Cash practical auditing solution manual

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  • 8/10/2019 Cash practical auditing solution manual


    Chapter 3



    Problem 1

    (a) Audit adjustments

    Cash Equivalents 3,000,000

    Cash 3,000,000

    Other Non-current Financial Assets 3,200,000

    Cash 3,200,000

    Cash 35,000

    Accrued Salaries Expense 35,000

    Other Non-current Financial Assets 900,000

    Cash 900,000

    Miscellaneous Expenses 6,800

    Advances to Employees 1,200

    Cash (Petty Cash Fund) 8,000

    Cash 5,300

    Accrued Utilities Expense 5,300

    Accounts Receivable 25,000

    Cash 25,000

    (b) Cash and Cash Equivalents

    Savings account with Metrobank P1,500,000

    Checking account with Metrobank 800,000 + 5,300 805,300

    Certificates of deposit 3,000,000

    Payroll fund 1,200,000 + 35,000 1,235,000

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    Tax fund 500,000

    Petty cash fund 12,000

    Undeposited collections 85,00025,000 60,000

    Correct cash and cash equivalents P7,112,300

    Problem 2 (Sta. Monica, Inc.)

    Expenses 10,500

    Petty Cash Fund 10,500

    Correct balance of petty cash fund = P20,000P10,500 = P9,500

    1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B

    6. B 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. D

    11. B 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. D

    Chapter 3



    Problem 3 (Victor Company)

    (a) Correct amount of petty cash fund

    Currencies and coins P6,400

    (b) Per count

    Currencies and coins P 6,400

    Paid petty cash vouchers 2,250

    Employees NSF check 1,200

    Wedding gift contribution (with bills) 1,500

    Total per count P11,350

    Cashiers accountability:

    Petty cash fund, per ledger P10,000

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    Wedding gift contribution 1,500 11,500

    Cash shortage P 150

    (b) Audit Adjusting Entries

    Delivery Expense 250

    Office Supplies Expense 160

    Employees Medicine 240

    Transportation Expense 400

    Repairs and Maintenance 400

    Receivables from Employees 2,000

    Cash Shortage (or Misc. Expenses or Receivables fr Employees) 150

    Petty Cash Fund 3,600

    Problem 4 (Rainbow Corporation)

    (a) Total per count P 35,000

    Cashiers Accountability

    Petty Cash Fund, per ledger P35,000

    Unused postage stamps 1,800

    Unused office supplies 1,200

    Wedding gift contribution 1,000 39,000

    Cash shortage P 4,000

    (b). Telephone Expense 1,500

    Water Expense 1,600

    Office Supplies Expense (3,7001,200) 2,500

    Postage Expense (2,8001,800) 1,000

    Prepaid Expenses (1,200 + 1,800) 3,000

    Receivables from Employees (3,900 + 4,000) 7,900

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    Petty Cash Fund 17,500

    (c) Correct amount of petty cash fund = P35,000P17,500 = P17,500

    Cash items in the petty cash fund:

    Bills and Coins P 2,500

    Replenishment check 15,000

    Total P17,500

    Chapter 3



    Problem 5

    Bills and Coins (show details of denomination and pieces per denomination) P6,717.50


    Date Maker Amount

    12-28-12 Urquiola, employee P 3,000.00

    12-29-12 Sta. Maria, employee 1,500.00

    12-31-12 L. Chua, customer 2,500.00

    01-02-13 A. Bobadilla, customer 3,200.00

    01-12-13 C. German, employee

    (check received 12-28-12) 1,500.00 11,700.00


    Date Voucher No. Particulars Amount

    12-13-12 151 Freight out P 500.00

    12-28-12 183 Supplies 300.00

    12-29-12 184 Freight In 394.20

    12-31-12 189 Freight on cabinet 741.10

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    01-02-13 001 Freight in 244.70 2,180.00


    12-21-12 S. Dechavez 300.00

    Unused office supplies 40.00

    Total per count P20,937.50

    Cashiers accountability:

    Petty cash fund, per ledger P15,000.00

    Unremitted cash sales

    Inv. # 118 December 30 P1,000.40

    Inv. # 129 December 31 2,500.00

    Inv. # 133 January 2 3,200.00 6,700.40

    Unused office supplies 40.00 21,740.40

    Cash shortage P 802.90

    Audit Adjusting Entries:

    Receivables from Employees (1,500.00 + 300.00) 1,800

    Freight out 500

    Supplies Expense (10040) 260

    Prepaid Expenses 40

    Furniture and Equipment 741.10

    Freight in 394.20

    Cash Shortage (Receivable from Employees) 802.90

    Petty Cash Fund 4,538.20

    Cash in Bank (1,000.40 + 2,500.00) 3,500.40

    Sales 3,500.40

    Correct balance of petty cash fund (P15,0004,538.20) P10,461.80

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    Composed of the following cash items at December 31, 2009

    Bills and coins P6,717.50

    Checks dated December 7,000.00

    Petty cash vouchers dated January (undisbursed as

    of December 31) 244.70

    Total cash items as of December 31 P13,962.20

    Unremitted cash sales as of December 31

    ( 1,000.40 + 2,500) (3,500.40)

    Petty cash fund, per audit, December 31 P10,461.80

    Chapter 3



    Problem 6 (Da King Company)

    Bills and coins

    500 x 1 P 500

    100 x 8 800

    50 x 3 150

    10 x 4 40

    5 x 2 10

    1 x 3 3 P 1,503


    12/29/12 M. Roxas, employee P2,000

    12/30/12 J. Madrigal Company 1.500

    01/02/13 J. Estrada Junk Shop 2,450

    01/15/13 F. Chavez, employee (received 12/27/12) 1,800 7,750

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    Paid petty cash vouchers:

    12/16/12 Vo. No. 145 Freight on goods bought P500

    12/26/12 164 Postage 200

    12/29/12 165 Transportation of messenger 50

    01/02/13 166 Repairs, completed Dec. 29, 2012 1,500 2,250


    Ed Gil, employee 1,200

    Postage stamps 10 pcs x P12 120

    Total per count P 12,823

    Cashiers accountability

    Petty cash fund P10,000

    Unremitted collections

    12/30/12 Refund for merchandise returned P 1,500

    01/06/13 Sale of junk and scrap materials 2,450 3,950

    Unused postage stamps 120 14,070

    Cash shortage P1,247

    Adjusting entries

    Receivable from Employees (1,800 + 1,200 + shortage of 1,247) 4,247

    Freight in/Cost of Goods Sold 500

    Transportation Expense 50

    Postage Expense (200120) 80

    Prepaid Expenses 120

    Petty Cash Fund 4,997

    Repairs and Maintenance 1,500

    Accrued Expenses 1,500

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    Cash in Bank 1,500

    Purchase Returns and Allowances /Cost of Goods Sold 1,500

    Correct Petty Cash Fund = P10,000P4,997 = P5,003

    Cash items as of December 31:

    Bills and coins P1,503

    Checks dated December 3,500

    Petty cash voucher dated January 2013 1,500

    Cash refund for purchase returns (1,500)

    Correct petty cash fund balance P5,003

    Chapter 3



    Problem 7 (Cisco Systems, Inc.)

    (1) Bank reconciliation:

    Per bank Per books

    Unadjusted balances P 1,463,212 P1,352,312*

    Outstanding checks (140,000)

    Undeposited receipts 59,500

    Error in recording check issued for rental payment 1,800

    Bank charge for payment of loan and interest (45,000)

    Bank service charges (1,400)

    Deposit of another company (87,500)

    Customers DAIF check (12,500)

    Adjusted balances P1,295,212 P1,295,212

    (2) Adjusting entry:

  • 8/10/2019 Cash practical auditing solution manual


    Notes PayableBank 40,000

    Interest Expense 5,000

    Bank Service Charges 1,400

    Accounts Receivable 12,500

    Rent Expense 1,800

    Cash in Bank 57,100

    (3) Cash and cash equivalents:

    Petty cash fund P 20,000

    Cash in bank 1,295,212

    Treasury bills maturing in 2 months 500,000

    Total cash and cash equivalents P1,815,212

    Problem 8 (Sunshine Corporation)

    1. Per Bank Per Books

    Unadjusted Balances P 424,000 P465,000

    Outstanding checks (113,000)

    Undeposited collections 48,000

    Customers note collected by bank 19,000

    Bank service charge (1,500)

    Adjusted balances P359,000 P482,500

    Cash shortage (123,500)

