Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. ? 1. Birthday and place 1'1lzt-,r/J'jJ., (1/ 2. Marr i age (5 ) date pla ce C, Pro ___ ______ _ _ _ _ 6, Pu blic Offic •• / ", [. 00 al fr j, I,' I/, B. State C . Na t ion al /"1/'>' /90 -- ' "i !,-"j ",,,:J W"/', .. ,v " J,.J: ,j,.. ' ., I. /';'1. /I, I V

C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/36...She wn.~ U:lp ! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln :such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~

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Page 1: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/36...She wn.~ U:lp ! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln :such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


1. Birthday and place 1'1lzt-,r/J'jJ., ~-wI/ 1?7t ~/',/ (1/

2 . Marr i age (5 ) date plac e

C, Pro fe"iOn-LaLJ.U~~1:::"""~7"----___ ______ _ _ _ _

6, Public Offic •• /

" , [.00 al fr j, I,' I/,

B. State

C. Na t ion a l

/"1/'>' /90

-- '"i !,-"j",,,:J W"/', .. ,v "J,.J: ,j,.. ' ., I. /';'1. /I , .,~ I y~ V

Page 2: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/36...She wn.~ U:lp ! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln :such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

----------------- --- ------

11 . Degrees

Page 3: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/36...She wn.~ U:lp ! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln :such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Sources LOQ For LeQislation Entries


- v 220· /

Page 4: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/36...She wn.~ U:lp ! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln :such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

r m. red 17!J.

·,'" -.~ '''''"' '" " ..... ,,- J'<IUUl''l('crs \\'l'I"C HOgCf ourK, 1

well City 'librllry. Henry GrQ"-'l, GMrgc Hurr S r., The meeting specifically will ThroeSorc Zl('rkl'. OUo E. Io'r<lnek C Gray

plan. [or ' UH~ nrrh'al ~t the mo- nnd Gordon Conrad.. Buri:ll was 1 I'\lJ:.~ , . bUe b lood IInit ot the Red Cross in Ros{'htl! Cemetery here. D" d W d' d carly in July. pro"jrled 'Cnlhoun lnger Mari... 1110m.1S wus Ie e nes ay County' is eligibl{" -to . enter the oorn Fl.'b. 16, 1871 at Spil!\'ille, . - , program July I. . I 10w<I, -the daughter of A~I11k and

;ontrlbu1ions to the Bcd Cross 1111)::('r Hnnt\"('xit. She wn.~ U:lp ­! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln

:such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~ L.llthcmn Chmch m'~r them. In a t onr.\' In order U1al "R.idgl'W.1Y :md W:l1' conrtrmcd m Ihcre wi1J \)c no flltlh c!' d{'la.\' in 1;11l'r l'hildhood ' in Ulls gettl nJl; the u}o>OCi uank in opN·a · ("hllr("h . lion. . IIi 1910" ~he ' marrit-d

. Margaret Ma("kl'nthni{'. a n'· Th(""a~ al Rockwl'll Ci t.,·. '1'11<'\' prest'nlalin' of Ule R,-d .Cms.~ lived t.heir· ~nlirL" married 8100d Ccnl<.-r in Omal1;1. NI'u. , h{'r{' "X("'IJ! for I )"l';l1" in SJ1('l1-will allenti Ihe nl(' ('lillK mill (lIlS- ('cr. This I lI1i01~\S hl{'s)!('(1 with wef any qu(.'~1i()n:; IIn.~·Nlc ma~' 1\\"0 l'hild )"(,ll, 10n11 nnd I~)"nn . have. 1lCt."'O"l.lill~ 10 ~!.r.<. Ro)" :. Mrs.- Tholl1as s\l(f,'r(.'d

or ;) WCCKS, UOIl=(1 aoa-Duc to IncrerlsOO act! • City p;lrk ~e cratts . rqgram

I be carrIed on at the . play­a l the east scltool ~"ulld-

' ' '";",,, will begin at ' 9 a.m, I p .m. and 'will be .fo\l all '

who will be in tirst grade In sch·ool. 'Dottle , Ho-. usi; i~t ' In the .craft 'pro-


22 Cars o Race Here

l ~untday,June -8 RJdgl', pltul(dt)" {'halrman. ; nOlllll :! 1f~ y";I1'~ ngn anti \

I 'rwenty-two cars, whosc ' drlv-

'Rites At Sac City For Fonner Lytton Resident Lytlon....:.}·um~r;ll for .\\"nn · \"\)< ..

1 n'l!;"lilll'(I'!lO\"llI"' ~ hl';~llh. {'rs will attempt to qualify for j ,she is sUI' viv l'({ hy hl'r

n ' 50-lap eV('nt ' scheduled on I b,md, Hoy, and hl'l" !'I'll, . UUUI of I{".:klwll C il.,'; July t; ."nrc elCpec1"ed hero Sun-' brHlh{'fs. H,' \, . I.. A. lla;l!n'ltl ~uy lor .the wC'l!"kly stock cat"'

62, or CaliflJl1\ i,l, W:IS til 2 n .lI1. il"t idrigiln, N. n. , O . races on \he Calhoun County Tue!i"ltn}· at Fnl"i.x'f and Ot1l'rnan ()f Visla. C;.lif.. Dr. ][ I'nry llol1"i- El(posltion track. 1'1.tner;11 H()llIc. S,I(' Gity. ,"'l'll of Wl'l.'h;\wk"I\ , N. J ., Time trials wm \)c M 1:30

Ttli' body will I.H.' l .. k,'1\ to b,'rt Ilan l l"\'dt of S~i l l\'l! l e and races staM. at 2 p .m.

101" C;lli!orni" (or burial be~id t' his Al e :>: H .. :II\·t'<"it" of D~'('Orilh: ~~,~;:~:: I :;~:;,;~~dd"tlO' to the 50-1:~ even, t ,

n wife, who dil'll i1uo\ll ; 2 y('ar~ orw . s isl<'r·. Mrs. N"l1io.! some mu ..... rcyce " 11"0 urc planned.' ,l"Iy' '... .. . Ilf Pt'tl'\'shllrg-, N. O .

