CCP PRCS/Reentry Community Service Capacity Survey Results Alameda County Probation Department, DARRT - 1 Alameda County Probation Department 8.08.2012 The purpose of this survey was used to solicit local stakeholder/partner feedback and capture our collective community capacity to serve Reentry adults as they reenter into Alameda County communities. This survey was also designed to help provide insight for internal PRCS and Reentry service-planning in the near future. This survey was not an application for funding. Survey Outreach Forty (40) organizations/agencies submitted survey responses Outreach notices were sent via email to over organization contacts to request feedback through this survey Groups targeted for feedback and to help forward this survey to more community based organizations included: CCP Executive and General Meeting groups, Reentry Network, Urban Strategies, 2-1-1, and Bay Area Black United Fund Reminder emails were sent to encourage survey participation Contents The contents of this report include the following: Executive Summary Pages 2-3 Section 1 Detail, Capacity Profile Pages 4-12 Section 2 Detail, Services Provided Pages 13-28 For questions regarding this survey or the listed results, please contact Marthea Alley at [email protected] .

CCP PRCS/Reentry Community Service Capacity Survey Results...CCP – PRCS/Reentry Community Service Capacity Survey Results Alameda County Probation Department, DARRT - 7 Golden State

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Page 1: CCP PRCS/Reentry Community Service Capacity Survey Results...CCP – PRCS/Reentry Community Service Capacity Survey Results Alameda County Probation Department, DARRT - 7 Golden State

CCP – PRCS/Reentry Community Service Capacity Survey Results

Alameda County Probation Department, DARRT - 1

Alameda County Probation Department 8.08.2012

The purpose of this survey was used to solicit local stakeholder/partner feedback and capture our collective community capacity to serve Reentry adults as they reenter into Alameda County communities. This survey was also designed to help provide insight for internal PRCS and Reentry service-planning in the near future. This survey was not an application for funding. Survey Outreach

Forty (40) organizations/agencies submitted survey responses

Outreach notices were sent via email to over organization contacts to request feedback through this survey

Groups targeted for feedback and to help forward this survey to more community based organizations included: CCP Executive and General Meeting groups, Reentry Network, Urban Strategies, 2-1-1, and Bay Area Black United Fund

Reminder emails were sent to encourage survey participation Contents The contents of this report include the following:

Executive Summary Pages 2-3

Section 1 – Detail, Capacity Profile Pages 4-12

Section 2 – Detail, Services Provided Pages 13-28

For questions regarding this survey or the listed results, please contact Marthea Alley at [email protected].

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Section 1 Summary: Survey Participant Capacity Profile 1-Agency Information and Service Location

Forty (40) organizations/agencies submitted survey responses

The majority of agencies that responded to the survey had offices based in Oakland (65%, 26 offices)

Approximately 25% (10) respondents appear to be government-based organizations. The remaining 75% (30) appear to be community-based organizations. A few may be private organizations. (Future surveys will ask for clarity on the type of organization)

Of the 40 respondents, at least 75% (30) of organizations provided services in all Supervisorial Districts 2-Reentry Experience

70% (28) of the 40 organizations surveyed reported that they have provided services for Probation or Reentry populations for 10 or more years. 15% (6) have provided services less than 3 years.

Most organizations (97.5%, 39 organizations) offer post-release services, while 40% (16) offer pre-release services to those incarcerated and 50% (20) offer transition services from incarceration into the community.

90% (36) of services are offered upon referral. 60% (24) of agencies accepts walk-ins. 42.5% (17) provide crisis/emergency response. 32.5% (13) have services by appointment only. 25% (10) provide after-hour services.

3-Service Partnerships, Collaboratives, and Leveraged Resources

82.5% (33) of agencies have existing partnerships to serve the Reentry population. 18% (7) of agencies reported having no existing partnerships with the County or other organizations to serve

The majority (65%, 26 organizations) attend the CCP meetings regularly or sometimes. 35% (14) do not currently attend CCP meetings. [Note: Attendance of CCP meetings were not a requirement to take this survey.]

4-Best Practices and Service Models

The majority of agencies in each category reported the use of EBPs, Best Practices or Emerging Practices and/or Model Programs/Services. 73% (29) reported using Evidence Based Practices; 73% (29) reported using Best Practices or Emerging Practices; 27% (27) reported using Model Programs/Services

Some of the practices listed included: Various risk assessments; Interviewing techniques; Services in substance abuse, mental health treatment, family/wrap-around services…; Workforce development – employment and training; Housing and shelter services; Emergency/ disaster services; Various Court services

5-Tracking and Reporting Outcomes

Over 70% (28 or more) of agencies reported having tracking and reporting system features in all surveyed categories. An average of 83% (33) of agencies have all tracking and reporting features.

Features that do not exist for 10% (4) or more agencies include: tracking duplicate clients, tracking client needs, and systems to provide client outcome reports.

6-Special Adult Populations Served

Over 40% (16 or more) of agencies reported 10 years or more experience in servicing the listed populations. An average of 58% (23) of agencies have 10 years or more experience serving the listed populations.

Population services did not exist for 25% or more agencies include: mental health disorder clients, dual diagnosis clients, sex offenders and violent offenders.

