Causes of World War ICauses of World War I - MAINAMAINA ilitarism ilitarism – policy of building up strong military forces to prepare for war llianceslliances

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  • Causes of World War ICauses of World War I - MAINAMAINA ilitarism ilitarism policy of building up strong military forces to prepare for war llianceslliances - agreements between nations to aid and protect one another ationalismationalism pride in or devotion to ones country mperialism mperialism when one country takes over another country economically and politically ssassinationssassination murder of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand MAIN Spark:
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  • Causes of WWI - A lliances Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Great Britain France Russia
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  • Causes of WWI - A lliances Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Great Britain France Russia
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  • Imperialism: European conquest of Africa
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  • Causes of World War ICauses of World War I - MAINAMAINA ationalismationalism pride in or devotion to ones country MAIN Spark:
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  • Causes of WWI - N ationalism Pan-Germanism - movement to unify the people of all German speaking countries AustriaAustria * Belgium Denmark Iceland GermanyGermany * LiechtensteinLiechtenstein * Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Sweden SwitzerlandSwitzerland * United Kingdom * = German speaking country Germanic Countries
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  • Causes of WWI - N ationalism Pan-Slavism - movement to unify all of the Slavic people
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  • The Spark
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  • Causes of WWI - A ssassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie at Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28 th, 1914.
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  • Causes of WWI - A ssassination
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  • Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed in Bosnia by a Serbian nationalist who believed that Bosnia should belong to Serbia. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
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  • Causes of WWI - A ssassination Gavrilo Princip after his assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
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  • The Point of No Return: The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Austria blamed Serbia for Ferdinands death and declared war on Serbia. Germany pledged their support for Austria - Hungary. example of Pan-German nationalism Russia pledged their support for Serbia. example of Pan-Slavic nationalism Germany declares war on Russia.
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  • The Point of No Return: The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand France pledges their support for Russia. Germany declares war on France. Germany invades Belgium on the way to France. Great Britain supports Belgium and declares war on Germany. War officially begins July 28, 1914
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  • Causes of WWI - A lliances Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Great Britain France Russia Ottoman Empire Allied Powers Central Powers
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  • US Involvement in WWI The United States wanted to remain neutral during the war. However, events occurred that brought about our involvement in the war. 1.Sinking of the Lusitania (1915) 2.Continued U-boat attacks 3.Zimmerman telegram
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  • German submarines, called U-boats, torpedoed enemy ships and neutral ships trading with the enemy.U-boats
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  • 1. In May 1915, a German submarine torpedoed the Lusitania, a British passenger ship, killing approximately 1,200 people, including 128 Americans.Lusitania
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  • Americans were infuriated with the destruction of the Lusitania.
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  • 2.After the sinking of another passenger ship, the US asked the German Government stop attacking all passenger ships and allowed the crews of enemy merchant vessels to abandon their ships prior to any attack. Germany agreed. (1916) In 1917, the German Navy convinced the Kaiser that resuming the submarine attacks could help defeat Great Britain within five months. So Germany once again began sinking ships.
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  • secret message from Germany to Mexico urging Mexico to attack the U.S. if the U.S. declared war on Germany 3. Zimmermann telegram: Germany promised to help Mexico regain land it lost to the U.S. in the Mexican War. * The U.S. declared war on the Central Powers in April 1917.
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  • (above) Zimmermann Telegram as Received by the German Ambassador to Mexico, 01/19/1917 (right) decoded words
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  • Zimmermann Telegram: Decoded Message
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  • Mexico was offered material aid in the reclamation of territory lost during the Mexican-American War, specifically the American states of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
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  • GAs Role in WWI 1. Provided men: Between 85,000 to 100,000 Georgians joined the US armed forces. Over 3,000 Georgians gave their lives to this war. 2.Provided largest number of military facilities in the US. A. Training facilities: Camp Benning, Fort McPherson, Camp Gordon. B. Prisoners of war were housed at Fort Oglethorpe. 3. Georgians provided supplies and food: produced uniforms, grew additional food (liberty gardens),sold war bonds, worked for the Red Cross, produced cotton, steel, coal, wagons & explosives. 4.GA railroads played a key role in transporting arms, ammunition, and soldiers to GA ports for sail to Europe.
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  • Effects on Georgia 1.Improved the states economy. 2.Price of cotton increased. Sharecroppers were able to get out of debt for the first time in years. 3.Meat & gas were in short supply. These goods were sent to the front for the soldiers. 4.Spanish influenza was brought back to the US and caused an epidemic.