Caring for Our Australian Alps Catchments

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  • 8/3/2019 Caring for Our Australian Alps Catchments


    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments

    A climate change action strategy for the Australian Alpsto conserve the natural condition of the catchments and

    to help minimise threats to high quality water yields

    Summary Report for Policy Makers

  • 8/3/2019 Caring for Our Australian Alps Catchments


    This Report was prepared for the Australian Government by:Graeme L. Worboys and Roger B. Good

    The documen t is a Summ ary For P olicy Makers of a 20 11 Technical Report pr epared for the Australian Alps Liaison

    Committee and the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efciency titled:

    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments: A Climate Change Action Strategy for the Australian Alps to conservethe natural condition of the catchments and to help minimise threats to high quality water yields

    The Summary Report is published by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efciency

    This work is licensed u nd er th e Creative Commons Attribu tion 3 .0 Austr alia Licence. To view a copy of this license,


    The Department of Climate Change and Energy Efciency asserts the right to be recognised as author of the originalmaterial in the following manner:


    Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Climate Change and Energy Efciency) 2011

    ISBN: 978-1-921299-60-5 (pdf)

    978-1-921299-61-2 (paperback)

    Citation: Worboys, G.L. and Good, R.B. (2011) Caring For Our Australian Alps Catchments: Summary Report ForPolicy Makers, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efciency, Canberra

    Important Notice - Please Read

    The Summar y Report is prod uced for general information only and does not r epresent a st atemen t of the policy of

    the Common wealth of Austra lia. The Common wealth of Austra lia and all person s acting for the Common wealth

    prepar ing this repor t accept no liability for the accuracy of or inferences from the m aterial contained in this

    publication, or for any action as a result of any person s or groups interp retation s, deductions, conclusions or actions

    relying on t his mat erial.

    Cover photo collage (left to right): Main Range, Kosciuszko National Park, Winter 1980; Snowy River in spring thaw;Massed Silver Snow daisies and Billy Buttons, Club Lake Creek, Kosciuszko National Park.

    Rear photo collage (left to right): Victorian Alps from Kosciuszko National Park; upper Club Lake Creek, a headwater

    stream of the Snowy River; Snow-gum, Charlotte Pass.Facing page (left to right): Silver Snow Daisy; Club Lake Creek; Snow-gum at the treeline, Charlotte Pass

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers iii

    Table of Contents

    Contents iii

    List of gures and tables iv

    Preface v

    Summary of key ndings vi

    Executive summary vii

    1. The Australian Alps catchments 1

    2. Climate change threats to the Alps catchments 5

    3. 2010 Catchment Condition status 18

    4. Protecting catchment condition and delivering optimum yield of quality water 335. 2010 catchment management 39

    6. The natural values of the Australian Alps catchments 42

    7. Key messages and policy directions 53

    8. Conclusion 58

    References 59

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchmentsiv

    List of Figures and Tables


    1.1 The Murray Darling Basin and the Australian Alps catchments (inset) 2

    1.2 Australian Alps nation al parks and protected areas 3

    2.1 Natural condition and its link to water yield, water ow regime and water quality 5

    2.2 Some impacts to natural condition and their effects on water yield, water ow regime and water quality 5

    2.3 Climate change inuenced mean temperature increases for Australia for the past 40 years 6

    2.4 Climate change inuenced mean total rainfall for Australia for the past 40 years showing a decline for

    Southeastern Australia 6

    3.1 The 235 Australian Alps sub-catchments assessed for their condition and trend in condition 18

    3.2 Catchment condition assessment coding and trend in condition criteria 19

    3.3 Catchm ent condition status depicted by colour 23

    3.4 Catchment trend in condition status depicted by colour 23

    3.5 Assessed natural condition of the Alps sub-catchments 24

    3.6 Assessed trend in condition of Alps sub-catchments 24

    3.7 Sub-catchments identied as having serious soil erosion problems in 2010 25

    3.8 [Diagrams 1-5] The degradation ofSphagnum bog wetlands an d associated fringing wet

    heath communities 26

    3.9 Headward tunnelling erosion and owline incision above an Erosion-Pavement-Feldmark 27

    3.10 Incised erosion of organic soils, Club Lake Creek, Kosciuszko National Park 273.11 Sub-catchments identied as declining in condition relative to their catchment yield status 28

    3.12 Sub-catchments with feral horse problems 29

    3.13 Sub-catchments with introduced deer populations 31

    3.14 Sub-catchments with major weed management issues 32

    6.1 Southeastern Australia Bioregions identied by the Interim Biographic Regionalisation (IBRA 6.1)

    including the Australian Alps 43

    6.2 Physiography of the Australian Alps 46

    6.3 Mean annual precipitation for the Australian Alps showing the highest catchment yields

    coinciding with the highest relief 47


    2.1 Climate change predictions 14

    2.2 Measured climate change trends (1900-2009) 16

    3.1 Criteria used to guide interviewee assessment of catchment condition 21

    4.1 Management responses needed for the Alps sub-catchments 34

    4.2 Climate change management issues requiring additional responses 36

    6.1 The Australian Alps national parks and other protected areas 42

    6.2 Area of bioregions conserved as protected areas in the Alps 44

    6.3 Annual average water volumes in gigalitres (GL) owing from the Australian Alps protected areacatchments (sourced from the literature) 48

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers v


    This is a Summary for Policy Makers of a

    technical assessment report of climate chan ge

    adaptat ion responses needed for th e Australian

    Alps catchmen ts titled Caring for our Australian

    Alps Catchments.

    The full Technical Report was commissioned by

    the Australian Alps Liaison Committee (AALC)

    and the Departm ent of Climate Change and

    Energy Efciency (DCCEE) and was completed by

    Dr Graem e Worboys, Roger Good and Andy Spate

    in close co-operation with the Alps protected

    area Agencies. It was subm itted t o th e AALC and

    DCCEE in June 2010 (Worboys et al, 2011). Its

    purp ose was to evaluate the n atural condition

    of Austr alias high moun tain catchm ents within

    the Australian Alps nat ional parks and protected

    areas in 2010; to identify signicant current and

    future thr eats to those catchments associated with

    climate chan ge and to assess priority adaptation


    This was the second catchment condition

    assessment completed for the Australian Alps.

    The rst was published by the Australian

    Academy of Science in 1957 (AAS 1957) and led to

    major catchment conservation works for the Alps.

    The 20 11 Technical Report was prepared based

    on guidance from a multi-organisation Steering

    Committee; the generous input of experts from

    many organisations; expert condition assessment

    advice from experienced protected area rangers

    and managers; and, the latest research data and

    ana lysed inform ation p rovided by the AALC and

    State, Territory and Comm onwealth Governm ent

    organisations including CSIRO, and, catchment

    research scientists.

    The following Summary for Policy Makers

    does not n ecessarily repr esent the views of the

    governments of the ACT, NSW and Victoria or the

    Australian Government. It does however provide

    valuable guidance for responding to issues which

    may impact one of Australias most important

    economic resources, the high quality water

    owing from the Australian Alps which provides

    on average, around 29% of the total annual owsof the Murr ay Darling Basin.

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchmentsvi

    Summary of Key Findings

    The provision of an annual average of 9600

    gigalitres of high quality water from the

    Australian Alps to the Murray-Darling Basin is

    an ecosystem service of nat ional economic, social

    and environm ental importan ce. This water could

    be worth as much as $9.6 billion per year to the

    Australian economy th rough its contributions t o

    agricultural production and oth er industries in the

    Basin; through electricity generation and through

    recreation and tourism to the Alps region.

    The pure, potable water helps support ma ny of

    the 2.1 million people living in the Basin as well as

    people in Adelaide and man y towns an d regional

    areas of South Australia. Waters owing east from

    the Alps are also of great econom ic impor tan ce.

    The Australian Alps n ational parks an d other

    protected areas which protect th ese water

    catchments are extremely signicant for their

    outstanding biodiversity, landscape and scenic

    values. They have been ofcially listed as part of

    Australias National Heritage.

    In 20 10, a second catchmen t condition assessmen t

    of the Australian Alps was undertaken. The rst

    was completed b y the Austr alian Academ y of

    Science in 1957.

    The assessment identied that the existing effects

    of climat e chan ge as well as soil erosion, pest

    animals and weeds were impacting the natural

    condition of the catchment s and th us on water

    quality, water yield and water ow regimes.

    The catchments were found to be highly vulnerableto projected climate change impacts and the

    poten tial for futur e severe erosion was of special

    concern. The assessment identied that 60% of

    235 sub-catchments across 1.64 million hectares

    of Alps parks were in a poor or moderate (natural)

    condition and 76% were in a declining or no-

    trend-change condition. There were very serious

    whole-of-Alps catchment threats including soil

    erosion, feral horse impacts an d weed invasions.

