Office Hours Mondays-Fridays 8:00am to 4:00pm Saturday Masses 7:30am ~ Chapel 4:00pm ~ English Vigil ~ Church Sunday Masses 8am, 12 Noon & 7pm ~ English 6am, 10am, 2pm & 5pm ~ Spanish Daily Masses 7:30am Mondays through Saturdays Chapel of St. Joseph Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays 12:00NN to 3:30pm Tuesday ~ Friday 8:00am to 3:30pm English Confessions Saturdays, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm Spanish Confessions, Thursdays, 4:00pm ****Please check bulletin for any changes or Special Holiday Mass schedules. 4490 Mountain Vista Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 March 25, 2018 CATHOLIC CHURCH Telephone: ( 702)458-2211 Fax: (702)458-0966 Fr. Steve Hoffer, Pastor Fr. Adam Kotas, Parochial Vicar Deacon Gene Krzeminski Deacon Dan Maier

CATHOLIC CHURCH - Amazon Web Services · Good Friday, March 30th No 7:30am Mass Tue. April 3 Office hours resume3:00pm English Service / Pro-Populo 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

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Page 1: CATHOLIC CHURCH - Amazon Web Services · Good Friday, March 30th No 7:30am Mass Tue. April 3 Office hours resume3:00pm English Service / Pro-Populo 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

Office Hours Mondays-Fridays 8:00am to 4:00pm

Saturday Masses

7:30am ~ Chapel

4:00pm ~ English Vigil ~ Church

Sunday Masses

8am, 12 Noon & 7pm ~ English

6am, 10am, 2pm & 5pm ~ Spanish

Daily Masses

7:30am Mondays through Saturdays

Chapel of St. Joseph

Adoration of the

Blessed Sacrament Mondays 12:00NN to 3:30pm

Tuesday ~ Friday 8:00am to 3:30pm

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English Confessions Saturdays, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Spanish Confessions, Thursdays, 4:00pm ****Please check bulletin for any changes

or Special Holiday Mass schedules.

4490 Mountain Vista Street � Las Vegas, Nevada 89121

March 25, 2018


Telephone: ( 702)458-2211 Fax: (702)458-0966

Fr. Steve Hoffer, Pastor Fr. Adam Kotas, Parochial Vicar Deacon Gene Krzeminski Deacon Dan Maier ����������������� �

Page 2: CATHOLIC CHURCH - Amazon Web Services · Good Friday, March 30th No 7:30am Mass Tue. April 3 Office hours resume3:00pm English Service / Pro-Populo 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm


Sunday, March 25th 6:00am Pro-Populo

8:00am David Kelly, Sp. Intention

10:00am Jovita Garcia +

12 Noon Louise Evans +

2:00pm Multiple Intentions / See Below

5:00pm Hector Navarro +

7:00pm Thanksgiving Mass, Sp. Intention Monday, March 26th 7:30am Mary Voltura +

Tuesday, March 27th 7:30am Debbie Marie Swaffer +

Wednesday, March 28th 7:30am Kapton Family, Sp. Intention

Holy Thursday, March 29th No 7:30am Mass

Good Friday, March 30th

No 7:30am Mass 3:00pm English Service / Pro-Populo

6:00pm Stations of the Cross

7:00pm Spanish Service / Pro-Populo

Holy Saturday, March 31st No 7:30am Mass

9:00am Blessing of the Easter Baskets

7:00pm Easter Vigil Easter Sunday, April 1st

Easter Novena Begins 6:00am Pro-Populo

8:00am Pro-Populo

10:00am Pro-Populo

12 Noon Pro-Populo

2:00pm Pro-Populo

5:00pm Pro-Populo

7:00pm Pro-Populo

Sun. Mar. 25 Palm Sunday Mon. Mar. 26 6pm / Youth Group 6pm / Char. Prayer Group Tue. Mar. 27 No Activity Wed. Mar. 28 Office Closes at 12Noon Thu. Mar. 29 Holy Thursday Office Closed Fri. Mar. 30 Good Friday Office Closed Sat. Mar. 31 Holy Saturday 9am / Blessing of the Baskets Sun. April 1 Easter Sunday Mon. April 2 Office Closed Tue. April 3 Office hours resume