. i tlt Mr: 1',~' du'(i (It 6 ;~4) P . l~1. SH~l - , Sit" was pr,"', .. 1<', \ in I\t-:. U\ h.v Fastcst time turned In (II . Ule dny In JA Wing- lIosptt'll. S:t(' .CI- , I".\" II.""::l1tl' I'. !UIW. 11\1"1'" y i s l,'r~ L""" " " " I,occ< Insl S unday was 32.4.8 scc~

, l\r, w lwrI' he h:1.d bl'CIl:' paul'rn l :lII,1 IIIW broUwr. !J dilYs for In'a lmcnt oltl~ tor IlNonc-trlp .tour ot the

~ n - I I", """",,',1 ",o-th-, . I, . by 0 ..... Wleme...... Tho I " " condilloll \\"iUl whit-h .,,' , ~.

' .\1 - Th,' I'(>(,s w{'rl' long lill1(' n'~ - I T--"-k-·---· ·O-- S I . rccord is 31.07 SC(.'(Inds. ''' l'1l 1 1d ('n L~ of Istton but mOrt' . 1"1,- 1 IC ets· n a e .I'("II'S. 'Vi,b,Y" .. R.alPh Carmean . . lng I c{'nlly of California, wht'!'!' Ow)" I . ,. in last Sunday's s tock

IU mo\'('d M'I'llral years ago In \lw F Th A I Funel"llt ;lrr;mg-emenls were:

1::1,0 'en's t o( Mrs. P oc,'s herlltlt . ' I or e nnua Wt' re pcn{linj{ ;I~~':~T;;h~C;;t~~~~::! I ;;:~T~:i~':f'H Y DASH - 1st, Dob ,0,<: nun''lh:ll .' ~urvivor.; .. re two went 10 l)t('ss, but 2nd, Dave Nichols; 3rd,


" 111\

,dl -



"', ·04.


49A; M .


l!i1 u).(hh'r.~, Ill-tty, Mrs. Q(,Trlld Jaycee Banquet 1Ji' at 2 [I .m . I Wiemers.. Kreft , ).yll.on: Julie, III C:l!ifor- Pr"suyleri.1n Chur{'h HEAT _ 1st, Arnold nlll; iI' son, DOnilvon, T e'l(lls; five " II . Fon!, p astor 2nd, Bob Allen: 3rd, gr;1nckl l!luren, hIs f;llhl'r, AJhl'~t Tirkl'"\;« an~ now n\'llilnblc 10 . will oHicint<.' , Poe, ('hir:lj{O; llnd hIs s iste r, Mrs. \l1" !)lIulit- for th!' .unmwl (1- Rev. Arthur Morlen~on F.1Y<' Hinggenberg, D{')< ' MOIIll'"S, wards hilli'!lI(,t O(-thl' Rockwl' ll Do<Vtl', 'a fOrml'T P3sIor here.

City JiI .'·I·"l'S, at whle-11 I flurilll, in chargc of lite Mor-2nd, 13lU

John Roby.

Chuck II

MRS. JO NATHAN McCHESNEY P lnm\)N'k o r s tation WTlO, llJn Funcrill 1I0me, . will be In A N 0 I CAP _ 1st, Chuck HubwHu; 2nd, Bob Allen; 3rd, REC OV ERU:'O FROM BURNS Moinl's, will /l:iVl' 1111 illllstrn~ed I~chill C('melcry.

·M rs . Jon;lthlln Ml'CIH'sney is 1.11k 011 his Il'ip I., Hussill. Mr. ' Gray wJi.s !>om Nov. ' 19, reeDv" rirlll: .from s('rlous burns The lwlllqlll't w ill be ilt 6:30 1 ;;;;d,,;;;" ~no<:kwe1J Cliy. Arter

Arnold Hudson. - 1st, Jolt"'

. ~kman; CONSOL.ATlON

r,..",h,t'({ Saturday ('vl'nlng p.m. Tilut!<duy, J une 1:!,.11 U.e from the collC1(c or " pre:;!;ure C'OOkcr elClllod- MCUlodis,s. Chuf('h, nn(1 Plum - ,~t Unlvcn;l\y or 10Wll,

ed"(lS she \VGS prCVarlng n mC3I j l>!.,(,k wi~}('ak tit al'pmxim:11e- in 19U4, he Iminroiatl'ly wen{ In­at the t;'-Iward Walde homc. SlI(' I)' K p .m. to partncr':clhlp In Ule practice or

I the-lr .purents were a- the enUre cvenlng, or tor Plam- WllIlnm. E. Gray. :' fishing trln. . ~k's slwl'ch alone. c;lring (or Ule Walde ('hlld- Tkkt':t.s mny b~ PU;i'~hi''''''~' ~~I:'~'~I;'W~~W~I;U1'~h~"~!"~U;'iC~'i'~th;'§'~"ill'~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~.

yenrs Ill e

R f II '.. C. Grny (100 sons,

I ~;uln,slhiine. And Sub"Normal aiit a \AI:.~~·~('~~:Yjll community nt._ The summer band program will get under way here' thIs

Im::lws. · Nornw\ for U \C' monlh Is f;llrs, Mr. Gruy Sl'rVl'd for . u WC'l!"kend, occordln:g tQ Kenneth "M-ay was n benutlful month, wl!!1 a IlUJX'rabllnd.nnr:e of .Hun· shIne, t~ cloudy dUYII nnd wi th te-mp<!rllture Ilhuve norm,,] ," !fnl(\ F. C . n elt"iIIpncher in . his rnonttrly wcuth('T" rrporl to Thl' Advocnte,

Until May 3], nnly .11 2 Inch of ' 1'1 WIlS report,'(\, leaving de­

.. ciency for \lIe month .of 3.32 IlII.'heB, HowevC'r, II wonderful rain Inst .Saturdny prodllccd...JIO Ind. o f prcclpllb.1Jon, l()werln~

UlI' month'lI detlclell(,y to 2.12

Cath~iie Women From 24 Parithea To Attend Mf"~inv Here .June 10

4.14 incill's. tlllll' as Cnlhnun ('ounty fepf"('- Glcoson, instrumentol music , 1 to tho 10wl\ General •

