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Page 2: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

BMWffiffiffiffiln 1885 Gottlieb Daimler made a successfultrial run on a mechanically propelled two-wheeledvehicl€ This was probably the world's firstrnotorcycle, and they hav€ besn with us eversincel In the early days motorcycles were usedexclusively as a practical means of transportbecause motor cars were very expensrve tobuy and were therefore beyond mosr peoplesreach. Owing to modern mass production byHenry Ford in the early part of this contury.motor cars graduatly came into general use,and less altention was paid to the practicalityof motorcycles and they came to be enjoyedmore as a sport. lt is not surprlsing that thiscame to pass because motorcy.les are nolsuitable as a practical means of transpo.t. Theydo not afford pro€ction against weather, norare they able to carry any luggage or in factanyrhlng else except the rider and perhaps a

pillion rider. Also they are v€ry unslable ma'chines and, as any rnotorcyclist knows. momen-tary lack of balance, especially on a wet road,can cause a fall and in many cases injury Itis therefore obvious that as a practica! meansof transport ihey are very definitely infer'or romoror cars. These disadvantages are the veryreason why motorcy€ling has become such a

pleasürable and skilltul sport.Two-wheeled motoring requires that a rider andrhe machine siould be one in order to mäintaindelicate balanc€ according to conditions. To doso the rider needs expe.ience snd good judge-menr to Lonrrol the amounl of lean, accelerdrionand braking The motorcyclist must also bementally and physically strong because exposureto bad weather conditions hastens tatigue.It is no wonder that motorcycling has becomea g.eat sport. sporrs cars in the rruest senseof the term, are disappearing from the socialscene because of crowded road conditions andcost, but rnotorcycling has become a verypopular sport in many parts of the wond.Because of this machines have been developedfo. specialisgd pürposes ssch as trials, cross

3MW R90S


class. The R90S has an ensine displacementof approximately 9OO cc, and has streamlining :

which amounts to a semi cowling. lt is alsofitted with a double-disc brake on ihe fiontwheel. The colouring ls a unique shade of darksilver lt gives a great impression of a highperforrnance machine and does not have th€conventional BN4W shape. Ihe RgoS has be-come ar, topic of conversation among theworlds motorcycle fans.BMW engineers have developed the RgOSspecifically as a combination of great rellabillty,safety and comfort. The engne has extremereliability, havins a displacement of 898 cc anda:) output of 67 bhp. This is not much whencompared with the power of Japanese andItalian machines Japanese motorcycles of 750cc produce as much power. However, theoverwhelming vlclories gained by BMW, notonly at the T.T., but ar other long distance.aces l'ave <howa lhdr Ihe Td!hine s perfo -ance does not depend entreLy upon engnepower. lt is a balanced combination of power,comfon. safety and iechnical reliabiliry that

As was the case with the R75l5, h is one ofBMWs production poiicies not to increaseeFsine powe, -nnecessa' \. Redsonabe engrnepower together with BMW'S tradilional highqualrty, makes for extreme reliabrlily.BMW says of the 89OS the reliability of themachine is such that ihe rider indulging rn

longer journeys, can reach hs destination with-out getting his hands dirty.Thjs motorcycle has a performance which putsi! in the foreJront of the worlds first-classmachines. lt has a maximum speed of over22O km/h and from a standing start it cancover 400 meters in o.ly 13.3 seconds. Alsofrom a standing start it can accelerate to 160km/h (approximately lOO mph), in only 12.6seco.ds. The RgOS. in road trim, weishsapproximately 215 kg. lt is therefore about30 kg lighter thän Japanese motorcycles ofthe 750 cc c,ass. This is one of the reasonswhy it has a high performance in spite of itsmoderate power output. The frame is of thedouble cradie rypea.d is basiLallvthat of the R75l5, but the rear suspensronarm is increased in length to provide betterstabilty at high speeds and this resuhs in an,.creäse of 80 mm 'r l\e wieel bd\e wh ch rs