Sunday Collections March 17th & 18th, 2018

Total ~ $15,405.00

������ 4:00pm ~ $2,415.00 6:00am ~ $661.00

8:00am ~ $2,299.00 10:00am ~ $2,106.00 12Noon ~ $1,599.00 2:00pm ~ $1,989.00 5:00pm ~ $2,980.00 7:00pm ~ $1,356.00

Mass Intentions for Sunday, March 25th, 2018@ 2:00pm

Eva Peña +

Jose Hector Reyes +

Court Our Lady of the Rosary #2226 Would like to Thank all woman who attended, Father Steve,

Father John, the Holy Family office and facilities staff for teaming with us and all the Catholic Daughters who volunteered in any job to offer our Women’s Lenten Retreat. It was a spirit filled, joyous day; learning about God’s love, women in the church and serving God

together as He shoes us the way. We look forward to you all joining us next year!

Page 3: CATHOLIC CHURCH - Amazon Web Services · Good Friday, March 30th No 7:30am Mass Tue. April 3 Office hours resume3:00pm English Service / Pro-Populo 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm


Dear Parishioners,

Why are the statues covered in church? We are in Passiontide, the immediate time before

Easter. In the diocese of the United States, the practices of covering the crosses and images

throughout the Church from the Fifth Sunday of Lent may be observed. Crosses remain covered

until the end of the celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, but images remain covered

until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. I hope this answers the question why the church is deco-

rated differently.

You may have noticed some activity at the old rectory on Harmon. We have sold the rectory for

$228,000 and the new owners took procession on Friday, March 16th. So that money, minus

closing costs, repairs, etc. will be rolled into the loan payments for the new rectory, reducing the amount we need to pay


This week we enter in to the most sacred weeks of the Church’s year. I invite you to spend some time with the Lord.

Maybe visit a church, turn off the radio/television/social media, attend the Chrism mass on Tuesday, March 27th. Attend the

Sacred Triduum liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil/Easter. These are one continuous liturgy spread over

three days. Observe the Paschal Fast on Good Friday and, where possible, prolonged throughout Holy Saturday, as a way

of coming to the joys of the Sunday of the resurrection with uplifted and welcoming heart.

I pray that this week will be filled with blessings as we celebrate together Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

May you have a blessed Easter Triduum and a blessed Easter.


¿Por qué las estatuas están cubiertas en la Iglesia? Estamos en el tiempo de la Pasion de Cristo, el tiempo inmedia-

to antes de Pascua. En la Diócesis de los Estados Unidos, se pueden observar las prácticas de cubrir las cruces e imágenes

en toda la Iglesia desde el Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma. Las cruces permanecen cubiertas hasta el final de la celebración

de la Pasión del Señor el Viernes Santo, pero las imágenes permanecen cubiertas hasta el comienzo de la Vigilia Pascual.

Espero que esto responda a la pregunta de por qué la Iglesia está decorada de manera diferente.

Es posible que haya notado alguna actividad en la antigua rectoría de Harmon. Hemos vendido la rectoría por $

228,000 y los nuevos dueños tomaron la posesión el viernes 16 de marzo. De modo que ese dinero, menos los costos de

cierre, las reparaciones, etc. se incluirán en los pagos del préstamo para la nueva rectoría, reduciendo la cantidad que debe-

mos devolver.

Esta semana entramos a las semana más sagrada del año en la Iglesia. Te invito a pasar un tiempo con el Señor

que visites una iglesia, apagues la radio / televisión / redes sociales, asistas a la Misa Crismal el Martes 27 de Marzo, asis-

tas a las Liturgias del Triduo Sagrado del Jueves Santo, Viernes Santo, Vigilia Pascual / Pascua. Estas son una Liturgia con-

tinua repartida en tres días. Observe el ayuno pascual el Viernes Santo y, cuando sea posible, prolónguelo hasta el Sábado

Santo, como una forma de llegar a las alegrías del Domingo de la Resurrección con un corazón elevado y acogedor.

