CDEC is a member of the Consortium of Development Education Centres Educating for a fair and sustainable world Session 1 – Introducing Global Literacy Tuesday 4th June – Cockermouth Wednesday 12th June – Barrow Tuesday 25th June – Penrith Session 2 – Competition Launch Monday 23rd September – Cockermouth Tuesday 24th September – Barrow Wednesday 25th September – Penrith Places are limited so BOOK NOW! Cumbria Development Education Centre Email: [email protected] Low Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB Tel/Fax: 015394 31602 www.cdec.org.uk Opportunity for Cumbria Schools! SPRING 2013 Do you want to build your confidence to teach about global issues? Find new engaging contexts for literacy teaching and learning? Help build pupils’ confidence, self-esteem, and social/emotional skills? Get free teaching materials? Then join ‘Pupils Take Action for a Fairer World!’ ‘Pupils Take Action’ is the culmination of a three year project, which has seen children and teachers from Cumbria working with those in Poland, the Czech Republic and Ghana, to learn about the global themes of food, trade, inequalities, and how to take action to reduce poverty. Our children are growing up in an exciting but increasingly complex and global world, in which their lives are connected to people and places at the click of a button, or by the purchase of a chocolate bar. Children are entitled to learn about this world, and understand their role within it. We encourage children to stand up and notice, to ask critical questions, and to understand that they have the ability to make a difference. The competition ‘Pupils Take Action for a Fairer World!’ will challenge children to do just that – to identify an issue or an area which they think needs to be changed to make the world a fairer place. This could be anything from challenging stereotypes to the impact of Fairtrade, from myths about poverty to raising awareness of food waste. Or it could be something closer to home, like supporting local food producers and craftspeople, or the sustainability of the natural environment. What’s different and exciting about this project is that children will be enabled to see for themselves that their own small contributions can actually make a difference. And by linking with children in other countries, they will be taking a place within a much wider community of people. This is your pupils’ opportunity to experience global citizenship in action! What’s involved? CDEC will be delivering FREE training sessions for KS 2 teachers to introduce the project themes, and to share classroom activities which will inspire your pupils, and to learn participatory approaches which will enable and empower them to take charge of their own projects. You will receive a free copy of our new ‘Global Literacy Challenge and Enquiry Pack’. And the competition will culminate in a final event in January/February 2014. CDEC will be able to contribute towards supply costs to attend these meetings.

CDEC News Spring 2013

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CDEC News Spring 2013

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Page 1: CDEC News Spring 2013

CDEC is a member of theConsortium of Development Education CentresEducating for a fair and sustainable world

Session 1 – Introducing Global Literacy

Tuesday 4th June – Cockermouth

Wednesday 12th June – Barrow

Tuesday 25th June – Penrith

Session 2 – Competition Launch

Monday 23rd September – Cockermouth

Tuesday 24th September – Barrow

Wednesday 25th September – Penrith

Places are limited so BOOK NOW!

Cumbria Development Education Centre Email: [email protected] Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602 www.cdec.org.uk

Opportunity for Cumbria Schools!


Do you want to build your confidence to teach about

global issues?Find new engaging contexts for literacy teaching and learning?Help build pupils’ confidence,

self-esteem, andsocial/emotional skills?

Get free teaching materials?

Then join ‘Pupils Take Actionfor a Fairer World!’

