FICTION  2 ClassICs 18 NON-FICTION 24 BusINess + ReFeReNCe + spORT 36 lIFesTYle + MIND/BODY/sp IRIT 46 MeTRO ReaDs 52 papeRBaCKs 60  Y O u N G a D u l T 7 6 puFFIN 82 a cific tion r bj ct to ch ng

Catalogue_Jan-Jun 2013

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ClassICs 18


BusINess + ReFeReNCe + spORT 36


MeTRO ReaDs 52

papeRBaCKs 60

 YOuNG aDulT 76

puFFIN 82

a cifiction r bjct to chng

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4 5

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia 

MOhsIN haMID Wt do it tk or yo to cimb rom comt orty to

mnion, bt-roo cr nd bodygrd? w im r . . .

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising A sia i ttory o yong boy, born into oor miy.a t yr , mo to m int city, gt bri dction, irt witmiitncy, nd tn, ngry or dncmnt,t bottd wtr bin, t timtymbo o t modrn sot ain city–—

c wr noting work bt ryting

cn b d t ric. Bt it bind, on ting rmin contntnd tr—i o or t gir mt tngr.

 od trog t conntion o -gid to bcoming ric, ti i dzzing nd

 irtoo no rom t ccimd tor o Te Reluctant Fundamentalist.

MOhsIN haMID i t tor o two ccimdno, mot rcnty Te Reluctant Fundamentalist wic w ortitd or t MnBookr priz. h i in lor.

IMPRINT • Hamish Hamilton



ISBN • 9780670086375

PRICE • ` 499

PUB DATE • March 2013

 TERR ITO RY • India 

Te Reluctant Fundamentalist: From Book to Film

Conctizd by MIRa NaIR  T nti gid to t mking o ndmrk m

Fid wit n incrdib rry o img w intriw wit t ct ndy by t m-mkr, ti m comnion tyiy crt t trnormtiono Moin hmid’ bting no into Mir Nir’ ctcr moi.

MIRa NaIR i n wrd-winning m-mkr bt known or moi ikSalaam Bombay! , Monsoon Wedding nd Te Namesake .

IMPRINT • Penguin Studio

FORMAT • 9” x 6.75”/PB


PRICE • ` 499

PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  World

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6 7

Te Mirror o Beauty 

shaMsuR RahMaN FaRuqI‘a tr g trnr . . . tk yo on n ic jorny nd oon yo r

inbiting word tt yo don’t wnt to ’ Mommd hni 

‘On o word itrtr’ grtt mtric’ Mrr ai Frooi

a corncoi o digt, Te Mirror o Beauty  bgin wit t tory o n nigmtic intrin ig nr Kingr nd mbrkon n ic jorny tt w trog tdrt o Rjtn, t y o Kmirnd Di, t crt o minitr inting

nd t rt o crt digning, cintitingmic rormnc nd rcrring inting

o mytrio nd ring womn. at trt o t no i t dzzingy btind rcy indndnt Wzir Knm, wotk ri o or, incding n ocro t et Indi Comny, nwb nd Mg rinc. a book o roond bty,

dt nd owr, it ngg i bgiing, itco brttking nd it ty mto.

Cbrtd critic, ot nd writr,shaMsuR RahMaNFaRuqI rcid t rtigiosrwti smmn in 1996. Te  Mirror o Beauty i i ony no,trntd rom t urd Kai Chand Te Sar-e-asman by t tor.

IMPRINT • Hamish Hamilton

FORMAT • Royal /HB


ISBN • 9780670086757

PRICE • ` 699

PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  World

Te Hungry Ghosts 

shYaM selvaDuR aI‘a ditincti oic nd . . . tnt to b rckond wit’ elegraph

Moing btwn oronto nd wr-tornsri lnk o t 1980 nd 1990,Te Hungry Ghosts t n intn tory o onmn’ rt rc or rdmtion. asin Ri, gy nd in i ry tirti,rr to rtrn rom Cnd to i dyinggrndmotr in sri lnk, i ntd by 

t mmori o i comictd rtioni wit r, t trgic otcom o iit idr om yr tr migrting to Cnd, ndt Bddit t tod im. engd by i mmori nd mitk, sin bginto dobt i t rdmtion k migtindd b oib.

shYaM selvaDuRaI i twrd-winning tor o rccimd no, incding Funny Boy .

IMPRINT •  Viking  FORMAT • Demy/HB


ISBN • 9780670085750

PRICE • ` 599

PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY • Indian Subcontinent 

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8 9

Oleander Girl 

ChIRa BaNeRJee DIvaKaRuNI‘a r g-trnr . . . miy g tt rd ik dtcti no’  Trity umrigr

sntn-yr-od Korobi Roy i t ciono ditingid Kokt miy nd njoyd trd cidood wit rdoring grndrnt. Bt i trobd by t inc tt rrond r rnt’ dt.Korobi drm o on dy nding o owr r rnt’, nd it m r wi com tr wn mt t crmingRjt. Bt orty tr tir nggmnt,

rt ttck ki Korobi’ grndtr,ring rio nnci robm nd dtting crt bot Korobi’ t.sttrd by ti dicory nd by rgrndrnt’ btry, Korobi ndrtk corgo t. hr drmtic, otntrting, jorny wi ny trt r intot mot dict dciion o r i.

ChIRa BaNeRJeeDIvaKaRuNI i n wrd-

 winning tor o r ccimdno, incding mot rcnty One  Amazing Ting .



ISBN • 9780670086733

PRICE • ` 499

PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY • Indian Subcontinent 

Te Black Coat 

NeaMa IMaMa drk nd dytoin ortrit o Bngd ndr it rt rim minitr

atr boody trgg, Bngd i nindndnt ntion, nd tond roring into Dk rom rmot ig. Bt wn K Biw, jornit, itcn rtic bot t gornmnt’ ir, nd im ot o job. soon, yong mn,Nr hin, trn t K’ doort.

atr K r yong Nr rcit mo c o t rim minitr’, riz ty ond wy to k roo 

or tir d. K trnorm Nrinto k sik Mjib, nd, wit t o t bicity-y Mp Moin Mi, tir trt cing in on t ntionit roro t city’ oort.

Intn yt ciing, ti briint rt no i mdittion on owr, grd nd t mncot o oitic mbition.

NeaMa IMaM tgtengi t Cittgong unirity nd Jngirngr unirity, did idoctor rrc in Grc nd i ttor o r ccimd y nd work o ction in Bngi.

IMPRINT • Hamish Hamilton 



ISBN • 9780670086658

PRICE • ` 499

PUB DATE • May 2013

 TERR ITO RY • Indian Subcontinent 

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10 11

Teir Language o Love 

BapsI s IDhWa‘pkitn’ nt engi-ngg noit’ New York imes Book Review 

In ti brnd-nw coction o tori, Bisidw rtrn to cronicing t i ndo o to on bot id o t Indo-pk bordr.

a wi worri or r miy’ ri dringt 1965 Indo-pk wr. a motr i orrid wn rn tt r dgtr wnt tomrry r amricn boyrind. an amricnowi iing in lor tmto

fir wit pkitni minitr.an gd mtrirc tr to t usato dicor mt conront trmticmmory rom r t.

Finy nncd, nd cd wit s idw’ ry comic obrtion, ti i tr coctiono t rom on o t bcontinnt’ motimortnt nd bod writr.

BapsI sIDhWa i tintrntiony ccimd nd wrd- winning tor o no ik Ice-Candy-Man nd An American Brat .

IMPRINT •  Viking  



ISBN • 9780670086566

PRICE • ` 499

PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

and the United Kingdom

Te House with a Tousand Stories 

aRuNI Ka shYap‘On o am’ mot origin nd coming oic’ Sunday Guardian

 Wn yong pbo go to i nctr ig in am or i nt’ wdding, ncontr twin trgdi tt wi cng i

i orr. st gint t bckdro o crtkiing nd oitic , ti i dbtto rckon wit.

aRuNI KashYap i ot, writr nd trntor.Te House with a Tousand Stories i i rt no.

IMPRINT • Penguin 



ISBN • 9780143416135

PRICE • ` 250

PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  South Asia 

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12 13

Te Missing Queen

saMhIa aRNI‘pcy, gritty nd r y cr’ smit B

 n yr tr Rm’ rtrn rom lnk, tion i yong jornit’ crioity: Wt nd to sit? ando bgin r rc or t miing n. In ti tyicti trir, smit arni kiy combin r oor mytoogy wit riting tory ting.

saMhIa aRNI’ Te Mahabharatha: A Child’s View  od or 50,000 coi nd r Sita’s Ramayana won t New York imes btr it or gric no.