    Projected climate changes for 2050 identify

    harsher conditions for the catchmen ts. This

    includes up to 24% reduction in precipitation;

    an a verage tem peratur e rise of potentially up to

    2.90C; a substantial reduction in snow covered

    area; more droughts; more frequent severe re

    events and more severe storms.

    Climate change for the greater south-eastern

    Australia is also predicted to be drier in 2050. The

    Alps water is valuable in 20 10, b ut every gigalitre

    owing from the Alps catchments to the Murray-

    Darling Basin will become m ore import ant in the


    This high quality water yield is directly linked to

    good, natur al catchment condition. The water is a

    signicant ecosystem service of benet to people,

    and t he catchment s will need active man agement

    to maintain their nat ural condition and to be

    resilient to projected climate change effects.

    The 2010 catchm ent condition assessment

    found th at without substantial mana gement

    interventions to deal with these threat s, the

    delivery of high quality water was likely to be

    impacted, with the Alps catchments providing

    water of poorer quality and often in large sudden

    ows rather than gradual releases. The catchments

    would be less able to deal with severe stor m

    events, resulting in extreme water runoff and ash

    oods. Degradation of the natural condition of the

    catchments would have major national economic

    impacts as well as imp lications for th e safety of


    Six whole-of-Alps catchment priority management

    actions are p roposed. These climate change

    adaptation responses target key threats; build

    climate change resilience; optimise water yields;and extend over 15 years to be effective. These

    Priority Actions were costed at about $7 million

    per an num which is small relative to the estimat ed

    annu al economic value of the water generated

    from th e Alps.

    New and impr oved man agement responses are

    considered urgent to optimise high quality water

    yields, in the face of the identied immediate

    threats and the increasing effects of predicted

    hotter an d dr ier conditions resulting from

    climate change. Investment in th ese adaptation

    man agement actions are in the nat ional economic

    interest and would generate major long term social

    and environmental benets.

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers vii

    Executive Summary

    The high quality and reliable waters from the

    Austr alian Alps are of nationa l econom ic, social

    and environmental importance. In 2005, 3980

    gigalitres (GL) of Victorian Alps waters owing

    annually to the Murray-Darling Basin were

    conservatively estima ted to be worth

    $4 billion to Australias economy. On this basis

    then, the average annual 9600GL generated by

    the Australian Alps catchments could, in 2005

    terms, be worth as much as $9.6 billion a year to

    the n ational econom y.

    These Alps waters represent around 29% of the

    annual average inows of the Murray-Darling

    Basin. They are very reliable and help genera te

    $15 billion worth of Australias agricultural

    produce annually including 45% of Australias

    irrigated production ($5.5 billion); 56% of its

    grape crop; 42% of fruit and nuts and 32% of its

    total dairy production. The water helps support

    many of the 2 .1 million Austr alians living in

    the Basin, Adelaide and many towns of SouthAustr alia. The Alps catchm ents also deliver water

    to easterly (coastal) owing streams and maintain

    a $ 300 million per annum environmentally

    sustainable hydroelectric power generation. The

    high quality waters also contribute to a vibrant

    $280 million per annum snow and mountain

    based tourism industr y supported by snow

    making and potable water supplies.

    The Alps waters bring man y environmen tal

    benets. They contribute to the well-being

    of natural ecosystems of the h igh m ountain

    catchments; they provide environmental ows

    for downstream r ivers and they help to dilute the

    effects of salt and silt laden waters sour ced from

    the greater Murray-Darling Basin catchments.

    The integrity of this high quality Alps water

    however is vulner able. It is highly reliant on the

    high moun tain catchments of the Alps parks

    being in good, natu ral condition. Any redu ction

    in condition, could seriously impact water quality,

    water yield and natural ow regimes.The Australian Alps are extremely important for

    their out standing biodiversity, their r emarkable

    geodiversity and lan dscape an d scenic values.

    They are an iconic par t of Austr alia and are

    National Heritage listed. The Alps help conserve

    one of the richest biodiversity areas on th e

    mainland. Many birds and an imals are found

    nowhere else in Australia or t he world, and

    man y are thr eatened or endan gered, including

    the Mount ain Pygmy Possum an d th e strikingly

    coloured Corroboree Frog. The Alps ora include

    the massed summer wildower areas of the alpine

    herbelds; the ancient gnarled Snow-gums at

    the snowline; tall wet eucalypt and rainforest

    communities; and dry native pine woodlands in

    the r ainshadow areas of the m ountains. Glacial

    landscapes; limestone cave systems; deep gorges;

    plunging waterfalls; broad river valleys and the

    highest an d very rugged winter sn ow covered

    moun tains of the Australian mainland ad d to

    diversity, scenic appeal and importance of

    this area.

    The effects of climate chan ge are pr edicted toadversely impact these natural values of the

    Alps and this would th reaten th e delivery of high

    quality water yields. In 2010, an assessment of

    the n atural condition of the Alps pr otected area

    catchm ents was completed. It was presented

    in a Technical Report titled -Caring for our

    Australian Alps Catchments- (Worboys et al,

    2011). The report assessed the natural condition

    of 235 sub-catchments; identied signicant

    current an d predicted climate change threats and

    identied management adaptation investments(Priority Actions) needed to respond to the most

    serious threats. This Summary Report presents

    aspects of the full Technical Report, and its

    contents are briey presented here.

    1. The Australian Alps catchments

    The Australian Alps encompass the upper

    catchm ents of the Snowy, Murray an d

    Murru mbidgee Rivers th at deliver water directly

    and indirectly (through th e Snowy Mountains

    Scheme) to the Murray-Darling Basin and easterly

    owing streams. These high Alps catchments fall

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchmentsviii

    within the Australian Alps national par ks and

    other protected areas (Alps parks) which span

    1.64 million hectares and include the nationallyrecognised Namadgi National Park (Australian

    Capital Territory), Kosciuszko National Park

    (New South Wales) and the Alpine National

    Park (Victoria). The protected areas are actively

    man aged for th eir natu ral condition. The Alps

    parks are National Heritage listed, they are

    recognised as a National Landscape an d two sites

    within the Alps ar e recognised as inter national

    Ramsar wetlands. They help protect 70% of the

    Austr alian Alps Bioregion. The Alps are a n iconic

    destination for Austr alians, they have a rich

    cultural heritage of great antiquity and they are

    managed for conservation as a single landscape by

    three protected area management organisations

    under the guidance of an Alps co-operative

    management agreement.

    2. Climate change threats

    The effects of clima te change are pred icted to be

    the single greatest thr eat to th e natu ral condition

    values of the Austr alian Alps catchmen ts.

    Projected climate change for the Alps for the year

    2050 includes:

    increases in mean temperatures of 0.6

    to 2.9C;

    a predicted decrease in overall precipitation by

    up to 24% by 2050;

    lower humidity;

    less snow cover;

    changed river ow regimes with the absence of

    the annual spring snow-thaw run-off;

    more frequent and hotter res;

    more droughts;

    more severe storms; and

    higher total ultraviolet r adiation due to less

    cloud and m ore sunlight in the m ountains.

    Changes to the Australian Alps catchments are

    predicted as a result of these inuences and

    include a number of direct effects such as:

    dieback and exposure to soil erosion andneedle-ice activity in alpine plant communities,

    such as the Tall Alpine Herbelds;

    a reduction in the extent of plant communities,

    such as the Short Alpine Herbeld, which

    depend on semi-permanent snow patches; the dr ying out of import ant Sphagnum bogs

    and wetlands;

    changes in the distribution and abund ance of

    plant species, such as the expansion of the Tall

    Alpine Herbeld community into Short Alpine

    Herbeld areas; the expansion of shrubland

    (heaths) into areas which have become drier;

    an expansion of feldmark communities into

    new erosion areas and an overall up-mountain

    movement of vegetation commun ities. Some

    plant communities may no longer exist;

    degradation of mou ntain forests such as Alpine

    Ash communities which will be subject to

    increased frequency and severity of res; and

    changes to the habitats of fauna species

    dependen t on snow cover such as the

    Mountain Pygmy Possum.

    Such changes are pr edicted t o directly threaten

    the n atural condition of the Alps catchm ents an d

    this would impact water quality, water yield and

    water ow regimes through:

    more frequent and severe wildre events that

    rem ove protective catchment vegetation cover

    and lead to soil erosion, water quality and

    water ow regime impacts;

    post wildre regeneration of forests within

    the catchments which retains water within-

    catchm ent for forest types such as Mountain

    Ash, and t he resu lting impacts on water yield

    delivered by the catchments;

    the cover of the alpine vegetation reduced by

    increased UV, resulting in soil erosion of the

    altitudinally highest catchmen ts which are t he

    highest water yielding areas;

    altitudinal (up-mountain) plant distribution

    shifts leading to disturbed an d changing

    environmental settings, soil exposure and


    reduced vegetation cover and exposed soil

    areas caused by disturbance from res, feral

    horses, wild pigs, other feral animals and areas

    affected by hu man s that will be impacted b y

    more frequent severe storm events and intense

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers ix

    rain fall. This will result in mor e severe soil

    erosion and catastrophic ood run-off.