I 465 mm. T1e stabiiry of ihe -arhrle is

fudher enhanced by the fitting of two hydraulicsteering dampers and also because the BMWhas a very low centre or grävity due to its

well'balanced horzontally opposed twin cylinder

Great artentlon has been paid to the satety ofrider and machine As already menrioned, thedouble hydraulic disc brake is fitled to th€ frontwheel The master cyl'nde, dnd the or reserloi.are ocared ulder rhe suel r.rr ro -rn'n ize

damage in rhe event of an accidenl Incidenrallyan lndicator is fitted to show any discrepancyof brake fluid. The rear b.ake drum has smaninspection holes rn it so that it can easilly beseen if wear has taken place. A larg€ diameterqua z iodine headlight is employed for greatersafety at night. The semi cowling nor onlypresents an attracrive appearance, but alsoreduces arr resrstance and overall lessens therider's fatigue The instruments afe fitred insidethe cowlilg 3nd ea(h o.e rs locared in arubber housrng rn order to.edu€e vibrarion.There are considerable small difterences betweelthe Bgos and rhe R75/5 The B90s uses afive-speed geär box, whereas the R75/5 hasofly tour, and also a new type of carburettoris fifted. These changes are made in order toobtain higher reliability, comfort, and safety.The 8MW R90S provides lhe joy of motorcycl-Ing wirh more safety and comfort ihan probabtyany other machine. h has not only upheld burenhanced the tradition of Btvlw motor.ycleswhrch are known as Bunning works of art'l

country racing, speed racing and road sportsmodels. ln the last few years machines wrthlarge engines änd power have gained in pop-

(BMW F90S)It is said lhat the Dnectofs of gMW considereddiscontinuing rhe production of their rnotorcycles in 1969 This was when the /5' sefes,including the 875/5, was in course oi develop-rnent. Th€ reason for this was that BMW hadsuccessfully gained an undisputed position asa high performance manufacturer. 8ul theyfound that motorcycles were not very profitableand did not warrant high development costso{ a new seaes. However, . new /5" 5erieswas deveroped lo r.rrta,n the long rradirionof 8MW motorcycles, but lhis gained muchgreater popularity than th€y ever expected, andthe production of 8MW motorcycles was dou-bled in a very short time

Because of the demand for large-displacementmachines, AIVW released ln the Autumn of1973 the new /6" series which included theR90S, a sports machine of th€ v€ry highest

Overall le.gth r 2,180 mmOverall wldth : 74O mmOvera'l height: 1,21O mm Weighr:215ngEngine : Air cooled horizontälly opposed type

2-cylinder, 4 cycle OHVDisplacement : 898 ccMaximum power: 67 bhp at 7.000 rpmMaximum torque: 7.6 kgm at 5,5OO rpmTransmission : 5 speed return type gear box

and shaft driveMaximum speed : over 20O km/h


Specificärion ol BMW B9OS)

O 4Oo m : 13.3 secs.

Page 3: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM


*Study ihe lnsiructons ano photo-g.aphs belore commend.g assembiytYo! wrll need a sharp kn fe, a s.revrdriver a pa,r ol pl,ers*Do not break parts away {ron sp.ue,but cut oli cärefuly {ith a par ö1

*Belore 1na y .ene.ing ea.h parttogether b€ sure lhai paris I t cor-recily icgether And i.at !ou are:ware cl ihe nerl seque..e to be

*Use g ue spar .glJ,. Use on y enoughio make a Ccod b.nd Appr cemenitö both parts to Be lcrned Only blueshade':l parts shouid be gl!ed


Sirlctura Plan ol Dampe.

Q "..',,,.'on oi Rear vew Mrro,s 4 ....,.,.,.. or Fronl FenderI rhs marl shoss ihe .oo!r

ih s parr srioutd be pa nredCo ours are rnd cated . ihe .on:iiru.ton dra{ngs änd also on psge 13.

For tps 1or better par.ing reter toPAINTING on anrosi ea.h page

O Cö.slruct on ol DampersMake iwo sets of Dampers, for eachright and e{t sides see the struc,iural plan on the right and assemble.

