Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana

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  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    Case Report 



    Ary Anggi Kristiana



    dr. Rii Sui!"dr!# Sp.S





  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana





    S&FBA)IAN SARAFSere/!ri!/ : Gedung Kelas 03, RSUD Arifin Achmad Lantai 04Jl. Mustia, !el". 0#$%'(4000)&mail *

    % E K A N B A R '


     -ame Mrs.

    Age #4 /ears $ mnths

    Gender emale

    Address Jalan 1angtuah Gang 1angtuah -. 44 2eanaru

    Religin Mslem

    Marital Status Married

    ccu"atin 1use5ife

    Date f Admissin -6emer, 74th 70%8

    Medical Recrd (0 '% 99


    Allanamnesis :-6emer, 78th 70%8;

    Cie2 Co3p!i"/

    !he 5eaness n the right arm and leg

    %rese"/ I"ess +is/ory

    Since a da/ efre admissin, the "atient has cm"lained the 5eaness n

    her right arm and leg. At first, the "atient has cm"lained the numness

    and then 5eaened suddenl/ 5hen she 5e u" n the mrning. She ne6er 

    cm"lained the numness efre.

    urthermre, the "atient

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    3; Ne S/i22"ess * -egati6e

    4; Cr!"i! Nerves

    %. Cr!"i! "erve I O2!/ory;

    Right Left nter"retatinSense f Smell =an

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    #. Cr!"i! "erve ,II F!i!;

    Right Left nter"retatin


    Mtr Sense f !aste

    =h6ste Sign



  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    I,. &OTOR S*STE&

    Right Left nter"retatin

      U""er )9tremit/  Strength





      n6luntar/ m6ements















    :UM- !/"e;

    L5er )9tremit/





      n6luntar/ m6ements










    1emi"aresis:UM- !/"e;




      n6luntar/ m6ements

    Adminal Refle9








    ,. SENSOR* S*STE&

    Right Left nter"retatin

    Light !uch




  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana




      1ffman !rmer 


      Schaefer 2rimiti6e Refle9

















    2athlgic refle9 :&;

     - 2rimiti6e Refle9


    Right Left nter"retatin

    2int t "int m6ements

    Eal heel t teGait




    )e"er! S/!/us : 1/"ertensin :%#0>'0 mm1g;

    Co9"i/ive Fu"/io" : =gniti6e m"airment

    Ne S/i22"ess : -egati6e

    Cr!"i! Nerves : D/sarthria

    &o/ori : 1emi"aresis :UM- !/"e;

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    Se"sory : =an

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana



    1. Bood Rou/i"e Nove37er# -4/ -015;

    ? 1emglin * %7.7 g>dL

    ? 1ematcrit * 34 H

    ? Leuc/te * $.$00>mm3

    ? !hrmc/te * 74#.000>mm3

    nter"retatin* -rmal

    -. Bood Ce3is/ry

    Nove37er# -4/ -015;

    ? )uose : 155 39d(

    ? Ureum * 3'.4 mg>dL

    ? =reatinin * 0.($ mg>dL

    ? AS! * %(.$ U>L

    ? AL! * %7 U>L


    ? Sdium * %44.' mml>L

    ? 2tassium * 7.'( mml>L

    ? =hlride * %%8.( mml>L

     Nove37er# -5/ -015;

    ? =hr * %$8 mg>dL

    ? 1DL * 4$.0 mg>dL

    ? !rigl/ceride * #8 mg>dL

    ? Uric acid * $.3 mg>dL? LDL =hlesterl * %04 mg>dL

    ? LD2 * %44 U>L

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    @. Ee/ro!rdio9r!py

    nter"retatin * s/nus rithm, n anrmal mr"hlg/ 5a6es.

    4. Ces/ ?r!y Nove37er# -4/ -015;

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    nter"retatin* nrmal

    5. +e!d CT S!" i/ou/ o"/r!s/

    nter"retatin* infarctin n the left hemis"here cereri

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    ,. FINA( $IA)NOSIS

    - nfarctin stre

    FO((O> '%

    Nove37er# -6/ -015

    S * lethargic, 5eaness f the right e9tremit/, a"hasia, fe6er.