Tlh!' nvt'raj{' ~ tl'ml't"'ralllr.,' A.'<XC'mhly, on.('e W{l!i clt'rk ot instructor at the Rockwell City MIIY wn~ ('()r\..~ld<,rab]y rlhove Ih(, dl~trl<.:t court here and J>erv_ Public School. • nom",l, ht' Illhll"ll. Avera~' r(.'ad ~ on Ihe l><",rd o f ('(iu('nlion. Lcsoons w/ll be given on Frl-11l~ for ULC pflst monUI Iwre Wll.s I lt-sllk~ hili wife find sonll, ~nd Snturdoy, June 6 and 7, 113.1 d C'I{T"('t'II, 3.11 d(.'~ nh()VI~ Ollie und J-nck, Mr. Gray Is S\l r- begInning band wlll re-Ihe MUI t1"l(rl'l'S which. ' b con_ at 2:30 p.m. FrIday and .~lderC'l"I normal In Ulbl an'iL. . vived by one d.nugliter, Jean, senior band at 7:30 p .m: Fr\-

al 111'1·1111', nnd Iwo (J1.hcr '~;:d ll~;~;,~~":.. __ MttlCimmn templ'rutur(' read- t .ynn ()f Gnn::ienn, cuiJr. he udded . JnJ( during the manU, wnl< 119 <f('- Wnnl of Torrnr~e, Calll. grecs on Moy 1], ~ ',Mrs. Grny sUII l'i Q '''''0"'1 wal'ml'r thnn !h(.' 114 d('grec~ 011 ill l..uthernn 1I0001lll:al, but No, 2 yellow com ______ 1.01r Mny fI t)f 11157. Low \l'mpeflltllre to he rele ilsed In time Onb __ • _________ .: ___ _ ~ · . ~6.

for ·Mny WlL~ 30 dl'!tTceS nn '::; I ~::~;::::I'~· h,<.~ Illlsh.1nd'lI funCJ:ul Soybearu;; • ______ .:. _. ___ _ 2.07 5. On ' r-by 1, ]957, lho mCl'('ury. t· lJogs No.2 ______ • __ ·'- __ 22»0

I\MpJX..:1 to 31 dl'W"~, Ir--------------...,-----------:...., Mr. Bl'llelspud\C"f ul.~{) IlOlnt-I'll ()Ilt thnt Mny W;lS UW flfth A."V'V"'!)"~ P ... : ~ ..... IT .... 0 ~-..., .. ~ .,. f 1"


Page 5: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/36...She wn.~ U:lp ! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln :such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

' .W. s should . The


. . - - • Ilt" "l w<.t::. n:1JVI ll."U uy ..... '" IIV"- Ule StnHs Gndn & Ft'Cd Co., <1-:" a ~~'chan l ~ untJ! 1917, when I pital ,i n only · fnir condition catcd across the street (rom he enllstc<i In 011.,' Army All' Wednc'sday noon. Illlnoi s.'Centrai depot here. Corps, serving (or about 2 yenrs,

hi . •.• A E F • The SloUs firm recently h one or~w ch was wi th .IlIIe ' " Funeral. Fo' r ROil Gray , .in France. Rh.t out Hammen's Hatchery .

Followin'g ' his di",h~rge. he Held Here On Saturday has entered the retail · buslru>s I ~~ th I' ht feed. chicks. farm seeds, (; was crop OyL .... 1 In e Ig Funeral for Ross Oalhoon

I . chem.icahi and other ' .items. p ant at L,ke City and was Groy. 75. promincl1/l attorney r cd R k II C ' t neYI warehouse has b<.-en cr· trans err to QC we 1 y on and lifelong resident ot Rock- cd and .considerable remooc Jan. 1, 1920, where he contin- well City. who died trom a heart

ed I !r 'c! has been done to acoonunOl uas an c cc I an. ailmcnrt. on June 4 at Lutheran H ~~ f 38 the new retail department. e was emploYl-'U or years Hospl<t:al. Ft. n......:.....-e. was at 2

b th kn ~ Coffee lind doughnuts will com- y . c company now own as p.m. Saturday at the Presbyter-I P bl ' S I ~ i served rtlu'Oughout .the day ()wners owa u IC erv ce ., serv ng Ian church here.

d '~~ct . f 12 s~veral 'pritt'S will be awnl ,ne -to as, ~I..tl SUpervlS or Rev. James H. Ford~ pastor of ly, all' years. H~ retired last March 1. the church" oftidated and Rev"I.to_._fa",~ ... :n .. :_r_s_.n_d_tow~ .. ~~"~: .. ·ill· .~~ , •. .Qn..Iune. IO,- 1922. he married Arthur .M--;-""n of Flt. n-'"e', Em' ,"mod-' Florence Parker of ~e City a former ;;;;;,;,' deliver.;t'he C"Oi .• ;\';ty', . . '; "'.0' '11 ...

and they made their home in sermon. Vocl;ll1sts, Mrs. Chrls un '" 'ill be Rockw~I.I City since tha.t ~lme. Jesp~rscn DI!-d Mildred Mattison, In Blood Bank I claim . Mr. BOicourt .. untte<;l With the were accompanied by .Mrs. P. W. . des- Ohure~ of .Christ In ' MInden, Van Metre, or"ganist. .

Neb. 1n early manhood, lat:er Honorary pallbearers were N. Calhoun county ·has. met . ~plng transterring his membership to E. Takcs, J . F. Hutchison, S. E. ' requlrements and now Is , loosh Lake CUy and RockweiJ Cit y. Stanlleld. H. W. 'Fonda. M. E. member of the Blood Bank I d," the wh('re he. served iri VlariollS of· Dawson, O. E. Franck, L. J. gram . of the American

ficial capacities. Voss and 'M. J. Harrington. Flo- Cross, according to Emil BI . He also was a member of Twin wers were arranged by Mrs. M . . county chairman.

H' Lakes Post No. 105 of .the Amcr- E. Dawson, Mrs. N . E. Takes, Members: of the C a I h ( urt lean Legion, Zerah . Rebekah. ·Mrs. H. W. Fonda and Mrs. Jay county chapter of the Red C

nt LO.O.F. ·and Masonic Lodges and Lory. now are in the process .of 501. A also was a 'Royal .Arch Mason. ""Pallbearers were Jay Lory, ganizln-g-varjous localities In

)~ re- Besides his wife, Mr. Bol.court M. H. Block, Calvin Haub, WtI- cOunty t« .the future vu'Lts from is survived by !three brothers, bur Harding. Wayne . Hlnrlcru thC' Red Cross Bloodmo

where Ed H. Bolcourt of Mesa, Arl,z., and Wilbur Sandburg. Burial, in which win collect blood 1 ot last Frank of Milwaukc-e, Wis. Bnd charge ot the Morton Funeral donors.