(l Constr!ct on ol Yr'heelsConstruct Wheels as shown in thelgure at nght. Paint the letiers on

PAIT.ITINGMany Parts ir ihis kit are sef col-oured. However by palnti.g oiherparis h the correci colours you willadd extra reaIsm to your model andwll have created a true masterpleceOne of ihe keys to successfu paint-Ing rs to palni only afier you haveconstructed a patticrlat part. Be{orepantrng be sure thai the adhesivehas properly dried and that surpl!sglue has been removed. Surplus glueand any uneven joints should be care-fuly filed. ll you aways Lrse gluespare ngly and pay greai ättention toeven the smalesi deiai, you w I beassured ol a better res!lt.

C|."..,.,.,.. ","n"".

] v:LL e a.r






Page 4: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

O Consiruciiön oi Front Fork I

Froni Fork is movable throueh BrassPipe and Sprng. Cui ofl extra pariof Brass Plpe with a file and adlustrn order to move smoothly

,Siructura draw.g ol Front Fork








D50 G 52

C) Firi.e ol Brake ca persBoitom Cases and Brake Calipers aresymmetr ca on right and left 5ldesMäke s!re of iheir numbers and flx

@ Conslruci on of Fronl Fork


@.""".,,",." or Froni Fork 2






O t-", or Brake caiPers






1}c,"" er.""


Gl rr'.e or e.ur". ..anot_G46


T'AIlITINGParntlng of Fro.t Fork

Apply paint io Front Fork with OamperBoots masked before Fender ls fired

Gts 44




Page 5: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

lE InstalLaiion ol Front wheelFirst, app y paint and decal to FendeiThen, fix Fender Lastly, install Froni

{Pa;nting and MarkinC of Front Fender}

lD Constructon ol Electric Paris:Vinyl Cords shoLrld be joined to Elec-tric System Parts. Make sure ihatwhat parts Vinyl Cords should be

lD Assemblins ol Frame PartsConsiruci Upper Frame and Reär Fork.Cl in Rear Fork is to hod Rear Däm-per in place Fix th s part wiih sLrf

(E.Fixine of Rear DamperFlx Rear Dampers before consiruct-ion ol Left and Righi Main Frame.Righi and lefi contro levers are I xedsyrnnetr ca ly, as shown below

Structural Plan o{ Damper





flirl r."tar ar.. ol Front wheel



(lgnition Coil) o2 D23




85 mm

Assembl;ng o{ Frame Parts

cllKI t


c t4

Page 6: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

O r.Constrlctioi ol FrameiCement Frame Upper, Frame Rieht andFrame Left together. Paint Framebelore f xlng painted Fender.

(E ,.Fi,ine of Rear Fork.iFlx Rear Fork, Baitery, Main Stand,eic. to construcied frame. Nuts forholding Rear Fork in place should betighiened with a wrench Cl2.

fil construcron oi rrame


@ r,'* or Rea. Fork G37 G34 G36


(D lconstruction of Rear Brake,Rear Brake is movable through Spring.The position of fixing Brake is theinside oi Frame. See ihe photo beow.

rrAtltTtNG.Päinting of FrameiPaint black parts in Gloss Black.Frame should be carefully päinted oneside ai a time so as not to {lnger

fh """.,.,",,"" or Rear Brake



\ ".""r,. ,. up and down.


Page 7: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

TAMTYAO Installaiion of Rear wheel)Install Rear Wheel and Side Stand bymeans of Screws and Nuts. Both ofthen are novable-

(E Constructlon of Handleber)Both C utch lever and Brake lever afemovab e. Be carefu when you iix thesepafts. lvlake sure ihat together wharparts Vinyl Cords {rom each lever






lD Construction and Firing of Meter

Apply decal to Meters before litting N2.

Never reve.s€ the order

Speedometer Tachometer

Gloss Red+Gloss Yellow

rrAtltTtltcRepai. ol Worn oif Plating

Apply silver paint with a very finepointed brush to make good any dam-aged chrome work.


G48N 2.



