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Celebrating the Mundane: Nature and the Built Environment...The first form of mundane nature is the remnant nature found in even the most densely populated cities. This can include

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Page 1: Celebrating the Mundane: Nature and the Built Environment...The first form of mundane nature is the remnant nature found in even the most densely populated cities. This can include























Page 2: Celebrating the Mundane: Nature and the Built Environment...The first form of mundane nature is the remnant nature found in even the most densely populated cities. This can include


Celebrating the mundane: Nature and the built environment

Dr. Lenore Newman, Canada Research Chair, Food Security and the EnvironmentDept of Geography, University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, [email protected] (contact author)

Dr. Ann Dale, Canada Research Chair, Sustainable Community DevelopmentSchool of Environment and Sustainability, Royal Roads University,Victoria, Canada. [email protected]


The dualism of nature/culture widely present within Western society at large is out of step withan increasingly urbanizing world. Building on previous discussions of nature/culture duality, anintegrative framework is presented that argues for the embracing of the “mundane nature” foundwithin human landscapes. As over half of the human population interacts with nature primarilywithin urban landscapes, increasing our awareness of such spaces is critical to understanding ourecological consciousness. The examples of a recent rooftop greening bylaw in the city ofToronto and the social impacts of urban gardening are examined in this context.


urban nature, green roofs, spatial capital, nearby nature, urban greening, access to nature,brownfield redevelopment.

Rethinking Nature

The dawn of a new decade sees both the sustainable development discourse andenvironmentalism as a whole focused on the highly politicized issue of climate change. Thoughimportant, the nature of the climate change issue has contributed to the retrenchment of the viewthat nature and human society are mutually exclusive and that one must be valued at the expenseof the other. We are agents acting upon the climate, threatening iconic environments; that thepolar bear is the mascot of climate change science speaks to this trend. The larger conversationconcerning the relationship between nature and culture has been all but lost in the fight to swaythe climate debate. The enormity of the issue and the complexity of society's response toadaptation and mitigation have obscured critical social questions that emerge from society’sinteraction with the natural world. What sort of animal is the human, and how does humansociety fit within the larger natural world given our continuingly increasing numbers andconsumption? Though climate change is a critical issue in the same way that ozone depletionwas an important issue, it is at its root merely a symptom of a larger problem; the artificial

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separation of culture from nature. Nature and culture are two interconnected and evolvingsubsystems of a whole, changing dynamically over time (Newman, 2005).

The separation of culture from nature is a symptom of a Western worldview found in bothdebates on economic progress and within the environmental movement. One of the challengesfor all social movements at this point is the need to move past a history of dualistic thinking thatall nature must be pristine wilderness, and should be protected from human space and that humanculture is not embedded in a natural context. With roots in the work of Thoreau, Muir, andLeopold, the environmental movement has a strong tradition of seeing "Nature" as an antidote tourban life. Cultural landscapes are at best framed as "second best" (O'Neill, 2007); the USWilderness act defines wilderness as "providing opportunities for solitude" and "not beingsubstantively modified by humans" (Ashley, 2007). Wilderness is idealized as a place ofreflection (Havlick, 2006) that serves a sacred function similar to a church or temple; wildernessis a place where humans meditate upon the "other".

It is paradoxical that climate change makes this separation even more archaic, as no ecosystemremains completely untouched by human impacts. As Soja commented at the 2010 meeting ofthe American Association of Geographers, in a world where city’s supply lines draw on everyglobal ecosystem, the entire world is urban (2010). Bill McKibben in The End of Nature arguesthat we live in a "post-natural world" (McKibben, 1989) or, as it has been described, "we live inthe era of the anthropocene" in which earth's system processes are strongly shaped by humanity(Crutzen & Stoermer, 2000). This separation also discounts that the "other" at work withinecosystems can be found in elements of nature within systems with a human element.

