e Caspian F rom a time millennia past, when a kingdom’s strength was often measured by its ability to master the art of horsemanship, comes a small horse of legend. A legend that reached forward into the later part of the 20th Century and gripped the heart of an American woman named Louise Firouz. A legend that she spent much of her life defending, sometimes at the risk of her own. Louise rouz After studying at Cornell University, Louise married an Iranian aristocrat, Narcy Firouz and, upon their return to Iran, they established an equestrian centre. Sparked by rumours of the existence of a small, fine type of pony in the remote Alborz Mountains, Louise and her Bermudan friend, Joan Taplin, set off on a journey of discovery. After failing for many days and about to abandon their search, they chanced upon an exquisite small bay stallion near the Amol Bazaar on the southern shores of the Caspian sea. Covered with lice and hitched to a heavily laden cart, his fine conformation and elegance still took their breath away. Louise purchased the stallion, later named Ostad, along with another stallion, Aseman, and a mare, Alamara. Upon their return to the riding school, the horses soon became mounts for even the youngest children. “Standing 11 hands high, Ostad was narrow, fast, intelligent and spirited, but manageable and amenable, with incredible jumping ability,” Brenda Dalton recalls in her book ‘The Caspian Horse’. Over the next two years, Louise continued her search. “We are still searching for Caspian Ponies… Arab-looking creatures with bold eyes, prominent jaws and high-set tails, which so distinguish their larger cousins,” Louise wrote in PONY (1968). “It has been a losing battle as the already pitifully small numbers are further decimated each year by famine, disease and lack of care. Until now, we must accept the sad fact that the survivors must number no more than 30.” By Jenne Timbs on behalf of The Australasian Caspian Society Inc. Jasenna Molod Shachad. Photo by CSteele Designs.

Caspian The - Horses and People fine bone, narrow hard hooves and high-set tail not present in other Indo-European imports to the Middle East in 2,000 BC has led to the proposal that

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F rom a time millennia past, when a kingdom’s strength was often measured by its ability to master the art of horsemanship, comes a small horse of legend. A legend that reached forward into the later part of the

20th Century and gripped the heart of an American woman named Louise Firouz. A legend that she spent much of her life defending, sometimes at the risk of her own.

Louise Firouz

After studying at Cornell University, Louise married an Iranian aristocrat, Narcy Firouz and, upon their return to Iran, they established an equestrian centre. Sparked by rumours of the existence of a small, fine type of pony in the remote Alborz Mountains, Louise and her Bermudan friend, Joan Taplin, set off on a journey of discovery. After failing for many days and about to abandon their search, they chanced upon an exquisite small bay stallion near the Amol Bazaar on the southern shores of the Caspian sea. Covered with lice and hitched to a heavily laden cart, his fine conformation and elegance still took their breath away.

Louise purchased the stallion, later named Ostad, along with another stallion, Aseman, and a mare, Alamara. Upon their return to the riding school, the horses soon became mounts for even the youngest children. “Standing 11 hands high, Ostad was narrow, fast, intelligent and spirited, but manageable and amenable, with incredible jumping ability,” Brenda Dalton recalls in her book ‘The Caspian Horse’.

Over the next two years, Louise continued her search. “We are still searching for Caspian Ponies… Arab-looking creatures with bold eyes, prominent jaws and high-set tails, which so distinguish their larger cousins,” Louise wrote in PONY (1968).

“It has been a losing battle as the already pitifully small numbers are further decimated each year by famine, disease and lack of care. Until now, we must accept the sad fact that the survivors must number no more than 30.”

By Jenne Timbs on behalf of The Australasian Caspian Society Inc.

Jasenna Molod Shachad. Photo by CSteele Designs.

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The Caspian fits the original Horse Type 4 as outlined by Anthony Dent in ‘The Horse Through Fifty Centuries of Civilisation’. Horse Type 4 played a part in the development of the Turkoman and Akhal-Teke breeds.

