It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice. The mission of CASA of Denton County, Inc. is to provide trained community volunteers, to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children, and to promote community awareness about child abuse issues. CASA - A POWERFUL VOICE IN A CHILD’S LIFE Executive Director’s Message The holidays are touted as a magical time for children. I think that is often true but what I have noticed since being involved with CASA is that the magic is actually in those that make the magic happen for children. What an incredible community we are a part of! As this newsletter is being printed, there are employees at large companies, small businesses, student organizations and individuals and families that are adopting CASA and CASA children to make sure that their holidays are magical. Our administration office including the store room, conference room, hallways and bathrooms are filled with handmade goodies, books, toys, food, clothes and many, many other items for our children and families to have this holiday season and throughout the year. It seems there is no limit to the generous spirit of the Denton Community and we are truly thankful for the opportunity to provide a little magic for our CASA children. Thank you to the many, many people who are sharing their spirit with us this season. There are a lot of activities to read about in this version of the CASA Connection – those that have taken place, those that we are in the midst of and those that are soon to happen. As you read through the news, take note of the different ways you too can be involved with CASA as the holidays are just one way. We welcome your volunteer assistance and your in-kind and financial support throughout the year – we serve abused and neglected children every day. Everyone can be a “CASA Advocate” – it’s just a matter of which type of advocate fit you are comfortable with! We look forward to hearing from you and adding you to our list of magic makers! Sherri Gideon WINTER 2012 A newborn baby girl was left at the hospital before she was even given a name. For one full week following her abandonment, no one visited her except Child Protective Services (CPS) and the CASA advocate assigned to her case. A court hearing was held two weeks later and, to everyone’s surprise, the mother of the child appeared in court. The child’s mother had two people with her - it was later discovered by the CASA advocate that the mother had promised to give these two people her child if they would give her enough money to relocate. The baby girl was placed in a foster home that was interested in adopting. The foster parents gave the child a home and a name – “Hope.” Five months went by but the baby’s biological mother did not visit baby Hope even once. Over the course of the case, the CASA advocate was able to find out that the mother had five other children that had been removed by CPS in San Antonio and were placed with several different friends of the mother. All children still had contact with their mother, and all were being negatively influenced by the sporadic and volatile nature of these interactions. The friends who had several of the mother’s children voiced an interest in taking baby Hope, as well. CPS held a hearing to consider the potential placement. CASA was instrumental in providing the court with relevant information regarding the history and circumstances of this potential new placement. CASA reported that placing Hope in San Antonio with her mother’s friends would be as risky as returning her to her mother. Taking the CASA volunteer’s report into consideration with many other factors in the case, the court ruled that Hope should remain in the original foster home placement. Because of the CASA volunteer’s diligent re- search and willingness to speak up for Hope’s best interests, this baby girl was able to remain in a home where she could thrive and have a chance at a new life. ADVOCATING FOR

CASA Newsletter- Winter 2012

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Agency winter/holiday newsletter

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It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.


Court Appointed Special AdvocateThe mission of CASA of Denton County, Inc. is to provide trained

community volunteers, to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children,and to promote community awareness about child abuse issues.


Executive Director’s MessageThe holidays are touted as a magical time for children. I think that is often true but what I have noticed since being involved with CASA is that the magic is actually in those that make the magic happen for children. What an incredible community we are a part of! As this newsletter is being printed, there are employees at large companies, small businesses, student organizations and individuals and families that are adopting CASA and CASA children to make sure that their holidays are magical. Our administration office including the store room, conference room, hallways and bathrooms are filled with handmade goodies, books, toys, food, clothes and many, many other items for our children and families to have this holiday season and throughout the year. It seems there is no limit to the generous spirit of the Denton Community and we are truly thankful for the opportunity to provide a little magic for our CASA children. Thank you to the many, many people who are sharing their spirit with us this season.

There are a lot of activities to read about in this version of the CASA Connection – those that have taken place, those that we are in the midst of and those that are soon to happen. As you read through the news, take note of the different ways you too can be involved with CASA as the holidays are just one way. We welcome your volunteer assistance and your in-kind and financial support throughout the year – we serve abused and neglected children every day. Everyone can be a “CASA Advocate” – it’s just a matter of which type of advocate fit you are comfortable with! We look forward to hearing from you and adding you to our list of magic makers!