IMPRINT •  Viking/Zubaan • FORMAT • B/HB

PAGE EXTENT • 192 • ISBN • 9789381017647

PRICE • ` 399 • PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  World 

Dark Diversions: A raveller’s ale 

 JOhN Ra lsO N sau l‘a digt no, inigortingy wickd’ Le Monde 

Dark Diversions tg bck comdy o intrntionroortion tt tk t rdr rom Nw York to pri toMorocco to hiti in t 1980 nd 1990—into cinting

 word o crt or, xid rinc, dt by gnimnd rigio ri.

 JO hN Ra ls O N sa ul , Cnd’ ding bicintct, rcid mny wrd nd riz, incdingCi’ pbo Nrd Md. h i ridnt o peNIntrntion nd ti i i ixt no.


PAGE EXTENT • 336 • ISBN • 9780143420125 

PRICE • ` 299 • PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

Dirty Love 

saMpuRNa Ch aaRJI‘Cttrji toc w rim nr’ ime Out 

 T tori in ti coction r t in t rt wir o Bomby od wit onr, mit nd dritr. Rking o wr, mrkt nd gtrd mt, t gritty, nd

otn rr, t ri on t rc o rydy i.saMpuRNa ChaaRJI i ot, noitnd trntor.

IMPRINT •  Penguin • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 256 • ISBN • 9780143068006

PRICE • ` 299 • PUB DATE • March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

Hal a Rupee: Stories 

GulZaR  rntd by suNJOY sheKhaR 

From tori bot Jd aktr nd Kdi Nyyrto t t in t mgooi o Mmbi, rom ncdoto o nd btry to b o corg nd coniction,ti i n ntring nmb ib in engi ort ry rt tim.

GulZaR i on o Indi’ ormot ot nd yricit,nd rnownd m dirctor.

suNJOY sheKhaR  rioy trntd

Gzr’ 100 Lyrics .


PAGE EXTENT • 176 • ISBN • 9780143068792

PRICE • ` 299 • PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  World 

a cinting coction o tori

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14 15

Classic Sunil Gangopadhyay 

suNIl GaNGOpaDhYaY ‘a grt writr . . . I rticry o i itoric ction’

amit Go

 Ti ci omnib dition bring togtr t trgrt itoric no sni Gngodyy wrot:Tose Days nd First Light , wic cronic t BngRninc, nd Te Lonely Emperor , t tory o Indi’grtt roion tg ctor siir Bdri.

hose Days nd First Light trntd by aRuNa Ch aKRavaRI

Te Lonely Emperor trntd by sReeJaa Guha

suNIl GaNGOpaDhYaY  w t mot orBngi noit o i gnrtion; d wy in 2012.

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT • Demy/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 1200 • ISBN • 9780143420194

PRICE • ` 699 • PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

Te Mahabharata: Volume 7   rntd by BIBeK DeBROY  ‘k on grt jorny wit dmirb ’ Indian Express 

‘Orwmingy imri’ Business Line 

 Wit t nt om o ti mgnicnt tn-omnbridgd trntion o t Mbrt, t cconto t grt wr com to n nd wit t dt o Krn, sy nd, mot imortnty, Dryodn.

BIBeK DeBROY i n conomit nd rrcroor t t Cntr o poicy Rrc, nd comnit wit t Economic imes .

Te Golden Honeycomb

KaMala MaRKaNDaYa‘a normic no’ Los Angeles imes 

Te Golden Honeycomb i n ic o tory btwnn Indin rinc nd n ritocrtic engi gir tgint t ndor nd trbnc o t Briti Rj

nd t growing trgg or Indin indndnc.KaMala MaRKaNDaYa (1924–2004) i tintrntiony ccimd tor o  Nectar in a Sieve .


PAGE EXTENT • 400 • ISBN • 9780143102663

PRICE • ` 399 • PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY • Indian Subcontinent and Singapore

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT • Demy/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 560 • ISBN • 9780143100195

PRICE • ` 599 • PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

 Intrigues o the Lion

CaRl MulleR ‘a briint ttry o ct nd ct ion’Sunday imes 

 T ort om o Cr Mr’ mgnicnt ricronic King Dtt Gmini’ t to bid t M T. Bt to ci ti, to rtri t ric o 

t Bdd rom t Ng Kingdom, wic bnit crtkr.

CaRl MulleR i t wrd-winning tor o rigy ccimd no. h i in Kndy, sri lnk.


PAGE EXTENT • 184 • ISBN • 9780143414490

PRICE • ` 199 • PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  World

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16 17

IMPRINT •  Viking  • FORMAT • B/HB

PAGE EXTENT • 120 • ISBN • 9780670086689

PRICE • ` 399 • PUB DATE • May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Worl d

Ik i on o t tn tdnt o t Mmddiyscoo, t oort coo in Bitong Ind. Bt t coo two won—it tcr B M, tn-yr-od wit ion or dction, nd lintng, t boy gni wo inir i cmt to gt tir dtiny. soon tind’ ndrdog bcom it cmion.

aNDRea hIRaa’ rt no, Te Rainbow roops , 

od or miion coi in Indoni mkingit t igt ing book in t contry.

Black Earth: Te Poems o Shrikrishna Kalamb, Farmer-Poet 

shRIKRIshNa KalaMB Wit n introdction by p. saINah  rntd by aMOle Gupe

pom tt k t ngg o t oi

 T t srikrin Kmb w rmr rom tvidrb rgion o Mrtr wo o wrot ombot i ndr t dow o wnt nd ngr. rntd into engi or t rt tim, ti i nxtrordinry coction.

p. saINah i notd jornit.aMOle Gupe i m-mkr nd ctor.


PAGE EXTENT • 304 • ISBN • 9780143420330

PRICE • ` 299 • PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

Te Rainbow roops 

aNDRea hIRaa‘a wondr t bot wt ck o cookid, two cring tcr

nd owr n o o cn ci. I od it’ vik swr

Te Secret Gardener 

KalpaNa sWaMINahaN‘li i t rt crdib Indin womn dtcti in t

engi ngg’ Hindustan imes 

 Wn oitry bon rc in t grdno 24 ptwrdn Cro, li, wo coctcrioiti, nd it crio. Ting gt

crior wn dying gigoo wir tddr in trror, nd crior ti wn mmmid ngr trn tr . . .

IMPRINT • Penguin


paGe eXeN • 256

ISBN • 9780143104209

PRICE • ` 299

PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

KalpaNa sWaMINahaN’ book incd Venus Crossing , wic wont vodon Croword Fiction awrd. Ti i r t li no.

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20 21

suNDaRa RaM asWaMY ‘er tyit, moying ngg concioy crtd, orn o trdition

rtoric dic, bt brimming wit tir, rody, mor nd mtor,

i niring rcti mrk im ot ditincty’ Te Hindu

‘Rmrkb icity o ngg nd mor’ India oday 

‘[a] tdid mtry o t contmorry rt o ction’ Frontline 

Children, Women, Men rntd rom t mi by  

laKshMI hOlMsRöM 

Waves  rntd by laKshMI hOlMsRöM

nd GOMahI NaRaYaNaN

st in t trbnt t-1930, nd moingbtwn Kr nd mi Nd, ti mbitiono crt t ycoogic conict cd by  rio mmbr o miy ty trgg to

co wit oitic, oci nd ctr cng.

laKshMI hOlMsRöM i writr,itrry critic nd wrd-winning trntor.

a rt word—in oci, ctr nd oiticx—orm t bckdro or t tori. ndr, octi, nd riddd wit rri,ty o intn intct nd ycoogiccng to t rdr.

laKshMI hOlMsRöM i writr,itrry critic nd wrd-winning trntor.

GOMahI NaRaYaNaN trntdom mjor writr o contmorry miitrtr.

