CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media Digital Media History Andy Screen 2011 CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media Digital Media History

CDME1001 - Digital Media History

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CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Page 2: CDME1001 - Digital Media History

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

Digital Media History Timeline

32,000BCEvidence of

paleolithic cave paintings



1050BCPhoenician Alphabet

800BCGreek Alphabet

700BCRoman (Latin)


Early methods of communication

Page 3: CDME1001 - Digital Media History

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

Digital Media History Timeline

1440Printing Press is

invented by Johannes


1827First permanent


1870'Writing Ball' Typewriter

1874Sholes and Gliddon


1876Alexander Graham

Bell invents the Telephone

Formal methods of communication

1888George Eastman's

Kodak No1 Box Camera

Page 4: CDME1001 - Digital Media History

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

Digital Media History Timeline

1895First Motion Picture


1901First Trans-Atlantic

radio broadcast

1925John Logie Baird invents television

1907First colour photography

process is developed

Formal methods of communication

1943Collossus Mk I


1895Marconi invents the


Page 5: CDME1001 - Digital Media History

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

Digital Media History Timeline

1962Space War

Computer Game

1976/77First consumer



Technology Growth

1981IBM PC – Home


1958The Integrated

Circuit (microchip) is invented

1985Microsoft Windows

1984Apple Macintosh

Page 6: CDME1001 - Digital Media History

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Page 7: CDME1001 - Digital Media History

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

Digital Media History Timeline

32,000BCEvidence of

paleolithic cave paintings



1050BCPhoenician Alphabet

800BCGreek Alphabet

700BCRoman (Latin)


Early methods of communication

32000BC – Earliest believed examples of mans' attept at communication through images found at Lascoux, France

4000BC – Egyptians develop early alphabet – hieroglyphs – a set of pictographs read in an 'ox-bow' pattern to record events. Stone carvings and emergence of papyrus

1050BC – Phoenicians develop aphabet and expand trade throughout the Mediterranean.

800BC – this leads to the emergence of the Greek alphabet

700BC – which is adapted by the Romans into the Latin alphabet

We begin to see a standardisation emerging in methods of recording and communicating information

Page 8: CDME1001 - Digital Media History

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

Digital Media History Timeline

1440Printing Press is

invented by Johannes


1827First permanent


1870'Writing Ball' Typewriter

1874Sholes and Gliddon


1876Alexander Graham

Bell invents the Telephone

Formal methods of communication

1888George Eastman's

Kodak No1 Box Camera

1440 – Guttenbergs Printing press is the beginning of mass production and makes books accessible to the general population thereby increasing the dissemination of information.

1827 – The first permanent (monochome) photograph is developed using the sliding box camera

1870 – Rasmus Malling-Hansen invents the 'Writing Ball' Tyoewriter which is the beginning of the democratisation of then production process

1874 – Sholes and Gliddon develop the typewriter to include the QWERTY keybard still widely used today

1876 – Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone where he was able to transmit his voice over a telegraph wire

1888 – George Eastman introduces the Kodak No1 Box Camera for the mass market

Page 9: CDME1001 - Digital Media History

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

Digital Media History Timeline

1895First Motion Picture


1901First Trans-Atlantic

radio broadcast

1925John Logie Baird invents television

1907First colour photography

process is developed

Formal methods of communication

1943Collossus Mk I


1895Marconi invents the


1895 – Auguste and Louis Lumiere develop the first motion picture camera, the 'I' Motion Picture Camera

1895 – Marconi sent and received his first radio signal in Italy

1901 – Marconi makes the first transatlantic wireless broadcast from England to Newfoundland where he successfully received the letter 'S'. This was the first successful transatlantic radio telegraph message.

1907 – Autochrome Lumiere – the first colour photogrphy process is developed

1925 – John Logie Baird invents the television and successfully transmits then first television pictures

1943 – The Collossus MK 1 electronic computing device was developed to help British codebreakers decipher encrypted German messages during WW2. It used vacuum tubes to perform then calculations

Page 10: CDME1001 - Digital Media History

CDME1001: Communication Skills for Digital Media

Digital Media History

Andy Screen 2011

Digital Media History Timeline

1962Space War

Computer Game

1976/77First consumer



Technology Growth

1981IBM PC – Home


1958The Integrated

Circuit (microchip) is invented

1985Microsoft Windows

1984Apple Macintosh

1958 – Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce, working for Texas Instruments develop the Integrated Circuit or the Micrchip which forms then basis for modern computer technology. It is widely considered to be the most significant invention in modern history.

1962 – Steve Russell and MIT develop the first ever computer game – SpaceWar

1969 – ARPANET – Advance Research Projects Agency Network, an American defence project, allowed computers to talk to each other over a national defence computer network. It heralded the beginning of then Internet revolution.

1976/77 – The Apple I, II & TRS-80 & Commodore Pet computers are amongst the first consumer computers

1981 – IBM develop the IBM PC – Home Computer which marks then beginning of then home computer revolution It had 16K of RAM and retailed for upto $3000.

1984 – Apple Macintosh developed an affordable home computer with a GUI. Apple also introduced DTP software – Macpaint, Macdraw, Pagemaker and Quark Express

1985 – Microsoft Windows is developd and released for the PC market.