    The issue of soil cover protection on catchm entsis complex. For the forested Alps catchments

    mainta ining soil stability is dependen t on there

    being 70 to 100 percent vegetation cover and

    greater than 10 t onnes per h ectare of ground

    litter. This level of cover will be difcult to achieve

    and m aintain un der predicted temperature

    increases, reduced total precipitation an d m ore

    frequent high intensity res. Smaller levels of

    fuel load cover (such as 10 tonnes per hectare)

    may reduce the capacity of forest ecosystems to

    facilitate rainfall inltration. This could result

    in higher soil surface water ows. Such high

    discharge rates could result in ooding with

    downstream d am storages not being able to

    store, regulate and release environmental ows


    Other in direct clima te change effects may imp act

    the Alps catchments. These could include:

    reduced water yield caused by frequent res

    killing subalpine Snow-gum communities

    (which otherwise help enh ance water yield

    from ra in, clouds, fog, hoar frosts and

    improved snow deposition); and

    reduced water yield thr ough enhan ced

    evaporation (warmer tem peratur es and less

    snow covered area), and use by willows and

    other weeds.

    The Alps catchmen ts need to be resilient as

    possible to these predicted thr eats. Understanding

    the condition of the catchments and t he natur e of

    any threats is an importan t start to m anaging forresilience.

    3. Catchment threats, conditionand trend in condition

    In 20 10 the n atural condition of the Australian

    Alps catchmen ts was assessed for the second

    time in history and the rst time in 50 years. A

    total of 235 sub-catchments in the Australian

    Alps protected areas were assessed using three

    categories of condition (good, moderate or poor).The trend in condition was also identied as

    either declining, no-trend-change or improving.

    This assessment provides an essential baseline

    from which to m onitor climate change impacts.

    The assessment identied 60% of the 235 sub-catchm ents were in a poor or moderate natur al

    condition. The trend in their condition identied

    that 76% were in a declining or no-trend-

    change cond ition. The Austr alian Alps protected

    area Agencies have undertaken considerable

    conservation work for up to 66 years, but it takes

    man y years to restore lands d isturbed by prior

    landuse. In addition new threats and pr essures

    were impacting the natur al condition of the

    moun tains and m ost of the restored areas were

    still vulner able to clima te change.

    The 2010 assessment found serious threats

    that included active soil erosion and increasing

    num bers of feral horses and d eer which contribute

    to soil erosion. Feral horses num bers were

    reported as having increased by 300% from 2003

    to 2009 and are predicted to achieve a further

    55% increase by 2012. Control action was needed

    given that feral horses contr ibute to er osion

    and pollution of the very highest catchment s

    by grazing, trampling and by causing incisionto moun tain wetlands and streams. Through

    such action, they directly impact endan gered

    Sphagnum bog ecological commu nities an d

    their r ich d iversity of vertebrat e and invertebrat e

    species. Addition al serious thr eats included

    frequent severe res and the presence of four

    weed species with great poten tial to spread

    (blackberry, broom, hawkweed and willow). In

    their 20 10 condition, th e Alps catchm ents were

    considered to be vulnerable to p redicted climate

    change effects.

    4. Protecting catchment conditionand delivering optimum yieldsof high quality water

    In r esponse to the catchm ent condition

    assessment the Technical Report recommen ded

    six Priority Actions to guide the Australian Alps

    Liaison Comm ittee in prepar ing an adap tive

    man agement response for the catchm ents.The Actions focused on h alting catchmen t

    degradation, improving water quality, improving

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchmentsx

    catchm ent resilience and optimising water

    ow regime and water yield. Improvements

    in the capacity to man age in a climate changeenvironment were also identied and included

    introducing adaptive management techniques,

    using new and improved man agement tools,

    monitoring th e change in condition of the

    catchm ents, identifying threats an d un dertaking

    research into complex catchment management

    issues. The Actions also identied targets that

    directly involved the p eople of the Alps with th e

    implementation of adaptive management in t he


    5. 2010 catchment management

    The 11 Alps nat ional par k and ot her p rotected

    areas were r eserved at different times between

    1944 and 1996 and are managed by ACT

    Parks, Conservation and Lands, the NSW

    Nationa l Parks and Wildlife Service and Pa rks

    Victoria. An integrated, cooperative and

    transboundary management approach for the

    Alps parks is achieved th rough a Memorand um of

    Understanding (MOU) which includes the threeAgencies and the Comm onwealth Governm ent.

    The MOU is managed by the Australian Alps

    Liaison Committee (AALC). The combined annual

    investment by the three Agencies in 2009-10 for

    all aspects of managem ent of the Alps parks was

    $52.69 million.

    The process of forma l reservation of the protected

    areas does not mean that th ese lands always

    possess a near-pristine condition status; rather,

    much of the land had a previous land use historyand requires some form of rehabilitation and

    continued active man agement to r estore its

    full suite of conservation values. This prior

    landuse of parks and new threats in a d ynamic

    environm ent are the main determ inants of a

    catchm ents nat ural condition statu s. Constant

    threat management (and often restoration work)

    is needed for all catchment s, with som e areas

    needing considerably more (long-term) work

    than others.

    6. The Natural Values of the AlpsCatchments

    The signicant natural, cultural and social values

    of the National Heritage listed Australian Alps

    parks help maintain the n atural condition of the

    catchments. These include their an cient geological

    heritage and glacial landforms; the rich deep

    alpine humu s soils and their import ance as a

    temporary reservoir for in-catchment waters;

    the absolute pur ity of the Alps waters and the

    diversity of water yield for sub-catchments that

    is dependent on their altitude and location. The

    Alps are important for their diversity of ora; thespecial role of wetland ecosystems in catchments;

    the special native Australian fauna found in the

    high country;. and the Alps natural scenery,

    recreation opportun ities and opp ortun ities for

    scientic discovery for Australians.

    7. Key messages and policyrecommendations

    The Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments

    Technical Report provides key messages and

    policy recommendations which are:

    Water from t he Alps catchments is of national

    economic importance;

    The natural (good) condition of the catchments

    helps deliver high quality and reliable water


    Climate change is impacting the n atural

    condition of the Alps catchments;

    The 2010 catchm ent condition assessment

    found the Alps catchmen ts to be especially

    vulnerab le to the pr edicted effects of clima te

    change and there was an urgency for

    adequately resourced management responses

    to be implemented;

    Management inter ventions (Priority

    Actions) are needed to respond to severe and

    immediate thr eats, to restore and maintain

    natu ral condition and to optimise water yield,

    maximise water quality and maintain natural

    ow regimes in a climate change environment;

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers xi

    Whole-of-Alps large-scale adaptative

    man agement respon ses to climate change

    would signicantly benet the nationaleconomy.

    8. Conclusion

    New and improved policy responses are n eeded

    to deal with climate change and other threats

    to th e nat ural condition of the Australian Alps

    catchments, the high quality waters they yield

    and their natural water ow regimes. On-ground

    responses are needed at a whole-of-Alps scale,

    with additional resources and imp lemented over

    a sufcient time frame (15 years) to be effective.

    These interventions include the protection

    and enhan cement of water yield th roughweed removal and Snow-gum restoration; the

    protection of water quality by removing threat

    vectors and minimising soil erosion; and, the

    protection of water ow regimes by conserving

    natu ral vegetation cover. Investment in climate

    change adaptation responses will directly benet

    the n ationa l econom y and will help conser ve

    Australias outstanding National Heritage listed

    alpine areas.

    Alpine Groundsel (Senecio pectinatus) massed display, Club Lake Creek, Kosciuszko National Park, January 2011.

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchmentsxii

    Lake Cootapatamba, a glacial moraine dammed lake near Mount Kosciuszko, Kosciuszko National Park

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 1

    1. The Australian Alps Catchments

    1.1 Introduction

    This is a summ ary report of a Technical Report

    titled Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments.

    The full Technical Report provides an assessment

    of the condition of the Alps catchments in 2010;

    the identication of serious and worsening

    threats; the likely impacts of predicted climate

    and suggested m anagement responses. Business

    as usual management responses were consideredinadequate to deal with the severe threats and

    climate change trends and th e Technical Report

    advises major remedial on-ground and systems

    management responses. Six Priority Actions

    and 30 Targets were presen ted in det ail. The

    Technical Report was submitted to the Australian

    Alps Liaison Committee in J une 20 10 and

    published in J une 2011.

    This Summary Report is an overview of the

    Technical Report. It presents t he results of a

    catchment condition assessment of the Australian

    Alps and identies key messages and policy

    directions arising from the evaluation. It describes

    why water generated from the Alps catchment s is

    of critical imp ortance for the economic future of

    the Murray-Darling Basin and Australia and the

    impacts of projected climate change on the Alps

    catchments values.