‘Pupils Take Action’ is the culmination of a three yearproject, which has seen children and teachers fromCumbria working with those in Poland, the CzechRepublic and Ghana, to learn about the global themes offood, trade, inequalities, and how to take action to reducepoverty. Our children are growing up in an exciting butincreasingly complex and global world, in which their livesare connected to people and places at the click of a button, or by the purchase of a chocolate bar. Childrenare entitled to learn about this world, and understandtheir role within it. We encourage children to stand upand notice, to ask critical questions, and to understandthat they have the ability to make a difference. The competition ‘Pupils Take Action for a Fairer World!’will challenge children to do just that – to identify an issueor an area which they think needs to be changed to makethe world a fairer place. This could be anything from challenging stereotypes to the impact of Fairtrade, frommyths about poverty to raising awareness of food waste.Or it could be something closer to home, like supportinglocal food producers and craftspeople, or the sustainability

of the natural environment. What’s different and excitingabout this project is that children will be enabled to seefor themselves that their own small contributions canactually make a difference. And by linking with children inother countries, they will be taking a place within a muchwider community of people. This is your pupils’opportunity to experience global citizenship inaction!

What’s involved?CDEC will be delivering FREE training sessions for KS 2teachers to introduce the project themes, and to shareclassroom activities which will inspire your pupils, and tolearn participatory approaches which will enable andempower them to take charge of their own projects. You will receive a free copy of our new ‘Global LiteracyChallenge and Enquiry Pack’. And the competition will culminate in a final event in January/February 2014.CDEC will be able to contribute towards supply coststo attend these meetings.

Page 2: CDEC News Spring 2013

Creative Classroom Activities - run by CDEC

Brand New for 2013/14!

CREATIVE CLASSROOMSACTIVITIES RUN BY CDECActive Assembly - engaging, active, entertaining assembly Creative Classroom session - 2 hourindoor or outdoor sessionClass Creations - full day sessionCreative combo - a series of 4 sessionsAll materials, resources and equipment provided!

CDEC are launching their brand new service to schools –

delivering hands-on, fun, relevant, engaging and creative

learning, inside and outside of the classroom. From an

entertaining assembly about globalisation to a creative

classroom session about the culture of Cumbria, to a

full day all about a Country of your choice, there are

plenty of creative sessions to choose from. We have many

packages available to suit your needs and budgets and we

will provide all equipment, resources, run the sessions and

clear up after ourselves! All you have to do is join in with

your children, enjoy the session and build on the children’s

enthusiasm once we’ve gone!

Our sessions have been developed in response to many

Cumbrian schools performing well with their SMSC

provision, but many being told by Ofsted to explore their

own cultures in more depth as well as those that lie further

afield. All of our sessions link to SMSC, Citizenship and

Global Learning agendas and use collaborative learning,

designed to inspire

curiosity andcreativity inyour children.

So, if you fancy a bit of inspiration from our Global

experts at CDEC, something a bit different to engage your

children, or maybe a few ideas for achieving deep and

meaningful Global Learning, then take a look at what we

have to offer and get in touch to discuss your needs.

Let CDEC provide your Creative Classroom

sessions and let us show your children the world.

We can help with your multicultural weeks, art

weeks, water weeks, and more!

Please ring now to discuss your requirements.

Having an Art week? Why not let us help you add a differentdimension to it by getting us torun some ‘Global Art’ sessions?Creative, messy, fun and childrenlearn a little but more about themeaning and relevance of pattern,colour, print and artwork in communities from around theworld.

Further than Fa

irtrade -

Lots of us have to

uched on

Fairtrade work, bu

t these

sessions take it a st

ep further.

Fun sessions that us

e arts,

crafts and games to eng

age in

Fairtrade issues an

d concepts,

deeper discussions

and role play.

Why not

take it fu


Our ‘Africa

is not a




the contin

ent of Afri

ca, dispel

some of the m

yths we h


about it a

nd challeng



s. An idea

l starting

point for G

lobal Lear


The Culture of Cumbria -What exactly is the culture ofCumbria? What do we think ofthe place we live? Let’s explorethe massively diverse nature ofCumbria and where our community fits in. From themountains and lakes to theports and people, these sessionslook at the diversity on ourdoorstep.

Visible, Invisib

le - These

sessions explor

e personal

identity and cla

ssroom diversit


starting with w

hat we think w


know about ea

ch other. A grea


way of building

self esteem,

engaging in col


learning and de

lving deeper to

find out who w

e really are!