Other Special Adult Populations identified include: Parolees and Probationers; Persons with Disabilities; Elderly; Veterans; Illiterate & Non-English Speaking; Low income, Homeless, Unemployed; African-American community; Women with Children, Parents, Families, Juvenile, Youth

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Section 2 Summary: Reentry Services Provided

Summary of Services Provided

At least 45% of agencies provide services in all service categories.

The most prevalent services (70% or more) are provided in: Case Management, Referral Services,

Employment/Workforce Development, Basic Needs and Document Support

Services Provided Responses %

Case Management 33 83%

Referral Services 35 88%

Anti-Social Patterns 26 65%

Education 21 53%

Behavioral Health 23 58%

Substance Abuse 21 53%

Pro-Social Companions & Structured Leisure Activities 20 50%

Housing 23 58%

Employment/ Workforce Development 29 73%

Additional Services and Support 29 73%

Additional Services and Support Responses %

Basic Needs & Social Services 29 73%

Document Support 32 80%

Health 24 60%

Legal 18 45%

Financial 24 60%

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Section 1: Detail of Survey Participant Capacity Profile 1-Agency Information and Service Location

The majority of agencies that responded to the survey had offices based in Oakland (65%, 26 offices)

Approximately 25% (10) respondents appear to be government-based organizations. The remaining 75% (30) appear

to be community-based organizations. A few may be private organizations. (Future surveys will ask for clarity on the

type of organization)

Of the 40 respondents, at least 75% (30) of organizations provided services in all Supervisorial Districts

1A-Organizations by City

Organizations By City

Berkeley 3

Fremont 2

Hayward 4

Oakland 26

Pleasant Hill 2

Richmond 1

San Francisco 1

San Rafael 1

Total 40

1B-Number of Years Organizations Established

How long has your organization been established?

Answer Options Response

Percent Response


Less than 3 years 7.5% 3

3-5 years 5.0% 2

6-9 years 2.5% 1

10-15 years 12.5% 5

16 years or more 72.5% 29

answered question 40

skipped question 0

1C- Supervisorial Districts Served

Supervisorial Districts in which your agency provides services

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

District 1 75.0% 30

District 2 80.0% 32

District 3 77.5% 31

District 4 90.0% 36

District 5 87.5% 35

answered question 40

skipped question 0

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70% (28) of the 40 organizations surveyed reported that they have provided services for Probation or Reentry

populations for 10 or more years. 15% (6) have provided services less than 3 years.

Most organizations (97.5%, 39 organizations) offer post-release services, while 40% (16) offer pre-release services to

those incarcerated and 50% (20) offer transition services from incarceration into the community.

90% (36) of services are offered upon referral. 60% (24) of agencies accepts walk-ins. 42.5% (17) provide

crisis/emergency response. 32.5% (13) have services by appointment only. 25% (10) provide after-hour services.

2A- Number of Years Providing Reentry Services

How long has your organization provided services for Probation or Reentry populations?

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Less than 3 years 15.0% 6

3-5 years 7.5% 3

6-9 years 7.5% 3

10 years or more 70.0% 28

answered question 40

skipped question 0

2B- Services Offered, by Release Phase SERVICE PHASE: At which phase does your organization provide the services listed above (check all that apply)

Answer Options Response

Percent Response


Pre-Release Phase (while incarcerated)

40.0% 16

Transition Phase (from incarceration through community transition)

50.0% 20

Post-Release Phase (once released)

97.5% 39

answered question 40

skipped question 0

2C- Availability of Services

AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES: When are your services available? (check all that apply)

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Upon Referral 90.0% 36

Walk-Ins OK 60.0% 24

By Appointment Only 32.5% 13

Crisis/Emergency Response Available (same day)

42.5% 17

After Hours Available 25.0% 10

answered question 40

skipped question 0

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Some Partnerships Include: Alameda County Departments CDCR Local City Police Departments City of Oakland, Measure Y Many Community Based Organizations (one-stops, housing, education, medical, drug rehabilitation, general services, support, etc…) Faith Based Organizations Agencies focusing on specific


3-Service Partnerships, Collaboratives, and Leveraged Resources

82.5% (33) of agencies have existing partnerships to serve the Reentry population. 18% (7) of agencies reported

having no existing partnerships with the County or other organizations to serve

The majority (65%, 26 organizations) attend the CCP meetings regularly or sometimes. 35% (14) do not currently

attend CCP meetings. [Note: Attendance of CCP meetings were not a requirement to take this survey.]

3A-Organizations with Existing Partnerships

Do you have existing partnerships with the County or other organizations to serve the Reentry population?

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Yes 82.5% 33

No 17.5% 7

Unsure 0.0% 0

answered question 40

skipped question 0

3B-List of Partnerships or Collaboratives

If yes, please list the partnership(s) or collaborative effort(s), including the name(s) of the groups or agencies that you partner with.