    1.2 Economic importance of the Alps

    catchmentsWater from th e Alps catchment s is important for

    the Austr alian economy and especially for the 2.1

    million Australians living in the Murray-Darling

    Basin, the people of Adelaide and for man y towns

    of South Australia. It was estimated in 2005 that

    the value of the 3980GL of water owing from

    the Victorian Alps catchments, when all social

    and production benets were considered, was

    worth at least $4 billion annually (PV 2009c). The

    Alps, on average, yield around 9600GL of waterper annum for the Murray-Darling Basin. Based

    on the Victorian gures of 1000GL being worth

    approximately $1 billion, this Alps water could,

    indicatively, be worth in the order of $9.6 billion

    to th e Australian economy.

    The 9600GL represents around 29% of the

    average 32,800GL yearly inow yield of the

    Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) and is generated

    from just 1% of the 1000000 Km2 Basin (MDBA

    2010) (Figure 1.1). These waters contribute

    signicantly to the agricultural production of

    the MDB and Austr alias econom y. The Basin

    generates $15 billion worth of Australias

    agricultural produce annually including 45% of

    Australias irrigated production; 56% of its grape

    crop; 42% of fruit and nuts and 32% of its total

    dairy production. It includes 40% of Australias

    farms an d su pports 2.1 million Australians

    (MDBA 2010 p21).

    The natu ral condition of the Austr alian Alps

    catchments helps deliver high quality (pure),sediment free mount ain water to the river

    systems. The impound men ts and tur bines of

    the hydroelectric power stations of the Snowy

    and Kiewa hydroelectric schemes benet

    from th e essentially sedimen t free water, with

    hydroelectric power generated by these schemes

    worth approximately $300 million annually

    (Young 2004 p229). Additional benets of $45

    million per an num are achieved from th is green

    power for reduced carbon offsets (Young 2004

    p229). The pure water helps reduce snow making

    and delivery of potable water costs for the $280

    million per annu m Alps ski industr y. Natural

    condition in th e moun tains also helps to maintain

    natural water ow regimes in the catchments. The

    natural vegetation, litter cover and consequent

    water inltration tempers rapid run-off in the

    steep mou ntains. This provides some slope

    stability; it tempers downslope water ow and

    is of particular im port ance for peop les safety in

    the m ountains d uring prolonged severe weathersystems with heavy rain and ooding. The cost

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments2

    of providing alternative precautionary slope

    stabilisation would be very high.

    For downstream t owns and water users, the highquality of the water also means less potable water

    supply treatment costs. For the health of the

    greater r iver system, th e Alps provides water for

    environmental ows and it helps dilute the effects

    of the salt and silt laden river waters of the greater

    Murray-Darling Basin.

    The natural (good) condition of the Alps

    catchments and the high quality water generated

    is of national economic import ance. But these

    catchm ents are dynamic and need constant

    man agement responses for threats to their natural

    condition . This is especially impor tan t in the

    context of climate change.

    1.3 Geography

    The Austr alian Alps with their h ighest peak,

    Mount Kosciuszko (2228 metres) are the highest

    lands of the Austr alian continen t. They are located

    in the south-eastern corner of mainland Australia

    and extend over 500 kilometres north to south

    from the New South Wales (NSW) Brindabella

    Ranges, thr ough Namadgi National Park in the

    Australian Capital Territory (ACT), to the Snowy

    Mountains (NSW) and then to the Victorian Alps

    (Anderson and Atkins 2010) (Figure 1.2).

    Figure 1.1 The Murray-Darling Basin and the Australian Alps catchments (inset)(Source: NSW DECCW 2010)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 3

    Figure 1.2 The Australian Alps national parks and protected areas(Source: NSW DECCW 2010)

    1.4 Signicance of the AustralianAlps catchments

    The Australian Alps n ational parks an d oth er

    protected areas (Alps parks) and their catchments

    are a special place. They extend across 1.64

    million h ectares and ar e famous for their wintersnowelds; summer alpine wildowers and

    rugged mou ntain scenic beauty. Their rich

    her itage includes Aboriginal tr aditional use of

    great antiquity and recent histories including

    exploration; scientic discovery; the Man from

    Snowy River mountain folklore; grazing; mining;

    forestry; hydroelectric development; tourism

    and conservation. The Australian Alps have been

    recognised nationa lly for their special values

    with National Heritage Listing and recognition

    as a National Landscape. Specic features such

    as the Ginini Wetlands (Namad gi National Park,

    ACT) and Blue Lake (Kosciuszko National Park,

    NSW) are recognised internationally as Ramsar

    Wetlands. Kosciuszko National Park in the heart

    of the Alps pa rks is a UNESCO World Man and

    the Biosphere Reserve.

    The natural values of the Austr alian Alps are

    outstand ing. This is a special high moun tain

    Bioregion in a cont inent which averages 330

    met res in a ltitude. The Australian Alps Bioregion

    includes evidences of past glacial and periglacial

    activity including glacial lakes; diverse granitic,

    sedimentary an d volcanic landscapes and

    special geological featur es such a s limeston e

    caves and outcrops of serpentinite. It has r ich,

    deep alpine hum us soils and their associated

    rolling Tall Alpine Herbeld landscapes; clear

    cascading streams an d rivers and dynam icmoun tain weather. The Alps support a diverse

    ora with more than 850 vascular plants, a

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments4

    nationally threatened ecological community

    (Alpine Sphagnum Bogs) and rare and endemic

    alpine plant species such as th e Anemon eButtercup (Ranunculus anemoneus). The

    moun tain habitats support un usual and colourful

    invertebrates including the brightly coloured

    red and blue striped Mountain Grasshopper

    (Acripeza reticulata). They also support over

    300 vertebrat e species such as t he Alpine Water

    Skink (Eulamprus kosciuskoi), Flame Robin

    (Petroica phoenicea) and black and yellow striped

    Corr oboree Frog (Pseudophryne corroboree).

    Seventeen m amm als are either rare, vulnerable

    or threaten ed such as the endan gered Mountain

    Pygmy Possum (Burramys parvus). The Alps

    are importan t for intern ational, national and

    regional migratory species and the h igh m ountain

    catchm ents are destinations for birds that ar e

    the subject of international migratory bird


    1.5 Managing the catchments

    The exceptional natural values of the Alps

    catchm ents ar e actively man aged by the p rotected

    area Agencies of the ACT, NSW and Victoria

    and through a uniquely Australian co-operative

    man agement agreement for t he Australian Alps.

    This 24 year old transboundary cooperative

    man agement at the headwaters of our most

    important rivers is described in Chapter 5. The

    natur al heritage values that are being ma naged

    are also presented in more detail, given th eir

    importan ce for und erstanding the concept of

    natural condition for the Alps, in Chapter 6.

    1.6 Climate change and the Alps

    Climate change is impacting the n atural condition

    of the Alps catchmen ts and th is is affecting the

    water quality, its ow regime and the overall

    water yield of the catchments. This has major

    economic implications for the Murray-Darling

    Basin. These thr eats are d escribed in m ore detail

    in Chapter 2 .

    Alpine Podolepis (Podolepis sp.) [three frames] and Native Dandelion (Microseris lanceolata) massed owering[centre-left], Club Lake Creek Kosciuszko National Park, January 2011. Part o the massed summer wildfower displays andexceptional natural values o the Australian Alps

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 5

    2. Climate Change Threats to the

    Alps CatchmentsPredictions of the effects of enhanced greenhouse climate change

    suggests that the alpine environments and their dependent biota

    are amongst the most vulnerable environments in Australia and

    their protection and that of the adjacent eucalypt montane forests

    and woodlands are vital for biodiversity conservation at the

    national scale(Mansergh et al, 2004 p73)

    Water yield, water quality and water ow regimes

    (ecosystem services) from the Alps are directly

    linked to th e natu ral condition of the catchments

    and this condition is affected by climate change

    (Figure 2.1).

    Natural condition is good condition, and is

    dened as the condition of the Alps catchments

    pre-European settlement. It is the naturally

    vegetated, stable, and non-eroding Alps

    catchments, th eir associated healthy, functioningecosystems an d th eir stable or nat urally eroding

    soils and natural surface and sub-surface water

    ows. Natural condition helps dene restoration

    goals for th e man y disturbed a reas of the Alps. It

    is a conservation goal to retain ar eas in this state

    despite constant t hreats to the catchments.

    Figure 2.1 Natural condition and its link to wateryield, water ow regime and water quality

    Figure 2.2 Some impacts to natural condition andtheir association with water yield, waterow regime and water quality

    Natural condition enh ances the resilience (and

    stability) of catchments to climate change impacts

    and oth er thr eats such as invasive animal and

    plant species and human use (Figure 2.2). In

    addition, it helps mainta in the nat ural scenic

    beauty, ecosystem function and biodiversity

    richness of the Alps.

