Introduction Case Study Key Lessons Case Study - Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using Graphics Processing Units Aaron F. Shinn Mechanical Science and Engineering Dept., UIUC Summer School 2009: Many-Core Processors for Science and Engineering Applications, 8-13-09 A.F. Shinn CFD using GPUs 1 / 30

Case Study - Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using ... · PDF fileIntroduction Case Study Key Lessons What is CFD? Computational Fluid Dynamics: solve governing equations of uid

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IntroductionCase Study

Key Lessons

Case Study - Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) using Graphics Processing Units

Aaron F. Shinn

Mechanical Science and Engineering Dept., UIUC

Summer School 2009: Many-Core Processors for Science andEngineering Applications, 8-13-09

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IntroductionCase Study

Key Lessons

What is CFD?

• Computational Fluid Dynamics: solve governing equations offluid motion numerically

- Conservation of Mass (Continuity Equation)- Conservation of Momentum (Newton’s 2nd Law)- Conservation of Energy (1st Law of Thermodynamics)

• Coupled set of nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)

• Solution time can be very long → makes GPUs very attractive

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IntroductionCase Study

Key Lessons

General Governing Equations

Conservation of Mass∂ρ

∂t+∇ · ρu = 0

Conservation of Momentum


= −∇p+∇ · ¯̄τ

Conservation of Energy


Dt= βT


Dt+∇ · (k∇T ) + Φ

viscous stress tensor: ¯̄τ = µ(∂ui∂xj

+ ∂uj


)+ δijλ(∇ · u)

substantial derivative: D( )Dt = ∂( )

∂t + u · ∇( )A.F. Shinn CFD using GPUs 3 / 30

IntroductionCase Study

Key Lessons


Overview of Case Study

• Illustrate CFD implementation issues with “real” researchexample

• CU-FLOW: general-purpose Cartesian-based 3DNavier-Stokes solver written in C/CUDA for GPUs

• First implementation of fractional-step/multigridNavier-Stokes solver for Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) ofturbulence on GPUs

• Many different variations of this code were created• Countless hours spent on algorithm design, optimizations,

and debugging!

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IntroductionCase Study

Key Lessons


Governing Equations for this Study

3D Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

Conservation of Mass

∇ · u = 0

Conservation of Momentum∂u∂t

+ u · ∇u = −1ρ∇p+ ν∇2u

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Key Lessons


Numerical Methodology

• Discretized via Finite-Volume Method on a staggeredCartesian mesh.

• Smagorinsky SGS model used for turbulence modeling.• Solved equations with fractional-step procedure.

- Pressure-Poisson equation (PPE) solved using red-blackGauss-Seidel.

- Geometric multigrid used for convergence acceleration ofPPE solution.

- Temporal advancement: explicit 2nd-orderAdams-Bashforth scheme.

- Spatial derivatives: 2nd-order central differencing.

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Key Lessons


Geometric Multigrid: V-cycle

Figure: Multigrid V-cycle, where S=smooth, R=restrict residual,P=prolongate. Only three mesh levels are shown for simplicity.

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Key Lessons


Multigrid: How good is it?

• Consider a unit square 2D domain, solve Laplace equation ∇2φ = 0 onthat domain

• Multigrid converges in just a few iterations, whereas using a singlegrid takes thousands!

Figure: Residuals of multigrid and single grid for solution of the Laplaceequation on a 256x256 grid, tolerance = 10−4.

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Key Lessons


Layout of CU-FLOW code

Preprocessing on CPU

• set I.C. and B.C.

• generate mesh

• copy data to GPU

Time-stepping loop controlled on CPU

for(n=1; n<=nsteps; n++) {

Processing solution on GPU (call kernels)

• advance velocity from un to u∗ (Adams-Bashforth)

• advance pn to pn+1 (Multigrid V-cycle)

• advance u∗ to un+1

} // end time-stepping loop

Postprocessing on CPU

• copy data from GPU

• write plot files

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Mapping between threads and cells

Figure: Correspondence between GPU grid and computational mesh.A.F. Shinn CFD using GPUs 10 / 30

IntroductionCase Study

Key Lessons


Multithreading Multigrid

• Optimal block size may conflict with mesh level dimensions.• Example: would like a 4x4x4 mesh as coarsest level, but

32x1x8 is optimal block size. Cannot map one-to-one dueto dimensions of block exceeding mesh.