Response Count = 35

answered question 35

skipped question 5

Not Applicable

DA, Court, Probation, Sheriff, Community Service Providers

We provide electronic monitoring services directly to the court

The Gamble Institute

East Bay Community Recovery Project and Sharper Future

Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services

Allied Fellow Ship, Rubicon, Day Reporting Center,Heathy Oakland, Center Point, Options, The Gamble Institute, CDCR Parole Division, ACBHS,Alameda County Sheriff Department, Alameda County Public Health

Private Industry Council

A grant with the CDCR to provide services to the Reentry population ended 3/31/2012. BASN [Alameda County Behavioral Health Cares Services and State Parole (DAP0) as the Case Management Services contractor]; Contract with the CDCR as the SASCA Region II [DAPO, Alameda County Probation, CURA, Options for Recovery, Seventh Step, Volunteers of America, New Bridge]; Contract with the CDCR for the Oakland Day Reporting Center [Oakland PIC, Options for Recovery, DAPO]

Eden Area One Stop (we operate), North Cities One Stop (we operate), SSA, Oakland DHS, Men of Valor, Volunteers of America, Options Recovery, Berkeley Food and Housing Project, Stride Center

County CBOs & governt depts to keep the 211 database updated; EveryOne Home, Season of Sharing, Senior Services Coalitions, Women On The Way, Second Chance, Images, Rubicon, Options Recovery, Victory Outreach,

OPRI re-entry in Oakland: City of Oakland, Lifelong, First Place, VOA, OD, St. Marys, & EOCP; SSVF (Veterans): OD, Building Futures and Lifelong; HOPE Project: Tri-City Health Center; and several other that indirectly serve homeless re-entry population

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Golden State Works in partnership with Volunteers of America

City of Oakland Measure Y and Community Action Partnership.Santa Rita Chaplaincy/Acts Full Gospel.

PRCS Housing Pilot Program - partnership with Probation, SSA, CDA and 4 CBO Housing Agencies: Berkeley Food and Housing Project, East Oakland Community Project, Building Futures for Women and Children, Abode Services. In addition, many of the homeless and low income housing services that we fund CBOs to provide serve this population. We are in an ongoing partnership with BHCS regarding housing for MHSA clients. We partner with all cities and other County agencies to implement EveryOne Home - the plan to end homelessness in Alameda County. HCD administers the countywide Homeless Management Informration System and partners with EveryOne Home to conduct the countywise homeless census.

Alameda County Parole, Lifelong Medical, Wright Institute, BOSS, PEERS, Rubicon, Food Bank, Centerpoint Day Reporting Center, City of Berkeley, Oakland Court (First Offender Program) and Homeless Court, Cherry Hill Detox, Alta Bates Emergency Services,

Superios Court Reentry Program, OCAP-AC,

Alameda County Probation Dept, Alameda County/Berkeley Probation. Berkeley Police Dept

One-Stops, Parole, 12-Steps, All County Offices of Education

City of Oakland

PIC, St. Vincent de Paul, Homeless Action Center, CURA, EBCRP, Cronin House, and others

Alameda County Health Care Services

CDCR and several community based agencies

Measure Y/Second Chance Juvenile Justice Center Initiative; Juvenile Probation & Camps Funding program; Youth Employment Partnership/Alameda County SSA Title 4E

Courts, DA, Public Defender, Youth Uprising, Elected officials at the city, county, state, and federal level, Urban Strategies, UC Berkeley professors conducting research, All of Us Or None/LSPC, and many others.

HCD, Probation

CDCR,Santa Rita Jail,PIC,Public Health,Social Services,etc,.

While we have no formal agreements regarding this specific population, we work collaboratively with Hayward Police Department, Sherrif's Department, and multiple local non-profit partners

Behavioral Health Care Services; The Eldership Network (BABUF is fiscal agent for the Network)

Measure Y

CDCR Parole Division; Alameda County Probation Department, Scotlan Youth Center, Youth Employment Project, VOABA, Cypress Mandela

Merritt College Citizens For Education

East Bay Works, The Peralta College District, The Superior Court Collaborative; CDCR, The County of Alameda, The City of Oakland

Oakland Path Rehousing Inititiative, PRCS Housing Program

3C – CCP Meeting Attendees

Do you attend the CCP meetings? (not required)

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Yes-Regularly 27.5% 11

Yes-Sometimes 37.5% 15

No 35.0% 14

answered question 40

skipped question 0

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4-Best Practices and Service Models

The majority of agencies in each category reported the use of EBPs, Best Practices or Emerging Practices and/or

Model Programs/Services.

o 73% (29) reported using Evidence Based Practices

o 73% (29) reported using Best Practices or Emerging Practices

o 27% (27) reported using Model Programs/Services

Some of the practices listed included:

o Various risk assessments

o Interviewing techniques

o Services in substance abuse, mental health treatment, family/wrap-around services…

o Workforce development – employment and training

o Housing and shelter services

o Emergency/ disaster services

o Various Court services

4A-Implementation of Services that Are Best Practices

Does your organization implement services that are:

Answer Options Yes No Some-what Unsure Response


Evidence Based Practices (EBPs)?

29 (73%)

4 (10%)

2 (5%)

5 (13%)


Best Practices or Emerging Practices?