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments6

    Climate chan ge threats to th e natu ral condition

    of the catchm ents are p redicted to impact high

    quality water delivery from the Alps. The climatechange effects that have been measur ed and

    predicted changes for the natur al environmen ts

    of the Alps catchments are briey reviewed here.

    Some of the implications are also described.

    2.1 Temperature

    The Alps have been warming at ab out 0 .20C

    per decade over the past 35 years (Green and

    Pickering 2009) which is at a higher rate

    than man y other areas of Australia (Figure2.3). Climate change predictions identify that

    tempera tures will continue to r ise and for the

    year 2050 average temperatures will have further

    increased by somewhere between +0.6 to +2.90C

    (NSW DEC 2006; Green and Pickering 2009).

    Figure 2.3: Climate change inuenced meantemperature increases for Australia for thepast 40 years

    (Source: Australian Bureau of Meteorology)

    Higher average temperatures have many

    predicted implications including the up-mountain

    shift of vegetation comm unities and animal

    habitats; more storms; more drought conditions

    and a higher re frequency and more severe re


    2.2 Precipitation

    In the past 54 years there has been a signicantdecrease in snow as measured at the 1830 metre

    altitude Spencers Creek Snow Course, Kosciuszko

    National Park (Green and Pickering, 2009 p214).

    Snow covered terrain in 1980, Main Range of KosciuszkoNational Park

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

    Snow cover has declined on average by 15 metre-

    days per decade. [Metre days are calculated when

    the depth of snow is multiplied by the nu mber

    of days at that depth and sum ming the weekly

    result to give a single gure for each year]. This is

    from 213 metre-days in the decade following 1954

    to 146 in the past 10 years (Green and Pickering

    2009 p214). Spring thaw has been occurring onaverage two days earlier per decade, with very low

    snow years (1999 and 2006) represented by the

    two earliest thaws on record (Green and Pickering

    2009 p214).

    Figure 2.4: Climate change inuenced mean totalrainfall for Australia for the past 40 yearsshowing a decline for SoutheasternAustralia

    (Source: Australian Bureau of Meteorology)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 7

    Predicted higher temper atures will mean

    any p recipitation falling in the Alps will fall

    increasingly as rain rather than snow. Climatechange predictions identify that the snow-

    covered-area sustaining snow for more than

    60 days may be reduced by up to 96% by 2050

    (Hennessy et al, 2003). There are also predicted

    changes in pr ecipitation regimes for the Alps.

    The Murray-Darling Basin (including the Alps)

    is likely to be 10% drier than past experience

    (Prosser 2009; MDBA 2010 p33). This is based

    on (median) 2030 climate change predictions

    completed for the Murray-Darling Basin

    Auth ority. The overall amoun t of precipitation

    in the Alps is predicted to decrease by up to 24%

    by 2050 (Hennessy et al, 2003) and an increased

    num ber of droughts are p redicted. Severe storms

    are predicted along with their implications for

    heavy rain and potentially excessive and rapid

    ooding events.

    2.3 Changes in weather

    High intensity storms in the Alps can be damaging

    to both vegetation and soils. Intense storm s have

    already resulted in erosion of areas of exposed

    soils following extreme wildres in the Australian

    Alps in 2001, 2003, and 2007. Soils exposed

    by feral horses, intr oduced deer and other feral

    animals and development a ctivities by human s

    are also impacted b y these events.

    Intense summer thunderstorm developing over theAustralian Alps in 2010

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

    More intense storm s are pr edicted for the Alps,

    including more intense precipitation events (PV

    2009a). Increasing temperatures and decreasingprecipitation together with oth er secondary

    clima te regime chan ges such as lower hum idity,

    increased number of cloud-free days and

    increased levels of ultra-violet radiation (UV) are

    also predicted (Good 2008, Good et al, 2010). An

    increase in t he n umb er of frosts may also occur

    in some alpine ar eas given a reduction in sn ow

    cover an d an increasing nu mber of cloud free

    days (Williams et al, 2009). These changes will

    have impacts on the existing native vegetation

    species and communities. Drought conditions will

    occur and extreme and catastrophic re weather

    conditions are predicted to be more frequent.

    2.4 Impacts to native ora

    The Alps plant comm unities most impacted

    initially by clima te chan ge will be th e higher

    elevation alpine an d suba lpine commun ities

    including Snowpatch and Feldmark; Tall Alpine

    Herbeld; Short Alpine Herbeld and Sod-tussock

    Grasslands an d groundwater commu nities.

    In t he highest catchmen ts of the alpine area

    it is predicted that the Short Alpine Herbeld

    will disappear and be rep laced by Tall Alpine

    Herbeld, while the Sod-tussock Grasslands

    and wet herbelds will dry and become Tall

    Alpine Herbeld (Pickering et al, 2004; Green

    and Pickering 2009). These dynamic changes in

    community distribution will not greatly impact

    water yield from the alpine area catchments in

    the short-term but, as the predicted extinctionof a number of inter-tussock herbaceous species

    occurs, fragmentat ion of the vegetat ive cover will

    occur leading to soil exposure and eventually,

    increased soil erosion. This dir ectly affects water

    quality. Seasonal melt-water ows will diminish

    as snow patches diminish, thereby affecting the

    ow regimes and the immediate downstream

    vegetation commun ities (Green an d Pickering


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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments8

    Short Alpine Herbeld community in 1974 (located belowthe snow patches) near Club Lake, Kosciuszko NationalPark. At this site in 2010, this plant community had been

    colonised by Tall Alpine Herbeld species

    (Source: Roger Good collection)

    The high elevation alpine an d subalpine ar eas are

    also the areas of highest precipitation and, while

    relatively sma ll, they are the h ighest yielding

    catchm ents on a un it area basis. It is an area

    which will need to be managed very carefully,

    where chan ge in condition will need to be

    monitored closely and where adapt ive responses

    such as soil conservation work m ay be needed.The individual alpine area sub-catchments yield

    the most water per catchment area. However the

    greater part of the subalpine and m ontan e areas

    are forested and it is these forested catchment s

    which contr ibute th e greatest total volume of

    water, both as surface runoff and a s contributions

    to groundwater and subsequent groundwater

    seepage to the rivers and streams. Hotter and

    drier climatic conditions will inuence the rate

    of forest ground litter accumulation and most

    signicantly, the reduction of fuel moisture ofground litter fuels (Williams et al, 2009).

    Other predicted changes in vegetation include

    vegetation t hickening due to increased CO2;

    changes in treeline (downslope into frost hollow

    basins and upslope into higher altitudinal areas);

    the d rying of wetlands, bogs and fens (Dunlop an d

    Brown 2008); and, the impacts of more frequent

    and intense res on re sensitive species such as

    Alpine Ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis) (Williams et

    al, 2009).

    2.5 Impacts to native fauna

    Endemic alpine species such as t he Mount ain

    Pygmy Possum (Burramys parvus) and Broad-

    toothed Rat (Mastocomys fuscus) which are

    dependent on r eliable winter snow cover for th eir

    survival will be directly impacted by the var iable

    snow cover and a futur e withou t snow cover.

    Many habitats presently suitable for these species

    will be lost (Pickering et al, 2004).

    Mountain Pygmy Possum (Burramys parvus),Australian Alps

    (Source: Linda Broome)

    It is pred icted tha t there will be a loss of some

    subalpine and alpine specialist species and more

    generally, an up-mountain migration of species

    (Dunlop and Brown 2008). Invasive species are

    predicted to cause additional problems.

    2.6 Invasive species

    The fragmentation of native vegetation and

    exposure of soils provides opportunities for

    invasion by exotic plant species, particularly

    those that adapt to or benet from changes in

    environm ental conditions and climate change,

    such as Broom (Cytisus spp) and Hawkweed

    (Hieracium spp). The increasing upward invasion

    of these weed species to the h ighest elevations is

    already occurring and will be furth er enh anced by

    predicted warmer conditions.

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 9

    An outbreak of the aggressive weed Hawkweed(Hieracium sp) discovered near Round Mountain inKosciuszko National Park in December 2010. Treatmentresponses were immediately implemented

    (Source: Anthony Evans)

    Introduced animals are (similarly) moving higher

    into the Alps. Feral hor ses (Equus calballus) and

    their associated dam age to bogs and fens are of

    par ticular concern . The organic soils of many of

    these m ires are being damaged by feral horses and

    then further incised by more rapid water ru noff.

    2.7 Soil erosion from less snow

    Where the Alps ora is impacted by reduced snow

    cover, th e soil stability may also be impacted. The

    reduced snow cover (which other wise provides

    an insulation layer) may lead to increased freeze-

    thaw ice or frost-heave (needle ice) activity in

    alpine soils, includin g some of those which were

    restored in NSW in the 1960s.