If environmentalists can be faulted for positioning nature and culture on two sides of a battle,social theorists have not always included nature in their analysis. In debates about access to thecity, access to natural spaces is not considered on an equal footing to access to other amenities,nor is there sufficient link between natural space and its contribution to human agency.Although Richard Florida (2008) draws links between the amenities of a city and their ability toattract the creative class, he largely neglects how ecological features of urban landscapes mayalso serve as an attractor for the creative class beyond the function of recreation near the city.However local natural features are fundamental to how cities evolve; human societies have along history of locating close to watersheds, rivers and coastal ecosystems that provide easieraccess to resources; humans stay in these locations despite environmental risks such as floodingbecause they are attracted to these natural landscape features. We are at heart creatures of ourenvironments "Hybrid landscapes are where we spend our lives" (White, 2004, 8) and tounderstand these hybrid landscapes we need to re-embed nature into local spaces (Hansson &Wackernagel, 1999).

The nature found in the hybrid spaces created by human cultures is very different from ourcollective conception of “wild”. It is a mundane nature; the nature found in the corners andforgotten spaces of our cities. The idea that the nature found in predominantly human spaces hasvalue was captured strongly by William Cronin's collection Common Ground and in particularhis essay "The Trouble with Wilderness". Cronin claims "the time has come to rethinkwilderness" (Cronon, 1995, 69). He argues that the idea of wilderness as being intrinsically freeof human presence is occasionally historically false, and that it creates a dualism that gives us

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permission to evade responsibility for the lives we actually lead (Cronon, 1995). As long asnature is “out there” beyond the city limits, we don’t need to concern ourselves with the nature inour backyards. A growing number of thinkers agree; in her essay “Zoopolis”, Jennifer Wolchalso argues that the nature/culture dualism is deeply destructive as it puts our dependency onnature in the background. She rightly points out that all cities contain an “animal town”; theplants and animals of this hidden world are not just skeletal remainders of the natural fabric thatonce existed on the site; they are species in symbiosis with the city around them. The plants andanimals in an urban environment are adapted to the environmental effects of the city, and thefood sources that our culture produces (Wolch, 1998). Urban spaces involve much more thanhuman worlds and are often prime sites for both human and non-human ecologies. (Hinchliffe etal, 2005); the well functioning urban environment minimally must function well as a habitat formultiple species (Sheppard, 2006). The concept of mundane nature builds on Cronin's work, andthe concept of "nearby nature"; (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989; Kaplan & Austin, 2004) though thelatter focused mainly on the effect of nature on human behavior; mundane nature encompassesthe intrinsic value of ecological systems and their service value in the urban fabric. Thefollowing exploration expands and clarifies the concept we introduced in (Newman & Dale,2009). There we argued that increasing the amount of mundane nature in our lives can strengthenboth ecosystems and social relations; through mundane nature, we can reconnect with theecosystems that support our lives.

The idea that humans are intrinsically a part of natural systems and that our cities can be situatedas elements within such systems is a break from traditional thought. Our history is embedded inthe belief that we are the top predator, that we have dominion over the earth, that we canunderstand the laws of the universe, that we are the only truly sentient beings. It challenges ourreligious, our intellectual and our social views of our ability to predict and control our lives, andperhaps even our identity and sense of place. To become comfortable with mundane nature weneed to broaden our understanding of how we interact with these hidden ecosystems within ourcities. Mundane nature is not uniform, however. There are several categories of nature withinsocial spaces.

Clarifying Mundane Nature

We live in a highly urbanized world, dominated by three solitudes. The first, the humanenvironment, has been actively planned to consider nature as an externality, to exclude natureand in effect, we have developed a monoculture where one species, the human, dominates. Thesecond, the agricultural realm, has over the last century largely seen the exclusion of theremaining wild elements of ecosystems and the rich social fabric of farm life, as industrial farmsand monocultures dominate the landscape. The third solitude is pristine wilderness, though thesespaces have, as Cronin notes, occasionally been artificially cleared of human presences that oftenran back for millennia; key symbioses in which human social systems related to the ecosystemsthey belonged to and passed down local ecological knowledge over generations have been lost.

Some remnant of the blending of realms remains on the urban edge spaces where nature andculture meet. These components work together to form the urban experience of everydayinteractions with the broader natural world. At the largest scale are the elements of ambientnature as manifested by geography, topology, climate and weather. Modern societies still move

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according to the rhythms of the seasons and we react to fluctuations in climate, especially as theybecome more severe and frequent. Though we like to deny it, the simple rhythm of day and nightstill largely defines our economies and societies. Ambient nature will not be discussed here andis not to be considered as a subset of the mundane nature under consideration.