29 (73%)

3 (8%)

3 (8%)

5 (13%)


Model Programs/Services 27

(68%) 3

(8%) 4

(10%) 6

(15%) 40

answered question 40

skipped question 0

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4B- List of EBPs, Best Practices and Model Programs Used

If “yes” to any above, please list which EBPs, Best Practices or Model Programs are used.

Response Count = 27

Identification of barriers to success, Family Involvement, Incentives, and Ongoing monitoring; Repeat Process

Parolee Reentry Court, Homeless Court, Mentor Court, Girls Court, Drug Court

RSORAS Ohio Risk Needs Assessment

California Logic Model, Thinking for a Change, Token economy model, ABC Employment model, Motivational Interviewing techniques

Cognitive Behavorial Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Seeking Safety, Celebrating Families, Supportive Housing, Supportive Employment

California New Start

Cognitive Behavioral Therapies; Motivational Interviewing; Matrix Model; Seeking Safety; Thinking for a Change; Partners for Fragile Families; Celebrating Families; Living in Balance; Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment; Framework for Recovery; Money Smart (FDIC); GED for the 21st Century; Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients (SAMHSA); ManAlive Domestic Violence; Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence; New Directions Cognitive Behavioral Criminal and Addictive Thinking Curriculum Series

Intensive Case Management, LS/CMI Assessment, NIJ Offender Risk Assessment and Self-Sufficiency Scale & Ladder, Service Bundling/Integration, Transitional Employment, Rubicon will be featured in upcoming US HHS report on model employment programs for hard-to-serve populations

ESP: Original MOMS Housing Rover; 2-1-1 phone line replicated nationally & locally managed&funded BP: 211s disaster back-up systems; Model: created Ala Co housing database; created Housing Academy, created Roving program, managed HPRP primary entry point

Housing First, re-housing, supportive housing, etc.

The CEO model itself has been deemed an evidence based practice as a result of a 3 year random assignment study conducted by MDRC on behalf of HHS which found 20% reductions in recidivism and $4 saved for every taxpayer dollar spent

We employ Best Practices Models for Workforce Development and both job training and placements.

Rapid Rehousing, Shelter Diversion, Various partnerships.

Integrated Therapy for Co-occurring Disorders, Motivational Interviewing, Separate programming for Women (Helping Women Recover), Seeking Safety (for PTSD), Denial Management, Criminal and Addictive Thinking (Gorski), Relapse Prevention (Gorski), Offender Mentor Peer Counselor Program, Mental Health Peer Counseling program, Required smoking cessation treatment for smokers, Intensive Case Management and Emergency Crisis Management

National Institute of Corrections Practices, National Transitional Jobs Network, and Center for Employment Opportunities

Motivational Interviewing, CBT, LRI, EBRI, Aztec Learning Systems, GED Prep, CASAS

Change Companies - various

Drug Court model, using

pre- and post release; case management; transitional employment; wages/stipends; modeling

This question does not exactly apply to legal services, however, our service model has been replicated around the state, and research supports that clients who receive our services receive jobs and obtain professional licences and certifaction, experience family reunification, get early release from probation, and have lower rates of recidivism.

Primary Health Care/ Mental Health

Peer Advocates

BABUF's Men's Healing Circle project is testing a new mental health service delivery modle with african-American men on probation

Intergrated care, wrap around services, targeted case management, Everyone Home, Housing First, medical model substance abuse treatment

Housing First, Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Supported Employment, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Illness Management and Recovery, Trauma-informed Care, Supportive Housing

Work with nonprofits to encourage county to establish Vet Courts

Housing First Programs, Assertive Community Treatment, many others.

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5-Tracking and Reporting Outcomes

Over 70% (28 or more) of agencies reported having tracking and reporting system features in all surveyed

categories. An average of 83% (33) of agencies have all tracking and reporting features.

Features that do not exist for 10% (4) or more agencies include: tracking duplicate clients, tracking client

needs, and systems to provide client outcome reports.

5A-Current Tracking and Reporting System Features

Current Tracking and Reporting System Features

Answer Options Feature Exists

Feature Is In


Feature Does Not


Unknown Response


Tracks How Many Unique Clients Are Served 35 88% 2 5% 2 5% 1 3% 40

Tracks How Many Duplicate Clients Are Served 28 70% 3 8% 6 15% 3 8% 40

Tracks Client Demographics (Intake Data) 37 93% 1 3% 2 5% 0 0% 40

Tracks Client Needs 32 80% 2 5% 6 15% 0 0% 40

Tracks Client Services Provided 38 95% 2 5% 0 0% 0 0% 40

Provides Client Update Reports 31 78% 4 10% 3 8% 2 5% 40

Provides Client Outcome Reports (did client complete or improve) 31 78% 5 13% 4 10% 0 0% 40

Provides Summarized (Aggregate) Outcome Reports 32 80% 3 8% 2 5% 3 8% 40

answered question 40

skipped question 0

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6-Special Adult Populations Served

Over 40% (16 or more) of agencies reported 10 years or more experience in servicing the listed populations.

An average of 58% (23) of agencies have 10 years or more experience serving the listed populations.

Population services did not exist for 25% or more agencies include: mental health disorder clients, dual

diagnosis clients, sex offenders and violent offenders.