    Winter needle ice formed on a road edge, Mount Sarah,Alpine National Park, Victoria. The soil moisture reezesovernight, orms needle ice crystals, expands vertically

    and lits some soil with it. Repeated many times, thisdestabilises any exposed soil areas and leaves disturbedsoil ready or erosion at snow melt or during rainall events

    (Source: Sera Cutler)

    2.8 Frequent extreme res and soilerosion and water yield impacts

    Predicted dryer forest fuels and higher energy

    electr ical storm s are likely to lead to m ore

    frequent wildre ignitions and higher intensity

    res. For obligate seeders (which depend entirely

    on seed to regenerate after re) such as Mountain

    Ash (Eucalyptus regnans), an increase in re

    frequency may inuence catchment yield through

    larger areas of post-re regenerating forests.

    Such regrowth ut ilises larger am ounts of water

    in-catchment (Williams and Gill 1995). For

    Alpine Ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis), another

    Feral horses (Equus calballus) in the highest and remaining unburnt catchment areas following the 2003 Australian Alpsres, Kosciuszko National Park

    (Source: Dane Wimbush collection)

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments10

    obligate seeder, the seed source may diminish

    with increasing re frequency (if the Ash does

    not reach seed bearing maturity prior to the nextre event) and there may be species composition

    changes in the catchments (Williams et al, 2009).

    These frequent high intensity forest res will

    in turn impact the stability of the un derstorey

    vegetation sp ecies leading to fragment ation of the

    forested areas.

    The main tenance of soil stability in th e forested

    Alps catchm ents is very much depend ent on

    the retention of a vegetative cover of 70 to

    100 percent and greater tha n 10 ton nes per

    hectare of ground litter (10 to 35 t/ha) (Costin

    et al, 1960; Good 1976; Worboys 1981; Good

    1982; Good 1986; Costin 2004; Leaver 2004).

    This level of vegetative and litter cover will be

    difcult to achieve and maintain under predicted

    tempera ture increases, reduced t otal precipitation

    and more frequent high intensity res. This

    min imum level of vegetative cover for catchm ent

    stability is also the m inimu m fuel level which

    contributes to high intensity wildres. It is a

    direct tension between catchment conservationand wildre management objectives for the Alps.

    Furth er research work is needed t o investigate

    this complexity.

    With declining plant species nu mbers a nd

    vegetation and grou nd litter cover, the soils of the

    forested catchments are m ore pron e to acceleratederosion as evidenced in th e Alps following th e

    2003 res. Any unstable and eroding catchments

    will have higher catchment discharge rates,

    carrying high levels of sedimen ts to dam storages

    and reducing the quality of the water.

    2.9 Climate change and water yield,water quality and ow regime

    Water yield

    A nat ural vegetated cond ition will help maint ain

    water yields from catchm ents. Managing for

    clima te change th reat s to water yields includes

    managing for res, removing weeds and restoring

    critical ecosystems. Though difcult to achieve

    in hotter and drier conditions, a lower frequency

    of major, intense, forest res in the catchments

    may help increase yield through less in-catchment

    water being committed to post-re forest

    regeneration. The restorat ion of previously killed

    high altitude Snow-gum communities (from

    grazing and burning [Byles 1932 cited in Zylstra

    2006, Costin et al, 2004]) will help enhance water

    yield in a predicted environment of declining

    precipitation (Costin and Wimbush 1961). These

    2003 Australian Alps wildre, Kosciuszko National Park

    (Source: Michelle Watson)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 11

    restored high altitude Snow-gum communities

    will harvest add itional water from cloud, fog and

    hoar frosts and will maintain en hanced snowdeposition (a snow-fence effect) in winter (Costin

    and Wimbush 1961, Costin et al, 2004). Climate

    change and its associated warm er conditions will

    enhan ce the distribution of man y weeds. The

    removal of willows which extract an estimated

    5.5 megalitres of water for every 2-3 kilometres

    of infested river (Doody 2011) will enhance

    downstream water yield.

    Water quality

    Clear, high quality water is sourced from non-

    eroding catchm ents and climate change maycause impacts to vegetation cover and resulting

    soil erosion. Non-natural soil erosion impacts

    high mountain stream s and impacts downstream

    infrastructure, including impoun dmen ts which

    service hydroelectric power generation a nd

    domestic water supply dams. Disturban ce of

    natu ral vegetation in h igh altitude environmen ts

    exposes soils to soil erosion.

    Areas of subalpine Snow-gums (Eucalyptus paucifora) inKosciuszko National Park were killed by grazing and re.This has happened in two ways. Historic wildre events

    burnt the Snow-gums, they resprouted and stock grazedthe new growth which killed the trees. The practice oburning-o Snow-gums also caused resprouting which was

    subsequently grazed. It is these human disturbed areaswhich are proposed or restoration to achieve 10% wateryield enhancement or the high mountain catchments.

    (Source: Roger Good collection)

    The Corin Dam ACT, in October 2010

    The reservoir sources its high quality water rom theAustralian Alps catchments in Namadgi National Parkand the water is used as a source o drinking water or

    Australias national capital, Canberra

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments12

    Flow regime

    Vegetation in a natural condition helps prevent

    rapid run-off, soil erosion and slope instabilityand assists in maintaining water quality. In

    the alpine ar ea, damaged vegetation can lead

    to rap id incision, undercutting, tun nelling and

    headwater erosion of the alpine hu mus soils.

    In forested lan ds, a very careful catchment

    management balance is required. The majority

    of the Alps forests have, at equilibrium fuel

    accumu lation, fuel loads in th e order of 20 to

    70 tonnes per hectare (t/ha) (Good 1982; Good

    1986; Leaver 2004). Smaller levels of forest litter

    cover such as 10t/ha may reduce the capacity of

    forest ecosystems to facilitate rainfall inltration

    (Costin 2004). This could result in higher soil

    surface water ows, erosion, higher discharge

    rates and downstream d am storages not being

    able to efciently store, regulate and release the

    consequent environmental ows. The capacity

    Thick subalpine understory regeneration in an Alpine Ash(Eucalyptus delegatensis) community, Alpine National

    Park near Falls Creek Victoria in 2007. This area burntduring the 2003 Australian Alps res. The alpine ashregenerates only rom seed ater re and creates dense


    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

    Kosciuszko National Park in 2011. This ormer SphagnumBog community was restored in the 1960-70s and shows

    expanding Sphagnum (brighter green on the let) but newentrenched erosion and soil loss (photo centre) whichrequires maintenance to prevent urther soil loss

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

    Simple soil erosion control intervention work at a critical

    endangered species site. Two year old restoration workat the 2003 re damaged Pengilleys Sphagnum bogendangered ecological community, near Smiggin Holes,Kosciuszko National Park. The hessian covered straw

    impoundment has contained the water, prevented streamincision and allowed the wetland to partially regenerate

    (Source: Roger Good collection)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 13

    to regulate such water ows for multiple use

    is centra l to the opera tion of the engineered

    Murray and Murrum bidgee Rivers system, part ofthe Murray-Darling Basin Scheme. Excess water

    owing over impoundment spillways becomes lost

    water in terms of its potential for multiple-use.

    In t he climate chan ge predicted future of more

    frequent and severe storm events, the ability

    of natural vegetation cover and forest litter to

    hold soils in place; to allow water inltration

    and to pr ovide stability to steep moun tain slopes

    is critical. Good (natural) vegetation cover can

    lessen the energy of down-mountain water ows

    which is critical for catchment conservation;

    for minimising the frequency of catastrophic

    high energy ood events; for increasing the

    safety of humans in th e Alps and for protecting

    infrastructure such as impound ment s and

    hydroelectric power generation sites.

    Shade-cloth use for wetland restoration, Cottercatchment, ACT, 2005. The shade-cloth helps protect theregenerating Sphagnum and other wetland species rom

    the damaging eects o UV radiation.(Source: Roger Good collection)

    2.10 Climate change impacts onnatural condition

    Predicted changes in climate and weather factors

    in th e Alps include tem peratur e increases and

    precipitation regime changes (less snow); less

    total precipitation; changed seasonality of

    precipitation and more extreme precipitation

    events (Hennessy et al, 2003; Pickering et al,

    2004; Dunlop and Brown 2008; Hennessy et al,

    2007; Garnaut 2008; Green and Pickering 2009;

    PV 2009a (Table 2.1). The predictions presented

    are for a ra nge of higher CO2 emission levels from

    1990 levels for periods extending to 2030, 2050and 2100 . Climate chan ge has been happen ing

    for many years and t his has been measured

    (Table 2.2). Factors associated with the changing

    environment include more cloud free days, lower

    humidity and increased total solar radiation (UV)

    (Howden et al, 2003).

