Celebrating our past, shaping our future - CivicWeb · PDF fileCelebrating our past, shaping our future FCM ... monuments of exceptional universal value worthy of special ... K1N 5P3

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  • FCMs 71st Annual Conference and Municipal ExpoTM

    Celebrating our past,shaping our future

    Celebrating our past,shaping our future

    FCMFederation of Canadian Municipalities

    Fdration canadienne des municipalits

    Qubec City, QubecMay 30 June 2, 2008






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    Each day brings new challenges to the leaders ofCanadas municipal governments, who find them-selves on the leading edge of change.

    FCMs 71st Annual Conference and Municipal ExpoTM

    will bring municipal decision-makers together with expertsin a broad range of disciplines to share ideas and best prac-tices about how to deliver a high quality of life to communi-ties large and small. Youll learn how to tackle environmen-tal, social and economic challenges in informative work-shops and by networking with your peers from across thecountry.

    Youll also hear from the leaders of the Government ofCanada and federal parties in the House of Commons howthey see the future of the federal-municipal relationship. Bethere to let them know how important this relationship is toCanadas future.

    Come to Qubec City in Spring 2008 to learn, shareinsights and experiences and make your voice heard onParliament Hill.

    Plan to AttendFCMs annual conference and trade show help muni cipalleaders tap into a vital network of resources, policies andstrategies. From informative seminars and workshops tothought-provoking plenary sessions, everyone with a stake inthe muni cipal sec tor will benefit from atten d ing Canadaslargest municipal event.

    Budget Now!Be sure to include FCMs annual conference and trade show in your upcoming budget. The conference and tradeshow are designed to give political leaders and senior staff anopportunity to engage in professional development. Con sidersending a team from your community to learn about andtake home leading-edge innovations and solutions.

    This is the best way for local politicians to learn what their job is all about; its alsothe best way to learn new things and best practices around many topics.

    Councillor Craig Speirs, Maple Ridge, B.C.

    Learn how to build a prosperous and sustainable future for your community at FCMs 71st Annual Conference and Municipal ExpoTM, Qubec City, Qubec, May 30-June 2, 2008.

    And dont forget the biggest municipaltrade show in Canada!Where else can you find information on energy-efficientmunicipal fleet vehicles, innovative wastewater collectionsystems, solutions for traffic and parking problems, and bestpractices on how to fight climate changeall under oneroof?

    FCMs 2007 Municipal ExpoTM in Calgary drew a record152 exhibitors. Delegates browsed among booths displayinga range of products and services geared to streamliningmunicipal operations, saving costs and enhancing servicedelivery.

    Councillor Shelagh Montgomery of Yellowknife, N.W.T.,said she found that one of the main advantages of attendingFCMs annual conference is finding out about new pro -ducts and technologies available for communities. AndCouncillor Kim Richter of Langley, B.C., added that sheenjoys the Municipal ExpoTM because I get great ideasthere.

    Join us in Qubec Cityits sure to be bigger and betterthan ever.

  • Qubec City is the birthplace of French civilization inNorth America. It guards access to the entire regionfrom its perch on the Cape Diamond promontory,

    high above the mighty St. Lawrence River.Qubec City is the only city in North America to have

    conserved its ancient stone fortifications. As the onlywalled city on the continent north of Mexico, it has a uniquepersonality. UNESCO recognized this uniqueness by includ-ing Old Qubec in the prestigious family of World Heritagemonuments of exceptional universal value worthy of specialprotection.

    There are many ways to discover Old Qubec. A walkthrough the narrow streets is obviously among the mostenjoyable. Contemplate the beauty of an ancient stonehouse while standing in the shade of a centuries-old tree.With every cobblestone street you take, the citys historyand European flavor are very much in evidence.

    In 2008, Qubec City invites you to celebrate its 400th

    anniversary. From January to October, we will experience10 months of unprecedented excitement. Throughout theyear, many spectacular shows will be presented, several ofQubec Citys annual events and festivals will add a specialtouch to their programs and the main cultural institutionswill present unique and original exhibits and concerts.

    Join the celebrations!




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    Conference at a glance

    Bienvenue Qubec

    Registration opens Thursday, May 29 at 1:00 p.m.

    Opening CeremoniesFriday morning, May 30

    Municipal ExpoTM

    Friday, May 30 and Saturday, May 31

    Welcoming ReceptionFriday evening, May 30

    Resolutions Plenary Saturday, May 31

    Annual General MeetingSunday, June 1

    Dinner and Dance Sunday, June 1

    Closing Delegates BreakfastMonday, June 2






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  • Please complete below to receive a preli minary conference program and registration package, or click this link [email protected]

    and visit our online registration.

    IMPORTANT: By completing the information below, you will receive your preliminaryconference program (including registration information) for FCMs 71st Annual

    Conference and Municipal Expo, to be mailed in January 2008.




    Address Province/Territory

    Postal Code Phone Fax

    E-mail Language of Preference: English French

    Please send me information on a full registration packagefor May 30 June 2, 2008

    $585 Member Delegate(after March 31, 2008: $700)

    $700 Non-member Delegate(after March 31, 2008: $840)

    Fax to FCM at(613) 244-1500Mail to FCM to24 Clarence Street Ottawa, ON K1N 5P3

    For registration information call:

    (613) 907-6322 or [email protected]

    For conference information call:

    (613) 907-6349 or [email protected]

    For Municipal ExpoTMinformation call:

    (613) 907-6273or [email protected]


    Please fax to (613) 244-1500