Other Special Adult Populations identified include:

o Parolees and Probationers; Persons with Disabilities; Elderly; Veterans; Illiterate & Non-English

Speaking; Low income, Homeless, Unemployed; African-American community; Women with Children,

Parents, Families, Juvenile, Youth

6A-Special Adult Populations Served

SPECIAL ADULT POPULATIONS SERVED How long has your agency provided specific services, other than referrals, to the following special adult populations?

Answer Options Do Not Serve

Less than 3 Years

3-5 Years 6-9 Years 10 Years or

more Response


Homeless 4 10% 3 8% 2 5% 1 3% 30 75% 40

Mental Disorders 11 28% 3 8% 3 8% 2 5% 21 53% 40

Substance Abuse 7 18% 2 5% 3 8% 3 8% 25 63% 40

Dual Diagnosis 12 30% 3 8% 4 10% 2 5% 19 48% 40

Mental Disorders & Substance Abuse)

Sex Offenders 18 45% 2 5% 3 8% 1 3% 16 40% 40

Chronically Unemployed/ 3 8% 3 8% 4 10% 2 5% 28 70% 40

Hard To Place

Violent Offenders 11 28% 2 5% 3 8% 1 3% 23 58% 40

If Other Special Populations Served, please describe 20

answered question 40

skipped question 0

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6B- Other Populations Served

If other populations served, please describe.

Response Count = 20

We serve juveniles.

Aged, Developmentally Disabled

youth on probation

The ACWIB provides universal services to all jobseekers regardless of specific needs.

Women with Dependent Children

Non-custodial parents for over 10 years

Physically disabled, Domestic violence victims, Undocumented, At risk seniors, Veterans, HIV/AIDS,

Termed out foster care, Minimally educated, Single & reunified families, LBGTQ

We exclusively provide employment services, to the extent that these populations exists among our

client base we have served them since our inception

Shelter Plus Care and other homeless and low-income housing programs serve all of the above

populations if they meet eligibilty criteria - some programs are restricted to and targeted to one or more

of these special populations.

AOD services for 290s but not housing

Reentry Parole and Probation Clients, Disabled Clients,

Veterans, Illiterate, Non-English Speaking, Physically Disabled

referrals of offenders with substance abuse disorders, from Parole, Probation, Judges, or the DA's office

This question doesn't capture our work, exactly. We provide a range of free legal services to any low-

income person who has a criminal record in Alameda County.

BABUF is an intermediary agency promoting wellness and philanthorpy in the Bay Area African-

American community

Developmentally disabled

Parolees and Probationers

serve all homeless population with multiple special needs

Veterans. Provides referrals, advocacy, assistance to vets to get treatment, benefits, wrap around


Transition Age Youth, Chronically Homeless

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Section 2: Detail – Reentry Services Provided


Case Management

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Pre-Release Case Management 27.3% 9

Transitional Case Management 36.4% 12

Post-Release Case Management 81.8% 27

Other Case Management Services 36.4% 12

If Other Case Management Services (please specify) 15

answered question 33

skipped question 7

Other 52 week batterer intervention, fatherhood training, fundamental business development training

Employment Related Case Manag

Follow-Up and referral for additional services

Eden I&R provides referrals to all of the above plus: The Roving program provides direct focused case management support in partnership with other program providers. For example the Rovers meet with clients (including ex-offenders) and provide customized housing plans and listings, assistance with application processes (i.e., CalFresh/food stamps; housing waiting lists), and support with rental deposit payments, and utility bill payment assistance.

supportive housing related services

Housing case management post release. General Post Release case management to clients in homeless and housing programs we fund.

Follow up post placement services.

Community Transitional Planning

Street Outreach

We do not call our services case management. We provide wrap-around legal services for people who are facing the many and varied collateral consequenes of a criminal record. We provide brief services to some clients and full represenattion to others.

General Case Management not specific to a single population

case management for homeless persons

Rentention Services & Follow-Up Services/ Focus Group Facilitation

Accredited VA claims representation

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Referral Services

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Referral Services via Case Management 85.7% 30

Referral Services via Walk-In/Call-In 65.7% 23

Referral Services via On-line Referral Database 25.7% 9

Other Referral Services 31.4% 11

If Other Referral Services (please specify) 9

answered question 35

skipped question 5

Other Attorneys refer clients to service providers as needs require

Refer to other government and community based organizations

211 available 24/7 with multilingual resource specialists to link offenders with critical resources before & after incarceration (i.e., court mandated programs like anger management, parenting classes & substance abuse). Updated online and printed directory information available to offenders, their families and their advocates 24/7. Call shelters countywide everyday for updated bed availabilities & distribute this information 24/7. Capable of providing bed reservation & court notification systems.

We fund 211

Transition Planning while in program

mobile clinic visits, outreach

Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services

Referrals from dedicated partners, i.e. Superior Court, Measure Y, PAC Orientation

By appointment

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Anti-Social Patterns

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Cognitive Behavior Restructuring - Individual Counseling

53.8% 14

Cognitive Behavior Restructuring - Group Counseling

57.7% 15

Domestic Violence 38.5% 10

Anger Management 57.7% 15

Sex Offender Counseling 7.7% 2

Other Pro-Social Counseling or Services 50.0% 13

If Other Pro-Social Counseling or Services (please specify) 12

answered question 26

skipped question 14

Other Referrals to government and community based organizations

conflict resolution workshops

Transitional and Permanent Housing and Employment placement and follow-up

Gang intervention counseling

211 maintains updated information about, and refers people to all of the above services and programs.