Cumbria Development Education CentreLow Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602

Choose from . . .

Outside In! - Why not try

these sessions that utilise

whatever outdoor space you

have to encourage shared

planning, thinking skills, negoti


and team work? Ideal for key

work on all areas of the socia


and emotional aspects of learning

and great for getting dirty!

Other Creative Classroom sessionsinclude introductory studies into specific countries, perfect for studying contrasting localities, establishing aschool link with another country orjust wanting a different learning experience about other people andplaces; ‘Welcome to . . . India,Ghana, Tanzania, Laos,Caribbean’ - just some of the countries we can offer sessions about.Ask for more details.

Page 3: CDEC News Spring 2013

CPD at a glance . . .‘Introduction to Forest Schools’ Our popular Forest Schoolscourse is back for another year. If you’ve missed outbefore make sure you book on this imaginative, hands-onsession! 25th April or 4th June‘Fairtrade, Forests and Fells’ From the ‘Fairtrade Frog game’to giant Fairtrade footprints and ‘Fruity orienteering’, thishands on session will give you plenty of food for thought!A great way of exciting curiosity in children aboutFairtrade and the environment. 30th April‘Global Teachers Award’ This course aims to support teachers in developing skills, knowledge and practicalapproaches to incorporate global learning into the curriculum and to support informed, active global citizenship amongst pupils. 3rd May‘Fairtrade and Local’ A great way of getting ideas for teaching about local and Fairtrade using the outdoor classroom! Fun games and activities for children aboutFairtrade issues, respecting the environment and excitingcuriosity about the local and wider world. 6th June‘Philosophy for Children Level 1’ This two day course willgive participants the basic qualification in P4C – anapproach to teaching and learning which helps teachersdevelop children’s thinking skills, improves self esteem andself confidence empowering young children to take controlof their own learning. 6/7 June‘Show Ofsted the World’ Ofsted want to see SMSC opportunities in every lesson and as part of your schoolethos. This new course highlights the need to provide astimulating curriculum which uses real life contextsto motivate learning. Find out what Oftsedare looking for, what evidence you need tocollect and think about the impact of yourcurrent teaching and learning regardingSMSC. Take away innovative ways of deliveryand consider ways of embedding SMSC andGlobal Learning as part of the school ethos.10th June

‘Finding Our Voice’ This course provides afresh approach to using Philosophy forChildren, introducing new stimuli and activitieswhich are adapted to engage different pupilsin your classroom. 18th June.

The British Council International School Award is a well known and

respected accreditation that provides schools with a strategic framework

for their international and global education work. Schools can

apply for

Foundation, Intermediate or Full ISA or for re-accreditation when a

previous ISA has expired.

The Global Learning Association (a not for profit company) is working with

Cumbria DEC to stage a one day training course specifically aimed at

helping schools to gain the award at any level and to suggest

ideas for

activities in and out of the curriculum that can be included in an app


Other accreditation schemes can complement the International School

Award so the course will also include support for becoming a Fairtrade

School and for the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award. We will also

provide the latest information on the new EU funding programme for

schools and on the British Council Connecting Classrooms programme that

supports school partnerships further afield. The course will be on Thursday

20th June in Penrith – contact Ray Kirtley ([email protected]) for further

details and an application form.

The British Council International

School Award

CDEC AGMWorld from Our Doorstep

project launch

Monday 17th June 2013,Rydal Hall9am - 7pm

Email: [email protected]


‘Enabling Outdoor Learn


- a conference and festival

for teachers!

CDEC will be delivering a workshop

at two events organised by the

Institute of Outdoor Learning

23rd May in Barrow

and 14th June in Dent


Page 4: CDEC News Spring 2013

Fairtrade Fortnight Fun!