In 1990, genetic studies began. Blood samples from 94 Caspians were collected, plus those from several other breeds. Findings from the phylogenetic reconstruction of the Oriental horse group concluded: “Therefore, we are able to state without doubt that a tiny form of horse existed in ancient Persia [and] that this horse is the same as the modern Caspian and is ancestral to all forms of Oriental horse.”

The characteristic vaulted development of the forehead, the dense fine bone, narrow hard hooves and high-set tail not present in other Indo-European imports to the Middle East in 2,000 BC has led to the proposal that the Caspian horse was the wild stock from which the Arabian horse was bred. (Brenda Dalton, The Caspian Horse)

Their Struggle for Survival

From 1965-1974, Louise acquired 27 Caspians, mostly from peasant farmers. From these, a further 32 more were bred. H.R.H. Prince Philip became involved in 1971 when he was invited to Iran by the Shah to celebrate the anniversary of the Peacock Throne. Being interested in the preservation of rare breeds, Prince Philip expressed his concern at their low numbers and singular location. Soon after, he was gifted a mare, Khorshid Kola, and stallion, Rostam. It took another two years for them to reach England after quarantine in Hungary.



The Caspian breed was discovered in 1965 by American Louise Firouz who found the small horses in Amol, on the southern shores of the Caspian sea. A subsequent survey estimated there were approximately 50 small horses with definite ‘Caspian’ characteristics along the entire littoral of the Caspian sea. The discovery of the Caspian is as fundamental to the study of equine evolution as that of the Asiatic Wild Horse and the Tarpan. It is probably the most ancient domestic breed of horse to exist and may be the ancestor of the Arabian and, therefore, our hot-blooded horses.


Ancient trilingual Seal of King Darius the Great, 500 BC. Image courtesy British Museum.

Aseman (foundation stallion) in Iran. Image courtesy Brenda Dalton.

Ruba II, the first stallion to be exported to Australia. Image

courtesy Brenda Dalton.


Darius the Great’s trilingual seal, which now resides in the British Museum, tells of his esteem for these small horses in choosing them to pull his chariot whilst lion hunting. Louise was determined to research the origins of the Caspian. The stone reliefs at Persepolis, the ancient palace of King Darius the Great (522-586 BC), depicted many breeds that she could recognise, including the Nisean, Thracian, Armenian, Cappadocian, Scythian, Chorasmian and a small horse possessing fine limbs, small ears and a slightly bulging forehead, which she now knew to be unmistakably Caspian. However, she found no evidence of the Arabian horse among them. Could it be, she wondered, that the Caspian predated the Arab?

Prior to Louise’s discovery of living Caspians they were only known to villagers in the remote mountains of Northern Iran. The small horses depicted on reliefs in the ancient palace were thought to have been extinct for 1,000 years and ancient horse bones that were unearthed from time to time were mistakenly attributed to a form of ass.

Genetic Research into the Caspian

Historians now agree the discovery of the Caspian is as fundamental to the study of equine evolution as that of the Asiatic Wild Horse and the Tarpan. Among the many experts that carried out research programs was zoologist Sandor Bokonyi of Hungary who studied bones found at Hamadan and Shahir-e-Kumnis. Sandor concluded “Three separate breeds were present at the same place, suggesting the Persians were [possibly] the first people to breed ‘consciously’ at the beginning of the first millennium BC.”

Caspian races in Teheran, 1968. Image courtesy Brenda Dalton.

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The first Caspian exports were one stallion to the United States (1966) and two in-foal mares to Joan Taplin in Bermuda (1970). In 1972, Joan’s horses and those belonging to Prince Philip formed the basis of the first Caspian stud in England, the Hopstone Stud.