    Climate change is predicted to inuence the

    natu ral condition of the catchm ents and this in

    turn will inuence the nature of water quality,

    The Cotter Dam in the ACT overowing during the La Ninainspired heavy rains that affected eastern Australiancatchments in the spring and summer of 2010. The Cotter

    Dam on the Cotter River is downstream o the Corin Damand includes catchments outside o Namadgi National Parkwhich are aected by human disturbance

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments14

    ow regime and water yield. Active management

    interventions will be needed to ma intain natu ral

    condition. Given th is it was impor tant to knowin 2010 the actual condition of the 1.64 million

    hectares of the Alps parks catchments. Were

    the catchments in sufciently natural (good)

    condition to be resilient to climate change

    effects? Or, were they vulnerab le to thr eats which

    could impact th e catchm ents an d th e yield of

    high quality water? Such a baseline conditionassessment of the Australian Alps catchments was

    conducted. It was th e second such evaluation in

    the history of the Alps catchments, the rst being

    completed by the Austra lian Academ y of Science

    in 1957 (AAS 1957).

    Table 2.1 Climate change predictions

    Australia(Hennessy et al, 2007;

    Garnaut 2008; Allison et al,2009; Steen et al, 2009; Vic

    DSE 2009)

    Victoria(Vic DSE 2009)

    Alps Catchments(Green, 2003; Hennessy et

    al, 2003; Pickering et al,2004; Dunlop and Brown

    2008; Hennessy et al, 2007;Garnaut 2008; Green and

    Pickering 2009; PV 2009a;Williams et al, 2009)

    Average TemperatureIncreases

    [For 2030]

    2008 emission levels leadto a 25% chance o a 2Crise in temperature

    [Best estimates or 2100]

    1.6C increase (450 ppmCO2)

    2.0C increase (550 ppmCO2)

    5.1C increase (nomitigation)

    The north-west isexpected to warm morequickly than the rest oAustralia

    Projections or 2050 areor an increase between(low emissions scenario)0.6C and (high emissionsscenario) 2.9C

    Heatwaves Increase in the number oheatwaves

    More days above 35C

    Bushres Fire seasons will startearlier

    They will nish later

    They will be more intense More requent very

    extreme and catastrophicre conditions arepredicted

    More days with veryhigh and extreme rebehaviour

    Changes will occur to reintensity and requency

    (High risk) By 2030 morerequent hot res reduceregeneration o Alpineecosystems

    Frequent re: possibleconversion o woodlandsto shrublands andgrasslands

    Precipitation Likely decreasedprecipitation in temperatelands

    Less annual rainall, butmore extreme rainallevents

    For 2050

    Possible reduction by24% (rom 1990) or highemission scenario

    Snow Retreat o the snowline.No snow in 2100 or the nomitigation scenario

    Fewer rosts For 2050

    Possible reductions (orhigh emission scenario) to96% in the area sustaining

    snow cover or more than60 days or 2100

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 15



    Alps Catchments(Contd)

    For 450 ppm CO2:Sucient snow orResorts

    For 550 ppm CO2: Somesnow

    No-mitigation: No snow

    Pattern of precipitation Changes to seasonalityand patterns o rainallintensity

    For 2050

    Precipitation is expectedto decrease by up to 24%

    Runoff More foods

    Changes to water fowregimes in rivers andwetlands are predicted

    Reduced spread o streamfows due to loss o snow,bogs and ens

    (Medium risk) By 2040

    there is reduced snowdepth and rainall andincreased evaporationleads to lower yield andlower water quality

    Drought Increased risk o drought More droughts The alpine area is highlysensitive to more requentdroughts

    Weeds and pests Changes will occurto weed and pestdistribution

    Less snow, invasion o thealpine area by introducedherbivores and carnivores

    (High risk) By 2070,increased competitionrom invasive summerweeds

    Habitats and Ecosystems For alpine/montane lands

    Potential loss o speciesdependent on adequatesnow cover

    Increased establishmento plant species at higheraltitudes

    Potential displacement ospecies, changes to snowpatch species

    Potential extinctions osummit restricted species;

    Changes in hydrology andimpacts to ens and bogs

    Changes in phenologywith earlier spring thaw

    Decrease in Sphagnumbogs

    Vegetation thickening dueto CO2

    Rising treeline, upwardmigration o species andecosystems

    Loss o snow coverinsulation and habitat orspecies

    Landuse Increase in snowmaking

    Increase in summertourism and recreation

    Loss o snow insulation orsoils and greater needleice impacts

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments16

    Table 2.2 Measured climate change trends (1900-2009)

    Australia(Hennessy et al, 2007;

    Garnaut 2008; Steen et

    al, 2009; Vic DSE 2009)

    Victoria(Vic DSE 2009)

    Alps Catchments(Hennessy et al, 2003;

    Pickering et al, 2004;

    Dunlop and Brown 2008;

    Hennessy et al, 2007;

    Garnaut 2008; Green

    and Pickering 2009; PV


    Measured trends 1900-2009 1910-2007: averagetemperature increase0.9 C (Figure 2.1)

    Rainall is higher in thenorth and west, dryingin southern and south-eastern Australia(Figure 2.2)

    There have been lowstream fows over theperiod 2000-09

    2009 CO2 emissions aretracking at the upperbounds o the mostpessimistic IPCC scenarios

    The alpine region haswarmed over the past 35years at 0.2C per decade

    Warming trends at alpinesites over 35 years havebeen greater than at loweraltitudes

    There has been astatistically signicantdecrease in snow over thepast 54 years

    Spring thaw has beenoccurring 2 days earliereach decade

    The requency o bigdumps o snow hasdecreased

    The decline o theShort Alpine Herbeldplant community dueto warming has beenrecorded

    Burnt areas on the western face of the Main Range and alpine area, KosciuszkoNational Park following the 2003 Australian Alps res

    (Source: Dane Wimbush collection)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 17

    Treeline Snow-gum, Charlotte Pass Kosciuszko National Park

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments18

    3. 2010 Catchment Condition Status

    A whole-of-Alps assessment of the natural

    condition and threats to the catchment s was

    needed. It would h elp identify if the catchmen ts

    were, in 2010, either r esilient or vulnerable to th e

    effects of clima te change. It would also iden tify if

    any managemen t interventions were needed.

    It could be assumed th at th e Alps catchmen ts

    were essentially in a nat ural state given th eir

    protected area status for up to 66 years. Thanks

    to considerable conservation work, this is the

    case for many areas. However there are also

    man y other p arts of the catchm ents which

    were substantially modied during their pre-

    protected area history and these have required

    extensive restoration and maintenance work.

    This work is on-going and unnished. It takes

    man y years to restore disturbed high moun tain

    lands, mainten ance work is constantly needed

    and n ew threats and pressures impact the natural

    condition in th is dynamic landscape.

    Natural (good) condition is important for the

    Alps catchmen ts. It is the role of prot ected area

    man agers to help achieve and m aintain this

    natural condition and consequently it is their

    respon sibility to know the condition of the

    catchm ents and to respond to any threats. In

    2010 an assessment of the natur al condition was

    completed and was guided by three questions:

    1. What was the overall nat ura l condition of the

    Alps catchments?

    2. What was the trend in the natur al condition of

    these catchm ents? and,

    3. What were the principal threats to the Alps


    Figure 3.1 The 235 Australian Alps sub-catchments assessed for their natural condition and trend in condition(Source NSW DECCW 2010)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 19

    3.1 The assessment method

    The 2010 survey method selected used the

    expert opinion of rangers and area managers

    to systemat ically assess the condition of the

    Alps catchmen ts. This approach was used given

    the absence of a stand ardised, GIS based and

    quantied baseline natural condition data for

    the catchmen ts from which to an alyse condition.

    The 1.64 million hectares of catchments were

    divided for analysis into 235 sub-catchments in

    the order of 10000 hectares in area (Figure 3.1).

    Only signicant sub-catchment condition issues

    were targeted and expert management staff wereasked to analyse many condition variables prior

    to providing a summative judgement of condition.

    Supporting information, triangulation of input

    advice and immediate peer review of judgements

    made were used prior to each sub-catchment

    condition an d tren d in condition assessment being

    nalised. The qualitative assessment completed

    was indicative and not prescriptive though it has

    credibility given the reliability of the expert inputs

    and triangulation methods used.

    Basis or the method used

    The catchment condition assessment m ethod was

    determ ined during thr ee workshops condu cted for

    the Alps Catchments Project. It was reviewed and

    then conrmed by an Alps Catchments Project

    Steering Committ ee. Simp licity of method was

    sought and a trafc light approach to classifyingthe ind ividual catchm ent condition was taken

    (Figure 3.2). The assessment categories of good,

    moderate and poor were used for the 235 sub-


    Figure 3.2 Catchment condition assessment codingand trend in condition criteria

    Catchment condition

    Good identies that the sub-catchment area

    was well vegetated with a st able na tive species

    groun dcover and was little imp acted by factors

    such as feral anima ls. Good cond ition does not

    necessarily infer near prist ine which is the

    optimum natu ral condition for protected area


    Moderate identies that a sub-catchment was

    essentially stable but h ad incomplete vegetation

    cover with m inor soil instability. This may be the

    result of (for example) vegetation destruction and

    soil disturbance by feral hor ses and feral pigs.