    Cash balance, December 31, per audit P359,000 P359,000

    2. Understated book balance 456,000465,000 P 9,000

    Overstated bank balance 424,000454,400 30,400

    Omitted outstanding checks

    183 4,500

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    198 12,500

    Understated outstanding checks

    52,00025000 27,000

    9,000900 8,100

    25,00015,000 10,000

    Overstated undeposited collections 3,000

    Omission of bank credit memo 19,000

    Total cash shortage P123,500

    Chapter 3



    3. Undeposited collections, December 31 P 48,000

    Collections, January 115 199,000

    Total amount available for deposit P247,000

    Amount deposited, per deposit slips (110,000)

    Undeposited collections, January 15 P137,000

    Cash on hand, January 15 (52,000)

    Additional cash shortage in January P 85,000

    .4. Adjusting Entries

    Bank Charges 1,500

    Receivable from Employees (or Loss) 123,500

    Cash 106,000

    Notes Receivable 19,000

    Problem 9 (Pamela Manufacturing Company)

    Nov. 30 Receipts Disbursements. Dec. 31

  • 8/10/2019 Cash practical auditing solution manual


    Unadjusted bank balance 876,750 9,153,760 8,526,550 1,503,960

    Outstanding checks

    November 30



    December 31 335,610 (335,610)

    Deposits in transit

    November 30 164,220 (164,220)

    December 31 209,180 209,180

    Check of Pamplona Company (5,830) 5,830

    Adjusted Balances 786,250 9,198,720 8,601,610 1,383,360

    Nov. 30 Receipts Disbursements Dec. 31

    Balance per books 821,950 9,198,720 8,613,010 1,407,660

    Error in recording check no. 359 2,700 2,700

    Bank service charge

    November (3,500) (3,500)

    December 2,250 (2,250)

    NSF check returned in November (34,900) (34,900)

    Interest charged by the bank 24,750 (24,750)

    Adjusted Balances 786,250 9,198,720 8,601,610 1,383,360

    Audit adjusting entries:

    Cash in Bank 2,700

    Office Furniture 2,700

    Bank Service Charge 2,250

    Cash in Bank 2,250

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    Interest Expense 24,750

    Cash in Bank 24,750

    Chapter 3



    Problem 10 (Golden Bells Company)

    Nov. 30 Receipts Disbursements Dec. 31

    Unadjusted bank balance 2,500,000 2,300,000 1,700,000 3,100,000

    Deposits in transit

    November 30 58,000 (58,000)

    December 31 47,000 47,000

    Outstanding checks

    November 30 (97,000) (97,000)

    December 31 46,000 (46,000)

    Erroneous bank charges

    November 30 25,000 (25,000)

    December 31 (37,000) 37,000

    Erroneous bank credit

    November 30 (45,000) (45,000)

    December 31 (50,000) (50,000)

    Adjusted balances 2,441,000 2,214,000 1,567,000 3,088,000

    Nov. 30 Receipts Disbursements Dec. 31

    Unadjusted book balances (squeezed) 2,390,000 2,206,000 1,549,000 3,047,000

    NSF checks returned by bank

    November 30 (15,000) (15,000)

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    December 31 25,000 (25,000)

    Bank service charges

    November (10,000) (10,000)

    December 18,000 (18,000)

    Note collected by bank

    November 76,000 (76,000)

    December 84,000 84,000

    Adjusted balances 2,441,000 2,214,000 1,567,000 3,088,000

    Accounts Receivable 25,000

    Cash in Bank 25,000

    Bank Service Charges / Miscellaneous Expenses 18,000

    Cash in Bank 18,000

    Cash in Bank 84,000

    Notes Receivable 84,000

    Chapter 3



    Problem 11 (Starr Company)

    May 1-31

    Apr. 30 Receipts Disb. May 31

    Unadjusted bank balance 470,360 883,200 1,320,600 32,960

    Deposits in transit

    April 30 29,360 (29,360)

    May 31 (squeezed) 40,560 40,560

    Outstanding checks

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    April 30 (144,800) (144,800)

    May 31 133,600 (133,600)

    Adjusted balances 354,920 894,400 1,309,400 (60,080)

    May 1-31

    Apr. 30 Receipts Disb. May 31

    Unadjusted book balances (squeezed) 363,040 654,400 621,240* 396,200

    DAIF checks returned by bank

    April 30 (8,000) (8,000)

    May 31

    Bank service charges

    April (120) (120)

    May 280 (280)

    Check issued by the treasurer to himself 696,000 (696,000)

    Proceeds of loan granted by bank

    May 240,000 240,000

    Adjusted balances 354,920 894,400 1,309,400 (60,080)