The first form of mundane nature is the remnant nature found in even the most denselypopulated cities. This can include undevelopable spaces such as cliff faces and river banks,buffer spaces such as that found along railway lines, and intended remnants such as un-manicured parks and streams. Such landscape features, though, are usually heavily modified dueto their large edge spaces and contact with human activity, pollutants, and invasive species andhave yet to be valued for critical ecosystem services they could provide if regenerated with aview to reclaiming some of their original diversity. Another form is the accidental nature foundin undeveloped tracts, vacant lots, abandoned spaces, and along roadways (Foster, 2007). Suchspace tends to be fairly ephemeral, and are often cleared in the name of safely and health."Urban” wilds can seem to fall without even a cry being heard (Hinchliffe et al, 2005; 645), asthe land is reincorporated into the developed cityscape, or even in the name of safety and crimeprevention. The species in these accidental patches are quite interesting, as they are often exoticsoccupying very specific urban microclimates.

Urban spaces also include a cultivated nature. This includes rooftop gardens, shade screens,living sewage treatment plants, breathing walls, city chicken production, and other industrial andagricultural applications of urban nature. The twentieth century was, for the most part, a time inwhich agriculture was banished from the city; there is a trend towards a reversal of thatmovement that is discussed further below. Ecosystem services are becoming more highly valuedin urban spaces, and the amount of cultivated nature is growing in many urban areas.

One can also discuss nature as display within the city. Highly mediated spaces such as zoos,aquariums, parks, and formal gardens bring nature into the city, yet they are also, as Foucaultnotes, a sort of happy, universalizing heterotopia since the beginnings of antiquity (Foucault,1967). Such spaces often are experienced in a very mediated fashion, and challenge thenature/culture duality less than other forms of mundane nature. This said spaces such as thesweeping landscapes such as those designed by Olmstead represent a hybrid space, wheresurprise is possible. Kaplan discusses how the failure to value all of the benefits of displayednature can lead to serious declines in resident satisfaction (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989).

Understanding Mundane Nature

The edges where nature and culture collide are spaces that can be understood in terms ofFoucault's heterotopia (1967); places where critical reflection and innovation is occurring outsideof mainstream social activity. In his essay “Of Other Spaces”, Foucault argues that "The presentepoch will perhaps be above all the epoch of space"; he argues that

"perhaps our life is still governed by a certain number of oppositions that remain inviolable, that our institutions and practices have not yet dared to break down.These are oppositions that we regard as simple givens: for example between the

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private sphere and the public sphere, between family space and social space, between cultural space and useful space, between the space of leisure and that of work. All these are still nurtured by the hidden presence of the sacred." (Foucault, 1967: 1)

Rooftops are an interesting example; they are spaces that are often seen but notaccessible, or with controlled access. They, are, however also panoptic, granting perspective onthe surrounding urban fabric.

Lefebvre and Hetherington both argue that resistance to heterogeneity is found in the areas of lifeunmediated by commodification (Hetherington 1997; Lefebvre, 1974). Patches of mundanenature can serve such a function, as social ideals become real when they become inscribed inspace and then shape that space (Soja, 1996). Soja talks of third spaces, those places within ourhabitat that are neither work nor home where we can interact and build our identities. Sites ofmundane nature serve as third spaces with a difference; they allow us to reconnect to our animalnature and better understand ourselves and our relation to the larger world. A city that fullyengages with its mundane nature could over time evolve to a place less single-mindedly weddedto the nature/culture duality, moving to more and more regeneration of critical landscape featuresnecessary to ecosystem and human well-being.

As cities come to dominate our social landscape, our prime interaction with nature will be urban(Dunn et al, 2006). This "pigeon paradox" in which future wilderness preservation will dependon urban dwellers maintaining a connection with nature, is indicative in of the mass shifts facingthe human animal; as we become more urban, and our impacts on natural systems growsworldwide, our survival depends on rapidly developing a much greater connection with thenatural world that we have now. Ironically, "many naturalists start their journeys on ditchbanksand in empty lots" (Nabhan, 1994: xi). Mundane nature can remind us of our direct connection tolarger ecosystem functions; the presence of food crops in our cities, for example, is a reminder ofour daily interaction with other species that keep us alive.