    O *

    G=S )4M$@a"hasia

    ld 2ressure %$0>(0 mm1g

    1eart Rate (7 "m

    Res"iratr/ Rate 77 t"m

    !em"erature 3'.%?=

    =gniti6e unctin * =gniti6e m"airment

     -ec Stiffness * -egati6e

    =ranial -er6es * D/sarthria

    Mtric * right e9tremit/ hemi"aresis

    Sensr/ * =an

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    ld 2ressure %$0>(0 mm1g

    1eart Rate '0 "m

    Res"iratr/ Rate 77 t"m

    !em"erature 3'.0?=

    =gniti6e unctin* =gniti6e m"airment

     -ec Stiffness * -egati6e

    =ranial -er6es * D/sarthria

    Mtric * 1emi"aresis

    Sensr/ * =an

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    Autnm/ * Anrmal urinatin and defecatin

    Refle9 * -rmal

    A * nfarctin stre

    % *

    @D RL 70 d"m

    =iticlin 3 9 800 mg "er @

    As"ilet 7 9 '0 mg "er ral

    lic acid 7 9 400 Ig "er ral



    1. $e2i"i/io"

    Stroke is a""lied t a sudden fcal neurlgic s/ndrme, s"ecificall/ the

    t/"e due t cerer6ascular disease. !he term cerebrovascular disease designates

    an/ anrmalit/ f the rain resulting frm a "athlgic "rcess f the ld

    6essels.  Pathologic process is gi6en an inclusi6e meaning namel/, cclusin f 

    the lumen / emlus r thrmus, ru"ture f a 6essel, an altered "ermeailit/ f 

    the 6essel 5all, r increased 6iscsit/ r ther change in the Fualit/ f the ld

    fl5ing thrugh the cereral 6essels. !he 6ascular "athlgic "rcess ma/ e

    cnsidered nt nl/ in its grsser as"ects emlism, thrmsis, dissectin, r 

    ru"ture f a 6essel ut als in terms f the mre asic r "rimar/ disrder, i.e.,

    athersclersis, h/"ertensi6e arterisclertic change, arteritis, aneur/smal

    dilatin, and de6el"mental malfrmatin. )Fual im"rtance attaches t the

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    secndar/ "arench/mal changes in the rain resulting frm the 6ascular lesin.

    !hese are f t5 main t/"es ischemia, 5ith r 5ithut infarctin, and hemrrhage

    and unless ne r the ther ccurs, the 6ascular lesin usuall/ remains silent. !he

    nl/ e9ce"tins t this statement are the lcal "ressure effects f an aneur/sm,

    6ascular headache :migraine, h/"ertensin, tem"ral arteritis;, multi"le small

    6essel disease 5ith "rgressi6e ence"hal"ath/ :as in malignant h/"ertensin r 

    cereral arteritis;, and increased intracranial "ressure :as ccurs in h/"ertensi6e

    ence"hal"ath/ and 6enus sinus thrmsis;. Als, "ersistent acute h/"tensin

    ma/ cause ischemic necrsis in regins f rain et5een the 6ascular territries f 

    crtical 6essels, e6en 5ithut 6ascular cclusin.%

    Mre than an/ ther rgan, the rain de"ends frm mment t mment n

    an adeFuate su""l/ f 9/genated ld. =nstanc/ f the cereral circulatin is

    assured / a series f arrece"trs and 6asmtr refle9es under the cntrl f 

    centers in the l5er rainstem. structin f an arter/ / thrmus r emlus is

    the usual cause f fcal ischemic damage, ut failure f the circulatin and

    h/"tensin frm cardiac decm"ensatin r shc, if se6ere and "rlnged

    enugh, can "rduce fcal as 5ell as diffuse ischemic changes.%

    cal cereral ischemia differs fundamentall/ frm glal ischemia. n the

    latter state, if aslute, there is n cereral ld fl5 f the entire rain and

    irre6ersile destructin f neurns ccurs 5ithin 4 t ' min at nrmal d/

    tem"erature. n fcal ischemia, there is nearl/ al5a/s sme degree f circulatin

    :6ia cllateral 6essels;, "ermitting t a 6ar/ing e9tent the deli6er/ f 9/genated

     ld and glucse.

    !he effects f a fcal arterial cclusin n rain tissue als 6ar/ de"ending

    n the lcatin f the cclusin in relatin t a6ailale cllateral and anastmticchannels. f the structin lies "r9imal t the circle f Eillis :t5ard the heart;,

    the anterir and "sterir cmmunicating arteries f the circle are ften adeFuate

    t "re6ent infarctin. n cclusin f the internal cartid arter/ in the nec, there

    ma/ e anastmtic fl5 frm the e9ternal cartid arter/ thrugh the "hthalmic

    arter/ r 6ia ther smaller e9ternalinternal cnnectins. Eith lcage f the

    6erteral arter/, the anastmtic fl5 ma/ e 6ia the dee" cer6ical, th/rcer6ical,

    r cci"ital arteries r retrgrade frm the ther 6erteral arter/. f the cclusin

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    is in the stem "rtin f ne f the cereral arteries, i.e., distal t the circle f 

    Eillis, a series f meningeal interarterial anastmses ma/ carr/ sufficient ld

    int the cm"rmised territr/ t lessen :rarel/ t "re6ent; ischemic damage.