    Poor identies that the sub-catchment had

    been signicantly disturbed and degraded, there

    was a low percen tage of groun dcover and soil

    erosion was evident. It m ay have had a h istory of

    pre-protected area landuse impacts. There was

    likely to be the pr esence of weeds and int roduced

    animal populations.

    Trend in condition

    One of three categories were recognised for tren d

    in condition for each sub-catchment which were

    declining; no trend change and improving

    (Figure 3.2).

    Improving identies that the vegetation cover

    and species complexity, in combination with

    a reduction in th e area of disturbance and soil

    loss, had improved in r esponse to conservation

    man agement and natu ral healing. In most

    sub-catchments this status recognises that

    introduced animal control and weed management

    programmes (at the time of the assessment) were

    achieving their objectives.

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments20

    No-trend-change identies that the area overall

    was neither im proving nor d eclining. The ar ea

    may be improving in parts (such as an ar eathat was being restored) and may be declining

    elsewhere (such as impacts from weeds). It

    recognises that thr eat mitigation pr ogrammes

    were in place but were only just keeping up with

    the level of impacts (it was not getting worse).

    Declining identies that irrespective of

    feral animal and weed control program mes

    being un dert aken by the Alps Agencies, native

    vegetation cover and species populations

    were declining and soil instability and erosion

    were evident. Management actions were n ot

    keeping pace with impacts caused by historical

    landuse impacts; increasing introduced animal

    populations and weed invasions and there was

    catchm ent dam age and degradation resulting

    from these impacts.

    3.2 Catchment condition decisionmaking process and criteria


    Rangers and area m anagers were asked to make

    judgements on condition and trend in condition

    relative to a number of key criteria (Table 3.1).

    These criteria were determined at workshops

    conducted as part of the Alps catchments project.

    Each interviewed expert reviewed a number of

    criteria that could inuence their assessment

    for a sub-catchment before reaching a condition

    decision for each sub-catchment.

    3.3 Advantages of the method

    In t he absence of a standar dised GIS based

    data-base for the Alps parks, this method of

    interviewing sub-catchment management experts

    provided a number of benets for the project.

    Australian Alps protected area management staff contributing to the catchment condition survey January 2010

    (Clockwise rom top let) NSW National Parks and Wildlie Service; Parks Victoria; NSW GIS expert Doug Mills; ACT Parksand Conservation

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection).

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 21

    The method was simple, cost-effective and was

    focused on major issues. It provided an indicative

    assessment of the natu ral condition and tr end incondition of the catchments at a whole-of-Alps


    3.4 Limitations to the method

    The assessment was based on judgments from

    individuals and not by quantitative data and

    systematic survey and t his was an importan t

    limitation. In addition, no eld survey or ground

    trut hing was completed. Though the informat ion

    generated was sourced from the best available

    knowledge and highly qualied and experienced

    professional staff, the ndings must be consideredindicative.

    Some other limitations for the assessment

    included the general lack of readily accessible

    quantied data for some sub-catchments;

    the n eed to average the condition assessment

    information across sub-catchments; differences

    in the relative knowledge and experience of

    personnel completing the assessment; and,

    the general degree of difculty in assessing

    Table 3.1 Criteria used to guide interviewee assessment of catchment condition

    Management issues (concerns) Guidance for assessing condition status

    Vegetation status Stability o the vegetation and percentage o natural

    cover. Exposure o bare (unvegetated) soil or more

    than 15% o an area provides a guide or poor


    Introduced animal presence

    (Deer, horses, pigs, oxes, rabbits)

    The abundance and distribution (and percentage

    area) o the particular catchment utilised by thepest animal is assessed. The dominant pest animals

    were identied. Other introduced animals may be

    recognised where there were serious issues with

    species such as cats, hares, goats and wild cattle.

    Introduced plants (weeds)

    (Blackberry, willows, broom, hawkweed)

    The abundance and distribution (and percentage

    area) o the particular catchment utilised by the

    introduced plants were assessed. The dominant

    introduced plants were identied. Other introduced

    plants may be recognised where they present serious


    Wildre and prescribed re The requency, distribution and accumulated number

    o res were assessed. Fire was treated as a natural

    phenomena except where there was an increased

    re requency that was non-natural and there were

    cumulative impacts

    Infrastructure developments The location and area covered by developments

    where they lead to threats which include introduced

    plants and animals, soil erosion and pollution.

    Soils and soil erosion This includes active erosion which may be localised,

    in many locations or it may occur as extensive and

    severe areas o erosion.

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments22

    the degree and extent of impacts across sub-

    catchments. Wherever possible, these limitations

    were minimised by supplementar y support inginform ation an d t riangulation of evidence.

    3.5 An insight: The 1957 catchmentcondition assessment

    The 1957 catchment condition assessment method

    used by the Austra lian Academ y of Science

    was similar to th e 2010 assessment . It used a

    combination of written inp uts from catchment

    authorities, interviews, expert advice and a

    literatur e review and was based on th e author sexperience and knowledge of the condition of

    the catchments (AAS 1957). It differed from the

    2010 detailed assessment of 235 sub-catchments

    in tha t it generated a single overview assessment

    of the condition for the NSW and Victorian Alps


    The 1957 assessment involved a four person

    Committee led by Professor J.S. Turner and which

    included Professor R.L. Crocker; Dr J.W. Evans

    and Mr A.B. Costin. The (abbreviated) 1957 terms

    of reference, method and ndings were.

    Terms of Reference: The Key questions were:

    1. Is there any deter ioration of the water

    catchments? Is it of national importance?

    2. What are the major causes of the


    3. What procedures should be adopted to arrest

    the decline and to impr ove the position?

    Method: The method included:

    1. Corresponden ce to 20 organisations with the

    three questions: Is there serious deterioration?

    What policy should be adopted in response

    to the d eterioration? and What evidence is

    available to support the views above?

    2. A literature review;

    3. Interviews of key personnel; and

    4. A special inspection of the catchments of the

    Snowy Mountains area and the Victorian Alps.

    Results: The 1957 catchment condition

    assessment identied that:

    1. There was serious deteriorat ion in thevegetative cover; a decline in catchment

    efciency and widespread surface soil erosion;

    2. The watershed value of the regions was the

    paramount consideration;

    3. Catchment s were in danger if there was a

    loss in the inltration capacity due to the

    deter ioration of vegetative cover an d were in

    great danger if this deteriorat ion was likely to

    lead to accelerated soil erosion which could, in

    time, reach devastating proportions.

    3.6 The 2010 catchment conditionassessment

    The natural condition status was assessed for 235

    sub-catchments. The map generated (Figure 3.3)

    is indicative, but identies some major concerns

    for catchment managers. Many sub-catchments

    were either in a mod erate or poor condition. The

    trend in condition assessment map also identied

    many sub-catchments where the condition wasnot changing or was declining (Figure 3.4).

    The subalpine treeline at the Snowy River, near Charlotte

    Pass, Kosciuszko National Park, in good condition inJanuary 2011 after 67 years of conservation management

    (Source: Graeme L. Worboys collection)

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    Summary Report for Policy Makers 23

    Figure 3.3 Catchment condition status depicted by colour(Source: NSW DECCW 2010)

    Figure 3.4 Catchment trend in condition status depicted by colour(Source: NSW DECCW 2010)

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    Caring for our Australian Alps Catchments24

    3.7 Catchment condition status

    The overall cond ition sta tus of the Alps

    catchments was of concern with more than 60% of

    catchm ents either in poor or m oderate condition

    (Figure 3.5). The management aim of all park

    managers is to achieve at least good condition an d

    if possible, near pristine status. For downstream

    managers of water, this high quality catchment

    status is what would generally be expected for

    a protected area. However, many protected

    areas were established over lands which h ad a

    legacy of landu se impacts. The task of restor ing

    these historically disturbed areas is formidable,it takes time and active man agement work is

    constantly needed. Restoration and repair work

    in the m ountains is seasonal, and it takes longer

    to be successful given colder growing conditions.

    The condition assessment identied that much

    more work was needed to restore catchmen ts to

    a natural condition and to maximise resilience to

    climate change.

    Figure 3.5 Assessed natural condition of theAlps sub-catchments(Source: NSW DECCW 2010)

    3.8 Trend in condition status

    The trend in condition of more than 70% of sub-

    catchm ents was assessed as no tren d change

    or even worse, declining (Figure 3.6). Rangers

    and area managers who identied no change

    were often accounting for sub-catchments where

    importan t conservation gains had been m ade, butwhere there were also new or enhanced thr eats

    and where management inputs were just holding

    ground. A declining catchm ent condition stat us

    was a serious assessment.

    Figure 3.6 Assessed trend in condition of theAlps sub-catchments(Source: NSW DECCW 2010)

    3.9 Soil erosion threats

    Soil erosion had been identied as a specic

    threat impacting the natural condition of sub-

    catchments in many locations (Figure 3.7).

    This was unacceptable in a climate chan ge

    environm e