John .of Sacramento, Calif; Home, was in R.Osehill cemetery. First visit of · ,the Bloodmc thre~ Sisters, Mrs. Cora. Burcl"l- Mr. Gray, 1illrd son ot Wil- in this county will be July 1 ell of Santa Ana, 01111., Mrs. Ham E. and Elizabeth Jane Lakt' City, .accordJng to Jacl Ruth Hunt ot Min~en, Neb. and Gray, was born Nov. 19, 1882 in Gray, vIce chalnnnn.

~ was r drlv­la. His

11 . im-Mrs. Mar~ Valentine of Santa Rockwell City. He attended

'.s and Monica. Colit. Rockwell City S<:hools .nd State Heavy Rains Bring of his Universlty of Iowa, receiving M W M

. gs and The Weather : L.L.B. degree there in 1904. rs art.·· I to the Max. Min. Prec. After graduaUon, he joined •• ' . ,1 iliat ~ ...••• 91 63 1.50 his fa-tller in the practice of law Huge Straw! : .. lya·nd _______ "85 54 in Rockwell City, where he prac- _...,.. _________ _ i of the _____ 77 53 . t!ced law the rest of his life, ex-

_______ 85 59 .09 cept when he served as clerk of Voss,

(-eldent, June 8 __ .:. ____ '82 60 the· Df.s:trlct Court ' Of Calhoun June 9 ~~~ •••• 78 S9 .95

__ ,--..::J..::u..::n..::e_l:.:0-=-:~~81 61

"-'ley Receives Citation

county and 'as a representative to the Iowa Legislature.

A11 a partner In Ithe firm of Gray and Gray. he practiced law w.Ith his father. his brollier. Glenn L., and his two fiiIOns; Dale E. and Jack R. Gray. In.' 1957 he was pieserrted with his 50-year certificate tor th.c practice of law. by the' Iowa State Bar As\o-elation. , .

On June 28, 1916, Mr. Gray married Jennie I. Geist In a double ceremony with · G. W. '1:'1"' \.. . .... _ .. .. ~ V.H ... .... ' 11"" ro . , .-,

Recent 'heavy rainfall in area has put Mrs. W.: W. MI· In thc strawberry business h bi'g way. "' ,

She called: The " A d v 0 c Tuesday morning to report "she had just picked one b which measured 5 inches arOl on~ w,~r, and 5 ~ inches on oppQ}i~ c1rcumtere~ce.

• ! \

M ' L' I arrlage lcenaes ' June 2-B111 .Warbls, U

ville, and Nancy O\vens, FI ham ville. - June 3-Alfred·· Dalc-' H. ~~ .. " ". ..... ,, <~ ... , .... 1 ' •• '

Page 6: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/36...She wn.~ U:lp ! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln :such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Hurt He [Ilso was a member of Twin

La.kl's Post No. 105 o f U)e Amer­Icnn Ll.-gion, Z(>r"lh Rebekah,

mt I.O.O.F. and Masonic Lodges and son of also was a Royal Areh Mason .

('_ Besides his wife, Mr. Boicourt on I rom

" where of last.

Ie was Ir drlv­-<la. His ·h im-

:ts and ot his

cgs and i1 to .tJhe "1 that ~; Jy and il" ot the

is survIved by three brothers, Ed H . Boicourt of Mesa, Ariz., Frank of Milwaukcc, Wis . and John of Sacraml'nto, Ca1if; three sisters, Mrs. Cora Bure-h­ell of Santa Ana, Calif" Mrs. fiuth Hunt. of Minden, Neb and Mrs. Mary Valentine of Santa Monica, Calif.

The Weather Max. Min. Prec.

June _______ 91 63 1.50 ____ ___ 85 54

____ __ 77 53

Voss and M. J. Harrington. r'lo~

weTS were arranged by Mrs. M . E. Dawson, Mrs. N. E. Takes, Mrs. H. W. Fonda and Mrs. Jay Lory. ~Pallboarers were Jay Lory. M. H. Block, Calvin Haub, WU­bur Harding, Wayne Hlnrich ... and Wilbur Sandburg. Burlnl, in eh'argc of the Morton Funeral Home, was jn ROschill cemetery.

Mr. Gray. third son of Wil­liam E and Eli7.abcth Jane Gray, was born Nov. 19, 1882 In Rockwell City. He att<?ndod Rockwell City schools and State University of lO'Wa, recelvmg LL.B. degree there in 1904.

Afte r graduation, he join£'d his father In the practice of law In Rockwell City, where he prac-

'-".v".~, u .... v ...... 'K <v .... ".. .' l'oun1.y chairman.

Members or the e a I h ' county chapter of llie Red ( now are in the process of ganizing various localities if county tar ,the tuture vislt: 1.he Red Cross Dloodm( which will collect blood d()nors .

Firm visit ot .the Dloodm in lhi:-; county wUl be July Lake City, accord.ing to Ja( Gray, vice chalrmnn.

Heovy Rain, Bring

Mrs. W. Marti Huge Straw;

_______ 85 59 Voss, June 8 _______ ·82 60

,ccident, June 9 ____ ___ 78 59 June ]0 :: _ __ _ . 81 61

ticed 11lw the rest of his life, ex- R('~::('nt -heavy · rainfall in .09 ccpt when he served as c lerk of area has put Mrs. W. W. M

U1c Dlstrict Court ot Calhoun in tiH.' strawberry business .95 county and as a representative big way.

to the Iowa Legislature. S,hc cnUNI The A d v 0 ( ._--.. _---_._._- -- '>. -_._ . --_ . .. - . . '--

fley Receives Citation As a partner in thc firm of Tu(':-;clay morning to report

Gray and Gray, he practiced she had just picked one I law w-i1h his f~ther, hts brother, which measured 5 inches ar, Glenn L., and hL .. two sons, Dale one wai', and 51h inches 0 ) E. and J 'ack R. Gray. In. 1957 he op~tlJ circumference. was prcseM.ed w ith his 50-year V . certificate for the practicc of M· LO I ,

law by the Iowa Slate Bar As':o- I arrlage lcensea ciaUon June 2-D ill Warbis, J

On june 28, 1916, Mr. Gray ville, .and Nancy Owens, 1 married Jennie I. Geist In a hamvllie. double ceremony with G. W. June 3-Altred' Dale Richter and Ethl'l Ie. Geist, a men, Pomeroy, an~ Vema sister of Mrs. Gray. Five chlld- Fryar, Rockwell City; Saml, ren were born 1.0 ·Ross -and J en- Roberts, Churdan, and nie Gray. Elizalx'th McClure, ' Roci

Mr. Gray was a member of City. the Presbyterian Oh'Jrrn the 10- June 4-Do~ald D. u wa State Bar Assoclati~n and Rockwell City, nnd Vii many" local social, legal and fra- Anne Hanlon, LohrvUIc .