By 1973, Louise had sold five Caspians to private Iranian owners and three to the School of Veterinary Medicine at Pahlavi University. In 1974, a second stallion was sold to the United States and a mare to Venezuela. That same year, a Caspian stallion named Ruba II won the Supreme Pony Championship at Salon du Cheval in Paris. Prince Caspian, a black stallion, was also sold and trained as one of Iran’s dancing horses - usually reserved for choice Arabian stallions. In 1977, he performed with the Sadlers Wells Ballet in ‘La Fille Mal Gardee’.

Also in 1973, the Crown Prince H.I.H. Prince Reza Pahlavi set up The Royal Horse Society to help preserve native horses. Shortly after, he purchased Louise’s herd of 23 Caspians with the agreement she would continue to care for them. However, the next year, Louise was forced to sell her equestrian centre to the society due to financial hardship. The society’s support for the Caspian soon waned and they began to neglect the expenses for their care.

In October 1974, Louise and Narcy were abruptly forced to leave the centre. They were able to take their horses, except the 23 originally purchased.

A very difficult year followed, worsened by the grip of Winter and the threat of wolf attacks. When all seemed lost, they were able to purchase 15 hectares at Ghara Tepe Sheikh on the Turkoman Steppes. In 1976, their herd suffered two wolf attacks, killing a foal, two mares and one of Louise’s riding horses. This prompted Louise to ask Hopstone Stud to take in as many horses as possible. She later accompanied seven mares and a stallion to England.

Louise returned to a hostile situation in Iran as The Royal Horse Society was furious over the poor publicity they had received in England. They seized Louise’s Caspians and moved them to the Royal Stables at Gonbad-e-Ghabus, where they were severely neglected. After the Shah was forced to leave in 1979 due to the rise of the revolution, the surviving Caspians were sold off for such low prices that the majority were probably eaten by the nomadic tribe who purchased them.

Believing that horses were ‘play things of the rich’ an almost 10 year ban was placed on keeping more than one horse. Consequently, not a single Caspian was bred during this time, which was simply devastating to the preservation of the breed.

While Louise managed to keep one stallion, Zeeland, during this time, the majority of her precious bloodlines, so meticulously gathered and bred, were lost except for those exported to England, and from there to Australia and New Zealand. During the revolution, both Louise and Narcy would also spend time in prison.

In 1989, Louise started to breed again with a small stock of eight mares and three stallions. However, ill-health sent her to England for several months and, with Narcy’s unexpected death in 1994, the horses risked being sold as part of the estate. Thankfully, the Ministry of Jehad stepped in and purchased 37 Caspians and their foals at full market price. This being most of the known Caspian stock left in Iran.

Due to Louise’s untiring efforts, Iran officially declared the breed a national treasure. Sadly, Louise died on 25th May 2008. Today in Iran, a team of dedicated people,aided by Louise’s daughter Ateshe Firouz-Larsson, have started surveying and registering the stock that is being bred by new and established breeders. They have the full support of the Equestrian Federation of Iran.

2015 marks the 50th Anniversary of the re-discovery of this extremely important horse breed, which the Federation hopes to commemorate with a conference in Iran in September.

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Louise Firouz with the first foal born after the 10 year ban. Image

courtesy Brenda Dalton

The characteristic parietal bone conformation of the Caspian

forehead. Runny Mede Orion. Image courtesy Brenda Dalton.

Marida Dadan, the highest priced Caspian

to be exported from Australia. Image courtesy Mandy



Page 26 • HORSES and PEOPLE • Phone: 07 5467 9796 • [email protected]

A Horse, Not a Pony

Though small in stature, the Caspian is a horse, not a pony. The height range is generally from 10.2-12.2 hh. The foals grow very rapidly, almost reaching adult height in the first 18 months. They come in solid colours only, including bay, chestnut, grey, black, brown and various duns. Being a horse, not a pony, a Caspian should give the overall impression of a well-bred elegant horse in miniature.

Over the years, there have been numerous discussions regarding the different ‘types’ within the breed. “Within the breed, there is a natural gradation from a larger stronger type to a dainty fairy-like type,” says E. Alderson in the International Caspian Stud Book. “This variety is a strength, not a weakness.” Louise felt that by breeding Caspian type to Caspian type breeders would eventually come back to the original Caspian in type and size, which is the smaller animal.


