Date: June 19 th 2014 Catholic Relief Services Introduces Hutchison Global Communications (HGC) A new way to communicate within Africa

Catholic Relief Services Introduces Hutchison Global ...€¦ · telecommunications operator, is a subsidiary of Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited. HTHKH is

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Page 1: Catholic Relief Services Introduces Hutchison Global ...€¦ · telecommunications operator, is a subsidiary of Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited. HTHKH is

Date: June 19th 2014

Catholic Relief Services Introduces

Hutchison Global Communications (HGC)

A new way to communicate within Africa

Page 2: Catholic Relief Services Introduces Hutchison Global ...€¦ · telecommunications operator, is a subsidiary of Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited. HTHKH is

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NetHope Webinar Agenda

• The CRS business opportunity

• Who is Hutchison Global Communications (HGC)?

• Why NGOs prefer HGC in Africa & SE Asia

• HGC’s evaluation process of local and regional carriers

• How HGC helps NGOs on a global scale

• Next steps to engage HGC for your Africa and SE Asia connectivity

• Open Discussion

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The CRS Business Opportunity:

Catholic Relief Services:

• Our mission is to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas by promoting human

development through responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and

poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies; and serving Catholics in the

United States as they live their faith in solidarity with their brothers and sisters

around the world.

• Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, CRS employs almost 4500 staff in 93

countries. Overseas, we work through CRS offices located in the regions of Africa,

Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America and the Caribbean.

Business Opportunity:

• High cost of connectivity services

• Poor levels of service and performance from service providers

• High labor costs to manage multiple service providers

• Billing and TCO challenges

• Difficulty keeping track of connectivity service offerings by location

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The CRS Business Opportunity:


• Partner with global expertise and economies of scale

• Single point of contact for pricing, new orders, billing, and service issues

• Flexibility with contract terms, features, pilots, service providers

• Focus highest cost and challenging areas (Sub-Saharan Africa)

• Start with proof of concept to test hypothesis and build credibility

Current State:

• Thee sites active in South Africa region; #1 Lusaka, Zambia, Zimbabwe, #2 Lusaka, Zambia

• Dedicated account team

• Managed implementation

• Strategic engagement

• Online pricing request system

• Starting to explore other regions; Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan


• Significant improvements in quoting, provisioning, and service

• Flexibility to changing requirements

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Who is Hutchison Global Communications (HGC)?

• Hutchison Global Communications Limited (HGC), a full-fledged international

telecommunications operator, is a subsidiary of Hutchison Telecommunications Hong

Kong Holdings Limited. HTHKH is a member of the Hutchison Whampoa group. Since

its establishment in 1995, HGC has been fully committed to building its own state-of-

the-art network infrastructure. It owns a robust and resilient international network with a

widespread footprint in Asia and span into the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and


• Today, HGC runs an extensive coverage of fibre-optic network in Hong Kong, it also

provides network routings that span the globe via submarine and terrestrial cable

facilities offering a high degree of resilience. HGC's advanced voice, data and IP

network today links its home market with the rest of the world and carries traffic

between internationally-dispersed geographies.

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HGC Service is available in 135 countries

• Australia

• Brunei

• Cambodia

• China

• Hong Kong

• India

• Indonesia

19+ Countries in Asia Pacific:

• Japan

• Korea

• Macau

• Malaysia

• Myanmar

• New Zealand

• Philippines

• Singapore

• Sri Lanka

• Taiwan

• Thailand

• Vietnam

65+ Countries in Middle East, Africa, CIS:

• Afghanistan

• Bahrain

• Egypt

• Iran

• Iraq

• Israel

• Jordan

• Kuwait

• Oman

• Pakistan

• Qatar

• Saudi Arabia

• Turkey


14+ Middle East: • Algeria

• Angola

• Benin

• Botswana

• Burkina Faso

• Cameroon

• Chad

• Congo

• Cote D’Ivoire


• Djibouti

• Egypt

• Ethiopia

• Gabon

• Ghana

• Guinea

• Ivory Coast

• Kenya

• Liberia

• Lesotho

• Lusaka

• Libya

• Madagascar

• Malawi

• Mali

• Mauritius

• Morocco

• Mozambique

• Namibia

• Niger

• Nigeria

• Rwanda

• Senegal

• Sierra Leone

• Somalia

• South Africa

• Sudan

• Swaziland

• Tanzania

• Togo

• Tunisia

• Uganda

• Zambia

• Zimbabwe

• Armenia

• Azerbaijan

• Kazakhstan

• Kyrgyzstan

• Moldova

• Tajikistan

• Ukraine

44+ Africa: 7+ CIS:

