., Cases and Material s on Restitution FOR STUDENT USE ONLY NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE 1 982 - 83 . Edited by John D. McCamus Dean Osgoode Hall Law School and Peter;D, Maddaugh of the Ontario Bar 1982 - 83 Edition Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

Cases and Materials on Restitution Edited by and

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Page 1: Cases and Materials on Restitution Edited by and


Cases and Material s on Restitution


1982 - 83 .

Edited by

John D. McCamus Dean

Osgoode Hall Law School


Peter;D, Maddaugh of the Ontario Bar

1982 - 83 Edition

Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

Page 2: Cases and Materials on Restitution Edited by and

' 'I

Part I II

(ii )

Restitutionary Remedies · · • · · · · · · · · • · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·.


( i ) ( i;)

Law. Remedies . ... · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Tracing Property other than Money ·····•······· Tracing Money ....••.. . ....•.. . ... . ............

B. Equitable Remedies . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

(i) The Constructive Trust · ··· · ··················· ( ii) The Equitable ~ien · · · · · · · .... · · · .. · .. · .... · · · · (iii) Tracing in E.qu1ty ······ · ··········· • ··········

c. concurrent Reme.d~ es · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .

(i) Subrogation .. · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · ·· · ·· · · · · · · · · (ii) Contribution ·· · ·· · ·· ·· · · · · · · · · ·· · ·· · · · · · · · · · · ·




9p 9.?,7

927 942


957 989 9~0


1004 10.77



( i ii ) . .. , .

Cases and Materials on Restitution

Table of Contents

Introductory Materials

Introduction . . . . .....•................................... Samek, Unjust Enrichment, etc ..... .. ......... . .......... . Restatement of Res ti tut ion ....... . .... . ................ . .

l 2 4

Moses v. McFerl an . . .. . .. . ......•......................... Sinclair v. Brougham ...•.•...•...... . ..... . ....... . . . ... . Deglman v. Guaranty Trust Co. . ........ . ................. . Saint John Tugboat v. 'Irving Refinery ............... .. . . . Pettkus v. Becker ...................... . ......... . ...... .

13 17 31 35 38



A. Mistake of Fact

Royal Bank of Canada v. The King............. . ... 55

(a) An Honest Mist9ke

Kelly v. Solari ...... . .... . ............. ... . Clark v. Eckroyd ........................ .. ..

(b) Between the Parties

61 64

Note .... . ..... . ................... · · · · · · · · · · 99

(c) A Supposed Obligation _:o Pay

Larner v. London County Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Lady Hood of Avalon v. MacKinnon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

(d) No Equity in the Defendant to Retain Payment

Krebs v. World Finance Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 R. E. Jones v. Waring & Gil low Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . 79 Deutsche Bank v. Beriro ............... . .... · 90 United Overseas Bank v. Jiwani .... ·. · · · · · · · · 92 Rural Muni'cipality of Storthoaks v. Mobil Oil Canada Ltd . • .. ............. . ..... . 94 ,,

Page 3: Cases and Materials on Restitution Edited by and


(e) ;A Restatement

Barclays Bank v. W.J. Simms ·son and Cooke Ltd. . . ..... . ........................ · . 106

B. Mistake of Law Bilbie v. Lumley and Others ················~····· )lB O'Grady v. City of Toronto . . . . .. . ................ 119

(a) Distinguishing Between Mistakes of Law and Fact

Eaglesfield v. Marquis of Londonderry . ..... . Macfarlane and Wellington Hotel v. Kennedy .. . George (Porky) Jacobs Enterprises Ltd. v. City of Regina ............. . . . ....... . .. .

(b) Exceptions to the Rule in Equity

Note .. . . . .. . .............. . .......... . ..... . Eadie v. Township of Brantford . . ........ ... . Keddy v . Power . . .. ...................... . . . .

(~) A' Restatement? Hydro-Electric Commission of Nepean v. Ontario Hydro .......... . ..•.•............. ·

C. Recovery of Other Benefits Conferred Under ~istake . (i) Improvements to Land

Montreuil v. Ontario A$phalt Co ........ . ....... .