Sherri Gideon

You can help us meet needs that are not included in the agency’s budget. As a small nonprofit agency, with limited resources, we depend on the generosity of our friends to help meet needs and cash donations are not the only way to become a CASA benefactor. The less funding CASA spends on operating costs, the more the children benefit. To donate, call 940.243.2272.

Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingNEEDS fOr ThE ChIlDrEN

• Web Cams• Toys for infants

• Gift Cards to Wal-Mart

• Gift Cards to Target


A newborn baby girl was left at the hospital before she was even given a name. For one full week following her abandonment, no one visited her except Child Protective Services (CPS) and the CASA advocate assigned to her case. A court hearing was held two weeks later and, to everyone’s surprise, the mother of the child appeared in court. The child’s mother had two people with her - it was later discovered by the CASA advocate that the mother had promised to give these two people her child if they would give her enough money to relocate. The baby girl was placed in a foster home that was interested in adopting. The foster parents gave the child a home and a name – “Hope.” Five months went by but the baby’s biological mother did not visit baby Hope even once. Overthecourseof thecase, theCASAadvocatewasable tofindout that themotherhadfive other children that had been removed byCPS inSanAntonioand were placed with several different friends of the mother. All children still had contactwiththeirmother,andallwerebeingnegativelyinfluencedbythesporadicand volatile nature of these interactions. The friends who had several of the mother’s children voiced an interest in taking baby Hope, as well. CPS held a hearing to consider the potential placement. CASA was instrumental in providing the court with relevant information regarding the history and circumstances of this potential new placement. CASA reported that placing Hope in San Antonio with her mother’s friends would be as risky as returning her to her mother. Taking the CASA volunteer’s report into consideration with many other factors in the case, the court ruled that Hope should remain in the original foster home placement. Because of the CASA volunteer’s diligent re-search and willingness to speak up for Hope’s best interests, this baby girl was able to remain in a home where she could thrive and have a chance at a new life.











Kudos Corner

BOArD Of DIrECTOrSDixie Berry

Jean Campbell, Emeritusray Croff

Debby GrigsbyDana haynie

Shelly KruegerSteve Kuzmich

Jeffery lawrence, TreasurerBob Mancino, Vice President

Janie McleodJoe Mitchelllinda ratliff

Kay Schroeder, SecretaryCarrell Ann SimmonsGreg Studer, President

ADVISOry COuNCIlJudy Grimes

russell KerbowBrenda lathamDenise robertsMichael ryan

CASA STAffCheri fry, Casework SupervisorSherri Gideon, Executive Director

Sara hinojosa, Training Coordinator/Casework Supervisor

Debbie Martin, Office ManagerBetty Moran, Casework Supervisor

Sandi Moresco, Casework Supervisorlori Powell, Casework SupervisorMelissa ryan, Program Director

Theresa White, Casework Supervisor

When you put faith, hope and love together, you can raise positive kids in a negative world. You may only be someone in the world, but to someone else, you may be the world.2

CASA graduated a record number of individuals in October with 20 new child advocates. Pictured from left to right are: Linda German, Lazetta Wing, Jill Hoenig, Debbie Garrett, Sarah Francis, Paula Shewmake, Kathleen Glenney, Kristine Edens, Christy Bieker, Shirley Hollon, Michelle McClure, Gay Green, Randall Harvill, Zetria Kneeland, Sandra Gray, Makinzie Heard, Grace Garcia, Andrea Whelan, Dianne Landry-O’Bryan, and Laura Wallace.

Welcome Graduates of Fall Advocacy Academy

Jean Campbell:A True CASA Advocate and Board Member Emeritus

Joining those who were trying to get a CASA p r o g r a m started more than 19 years ago, Jean C a m p b e l l has been a spokesperson for children and families

through her employment, through her church and through her work with many charities in Denton County. She joined the CASA board of directors in 1998 when the agency was in infancy and really struggling. That did not keep her spirits down - in fact, it probably made her stronger. The importance of the work of CASA was always foremost for Jean and is evidenced by the many ways she has served CASA. Jean Campbell was not “just a board member” - she was and continues to be a leader for CASA. She has served as Vice President of the Board, as President, as Treasurer, and has chaired board and event committees too numerous to list. She has helped garner support for CASA in the toughest of economic times and has brought many businesses to the supporter roster who are also now active in CASA work. She has been willing to do presentations in