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  608 • ISBN • 9780143420149

PRICE •  ` 599 • PUB DATE •   April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 192 • ISBN • 9780143420156

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •   April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

On o t mot rti nd innoti o mi writr, grt modrnit nd dzzingtyit, sndr Rmwmy (1931–2005) wrot in mny gnr—otry, no, orttory, y, ron y nd itrry criticim—mking ignicnt intrntion in

 mi writing. ec o i tr no i rcognizd t-brking, nd o ditdnd bid notb itrry mgzin, Kalachuvadu, wic bcm orm or nw  writing nd itrry dbt.

amarind History  rntd by BlaKe WeNWORh

Bring witn to t itori nd i o mnnd womn wo ogt it tr, tmrindtr tnd t t cntr o ig. T rto Rmwmy’ no, amarind History iccimd work tt xtndd t rontiro t Indin no.

BlaKe WeNWORh i aitntproor t t unirity o Ciorni,Brky.

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  240 • ISBN • 9780143065616

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •   April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

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22 23

 It’s a City-Showman’s Show! ranscendental Songs o Ānandghan

 rntd by IMRe BaNGha nd R.C.C. FYNes

Hats and Doctors: Stories 

upeNDRaNah ashK  rntd by DaIsY ROCKWell

Tis Winter’s ale: Te Poems o ahir Ghani 

 rntd by MuFI MuDasIR FaROOqI nd NusRa BaZaZ

Te Country without a Post Oce 

aGha shahID alI

 im ymn rom ntnt-cntry Indi

a rigoro nw trntion o t work o Ānndgn(Cod o Bi), t ntnt-cntry ctic wotrncndnt ong rmin rt o t Jin dotioncnon n tody.

DR IMRe BaNGha i ctrr in hindi t tunirity o Oxord. R.C.C. FYNes i crrnty  rinci ctrr in t Fcty o art, Dign

nd hmniti, D Montort unirity, lictr.

‘ec o ak’ tori o’ prmcnd

exibiting igtn o toc nd d nggmnt wit t mn condition, t tori in Hats and Doctors  com i in digt trntion.

upeNDRaNah ashK (1910–96) w on o hindi itrtr’ bt-known nd mot controritor. DaIsY ROCKWell i n rtit nd writr iing in nortrn Nw engnd.

‘Tt nigting o otry’ Ib

Tis Winter’s ale i yric nd cnt trntiono t xiit om o t ntnt-cntry ot M ir Gni. On o t ormot

prin ot o t Indin bcontinnt, io od nd cbrtd Kmir’ ntionot, Gni Kmiri.

MuFI MuDasIR FaROOqI nd NusRaBaZaZ work in t Drtmnt o engi,unirity o Kmir, sringr.

‘lyric nd rcy diciind, nggd nd yt

dy inwrd’ amit Go

In tnning om t midt rin nd r nd rin,in nd o ‘doomd ddr’, t ot ok ttrgdy o i birtc: Kmir. Ti nting

 om tbid ag sid ai min oic writing in engi.

aGha shahID alI w born nd ridin Kmir nd i t tor o r coctiono om.

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 208 • ISBN • 9780143415558

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •  May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World excluding North America 

IMPRINT •  Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  224 • ISBN • 9780143417187

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •  March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World excluding North America 

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 200 • ISBN • 9780143415626

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •   June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT •  Penguin/Ravi Dayal • FORMAT • B/PB


PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •   June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

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N O N - F I C T I O N

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26 27

Calcutta: wo Years in the City 

aMI ChauDhuRI T grt ortrit o Cctt by on o it mtr cronicr

Stringer: A Reporter’s Journey in the Congo

aNJaN suNDaRaM

‘hr i commnding nw writr wo com to wit t onty,

t intnity nd t dicrning crioity o t yong Ni’ pico Iyr

‘an xtrordinry work o rortg’ Brt prCalcutta i Cdri’ ccont o two yrin t city. uing t itoric ction o 2011 i crm, tr btwn tnintnt cntry wr t city gittrd tot twntit cntry wr it ot it inndr tirty-or-yr-od commnit r.

aong t wy ok tt i mot

rticr nd xtrordinry bot t city 

Stringer i n ccont o yr nd ttanjn sndrm nt in Congo working ort aocitd pr. It w n intn riodtt wod tk im d into Kin, tot dn rinort, nd into t rt o 

aric’ grt wr, cminting in t itoricnd iont mti-rty ction o 2006.aong t wy, wod go on joyrid witKin’ r, bndond cidrn, nd

—rom it o wit tir ttd Frnc window to it frcnt ctr i.h int too n ct, nd otn ironic,ictr o i in t city tody—o it m,it midd c wo nd tn rtrnrctnty nd it itinrnt. lyric, briinty obrd, nd roond, Calcutta i on o tnt book r writtn o t city.

of it xy crgd womn drt orn c rot, nd tr wit n Indinbinmn nting i ortn in Congo.

Stringer i rb ic o rortg, n

norgttb ortrit o contry ttrmin drk c t t cntr o tmodrn word nd t tory o yongmn nding i t tr.

aMI ChauDhuRI i ttor o igy ccimd ndriz-winning no, t tt o  wic i Te Immortals . h crrnty i in Kokt.

aNJaN suNDaRaM rortdrom aric or t New York imes  nd t aocitd pr. hi writingnd y rd in ForeignPolicy , Fortune , t Washington Post ndt Guardian. h rcid Rtr jornim wrd in 2006 or irorting in Congo.

IMPRINT • Hamish Hamilton



ISBN • 9780670086221

PRICE •  ` 599

PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT • Hamish Hamilton



ISBN • 9780670086603

PRICE •  ` 499

PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

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28 29

 Moussil Junction: Indian Encounters 1977-2011


‘In Jck i rb nd dir writr, wit mind nd y nd no or

 irty ryting’ Guardian

‘h t rr biity to t ot rgr inigt rom mingy obcr c nd

o’imes o India Crest Edition 

Flora’s Empire: British Gardens in India 

euGeNIa W. heRBeR

‘Mixing d cori wit tyi ro nd n nib igtn o toc,

ti book i gnin digt rom bginning to nd’ Wiim Drym

‘a trt o book’ prdi Krin

In ti riting coction, In Jck xor  wid rng o bjct, wic ncontrdin mor tn tirty yr o rorting rom

Indi. som o t Indi dcrib  nid: t drit o co mok romngr trin, t drnk rom kd tcontry jnction. som o it rmin obcr:

 Ti dy rrcd yt wondry rdb itory o Britin’ ‘grdnimriim’ in Indi drw on wt o ron ccont nd riod itrtion.

From t ‘grdn o’ o t et IndiComny’ nbob, to t nt owrbdnd w-trimmd wn o victorinib, ry cooni grdn in Indi w

Gorg Orw’ birtc in Motiri,t ango-Indin rc or omnd inMcCkigng. som o it rr: t

Nr–Gndi, t ditr, t oitic ndt oitity. Bt ry ic in ti ccticction i inormd by t tor’ ctinigt nd rb y or dti.

cry ndcd to t iib tm o ‘ciiiztion’ nd ‘ordr’ on n in nd. TBriti o md Indi rt o t gobntwork o botnic xortion nd nt-

cocting, nd dod t grdn ndoim-oy nttion to t cofr o t emir. eocti nd rnd, ti i tcic ccont o Briti grdn in Indi.

IaN JaCK ditd Granta rom 1995to 2007, nd now writ comn ort Guardian.

euGeNIa W. heRBeR iproor emrit o hitory t Monthoyok Cog, usa.

IMPRINT •  Viking  



ISBN • 9780670086443

PRICE •  ` 499

PUB DATE • March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT •  Allen Lane 

FORMAT • Royal/HB 



ISBN • 9780670086481 

PRICE •  ` 799

PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent and Myanmar 

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30 31

Little Boy Lost 

saROO BRIeRlY  T rt-wrncing tory tt bcm mdi ntion

 A Village Awaits Doomsday 

 Ja IDeep haRD IKa R 

sroo nd i brotr wod bg in trin. On dy txtd -yr-od in on nd wn wok, w in Cctt. In nigt d ot i miy nd joind t cont trt cidrn wo d nowr toc om. wnty yr on, ing Goog M, ondi miy gin. Ti i i norgttb tory.

saROO BRIeRlY   w born in 1981 in Kndw,Mdy prd. h w dotd by i atrin

rnt nd w brogt in mni.

 Wt n to to wo bcom rg o Indi’domnt gnd?

 A Village Awaits Doomsday bring iid nd octiccont o t i o ordinry o dicd ndmd dtitt by innmrb gornmnt nd ritinititi. It t t ron nd mn toribind t mg roc o dicmnt.