    !here is als a ca"illar/ anastmtic s/stem et5een adacent arterial ranches,

    and althugh it ma/ reduce the siBe f the ischemic field, "articularl/ f the

     "enetrating arteries, it is usuall/ nt significant in "re6enting infarctin. !hus,

    in the e6ent f cclusin f a mar arterial trun, the e9tent f infarctin ranges

    frm nne at all t the entire 6ascular territr/ f that 6essel. et5een these t5

    e9tremes are all degrees f 6ariatin in the e9tent f infarctin and its degree f 


    Additinal ischemia-modifying factors determine the e9tent f necrsis.

    !he s"eed f cclusin assumes im"rtance gradual narr5ing f a 6essel all5s

    time fr cllateral channels t "en. !he le6el f ld "ressure ma/ influence the

    result h/"tensin at a critical mment ma/ render anastmtic channels

    ineffecti6e. 1/"9ia and h/"erca"nia are "resumed t ha6e deleterius effects.

    Altered 6iscsit/ and smlalit/ f the ld and h/"ergl/cemia are "tentiall/

    im"rtant factrs ut difficult t e6aluate. inall/, anmalies f 6ascular 

    arrangement :f nec 6essels, circle f Eillis, and surface arteries; and the

    e9istence f "re6ius 6ascular cclusins must influence the utcme.%

    !he s"ecific neurlgic deficit 6iusl/ relates t the lcatin and siBe f 

    the infarct r fcus f ischemia. !he territr/ f an/ arter/, large r small, dee" r 

    su"erficial, ma/ e in6l6ed. Ehen an infarct lies in the territr/ f a cartid

    arter/, as 5uld e e9"ected, unilateral signs "redminate* hemi"legia,

    hemianesthesia, hemian"ia, a"hasia, and agnsias are the usual cnseFuences. n

    the territr/ f the asilar arter/, the signs f infarctin are freFuentl/ ilateral andccur in cnunctin 5ith cranial ner6e "alsies and ther segmental rainstem and

    cereellar signs Fuadri"aresis, hemi"aresis, and>r unilateral r ilateral sensr/

    im"airment are t/"ical, cu"led 5ith di"l"ia, d/sarthria, and 6ertig in 6arius


    -. Ris 2!/or

    Accrding t the American 1eart Assciatin :A1A;, the ris factrs f 

    stre are di6ided int t5, that are nt mdifiale riss factrs and mdifiale

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    ris factrs. -t mdifale ris factrs include* age, se9, l5 irth 5eight, race r 

    ethnicit/, and genetic factrs. Mdifiale ris factrs include* h/"ertensin,

    sming, diaetes, nutritinal imalance, lac f "h/sical acti6it/, alchl

    cnsum"tin, and drug ause. ncidence f stre can ccur 5ith ne r mre ris 

    factrs :multifactr;.%&3

    T!7e @. Stre ris factrs%&3

    No/ &odi2!7e &odi2!7e

    % Age

    7 Gender  

    3 Genetic

    4 )thnic

    % Stre histr/ %0. Sming

    7 1/"ertensin %%. Alchl

    3 1eart disease %7. Drug ause

    4 Diaetes melitus %3. 1/"erhmsisteinemia

    8 =artid stensis %4. Antid/ anti fsfli"id

    $ !A %8. 1/"erurisemia# 1/"erchlesterlemia %$. )le6atin f hematcrit

    ' ral cntrace"tin %#. )le6atin f firingen

    ( esit/

    @. Ci"i! &!"i2es/!/io"

    !he s"ecific neurlgic deficit 6iusl/ relates t the lcatin and siBe f 

    the infarct r fcus f ischemia. !he territr/ f an/ arter/, large r small, dee" r 

    su"erficial, ma/ e in6l6ed. Ehen an infarct lies in the territr/ f a cartid

    arter/, as 5uld e e9"ected, unilateral signs "redminate* hemi"legia,

    hemianesthesia, hemian"ia, a"hasia, and agnsias are the usual cnseFuences. n

    the territr/ f the asilar arter/, the signs f infarctin are freFuentl/ ilateral and

    ccur in cnunctin 5ith cranial ner6e "alsies and ther segmental rainstem and

    cereellar signs Fuadri"aresis, hemi"aresis, and>r unilateral r ilateral sensr/

    im"airment are t/"ical, cu"led 5ith di"l"ia, d/sarthria, and 6ertig in 6arius


    4. &!"!9e3e"/

    Stre "atients shuld e handled / a multidisci"linar/ team.