On the whole, if treated well, Caspians are kind natured and affectionate, visibly enjoying pats, attention and kind words. They readily learn their names and will usually come when called. They like to be with the people they trust and can form strong attachments to certain individuals. Being naturally curious, you will often find a Caspian looking over your shoulder and you need to be careful where you leave new objects if you don’t want them investigated.

Like all breeds, every Caspian is an individual and good owners will allow for this and learn how to relate to each horse in order to bring the best out in them. Caspians are generally sensitive horses and do not cope well with harsh treatment. Coupled with their sensitivity is also a good dose of sensibility. If something startles a Caspian they may jump or take a few steps, but then they will tend to stop and analyse the situation,

rather than overreact. Their intelligence, coupled with their kind nature, makes Caspians highly trainable and generally fast learners. Comments such as “He never put a foot wrong” or

“Never have I had a horse so easy to train” are not uncommon.

Communication is also one of their strong points and Caspians will often neigh or perform a physical action in order to convey a message to you. I personally know of two herds of Australian Caspians who deliberately sought out human help and then led the way to a fellow horse in need of help. To read heart-warming Caspian stories like these visit the Horses and People website in March.


The average Caspian nature, which combines affection, curiosity, spirit and kindness, makes them wonderful mounts for children. Compared to ponies of similar size, Caspians are more slender in the barrel, making it much easier for children to wrap their legs around them and their smooth gaits are easy to ride. In Australia, Caspians have been regular winners of pony trots and carriage driving classes. In Sweden, Caspians compete in pony racing, being able to keep up with larger horses in all gaits, except at the full gallop.

For their size, Caspians have exceptional jumping ability. The Caspian’s speed and great agility makes them highly desirable for gymkhanas and barrel racing. They also exhibit a long low action in the show ring and have smooth gaits for dressage. The Caspian’s stamina also makes them suitable for endurance riding.

Peculiarities of the Caspian

Owing to their mountain origin, Caspians have more angled hocks than lowland breeds and, from the beginning, breeders have taken steps to correct excessive cow hocks. Other than this, Caspians have no breed-specific faults. Caspians have a number of unique features compared to other breeds, including unique haemoglobin in their blood, a different parietal bone structure in the forehead, a shoulder blade which is narrow at the top and wider at the base, their first six vertebrae are longer, an extra molar tooth in the place of the ‘wolf teeth’, long slender cannon bones, and a generous length between their hip and hock which likely contributes to their jumping ability. Caspian foals also have very distinctive, bulging foreheads when born.

The Caspian in Australia

In 1975, Margot Schabort convinced the Shah of Iran to allow her to export to Australia the stallion Ruba II, but sadly and despite paying a pricely sum, she never bred from him. In 1981, the Caspian Preservation Society of Western Australia was established by Betty Giles and her husband Tony of Heroden Stud, Western Australia.

The first Caspian breed classes were held in Perth at the Royal Showgound in 1982. The first two Heroden part-bred Caspians collected 44 rosettes at their first four shows as three-year-olds. The purebred stallions, Hopstone Kaftar and Hopstone Tochal, later became part of a celebrated Caspian demonstration team. Hopstone Kaftar won many driving classes and remained a much loved edition to the Gyles family for his entire life, only dying in 2005. Sadly, the Heroden Stud only ever bred one purebred foal.

Caspians are wonderful sporting mounts for children

and small adults. Image courtesy Brenda Dalton

Leonard Cain driving Jasenna Zerem Yeled at the Horse

Breeds Expo (Brisbane Royal Show). Image courtesy

Jenne Timbs. Jasenna Kowl Melakah.

Photo by CSteele Designs.


Jasenna Molod Shachad. Photo by CSteele Designs.