 JaID eep ha RD IK aR  i n wrd-winning jornit wo don intni rorting on icid mong rmr.

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB


PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •  May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 200 • ISBN • 9780143103103

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •  March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

 Manoj and Babli: A Hate Story 

ChaNDeR sua DOGRa T griing tory o itoric onor kiing

 T inmo onor kiing o Mnoj nd Bbi in 2007nd t ndmrk rdict tr yr tr, ntncing t kir to dt, ook hryn’ intrnd. Ti i t trtory o t doomd co o o t gt or jticby Mnoj’ itr nd motr, dying oci otrcim ndintimidtion.

ChaNDeR sua DOGRa i Cndigr

corrondnt o Te Hindu. Ti i r rt book.

IMPRINT •  Viking  • FORMAT • Demy/HB

PAGE EXTENT •  320 • ISBN • 9780670085309

PRICE •  ` 499 • PUB DATE •   April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

War Journey: Diary o a amil iger 

MalaRavaN  rntd by N. MalahY 

a rr ccont by n le odir

 Ti ort diry w rcord rom le CtinMrn or lo, wn, bry twnty, w kidin btt wit t sri lnkn orc. Fr nd iid,it roid n inid iw o t mi igr’ tinking.

MalaRavaN  w born in 1972 nr Jfn.h joind t mi em momnt in 1990.

N. MalahY i comtr cintit.s id in Nw Znd or or dcd.

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  160 • ISBN • 9780143417361

PRICE •  ` 250 • PUB DATE •  May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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32 33

riumph in Bombay: ravels during the Cricket World Cup

vaIBhav vas

a briint book on crickt, ctr nd citi rom n xction nw tnt

Khushwantnama: Te Lessons o My Lie 

KhushWaN sINGh

From on o Indi’ bting nd bt-od tor, itim o ditid widomon o nd x, rigion nd oitic, itrtr nd ntr—nd mc

In 2011, crickt ciondo vib vt dn id: wod cri-cro Indi, nd iitBngd nd sri lnk, to rony  witn mny mtc oib dringt ortcoming crickt Word C. Wt

mrgd rom i ctic tr w ictro t bcontinnt on t c o cng,riding on o nd y bt rging ondir. Crickt w common idiom or

Or t yr, Kwnt sing nigtnd nd otrgd in mr,nd nricd or i wit i mor,onty, r inigt nd obrtion. InKhushwantnama , t 98-yr-od rct on i id y nd t on it tgt

t miion wo bogt into t drmik,yrr iion o Word C tt Indi w ‘dtind to win’, nd t omwtmind trimim nd ori ttrtd wn it did. Obrnt nd incii,

ti xtrordinry trog ctr tnc o t tornmnt tt w nrown on tiion.

im. hr i i tk on bjct dir od g nd t r o dt; t joy o xnd t r o otry; t imortnco gtr nd t ri o oitic; wtrigion mn to im; nd ow to i ong,y nd ty i.

vaIBhav vas workd jornit wit ehelka . Ti i irt book.

KhushWaN sINGh i tccimd tor o r cic o ction nd non-ction, c rainto Pakistan; Delhi ; Te Sunset Club; ndruth, Love and a Little Malice . h wwrdd t pdm vibnin 2007.

IMPRINT •  Viking  



ISBN • 9780670085972

PRICE •  ` 399

PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT •  Viking  



ISBN • 9780670086610

PRICE •  ` 399

PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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34 35


haBIB aNvIR  rntd by MahMOOD FaROOquI

‘hbib nir w ttr’ Te Hindu

Campaign Diary 

MaNveNDRa sINGhviidy bring to i t t, dt nd tmt o t Grt Indin ection Circ

hbib nir rcont i jorny rom i cidood inRir to t Bomby m word o t 1940 nd tncto Indin po’ Ttr aocition wit grt wrmt,mor nd inigt in ti rt-r trntion o immoir.

MahMOOD FaROOquI fctd mjor ri

o Dtngoi, nd i t trntor o Besieged: Voices r omDelhi, 1857 .

In 2009, Mnndr sing, t BJp’ cndidt or tBrmr lok sb t, ncd i cmign to rtint t tt d won wit rcord mrgin in 2004.Campaign Diary , rcord o two mont nt cricroingi rwing contitncy, i cinting ortrit o 

dmocrcy in ction in ti rmot cornr o Indi.

MaNveNDRa sINGh  w t lok sb Mpor Brmr rom 2004 to 2009, nd workd jornitor r yr bor tt.

IMPRINT •  Viking  • FORMAT •  Royal/HB

PAGE EXTENT • 400 • ISBN • 9780670999439

PRICE •  ` 599 • PUB DATE •  May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT •  Viking  • FORMAT •  Demy/HB

PAGE EXTENT • 240 • ISBN • 9780670083954

PRICE •  ` 499 • PUB DATE •   April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

 Appams in Ulan Bator: An Indian among the Asiatics 

paNKaJ MIshRa

‘It i imoib in ort orm to do jtic to t dnity nd comxity o irgmnt, to i comrni itrtion, to i cting dmoition o tcomort zon o bot et nd Wt’hiry Mnt

From on o or grt yit com coction o incii non-ction bot ai. Trog ong y, ro nd tr writing, moing cro Cin to sot-etai to agnitn, Irn nd ibt, pnkj

Mir ctr t o, dbt nd ctt mk modrn ai. entrtining,ct nd rby writtn, Appams in UlanBator ro yt gin tt Mir i ono Indi’ nt non-ction writr.

paNKaJ MIshRa i t toro book, mot rcnty From the Ruins o Empire . h writ or, mongotr, Te New Yorker, Te New YorkReview o Books nd Te Guardian.

IMPRINT • Hamish Hamilton 

FORMAT • Royal/HB 


PRICE •  ` 599

PUB DATE • May 2013

 TERR ITO RY • Indian Subcontinent 

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Business + Reerence + Sport 











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38 39

Faster: 100 Ways to Improve Your Digital Lie 


‘h i ckd cd—work wit t Mmbi oic to trck mi ntby trrorit, t u.s. gornmnt dcod ncr ytd mg nt by t aqd, rn i own comtr crity conting comny ricing cint cro

t gob’ Te Hindu

Te Secret o Leadership: Stories to Awaken, Inspire and Unleash the Leader Within

pRaKash IYeR 

‘an xcnt writr . . . h omting tt wi nt d in yor mind. Rdit, oow wt to y nd to d wi boom into n ok. Yo wicri ti ofring’ hr Bog on Te Habit o Winning 

Mot o Gmi on diy bi, btow mny o know tt tr i wy tonnd mi rom Gmi? Bting torankit Fdi ow yo ow. Faster contin t ti nd trick yo nd to gt t motot o yor digit dic. In i cid ndigy ccib ty cor Fcbook, Yotb, Gmi, Bckbrry, ipon, tbt,tc.

prk Iyr im bt ry owrncdot nd rb rom to dmontrt wt mk or fcti ron ndroion dri. T tor i wid-rnging corort xrti to nr

tt t book drw on rom orc dir motr girf, ootbr inengnd, t tor’ drir nd t yicrorti o t bg.

 Ti i t mot rdr-rindy digitcomnion on cod r imgin,btiy nd cry itrtd. It i rctor o wo r rnniy ort on timbt wod ik to gt t mot ot o tdic nd iction ty intrct witcontnty..

vry cciby writtn, t on wiront wit rdr wo od Te Habit o  Winning nd wi o k to wo nw t o rdr wo r ooking or inigtinto wt mk n fcti dr in n

incringy comx nironmnt.

aNKI FaDIa ot into tmdi otigt wn w crtid Indi’ yongt tic ckr. h gon on to tor nmbr o bting book on comtr crity.ankit i t brnd mbdor or DComtr nd Fying Mcin Jn,nd d i own ow on Mv cd What Te Hack! .

pRaKash IYeR  i t btingtor o Te Habit o Winning . Or crr nning twnty- yr,prk workd wit tm ingryting rom o nd co to wtc, yow g nd dir.h i crrnty t Mnging Dirctoro Kimbry Crk.

IMPRINT • Portolio 



ISBN • 9780143419709

PRICE •  ` 250

PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT • Portolio 



ISBN • 9780143419839

PRICE •  ` 299

PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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40 41

Blind Spot: Hidden Biases o Good People 

MahZaRIN R. BaNaJI ndaNhONY G. GReeNWalD

how do w orcom or bi nd mk bttr dciion?