. ternal organizations. In earlier June 5--Galen Grote, . ~ years he was active in civic and Lake, and Carole J. Weld( pbJjtical a!taJrs. " Pomeroy. ' .

In 1948 he was accorded the June 6-Danlel David M~ honor .of being the first Honor- ley, .LakE! City, and ' Sharon 8J;"Y AJumn.i Dad for Dad's ' !)oy Batl, Yetter; Russell L. J at State University 01 Iowa . ' and Bely8 Lou Castle, bot) . Mr, Gray is survived. by his S?fners.

wife; four sons, Dale E. bnd Jack June OrBernard Lcchtcn R. or" Rockwell City, Ward W. Ionia, and Anna Tasler, } ot Tqnllncc, Calif. and Lynn' C. hamviIJe; Herbert E.. bo('l ot Gardena, CaliC.; Q daught...-r, Ft. Wayne, rnd. , and Mary Jean E. of Rockwell City; elghtAlpcrs, Jolley; Robert E. Cl grandchildren; one brother, Rolfe, end. Sharon GUll

\ WAII-... througfl his tireless eftorts dur- lenn-L....-..ol.--RockW"eu_Cliy.j--a "'!~L~t~to~n~.====:--_ _ ' son ' 0 mg ' s year&. in the aeiUe, he one sister, Lulu, Mrs. R. M. J P C well Ci- has been largely_ responsible tor Morton of Mountaln Lake, Minn. '" ourt c' United the success ot 1lhe Air'-M'8tcriel __ ~ __ -:-__ Picke ring'. Court, Rockwell

~:~~:~~ ~~~~~i':· ·~~~~I.:- program in ·the Storm Damages :Trees ... , .. Hcn~~. J. Els , Pomeroy,

Page 7: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/36...She wn.~ U:lp ! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln :such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Blanche and Chauncey Gray

While living in Somers. Chaunce), did carpenter "ork wilh Earl Histsman and Tommv Moore: the trio. with others. built several houscsand many fa rm buildings. Blanche was a kind. IO"ing person who was always helping others: through the yea rs she worked on her hobby of making many bcJutiful quil ts for her family and friends.

Both were aCtive in the Congregational Church in Somers until it disbanded. They transferred their membership to the Somers Methodist Church on the same day that their granddaughter Marjorie Gray joined that Church.

T hey were also very adive in the Rebekah and the Odd Fellow Lodges.

The Grays had si ~ children and nine grandchil­dren. The children were: Ralph. Mabel (Murphy). June (Will iams). Maude. Don. and [)Qris.

THE DALE GRA Y F A.\lI LY Twin Lakes

Dale Everett Gray. the oldest son of Ross C. and Je;";;lie I. Gray. was born on July 4. 1918. Dale graduated from the Rockwell City High School in 1936; attended the University of Iowa. graduation in 1940 wi th a B.A. Degree and in 1942 with a J ,D. Degree. From August 1942 to December 31. 1945 Dale served in the U nited States Army and <pent all of his time in the United States. In 1946 Dale began the prac tice of law in Rockwell City wilh his fath er. R.C. Gray. ami his 'Jnde. G .L. Gray.

On lune 28 .. 1948 Dale maFol"ied Lilybell Bucker of Elmo. Missouri, Ulybdl was, at the time of her marriage. a "ocal music teacher in the Rodwell City Schools and continued her employment unt il "' Iay of 1951. T~.ree children were born to Dale E. and Lilybell Gray. Vicki born December 12. 1951, Julie born Augusi 3. 1954 and Randy born Febru­ary 16. i557.

Vi~k i is mJrricd to Kenard Cars tens Jnd is present ly teaching in the Harlan School at Harlan. Iowa. T~ey have lWO children. Cuby Joe born January 16. 1980 and Kara Lee born June 2. 198 I .

Julie is rnarried to Kirk Loomer and is present ly employed at Ihe University Hospitals. Iowa City. Iowa. T hey have one child. Kristopher Kirk born October 13. 1981.

Randy is a student and attends the University of Wisconsin al Madison. Wisconsin.


Don Gray was born in Boone County in 1892 and came with his family to Calhoun County in 1896. The famllv lived on a farm near Somers and later moved to Somers. Lela (Malher) Gray "" as born and raised near Somers; she attended high school in Rockwell City. Tobin College in Fort Dodge and laught school bef"'r~ her marriage.

T he couple were married in 1911. and. started married li fe in Rockwell City where Don had a wood-working shop. They later moved to tho home farm north of Somers ai',;! lived lhere until 1929 when they moved to Arizona for twO years. return· ing to Iowa to senle in Spirit Lake. Several years afte r Lela's de:llh Don ~gain returned to the Gray farm and lived there unt il his death.

The couple had two children. Marjorie. who was born in Rockwell City. started

to school in Somers and graduated from the Yuma. ,,,

AriLUna H igh School. In 1936. she wa~ married tu Llo,d (Bu<ter) N~well who died in I Q51. Latcr she was married tu E"crc\1 Mrzena who died in 1960, She wa, P,""tll1a' t~r in Somers fur many )ear>,

H:lrry ( (j ra~ W3S burn on the fa rm ncar Somers. He ~!lcnllcd schools in Somers. Yu ma . and Spirit Lake fr0m whICh he graduated. He ma rried "'hric T oklc in 193'1, Th~y farmtd on the Somers f~rm Jr.d on farms in Dickinson and Cla)- Counties. The c~uple have three children - L~la. Kathleen. and TI111othy. By Marge Mr:<'nl1

Don and Lela Gray

GLENN GRAY T win Lakes

Glenn Gray. fourth son of W.E. and Elizabeth Jane Gray, was born in Rockwell City. September 28,1895. He graduated from High School in 1915. and attended Drake before enl isting in the Military (19.18). ~i~arged in 1919. Although struck by polio. he mSlsted on returning to Drake. He married Gladys G. Vance in Laurens. Iowa. September 14. 1919. He graduated from Drake Law School in 1920. granted G eneral Honors. with the highest grades in his class for the last two years , He came home to;lssociatc with his father 3nd brother Ross ,

After their father died. Ross and Glenn formed a partnership that lasted thirty years . He served as County Allorney. and was elected Mayor. but reSigned when elected Amer ic3n Legion Di$t rict Comm;lnder. L;lter he was state Vice·Commander.

