171 Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2012; 28 (1): 171-177 caso clínico / clinic case Fecha de recepción: 14 de febrero de 2012 Fecha de aceptación: 15 de mayo de 2012 Vol. 28, N° 1, 2012 ISSN 0120-5552 Abstract The Moebius syndrome is an infrequent symptomology in which the sixth and seventh cranial nerves are involved. Such involvement is translated in facial paralysis. There have been described around 500 cases in the world medical literature and some of them have received surgical treatment. Moebius syndrome has also received other names such as congenital nuclear aplasia, childlike nuclear aplasia, Oculofacial congenital paralysis and facial diplegia. Poland syndrome is another rare congenital abnormality of the chest wall, characterized by unilateral partial or total absence of the great pectoral muscle and ipsi- lateral symbrachydactyly. However, the Moebius-Poland syndrome is rarer. Its first case was recently reported in 2007 by Diego López de Lara et al. In this article we will report this infrequent case; the combination between both syndromes Moebuis and Poland in a three –month- old male patient. Keywords: Moebius syndrome, Poland syndrome, facial paralysis hypoplasia, symbrachydactyly. Resumen El síndrome de Moebius es una sintomatología poco frecuente en la que los pares craneales sexto y séptimo están involucrados. Esta implicación resulta en parálisis facial. Se han descrito unos 500 casos en la literatura médica mundial y algunos de ellos han recibido tratamiento quirúrgico. Además el síndrome ha recibido otros nombres, tales como aplasia congénita nuclear, aplasia nuclear infantil, parálisis congénita oculofacial y diplejía facial. El síndrome de Poland es otra anomalía congénita muy poco frecuente de la pared torácica, caracterizado por ausencia unilateral parcial o total del músculo pectoral mayor y braqui- sindactilia ipsilateral. Sin embargo, el síndrome de Moebius-Poland es más raro, ya que el primer caso fue reportado recientemente en el año 2007 por Diego López de Lara et al. En este artículo se presentará este caso poco frecuente, que es una combinación entre ambos síndromes Moebius y Poland en un paciente masculino de tres meses de edad. Palabras clave: Síndrome de Moebius, síndrome de Poland, parálisis facial, hipo- plasia, simbraquidactilia. Moebius-Poland syndrome: A case report Síndrome Moebius-Poland: Reporte de un caso Mostapha Ahmad 1,2 , Carlos Silvera Redondo 1 , Muna Hamdan Rodríguez 2 1 Grupo de Investigación: Genética y Medicina Molecular, Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla (Co- lombia). [email protected] 2 Grupo de Investigación en Enfermería, Fundación Centro Médico del Norte. Barranquilla (Colom- bia). Correspondencia: Carlos Silvera Redondo. Universidad del Norte, km 5, vía a Puerto Colombia. Ba- rranquilla (Colombia). A.A. 1569. Tel. 57-53509509. [email protected].

caso clínico / clinic case - SciELO · PDF filecaso clínico / clinic case Fecha de recepción: 14 de febrero de 2012 Fecha de aceptación: 15 de mayo de 2012 Vol. 28, N° 1, 2012

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171Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2012; 28 (1): 171-177

caso clínico / clinic case


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Vol. 28, N° 1, 2012 ISSN 0120-5552


The Moebius syndrome is an infrequent symptomology in which the sixth and seventh cranial nerves are involved. Such involvement is translated in facial paralysis. There have been described around 500 cases in the world medical literature and some of them have received surgical treatment. Moebius syndrome has also received other names such as congenital nuclear aplasia, childlike nuclear aplasia, Oculofacial congenital paralysis and facial diplegia. Poland syndrome is another rare congenital abnormality of the chest wall, characterized by unilateral partial or total absence of the great pectoral muscle and ipsi-lateral symbrachydactyly. However, the Moebius-Poland syndrome is rarer. Its first case was recently reported in 2007 by Diego López de Lara et al. In this article we will report this infrequent case; the combination between both syndromes Moebuis and Poland in a three –month- old male patient.Keywords: Moebius syndrome, Poland syndrome, facial paralysis hypoplasia, symbrachydactyly.


El síndrome de Moebius es una sintomatología poco frecuente en la que los pares craneales sexto y séptimo están involucrados. Esta implicación resulta en parálisis facial. Se han descrito unos 500 casos en la literatura médica mundial y algunos de ellos han recibido tratamiento quirúrgico. Además el síndrome ha recibido otros nombres, tales como aplasia congénita nuclear, aplasia nuclear infantil, parálisis congénita oculofacial y diplejía facial. El síndrome de Poland es otra anomalía congénita muy poco frecuente de la pared torácica, caracterizado por ausencia unilateral parcial o total del músculo pectoral mayor y braqui-sindactilia ipsilateral. Sin embargo, el síndrome de Moebius-Poland es más raro, ya que el primer caso fue reportado recientemente en el año 2007 por Diego López de Lara et al. En este artículo se presentará este caso poco frecuente, que es una combinación entre ambos síndromes Moebius y Poland en un paciente masculino de tres meses de edad.Palabras clave: Síndrome de Moebius, síndrome de Poland, parálisis facial, hipo-plasia, simbraquidactilia.