Motivational Interviewing

Soft Skills development training.

Relationship Skills, Parenting, Substance Abuse Education

group counseling and quiet sitting curriculum development

Career Counseling

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Service 4: EDUCATION


Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

GED or High School Diploma Services 38.1% 8

Adult Education (i.e. adult basic education, literacy…) 33.3% 7

Community College/University Programs 28.6% 6

Tutoring 19.0% 4

ESL 4.8% 1

Other Educational Services 71.4% 15

If Other Educational Services (please specify) 15

answered question 21 skipped question 19

Other Fundamental Training on starting a business

We refer to adult education providers

Supportive Employment

Job training and educational workshops

In addition to 211 referring callers to all of the resources listed above, the Roving Housing Academy provides educational tools to access and retain affordable housing including completing rental resumes, landlord interview techniques, landlord-tenant law, credit and budget education plus customized housing listings.

Refer for these services

Cooperation with Berkeley City College, SF State, Berkeley Adult School

Computerized Learning Lab, Employability Preparation

Referrals only

Referrals to GED and to Community College programs

Grant writing, financial management, sewing, beading, job readiness

Job Readiness/Life Skills Education

Computer and financial literacy

Supported Education Services

Trains vets to utilize veterans benefits/services to address social issues

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Behavioral Health

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Family Counseling 56.5% 13

Parent Education 52.2% 12

Other Family Support 39.1% 9

Mental Health Treatment – Outpatient 47.8% 11

Mental Health Treatment – Residential 8.7% 2

Dual Diagnosis Treatment – Outpatient 34.8% 8

Dual Diagnosis Treatment - Residential 21.7% 5

Other Behavioral Health Services

39.1% 9

If Other Behavioral Health Services (please specify) 8

answered question 23 skipped question 17


We refer to treatment providers

24 hour hotline for parents

The ACWIB is contracted with Crisis Support Services of Alameda County to provide mental health counseling to clients at the One Stop Career Centers.

211 maintains updated information about, and refers people to all of the above services and programs. We work very closely with Ala Co Behavioral Health Care (i.e., co-created the CHOICES online housing database targeted for the mentally ill and their advocates).

Criminogenic Behavior Change, Resource Information

Assessments, and referrals to the above services

Just initiating mental health outpatient tx

Wellness Center

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Substance Abuse

Answer Options Response

Percent Response


Substance Abuse Treatment – Outpatient 52.4% 11 Substance Abuse Treatment – Residential 23.8% 5 Clean and Sober Living 23.8% 5 Narcotics Anonymous (NA) programming 38.1% 8 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) programming 33.3% 7 Gamblers Anonymous (GA) programming 4.8% 1 Other Behavioral Health Services 52.4% 11 If Other Behavioral Health Services (please specify) 11

answered question 21 skipped question 19


Alcohol and drug monitoring in addition to referrals to service providers

Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder Integrated Treatment

Relapse prevention groups and one-on-one counseling for enrolled clients

211 maintains updated information about, and refers people to all of the above services and programs.

Refer out for these services

Chemical Dependency Education, Relapse Prevention

Assessments, and referrals to the above services

Substance Abuse Education

Referral/contract to community substance abuse tx

Dual Recovery Anonymous

Assists in getting vets treatment for service connected substance abuse behavior

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Pro-Social Companions & Structured Leisure Activities

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Mentoring 85.0% 17

Structured Recreational and Leisure Activities 40.0% 8

Other Pro-Social Services 50.0% 10

If Other Pro-Social Services (please specify) 12

answered question 20

skipped question 20


In development

Field trips, educational outdoor activities, workshops

Alumni Association Peer Support Network [Recovery Oriented Systems of Care]

Mentoring is informal, part of case management

In addition to 211 providing referrals to all of the above, Rovers act as mentors and advocates, individually and in groups (i.e., Housing Academy), while providing skill building techniques, role playing, and peer support groups. The Rovers & 211 have access to community-wide mentoring, recreational and other pro-social services.

Service projects strongly encouraged

Peer Support

Life Skills classes

Referrals to Community Resources

Community volunteering

Facilitated Focus Groups

Assistance with entry into veteran benefits and programs

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Service 8: HOUSING


Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Emergency Shelter 39.1% 9

Transitional Housing 60.9% 14

Section 8 Housing 8.7% 2

Affordable Housing – Long Term 30.4% 7

Sober Housing 21.7% 5

Other Housing Services 56.5% 13

If Other Housing Services (please specify) 15

answered question 23 skipped question 17


We refer to housing service providers

Make referrals

Housing placement services

We are the ONLY Alameda County CBO that maintains & tracks over 75,500 housing records, and makes calls to countywide shelters everyday for emergency bed availabilities. The agency’s customized databases automatically match clients with the housing that meets their individual needs & criteria. Records are maintained, & referrals given for transitional housing, residential treatment programs, and subsidized housing. Rover programs are targeted to specified populations so appropriate client support services are given (i.e., sex offenders are not referred to women/children shelters; furniture & move-in assistance provided if needed).

supportive housing with out-site services

Shelter Plus Care and HOPWA rental assistance, Rapid rehousing and homeless prevention programs. Housing Program design.