Don’t Buy Tis Book Now! Te Art o Procrastination

 JOhN peRRY 

‘a ndid wy to oid on’ work’ Bn scott, tor o Schott’s Original  Miscellany 

‘Bindot’ i t tor’ mtor or trt o t mind tt o iddn bi. Writing wit imicity nd r, Bnji ndGrnwd tion t xtnt to wic orrction o oci gro—witot orwrn or concio contro— or

 jdgmnt bot o. 

ar yo omon wo ik to t of ntitomorrow wt yo cod do tody? Do yodrw to-do it, ony to gt rtrtd tt yo rn’t b to oow tm trog? Tidigt book rg tt rocrtintorr otn rctionit nd trctrdrocrtinting i xtrmy fcti. Trocrtintor’ grtt git i t cnc toccomi rriing, wondr tingby not ticking to rigid cd.

In Blindspot , t tor r iddn bitrog nd-on xrinc wit tImicit aocition t, mtod tt rotionizd t wy cintit rn bott mn mind. By gining wrn, ty rg, w cn dt nd cng or bi

nd bior, nd ‘otmrt t mcin’ inor d.

 Writtn wit wry mor nd rd wit wt o inigt,Don’t Buy Tis Book Now! roo n ingnio rogrmm orgtting ting don by tting tm of; it’ mt-rd or nyon wo r ccdtm o bing ckr.

MahZaRIN R. BaNaJI nd aNhONY G. GReeNWalD bn cobortor or mor tntirty yr. Bnji tc t hrrdunirity, Grnwd t t unirity o Wington. Wit tir cogBrin Nok, ty r co-dor o t Imicit aocition t, mtodtt trnormd tm, tir rrcnd tir d o iniry.

 JO hN pe RRY , n mritroor o iooy t stnordunirity, i t tor o nmbro book on t bjct o iooy o ngg nd mind. h o rnt mo strctrd procrtintionbog.

IMPRINT •  Viking  


PRICE •  ` 599

PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT •  Viking  



ISBN • 9780670086696

PRICE •  ` 299

PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

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42 43

 Management rom the Masters: From Kautilya toWarren Bufett 

MORGeN WIZel T 20 w tt mngr i by 

en Judgements Tat Changed India 

ZIa MODY a tirring inigt into t nc o dmocrcy 

 Ti book combin widom rom n cctic coction o orc tt incd Ktiy, Drwin, Yin nd Yng, WrrnBftt nd ptr Drckr to itrt twnty ndmntmngri w. undrtnding t w nd coming totrm wit tm mk t difrnc btwn cc ndir.

MORGeN WIZel i t tor o mor tntwnty book, incding t btr ata: Te Evolutiono a Corporate Brand nd Doing Business in China .

From s Bno’ imony nd it commn rrcionto arn snbg’ trgic c nd t ndmrk ringon i tni, ti book dcrib tn srmCort jdgmnt tt trnormd Indin dmocrcy.

exining t jdgmnt, ky conct, nd tir imct,it i t rct rimr or nyon kn to ndrtnd Indi’g ytm.

Fondr nd nior rtnr o aZB & prtnr w rm,ZIa MODY i mong Indi’ ormot corort ttorny.

IMPRINT • Portolio • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 224 • ISBN • 9780143417637

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •   June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT • Shobhaa Dé Books • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 200 • ISBN • 9780670086627 PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •   June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

 Adi Godrej: A Biography NaNDINI BhasKaRaN

NaNDINI BhasKaRaN i w-known bin jornitbd in Mmbi.

IMPRINT • Shobhaa Dé Books 

FORMAT • Royal/HB 

PAGE EXTENT •  300 + 8 pp b/w 

& 8 pp colour inserts

ISBN • 9780143417408

PRICE •  ` 599

PUB DATE • March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

Cirmn o t Godrj gro nd on o Indi’ mot rctd bin dr, adiGodrj i n intny rit mn. Tiintimt biogry, or t ry rt tim, girdr cc to t togt nd iion tt d t xtrordinry crr o on o modrn Indi’ ionr.

From adi’ joining t miy bin ttwnty-on nd trning it rond to imrrig to t bti prmwr, romt rtiction o Godrj’ ot-ibriztion3x3 trtgy (xnion o tr rodctctgori in tr continnt) to t morrcnt 10x10 n (to grow tn tim in tn yr), ti book t t Godrj tory iknr bor.

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Sachin: Cricketer o the Century 

vIMal KuMaR 

‘a cricktr ik scin ndkr com ong onc ry ndrd yr’Mndr sing Doni 

‘scin i t king o btmni’sir viin Ricrd

Sachin: Cricketer o the Century tk t rdr on jorny rom tr inning to tr inning, rying t bttinggni’ briint crr trog t y o nton o o wo r gnd in tir own rigt.

vIMal KuMaR i ort jornit. h i in Di.

IMPRINT • Penguin 



ISBN • 9780143417408

PRICE •  ` 399

PUB DATE • March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World


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48 49

 My Yummy Mummy Guide 

KaRIshMa KapOOR From gtting rgnnt to oing t wigt nd byond—

rom on o Indi’ mot gm mom

Boywood roin Krim Koor yd mny ro bt r orit i bingmotr to r two bti cidrn, smirnd Kin. In My Yummy Mummy Guide , r wit yo r xrincrom mnging r rgnncy to oing t wigt tr to ding wit r kid’

tntrm. hr i grt dic on nding

t rct rd-crt mtrnity ott,dcorting yor cidrn’ room, jgging work nd motrood, nd nning t mottyi kiddi rti. From t rt trimtrto coo’ rt mtr, My Yummy Mummy Guide i t mot n-d bt rind ny motr cn .

KaRIshMa KapOOR   bnon o Boywood’ to roin; r mincd Raja Hindustani , Dil to Pagal Hai  nd Biwi No.1. s i in Mmbi witr two cidrn nd i bot to nc cidrn’ coting in.

IMPRINT • Shobhaa Dé Books 

FORMAT • Royal/PB 

PAGE EXTENT •  248 + 60 photos

ISBN • 9780143417286

PRICE •  ` 699

PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

Te Diet Doctor: Te Science o Losing Weight 

IshI KhOsla T no-, boty i- nd cintic wy to o wigt

Ii Ko, Di’ mot rctdntritionit, workd wit ecort hoit w ood mjor, diing tm onntrition, nd now rn r own cct ood comny. In r book, xin t Indin body ty nd wy yomigt mor trob oing wigt, t

 yo xcty wt to t nd ow mc, ndroid rci o yo cn n yor wigto jt trind ntritionit wod. smrt,rci nd toritti, Te Diet Doctor i yor i- nd comty ccrt gidto wigt o. Onc yo’r on it, yo won’tgt of.

IshI KhOsla i cinicntritionit, contnt nd writr. srdd t rt-o-it-kind tood comny Wo Food, wicrodc t ood nd ort tc.

IMPRINT • Penguin 



ISBN • 9780143064930

PRICE •  ` 199

PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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50 51

On the Kebab rail: A Moti Mahal Cookbook

MONIsh GuJRal T timt book or kbb or

Living Easy with Diabetes: Te Ultimate Handbook

DR p RaDeep G. alWalKaR  T mt- gid to mnging dibt

Moni Gjr, t ownr o t Moti M rtrnt,tr t word in rc o t mot dctb kbb,roiding om rr miy rci ong t wy. hr r rki cy-ot kbb, Kmiri bk M nd arbinmbrgr. and r r t dniti rci or t cic Indin kbb—kkori, nd, boti, gi. Wit gtrin nd otion, ti wi b cic cookbook.

MONIsh GuJRal rn t Moti M Gro wic mor tn ndrd rtrnt.

Dibtic or r-dibtic, crgir or w-wir, ti i wr yo rn it —rom nning m to nningrgnnci, rom rgting bood gr to injcting inininy. pckd wit inigt rom ond dibtoogitinto ymtom, comiction nd contro mtod, tibook wi inir yo to k dibt t by.

DR pRaDeep G. alWalKaR  

rctid dibtoogy or tirty yr.