Moebius-Poland syndrome: A case report

Síndrome Moebius-Poland: Reporte de un caso

Mostapha Ahmad1,2, Carlos Silvera Redondo1, Muna Hamdan Rodríguez2

1 Grupo de Investigación: Genética y Medicina Molecular, Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla (Co-lombia). [email protected]

2 Grupo de Investigación en Enfermería, Fundación Centro Médico del Norte. Barranquilla (Colom-bia).

Correspondencia: Carlos Silvera Redondo. Universidad del Norte, km 5, vía a Puerto Colombia. Ba-rranquilla (Colombia). A.A. 1569. Tel. 57-53509509. [email protected].

172 Salud Uninorte. Barranquilla (Col.) 2012; 28 (1): 171-177

Mostapha Ahmad, Carlos Silvera Redondo, Muna Hamdan Rodriguez


Moebius syndrome

Unilateral or bilateral loss of ocular ab-duction, unilateral o bilateral complete or incomplete facial weakness, primary or secondary congenital anomalies of the ex-tremities and possible other involvement of the branchial musculature are the principal clinical features of the Moebius syndrome (1), which was first described by Albrecht Von Gaefe and Saemisch in 1880. Other re-ports about the syndrome were those by Harlan in 1881, Chisholm in 1882, Schaprin-ger 1889. However the Affirm was associa-ted to a group of constant symptoms descri-bed by Moebius in 1888 and goes under his name after he realized a study in 43 cases of congenital and acquired facial paralysis (2). Figure (1).

Source: http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/cranial.html

Figure 1. The cranial nerves that are involved in the Moebius Syndrome

Poland syndrome

Poland syndrome is a rare congenital ab-normality of the chest wall, which was des-

cribed for the first time by Alfred Poland in 1841(3), characterized by unilateral partial or total absence of the major pectoral mus-cle and ipsilateral symbrachydactyly. It also causes breast hypoplasia with an incidence of 1:3000 up to1:10000 in children (4). Figu-re (2).

In this case scenario we will report an infre-quent case, which is a combination between both syndromes (Moebius and Poland) in a three – month- old male patient.

Case Scenario

The case reported, shows a male patient of three- month - old, who proceeds from the second pregnancy of a healthy couple without consanguinity antecedents or in-breeding, normal pregnancy course, without (denies) exposure to teratogens, normal deli-very, normal psychomotor development for his present age and with normal karyotype (46 XY). He was remitted to genetic consul-tation due to lack of his facial mimicry and abnormal morphology in his right hand.

Physical examination shows brachycephaly, left facial paralysis, ptosis, lack of facial ex-pression, strabismus and elongated ears ro-tated backwards. In addition, lip cornered downwards and micrognathia. Thoracic examination resulted in hypoplastic right pectoral region and inability to palpate the right pectoral muscle. Inferior limbs present bilateral clubfoot. Oligodactyly of the index, middle, ring and little finger of the right hand and anomalous thumb, due the hypo-plasia of phalanx and nail, are presented. Chest X-ray study shows lack of soft tissue development in the right pectoral region. During the patient management, he was diagnosed with two pathologically related anomalies such as, Poland anomaly and Moebius syndrome; thus the natural history

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Moebius-Poland Syndrome: A case report

of the disease was oriented, family genetic counseling was offered. Figure (2, 3 y 4).

Source: Authors.Figure 2. Patient shows lack of facial

expression, lip cornered downwards and micrognathia

Source: Authors.Figure 3. Upper right limb shows oligodactyly

and anomalous thumb

Source: Authors.Figure 4. Patient shows hypoplastic right pecto-ral region, micrognathia and bilateral clubfoot


The Moebius syndrome (OMIM 157900) is an infrequent symptomology in which the sixth and seventh cranial nerves are in-volved, this results in facial paralysis (5). There have been described around 500 ca-ses in the world medical literature; some of them have received surgical treatment. Mobeius syndrome has also received other names such as congenital nuclear aplasia, childlike nuclear aplasia, oculofacial con-genital paralysis and facial diplegia (6). It is most commonly sporadic and of an unk-nown cause (7). The syndrome´s etiology is controversial. Different theories associate the syndrome to the alteration in the mes-odermic and ectodermic level during the embryonic development (6). Other studies demonstrated that it has a genetic origin (locus 13q12.2), associated to autosomic dominant inheritance, autosomic recessive

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Mostapha Ahmad, Carlos Silvera Redondo, Muna Hamdan Rodriguez

and including cases with recessive inheri-tance linked to the X chromosome (8, 9, 10, and 11). On other hand it can derive from isquemic vascular origin, which is associa-ted to a polygenic factor or to an interaction with teratogenic agents, such as Misopros-tol (12, 13, and 14). Moebius syndrome can also be associated with diseases and disor-ders, such as hypogonadotropic hypogona-dism, Poland syndrome (15), cataplexy (16), bilateral vocal cord paralysis (17), total ano-malous pulmonary venous connection (18), narcolepsy and parasomnias (19).