He tri~d to enlisl in World War II. but was told to go home and take some of the thankless jobs on the Home Front. He bec;lme Appe31 Al$ent for Selec­tive Service , and assisted with ratiomng. etc. Presi­dent T ruman cited him for his service. and awarded him a medal for a job well done.

When Robert Larson became Attorney General. Glenn was urged to come to Des Moines. but he declined. His he31th started 10 break. so they went to Florida. Upon returning, he and Ross dissolved partnership. and he and his wife bought a place in Canada. As he improved. men from the Attorney General's Office contacted him again. He wanted to try it. and was assigned all the Criminal Cases in lowa's ninety·nine counties (they sent him to Wash­ington in re-aeronautics also) . His health could not stand the stress. so he returned to Canada. He came home in 1964. and died in Feburary. 1967.

He waS Y<::ry proud of their twO sons. Robert Vance and Willi3m Lee. Bob attended Kemper at Booneville. M issouri . His last year there he was the ranking cadet. "Colonel of Cadets." During the war. ~ob sef"ed in Iceland . E~gland. France. and finally 10 Germany With Patlan 10 the 2nd ~t1alion. Third Army.

After graduation from Drake. he worked in Des Moines and elsewhere until the a rmy senl him to Culver M il itary School. In 19; 1 he married Pauline Mae Knappenberger, He left the Armv and joined General Motors. He has been in the Detroit Office for more than t"" enty-five years. They have one son.

Willia m l.e~ "" as born in Rodwell Cit v in 19'4 and also at tended .Kcm~r. He enlisted 3t ;~~ se \.cnt~en;l, an :\ I~ ("rps (Jd~t. He :hou~ht h~ "j_ ~olO~ O"~D".I~ '\lth. the ';~:h B .. O:'lb"r,. but hI> ser'-lce "";I,al ii n th~ State, . He "'a, ~r.ldua\ed fr n [) rJk; .Inll ~orkcd tor B,lnkers Llk lor ten \~Jr" ¥i~ mamed \\- llm;l \lan? 3 Rockwell Cit.-·girl and tht~ .1dlJPte~ l", o,hddrcn BII! made man) mo~c' in big companle, that had.Group Insur Jnce in Cinein. nail: Lou lS\"lI~c. L~xlOgton. IndiJnapolis. and SprlngJield. MissourI. He decided to give up In5ur. an~e , and ~ught a Hardware Store in Ash GrO"e MI S')QUfl. Bill ""as 1I1wa~s interested in athktics (three sports) and was on the basketball team that won the Conference at Kemper. Submitted br GladJ's Gray .

JA CK R. GR.·\ Y F,UlIl Y h in La kc~

Jack Ross Gray. the youngest son of Ross and Jenmc Gra), " as born ~n. :\ u~ust 9. \n7. He graduated from Rockwell ,-,Iy HIgh School in 1945 and the College of Law althe Uni"ersitvof low;l in 19S~, He began the pract ice of law with hi~ father uncle and brother in Rockwell Cit,· in 1952 .

In September of 1952 Jack ma'rried the 'former .Audrey Anne Langland.of St.oryCity. lowa, Audrey graduated from the UmverSlly of Iowa in 1950 and taught eleme~tary school in California for two y.ears. Follo.wlllg their m~rriag~ Audrey taught SIx th grade I~ Rockwell City pTlor to the birth of melr threechlldren.lohn. Anne and Todd. Afler the children were older she returned to teaching

John Gray was born 13nuary 3. 1955 and gradu­ated from the College of Law at the Universi tv of Iowa .In 1981. Following gradua tion 10hn served as a judicial derk '" ith the Honorabk Donald P. La\". ChIef JuStice of the Eighth C ircuit Court of Appeals.

Anne Gray was born August 8. 1956. She auended thc UrAversilY of Iowa and graduated in 1978, She taught remedial reading for one year at Guthrie Center. Iowa. and three years at Perry. Iowa.

Todd Gray. born February 25.1961. gradu:lled from Rockwell Cily High School in \980. He now attends Ki rkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids. lo"'a. SubmilleJ by GladYI Gra.l·

TH E LY~~ GR.\ Y FA.\III ,Y T" in Lakes

Lynn Calhoon Gray.th~ third ~on of Ro:., C. Jnd Jennie 1 Gray. was born on August 20. 19~2. . Lynn gradu;l ted from Rockwell City High School III 1940: atle~ded the uni\'c rSlly of Iowa. gradual. Ing III 1947 wllh;l BA degree and in \949 with a JD degree. In 1942 Lynn entered the ,;ervice and was a na\"al pi lot with the U.S , N;lV~ ,

After graduation from the University of 10wJ Lynn served with thc F. B.1. on the east coast for one year and then moved to California and worked for North-American Aircr3ft.

OnJune 1. 1945. Lynn married Eileen Eisenhart of .oes Moin~s .lowa. Lynn and Eileen adopted two chddren. Brian Eugene Gray and Sheila L Gra\·. Brian is now practicing law in San Francisco. California. and Sheila is attending school in Califor­nia.

Eileen ?btained ~ di"orce from Lynn and Lynn ""as marned:o Elly A. Andersen in 1965.

Lynn pa,sed awav ~!a" 4. 1976. at low;l C it', Iowa. .. .

While lynn w~s in college. he was captain of the Iowa Wrestlinl! Te;)ln in 1948 and was runner-up in the 175 lb. diVIsion in the Blg·l0 Tournament,

Lynn was an. av id tennis player and fan and was a pnme mover In the es tablishmenl of the Ruck", ~11 City tennis courts which have now been dedicated in his memory.