IMPRINT •  Penguin • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  208 • ISBN • 9780143419389

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •  March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT •  Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 220 • ISBN • 9780143419723

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •  May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

Zen: Dang Dang Doko Dang 

OshOlrn to r yor mind

Te Bhutanese Guide to Happiness:365 Proverbs rom the World’s Happiest Nation

GYONpO sheRINGlon rom contry wr gro ntion ini mor imortnt tn gro ntion rodct

In t ctr, Oo rg tt t mind i or brrir toin nd trt nd tt Zn tc yo ow to dtc yor rom it. By doing o, yo t cnc to try xrinc yor nd to connct wit yor own bing.lcid, roond nd tod wit grt imicity, Zen i nttry iniring book rom on o or grt irit mtr.

OshO (1931–90) w on o t word’ mot

rnownd mytic nd irit tcr.

In cr, im ro, nd wit otic trn o r,ti inirtion coction o ottion rct t

ni contry o Btn nd it mbrc o comion,ndrtnding nd kindn. It Forword by tqn Motr o Btn, Dorji Wngmo Wngck.

GYONpO sheRING i t Ci librrint t Ntion librry o Btn.

IMPRINT •   Ananda  • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 256 • ISBN • 9780143419600 

PRICE •  ` 399 • PUB DATE •  February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT •   Ananda  • FORMAT • B/HB

PAGE EXTENT • 240 • ISBN • 9780670086580

PRICE •  ` 399 • PUB DATE •  May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

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54 55

Days o Innocence 

RavINDeR sIN GhOn o t igt-ing Indin writr i bck wit i tird no!

Someone Like You

DuRJOY Daa nd NIKIa sINGha comt motion ror-cotr rom t bting tor o  I It’s Not Forever… 

hi t md im wt i tody. To iod rom i i wic mdinignicnt tn dtrmind ow id, wt trid or nd, mot imortnty,ow od. Onc gin, itt tori ndncdot rom i growing yr comtogtr in i tt work.

In ti tird no, Rindr sing go bck to t t—inird by t tim w

 Tnk to t mkor by r itr’ rind,t nrdy Nirik ntrd cog morcondnt, mor ttrcti. s mt t wt,y nmy, nd t oit bt oy pi, ndty bcm bt rind. and wn aktnd bgn dting gin, i ny mdto b ing in c.

itt boy. It i jorny tt wi mk yog, mk yo mi nd mk yo cry— jt i no do.

Known or writing trigt rom t rt,Rindr sing com wit rt- wrming coming-o-g tory wr yo

migt nd rction o yor own i.

exct tt it wn’t . . . nmy’ cc inootb d bgn to cng im. akt’rction md ik ront or omtingdrk nd initr. and tir cog niorKrtik? hi ggrin w cor ori mytrio t. Someone Like You i owr nd tocing tory o rindi,

o nd btry.

RavINDeR sINGh i ttor o two bting no, I oo Had a Love Story nd CanLove Happen wice?  

NIKIa sINGh nd DuRJOY Daa r bting tor o r book.

IMPRINT • Penguin Metro Reads 



ISBN • 9780143418801

PRICE •  ` 125

PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT • Penguin Metro Reads 



ISBN • 9780143417699

PRICE •  ` 125

PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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56 57

shReYa pRaBhu JINDal, n mn o st stn’, Nw Di,i n engi tcr.

IMPRINT • Penguin Metro Reads 



ISBN • 9780143419518

PRICE •  ` 199

PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

Dirt racks 

vIveK WIlsONa tory o iont o, ion nd rng

You Stole My Song 

shaMMeeR nd ChaNDRuNot bd on tr tory!

 T rindi btwn si nd Jcob igndriy co. Bt in tir midt tdow o dngro nd jo ri.

vIveK WIlsON  work wit iGtGob sotion in hydrbd.

Nitin’ i i rct, bt tn i bo t i ongnd t o o i i im. Wi b b toxo t girim rmnt in t Boywoodmic cn nd win bck t gir o i drm?

shaMMeeR nd ChaNDRu r ondingmmbr o pdi, crti gro ormd toxr motion trog writing nd mic.

IMPRINT • Penguin Metro Reads • FORMAT • B /PB

PAGE EXTENT •  248 • ISBN • 9780143417705

PRICE •  ` 199 • PUB DATE •  March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT • Penguin Metro Reads • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  220 • ISBN • 9780143419150

PRICE •  ` 150 • PUB DATE •  February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

 Another Chance at Lie 

shReYa pRaBhu JINDalsod yo mo on i i gi yo cond cnc?

adity aror nt t t yr o igcoo wtcing i rt o, N, di o cncr. Cog, o, wi b rtrt. Bt wn t t com bck to ntim in t orm o i t girrind’ tr,proor Krinn, t yr oon trn otto b rdr tn nyting n i wortnigtmr o rgging cod conjr.


howr, adity i not o r gon ot tt cn’t mk rind. Wit t o Kri, Jtin nd Mmmi, owy bginbiding ritnc to Krinn’ itnnd ngr. a rtioni cng ndcdmic rr rc inmn ,adity rn om imortnt on intrt, cctnc nd, o cor, moing on.

hoy, won’t b t ony on rningtm!

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58 59

 Nine: Te Curse o the Kalingan

shOBha NIhlaNIa mytoogic trir tt mo rom emror aok’ tim to t rnt dy 

lgnd y tr xit crt conci o Nin ondd by emror aok. Tir imi to rr b crt rom t i wrrior cn o Kingn.

 r, ak nd Zbin, t con on,nd to connct wit li to bring t ninaokn txt to iddn kingdom in ibt.Bt on tir i t irit o Kingn

 wrrior, wo tkn oion o  mn o cn dtroy t Nin.

Moing t brttking c rom tbirtc o Bdd to t mot rrdncint it in t himy, ti rtbook in triogy o trir bring otn toniing t rom t dt o ncint tim!

shOBha NIhlaNIi -tim tor bdin hong Kong.

IMPRINT • Penguin Metro Reads 



ISBN • 9780143418856

PRICE •  ` 250

PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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62 63

Behind the Beautiul Forevers: Lie, Death and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity 


 T New York imes Btr

 Winnr o t Ntion Book awrd, usa

sortitd or t sm Jonon priz nd t Guardian Firt Book priz

‘Boo trn ct into itrry xrinc rwrding t nt in ction’

 India oday  

‘atondingy w-rortd nd btiy crtd’ Outlook 

‘a tr-i rion o Slumdog Millionaire witot t Boywood nding’

 New York imes 

‘a tggring work o rorting

nd toryting’ Te Economist 

His Majesty’s Opponent: Subhas Chandra Bose and India’s Struggle against Empire 

suGaa BOse T dniti biogry o sb Cndr Bo

‘Ti wondr book mk mjor contribtion to t ndrtnding

o Ntji’ amrty sn

‘In it dt dicion o i id nd motion ron, ti book by sgt Bo,

grnd-nw o sb Cndr Bo, i niky to b rd’ Business Standard 

‘a coming nd griing ccont o t i o grt dntrr yd ot in tttr o Indi’ trgg gint Briti imriim’Te Hindu

‘a rmrkb book’ imes o India 


IMPRINT • Penguin 



ISBN • 9780143420309

PRICE •  ` 399

PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT • Penguin 

FORMAT • B Paperback  

PAGE EXTENT • 400 + 40 pp insert 

ISBN • 9780143420279

PRICE •  ` 499

PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent and the


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64 65

Te Convert: A ale o Exile and Extremism

DeBORah BaKeR 

‘T mot briint nd moing book writtn bot

Im nd t Wt inc 9/11’ amd Rid

‘a nncd nd oitictd tdy, in wic t

tor gr mc wit r nd r mtion

do wit t crctr wo i xor’

 India oday 


Te Man Within My Head 


‘a corgo, intriging book, r bttr dcribd,gnricy, not mmoir bt conion’ New YorkReview o Books 

‘On o nd o mgic book tt I rd

trigt trog’ Nico skr, Daily elegraph (london)

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 256 • ISBN • 9780143420286

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •   January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent and the Maldives

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 256 • ISBN • 9780143418559

PRICE •  ` 399 • PUB DATE •   April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

Te CS Story 

s. RaMaDORaI T dniti book on Indi’ biggt I comny 

‘an xciting ic o bin itory . . . I trongy rcommnd it’ Rmi Bn

‘a cronic o Indi’ jorny into t digit g . . . brttkingy dcio’

