CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery

CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

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Page 1: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery

Page 2: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid?

Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas.

A fluid is either a liquid or a gas.

Fluid:A fluid is a substance which is capable of flowing. A fluid

may be classified in to Liquid, gas and Vapour.

Page 3: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Next, what is mechanics? Mechanics is essentially the application of the laws of

force and motion. Conventionally, it is divided into two

branches, statics and dynamics.

Fluid Mechanics:

It deals with the behavior of fluid under the condition of

rest and motion. It may be divided in to three parts: Statics,

Kinematics and dynamics.

Page 4: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas


Units and dimensions‐ Properties of fluids‐ mass density, specific weight, specific

volume, specific gravity, viscosity, compressibility, vapor pressure, surface tension

and capillarity. Flow characteristics – concept of control volume ‐ application of

continuity equation, energy equation and momentum equation.

Page 5: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Fluid Properties: 1. Density

2. Specific Gravity

3. Viscosity

4. Surface Tension

5. Capillarity

6. Compressibility

7. Bulk modulus

8. Vapour pressure

Page 6: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas


Mass density or specific mass: ρ

The density of a fluid is defined as its mass per unit volume at

standard temperature and pressure.



unit , kg/m3

For water, ρ = 1000 kg/m3

Page 7: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Specific Weight or weight density: wIt is defined as Weight per unit volume at

standard temperature and pressure


fluidofMassfluidofVolumefluidofWeightw ×==

w = ρg ;Unit: N/m3 ; w for water=9.81 kN/m3

Specific Volume: vIt is defined as Volume per unit mass of the fluid.

v=V/m = 1/ρ

Unit, m3/kg1 m3 = 1000 litres

Page 8: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Specific Gravity : S

It is the ratio of the specific weight of the liquid to thespecific weight of the standard fluid.

waterpure theof weight Specificliquid theof weight specific


Weight Density of Liquid= S X Weight density of water= S X 1000 X 9.81 N/m3

Density of Liquid= S X density of water= S X 1000 kg/m3

Page 9: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Kinematic viscosity:It is defined as the ratio between the dynamic viscosity and mass density of fluid.

Units: m2/s ; 1 Stroke = 10-4 m2/s

Viscosity:Dynamic viscosity:

Viscosity is defined as the property of fluid which offers resistance to flow.

Unit : Ns/m2 ; 1 Poise = (1/10) Ns/m2 ; 1 Centipoise= (1/100) Poise 


dydu μττα =

ρμν =

Page 10: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Dynamic Viscosity


Shear stress ( τ)

Shear rate (du/dy)

Slope of lineμ =

dyduτμ =

Page 11: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Types of Fluids:

Shear stress

Shear rate du/dy

Ideal Solid

Ideal Fluid

Page 12: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Ideal Fluid:

A fluid, which is incompressible and is having no viscosity, is known as Idealfluid. It is only imaginary Fluid

Real Fluid:

A fluid, which is having viscosity, is known as Real fluid. All fluids are Realfluids.

Newtonian fluids:

These fluids follow Newton’s viscosity equation. For such fluids μ does notchange with rate of deformation. Exp. Water, Kerosene etc.,

Non Newtonian fluids:

There fluids which do not follow the linear relationship between the shearstress and the rate of deformation. Exp. Polymer solutions, Blood et.,

Page 13: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Compressibility:When a fluid is subjected to a pressure increase the

volume of the fluid decreases. It is known as compressibility. Itis reciprocal of bulk modulus.

Compressibility = 1/k

Bulk modulus:It is define as the ratio of compressive stress to volumetric


The negative sign indicates the volume decreases as pressureincreases.

Unit :‐

vdvdpk −=


Page 14: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Surface Tension of Liquids

The phenomenon of surface tension arises due to the two

kinds of intermolecular forces. Surface Tension is caused by

the force of cohesion at the free surface.

(i) Cohesion : The force of attraction between the molecules of

the same liquid. Surface tension is due to cohesion between

particles at the free surface.

(ii) Adhesion : The force of attraction between unlike molecules

of a solid boundary surface in contact with the liquid

Page 15: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Case I ‐Water droplet:Let, P= Pressure inside the droplet above outside pressureD= Diameter of the dropletσ = Surface tension of the liquid

i. Pressure force = and

ii. Surface tension force acting around the circumference =σx π d

Under equilibrium conditions these two forces will be equal and opposite,


4dP π










Page 16: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Case II ‐ Soap bubble:

i. Pressure force =                   , andii. Surface tension force acting around the circumference =2(σXπd)


4dP π


( )










( )






Case III‐ A liquid Jet:i. Pressure force = p x l x d , andii. Surface tension force acting around the circumference =σX 2l

Page 17: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas


Capillarity is a phenomenon by which a liquid rises into a thin

glass tube above or below its general level. surface relative to the

adjacent level of the fluid is called capillarity.

This phenomenon is due to the combined effect of cohesion and

adhesion of liquid particles.

For water θ= 0

For mercury θ= 1400

Page 18: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas
Page 19: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Expression for Capillary Rise:

σ=Surface tension of the liquidθ= Angle of contact between the liquid and glass tube

ρ = Density of the liquid

The weight of the liquid of height h in the tube = (Area of the tube x h) x ρ x g  

ghd ×××= ρπ 2

4Vertical component of the surface tensile force





Equating these two eq. θπσρπ cos4

2 ××=××× dghd






ρπθπσ cos4





σ4If θ is equal to zero

Page 20: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Expression for Capillary Fall:

σ=Surface tension of the liquidθ= Angle of contact between the liquid and glass tube

ρ = Density of the liquid

Intensity of the pressure at the depth = (Area of the tube x h) x ρ x g  

ghd ×××= ρπ 2

4Vertical component of the surface tensile force





Equating these two eq. θπσρπ cos4

2 ××=××× dghd










θσ cos4θ For mercury and glass tube is 138o

Page 21: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Vapour pressure:• All liquids have a tendency to evaporate when exposed to a

gaseous atmosphere. The vapour molecules exert a partial

pressure in the space above the liquid, known as vapour pressure.

Page 22: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Gas Laws:Boyle’s LawAt a given temperature for a given quantity of gas, the product

of the pressure and the volume is a constant.P1V1= P2V2

Ideal Gas Law:Ideal Gas Law relates pressure to Temp for a gas 

P = ρRTT = Absolute temperature in oK unitsR= Gas constant = 287 Joule / Kg‐oK

Page 23: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Universal Gas constant:


Where,M=Mass of gas in kg;     V= Specific Volume.P=Absolute pressure      ;  T=Absolute temperature

Page 24: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Pressure in a Fluid

hgp ρ=

Page 25: CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and MachineryCE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery. What is Fluid Mechanics? First, what is a fluid? Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas

Pressure:Force per unit area: 1 N/m2 = Pascal = Pa

Standard Atmosphere P = 101.33 kPa = 101.3 kN/m2

=10.3 m of mg