Arvil was quite an inspiration to those who were touched by his kind and gentle spirit including the staff and volunteers at CASA of Denton County. When Kaye Dotson came to CASAfirstasaninternandthenasastaff member in 1997, Arvil came too. His support was evident in all aspects of our CASA work. He was our master computer technician for many years, donating his time and often equipment to help troubleshoot and network the computers and keep the office“up and running.” He worked on fax machines, copiers and any other piece

of equipment that needed attention. Arvil volunteered for events, made videos forourfirstannualrecognitiondinnersandhelpedaroundattheofficeas needed. He even shared with us the gift of music – he was a very talented pianist. Through his “behind the scenes” work, Arvil was a true CASA and CASA supporter for many years. In October we sadly said goodbye to Arvil. Our organization is forever stronger and stable because of Arvil Dotson and his many contributions. We miss you Arvil – you are a treasured friend.


Arvil Dotson

On the hOrizOn FOr 2012Look for a few changes to the CASA image in 2012 as we celebrate 20 years of service to abused and neglected children in Denton County! CASA is a strong, stable partner in our local child welfare system and we are proud to have been a part of this solution for children for 20 years. We look forward to continuing our tradition of quality service and to sharing our history and future with you in 2012.

CASA is fortunate to have the support of businesses, churches and special campaigns. We have participated in booths, special presentations, and other opportunities to help us raise awareness of our mission and seek volunteers to assist in our endeavors. In this past quarter CASA has shared our mission with the Robson Ranch Material Girls, the SDC Neighbor to Neighbor Board of Directors, the St. Philip


heartfelt thanks to Kelanie Redmond and William Yull for donations that directly benefited two of our CASA families this quarter!

hats off to many others who have brought gifts to help with fall activities, Adoption Day and holiday items for many CASA children – thanks to employees at Fed Ex Services in Irving for gift cards and teddy bears, Claudia Goff and Bob Collier for children’s gifts, Bob Snell for 400 color books, Billie Evans and Lynette Rorer for beanie babies, Community Bible Church in San Antonio and Julie Reif for pillow pets, the Rave Theater for movie passes, Bobby and Cheryl Schroeder for gift

cards for kids, and the Denton Triangle Lions Club for tickets to the Children’s Film Festival.

CASA extends special thanks this quarter to Denton Regional Medical Center for providing meals for the Fall 2011 Class of Advocacy Academy. Your generous support helps us save dollars on overhead that can be used to directly benefit children in need!

We are honored on a regular basis to have many CASA friends who support the agency with in-kind donations. We hope you will share your business with those who do business for CASA - Eagle & Wheeler, Eagleton Photography, Concept2Creation, Ruth Beard, and TRT Communications. These folks save CASA a tremendous amount of operating funds each year so that more money can be utilized for direct services to children!

3There isn’t a person anywhere who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can. – Henry Ford A generous heart, kind speech, & a life of service & compassion are the things which renew humanity.

MajoR FuNDINg SouRcES• City of Carrollton• City of Denton• City of Highland Village• City of Lewisville• Cloud 9 Charities• Dallas Claims Association• Denton Benefit League• Denton County• Highland Village Rotary Club• J. Newton Rayzor Foundation• Johnson Family Foundation• The Meadows Foundation• Office of the Attorney General• Rotary of Flower Mound• SDC Neighbor to Neighbor• Speedway Children’s Charities• Texas CASA, Inc.• Town of Flower Mound• United Way of Denton County,

Inc.• United Way of Metropolitan

Dallas• Victim of Crime Act

caSa IS plEaSED To havE REcEIvED gIFTS IN hoNoR oF…• Jean Campbell From Scott McDearmont• Linda Ratliff From First State Bank• Tim Schoendorf From C. Pharr & Company• Richard Wolf From American Giving

caSa IS plEaSED To havE REcEIvED gIFTS IN MEMoRy oF…• Jean Collier From Claralynn Barnes From CASA Board of Directors From Michael and Betty Moran• Arvil Dotson From Wes and Sherri Gideon From Michael and Betty Moran From David and Brenda Sweeten• Rogers Johnson From Roscie Banks From Loretta Jaggers From Arquilla Shepherd• Anna Dell Pettit From James Collier and Kay T. Moore

• Regina Pitt From James Collier and Kay T. Moore• Ross Shepherd From Roscie Banks From Loretta Jaggers From Arquilla Shepherd• John Studer From CASA Board of Directors• Alton Thibodeaux From Roscie Banks From Loretta Jaggers From Arquilla Shepherd• Mary Shepherd Thibodeaux From Roscie Banks From Loretta Jaggers From Arquilla Shepherd

