CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A. Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

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Page 1: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Pixel detector development for PANDA

A. Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

Page 2: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Major requirements

In PANDA the MVD is expected to contribute also to particle ID via dE/dx.

Dynamic range: up to 2.5 MeV of deposited energy (700000 electrons).

Low momentum particles => low material budget.

About 120 modules and 1300 front-end chip will be needed.

Asymmetric hit rate distribution.

Global estimated rate: 1.025 GHz (50 Gbit/s)

Maximum hit rate per module: 34 MHz (1.7 Gbit/s)

Maximum hit rate per front-end chip: 5.8 MHz (290 Mbit/s)

Triggerless read-out

Front-end power < 200mW/chip.

Pixel size: 100 m x 100 m

Page 3: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Motivations for R&D

Custom front-end design motivated by the combination of:

Large dynamic range.

Pixel form factor.

Triggerless read-out.

Material budget

Eg. Tests done in Juelich show that the ATLAS chip used in “PANDA

mode” is at the limit of rate required and would dissipate 330 mW/chip.

In this presentation:

Architecture of the front-end.

Results from a first prototype.

R&D work on epitaxial silicon sensors.

Page 4: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

FE chip FE chip FE chip FE chip

Detector Data Concentrator

to DAQ

Inside the mvd

Counting room

First stage

Third stage

Detector Setup System

Detector Control System

ReadOut BoardROB

Second stage

Outside the mvd

FE chip FE chip FE chip FE chip

Detector Data Concentrator

to DAQ

Inside the mvd

Counting room

First stage

Third stage

Detector Setup System

Detector Control System

ReadOut BoardROB

Second stage

Outside the mvd

Pixel read-out chain

Page 5: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Front – end chip

Pixel matrix

Read – out logic

Basic features:

Chip size O(1 cm2 ).

Technology 0.13 m CMOS.

Adequate radiation tolerance.

Buttable on three sides.

Capable of handling sensors of both


In each pixel: hit time and charge

Page 6: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

3 tasks run simultaneously:

• Hit detection in pixel and storage of time stamp

• Readout of pixel data into the column FiFos

• Readout of FiFos out of the FE

Column read-out ATLAS-like. Chip read-out optimized for triggerless environment

A first architecture

Page 7: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Event ordering

Three circuits in the chip ensures the proper time ordering of the hits in case of counter overflow.

The column controller, which generates a counter-overflow signal when the counter overflows after all “old” data in a column was read out.

The read-out controller. If a FIFO shows a CO event, its read-out is stopped till all the FIFO show a CO event.

The EoC event generator. The EoC is generated when all the FIFO show a CO event. The EoC mark is sent outside the chip and the CO flags are cleared.

Page 8: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Architecture simulations

Combined Monte-Carlo – VHDL simulations.

Simulation based on a sample of 120000 events on pbar on copper with a beam momentum of 4 GeV/c.

Full read-out cycle simulated on 68000 events.

800 hit lost (1.18 %)

Reasons for losses:

hit below threshold (set at 1200 electrons)

Pile-up on the ToT (0.5 %)

Page 9: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Front-end readout time (1)

Page 10: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Front-end readout time (2)

Page 11: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

First prototype for PANDA

A first prototype was designed and tested.

Aim of the exercise: gain experience with the technology (very complex!) and explore the analogue performance.

32 pixel cells with preamplifier with ToT and comparator.

Goal: keep the analogue power consumption below 12 W pixel at 1.2V supply

Pixel cell Pixel cell Pixel cell Pixel cell Pixel cell Pixel cell Pixel cell Pixel cell

4 Analog Outputs

4 Digital Outputs

4 Calibration Inputs

3-bit Selection Bus

8 Selectable pixel groups 6 Inputs

Page 12: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Inside the pixel cell






Preamplifier Discriminator

Leakage Compensation






Page 13: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Preamp schematic

Leakage compensation Amplifier

Active feedback

Single stage preamplifier design to minimize power consumption

Feedback capacitor of 10fF nominal value

Calibration capacitor of 30 fF

Page 14: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Comparator schematic

Page 15: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Test board

The chip has been wired bonded to a small sensor provided by ITC – IRST (Trento).