    *621,240 = 613,120 + 8,000 + 120

    (a) 1. P363,040

    2. P40,560

    3. P696,000

    4. P(60,080)

    (b) Adjusting entries:

    Bank Service Charges 280

    Cash in Bank 280

    Loss from Theft/Receivable from Officers 696,000

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    Cash in Bank 696,000

    Cash in Bank 240,000

    Notes PayableBank 240,000

    Chapter 3



    Problem 12 (Rocky Mountain High)

    Nov. 30 Receipts Disbursements Dec. 6

    Unadjusted bank balance P888,800 P555,500 P666,600

    Deposits in transit

    November 30 148,900 (148,900)

    December 31 (102,00012,000) 90,000 90,000

    Payment from collections 12,000 12,000

    Outstanding checks

    November 30 (116,200) (116,200)

    December 31 = 62,000 + 105,000 + 30,000 +




    Adjusted balances 921,500 508,600 799,400 630,700

    Nov. 30 Receipts Disbursements Dec. 6

    Unadjusted book balances (squeezed) 921,500 508,600 571,400 858,700

    Bank charges in December (200,000 + 28,000) 228,000 (228,000)

    Adjusted balances 921,500 508,600 799,400 630,700


  • 8/10/2019 Cash practical auditing solution manual


    (a) P148,900

    (b) P116,200

    (c) P921,500

    (d) P630,700

    Problem 13

    1. A,D 6. M, P 11. D, F 16. I, L

    2. C, G. 7. I, L 12. A, D 17. Not a reconciling item

    3. B, F 8. K, O 13. F, G 18. J, N

    4. E, H 9. D, H 14. D, F 19. L, N

    5. J, N 10. B, F 15. J, N 20. N, O

    Problem 14 (Contronics Company)

    Petty Cash




    Cash in Bank Total

    Balances, per ledger P 15,000 P 35,000 P134,500 P184,500

    Disbursed in 2012 (6,000) (20,000) (26,000)

    Bank credit memo 58,000 58,000

    Balances per audit P9,000 P15,000 192,500 P216,500

    Adjusting entries

    Gasoline Expense 4,500

    Miscellaneous Expenses 500

    Transportation Expense 1,000

    Petty Cash Fund 6,000

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    Purchases or Inventory 20,000

    Purchasing Fund 20,000

    Cash in Bank 58,000

    Notes Receivable 58,000

    Chapter 3



    Problem 15 (Fortune Company)

    (a) Audit Adjustments

    Sales 285,200

    Cash 285,200

    Cash 19,300

    Utilities Payable 19,300

    Accounts Receivable 57,800

    Cash 57,800

    Accounts Receivable 32,500

    Cash 32,500

    No entry, dividend fund is part of cash.

    Accounts Receivable 3,500

    Cash 3,500

    Cash Shortage/ Receivable from Employees 550

    Cash 550

    No entry, payroll fund is part of cash.

    Cash Shortage / Receivable from Employees 300

    Miscellaneous Expenses 5,500

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    Cash 5,800

    Cash 13,500

    Miscellaneous Income 13,500

    (b) Correct amount of cash

    Cash balance, per ledger P1,640,000

    Cash sales of 2013 (285,200)

    Unreleased check for utilities 19,300

    Postdated checks received (57,800)

    Customers NSF checks (32,500)

    Stale check (3,500)

    Shortage in the change fund (550)

    2012 vouchers in petty cash fund (5,500)

    Cash shortage in the petty cash fund (300)

    Unrecorded deposits (sale of scrap) 13,500

    Cash balance, per audit 1,287,450

    Supply the Answers

    Note to the Teacher: Please supply the petty cash imprest balance of P50,000 in problem B. (You may supply

    another figure for variation in your other classes.)

    Summary of Answers:

    1. 308.40

    2. 4,606.60

    Chapter 3



    3. 5,000 shortage

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    4. 35,000

    5. 800

    6. 5,700

    7. 400

    8. 5,300

    9. 53,800

    10. 838,600

    11. 157,950

    12. 780,650 or 761,650 (NSF checks may be treated as deduction from receipts)

    13. 625,700 or 606,700 (NSF checks may be treated as deduction from receipts)