• Question: how to resolve this conflict?• Possible solution: set block size based on mesh level.

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Multithreading Multigrid

Host code for calling a kernel

// define *fine mesh* dimensions of the blocks

#define bx_f 32

#define by_f 1

#define bz_f 8

// define *coarse mesh* dimensions of the blocks

#define bx_c 4

#define by_c 4

#define bz_c 4


for( n = 1; n<=ngrid; n++) {

// use block size for coarse mesh by default

bx = bx_c; by = by_c; bz = bz_c;

// for finer meshes, use better block size

if ( nx[n]%bx_f == 0 && ny[n]%by_f == 0 )

{ bx = bx_f; by = by_f; bz = bz_f; }

dim3 block(bx,by,bz);

dim3 grid(nx[n]/bx,ny[n]/by);

kernel<<<grid, block>>>(..., n, ...);



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Multithreading Multigrid

Device code for kernel__global__ void kernel(..., n, ...)


// i = tx + 2, j = ty + 2 (offset thread indices to mesh indices)

i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + 2;

j = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + 2;

for (slice=0; slice<=nz[n]/blockDim.z-1; slice++)


k = threadIdx.z + slice * blockDim.z + 2;

m = i + (j-1)*(nx[n]+2) + \

(k-1)*(nx[n]+2)*(ny[n]+2) + begin[n] - 1;

... kernel computations ...



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Key Lessons


CUDA implementation of Red-Black Gauss-Seidel

• Color the grid like a checkerboard to enable parallelprocessing of pressure

• First update the red pressures, then update the blackpressures

Figure: 2D example of red-black coloring of a mesh

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Key Lessons


CUDA implementation of Red-Black Gauss-Seidel

Updating pressure: host code

for( icyc = 1; icyc<=ncyc; icyc++) { // go through all V-cycles

for( n = ngrid; n>=1; n--) { // downleg of V-cycle

// use block size for coarse mesh by default

bx = bx_c; by = by_c; bz = bz_c;

// for finer meshes, use better block size

if ( nx[n]%bx_f == 0 && ny[n]%by_f == 0 )

{bx = bx_f; by = by_f; bz = bz_f;}

dim3 block(bx,by,bz);

dim3 grid(nx[n]/bx,ny[n]/by);

for( iswp = 1; iswp<=nswp; iswp++) {

red_kernel<<<grid, block>>>(..., n, ...);

black_kernel<<<grid, block>>>(..., n, ...);



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CUDA implementation of Red-Black Gauss-Seidel

red kernel: device code

__global__ void red_kernel( ... ) {

i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + 2;

j = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + 2;

for (slice=0; slice<=nz_d[n]/blockDim.z-1; slice++) {

k = threadIdx.z + slab * blockDim.z + 2;

if( (i+j+k)%2==0 ) { // test if red cell

m = i + (j-1)*(nx[n]+2)+(k-1)*(nx[n]+2)*(ny[n]+2)+begin[n]-1;

xm = xm[m]; xp = xp[m];

ym = ym[m]; yp = yp[m];

zm = zm[m]; zp = zp[m];

res = (aw_d[m] * pressure_d[xm] + ae_d[m] * pressure_d[xp] + \

as_d[m] * pressure_d[ym] + an_d[m] * pressure_d[yp] + \

al_d[m] * pressure_d[zm] + ah_d[m] * pressure_d[zp] + \

resc_d[m]) / ap_d[m];

pressure_d[m] = relxp*(res) + (1.0-relxp)*pressure_d[m];

} // end if

} //end slice

} //end kernel

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IntroductionCase Study

Key Lessons


Profiling of CU-FLOW

• Red-black Gauss-Seidel kernels consume over 2/3 of GPUtime!

• Must optimize red-black Gauss-Seidel kernels

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Key Lessons


CUDA implementation of Red-Black Gauss-Seidel

• Memory management in red-black kernels- Global memory: easiest, but slow- Shared memory: gives marginally better performance,

perhaps due to low data reuse or handling of boundaryhalos for each sub-domain in shared memory.