Page 16: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Chip and sensor detail

Fe chip

IRST sensor

Page 17: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Performance example

Page 18: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Preamp response to 0.5fC

Noise@ 0pF: 98 e- rms

Page 19: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

ToT linearity








0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00

Input charge (fC)




Only the region up to 32fC can be explored through the injection capacitor Preamplifier saturates at 12 fC.

Page 20: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

A first spectrum

ENC: 440 rms electronsInput capacitance about 1.5 pF

Page 21: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Epitaxial silicon sensor

Highly doped Cz substrate: = 0.01 – 0.02 cm

Lightly doped epitaxial layer = 50 cm Several studies indicate that sensor build on epi wafer have good radiation tolerance. Interest for PANDA: radiation tolerance adequate with standard p-type design.

Wafers supplied by ITME and processed by ITC-IRST in Trento

Substrate properties:

Diameter: 100 ± 0.5 mm.Doping type: n/Sb.Thickness 525 ± 25 m.Resistivity: 0.01 – 0.02 cm.

Epi layer properties:

Doping type n/P. Thickness 50/75/100 m. Variation: <4%/8%/8% Resistivity: 2500 – 5000 cm.

Page 22: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Epi assemblies

Low cost R&D reusing existing electronics and sensor design:Electronics: ALICE front-end chip provided by CERNSensor: masks developed by INFN-Ferrara for the P326 project.

Three types of epi assemblies:3 with 150 m total thickness (100 m epi)7 with 120 m total thickness (75 m epi)1 with 100 m total thickness (50 m epi)

Several wafers cracked during thinning (problem more severe on thicker wafer) Problem probably due to stresses on the epi layer: work in progress to fix it Good assemblies were however delivered and will be tested in May.

Page 23: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti


The R&D for a custom pixel detector for PANDA has been started.

The architecture of front-end chip is under development. Design is not yet frozen, many changes still possible! A first analogue prototype has been designed and tested in

0.13m. Good performance obtained for noise, dynamic range,

linearity. The analogue part has been operated with 12 W/pixel. The results are in reasonable agreement with simulations. The technology is significantly more complex than the 0.25

m, but it offers several interesting options (triple-well NMOS, analogue components, thicker oxide devices for I/Os, etc..)

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CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti


Thanks to the many people working on the project in several ways…

D. Calvo, P. Deremigis, G. Mazza, S. Martoiu, M. Mignone, R. Wheadon,

K. Brinkmann, F. Huegging, T. Stocksmann, R. Jäkel, M. Mertens, J . Ritman…

Thanks to the organizers for the invitation!

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CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Discussion slides

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CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Some design considerations in 0.13 m

Mobility very different between PMOS and NMOS devices (kN/kP~6).

The use of NMOS transistor to control small currents becomes problematic (problem much more severe than in 0.25 m).

NMOS input with triple-well and splitted PMOS current sources is probably the best compromise.

Page 27: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Issues related to ToT technique

The preamplifier saturates at 12 fC, but the ToT preserves good “linearity” at least up to 40 fC.

Caveat: in the saturated region the open-loop gain of the input stage drops down, making the system more prone to cross-talk.

Leakage compensation Amplifier

Active feedback

Cin=Cf(1+A0)>>CdCf=10fF, Cd=200fFCin=Cd for A0=20

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CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Mastering cross talk

The cross-talk with a saturated preamplifier can go up to 20%. Possible remedies:

1. Guard-ring connected to ground 2. Two stage preamplifier, with first stage working always in linearity

hit event

no hit event

Pixel Matrix Adjacent Coupled Detectors

CC Jin2= 0

Jin1 0

Particle hit

Jin2 CD -+




Jin1 CD -+




Equivalent Circuit

hit event

no hit event



Page 29: CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti Pixel detector development for PANDA A.Rivetti INFN – Sezione di Torino

CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Energy deposited in pixel

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CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Hits per module

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CBM workshop – GSI, April 18th – 20th 2007. A. Rivetti

Time to store hit in a FIFO