Cumbria Development Education Centre Email: [email protected] Nook, Rydal Road, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 9BB

Tel/Fax: 015394 31602 www.cdec.org.uk

Fired up about Fairtrade?...let CDEC spark your ideas.Try our upcoming courses combining Fairtrade, localand the outdoors!30th April and 6th June

Download free

Fairtrade lesson

plans from our



Jericho School, activities at a Fairtrade school – Lynn YeoWe have had great support from CDEC as we’ve workedtowards Fairtrade status and we were thrilled when weachieved it last May. We are of course continuing and arewell on track to be successful again this year.We have held several events from Big Brew’s to Fashion Shows.We had so much fun with our “Big Bake Off ”, the hall wasstanding room only!Parents baked cakes, using Fairtrade and local ingredients. Wehad a huge cake stall. Sold teas and coffees. The school staffbaked cakes and thoroughly enjoyed tasting and judging!We raised money to send to The Fairtrade Innovation Fund.We run a very successful tuck shop - daily! We sell chocolatetreats on Fairtrade Fridays!“A Fair Brew and a Read Through” – where parents cometo school to read with their children and enjoy a Fairtradecuppa! This links perfectly with “World Book Day”.We sent 2 sculptures made from Fairtrade packaging to Tullie House Museum in Carlisle. These were judged onThursday 7th March at a Civic Reception hosted by theMayor. The children were thrilled to accept thirdprize with their “Rainbow”!

This Fairtrade Fortnight the Keswick Fairtrade

Cluster of schools was Fairtrade fantastic!

Braithwaite, Borrowdale and St Herbert’s CE Primary Schools got

together to carry out a variety of activities, designed to raise

awareness of Fairtrade, to allow pupils to mix, co-operate and get

to know each other and to have some Fairtrade fun!

Key Stage 1 visited Braithwaite School whilst the older pupils in

Key Stage 2 met at St Herbert’s School. Both age groups started

the afternoon with a short film about Fairtrade then groups moved

around a variety of activities; making Fairtrade flag pendants, jigsaws,

and the Fairtrade logo, and the younger children had fun with

‘Messy Maps’!

Everyone agreed it had been a worthwhile afternoon, learning

about Fairtrade whilst also working with pupils from other schools.

Meanwhile, another member of the cluster,St Joseph’s

Catholic Primary School, had a walk around Cockermouth,

visiting seven shops in the town, collecting data on the range of

Fairtrade goods sold. As a way of publicising the visits, decorated

pictures of feet were left in the shops for them to display in their

windows! Sampling Fairtrade hot drinking chocolate, bananas and

chocolate was undertaken in the afternoon—an activity enjoyed by

all. A final act of support was the creation, on the playground, of a

circle. Every child in the school held one end of a coloured foot

which was then held by another child, eventually a circle of children

supporting, as well as, taking a step for Fairtrade was created. The

whole day was declared a great success by all involved, however,

the tasting the hot chocolate was definitely the best part!

Braithwaite, Borrowdale, St Herbert’s, Bassenthwaite and St Joseph’s

School, Cockermouth, are all currently working with CDEC and the

Keswick and District Fairtrade group to achieve ‘Fairtrade School Status’.

COWC FT sculpture competitionCarlisle Fairtrade Group ran a Fairtrade Art Competition with localschools and youth organisations across Carlisle and beyond. The ideawas to ‘go further’ for Fairtrade using Fairtrade packaging to create apiece of art work. This could be in the form of a painting, collageor structure. The art work was of a very high standard and it was clearthat students had really worked hard on their projects. The creationswent on display to the public in Tullie House for the duration ofFairtrade Fortnight and were moved to the Civic Centre for CarlisleMayor, Cllr. David Wilson to pick 3 winners, at a Fairtrade CivicReception.

Congratulations to all involved and in particular to Irthington VillageSchool, Richard Rose Morton Academy and Jericho School who woncash prizes and Fairtrade chocolate!

Jericho School - ‘Rainbow’

Armathwaite School - Teabag Owl