._ L8



Construciion of RearCombination Lamp


:'t 91h "...,.".,". or

'vasr., cv nde,

vatt etack I D20

7 6 F.o.t B.ak6 Hos6 Upper-\\r-


lr Front B,are Hose Lowe. Righr 85mm Il?Frmt Brar.e He r..", t"r, el{



3 Accele.ator Wi.e Right 140 ma Accele.ato. Wire Lelt 14{ m

(L!f .."',-.,.. or Handr€bar

v.rL e u.r I

(E) ".".,,,",""

and Fixine o{ Meter Unii

D55 a--\ \-\--l Io<ar \ J -tl-

- l-. _-- -\tr!

sFront Erake Hose Upper 55mm

r r ir.

E.Brake Lamp Cord 60mm (run nsde Headlight)

Li H.ad ght Swilch Cord 60 mm (run Lnside H6ad ight)

-8 Cutch w .e 200 mm

D68 K25 D60


wink.r Lamp Yellow


Page 8: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

(9 Constructlon ol Kick PedalKick Pedal is movable through Spring.Be slre noi to smear ihe shaft olPedal with adhesives.

@ Construciion ol Engine:Fi.st consiruct Engine without gluingtentatively. and check up the adhesiv€part. And then construct rt.

ConsirLJctlon o{ K;ck Peda


l0Speedometer cab e

l3 Batt€ry Cord Shorl


fr) ...,,,,.,'." or Ene,ne Partsv

Construction ol Engine


or Fue PiPe




atTachometer Cable 130 mm

2 Plug Cord Lelt

1,,**$ unn



Photo of ComplelFd C) nder


Painting ol Eng neAfter you have gainted the engrne butbefo.e the paint is dry, brush againwith dry brush to create 6 cast metal


'G 24

Construclron of Cyl,nders


! Plug co.d R'ght /,


Q "",' ".',' , o-,

I turr t",u,,. o,",



Page 9: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

TAMru\{D Mount ng of EnsinelPut Engne into Frame before lrngCyinder Secure ihe only lront partof Eng ne wth G55s.

@ Consiruct,ön o{ MulflerWhen co.sirucing Mul1ler, make sureol the . nurnbers prlor to assembly

lO Construötion o{ CarburettorslEach Right and Lefi Carburetior hasthree Vinyl Cords. Check the number


Insrde elters: Gloss Red

K13 Atso 1, on rshr side.

.G(tl c*.t," ton or MurirFr

G55 Also lx on richt side.

9b ."".,,,.,.. or carburertor5\vl9Chöke Wre Lelt 45mm


aMatt Mcra c cr.!






,'- \/@\\or \\o.W/


Page 10: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

@ iFixing of Cylinder l)First fix Cylinder with Push-rod ontoE.gine. M!fller should be firstly fixedonio Cylnde., and ihen {ix t togetherwih step-bar onto the body.

O lFixine of Cärburettors)Each right and lefi Carburettor shouldbe fxed correctly. The le{t side partof Insulator is a little longer thanrlghi sde. Fix them with care.

PAI],ITIlIGrPainting Bolts'All the bolts used in the frames andthe engine are chrome paied. Paintthem with care, since they serve ioenhance to ove.all apPeara.ce oi your

ß) r,' ^e crrina",. r\t7







?ochoke w re Right

(DP ug Cord Right


@ -','.* eyinder 2


@ -,,,", or ca,buretrors


Page 11: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

eHeadlighr Swtch cord

G.Ac.e erator w re R ehl

OAccelerator Wre Lelt

G)Brake Lamp cord

tc Fronr Er.re Hose

@ lConstruction ol Fuel Tank and

Pant Fue Tank and Seai before ap-plyrng decals io them. For appl ca-ion ol decals, see the figure below.

@ {Fixing of Froni Fork and Wiring}For wiring of Handlebar, see the ligurebelow Pass Wires and Cords betweenmenbers of Frame. Cords which haveno paris io connect wiih should berun into Headlight.

r,AI]ITITIGI Painting of Number PlatelTo obiain beiter result, hold NumberPlate on a resi and päint it careluly.