Rezo para que esta semana sea llene de bendiciones mientras celebramos juntos la Pasión, la Muerte y la Resu-

rrección de Jesús. Que tengas un bendito Triduo Pascual y una bendita Pascua.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Father Steve Hoffer

Pastor of Holy Family

Page 4: CATHOLIC CHURCH - Amazon Web Services · Good Friday, March 30th No 7:30am Mass Tue. April 3 Office hours resume3:00pm English Service / Pro-Populo 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm


Easter Basket Blessing March 31st, 2018 at 9:00am

Where did the Easter Basket Come from?

Traditions Symbolism and Customs The basket was there at the foot of the cross with the nails and hammer. The basket was there with spices when the women were going to clean Jesus’ body for He was buried in haste. The basket is made of wood as were the manger, table at the Last Supper, crown of thorns, and cross.

The basket contains the following

Cloth of some type which symbolizes the swaddling clothes The Baby Jesus was wrapped in, the ta-

ble cloth at the Last Supper, and the shroud cloth He was buried in.

Eggs to symbolize the tomb and the sun. The sun being the light of the world as was Jesus. The shell of the egg being the tomb which a chick breaks out from.

Meat of some sort to show the end of the 40 days of fasting.

Wine and bread being Jesus’ body and blood that he blessed on Holy Thursday.

Horseradish symbolizes the bitter Jesus was given on the cross.

Candle symbolizes Jesus being the light.

Salt and Pepper symbolizes purity and sin.

Butter Lamb or a cake fashioned into a lamb. Jesus was the Lamb of God. He did not fight His death on the cross. He went like a lamb to their deaths quietly.

Flowers because there were flowers at the tomb.

Candy and cakes of all types according to customs and traditions to again show the end of fasting and to celebrate with treats.

Page 5: CATHOLIC CHURCH - Amazon Web Services · Good Friday, March 30th No 7:30am Mass Tue. April 3 Office hours resume3:00pm English Service / Pro-Populo 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm


Adoration The Blessed Sacrament is a continuation of Our Blessed Lord’s love for us. A place where Jesus does give Himself fully for us. Jesus is the compassionate God comes so close to us in our weakness that we can turn to Him without fear. Pope John XXIII in his writings expressed

all the attraction of the Church is in Jesus, and His chief at-traction is in the Blessed Sacrament. Many of our Parishioners have increased in numbers in visit-ing the Blessed Sacrament. Lent is a great time to respond to this call with bended knee and visit Him in St. Joseph Chapel. Mon. 12Noon to 3:30pm

Tues. through Friday 8am to 3:30pm.



El Santísimo Sacramento es una continua-ción del amor de Nuestro Bendito Señor por nosotros. Un lugar donde Jesús se entrega completamente por nosotros. Jesús es el Dios compasivo se acerca tanto a nosotros en nuestra de-bilidad que podemos acudir a Él sin temor. El Papa Juan XXIII en sus escritos expresó que toda la atracción de la Iglesia está en Jesús, y su atracción principal es en el Santí-simo Sacramento. Muchos de nuestros feligreses han au-mentado en número al visitar el Santísimo Sacramento. La Cuaresma es un buen momento para responder a esta llamada con la rodilla doblada y visitarlo en la Capilla de San José. Tiempos de Adoración: Lunes 12pm — 3:30pm Martes a Viernes de 8am a 3:30pm.


If you believe you have been abused or victimized by any-one representing the Catholic Church call

Victim Advocate at 702-235-7723


Una Promesa de Proteger

Si usted cree que ha sido abusado o victimizado por cualquiera que represente a la

Iglesia Catolics, llame al Defensor de la Victima

al 702-235-7723

Distribution Dates:

April 17th, 19th, 24th and 25th, 2018

From 10:30 — 12Noon

Bishop Joseph A. Pepe

invites the parishioners of the

Diocese of Las Vegas to attend

the celebration of the Mass of

Sacred Chrism on Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at

6:00 p.m. at the Guardian Angel Cathedral,

302 Cathedral Way.

At this liturgy the sacred oils that are used

throughout the year to anoint the newly

baptized, those being confirmed, the sick and

dying, and the newly ordained will

be blessed by the bishop.

