoyance to help solve the most critical problems facing your network.

We work with our customers to deliver high-value, scalable solutions that users can leverage and repeat to generate results.

NEXT STEPS _________________________________________________________________________________

We are a mission-driven company dedicated to providing cutting-edge, transformative software. We solve healthcare's high-stakes problems using the world’s leading platform for adaptive intelligence, data integration, and next-generation search. Understand the context and actualize true clarity for your organization with Carevoyance.

For more information about Carevoyance, please contact us at [email protected] or visit www.carevoyance.com