(ii) Improvements to Chattels Greenwood v. Bennett et a 1 ............ ... . ... .


(i) Informality

Deglman v. Guaranty Trust Co . .............. . Sigvaldson v. Hitsman ........ ............... • Kinzie v. Harper ............................ . Harrison v. Wrights Limited . ................. .

( i i ) Il le ga 1 i ty

Note . .. . ........... · ·. · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

121 122


128 129 135




31 182 185 187


.. . ·.. '

(a} Enforcement of Collateral Rights

Bowmakers v. Barnet Instruments ............. 189 Belvoir Finance v. Stapleton ... ~ . ....... . ... 195

(b} Exceptions to the General Rule Qenying Restitution

Kiriri Cotton Co. Ltd. v. Oewani ............ 201 Kasumu and Others v. Baba-Egbe .. ... . ........ 207 Hasiuk v. Oshanek . .. ... ... .... . ....... ... ... 214 Steinberg v. Cohen ....................... ... 217 Sidmay Ltd. et al. v. Wehttam Investments Ltd. 227 Ciz v. Hauka .. .... .. ... .. . ... ... ... . . . ... . .. 238 Bigos v. Boustead ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ..... 242

(c) . The ' Ri~e · ana · fa11 or ·sabt6gation

Congres·b.ury Motors v. Ang 1 o-Be l ge Finance Orakpo v. Manson Investments ............... .

(iii) Incapacity

(a) Ultra Vires Contracts

Note .................. . .................. . . . Trades Hall Co. v. Erie Tobacco Co ......... . Breckenridge Speedway et al. v. The Queen .. .

(b) Mental Incompetence

Note ..................... . ................. . Wilson v. The King ......................... .

(c) Minors' Contracts

Note ....................................... . R. Leslie limited v. Sheill ................ . Murray v. Dean ..... . ....................... . Bo~Lassen v. Josiassen ..................... .

, (iv) Want of Authority

249 253

259 261 275

295 296

316 319 333 334

Craven-Ellis v. Canons Ltd. ............ ..... 339 Hazelwood et al. v. West Coast Securities Ltd. 343

' (v) Misrepresentation

(a) Executed Contracts

Leaf v. International Galleries ............ . Bevan v. Anderson et al .................... . Misrepresentation Act (U.K.) .......... . .... . The Business Practices Act (Ont.) .......... .

351 355 365 366

Page 4: Cases and Materials on Restitution Edited by and

' .

(vi )

(b) Consequential Relief, Indemnity

Wiley et al. v. Fortin et al.

(vi) Mistake and Uncertainty

(a) Mistake



Note .. . . ....... .. ................ . ........ •·. 375 Boulton v. Jones •........... :. ... ........... 376 Cooper v. Phibbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Solle v. Butcher . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. 383 McCarthy Milling Co. Ltd. v. Elder Packing Co. Ltd. ........... . .......... 390 James More & Sons Ltd. v. Uni ve.r's ity of Ottawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395

(b} Uncertainty

Estok v. Heguy .......................... . . . .

(vii) Discharge by Breach

(a) The Rights of the Innocent Party

Hunt v. Silk ............. .. ............. ... . . Planche v. Colburn and Another ......... . ... .

(b) The Rights of the Party in Breach

Sumpter v. Hedges ....... , ................ . . . Fairbanks Soap Co. Ltd. v. Sheppard .... . .. . . Stockloser v. Johnson ........ . ............. .

(viii) Frustration


410 413

414 416 420

The Frustrated Cont~acts Act (Ont.) ... . . . .. . 425 The Frustrated Contracts Act (B.C.) .. . ..... . 427 Parsons v. Shea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 Angus v. Scully . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 B.P . Exploration Co. v. Hunt (No. 2) ........ 436

(ix) Anticipated Contracts and Gifts

(a) Contracts

Brewer Street Investments v. Barclays Woollen 477

(b) Gifts

Rowe v. Public Trustee •....... ....... .... . .. 484

(vii ) ., .