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Tandara Stud was the second stud to be formed in Western Australia when Sue and Ray Eiffler saw the photograph of Hopstone Tochal that would begin their love affair with the breed. From 1981 until 1985, they acquired eight Caspians from the Marida (SA) and Cheleken (NZ) studs. Sadly, one of their first died from a snakebite within the first six weeks.

They also leased Ruba II for a time and ran him with a number of mares, but sadly no pregnancies resulted. Tandara Stud also exported seven mares to ProtoArabians and Texana Farms in the United States, and a number of horses to New South Wales.

Though other studs were formed in Western Australia, sadly Tandara Stud is the only remaining one and has 15 Caspians in total. Due to age, Sue and Ray now only breed to order. Since it began, a total of 57 purebred and 59 part-bred Caspians have been registered with the Caspian Preservation Society of Western Australia.

Ida Graham of South Australia formed The Australasian Caspian Society (Inc), with the first meeting taking place in 1976. That same year she, together with Marshall Steer, created the Marida Stud when they purchased from England the stallion Amu Daria and three mares: Susiana, Gulpar and Aloucheh. In 1983, they purchased Cheleken Avval Pesar from New Zealand. They also bred two fillies from Ruba II. After Ida’s death, the trust fund she set up for the ongoing promotion of the Caspians imported Cheleken Grischa. Other studs soon formed in South Australia using the Marida progeny.

Ida had unfailing enthusiasm for the Caspian horse, she loved them all and would often say in fun “They are all my Caspians” no matter who they belonged to. She was an extremely persuasive lady and no one ever said no to her. Ida always attended the shows along with her butler/chauffeur who brought along a fabulous picnic basket to be shared amongst all the Caspian breeders.

Interestingly, in 1988, Mandy Pascoe instigated the first and only known Caspian embryo transfer with a two-year-old Clydesdale mare, Matilda, to be the surrogate mother. Marida Tarikh, the resulting filly, later placed first in the Royal Adelaide Show filly class.

Ida died in 1991 and later, when Marshal moved properties, the Marida horses were transferred to Ningana Park, owned by Mandy Pascoe and her husband Scott. Mandy had been heavily involved with the Marida stud from her childhood and promised Ida the Marida would continue as long as she had a say in the matter. In 1999, local Caspian breeders and owners gathered at Ningana Park for the filming of the Burks Backyard segment and, when aired in September, it was remarkably well received. Mandy’s daughters promoted the Caspians in the pony trots, and Mandy’s skills in breeding and horse presentation resulted in many ribbons in the show ring.

Marshal Steer has always taken his custodianship of the Caspian Horse very seriously and although in his 80’s, he is still very supportive and interested in what is happening. When managing Marida, he held constantly to his goal of breeding good quality Caspians and would only keep a colt if he was an improvement on his sire.

In 1990, Shauna Mills-Swarts and her husband Gerard became the managers of Chippendale Stud, where they continued for five years. As purebred Caspian mares were very hard to come by, they purchased a 7/8th Caspian named Tori Park Neshatarave in 1991 and started their own Astara Stud. They intended to use her to breed up to purebreds. However, the rule allowing upgrading was soon overturned by the ICS and only purebreds could be used to breed purebreds.

Cheleken Grischa from Ningana Park. Image courtesy Mandy Pascoe.

Jasenna Molod Persidia (left) and Jasenna Saraph. Image

courtesy Jenne Timbs.

First embryo transfer Caspian foal born to a

Clydesdale mare. Image courtesy Mandy Pascoe.


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Over the years, Shauna and Gerard have acquired and bred many purebred Caspians, and have been dedicated to showing and promoting the breed and helping others become involved. Sadly, although they still have 21 horses, the Astara stud has now stopped breeding due to age and Gerard’s ill health.

Three Studs were set up in New South Wales, all have since closed. Among them Maureen Byrne of the Markazi Stud was responsible for updating the Constitution for the International Caspian Society. Two currently unregistered studs in Victoria own a number of purebred Caspians.