The syndrome is usually diagnosed during the first few days of life, because of the in-complete closure of the eyelids during sleep and the difficulty in lactation. The masklike facial expression is also noticed while the infant is crying or laughing, associated with dribbling saliva, depending on the degree of involvement of the facial musculature (1). The differential diagnosis should be reached after inspecting for and excluding diseases that produce facial paralysis, such as, neonatal traumatism (forceps), pseudo bulbar paralysis, myotonic dystrophy, skull base fractures, infectious illnesses (otitis, herpes zoster, mastoiditis, mononucleosis), tumors, Hodgkin disease, Guillain-Smeared syndrome, etc. The treatment is fundamen-tally surgical. However, there are necessary measures to be adopted at the moment of birth in order to prevent further compli-cations caused by the syndrome, such as using artificial tears, diet instructions, noc-turnal ocular seal, etc. As mentioned before, surgery constitutes the fundamental sup-port in the treatment of Moebius syndrome. This requires the use of multiple recons-tructive surgery resources, which will focus on the following aspects: Management of the epicanthic fold, correction of the palpe-

bral closure, correction of the facial ptosis (2), correction and elongation of the upper lip and dynamic suspension of the mouth.

Poland syndrome (OMIM 173800) is a rare congenital abnormality of the chest wall. It was described for the first time by Alfred Poland in 1841 (3). The incidence of this syndrome has been estimated to be 1:32000 with higher frequency among males (ratio 2: 1 and 3: 1) and affects the right side of the body twice as often as the left (20). It was also reported in 20 patients with dele-tion of a dominant autosomic gene (21, 22). The most common clinical features of the syndrome are: hypoplasia of hemithorax or ribs, latissimus dorsi, anterior serratus, external oblique, intercostal muscles, in-fra and supraspinatus and deltoid muscle, Hypoplasia or absence of the nipple and breast (absent sternocostal head of the major pectoral and absence of the minor pectoral), bony dysostosis affecting the hand (bra-chymesophalangy with syndactyly, bipha-langy, ectrodactyly), wrist, forearm, upper arm, scapula, axillary webs and absence of axillary hair, minimal subcutaneous fat, lung herniation and scoliosis (23,24,25,26).

Despite the unclear pathogenicity of this syndrome, it is mostly believed that in the embryonic development, during the sixth week of pregnancy, a momentary stoppage or reduction in the circulation of the tho-racic artery or one of its peripheral ramifi-cations primes the pathogenic mechanism of the syndrome and results in different degrees of syndrome severity, depending on the length and intensity of the vascular interruption (27, 28). Many associations were described between this syndrome and a variety of diseases or other syndromes, such as Adams-Oliver syndrome which is

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Moebius-Poland Syndrome: A case report

characterized by defects of the limbs, scalp, and skull (29), Goldenhar syndrome which is facio-auriculo-vertebral syndrome (30), Wilms tumor (31), breast carcinoma (32), lung cancer (33), neuroblastoma (34), lym-phoma (35), arterial septal defects, were found in some patients in an early or late stages (36) and eye abnormalities (37).

Moebius syndrome is characterized by neu-rological malformations of the basal gan-glia (38). Malignancies like acute leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, lung cancer (39) and breast cancer (40) were also reported. Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism, whe-re the first case was reported about a male who was born at 39 weeks of gestation(15) and renal anomalies have been reported in-frequently (41,42). An example of the latter is a reported case of an infant with a Poland syndrome, who also had ipsilateral aplasia of his kidney (43). It was also demonstrated that the delayed carpal bone maturation, disharmonious ossification and carpal coa-lition, particularly of the scaphoid and tra-pezium bones, are characteristics of Poland syndrome (22, 44).

Poland syndrome can be diagnosed at a pri-mary instant by the clinical features as men-tioned before. Still, in order to confirm the affected morphology and functionality of the major pectoral muscles, we must apply further examinations such as electromyo-graphy, ecography and computed tomo-graphy (26, 21). This syndrome is treated using mainly reconstructive surgery. Fused fingers are separated as early as possible and breast or chest implants may be used after full physical development has been reached. Today, bioengineered cartilage can be implanted to help and give the chest a more normal appearance (Surgical Recons-tructions in 18 cases) (45).


Moebius syndrome etiology has been re-lated with alteration in the mesoderm and ectoderm levels during embryonic develo-pment. However, other studies have pro-posed a genetic origin (locus 13q12.2), asso-ciated to autosomic dominant or recessive inheritance, including cases with recessive inheritance linked to the X chromosome.

Nowadays, a vascular origin associated to teratogenic agents, such as Misoprostol de-rivatives drugs have increased the Moebius clinical frequency. Although, there is a commonly well-accepted vascular theory associated to Moebius, Poland and Klippel-Feil syndromes. In this case study, neither family history nor teratogen exposure was found. This case was classified as a spora-dic vascular originated defects and family counseling was offered.

Conflicts of interests: None.

Funding: Universidad del Norte.


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