DoNaTIoNS To hElp MEET caSa’S gREaTEST NEEDS(Monetary, In-Kind & through Workplace campaigns)CASA strives to remember all of those who have blessed us. Please notify us and forgive us if we failed to list your name and know that your generosity is truly appreciated.• Abbott Laboratories Fund• Albertson’s• Jonathan and Beverly Bailey• Lauren Barker• Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World• Ben E. Keith Beers-Budweiser• Mike and Dixie Berry• Charla Bradshaw• Jean Bush• Steve and Andrea Calloway• Jean Campbell• Jana Chamberlain• Ben Choate• Chuck and Lori Christensen• Cloud 9 Charities• Hugh and Bernadette Coleman• Robert and Jean Collier• Communities Foundation of

Texas• Community Bible Church, San

Antonio• Creative Shotz Photography• Jon and Paula Czapko• Dallas Gun Club• Denton Regional Medical

Center• Denton Triangle Lions Club

• Peter and Amanda Doyle• Billie Evans• Nick and Jacque Farley• Fed Ex Services Employees• Cheri Fry• Games2Go Mobile Gaming• Susan Gehrlein• Frank and Linda German• Sherri Gideon• John and Cynthia Given• Kathleen Glenney• Claudia Goff• GoodSearch• Dan and Amy Lord Goodwin• Andy and Gay Green• Jean Greenlaw• Debby Grigsby• Judy Grimes• Tryna Hammond• Passion Hayes• David Hodges• Gerald and Jill Hoenig• Michele Holmes• Mary Hunter• JPMorgan Chase & Company• Roy and Frieda Jenkins• Derek Jett• Norma Johnson• Kay Jones• Kyle Jones• Carolyn Kacena• Ken Hughes & Associates, P.C.• Russ and Becky Kerbow• Doug Killough• Kimberly Clark Foundation• Sennett and Carolyn Kirk• Grace Lamb• Land O’Lakes Quilt Guild• Jeffery Lawrence• Curtis and Janet Lee• Deborah Leliaert• Mark Lewis• Lewisville Senior Center

Needlework Group• Lockton Dunning Benefits• Debbie Martin• Michelle McClure• Jamie McCormick• Frances McDuff• Janie McLeod• Jim and Linda McNatt• Thomas and Vicki Mielke• Moet Hennessey USA• Mike and Betty Moran• Sandra Moresco• Mark Mullens

• Murad Auctions• Spence and Pam Nelson• NV Cupcakes• Parsons Roofing• PointBank• Lori Powell• Gina Pozos• Mike and Nancy Proctor• Rahna Raney• Rave Theater• The Rayzor Company• Kelanie Redmond• Rich and Diane Reynolds• Denise Roberts• Doug and Bonnie Robison• Robson Ranch Material Girls• Jim and Sonja Rogers• Lynette Rorer• Dena Rushing• Ellen Sackett• Santa’s Workshop• James and Joan Schaub• Bobby and Cheryl Schroeder• Jerry and Kathy Seay• Rob and Kimberly Seay• L. Dee and Sherry Shipman• Kristal Shoemake• Carrell Ann Simmons• Catherine Simmons• Bob Snell• Southwest Airlines• Janet Sparkman• Speedway Club at Texas Motor

Speedway• St. Philip the Apostle Catholic

Church• Charles and Debbie Stafford• Starlite Sign Company• Peggy Stegmann• Greg and Maureen Studer• Vanessa Swindell• Swirl Bakery• Ana Marie Thompson• TRT Communications, Inc.• VRC Investigations• Wal-Mart• Lyn and Gail Ward• Grace Weatherly• Theresa White• Mike and Darlene Whitten• Wildcat Creek Hunting Resort• William Yull• Z Pizza

Gifts from the Heart:Heartfelt thanks to donors who made contributions to CASA

between July 10 and November 30, 2011


Kudos Corner










When you put faith, hope and love together, you can raise positive kids in a negative world. You may only be someone in the world, but to someone else, you may be the world.4

BreAkinG All reCOrds At the

What an incredible, record-breaking event we had on October 23 at the esteemed Grotto Restaurant in Highland Village. Renowned Chef Morris Salerno really wowed the largest crowdeverforthiseventwithover140inattendance–treatingthemtoafivecourse,fivestar, exquisite meal and helping to raise over $57,000 in support of the services CASA provides to abused and neglected children in Denton County! Special thanks are extended to Chef Salerno and staff, Moet Hennessey uSA, Louis Murad, sponsors and celebrity waiters and the board and staff of CASA. Without the combined efforts of these folks, CASA would not be able to host such a wonderful event. Chef Salerno and his staff have been “treating” CASA to this event for 13 years and have raised more than $400,000 for CASA services. Morris truly cares about his community, about CASA and about the children we serve. Thank you Morris.