    14. 3,000

    15. 92,000

    16. 145,600

    17. 71,950

    18. 1,828,212

    19. imprest systemdeposit of collections intact to the bank

    20. segregation of duties of custodial function and bookkeeping function

    21. 125,250

    22. 194,550

    23. 255,700

    24. 55,000


    A. 1. Total per count P 10,761.60

    Cashiers accountability

    Petty cash fund P 10,500

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    Postage stamps 220

    Other collections 350 11,070

    Cash shortage P308.40

    2. Correct petty cash fund = 1,156.60 + 3,450 P4,606.60

    B. 3. Total per count P 53,500

    Cashiers accountability

    Petty cash fund P 50,000

    Check payable to Meralco 3,500

    Birthday gift contribution 4,500

    Unused postage 500 58,500

    Cash shortage P 5,000

    4. Correct petty cash fund = P17,000 + P18,000 P35,000

    C. 5. Total per count P19,700

    Cashiers accountability

    Petty cash fund P 15,000.00

    Undeposited collections 5,500.00 20,500

    Cash shortage P 800

    6. Bills and coins P6,400

    Customerschecks 4,800

    Undeposited collections (5,500)

    Petty cash fund, per audit P5,700

    Chapter 3



    D. 7. Total per count (exclude the unsigned pay envelope with no contents) P 19,600

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    Cashiers accountability

    Petty cash fund P15,000

    Unreleased payroll 5,000 20,000

    Cash shortage P 400

    8. Bills and coins P7,300

    Vouchers with January 2013 dates 200

    Employees check dated December 2012 2,800

    Total cash items as of December 31 P10,300

    Unreleased payroll (5,000)

    Correct petty cash balance on December 31 P5,300

    E. Bank Books

    9. Unadjusted balances P850,000 P750,500

    Bank credit memo 150,000

    Bank debit memo (4,500)

    Outstanding checks (120,400)

    Check of Kin 21,000

    Error in recording check (3,600)

    Cash on hand 88,000

    Balances before cash shortage P838,600 P892,400

    Cash shortage ( 53,800)

    10. Cash balance, per audit P838,600 P838,600

    F. January 31 Receipts Disbursements Feb. 28

    Unadjusted balances per bank 13,500 790,450 647,700 156,250

    Outstanding checks

    January 31 (65,000) (65,000)

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    February 28 43,000 (43,000)

    Deposits in transit

    January 31 54,500 (54,500)

    February 28 44,700 44,700

    Adjusted balances 3,000 780,650 625,700 157,950

    January 31 Receipts Disbursements Feb. 28

    Unadjusted balances, per books (92,250) 805,350 630,300 82,800

    Bank credit memo

    January 123,500 (123,500)

    February 98,800 98,800

    Bank service charges

    January (3,250) (3,250)

    February 4,650 (4,650)

    NSF checks returned by bank

    January (25,000) (25,000)

    February 19,000 (19,000)

    Adjusted balances 3,000 780,650 625,700 157,950

    Chapter 3



    G. December Disbursements

    Per bank Per books

    15. Unadjusted disbursements P195,000 P190,400

    Outstanding checks, November 30 (90,000)

    Customers NSF checks

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    November (6,000)

    December 12,000

    Bank service charges

    November (2,400)

    December 3,000

    Balances before outstanding checks, December 31 P105,000 P197,000


    Outstanding checks, December 31 P92,000

    H. June Receipts

    Per bank Per books

    16. Unadjusted receipts in June P310,000 420,000

    Collections made directly by bank in May (30,300)

    Deposits in transit, May 31 (15,000)

    Loans granted by bank in June 50,000

    Error in recording deposit 900

    Balances before deposits in transit, June 30 P295,000 P440,600


    Deposits in transit, June 30 P145,600

    I. Per bank Per books

    Unadjusted balances 1,555,000 1,890,162

    Credit memo for collections by bank 10,000

    Outstanding checks (106,229)

    Undeposited receipts 379,441

    Balances before shortage P1,828,212 P1,900,162

    17. Amount stolen (71,950)

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    18. Actual cash existing P1,828,212 P1,828,212

    19. and 20. Features of internal control missing: Imprest system and segregation of duties

    J. Per bank Per books

    Unadjusted balances P350,000 P293,500

    Erroneous bank credit (25,000)

    22. Outstanding checks (246,75015,00037,200) (194,550)

    Unreleased checks 15,000

    Postdated checks issued and recorded as disbursements 37,200

    Customers postdated check (50,000)

    21. Deposits in transit (175,25050,000) 125,250

    Note collected by bank 15,000

    Balances before cash shortage P255,700 P310,700

    24. Cash shortage (55,000)

    Actual cash existing P255,700 P255,700