FixinC of Front Fork and Wirng

{Construction of Japanes€ Number Plate}Glcllich wire

OBrake Lämp Cord(run nside Headlighl)

@Choke wrre Rtght

OlBatteiy Cord Shorr

,gAcceleraior wife O-rFront Brake HoseRtght

@cr;tch wire

ofBättery Cord Long 160 nm(run inside Headlght)

6D """.,,"", "" or Fuer rank and seat



@Fuel Pipe


Page 12: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

(D Fixins ol Flel Tank and SeatFrx Fuel Tank and Seat to Body whichhas been comp eiely w red. App y de-cals to Side Covers and Iix them to

@ Construction and Fxng olCowlins.

Palnl Cowling before applyLng deca sto i. For applicaion of decals, see

G t ., or FuP ra.f and seal

6F "".",',.,,". and Fixne or cowr ne @g{sre

rrAll,lTlllcI F nish oi Pa niingAfier the pai.t has dried well, polshwrth great care ihe whole body witha small ahount ol rubbing öompöundor wax. This w give your hodel areal y hLgh gloss

A 3 (Also r, A2 n the same way )



Page 13: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM



lron colour Apply tomerallic surfaces, such

Lustrous silver Use forreparnng the plänßgand painting the bolts,

Glossy red. Apply tottle base of BIMW RgOS

Flat black. Apply to theparts on handlebar.

Paint lellers of Japa-nese number plate with

@ ä;flLi""lTl"'äfi*

E|@ symbo, orBeos

,4,@/ffi\ rffi\\ffi/\wE/\sz EzTachometer and speedometer

@#Voitmeter and ammeter.

@@Stickeß of West German insurance.

{Painting ol Nllnber Plate)

West German number plate.

De*l T Decal SI

fTiliT| ","""*.,"laso lsto;. et,"L

Jaoä.ese numo€r olate

ln:i*-öilf--'Gloss cree.

(Painting of BMW R90S)The fuel tank, fenders,seat back(A1) and cowl-ing of the R90S have aclear coat of brown on asilver ground and offermetallic luster. The clearcoat on them are gradat'ed. For the gradation, seethe assembly and partdrawings.

(Before painting)Remove all dust, dirt, andadhesive smears beforeattempting any painting.Remember painting doesnot generally hide badworkmanship. Remove ex"cessive glue or joins witha file, sharp knife or veryfine emery cloth. Mostparts are best paintedafter assembly, but someinaccessible parts may bepainted before removingfrom the sprue.

(Painting materials)You will find it necces'sary to buy at least twopaint brushes. The betterthe quality the better theresult. One brush shouldbe of the chisel type forlarge surfaces. The othershould have a fine pointfor more detailed work-ing. Some form of mix-ing palette will also beneccessary. Use any ofthe modelling paints yoursupplier recommends.

Seven basic colours arerecommended for paint-ing your R90S model.

Glossy black. Apply tothe frame. The frameof most two-wheeledvehrcles is painted in

Glossy white. Apply to


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4l ennrs

2.Sde Cov.r Right 3.Sid6 cover Lell4. Rea. Fender 5.Front F.nd€r

7.Fu6l T.nk Unde'side

@ ennrsI . Rear Fork Part A2 Frtme B 3,F.ame C4. N!6ber Plat6 Brackot

6. Sten Cohpi€to Part7.R6ar Fork Lower g.Reaf Fork Upp€r

l0.Fran€ A Left ll Frame A Right

ls.Frame P.rt A l4.Fram€ Part B


@ ennrs1 Ste€ring O.mper Päris A2. Sleering Oahper Parts C3 St€efing D.mper C4 Steering Ormper B5.Cowling Stay Right6. Cowling Släy Lell7. Reär View Mirfor A

IL Front F€nder Stay L€it12.Front F€nder Stsy Rght13.Reä. Vier Miror Stay Rghtl4.Rear Vies MkrÖr Stay Leit

l8.A.rte.y Fxirg Base B Rightlg.eatlery Fxing Bas€ B Letl20. Br:ke Master Cylhder Csp