Thanks To sponsors:Associate Justice Sponsors

Denton Regional Medical CenterGoodson Engineering

TXU Energy

JusTice of The peace sponsorsDATCU Credit Union

First State BankKen Hughes & Associates, P.C.

Medical Center of LewisvilleMiller of Denton

Northstar Bank of TexasUniversity of North Texas

Wood, Thacker & Weatherly, P.C.

in-kind sponsorsDenton Record-Chronicle

Eagle & WheelerStar Community Newspapers

Wine sponsorMoet Hennessey USA

oTher supporTersChef Morris Salerno and Staff

Eagleton PhotographyCASA Board of Directors

Thanks To celebriTy WaiTers:Judge Jonathan BaileyJudge Margaret Barnes

Justice Lee GabrielJudge David Garcia

Judge Bruce McFarlingJudge Mary Horn

District Attorney Paul JohnsonJustice of the Peace Becky KerbowLewisville Police Chief Russ Kerbow

Judge Robert RamirezJudge Bonnie RobisonJudge Doug Robison

Judge L. Dee ShipmanJudge Virgil Vahlehkamp

13THANNUAL 6th Annual kinship Fair

CASA is proud each year to partner with the Greater Denton County Young Lawyer’s Association, Child Protective Services, and Texas Woman’s university to host a festival for Kinship Families, relatives and close family friends, who welcome abused and neglected children into their homes during a time of turmoil and uncertainty. These special “foster” parents provide a safe, loving home for these children with little support from the child welfare system to help them with the challenges and burdens they face in providing for them. The Kinship Fair is an opportunity for the community to help these families with special and everyday needs by providing food, coats, clothing, school supplies, hair cuts, toys and other special needs items while at the same time, providing a “festival” type atmosphere for the children to enjoy. Special thanks to all who once again made this event so meaningful for the children and families.

9th Annual new York style Fashion showOn Saturday, november 12, the 9th Annual new York Style Fashion Show took place at the Hilton Garden Inn in Lewisville. PresentedbyCloud9Charities,thisexcitingeventbenefitedfourlocalcharitiesincludingCASA,PediPlace,theChildren’sAdvocacy Center and the Sue Weaver C.A.u.S.E. Local volunteers and some celebrity models rocked the show stage with stylesfromlocalboutiques,attendeesbidonanarrayofexcitingauctionitemstobenefitthecharities,andnightowlsinthecrowd partied into the wee hours at the Casino After-Party. It was truly a fun and energetic event! Event organizers touted the fashion show as a huge success – raising over $100,000 overall. In early December, the Cloud 9 Charities presented each organization with a check and CASA received $10,000! Special thanks to Kim Cloud, Paula Wagner, Mark Wagner and all who made this event and this donation a reality for CASA and the special children we serve!

FAll ACtivities At CAsA

When you put faith, hope and love together, you can raise positive kids in a negative world. You may only be someone in the world, but to someone else, you may be the world. 5

6th Annual kinship FairCASA is proud each year to partner with the Greater Denton County Young Lawyer’s Association, Child Protective Services, and Texas Woman’s university to host a festival for Kinship Families, relatives and close family friends, who welcome abused and neglected children into their homes during a time of turmoil and uncertainty. These special “foster” parents provide a safe, loving home for these children with little support from the child welfare system to help them with the challenges and burdens they face in providing for them. The Kinship Fair is an opportunity for the community to help these families with special and everyday needs by providing food, coats, clothing, school supplies, hair cuts, toys and other special needs items while at the same time, providing a “festival” type atmosphere for the children to enjoy. Special thanks to all who once again made this event so meaningful for the children and families.

4th Annual denton CountyAdoption day

A total of 23 children were adopted into permanent homes on Friday, november 4 at the 4th Annual Denton County Adoption Day. Hosted by the Denton County Bar Association in partnership with CASA and Child Protective Services, the Annual Adoption Day event provides children and their adoptive families with a celebratory atmosphere to mark this most important milestone in their lives. This year’s Adoption Day festivities included games, refreshments, and anopportunityforfamiliestotaketheirfirstfamilyportraittogether. Local businesses made in-kind contributions and gave their time to help the 4th Annual Denton County Adoption Day go off without a hitch. Thanks to everyone who helped make this a day to remember for 23 very special children and their new families.

