Catatan Alkohol

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  • 8/13/2019 Catatan Alkohol


    Kuantitas alkohol = kuantitas gulaLama penyimpanan = besarnya efek karbonasikuantitas gula = kuantitas alkohol dan efek karbonasiJenis hop, teh, bumbu, daun-daun/efek pahit = efek pahit dan aromaJenis sumber gula seperti grain/extract malt/malt tambahan seperti vanilla, corn, chocolate = efek rasa

    untuk percobaan separuh pure malt, separuh pake flavour vanila, separuh pake flavor madu

    1. Malting milletTernyata harus menggunakan tempat penampungan dengan luas permukaan yang lebih besar supaya pertumbuhan kecambah lebih seragam. Kecambah direndam cukup semalamlalu tumbuh setelah didiamkan setelah 2 hari. Total malting hanya 3 hari.Thin krausen, cuma sedikit banget bercak di permukaan bir nya.

    Percobaan ke 21. 1kg millet direbus 6o-7oC selama 1 jam ditambah dengan 3 biji ekstrak gula merah.

    2. 3 sachet teh sariwangi dimasukin lalu dikeluarin setelah 15 menit dan api sangat kecil setelah hot break.3. Temperature masukin ragi terlalu panas, sekitar 35anTemperature yang disaranakn untuk belgian strain itu skitar 2o-25C. Mungkin yeast tidak mati tapi off flavour, hilang aromanya karena aktivitas dari jamurnya yang berubah.Temperature penyimpanan dibawah dapur 31 C.

    Ragi yang kita gunakan adalah ragi roti fermipan yang mengandung Saccharomyces cervisiae dengan karakteristik siklus yang cepat, sekitar 1 minggu dan suhu fermentasi sekitar 15-25C, top fermentation dan rasa yang kuat.

    Percobaan ke 31. Untuk mengurangi aroma whacky off smell, kurangi jumlah yeast karena yeast utk roti itu sangat aktif. 2 gram untuk galon kecil atau 1o liter. Sekitar 6 gramuntuk galon besar galon besar 25 liter.2. Aroma dari hop akan tertutup, coba masukan beberapa pemberi aroma yang cukupkuat untuk mengalahkannya. Cth ketumbar/coriander, kulit jeruk, teh hijau di menit-menit terakhir pendidihan.

    Percobaan ke 31. Gula merah 1 biji, gula buah 1,5 gelas minum, 2 teh sachet 1 sendok coriandredan sedikit kayu manis di menit 45

    2. Didinginkan didalam kulkas dan parasa/essence lemon dimasukan sebanyak 1 sendok makan.3. Ragi dimasukan setelah suhu = dan sebanyak 1/2 +1/2 sendok makan pada suhukamar didalam kulkas.Suhu awal pitching sekitar 25 dan didiamkan selama 5 jam pada suhu 1o C/kontroler 3,5 dan tdk ada aktivitas. Suhu dinaikkan dgn kontroler o,5.

  • 8/13/2019 Catatan Alkohol


    3. Selain millet coba campur beberapa jenis gula yaitu gula buah/fruktosa merekRose Brand yg murah.

    Saran#1 Temperature control during fermentation. Get the temperature down into the 60s and hold it as steady as possible. A couple degrees can really change a beerstaste.

    #2 Longer primary fermentation, no secondary. A month in the fermenter will allow the yeast to finish working, clean up after themselves, and drop to the bottom-leaving cleaner flavors, and clearer beer

    i had the same issue, first 3 batches all tastes the same even though they weredifferent styles. My solution was to switch to dry yeast and control the temp better. Do not order liquid yeast through the mail, it takes days to get to u andwarms up more then it should, Also i started using a swamp cooler, filled it with water, put my carboy in and had 10 frozen water bottles, id put 2-3 in at a time every few hours. now my beer tastes good with no yeast flavor.

    your beer is alive and has yeast all through it, but a great way to get all theyeast out before bottling is to wait until the beer is totally done fermenting and then rack your beer into another carboy. Place the sealed carboy in a refrigerator if possible, or a bath tub filled with cold water to which you can add ice. The goal here is to make all the yeast go dormant and fall to the bottom of the fermenter. Once this has been achieved siphon your beer into a Keg, because ifyou try to bottle carbonate you will just be adding the yeast back into it andgetting that flavor again. Once in the keg force carbonate your beer. Dependingon the beer its nice to have the yeast flavors but if its not what you want theni recommend brewing your ale at just a few degrees cooler, it can make all thedifference. If this is a lager then you need to make sure your using the correcttemperatures.

    Are you brewing ale or lager? The higher temperatures that ale ferments generally mean that you will taste some of the byproducts of the yeasties doing their job. If you are brewing lagers you need to make sure that you are fermenting themat the appropriate temperature. Lagers generally need to ferment at temperaturesthat are 15-20 degrees lower then ales and they take a longer time to ferment.Lagers will also have a much crisper taste without that "strong yeast taste". Having said that you can help alleviate the yeast taste in your ales by giving theyeast a longer time to do their job. In general the 1-2-3 week rule(primary, secondary, bottle condition) yields a very palatable beer. You can help eleiminatethe yeast taste in your ales by letting them rest in the secondary fermenter for a longer period of time. This will allow the yeast critters to do a more complete job and precipitate out of your beer.

    +1.the most affordable method is just waiting. i don't temp controll my fermentation at all but i primary for a month and bottle for at least three weeks. long turn around time but i 've found that's when my brew's seem to turn a corner and taste great and clear up. time heals all wounds.

    That's not been my experience, at least with too-warm ferments! I can taste some

  • 8/13/2019 Catatan Alkohol


    off-flavors (mostly esters and phenols) that come from improper fermentation temperatures. However, sometimes it's not that bad. I have to say though that I'vehad some pretty "off" tasting beers from friends without temperature control, and time doesn't fix it. Time certainly helps, but it's easier to prevent it in the first place.

    I think it's been covered, but I want to say that two hours to cool is too long!You can gently stir the ice bath, and the wort (with a sanitized spoon), to speed up cooling. If you're boiling 2 gallons of wort, you should be able to cool that in an ice bath in 20 minutes or so. Once it's below 80 degrees, pour into your fermenter and top up with 50-60 degree water. That should get you right to pitching temperature. This is crucial!

    The yeast in the kit is probably ok- I assume a dry yeast like nottingham. But if it's a cheaper non-quality yeast like Munton's or Cooper's, toss it and buy apackage of S04 or S05.

    Keep the fermenter under 70 degrees if at all possible. If you can get a stick-on thermometer on the fermenter (they're cheap), you can monitor the temperature.In the summer, I stick my fermenter right in a cooler with a water bath and throw in a frozen water bottle into the water to maintain a beer temperature in themid-60s.

    Those yucky flavors you're describing are almost surely related to yeast healthand fermentation. Just pitching the yeast when the wort is cooler (and cooling faster) and keeping it cool will make a HUGE difference!

    Brewing Tip: Fining With Gelatin

    A recurring question that comes up in our meetings is post-fermentation fining with gelatin to achieve crystal clear beer from the keg. Gelatin is an essential

    clarifier that is widely used by breweries such as Pizza Port, Russian River, and Avery.

    How does gelatin work? It has a charge opposite to haze causing proteins. When dissolved in water and mixed into finished beer, gelatin will bind with those haze causing proteins and drop out of suspension to the bottom of the keg. From this point it can be dispensed through the keg faucet and discarded. Usually abouta pint of "dirty beer" is dispensed before it runs clear. In addition to clearing proteins, gelatin also binds to polyphenols, substances that can add a littlesharpness to your beer. Clearing the polyphenols adds "brightness" to your beerand keeps flavors fresher longer.

    I've heard of some homebrewers fining their beer in the carboy, but I personally

    don't see this being practical. For all intents and purposes, you must have a kegging system. Fining in the bottle is not possible as the gelatin-bound fraction must be discarded soon after fining. Fining must also be performed on chilledbeer, which is when haze causing proteins precipitate out of solution. Fining can be perfomed on carbonated or non-carbonated beer. CO2 has no effect on the process.

    The following procedure is for fining 5 gallons of beer in the keg:1) Boil 2 ounces of water for 1-3 minutes in a flask or small Pyrex measuring cup covered with foil to sanitize.

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    2) Let the water cool to about 180-190 degrees, which may take a few minutes.3) Add 1 teaspoon of gelatin and swirl gently until dissolved. Knox brand gelatin will workperfectly.4) Add the mixture to your keg of beer. Since it's such a small volume you're adding, you don't need to cool the gelatin solution down.5) Seal the keg back up and purge the head space in your keg a few times with CO2.6) Swirl the keg to mix things evenly.7) Allow the keg to sit in the fridge for 24 hours.8) Dispense the first muddy pint into a glass and discard.

    Enjoy your clear bright beer!