    Management stre e dne / im"r6ing the general state f the "atient, treat the

    ris factrs, and "re6ent cm"licatins.3&$

    4.1 +yper!u/e s/!diu3

    Actin at this stadium is dne at the )mergenc/ Rm, the aim is t

     "re6ent the 5ides"read f rain tissue damaging. At this stage, "atients 5ere

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    gi6en 9/gen 7 L > min and cr/stallid>cllid fluid, a6id administratin f 

    de9trse. rain =! scan e9aminatin, electrcardigra"h/, chest &ra/, cm"lete

     "eri"heral ld and "latelet cunt, "rthrmin time > -R, A2!!, ld

    glucse, ld chemistr/ :including electrl/tes;, and if h/"9ia, d the ld gas

    anal/sis. ther actins in the )mergenc/ Rm are "r6iding mental su""rt t

     "atients and "r6ide an e9"lanatin t the famil/ t remain calm.3&$

    4.- Au/e s/!diu3

    4.7.% General treatment

    2lace the "atient

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    mL fr 4 hurs and 800 mL fr ' hurs r until h/"tensin treated. f nt

    crrected, that is s/stlic ld "ressure still (0 mm1g, d"amine 7&70 mcg > g

    > minute can e gi6en until the s/stlic ld "ressure N%%0 mm1g. 3&$

    f there is seiBure, gi6e diaBe"am 8&70 mg i6 sl5l/ fr 3 minutes, the

    ma9imum dsage is %00 mg "er da/, fll5ed / ral administratin f 

    anticn6ulsants such as "hen/tin, caramaBe"ine. f the seiBure a""eared after 7

    5ees, gi6en rall/ lng&term anticn6ulsant. 3&$

    f there is an increased f intracranial "ressure, lus mannitl 5ere gi6en

    an f 0.78 t % g > g "er 30 minutes intra6enusl/, and if reund "henmenn

    sus"ected, r general cnditin deterirated, fll5ed / 0,78g > g "er 30

    minutes e6er/ $ hurs fr 3&8 da/s. Mnitring f the smlarit/ shuld e

     "erfrmed :370 mml;, alternati6el/ can e administered h/"ertnic slutins

    :-a=l 3H; r fursemid. 3&$

    4.7.7 S"ecial treatment

    !he gal is t re"erfusin / administratin f anti"latelet agent such as

    as"irin and anticagulant, r 5ith trml/tic rt&2A :cminant tissue

    2lasmingen Acti6atr;, and neur"rtecti6e agent, such as citicline r 

     "iracetam. 3&$

    4.@ Su7!u/e S/!diu3

    Medical measures ma/ include cgniti6e thera"/, eha6ir, s5all5ing,

    s"eech thera"/, and ladder training :including "h/sical thera"/;. Gi6en the lng

    curse f the disease, it taes a s"ecial intensi6e treatment f "st&stre in the

    hs"ital 5ith the gal f inde"endence f the "atient, understand, cm"rehend and

    im"lement "rimar/ and secndar/ "re6entin "rgrams.


    Suacute "hase treatment*$

    - =ntinuing the a""r"riate treatment f acute cnditins efre- !he management f cm"licatins- Restratin > rehailitatin :as needed f "atients;, 5hich is

     "h/sithera"/, s"eech thera"/, cgniti6e thera"/, and ccu"atinal


    - Secndar/ 2re6entin- amil/ educatin and discharge "lanning

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana



    1. B!si i"i! di!9"osis

    rm the histr/ taing, a #4 /ears ld 5man had a sudden 5eaness n

    the right arm and leg :1emi"aresis;. And her s"eech ecame slurred and

    nnfluent. She als can

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana


    !he gld standard e9aminatin fr diagnsing the nn hemrrhagic r 

    hemrrhagic stre is =! Scan. !he cnsideratin f the hemrrhagic stre

     ecause f it almst has the same manifestatin, lie the immediate nset, the

     "atient 5as nt in se6ere acti6it/, and there is neurlgical deficit.

    5. B!si seo"d!ry di!9"osis

    rm the "h/sical e9aminatin the ld "ressure is %#0>'0 mm1g. !his

    is a""r"riated 5ith J-= ' criteria that fr "atient

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana



    % R""er A1, r5n R1. Adams and @ictrK U-R. 2eanaru. 700#.

    3 Earl5 =, 6an Gin J, Dennis M, Eardla5 J, amfrd J, 1ane/ G. Stre

    2ractical Management. 3th )d. 700'. lac5ell 2ulishing. ".3(&40.

    4 Guideline Stre !ahun 70%%. 2di Stre. 2erhim"unan Dter S"esialis

    Saraf ndnesia :2)RDSS;. Jaarta. 70%%.

    8 25ers EJ. A1A>ASA Guideline 70%8 A1A>ASA cused U"date f the

    70%3 Guidelines fr the )arl/ Management f 2atients Eith Acute schemic

    Stre Regarding )nd6ascular !reatment. A1A urnals. 70%84$*000&000.

    $ Set/"rant . Stre* Geala dan 2enatalasanaan. =DK %'8>@l.3'

    n.4>Mei&Juni 70%% hal.74#&780.

  • 8/19/2019 Case Report - InFARCTION STROKE - Ary Anggi Kristiana