9th Annual new York style Fashion showOn Saturday, november 12, the 9th Annual new York Style Fashion Show took place at the Hilton Garden Inn in Lewisville. PresentedbyCloud9Charities,thisexcitingeventbenefitedfourlocalcharitiesincludingCASA,PediPlace,theChildren’sAdvocacy Center and the Sue Weaver C.A.u.S.E. Local volunteers and some celebrity models rocked the show stage with stylesfromlocalboutiques,attendeesbidonanarrayofexcitingauctionitemstobenefitthecharities,andnightowlsinthecrowd partied into the wee hours at the Casino After-Party. It was truly a fun and energetic event! Event organizers touted the fashion show as a huge success – raising over $100,000 overall. In early December, the Cloud 9 Charities presented each organization with a check and CASA received $10,000! Special thanks to Kim Cloud, Paula Wagner, Mark Wagner and all who made this event and this donation a reality for CASA and the special children we serve!

FAll ACtivities At CAsA










CASA is truly blessed this quarter to have received a most generous donation from Starlite Sign Company. Stop by the CASA Administration Office at 614 North Bell Avenue and check out our new sign! Special thanks to Starlite Sign Company for the sign and to Terry Brockett, Greg Studer, Jerry Martin, Wes Gideon and James Gideon for installing our new sign for us!

Special thanks this quarter to the generous folks at Speedway Children’s Charities! CASA received a $10,000 grant at their holiday tree lighting and check presentation ceremony on November 29. One of only 28 organizations to receive a grant in 2011, these funds will be used to directly benefit the children served by CASA.

CASA was blessed this quarter to receive a $5,000 donation from the Dallas Claims Association. The Asso-ciation exists to promote harmony and cordial business relations, sharei n f o r m a t i o n ,

troubleshoot together and promote ethical practices among members, all who work in the claims industry. Some members are supporters of CASA serving as child advocates and board members. Because of the high quality and important services of CASA, the association blessed CASA with a donation as proceeds from their fund raisers held throughout 2011. Donations were also made to Spirit Horse and the Collin County Children’s Advocacy Center.

A bouquet of thanks to many groups who are helping make the holidays bright for many CASA children by making some handmade items – thanks to The Robson Ranch Material Girls and the Holmes Family for making a combined total of 240 pillow cases, the Land O’Lakes Quilt Guild for making 115 Christmas Stockings, Janet Sparkman for making 18 crocheted children’s blankets, and the Lewisville Senior Center Needlework Group for making 56 children’s quilts.

A wagon full of thanks to Peyton Shoemake and his friend Antonio for collecting “Coins for CASA” for a school community awareness project. The boys collected coins in school and then pulled their wagon around their

neighborhood in Flower Mound, handed out CASA brochures and collected more coins. Together, these two youngsters collected $47.80 in support of CASA services for children in need!

Special thanks to Lockton Dunning Benefits, employees of Fed Ex Services, and Jamie McCormick for checking our CASA wish list and donating office supplies and a digital camera!

heartfelt thanks to Kelanie Redmond and William Yull for donations that directly benefited two of our CASA families this quarter!

hats off to many others who have brought gifts to help with fall activities, Adoption Day and holiday items for many CASA children – thanks to employees at Fed Ex Services in Irving for gift cards and teddy bears, Claudia Goff and Bob Collier for children’s gifts, Bob Snell for 400 color books, Billie Evans and Lynette Rorer for beanie babies, Community Bible Church in San Antonio and Julie Reif for pillow pets, the Rave Theater for movie passes, Bobby and Cheryl Schroeder for gift

cards for kids, and the Denton Triangle Lions Club for tickets to the Children’s Film Festival.

CASA extends special thanks this quarter to Denton Regional Medical Center for providing meals for the Fall 2011 Class of Advocacy Academy. Your generous support helps us save dollars on overhead that can be used to directly benefit children in need!

We are honored on a regular basis to have many CASA friends who support the agency with in-kind donations. We hope you will share your business with those who do business for CASA - Eagle & Wheeler, Eagleton Photography, Concept2Creation, Ruth Beard, and TRT Communications. These folks save CASA a tremendous amount of operating funds each year so that more money can be utilized for direct services to children!