Hindustan imes 

‘an inidr’ ccont’ Businessworld 

‘proid d inigt into t Indin I indtry nd

t bginning o t oforing mod’ Business Standard  

IMPRINT • Portolio FORMAT • Demy/PB 

PAGE EXTENT • 304 + 16 pp insert 

ISBN • 9780143419662

PRICE •  ` 499

PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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66 67

Pax Indica: India and the World o the 21st Century 

shashI haROOR 

an ccont o Indi’ intrntion rtion rom n xrt in t d

‘I tr’ nyon wo cn writ wit tority on Indi’ c in t word it i si

 Troor’Hindustan imes 

‘Crt t growt o t contr y rgion gmon’Te Hindu

‘a grt introdction or to intrtd in rding bot Indi’ orign oicy’ DNA 

‘hi iw o t word nd Indi’ ro in it r rtningy n’ ehelka 

‘proid b bi or rgmtic rconidrtion o Indi’ orign oicy’

 Indian Express 



ISBN • 9780143420187

PRICE •  ` 499

PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

 Non-Stop India 

MaRK ullY 

‘T rio Indi bind t din’

Hindustan imes 

‘stnningy incii’ Pioneer 

‘Trog y’ robing y, on dicor t

comx working o t Indin dmocrcy’ elegraph


 Emerging India: Economics, Politics and Reorms 

BIMal JalaN

‘an arttr or mrging Indi’ New Indian Express 

‘pnty . . . o togt nyi tt nd to b rd by 

, ciy rimntrin’ Outlook

‘On cnnot bt gr wit mot o t ggtion

md by Mr Jn’ Economic imes 

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B /PB

PAGE EXTENT •  280 • ISBN • 9780143419679

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •   January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  Demy/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  336 • ISBN • 9780143420323

PRICE •  ` 399 • PUB DATE •  March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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68 69

 Amrita Sher-Gil: A Lie 

 YashOD haRa DalMI a

 T torti biogry o on o Indi’ mot rnownd rtit

‘Ctting trog t myt nd goi, Dmi ow tt sr-Gi w rio rtitintnt on bridging t g btwn t Wtrn-dctd Indin it to wic

bongd, nd t imorid miion rronding tm’arind adig in ime 

‘Ti i n imortnt book . . . Drwing rom rng o rimry nd condry orc,incding ot o ron corrondnc, Dmi mngd to contrct or trdr t mny-idd nd comx i tory o ti mboynt intr wo did o

 yong, yt t c n imct’ India oday 


PAGE EXTENT •  248 + 32 pp insert 

ISBN • 9780143420262

PRICE •  ` 399

PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

 Neglected Poems 

GulZaR  rntd by pavaN K. vaRMa

 T tt om o Gzr’ rmrkb otry 

 A Lie in Words: Memoirs 

IsMa ChuGh aI rntd by M. asaDuDDIN

‘erdit, -wr nd wy robing’ imeout 

‘an gnt trntion’ Mint 

‘an xbrnt ortrit o r’ Indian Express 

‘a gnd wo nm inir intntrct nd w’ Firstpost 

‘h crtd gcy o gm’imes o India 

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B /PB

PAGE EXTENT •  144 • ISBN • 9780143420293

PRICE •  ` 250 • PUB DATE •   January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  312 • ISBN • 9780143420316

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •  March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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70 71

Dicult Pleasures 

aNJuM hasaN

‘a dicio coction o ort tori . . . hn

don mtry job’  India oday 

‘a rmindr o wt cic ort tori r’ imeout 

‘a riing tr on t itrry orizon,

id in ro otry’ Te Hindu


IMPRINT •  Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 256 • ISBN • 9780143420170

PRICE •  ` 350 • PUB DATE •   April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  India 

Priya: In Incredible Indyaa 

NaMIa GOKhale

‘a griing t o tt, x nd owr’ DNA 

‘a rcy rd nd wondr to crry on mmr

 ction . . . I’d o notr ’Outlook

IMPRINT • Penguin • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  208 • ISBN • 9780143415503

PRICE •  ` 299 • PUB DATE •   January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

 Moth Smoke 


IMPRINT • Penguin  • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 256 • ISBN • 9780143420200

PRICE •  ` 250  • PUB DATE • March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

‘ Moth Smoke i on o t bt no I rd

ti yr’ Ndin Gordimr

‘a rt no o rmrkb wit, oi, rondity nd trngn’  Esquire 

‘[an] ct dcrition o yong mn nd womntrd btwn two word’ Observer 

Te Pun Mahabharata 

NaMIa GOKhale

‘Nmit Gok’ xciting nw rting o t

grt Indin ic i t rt or yong rdr’

Rkin Bond

‘a kid nd mio torytr’ari sttr

IMPRINT • Pufn • FORMAT • Crown/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  196 • ISBN • 9780143415503

PRICE •  ` 399 • PUB DATE •   January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

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72 73

BapsI s IDhWa

9780140148121 •  ` 299 • 228 pp

9780140243710 •  ` 299 • 328 pp

9780140117677 •  ` 299 • 296 pp

9780140148114 •  ` 299 • 248 pp

You Are Here 

MeeNaKshI ReDDY MaDh avaN


9780143028611 •  ` 250 • 240 pp 9780143032311 •  ` 299 • 292 pp

9780143064343 •  ` 250 • 272 pp

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74 75

Classic Feluda Vols 1 and 2

saYaJI RaY 

Best o Roald Dahl 

ROalD Dahl

9780143032779 •  ` 499 • 784 pp 9780143032786 •  ` 499 • 768 pp

9780140066944 •  ` 399 • 368 pp

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78 79


elIZa CReWe Tr r om o yo odn’t ngr

er inc my mom w mrdrd, I’ bncomty on. I i in t dow, bctr’ no on ik m. I no coic: I to gt t hngr, t hngr tt dri mto nt o nd t tir o. and I to gt it i I wnt to ty ot o t drkn. Wo m I? I’m Md Mng. Wt m I? I

IMPRINT •  Inked


paGe eXeN • 256

ISBN • 9780143332909

PRICE •  ` 299

PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

don’t know—bt I’m not mn. and now,I ny t cnc to nd ot.

In ti rt book o t griing so etrtriogy, nd ot wo Md i nd wic id wi com down on in ti triing to t wr btwn good nd i.

elIZa CReWe’ o fir witbook bgn ry ry, wn rtt oot in ibrry. s i in NortCroin wit r bnd nd or n.Inkd i pngin Book Indi’ i nw 

 yong dt imrint. Inkd im to biottnding book rom rond t word ortngr nd yong dt in Indi. W wibi cro gnr c nty, cincction, romnc, orror nd ctting-dgnon-ction, nd oc on nding t otttnw tnt rom Indi. Or nc it or

2013 wi incd triing nty by eizCrw, t to t or tn noSweet Sixteen by vib Btr nd t-cdnd coming cinc ction no by si Rmd nd, tr in t yr, btingnoit Mnki Rddy Mdn’ itig-coo drm.

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80 81


shIv RaMDas Wt n wn t Intrnt bcom drg nd comtr r ryting?

abrt rott i in rct word wrcomtr tk cr o ryting. Jt nordinry citizn, abrt ddny nd im  wit n xtrordinry robm: ’ bingbckmid by icid mcin. a cncncontr wit n otw cid cng i i

IMPRINT •  Inked


paGe eXeN • 304

ISBN • 9780143332985 

PRICE •  ` 299

PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

orr i trd btwn t toritind ti rt bckmir. On t rn ori i, abrt mt rik ryting, romi ibrty to i nity, dicor torriying trt bind T City nd t ony  word know.

shIv RaMDas ik to y  wit word. h i in Grgon.

Seventeen and Done (You bet!)

vIBha BaRaatr Sweet Sixteen, Rinki nd r wo ck r bck in ction

Rinki i bing drin crzy: bickring boy, bitcy nt,boring book nd t Biggt B o : Bord exm!hr grd r rinking nd r witin i growing.Dicor wy trning ntn i no wk in t rk!

IMPRINT • Inked 



ISBN • 9780143332947

PRICE •  ` 199 

PUB DATE •  April 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

vIBha BaRa i coywritr by roion nd ction writr by ion.

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84 85


sheela ChaRI

‘a n, borbing no’  India Abroad 

N drm o bing mo micin—nti r intrmnt go miing. Wt oon dicor i tt t n’ niing i no ccidnt, bt rt o cino dirnc inoing dd micin, nw gir t coo nd n g-od cr.