( i ) Criminal and Quasi-Criminal Acts

Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 Re Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 Schobelt v. Barber.... . ..................... 498 Gray v. Barr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503

(ii) Waiver of Tort

Note ................... . .......... ·. · .. · · · · · · 51 O

(a) The Ele:ttion Problem

United Australia Ltd. v. Barclays Bank Ltd. 511 Mahesan v. Malaysian Gov't Housing Society .. 538

(b) The Scope of the Doctrine

Phi 11 ips v. Homfrey . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 545 Daniel v. O'Leary .. .. ..... .. . .. .. .. .... .. .. . 557

(c) The Measure of Recovery

Olwell v. Ny~ & Nisson Co.

(iii) ·compulsion

(a) Duress


Note ................................... ·. . . . 563 Skeate v. Beale . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565 Fuller v. Stoltze .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. 569

( b) Practical Compulsion·

Knutson v. Bourkes Syndicate . .. . .......... . . 583 Peter Kiewet Sons Co. of Canada Ltd. et al . v. Eakins Construction Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587 The 'Si boen' and the 'Si bot re' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596 North Ocean Shipping v. Hyundai .. ... .. .. .. . . 599 Pao On et al. v. ·Lan Yiu et al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609 Morton Construction v. City of Hamilton . . . . . 618 George (Porky) Jacobs Enterprises Ltd . v. City of Regina .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . 624 Eadie v. Township of Brantford ..... . ........ 625

Page 5: Cases and Materials on Restitution Edited by and


(c) Undue Influence

Note ............•............ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630 McKenzie v. Bank of Montreal et al. . . . . . . . . . 6~;l

(iv) Breach of Fiduciary Duties

Note . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64.2 .: 1

(a) Establ ishing a Fiduciary Relationship

Midcon Oil and Gas Ltd . v. New British


Domini on Oi 1 Co. Ltd. . •..... .... . . .......... Jirna Ltd. v. Mister Donut of Canada Ltd . ... Pre-Cam Exploration & Development Ltd. et al. v. Mc Ta vi sh et a 1. . . ....................... .


The Duty of Loyalty

Mcleod and More v. Sweezy

(c) Breach of the Duty of loyalty

Reading v. Attorney-General .............. .. . Peso Silver Mines Ltd. v. Cropper ......... . . Canadian Aero Services Ltd. v. O'Malley ... , .

( d) Li abi 1 i ty for Breach of the Duty of Loya l.tx

Note . . ........ . .... . .... . . . .............. . . .

(v) Unconscionable Transactions

643 ~59



679 683 708


Waters v. Donnelly . .............. . ...... ... . 725 Gaertner v. Fi es ta Dance Studios . . . . . . . . . . . .. 731 Clifford Davis Management Ltd. v. WEA Records Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 734 Morrison v. Coast Finance Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .737

(vi) Other Forms of Equitable Wrongdoing

Unsworth v. Grant ..................... . ...... (a) Hiding Behind The Statute of Frauds

Note ....................................... .

(b) Dishonoured Undertakings : Interests in Land

Note ................... .. . .. . .. ............ . Binions v. Evans . . ...................... . .. .



753 754


.,. (c) Dishonoured Undertakings: Restrict~ve . ~ovenants

Note ............... • ......... .. . .• .......... Canadian Brotherhood of Railway•and General Workers v. B.C. Airlines ltd .... ..... .. . ... .

(d) Abuse of Confidence

Saltman Engineering Co. Ltd . v. Campbell Engineering Co. Ltd ........................ .

(e) ·· Refusal to Share Sp6us·al Assets on Separation

Rathwel 1 v. Rathwel 1 ....................... . Pettkus v. Becker .......................... .