- Texture memory: fetch device memory through texturesinstead of expensive global memory load. Currently workingon this. This is an alternative to avoid uncoalesed memoryloads.

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Key Lessons


Computational Resources

• GPU verison: CUDA, CPU version: Fortran.• Single-precision used for all calculations.• Dell Precision 690 Workstation (Linux: Red Hat Enterprise

5)• CPU: 3.0 GHz Intel Xeon• GPU: NVIDIA Tesla C1060 (∼ 1 teraFLOP)

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Key Lessons


Laminar Flow in 3D Lid-Driven Cube

Figure: Computational domain for 3D lid-driven cube.

• ReL=1000• mesh: 128x128x128, constant mesh spacing.

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Key Lessons


Laminar Flow in 3D Lid-Driven Cube

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Key Lessons


Turbulent Flow in 3D square duct

Figure: Computational domain for 3D square duct.

• Reτ=360• mesh: 256x64x64, 3% geometric stretching in y-z plane.

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Key Lessons


3D square duct (Reτ=360)

Figure: Contours and velocity vectors of instantaneous streamwisevelocity in cross-flow plane at x = 2.0.

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3D square duct (Reτ=360)

(a) present GPU simulation (b) Madabhushi and Vanka

Figure: Velocity vectors of mean flowfield in cross-flow plane.

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Key Lessons


Speedup of GPU vs. CPU

• Performance of GPU versus CPU for first 100 time-steps ofsimulation, with block size bx=by=bz=4

Table 1: Laminar flow in lid-driven cube.

mesh Fortran code (sec) CUDA code (sec) speedup (CPU/GPU)

16x16x16 0.334 0.390 0.85632x32x32 3.082 1.236 2.49464x64x64 31.141 6.484 4.803

128x128x128 291.051 50.921 5.716

Table 2: Turbulent flow in a square duct.

mesh Fortran code (sec) CUDA code (sec) speedup (CPU/GPU)

256x64x64 208.088 34.555 6.022512x64x64 448.463 64.283 6.976

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Speedup of GPU vs. CPU

• Performance of GPU versus CPU for first 100 time-steps ofsimulation, with block size bx=by=bz=4 on coarser meshes andbx=32,by=1,bz=8 on finer meshes.

Table 1: Laminar flow in lid-driven cube

mesh Fortran code (sec) GPU code (sec) speedup (CPU/GPU)

16x16x16 0.334 0.307 1.0932x32x32 3.082 0.655 4.7164x64x64 31.141 2.710 11.49

128x128x128 291.051 18.349 15.86

Speedup improved by factor of 2.8 for 128x128x128 case

Table 2: Turbulent flow in square duct

mesh Fortran code (sec) GPU code (sec) speedup (CPU/GPU)

256x64x64 208.088 14.314 14.5

Speedup improved by factor of 2.4 for 256x64x64 case

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Key Lessons

Key Lessons

• Speedup of GPU scaled with the problem size; largestproblem size yielded maximum speedup.

• Single precision did not appreciably affect the results, evenfor turbulent flows.

• Global memory easiest to use, but worst for memorylatency.

• Need global residuals to observe convergence. This requirescudaMemcpy between CPU/GPU. Very expensive, so decidewhen you really need to see the residuals.

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Key Lessons

Key Lessons

• Optimization can be a time drain. Need to decide whencode is “good enough”

• Two possibilities:- Code is complete, just needs porting to CUDA and tuning.

Maybe have more time to optimize- Code is not complete, need to add physics features, write in

CUDA, and tune. Maybe need to spend more time onphysics algorithm and “get what you can get” out ofminimal time coding in CUDA

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Future Work

• Model complex geometries in flow using the ImmersedBoundary Method (IBM)

• Multi-GPU capability - collaborating with John Stone,UIUC

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Key Lessons


[1] H. Ku, R. Hirsh, and T. Taylor. A Pseudospectral Method for Solution of theThree-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. Journal ofComputational Physics, 70:439-462, 1987.

[2] R.K. Madabhushi and S.P. Vanka. Large eddy simulation of turbulence-drivensecondary flow in a square duct. Phys. Fluids, 3(11):2734-2745, 1991.

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