The Benefits of Mundane Nature

It is argued here that mundane nature is intrinsically valuable, and that mundane nature createsthird spaces within our cities that are sites of connection between species. However there are anumber of additional reasons why a "wilder" city is ecologically and socially advantageous.Plant life controls the urban heat island effect through evapo-transpiration; shade trees cannoticeably drop energy costs for summer cooling. For example stream restoration cuttemperature measurably in Seoul when the Cheonggye stream was daylighted (Kim et al, 2008).Trees adjust wind speed and humidity (Georgi & Zafiriadis, 2006); leading to significant energysavings. Even minor greenery lowers ambient temperature, absorbs storm water, regulateshumidity and improves air quality. So called "living machines" have been embraced in manyways; tertiary sewage treatment through wetland creation, green walls that reduce indoor airpollution, swales for flood control, and green roofs for insulation, cooling, and runoff control.Each of these innovations also broadens the urban habitat of what could be called the "unseenguild" the ecological grouping of animals and plants that thrive in an urban setting co-existingwith humans. Selman (2009) discusses how the concept of "landscape multifunctionality" is

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fostering the understanding of how urban ecosystem elements can have multiple uses. Mundanenature expands this concept into the sociological realm.

What has not yet been fully embraced by urban practitioners is the role and contributions thatmundane nature can make to the social fabric of the city. Traditional planning dismissed desirefor nature as romanticism, (van den Berg et al, 2007), but it has been shown that access to localnature, even just visually, has a direct impact on life satisfaction; our surrounding environmentcan increase our happiness (Brereton et al, 2008). Access to viewscapes mitigated the downsidesof urban density (Kearney, 2006), as people didn’t mind greater density if they could see simplysee a piece of nature. As well, contrary to earlier thought, reflection doesn’t just happen in purewilderness, a study by Fuller et al. (2007) revealed that green space can foster reflection, whichreferred to the interviewee’s reported ability to clear their heads, gain perspective on life andthink more easily about personal matters. Kaplan notes the value we place on visible "nearbynature" and notes that our desire to see nature around us drives the development of suburbs onthe rural fringe (Kaplan & Austin, 2004).

Our surroundings influence the way we come together as a society. Physical features have beenshown to affect social capital in a community (Cattell, 2001) and it has been demonstrated thatpublic space containing nature fosters greater community (Kearney, 2006). As well, there is arelationship between social and ecological resilience "the ability of groups or communities tocope with external stresses and disturbances as a result of social political and environmentalchange (Adger, 2000:1), which needs more research. One possible avenue of interest is thepotential of mundane nature to give our urban landscapes a more human scale; scale questionsare an important factor in creating diverse and resilient community (see Newman & Dale, 2008)and nonhuman elements of our surroundings could serve as important scale signifiers;contributing to our feeling of safety and belonging.

The importance of mundane nature does not discount or negate the importance of wild spacesand ecosystems without excessive influence. Our argument is for, if anything, a higher valuationfor mundane nature in order to raise the overall integration of nature and culture.

Examples of Mundane Nature

Incorporating mundane nature into existing cityscapes can be a powerful but underutilized toolfor urban renewal. The modern rooftop is an interesting example of a space that can host a widevariety of mundane natures. Historically, rooftops have been used to grow food, to serve associal space, to heat water, dry laundry and food, and gather energy. The modern rooftop doeslittle but increase the urban heat island effect. On May 26th, 2009, Toronto followed the lead ofseveral European cities and enacted a bylaw to require and govern the construction of greenroofs for all new industrial development. The bylaw will apply to all new building permitapplications made after January 31, 2010 (residential, commercial and institutional) and January31, 2011 for all new industrial development. The new bylaw will be enforced on buildingsexceeding 2,000m_ of Gross Floor Area and have a graduated coverage requirement rangingfrom 20-60% (City of Toronto, 2010)

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In the fall of 2009, the first author visited two green rooftops in Toronto representing differentmethods of implementing the bylaw. The first, the green rooftop at the Gladstone Hotel, is shownin figure one. The oldest continuously operating hotel in Toronto, the Gladstone was built in1889 as a stylish railway hotel. After falling into disrepair, the hotel was restored at the turn ofthe century and acts as a hub of artistic activity in the city. Partially funded by the city of Torontothrough a grant to promote green business, the hotel installed a carpet of sedum pioneered by alocal company, Xero Flor. The 2500 square feet of green rooftop fit the hotel's mandate tobecome a sustainable destination in the city, and also addressed a flooding problem. The sedumis particularly good at holding flood water and releasing it slowly. The sedum is lowmaintenance, which suits the limited access nature of the roof spaces of this heritage building.The sedum is also aesthetically appealing, and blends well with the artist-driven décor of thebuilding’s grand interiors.