Maule v. Garrett: ....... ..... ........ .. .............. . -D & J Motors Ltd. v. Ellis .......................... . Brooks Wharf and Bull Wharf Ltd. v. Goodman Bros .... . County of Carleton v. City of Ottawa . .. ............. . General Security Ins. Co. of Canada v. Howard Sand & Gravel Co. Ltd ................. ... . Lambert Implements Ltd. v. Parde 11 et a 1 . . ...... .


Felton v. · Finley ............. .. ......... ... . ....... . . Nicholson v. St. Den-is et al . . ........ .. ... . ........ . Mechanical Contractors Association of Ottawa v. J.G. Rivard Ltd ............ . .. .. .............. . . . .

(a) The Officious Intermeddler

Norton v. Haggett .......................... . Falcke v. Scottish Imperial Insurance Co ... . Owen v. Tate et al . . ... .... . . . ............ . .

(b) Agency of Necessity·

Hastings v. Village of Semans

(c) Preservation of Life

Matheson v. Smiley ... . ..................... . Attorney-General for British Columbia v. Parklane Private Hospital Ltd .... . .. . ... .

(d) Preservation of Property




775 38

793 794 798 802

808 815

820 826


835 837 849




Nicholson v. Chapman .. .......... .. .......... 870 Sherrin v. Haggerty .. ...... .. . . . . ...... .. . . . 872 In re Pike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876

Page 6: Cases and Materials on Restitution Edited by and

____________ _, _______ - -



6. Rest i tutionary Liability of Public Authorit ies

William Whitely Ltd. v. R ........ .... ...... -. ... . Mason v. New South Wales ... . ........ . .. .. ...... . Hydro El ectric Commission of the Township of Nepean v. Ontario Hydro .. . ... . . . . .. ............ . Amax Potash Ltd . v. Govt . of Saskatchewan . ..... .




( i)

... ... ....... ... ..... ... ..................... .... Traci ng Property other than Mone~

(a) Accessio

Firestone· ~ire & Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd. v. Industrial Acceptance· Corp. Ltd ......... . Jones v. De Marchant ....... .. .. . .. ......... .

(b) Confusio and Commixtio·

Lawrie v. Rathbun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Specificatio

Silsbury and Calkins v. Mccoon and Sherman . .

(ii) Tracing Money

Note .......... .. ......... ·.· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··· · Taylor v. Plumer ... . ... . .. ... ... . ......... . . Banque Belgue pour l'Etranger v. Hambrouck ..


(i) The Constructive Trust

Note ....... . .. . ............. .. .... . ............ .

(a) Those Arising out of Express· Trusts

878 881'

889 916·


928 931

935 .

942: 943. 947.:


Ankcorn v. Stewart . ... . .... .......... ... . . ... 959

(b) Those Arising out of Other Fi duciary Relationships

Note . , ...... , . , .. . . . '! •• •• • , •• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • ' 9&2

(c) Those Arising out of Fraud

McCormick v. Grogan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 964 Pa hara et a 1. v. Pa hara .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . 965

(xi) • • ' f •

(d) The Constructive Trust as a General Remedy

Craddock Bros. v. Hunt ..... . .............. . Hussey v. Palmer . . . .... ........ ....... .... . Ra thwe 11 v. Ra thwe 11 .••.•... .. ..•••.•...... Pettkus v. Becker ......................... . Chase Manhatten Bank v. Israel-British Bank

(ii) The Equitable Lien

Note . .. . ... .. ....... .... . .. ....... . . ... . .. . Montreuil v. Ontario Asphalt ·co .. . . ... . ... .

(iii) Tracing in E9uity

969 975 775 38


989 159

: Note .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990

(a~ When does the Right ·to Trace in Equity Arise?

Re Hallett's Estate .. ... ................. . Sinc lair v. Brougham ...... . ............... . Nebraska National Bank v. Johnson . .. .... . . . Chase Manhatten Bank v. Israel-Briti sh Bank

(b) When will the Right to Trace in Equity be Lost ?