Shelter Plus Care provider, 140 beds of clean, sober, tobacco free housing

Resource Planning

Placement services through Abode/OHA

I will ask the director of our Housing practice to fill in this survey separately.

Referrals to Community Resources

referral and case management for housing services

Housing First Subsidies attached to Assertive Community Treatment Team

Referrals to VA Homeless programs

Housing Placement, Subsidy Administration

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Employment/ Workforce Development

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Job Preparation: Soft Skill Development (i.e. job seeking, job behaviors…)

82.8% 24

Employer Outreach – Job Search 75.9% 22

Trade/Vocational Training 41.4% 12

Job Placement – Temporary Placement Services 44.8% 13

Job Placement – Subsidized or Stipend 48.3% 14

Job Placement- Unsubsidized, On-going Work 48.3% 14

On-the-Job Employment Retention Support 51.7% 15

Other Employment Services 41.4% 12

If Other Employment Services (please specify) 10

answered question 29 skipped question 11


OJT paid employment with a pre-determined ending date ( Cal Trans)

We refer to job and employment service providers

The ACWIB Business Services Unit works with employers.

Eden I&R has experience hiring and training ex-offenders for various positions. In addition, the agency works in close partnership with the Workforce Investment Board attending ACCESS meetings, making presentations, and participating in outreach events/fairs. Cross referrals are common between 211 and all of the employment programs listed above (especially the One Stop centers). We also handled the pre-screenings for AC Hire & assisted laid-off NUMMI workers.

refer out for re-entry population

Cooperative agreement with Rubicon

Resume Preparation, Employability Resources

We provide legal services to people with criminal records seeking employment. This can range from helping with early termination of probation, felony reductions, PC section 1203.4 dismissals (or "expungements"), enforcing consumer protections with respect to criminal background checks run by employers and landlords, representation of people with records who are trying to obtain professional licenses, and many, many other services.

Supported Employment

Union Dues Assistance, Work Clothing, & Transportation

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Basic Needs & Social Services

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Food 62.1% 18

Clothing 65.5% 19

Transportation 72.4% 21

Public Benefits Enrollment 58.6% 17

Other Social Service 24.1% 7

If Other Social Service (please specify) 10

answered question 29

skipped question 11


We do not provide institutional assistance, but our attorneys give our clients money for food, clothing and transportation on a regular basis.

Referrals to government and community based organizations

211 is available with 24/7 with multilingual resource specialists to refer offenders and others to available basic needs like emergency shelters, provide transportation information to these services, as well what materials they need to bring in order to receive services. The agency also has the background and capability of providing customized pre-screenings for programs and shared data (i.e., CalFresh, HPRP, AC Hire, MediCal) which results in more efficient processes for both the clients and staff. 211 also works closely with Ala Co Support Services and police/sheriff/fire departments related to individual & community emergency situations.

As needed

Season of Sharing Housing Assistance

I will ask the director of our Benefits practice to fill in this survey separately.

Connection to health services

Monthly stipends for attendance during training

Referral for health and benefits

Referral to and coordination with SSI, vet benefits, social service programs

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Document Support (assistance to obtain the following:)

Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Identification Card(s) 84.4% 27

Social Security Card 71.9% 23

Birth Certificate 59.4% 19

Other Document Support 50.0% 16

If Other Document Support (please specify) 14

answered question 32 skipped question 8


We refer to the government agencies

Work permit

Rovers and 211 explain to callers/clients what documents they need to take to appointments, provide transportation and office hour information, indicate if other languages are provided if necessary, etc. Rovers also assist with obtaining and completing housing applications, tax IDs, immigrant IDs, passports, school transcripts, death certificates, credit reports, income verification, etc.

I-9 compliance we assist all of our clients in becoming legally able to work

Disabled bus passes when relevant

Community Transition Planning

Child support, tickets

Referrals to services

I will ask the director of our Neighborhood Justice Practice to fill in this survey separately.

Assistance to navigate local systems as needed

Selective Service Registration

Assistance to get documents (DD-214, etc.) to apply for programs

Veterans Documentation

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Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Primary Health Services 45.8% 11

Dental Care 20.8% 5

Vision Care 16.7% 4

Health Insurance 37.5% 9

Other Health Services 58.3% 14

If Other Health Services (please specify) 16

answered question 24

skipped question 16


Referrals to health care providers

Medical Director on Staff Make referrals

Assistance obtaining health insurance

During the intake process 211 reviews with the caller the family income and current health needs, and then recommends healthcare related options and referrals (including those listed above). Pre-screenings for MediCal are also provided, and if they appear not to be eligible, they could be referred to such programs as Health PAC, and healthy families. Eden I&R is a partner with the Alameda County Public Health Department to conduct MediCal outreach. In addition the agency informs callers and clients about free health fairs and events that occur throughout the year.

