CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C) State of the Union CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control Working Group (SM&C) Mario Merri (ESA), Chair CCSDS Workshop Spring 2010, Portsmouth, Va, USA - 3-7 May 2010

CCSDS SM&C State of the Union - American Institute of ... Documents/2010/Merri... · SM&C Working Group 7 year lifetime ... Flight Dynamics (Orbit, Attitude) ... [SLE-SM] Ground Station

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CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)State of the Union

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control Working Group (SM&C)Mario Merri (ESA), Chair

CCSDS Workshop Spring 2010, Portsmouth, Va, USA - 3-7 May 2010

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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Mission Operations (MO) Services in CCSDSARCHIVE






Spacecraft OnboardInterfaceServices

Mission Ops& Info. Mgt.






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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


SM&C or MO?

Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C) Services

Goal: Standardize the Mission Operations (MO) Services to enable the build up of space missions by using “plug & play” components orchestrated in a Service Oriented Architecture

Mission Operations (MO) Services

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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


SM&C Working Group 7 year lifetime (started in Dec 2003) 10 Space Agencies actively involved Very active (13 workshops, 59+ telecons) Excellent team work among agencies! Quite productive (… and ready for more)

Green Books 2 published (XTCE, MO) 1 almost published (MO)

Blue Books 1 published (XTCE) 1 almost published (MAL) 3 under finalisation (COM, M&C, Common) 1 under preparation (Space Packet Binding)

Magenta Books 1 almost published (RM) 1 under finalisation (Java API) 3 under preparation (C++ API, XTCE Core, XTCE CCSDS)

Yellow Books 1 almost published (MAL testing)

White Books several in early draft

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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Distributable MO FunctionsSpacecraft

Payload/Science Team Mission Control Centre Another Agency

Spacecraft Manufacturer

M&C (Status, Control)

On-board Software

Automation (Procedures, Timelines)

Planning (Tasks, Goals)

Mission Data (Products)

Flight Dynamics (Orbit, Attitude)

Mission Operations Services:

Organisational BoundariesFunctional BoundariesSystem BoundariesLong-Term Data Persistence

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Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Candidate MO Services: Information Classes

Operationally meaningful information exchange: Status [Monitoring Parameter] Control Directive Event Notification Automated Activity Scheduled Timeline or Activity List Planning Request: Task or Goal Trajectory and Pointing Predicted Events Mission Product Time On-board Software Image



Flight Dynamics


Mission Products

On-board Software


Just transferring data is not sufficient for MO. Semantic of data is key

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Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Orchestrating MO Services: Mission Planning Example








Orbital Events



Science &OperationsRequests


ManagementManoeuvres Software Loads





Ground ScheduleOn-board Schedule

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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Engineering the Services: MO Framework Technology and location independent

Application computer language Transport and encoding Interoperable On Ground and/or space

Discoverable Not duplicated

Implementing common features in the same way Common services (e.g. directory, login, configuration, retrieve,…) Messaging Interaction patterns Data types Handling of security Quality of Services

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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


MO Service Layering

MO ServicesLayer




TransportLayer Messaging Technology

Messaging Abstraction LayerGeneric Interaction Patterns, Access Control, Quality of Service

Common Object ModelIdentify, Definition, Occurrence, Status

Common ServicesDirectory, Login, …

Mapping of the MAL to encoding

and transport

Abstract messaging


Abstract service specification

defined in terms of the COM & MAL

Mapping to implementation

languageFunctional Services

Core, Automation, Scheduling, Time, …


Generic service specification

defined in terms of the MAL

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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)



MO Service Deployment Options

Application Application Application Application Application Application



Space Link Services(SLS, SIS, AMS, Other)



Mission Operations Services

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Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Portability and Interoperability

Entity Interoperability

Application portabilityApplication portability

SOAP Message Transport SOAP Message Transport

Encoding to XML

Messaging Abstraction Layer

in C++

Mission Operations Service

in C++

Consumer Application

in C++

Encoding to XML

Messaging Abstraction Layer

in Java

Mission Operations Service

in Java

Provider Application

in Java

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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Protocol Bridging

Entity InteroperabilityEntity Interoperability

Protocol Bridging

Application portabilityApplication portability

SOAP Message Transport AMS Message Transport

Encoding to XML

Messaging Abstraction Layer

in C++

Mission Operations Service

in C++

Consumer Application

in C++

Encoding to Space Packets

Messaging Abstraction Layer

in C

Mission Operations Service

in C

Provider Application

in C

SOAP Message Transport

Encoding to XML

AMS Message Transport

Encoding to Space Packets

Messaging Abstraction Layer

in Java

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Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Service-Oriented Architecture: Plug-in Components



MO Framework

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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Mission Operations Services




ReferenceModel Common

Object Model





Service SpecificEncoding(optional)

Green Book

Blue Book

Magenta Book


MessageAbstractionLayer (MAL)