ROSS C.-\ lHOl'\ GRA Y T win Lake

Ross Calhoun Gra\'. the third son of WiJli ,,;lI E'erea a~~ !:Iizabeth lane Calhoun Gra", "'as l)-r~ in Rockwell City in 1882. Alter graduati~g r rOIll the College of l aw at the State Unh'ersity of Iowa in

Page 8: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/36...She wn.~ U:lp ! not all "in and those ha\'in)t I lizro in in!Hnry in thc LinC'Qln :such ,funds . arc ~skcd to ' lurnTownl'hi~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1904. he immediJlc!~ cntc!~d into Iht practice of IJ'" ... ilh hi~ {atlter. Ros~ practiced I ~ " for fifl~ . rOtH \car~ '" ilh tht firm of Gra~' & Gra~ Ross "U Iht clerk of ttlc Calhoun COUIlI} Diwlc! COurl from ' Q()9·191~ and scrv~ as Iht reprc.entall'" flom

lhoun CounlY to Iht !,,,. "! House of RcprNcnta· .• cs from 19j~ . 1919_ In 19J8. ",ilh four sons as

Iowa Hawkcyes, he " as named th t fir$I"Fathc r of The Yca(' al lht I inj"crsi[1 of 10" 3.

Ross married Jennie Geist on JUlie 28. 1916. in a double ceremony .... ilh her siSler. Ethel. 31 the William Geist home in Rockwell Cilv. Jennie was born in 1892, the fifth child of William S. and Eleanor Ferguson Geis!. She itlcndcd I,he Rockwell Cil), public sc t>ools. graduating in 1910. and Iowa Slale Teachers College. She laught in a rllral school in Twin Lakes Township. CalhQun County. and was emplo\'ed by Ihe COunlY Recorder at the lime of her marriage.

Ross and Jennie had fj,e children: Dale. Ward . L\ nn. Jack and Jean Elizabeth. Dale, born in 1918. graduated from the College of Law al Ihe Uni"ersity of 10" a in 1942. Afler wartime service. Dale joined the Gray & G ray law fir m. In 1948 he married Lilybell Bucher who was Ihen Ihe music teacher al Rockwell City. Dale and Lilybell have three chil­dre;;, Vicki. who graduated from Ihe Uni \'ersity of Iowa and married Kennard Carslens in 1978, now lives with her husband and t,,·o children in Harlan. Iowa; Julie. who married Kirk Loomer in 1979. is employed at the Universit)· of Iowa Hospitals. and Rand )". who is present!) attending Ihe Unl\ersit)" of Wisconsin and li,'es in Madison. Wisconsin.

Ward William Grav, born in 192 I. atte::ded the Univel1i lyof Iowa. He reiides a l Torrance. Califor­nia. and before his retirement in April. 19SI. was employed by North American Roche!] Company In Ihc aerospace indusu). Ward ha$t\"O I!lrls and a boy. Mavis. Gail and SCOIl. all of "hom reside in California.

Lynn Cal hoon G ray " 'as born in 1922. $radualed from the Cvllege of Law at the State UnI"ersity of

va in 1949. Al the University, Lynn was a ,ncr-up in Ihe Big Ten wrest ling meet and afte r

~raduation from law 5thool in 1949. he joined the t ·.B.!. Lynn and his fi rst wife. Eilean. had 1111'0 children, Brian and Sheila. and subsequently Lynn married Ell)". hissccond wife. T hey had nochiJd ren. In 1972. Ly~n and 1:.1l~' relurned to Roch'ell City and Lynn JOined Gra~ &: Gray [alii' firm . L~nn ..... as I·er)' act iye in tennis before his death in 1976 and the local tennis courts ncar Ihe old high school arc named for him .

Jack Ross Gray. born in 1927, graduated from the Slale Uniyersilyof Iowa College of Law in 1952 and immediately jOined Grav &: Gray. T haI ,"car he married Audrey Langland who has taught school in Lohrville and Rockwell City nearly eyerYl'ear since her marriage. They haye three children: ohn, who graduated from the Uni l'ersily of Iowa College of La ..... in 1981: Anne. who gradllated from Ihe Uni· yersity of Iowa in 1975 and teaches in Perr) , Iowa; and Todd. who is aUending Ki rk,,·ood Community College al Cedar Rapids. Iowa.

Jean Elizabeth G ray Hull. born in 1934, receiyed heT mastel1degree from the Universit) of Arhnsas. In 1965 she married Thomas Hull and Ihe)' and their two children. Thomas Clinton and Jennifer, li,c in 51. Charles. Illinois. Submilll'd bl Johlt C. Gra)' .

WILLI.H I E. GRA Y Twin Lake

William EYeTell G ray, son of Thomas and Fran­ces Watu Smith Gray. was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, on September I. 1851. The family had emigrated from Pennsylyania to Ohio and in IS56 Irayclkd to Mahash· County, 10"'a, and in 1858. 10 Page Count) .

\1r . Gray studied la'" with Morledge and Pherrin in Clarinda afler which he lau,.ht school

"IT two ~ears. He tlhen became a )a" panner of W.S. Le"is In Mahern.

In Ig7S he married Elizabeth Jane Calhoon (11155-1938]. daughler of David and \.ian Cal· hoon. T he CalhOOI!< carne b~ co,"ered " agon 10 Page Counl~ frorn Ohio in 1~5j . The children of Eli7a· beth and William were: B)'ron Ora , 18 i6.1 90,\:

Jesse berett. IS80-1911: Ross Calhoon. 1882-1958; D:l\'id Thomas, I Sb~ (died same year); Grace Mal. ISS6-189g: Infant : Glenn l ee, 1895· 1967; Lulu Belle t Mrs. Roy MIlTlon), 1897 - ; Infanl.

W .E. yisited Roch 'el l CLI) to delermine " hether to move there. ,. Afler bUI'ing property and before I could get loc:lted. J. F. L31cnder, J.e. Kerr , M.W . Fric!.:, Fran!.: Riceand B. \lw ison h3dall localed in Ihe law business. There "li no la"' IO practice as no one viola led an) . EVeryone done (sic) as he agreed. There was no strife or disputes in this parI of the Count'" so Rice. Mallis.on and Lavender taught 5thoo( Fric !.: loaned monel. and [ ..... orked 31 carpen­tering or painting. We all enjoyed life and made the best of whal " 'e had:'

The family experienced Ihe typical sorrows of pioneer famili es through Ihe deaths of Ora. Jesse. Grace. and three infants

Ora. 27. "as educaled in the local schools. With the excePlion of IWO years "hen he and his brother Jesse were engaged in Ihe restaurant business on the soulh side of the square, he assisted in his fathcr"s la w office. In IS99 he enrolled in the Drake Univer­sity law school, but became ill and relurned home ..... here he remained most oflhe lime unl il his death .