On jorny tt tk r rom hrrdsr to Cnni, N t ot to nd rrcio n, rn t trt bind tcr nd dicor wt it mn to b trmicin.

sheela ChaRI  w born inBngor. s dgr rom stnordunirity, Boton unirity nd Nw  York unirity, wr rcid nMFa in crti writing. s now i inNw York.

IMPRINT • Pufn Fiction 



ISBN • 9780143332527

PRICE •  ` 250

PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  Indian Subcontinent 

Te Pun Book o Folktales 

Cbrting tn yr o pn in Indi wit tn tim t

 Ti tnt-nnirry ci dition by pn bring to yo tn rtwrmingokt by tn mtr torytr, rtodin tir inimitb ty.

exor n xciting nd bti ndrwtr word wit pnn. Wtc itt b birdpodn gt migty king or i itt brownpodni. Join lord Gn on i t or

ot o kr. Rd bot oorn lord sryining or i hrringr, ing t wordin drkn. h t do gt r gg bck.

accomnid by bti itrtion, tidigt book bring to i Indi’ gorioctr ritg in it ricn, ong witddd do o n. ry coctor’ itm!

auhORs pro annd, RkinBond, Km D,si Dnd,Mrr ai Frooi,sd Mrty, Mnjpdmnbn, Ddttpttnik, a.K.Rmnjn ndMr ubroi

IMPRINT • Pufn Fiction 

FORMAT • 8" × 10" / PLC 


ISBN • 9780143332893

PRICE •  ` 499

PUB DATE • March 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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86 87

Faster Fenay at Fort Pratapgad 

B.R. BhaGWa  rntd by  eJas MODaK 

a briint dttion o Mrti cic

tt wi mmriz rdr o g

 Indira Gandhi 

h.Y. shaRaDa pRas aDa cinting ictori biogry o t ‘Iron ldy o Indi’

Ftr Fny (F), t boy dtcti, knck orttrcting dntr. On coo tri, F’ bt rind gomiing. Wi rcing or im, F ncontr gngo kidnr. h o dicor ndrgrond rot ndnrt ncint trr, n rtk trni n toy-try.

B.R. BhaGWa or two ndrd book nd rcomic tri to i crdit. e Jas MO DaK  i writr,itrtor nd intr wo bid gric no.

Born into t Nr miy, Indir Gndi w dtrmindinc cidood to r t o o Indi. Ti biogry, wit orword by Rji Gndi, nd itrtd wit rrotogr, ortry imy nd onty t tory o r i.

h.Y. shaRaDa pRasaD  w mdidir to bot Indir Gndi nd Rji Gndi.

IMPRINT • Pufn Fiction • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 120 • ISBN • 9780143332015

PRICE •  ` 199 • PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT • Pufn Non-Fiction • FORMAT •  A/HB

PAGE EXTENT •  64 • ISBN • 9780143332886

PRICE •  ` 99 • PUB DATE •  January 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

Pun Lives – Chanakya: Te Master o Statecrat 

Deepa aGa RWal‘I, Cnky, ow not to bind my ir nti I

ntd yo rom t tron o Mgd.’

Pun Lives – Rabindranath agore: Te Renaissance Man

MONIDeepa sahuan ngroing biogry o Rbindrnt gor—ot, ioor, intr nd triot

 Ti cinting biogry ow ow kingmkr Cnky wnt rom nni giti to t rim minitr o Mgd, nd t tor o t grondbrking Arthashastra .

Deepa aGaRWal writ or bot cidrnnd dt nd bid bot ty book.

Born in 1861 into on o t ormot mii o Bng,itt Rbi grw to bcom ddictd ntionit, gitd writr nd Nob rt. Ti inigt biogry, ricin ncdot nd itt-known ct, bring i t gndry gr to contmorry rdr.

MONIDeepa sahu i ormr bnkr nd writro nty dntr no nd r ort tori.

IMPRINT •  Pufn Non-Fiction • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 160 • ISBN • 9780143332145

PRICE •  ` 150 • PUB DATE • May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT •  Pufn Non-Fiction • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 184 • ISBN • 9780143332299

PRICE •  ` 150 • PUB DATE • May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

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88 89

Ben10 Comic (Vol 7 to 12)


Crtoon Ntwork’ widy cc nimtdri tring Bn nnyon, tn-yr-odboy wit t biity to mor into difrntin, now in comic book ormt!

a gob nomnon, rcing ot tomor tn 160 contri wordwid, tBen10 ri i winning mix o ction nddntr. Ti comic ri incd torirom tr Bn: Bn10, Bn10 ainForc nd Bn10 utimt ain.

IMPRINT • Pufn (with Cartoon Network) FORMAT • 175 × 264 mm/PB 


ISBN • 9780143332701 • 9780143332718

• 9780143332725 • 9780143332732 • 9780143332749 • 9780143332756

PRICE •  ` 75 each

PUB DATE • May 2013

 TERR ITO RY •  India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,

Nepal, Bangladesh and the Maldives

 Mathemagic: Te Most Powerul Number o Tem All 

ROhINI ChOWDhuRY  T gry nticitd to Numbers, Numbers, Everywhere  

sir zyyr i t grtt Wizrd nd Mtmgicin o tunir. Join im tk t twin Mg nd Mon cond xciting jorny into t word o nmbr. Titim ty nd ot ty cn bot t mot mytrio o nmbr, Zro!

ROhINI ChOWDhuRY   writtn mortn twnty book nd r or t tori, nd bid in bot hindi nd engi.

IMPRINT • Pufn Fiction • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT •  64 • ISBN • 9780143332077

PRICE •  TBC • PUB DATE • February 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

py i on t trod o bcoming bdminton cmion wn fr n ccidnt tt c mni. Btbdminton i r dtiny nd, or yr tr, it bckon oncmor. Do ti wt it tk to bcom tr?

vINaMRa sRIvasava i mngmntcontnt nd n id ortmn bd in singor. Ti i i dbt no.

IMPRINT •  Pufn Fiction • FORMAT •  B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 180 • ISBN •  9780143331797

PRICE •  ` 199 • PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

Kiss the Lines 

vINa MRa sRIvasava‘Winning nd oing i rt o i in ort,

nd Kiss the Lines btiy dict tt’ sin Nw

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90 91

 In Mauryan imes 

suBhaDRa seN Gupa

3rd cntry BCe, ptitr.

Mdr i in ptitr dring t rign o King aok t mid nd comnion o princ sngmitr. hr drm o dntr com tr wn mk jorny wit rbrotr Krtik to ujjini. On t wy, mytrio nt bgin to occr nd it i Mdr womt dicor t trt.

suBhaDRa seN Gupa  bid or twnty- book or cidrn nd dt,nd won t Wit Rn awrd t t Boogn Cidrn’ Book Fir.

IMPRINT • Pufn Fiction • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 180 • ISBN • 9780143332138PRICE •  ` 150 • PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

Girls o India  r bck to difrnt r o Indin itory wit t gir wo i in tm!

 In Chola imes 

aNu KuMaR 

2750 BCe, Bgr vig, hr.

 w-yr-od ani i n dntro hrn gir wo o to y wit r rind.howr, omting initr i oot in Bgr vig. Incidnt ik r t t m grnry dd to t tnion. Cn ani nd r rind t onor o hr?

suNIla Gupe i t tor o tr cidrn’ book nd r ort tori or cidrn.

990 Ce, njor.

Rji, dncr, wrrior nd ctor, i dring t rign o Rjrj Co. On nigt, torm rg, Rji rc Cin ior t . Ti t of cin o nt.a si tt go miing, rinc dir nd tr i mrdr witin tm. Wi Rji b b to rtor c to t migty Co kingdom?

aNu KuMaR’ book or yongr rdr incd Atisa and the Seven Wonders  nd In the Country o Gold-digging Ant s , bot bid by pn.

IMPRINT • Pufn Fiction • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 136 • ISBN • 9780143332091

PRICE •  ` 150 • PUB DATE •  June 2013

 TERR ITO RY •   World

IMPRINT • Pufn Fiction • FORMAT • B/PB

PAGE EXTENT • 150 • ISBN • 9780143332107 

PRICE •  ` 150 • PUB DATE •   June 2013 

 TERR ITO RY •   World

 In Harappan imes 

suNIla Gupe

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92 93



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