MO Services Roadmap

Common Services: Blue Book

Time Service: Blue Book

Software Management Service: Blue Book

Automation Service: Blue Book

Scheduling Service: Blue Book

Planning Request Service: Blue Book

Data Product Management Service: Blue Book

Location Service: Blue Book

Flight Dynamics Service: Blue Book

Remote Buffer Management Service: Blue Book

MO Service Specifications

M&C Service: Blue Book

Future Service Specifications: Blue Book

Common Services: Blue Book

Time Service: Blue Book

Software Management Service: Blue Book

Automation Service: Blue Book

Scheduling Service: Blue Book

Planning Request Service: Blue Book

Data Product Management Service: Blue Book

Location Service: Blue Book

Flight Dynamics Service: Blue Book

Remote Buffer Management Service: Blue Book

MO Service Specifications

M&C Service: Blue Book

Future Service Specifications: Blue Book

Java Language Mapping: Magenta Book

Python Language Mapping: Magenta Book

C++ Language Mapping: Magenta Book

C Language Mapping: Magenta Book

Other Language Mappings: Magenta Book

MO Language Mappings

CCSDS Space Packet Encoding: Blue Books

CCSDS AMS Encoding: Blue Book

XML Encoding: Blue Book

Other Technology Mappings: Magenta/Blue Book

MO Technology Mappings

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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Messaging Middleware

Message transport

Implementation #1

Transport AdapterImplementation

Service Stub/Skeletons


Test Application

MAL Implementation

Standard Transport API

Service Specific API



Implementation #2

Transport AdapterImplementation


Test Application

MAL Implementation

Standard Transport API

Service Specific API



Service Stub/Skeletons

Message transportTransport Adapter

Service Stub/SkeletonsMAL Standard APIs

Test Code

MAL Implementation

Service Specific API Testing the Standards: Initial MAL Prototype

• Done!

• ESA-CNES cooperation

• Completely automated

• 16840 individual tests!

• The two implementations interoperated perfectly!

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Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Must be changed to testa new language mapping

Testing the Standards: Reference Test Bed

Messaging Middleware

Message transport

Implementation #1


MAL Implementation

Standard Transport API



Implementation #2


MAL Implementation

Standard Transport API



Must be changed to testa new service specification

Must be changed to testa new technology mapping

Service Stub/Skeletons

Test Application

Service Specific API

Transport AdapterImplementation

Transport AdapterImplementation

Message transportTransport Adapter

Service Stub/SkeletonsMAL Standard APIs

Test Code

MAL Implementation

Service Specific API

Test Application

Service Specific API

Service Stub/Skeletons

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Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Additional Prototyping (1) Prototype 1 (NASA/JSC)

Goal: validation of MAL + M&C (Parameter, Action, Alert), Common (directory) Results: Validity of MAL concept proven (3 different underlined technologies used:

SOAP/Java, AMS/C, AMS/Python). Some extensions for manned flight identified (will be included). Generally positive and promising experience

Prototype 2 (CNES) Goal: evaluate feasibility of migration of the CNES mission control system

infrastructure, Octave, to MO services and performance Results: Migration possible and economically convenient. Performances depends

on architecture, but in general satisfactory (14,000 parameters/s in typical Octave operational configuration)

Prototype 3 (Eumetsat) Goal: Common Services and performances Results: Several configurations (Point-2-Point, Pub/Sub, packet size, 1-n clients)

and communication technologies (RMI, MoMJMS, AMQP (two broker implementations: Java, C++)) were tested and compared. Performances depend on configuration (range 35,000-2,000 parameters/s). The MAL layer does not add noticeable overhead

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Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Additional Prototyping Prototype 4 (DLR-NASA/JSC)

Goal: concept and feasibility of MO framework interoperability through integration of MO into DLR’s MCS and JSC Simulator.

Results: the first step has successfully completed. Fourteen test cases were executed with a set of 76 expected results that covered valid state transitions for the Send, Submit, Request, Invoke and Progress interaction patterns as described in the MAL. Four additional tests are foreseen on the Publish/Subscribe interaction pattern in the near future. After that, the prototype will continue with test on the Directory service and the M&C service (Action, Parameter and Alert). After successfully testing of the framework integration into DLR’s MCS and JSC simulator will follow, with the overall objective of an interoperability test where DLR monitor and control a Simulated NASA spacecraft.

Prototype 5 (CNES) Goal: Validation of the M&C service over CCSDS Space Packets Results: The prototype is still on-going, but so far very successful. Please refer to

the paper “Space Packet encoding : Reduce the design effort to zero?” included in the proceedings of SpaceOps 2010

Prototype 6 (ESA) Goal: Validation of the MAL using Web Services specifications Results: The prototype is still on-going, initial results will be presented at the

CCSDS workshop next week.

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CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)



MO service’s underlying infrastructure (RM, MAL) is ready and will be soon CCSDS standards

The Reference Test Bed is available that provides a standard reference system for the testing of new MO components

M&C and Common Services books are in advanced status and will come next, hopefully by the end of the year

Next MO services to be tackled depends on the interests and needs of the community Planning?, Flight Dynamics? Suggestions and active participation of interested groups are


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SpacecraftMonitoring& Control

Working Group

CCSDS Spacecraft Monitoring & Control (SM&C)


Let MO Services do the boring part of the job so that YOU can focus

on the smart part