The Rule in Clayton's Case ................ . The Rule'in Hallett's Case ..... . .......... . The Rule in Re Oatway ..................... . The ' Lowest Intermediate Balance' Rule .... . The Available Remedies .. . . . ............... . Competing Beneficial Owners .. . . . ...... .. .. . The Innocent Volunteer . ... .. ......... ..... .


(i) Subrogation

Note . . .... ... -. ... . .... ... ...... .. .. . ...... .

(a) Subrogation of the Plaintiff to the Rights of the Payee Against a Third Party

Weldon v. Canadian Surety Co .............. . Bayda v. Canada North Dakota Land Co. Ltd. et al ..... . ... . .... . ........ . . .. ...... .. .. . Re Okotoks Mill i ng Co . Ltd ......... .. .... . Brown v. Mclean ... : ........... . ........... . Traders Realty Ltd. v. Huron Heights Shopping Plaza Ltd . . . ....... ............... . .. .. .. . .

991 992 993 979

996 996 998 998

1000 1001 1002


l 006

1018 1020 1021


Page 7: Cases and Materials on Restitution Edited by and


(b) Subrogation of the Plaintiff to·the Rights of a Third Party Against the Payee

Bank of Nova Scotia v. Kelly .............. · · Reversion Fund and Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Mai son Co sway, Ltd. . ...... ...... .. . · · · · · · · · · Congresbury Motors Ltd. v. Anglo-Belge Finance Co. Ltd ... . ... . ......... · · · · · · · · · · · · Orakpo v. Manson Inv ...... . ................ ·

(c) The "Officious" Subrogee

Campbell Auto Finance Co . v. Warren . .. . ... . · Re Cleiid.on Trust Ltd ................ · · · · · · · · ·

(ii) Contribution

Brook' s Wharf and Bull Wharf Ltd. v. Goodman Bros. . .................. . . · : . · · · · · · · Continental Insurance Co. v. Prudential Insurance Co. Ltd. of England ..... . ..... .



24·9 253

l 06'2 1069





In historical terms, the practice of organi zing legal rules into collections which we look upon as "subjects" of the substantive law is a relatively recent phenomenon. The rise and fall of the medieval writ system and the reformulation of the law pronounced by the courts of common law and equity into their modern form is properly the subject of a course in t he history of English l egal doctrine. It is sufficient for our purposes to note simply that this evolutionary process did not proceed at the same pace in all areas of the law. Although it was easily seen that the rules relating to the enforcement of undertakings could be usefully brought together and described in one place, recognition of the uni ty of what we now view as toft law was a more difficult matter. In 1871, O.W. Holmes Jr., greeted a new edition of Addison on Torts with this remark: "We are inclined to t~jnk that torts is not a proper subject for a law booK" (Goff and Jones~ p. 5, n8). In 1931, Winfield offered a general definition of the nature of tortious liability which has been widely adopted. Interestingly, however, his approach was rejected by one contemporary reviewer in the following manner:

"The truth is that there cannot be a tort until there is a wrong for which a remedy by trespass, case or detinue would have been given [i.e . , at common law prior to 1852). The criterion is empirical, not a priori. But i t enables one to give a perfect definition-per genus et differentiam A tort is a civil wrong (that is The genus)--wh1ch 1s differentiated from other civil wrongs (there is only one other: breach of contract) by reference to the remedies which the common law created."

P.A. Landon (1931), The Bell Yard, Nov., p. 32).

It is, of course, now gener&lly recognized that the various sub-branches of the l aw of tort have more in common than their historical origins in certain forms of action (See C.A. Wright, The Province and Function of the Law of Torts in Linden (ed . ) Studies in Canadian Tort Law, p.l).

The law of restitution has not yet achieved recognition of thi s kind. Some lawyers and jurists would argue that the disparate strands of law and equity which have been woven together by the students of restitutionary law are simply not sufficiently inter-related to warrant treatment between the covers of one book. Indeed, even those who agree that it is sound to recognize and deve.lop a "subject" of this kind have not been able to reach agreement as to the boundaries of the subject or as to its most appropriate name. Accordingly,