Linking to these services through partners

Health screening, TB tests, referral to Lifelong Medical

Health Care Screening, Podiatry Clinic and First Aid/CPR

Community Resources


Referrals to services


I will ask the director of our Health practice to fill in this survey separately.

Auto enrollment into the LIHP Program.

Referrals to Community Resources

Family PACT/Medi-Cal

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Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

General Legal (i.e. employment, housing…) 27.8% 5

Family Law (i.e. custody, child support…) 11.1% 2

Immigration 11.1% 2

Records and Warrants 33.3% 6

Expungement 38.9% 7

Other Legal Services 72.2% 13

If Other Legal Services (please specify) 14

answered question 18

skipped question 22


Defense of poor people whose liberty interests are at stake.

Legal referrals to community and government agencies

consumer law (e.g. clearing up credit issues)

Depending upon the caller’s situation, the agency refers callers/clients to legal organizations with whom we have been

partnering with for decades including the East Bay Community Law Center, Bay Area Legal Aid, & Legal Assistance for

Seniors as well as the Alameda County Justice Ctr, Family Violence Law Ctr and the Clean Slate Clinic.

Homeless Court, referral to legal services

accompany client through the process

We serve many clients currently on felony probation or are currently on other forms of supervision. We also serve all others

who have had contact with the law enforcement, both rencently and long in the past.

Referrals to Community Resources

representation for entitlements: SSI, SSA, SS

benefits advocacy


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Answer Options Response Percent

Response Count

Financial Counseling & Education (i.e. budgeting, banking/savings options, credit repair…)

75.0% 18

Tax service 12.5% 3

Other Financial Services 25.0% 6

If Other Financial Services (please specify) 8

Answered question 24 skipped question 16


Referrals to service providers

Bring in presenters from the community

211 provides referrals to individual callers to services as mentioned above, and also provides financial counseling and education regarding budgeting, credit repair and banking assistance in groups via the Rover program and it’s Housing Academy.

I will ask the director of our Economic Development practice to fill in this survey separately.

Referrals to Community Resources

Monthly stipends for attendance during training period


Coordination of Social Service benefits with vet benefits, Soc. Security, IRS, etc.

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10F – ADDITIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES ADDITIONAL SERVICES OFFERED? Are there other/additional services that you offer that you feel would be of benefit to this target population? If so, please share.

Answer Options Response



answered question 14

skipped question 26 Other

A program specifically to address the needs of homeless veterans with a criminal past, a program specifically to address the needs of classified sex offenders, segregate serious offenders form this who are not rapists of molesters.

GPS, continuous alcohol monitoring and collaboration with courts and probation

Center Point conducts long-term data collection, analysis and reporting of trends and follow-up information; conducts screening, assessments, and levels of risk evaluations; through the Day Reporting Center, the Agency has the ability to conduct comprehensive assessments and service planning with on-site services; the Day Reporting Center has established linkages with employment, housing, primary care, substance use and mental health disorder providers, and other critical support services throughout Alameda County. The Day Reporting Center model provides a centralized hub and helps to limit the duplication of efforts.

Eden I&R has experience and capacity (with additional staff hours) to add customized screenings, data collection/sharing/analysis, outgoing notifications, Roving programs, Housing Academies, bed reservations systems, and other customized services and programs (to assist offenders, their families and advocate staff before, during and/or after incarceration).

Housing placement and retention services

Peer Mentoring

Family Support Services and Safety Net Services for Men and Women,

Adult Drug Court, Reentry Court, and Family Drug Court services are provided

I am asking the directors of the other practices at EBCLC to fill in this form separately. I am happy to provide additional information.


Referrals to other Resources and Centers to augment OPIC employment services, for holistic assistance

We offer an holistic approach to servicing this population, i.e. Career Center, where faxes, copies, and phones are free and available, onsite same day employment counseling sessions, resume assistance, and overall job readiness preparation

Assistance and coordination of social programs to assist the re-entry of veteran clients back into society.

Special is housing services, however through our shelter and other social service programs, we offer a broad spectrum of social services.

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Do you have any comments or suggestions?

Answer Options Response



answered question 10

skipped question 30


Assistance/link with family reunification processes.

I would like to utilize my years of experience by working in the Probation Department in the capacity of program evaluator, program developer, I have wonderful outside of the box ideas that WILL result in positive outcomes for Alameda County Probation.

Coordinated continuum of care services are critical to this effort & we look forward to assisting in this process. More room in this survey to answer the questions would have been helpful. We have much more to share!

Our organization can provide quality services

HCD general creates programs and funds CBOs to provide housing and services rather than providing direct services in the department.

We believe that wrap around services by one organization is the best practice and that services need to start immediately upon release or before if possible. We pick people up at the gate and mentor intensively them through the first fragile weeks.


Glad you are doing the survey. The implementation of services for this population to be effective need a lot of partnership with the community. Good start to that process

I do feel that the appointment of a Re-Entry Czar for Alameda County would help solidify the many services and assistances that are available throughout this county, and the region as a whole. I do feel this need & perhaps some support staff should be a top priority for the additional funding received for this upcoming fiscal year.