6 There isn’t a person anywhere who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can. – Henry Ford A generous heart, kind speech, & a life of service & compassion are the things which renew humanity.

MajoR FuNDINg SouRcES• City of Carrollton• City of Denton• City of Highland Village• City of Lewisville• Cloud 9 Charities• Dallas Claims Association• Denton Benefit League• Denton County• Highland Village Rotary Club• J. Newton Rayzor Foundation• Johnson Family Foundation• The Meadows Foundation• Office of the Attorney General• Rotary of Flower Mound• SDC Neighbor to Neighbor• Speedway Children’s Charities• Texas CASA, Inc.• Town of Flower Mound• United Way of Denton County,

Inc.• United Way of Metropolitan

Dallas• Victim of Crime Act

caSa IS plEaSED To havE REcEIvED gIFTS IN hoNoR oF…• Jean Campbell From Scott McDearmont• Linda Ratliff From First State Bank• Tim Schoendorf From C. Pharr & Company• Richard Wolf From American Giving

caSa IS plEaSED To havE REcEIvED gIFTS IN MEMoRy oF…• Jean Collier From Claralynn Barnes From CASA Board of Directors From Michael and Betty Moran• Arvil Dotson From Wes and Sherri Gideon From Michael and Betty Moran From David and Brenda Sweeten• Rogers Johnson From Roscie Banks From Loretta Jaggers From Arquilla Shepherd• Anna Dell Pettit From James Collier and Kay T. Moore

Gifts from the Heart:Heartfelt thanks to donors who made contributions to CASA

between July 10 and November 30, 2011


Kudos Corner

Kudos Corner

When you put faith, hope and love together, you can raise positive kids in a negative world. You may only be someone in the world, but to someone else, you may be the world. 7

CASA graduated a record number of individuals in October with 20 new child advocates. Pictured from left to right are: Linda German, Lazetta Wing, Jill Hoenig, Debbie Garrett, Sarah Francis, Paula Shewmake, Kathleen Glenney, Kristine Edens, Christy Bieker, Shirley Hollon, Michelle McClure, Gay Green, Randall Harvill, Zetria Kneeland, Sandra Gray, Makinzie Heard, Grace Garcia, Andrea Whelan, Dianne Landry-O’Bryan, and Laura Wallace.

Jean Campbell:A True CASA Advocate and Board Member Emeritus

Joining those who were trying to get a CASA p r o g r a m started more than 19 years ago, Jean C a m p b e l l has been a spokesperson for children and families

through her employment, through her church and through her work with many charities in Denton County. She joined the CASA board of directors in 1998 when the agency was in infancy and really struggling. That did not keep her spirits down - in fact, it probably made her stronger. The importance of the work of CASA was always foremost for Jean and is evidenced by the many ways she has served CASA. Jean Campbell was not “just a board member” - she was and continues to be a leader for CASA. She has served as Vice President of the Board, as President, as Treasurer, and has chaired board and event committees too numerous to list. She has helped garner support for CASA in the toughest of economic times and has brought many businesses to the supporter roster who are also now active in CASA work. She has been willing to do presentations in

the community, make one-on-one visits with community partners, and has knocked on doors of reporters to help gain visibility for a once little-known organization. Jean has been known to throw on sequins and entertain or roll up her sleeves to hustle raffle tickets. Shepersonally supports the many CASA fund raising initiatives and has been instrumental in helping to develop and grow them. There are two moments that really help define Jean’s commitment toCASA. One was when four CASA representatives were being questioned by ten or more members of a funding source team. This funder made it clear that CASA needed to have a “reserve fund” for operations or they would have to re-evaluate their support for the agency. After much discussion, when the meeting was coming to a close, Jean took a moment and asked to address a question from earlier in the meeting. She posed this question to the group, “How would you suggest we choose which abused child not to serve so we can have a ‘savings account’ - would it be the 12 year old who has been sexually abused by her

step-father, would it be the 3 year old who was so badly beaten by his parents that he can’t walk or talk or feed himself anymore? When you can help us with that struggle, perhaps CASA will have a reserve fund.” The room was silent. no one could argue Jean’s point - truly the importance of the work of CASA was foremost in her mind. The second moment was in a more private moment when Jean and Sherri Gideon were talking one-on-one. Jean said a very important thing that we sometimes forget - we get so caught up in the daily grind of writing grants, processing bills, planning events, attending court, making phone calls,

and checking things off our list that we forget the real reason we are doing all this. She reminds us that nothing is more important than the children we help. They are the reason for CASA, they are the reason for all of us to be here. Jean Campbell has never lost sight of that and even as her two six year terms on the board

have ended, she continues to advocate for our CASA children and remind us all so gracefully why we should too. CASA is truly blessed to continue having Jean Campbell on the CASA leadership team.