?2 Balte.y Firi^g Base C?3. Batlery Fixing Base A

25.Mai. stand A L€it26.An Intake A 27,An tntäke B28. Brake Arh Slopper29. Slde Sland Wash€r30. Main Strnd A Fght3l lgnition Coil B 3?.lgnition Coit A33.|.sllator L€lt A 31.lnsulätor Lett B35.lrsulator Rieht B 36.ln5llator Riahr A37. Rear O.mper Stopp€r Left38. Rear Oamper Stoppef RiCht39. Throltle Cäble Joint A{0.Throttre c6bre Joinr B

42.Oisd P.d A 43.oisc Päd B44. F.ont Oanper Stopper

46. Front Fofk Cover B47. Hd.dlighl Case Right43. Headlighi Cäse Left49.Fr6rt Fork Cov€r A Right50.Front Fo.k Cover A Lett

t4. Front Wink6f Base Stopper

56. Clutch Lev€f P.rts A57. Clltch Lever P.rts a58. Brak. Lever Prfts A59 Br.ke Leve. Pärts B

O ennrsQ"*, "'*. f\ "'*,

(D enRrsG n.*,,.u FRAME PARTSC\ or"* "r,*

O ennrs i\ n"* ""* | "*, ",u"n

=--,,-l t-";l tK|%lLID<lllLl I l/Jl uu r,4l.- "l- ll-b,r! lts=i . .,r i tr l;-D 3 i,t r-!at -7cr|or

f-----) >\ !, / I lL45lL .1fh4 ll*- u4 ilrE[#L:!trJlts*trlH;l

Page 15: cdn.simba-dickie-group.de€¦ · Created Date: 10/8/2009 11:33:45 AM

@ ennrs

6. Clutch Arm Stopper

9.Cylindef Rght Upperl0 Cylinder Lelt Lower1l Cylind€r Left Upperl2 Cylinder Right Lower

l9 K ck Srarler Pä.t A20. K ck Starter Parl B

G "o*tt

6 Masre. Cylindef B

8. Mäste. cylinder o

ll Reaf Brake Arm Bl? R€ar Brake Afm A

14 Rea. Bräke Orum Al5 Rear B.ak€ orum B

24 Cra.k Case Parls Lelt25. cra.k Case Parrs Righr26 CarbLrettor A Right27 Carb!.ettor A Leit23. Cärb!rettor B Rght29. Carburettor B Lelt

32. Reär Brake Orum D

35. Reaf Brake Orum C

44 Oil Ppe Stopper A Right45.Oil PipB Stopper A Lelt46.Oil Pipe Siopper B Lelt47. Oil Pipe Stopper A Right

50. Front Fork Right A

5l.Front Fork Lelt A

52 Front Fork Right B53 Front Fork Lelt B

56 W ndshie d Stopper Pin

C) "o*rt


@ ennrs Q '*",'" n-"

@ "o*t. Q'",,,," n*, f"'""' | ""u "n"u

Oennrs4,6, and 7 are un.ecessary


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0 "o*tt@ ennrs

2 Tachometer Cäbe Jonl

4.Change Pedal Rlbber

(3 "o*tt

7 Nunber Päle (w. German)

ll N!mbe. Prat€ (Japanese)

12 Head ght Reflector

15. Rear Vew Mrror B16 Rear Dampe. A 17 Rear D.mper cl8 Reär Oämper O 19 Reär Oamper B

26. R€ä. Dänper E Left2/. R€ar Damper E Right

29 Front winker Base 30 Reär wlnker sase31. Rear Suspens o. Cover

33 Rocker Cover Fir nC Bo t34 Acc€leratof L€ver Boll35 Sreerirg oamper A

36 Rear Damper Stopp€r


4 w'ndshied ol CowlnC

@ ennrs

S.Stretching Sp.ing Long9 Stfetching Spring short

ll 2{ Screw l2 2!r Nut









(D "o*tt





Mt0E MS?

M8fififfi#^**PRI\1'ED ]N JAPAN