Fiona Morland of Zarin Stud emigrated to Australia in 2004 from England, bringing her beloved Caspians with her: the gelding Henden Balut, the yearling colt Zarin Taze Majara and the three mares Spark Zarrin Tara, Sirhowy Arziz and Spark Persia. This injection of new bloodlines in Australia was both vital and timely. Now owned by Jasenna Stud, the filly Zarin Shaphiyr was the last foal to be bred by Fiona before her retirement and is the only foal born in Australia to exclusively contain the bloodlines she imported.

Finally, Jasenna Stud was established in 2006 by Jenne and Andrew Timbs. It is the first and only registered Caspian stud in Queensland. Jasenna Stud is responsible for the Caspians’ presence at the Horse Breeds Expo display at Queensland Royal Show for the five years from 2009 to 2013. Being avid photographers, Jenne and Andrew have turned 17 of their photos into a series of posters with the hope of raising awareness of the breed in the younger generation. Jenne has done many public presentations, two radio interviews and continues to write articles to help promote the breed. Since the beginning, Jasenna Stud has faced many obstacles, including equine influenza, the loss of their first two foals and economic downturn. High feed prices and the ongoing drought/flood cycle continue to challenge their dedicated efforts to maintain their precious herd.

The Future of the Caspian

Currently, breed societies exist in the United Kingdom, Iran, Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, Norway and Sweden. Sadly, economic downturn has seen a fairly rapid decline in the number of Caspians worldwide. In many places, including Australia, breeding has drastically slowed or been put on hold. In Australia, there are only four registered studs left in operation, including Marida/Ningana Studs (SA), Astara Stud (SA) and Jasenna Stud (QLD) under The Australasian Caspian Society, and the Tandara Stud (WA) under the Caspian Preservation Society of Western Australia.

Membership and registration with either of the Australian Societies is open to pure and part-bred Caspians. Horse registration and transfer requirements are quite straightforward and all fees have been kept low to encourage breeding. Both societies pay a yearly subscription to the International Caspian Society (ICS), so all Caspians can be registered on the international register. ICS has a website and studbook available online.

A total of 2,040 Caspians are registered in the International Caspian Studbook. Of those, approximately 1,500 have been bred within the last 20 years. Brenda Dalton estimates there cannot be more than 1,000 in existence today. Of these, half will be geldings or not used for breeding, which leaves between 500 and 600 breeding Caspians worldwide. Though so influential in the early days, New Zealand has seen its Caspian herd dwindle to the point where, without the importation of new mares, no purebreds can now be bred.

The ongoing preservation of the Caspian in Australia is in desperate need of new breeders, sponsors and patrons. Both the societies and individual breeders are looking for volunteers in website design, promotion and marketing, as well as reliable and competent riders who are light enough to start young Caspians under saddle.

Though the early part-breds in both Western Australia and New Zealand were so successful in a number of disciplines, the cross-breeding potential of the Caspian has remained largely untapped.

Finally, as 2015 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Caspian’s re-discovery, the ICS intends to produce a commemorative calendar. Australian breeders are also considering producing a limited edition book on the Caspian in Australia. To find out more, contact Jenne Timbs of Jasenna Stud on (07) 5547 0224.

Four-in-hand team from Di Mar Caspians, United States. Courtesy of Dick Kearly.

Jasenna Hadar. Photo by CSteele Designs.

Ostad in Iran, the first Caspian found by Louise Firouz in 1965.Image courtesy Brenda Dalton.

A dun Caspian mare, Zarin Shaphiyr. Image courtesy Jenne Timbs.

Secretary: Shauna Mills-SwartPh: 08 8568 2919 PO Box 143, Mt Pleasant SA 5235

For more information contact:


The Australasian Caspian Society Inc.

Registrar: Sue EifflerEmail: [email protected]: 08 9853 2129566 Spencer Road, Narrikup WA 6326

The Caspian Preservation Society of WA Inc.