of equipment that needed attention. Arvil volunteered for events, made videos forourfirstannualrecognitiondinnersandhelpedaroundattheofficeas needed. He even shared with us the gift of music – he was a very talented pianist. Through his “behind the scenes” work, Arvil was a true CASA and CASA supporter for many years. In October we sadly said goodbye to Arvil. Our organization is forever stronger and stable because of Arvil Dotson and his many contributions. We miss you Arvil – you are a treasured friend.

nothing is more


than the

childrenwe help


Arvil Dotson

On the hOrizOn FOr 2012Look for a few changes to the CASA image in 2012 as we celebrate 20 years of service to abused and neglected children in Denton County! CASA is a strong, stable partner in our local child welfare system and we are proud to have been a part of this solution for children for 20 years. We look forward to continuing our tradition of quality service and to sharing our history and future with you in 2012.

CASA is fortunate to have the support of businesses, churches and special campaigns. We have participated in booths, special presentations, and other opportunities to help us raise awareness of our mission and seek volunteers to assist in our endeavors. In this past quarter CASA has shared our mission with the Robson Ranch Material Girls, the SDC Neighbor to Neighbor Board of Directors, the St. Philip

the Apostle Catholic Church Women’s Club, the Greater Lewisville Association of Realtors, a class at TWU and three classes at UNT, employees and students at UNT at the SECC picnic, students at two UNT information booths, the Highland Village City Council, the Denton Benefit League grant committee, the Dallas Claims Association, the Denton noon Rotary Club, and the Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club.

CASA continues to be grateful for the many donations we receive indirectly through Denton County jurors, through United Way and state and federal employee workplace campaigns, and through matching gift funds through individual employers. Your designated gifts to CASA are truly a blessing to the children and families we serve and we thank you for keeping the needs of these children in your hearts.












CASA of Denton County, Inc.614 North Bell AvenueDenton, Texas 76209Phone: 940.243.2272Fax: 940.243.1605

Website: www.casadenton.orgEmail: [email protected]

CASA of Denton County is a memberagency of Texas CASA , Inc., the

National CASA Association, and theUnited Ways of Denton County and

Metropolitan Dallas.

If you receive two CASA newsletters,please give one to a friend and notify CASA at 940.243.2272

or [email protected]. Thanks!



Executive Director’s MessageThe holidays are touted as a magical time for children. I think that is often true but what I have noticed since being involved with CASA is that the magic is actually in those that make the magic happen for children. What an incredible community we are a part of! As this newsletter is being printed, there are employees at large companies, small businesses, student organizations and individuals and families that are adopting CASA and CASA children to make sure that their holidays are magical. Our administration office including the store room, conference room, hallways and bathrooms are filled with handmade goodies, books, toys, food, clothes and many, many other items for our children and families to have this holiday season and throughout the year. It seems there is no limit to the generous spirit of the Denton Community and we are truly thankful for the opportunity to provide a little magic for our CASA children. Thank you to the many, many people who are sharing their spirit with us this season.

There are a lot of activities to read about in this version of the CASA Connection – those that have taken place, those that we are in the midst of and those that are soon to happen. As you read through the news, take note of the different ways you too can be involved with CASA as the holidays are just one way. We welcome your volunteer assistance and your in-kind and financial support throughout the year – we serve abused and neglected children every day. Everyone can be a “CASA Advocate” – it’s just a matter of which type of advocate fit you are comfortable with! We look forward to hearing from you and adding you to our list of magic makers!

Sherri Gideon

You can help us meet needs that are not included in the agency’s budget. As a small nonprofit agency, with limited resources, we depend on the generosity of our friends to help meet needs and cash donations are not the only way to become a CASA benefactor. The less funding CASA spends on operating costs, the more the children benefit. To donate, call 940.243.2272.

• Speaking Opportunities

Wishful ThinkingWishful ThinkingNEEDS fOr ThE ChIlDrEN

• Hugs! • Web Cams• Toys for infants

• Gift Cards to Wal-Mart

• Gift Cards to Target

• Web Cams • 20 lb. White Copy Paper

• Gift Cards toOffice MaxBest Buy Staples


Office Depot