The Great Generational Divide Brian Smith - PLD [email protected] 1 The Influence of Social Media &

Cbsa The Great Generational Divide

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Sneak peak on a presentation I delivered at a 2-day management conference

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Page 1: Cbsa The Great Generational Divide

Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


The Great Generational Divide

The Influence of Social Media


Page 2: Cbsa The Great Generational Divide

Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


“The events and conditions each of us experience during our formative years help define who we are and how we view the World”

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Sit Down if You Remember

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Sit Down if You Remember

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Sit Down if You Remember • How to save a file on a floppy disc• Having an 8 track player • How to send a hard copy fax • When Napster was cutting edge • Walkmans • How to record on a VHS tape

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Sit Down if You Remember

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


The Internet Evolution

“The internet is nothing but a bunch

of hype – nothing but a fad”

- Newsweek 1995

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Building Bridges

“We don’t have a choice on whether we do

social media. The question is how well we do it”

- Erik Qualman

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Generational Gap

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Why Bother?• Better understand the Generational

impact in the workplace

• Communicate and interact more effectively across all Generations

• Promote teamwork and build collaborative teams

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Different Strokes • Baby Boomers - 1946 to 1966 (Age 2011 from 45 - 65)

• Generation X – 1966 to 1976 (Age in 2011 from 35 to 45) • Generation Y – 1977 to 1994 (Age in 2011 from 17 to 35)

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]



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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Boomers The Baby Boom Generation • Leadership Style: Consensual / Collegial

• Interaction: Team Player / Love Meetings

• Communication: In person

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Take Note • Love titles – recognition • Money is power • Buy now – pay later • Education is a birth right • Traditional family model breaks down• Need to know they are valued • Known as the “Me” Generation

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Boomer Values • Optimism

• Team Orientation

• Personal Gratification

• Involvement

• Personal Growth

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Generation X

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Generation XThe Forgotten Generation • Leadership: Everyone equal /

challenge status quo

• Interaction: Entrepreneurial

• Communication: Direct / immediate

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Take Note• Freedom best reward

• Latch Key Kid Generation

• Money cautious – save – save – save

• Education is a way to get “there”

• Sorry to interrupt – “But how am I doing?”

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Generation X Values • Diversity

• Techno literacy

• Fun and informality

• Self-reliant – Autonomy

• Pragmatism

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Generation Y

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Generation YThe Millennial's / Nexters

• Leadership Style: To be determined

• Interaction: Participative

• Communication: Facebook, Twitter,

smart phone

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Take Note• Meaningful work

• Instant gratification

• Work with other bright creative people

• Work where they want to work

• Earn to spend

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Generation Y Values • Optimistic

• Civic Duty

• Confident

• Achievement Oriented

• Respect for diversity

• Socialpreneurs

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Are You Ready?

The Biggest Workforce Shift in 100 Years

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Team Building Worth Remembering ….

“You don’t have to socialize with them –

you just need to learn how to work

with them”

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Build Relationships• Rapport:

• Relationship:

• Respect:

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Managing Millennial's •Provide Structure

•Provide leadership and guidance

•Listen more then you talk

•Embrace their can-do attitude, self assuredness &

their positive personal self-image.

•Challenge them to learn more – do more – be more

•Provide Life-Work balance

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Generation Z

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Generation ZThe Connected Generation

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Gen Z – Generation Next• The Googleized Generation

• Multi-tasking is a way of life

• Wants instant gratification

• Good at processing information

• First generation to grow up totally digital

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]

Influence of Social Media

“Individual action and social media

will be drivers of social change”31


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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Silent Majority?

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Cisco Results • Online communication overtaking face-to-

face as primary method of interpersonal communication

• Expectation of the next workforce is increasingly emphasizing work flexibility, mobility & non-traditional work styles

• Attitudes towards information access , mobile devices and SM will influence the future of work from lifestyles to corporate cultures.

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Social Goes Global • 50% of the Worlds population is under 30

• 96% of Millennials have joined a social

network like Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook

• Facebook tops Google for weekly traffic

• Gen Y and Z consider email passé’

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


It’s Not a Fad • Fasting growing segment using FB is females

55 to 65 years old

• Youtube is second largest search engine

• There are now over 200,000,000 Blogs

• Schools stopped issuing email accounts –

issue i-pads, laptops & e-readers instead

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Fundamental Shift • Wikipedia has over 15 million articles –

78% are not in English

• Kindle e-books out sold paper back

• Traditional newspapers are a dying breed

• 60 million status updates daily on FB

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


Changing Your World

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Brian Smith - PLD [email protected]


The Great Generational Divide&

The Influence of Social Media

Brian Smith – PLD . Follow on Twitter – http://twitter.com/briansmithpld . Linkedin Group – http://linkedin.com/in/briansmithpld . Ah Ha Moments – The Blog: - https://ahhamoments.wordpress.com