Jesse, 30, d ied in Fon Worth, Texas, shortly before his parents could reach his beds ide. He and his wife ( Belle O ldfield Gr, i had gone the re while he recupera ted from pneumonia , Jesse operated a harness making and saddlery business on the site of the present Gray &: Gra~ firm. He was a member of th( Masonic Lodge and of :he Mystic Workers.

Grace was a well·lovcd " hild m the community " 'ho participated in Sund3y School and other church actiyities. She d ied from periionitis after a four-day illness shorlly bef")re her I"'elfth birthday.

W.E also operated a proctry Slore and bakery in the early 19CM)"s. He was a memberoflhe Indepen­d~nl Ordel of Odd Fellows, Ancienl Order of United Workmen, Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. and the Mystic Workers of the World.

Mrs. Gray allended the Presbyterian Church and was a member of the ?loneer Cl ub, a charter member of the Legion Auxiliary of T win Lakes, and a Past Noble G rand of the Rebekah Lodge. Marga­ret Morro"


Don and I " 'ere both oorn in Calhoun County. Don ..... as born in Lanesboro in a farm house where his parents. Walter and ]La Green lived. Later Don lil'ed with his familv on the farm now kno ..... n as the Ed Gregory farm In Elm Grove Township. After thai. he lived on the same farm we li~e on no ..... - the Cory Zybell farm.

I was born at home at the Rocholltz fa rm where Ed and AIda Blair . my parenl5. lived; renting the fa rm ...... hich is located twO miles easl and one and Ihree-fourths miles north of Lake C ity . Later my Dad bought the farm knO"'n as the "Old Madsen Farm·' t,,·o mi les cast and one fourth mile norlh of take Cily.

I was named afler bolh of my srandmothers ­Mata Hearre ll{my Mom·s :'vIom),a nd Nancy Ellen Blair (my Dad's Mom); making me struggle through many years " 'ith the spelling of ' Mata Ellen' and the pronunciation of il. Afler I was married and spent some lime in California, I dr.opped the middle name which made all problems Wl lh my name goaway.

Don and [ fell in 101'e " nen r was almost sweel .i~teen and he was about three years older. We spent seyera! years courting: he "ent to World War 11 -..... as in the Navy. We decided to tie the knot after he had been out-to-sea for a long time and was sta­tioned in San Francisco. Thanks toa very kind man. Ben Johnson. I was able 10 gel out of my counlry schoolteaching contraci and be married in 1944 -geuing 10 spend some timc in California unlil Don was di5tharged from the s.co ·ice of his count ry

We hayc been farmin, si~ ~e Ih3t time - 35 years where \ol e a rc located no" . on the flrm we rentcd from Con' Zybcll and I3w bou,hl; one mile nvrth of Lake CilY

Ou r children arc J err~ Gr~cn married 10 linda Lee. 1"0 chilclTen Julie n ~ c \llke. liVing al Jolley on the Walte r Green farm . Jllhn married to Paula Henning - living in Mmneapol is; and Judy _

Donald L. Green Flmily: Don. Mala, J erry, John and Jud} - 1967.

married to Denny Newland - three boys _ Benja­min, Nicholas and Issac - liying in Richland. Washington.

We had many wonderful limes together as a family. We all belonged to the Woodla ..... n C hristian C hruch ( DiSCi ples) and took and active part Ihere.

We enjoyed belonging to Ihe Top Rail Saddle Club for seyeral yea rs. Go- Kart ing a~d racing. sloc!.:-ear racing. boat racin~. swim,,;ing. 4· H'ing. tuycling - with or wit hout a Irailer house.

O ur children graduated from Lake City lIi~h School: both Jerry and Johr. ien 'ed in the armcd forces .

We thank ou r parenls for raising u~ in a rural area and are than!.:ful thaI we rai~ ou r children he re In the " ondcrfu l farmland of Calhoun Counl~. Sub­n;;/ud by Mala Grun


Joseph BillIe and Carrie Ba ll " 'e re married on January 22.1902. They Eved on the 'Engel' farm four mIles east of Rockwell C ily. Iowa . I was ~rn Iher( July 6. 1903 and ..... as named Gladys Mune!.

Bad slorms c::me in the summer and blizzards in Ihe ,,·inler. The first Christmas I remember "'as a t the age of four. MOlher , Dad, Laurel ~Jld I rode to the Melhodist Chulch in Rockwell Cily to atlCnd the program. Our twoicated carriage had a lOp bUI no Side cunains and wa~ dra" n by a team of horses. \I, e sal in the baleon) al church and at the close d the program Santa threw treats up 10 us . [ don'I believe the Sta rs have ever shone bTighter than they d id tha i nishl soing homc in Ihe crisp. cold air .

I started to a rural school fil'e miles cast of Rock" ell City. We mOI'en toa f:;:rm near Slifer, ~hen 10 a farm fiye miles from Rockwell City "here I finished the eighth srade and started high 5thool. I drove, Jwrse and buggy to high 5thoolleal'ing the horse at the liyery Slable Ihrough Ihe day. J gradu­a led from high school in 1920. then took a posl­~raduale course, and began leaching in 1921 .

David Green and I were married on January 22, 19:~ , The Depression of 1930 struc!.: us hard . Pr ices " ere 10" and we burned nine cenl bu. corn for fuel a l Ilrnes.

The winle rs of 1936 and 1937 a re remembered as 'erl bad , Dal'id d icd on Jull 25.1952.

\\'e had three daughters:~1~rlys Mu riel. Elaine Ell en and Janel Ru(. The~ J;raauated frum ~' Jnson High School.

(I) Marlys, " 'ho is now a leacher at CreSlon, wa~ married to Paul Stearns. The} had nine children.

Ben is married to Lucille West, their children arc ~lallhe" and J innifer. They li"e in Rose 1I 111. Kl n$as.

:-'!Jr~ is married 10 J err~ au)se~ . Thc~ II I'e in \\ J lcrloo

BC"erh and Dennis O·Donncll and son Gar~ J~nl C> li\c neM Rulfc

Sf:L Sh:tron i,!O the AIr l·orcc. S J!ld r.1 I, In CeclM Fall , Chri.!ln~· ;, mMr;cd hi R"b<·n B~I'l UI 't. th~1

h.< ,~.1 d,I~I!Il\cr '\n~clJ ill.,llc ~nd lilc In (j " ,Weld .I,t T'lr, and S;dl~ ;l rf at h" Tn': In ,"oldfield S ,dl ~ l_

In hl~h ,~hool