Figure One: The rooftop of the Gladstone Hotel

The second rooftop, pictured in figure two, is located atop the Robertson building, home to theToronto Centre for Social Innovation (CSI). The Centre for Social Innovation is driven by amission to foster social innovation in the face of current economic, environmental, social andcultural challenges, and improve communities and the planet through innovation. Installed in2004, this rooftop was a pioneer in the city and is notable for its size at over 4000 square feet,and for the complexity of its ecosystem. Designed and planted by Gardens in the Sky, themeadow contains ten species of native flower. The garden is bordered by an atrium and commonarea deck used by the tenants of the building, which is host to numerous not for profit groups and

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creative enterprises. Biodiversity was embraced as a guiding principle for the roof, and asidefrom providing exposure to nature for the tenants it is designed to lower the urban heat islandeffect, control run off, reduce air pollutants, and cool the building, it also acts as critical birdhabitat. The roof has become an important social habitat as well; the various tenants of thebuilding meet upon the roof and share conversation and ideas.

The two roofs represent two expressions of mundane nature. Though both roofs requiremaintenance and human intervention, the second roof is a much more complex ecosystem andplays a larger role as a place for interaction between human and non-human ecosystems. This isnot to say the second roof is superior; both roofs are constrained by space and structuraldemands; the ability of a human space to host nonhuman systems varies. Both roofs, however,show that fear surrounding the potential downsides of such spaces need to be challenged; there isspace for a massive increase in the size and number of such installations.

Figure Two: The Rooftop of the Robinson Building

The social impact of the Robertson Building roof space was mirrored in an earlier study of urbangarden plots. A study of urban farmers (Newman, 2009) found that the social aspect of growing

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food in an urban setting was much stronger than expected. In Portland, Oregon, for example, thegroup, Your Backyard Farmers, started by offering to raise food for residents on their unneededland. At the time of the interviews they were running 25 mini farms scattered throughout theurban and peri-urban fringe and provided consulting services for 25 additional urban farms thatare maintained by the owners. They noted the high level of interest and engagement ofparticipants; though many of their clients started out passively providing available ground theynoted many people spent time in the gardens; outdoor furniture would appear near the plantingareas. As the farms become established they found the residents asking questions such as “Whenwill this be ready to harvest?” and “How do I cook it?” When they began the business they dideverything from beginning to end, but in the second year several of the residents requestedinstruction in how to operate the plots themselves. The gardens grew to serve as a communitymeeting space, a phenomenon noted elsewhere in the literature on urban growing. Our "softfascination" with nature (Hartig, 2004: 273) provides a point of contact and conversation. Thepresence of lawn chairs in urban gardens is a symbol of the pack nature of our species.

The Future of Mundane Nature

Understanding humans as one natural component among many others within nature, as a part ofa natural system, is frightening because of what it makes clear; we are animals who live and diein the company of other species upon which we utterly depend for our survival. We eat natureand our minds respond to nature and we live and die under the influence of nature. "Nature is allaround us if we only have eyes to see it" (Cronon 1995, 86). As we enter a time in whichhumanity can deeply affect the entire globe, we need to become much more aware of Earth'secosytems and our place within them. There is a need to bring together what we understand ofmundane nature; social and physical impacts, urban ecology, theories of space and place, andfoster a transdiciplinary understanding of this particular element of our habitats. Beyond thetheoretical understanding of such spaces, there is a need for urban planning that respects andvalues mundane nature and ideally encourages the creation of as much such space as possible.Though the opportunities for daily interactions within natural systems varies from place to place,the opportunities for creating new hybrid landscapes in which humans are seen andacknowledged as one species of many is vast. Ultimately, beyond climate change or any othersingle issue, we must accept our role as one species of many, or risk destroying our ecosystems,and thus ourselves.

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