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HGC’s International Network

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HGC’s Africa Countries and Solutions

HGC highest quality network solutions

East Africa Network Solution West Africa Network Solution

Botsw ana Leased Line Benin Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Burundi WiMAX, Wireless, VSAT Burkina Faso Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Kenya Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Cote D'Ivoire Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Lesotho Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Gambia VSAT, Wireless

Madagascar Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Ghana Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Malaw i Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Guinea VSAT, MV, Wireless

Mauritius Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Guinea-Bissau VSAT, Wireless

Mozambique MW, Wireless, VSAT Liberia VSAT, Wireless

Rw anda Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Mali VSAT, Wireless

Seychelles VSAT Mauritania VSAT, Wireless

South Africa Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Nigeria Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Sw aziland Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Senegal Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Tanzania Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Sierra Leone MV, Wireless, WiFi, VSAT

Uganda Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Togo Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Zambia Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Western Sahara Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Zimbabw e Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

North Africa Network Solution Central Africa Network Solution

Algeria Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Angola VSAT, WiMAX, MV, Wireless

Djibouti Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Cameroon Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Egypt Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Central VSAT, Wireless

Eritrea VSAT, Wireless Chad VSAT

Ethiopia VSAT, WiMAX Congo VSAT, Wireless

Libya VSAT, Wireless DRC VSAT, Wireless

Morocco Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Gabon Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

Somalia VSAT Namibia VSAT, WiMAX, MV, Wireless

Tunisia Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT Niger Fibre, MW, Wireless, VSAT

North Sudan VSAT, Some Fibre

South Sudan VSAT

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Why NGOs prefer HGC in Africa & SE Asia


70% of the NGO leaders surveyed by Bridgespan felt that one of their biggest obstacles to

justifying the manner in which donations are utilized, is that donors do not want their funds being

spent on indirect costs and overhead.

HGC understands the needs of the NGOs and has created a no-cost program to eliminate many of the

indirect costs or overhead associated with research, contract negotiation, procurement and management

of telecommunications services.

HGC provides the following resources & services to our NGO customers at no additional cost

• Extensive in-country research of ISP/Carrier to determine the highest quality at the lowest cost

• Pre-negotiated Service Level Agreements with in-country carriers

• Managed Circuit Implementation (dedicated project management team)

• HGC-managed trouble ticket reporting through VP-level carrier contacts

• 7-30 day risk-free trial periods in most African countries

• 1st month bill review as well as quarterly or semi-annual service, technology, and performance reviews

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HGC’s evaluation process of local and regional carriers

• Local and Global IP Peering

• Understand network infrastructure (fiber, copper, wireless, MW, WiFi or VSAT)

• Roadmap to fiber deployment city-by-city within each country and region

• Service performance and escalation responsiveness

• Contract flexibility (technology migration, early term location changes, rate review)

• Service level agreements (Ensure stable and continuous quality of connectivity)

• Consistent and accurate billing

• Flexible contract renewal terms

• VP-level trouble ticket escalation contacts for quicker resolution

• Local carriers that fall below our high performance standards are removed from our

carrier list and replaced by other carriers that meet our requirements

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How HGC helps NGOs on a global scale

• HGC offers NGOs reduced cost group buying within specific regions or


• HGC provides relationships and network capabilities in Africa, the Middle

East, Latin and South America, as well as throughout Asia (including China)

to help NGOs with their global connectivity

• HGC products and services include DIA, MPLS/VPLS, IPLC, VSAT and

data center services

• HGC can provide Systems Integration work including WAN/LAN equipment

installation and management in more than 140 countries

• HGC can provide equipment-based circuit monitoring

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Next steps to engage HGC for your Africa and

SE Asia connectivity

1. Contact Robert Anderson to schedule a comprehensive network

strategy session

2. Work with HGC’s dedicated account team to request in country

solution options and network pricing

3. Review HGC’s online solution and pricing comparison

4. Make your decision for solution, bandwidth and term

5. Review HGC’s Terms & Conditions and SLA documents

6. Request and complete order forms

7. Discuss implementation plan with HGC’s dedicated project team

8. Receive weekly project calls with HGC’s project team until completion

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Open Discussion

Contact Information:

Robert Anderson

VP Corporate Business - Americas


[email protected]