Also during this liturgy the priests of our

diocese will renew their vows of

Holy Orders. It would be a sign of great

support for parishioners to witness this

beautiful liturgy.

Food Sale and Raffle

Sunday April 8th, 2018

Drawing will be after 7pm mass

Please join us in the Ave Maria Center we will be selling tacos, hotdogs, doughnuts,

mangoneadas and drinks.

Raffle tickets :

1 ticket for $3 or 2 tickets for $5

Raffles prizes: 1gift basket— Family game night, it will include movies, games and snacks. 1gift basket— A religious artifact 1 gift basket— Date night with Helicopter

ride and dinner for 2

All proceeds will go to Youth Group

Page 6: CATHOLIC CHURCH - Amazon Web Services · Good Friday, March 30th No 7:30am Mass Tue. April 3 Office hours resume3:00pm English Service / Pro-Populo 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm


Marriage Couples planning marriage should contact the parish as

soon as they become engaged. It takes at least six

months to fulfill marriage preparation requirements. At

least one party must be a registered, participating mem-

ber of the parish.

Funerals In the event of the death of a loved one, please con-

tact the Mortuary before you contact the parish

Parish Registration In order that we may better serve, please register in the

parish. You must be registered in the parish for 6 months.

This way you are known to us when requesting the ser-

vices of the church. If you would like to register, please

pick up a registration form in the back of the Church.

The completed form can be placed in the collection

basket. Also, please notify the parish office of any

change of address, phone, or if you are moving out of

the area.

Matrimonio Las parejas que planean contraer matrimonio deben

ponerse en contacto con la parroquia tan pronto como

se comprometan. Se necesitan al menos seis meses pa-

ra cumplir con los requisitos de preparación del matri-

monio. Por lo menos una de las partes debe ser un

miembro registrado de la parroquia

Funerales En caso del fallecimiento de un ser querido, favor de

contactar la funeraria antes de llama al la oficina parro-


Registro Parroquial Para que podamos servirle mejor, por favor regístrese en

la parroquia. Debes estar registrado en la parroquia du-

rante 6 meses.

De esta manera usted es conocido por nosotros cuando

solicita los servicios de la iglesia. También, notifique a la

oficina parroquial de cualquier cambio de dirección,

teléfono, o si se está moviendo fuera del área. Si desea

registrarse, favor de recoger un formulario complételo y

se puede colocar en la canasta de la colecta.

Virginia Serrato ~ Victoria Valdez

Virginia Rodriguez ~ Abel Gonzalez

Leopoldo Valdez ~ Elias Aiedo

Fernando Medrano ~ Carlos Saldivar

Steven Frances Augente ~ Seth Fabry

Roberto de Guzman ~ Esther Diaz

Maravic McCormick ~ Marie Totero

Angelique Money ~ Dale Hoffer

Cesar Guerra ~ Araceli Guerra

Araeli Corral ~ ~ Rita Ghisu

Maureen O’Donnell ~ James Tolley

Vincen Kay Segura ~ Susana Aguilar

Mirna Almacin ~ Charbey Chua

Josefina Peinado ~ Shawn Villanueva

Kathy Schneider ~ Erika Montoya

Jose De Jesus Vasquez

Easter Novena ����������������

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2018 Holy Week & Easter Schedule

Tuesday, March 27th—6 pm Chrism Mass at the Cathedral

Holy Thursday March 29th, 2018 No 7:30am Mass

Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bi-lingual) 7:00pm Procession & Adoration until 12 Midnight

Good Friday March 30th, 2018

No 7:30am Mass

3:00pm English Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 6:00pm Stations of the Cross (Bi-lingual)

7:00pm Spanish Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday March 31st, 2018 No 7:30am Mass, No 4:00pm Mass

and No confessions

9:00am Blessing of Easter Baskets Easter Vigil 7:00pm (Bi-lingual)

Easter Sunday April 1st, 2018

8:00am English Mass 10:00am Spanish Mass 12Noon English Mass 2:00pm Spanish Mass 5:00pm Spanish Mass

Page 8: CATHOLIC CHURCH - Amazon Web Services · Good Friday, March 30th No 7:30am Mass Tue. April 3 Office hours resume3:00pm English Service / Pro-Populo 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm