CELT (Campus Eco-Leadership Training.pptx

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  • 8/9/2019 CELT (Campus Eco-Leadership Training.pptx


    CELT (Campus Eco-Leadership Training

  • 8/9/2019 CELT (Campus Eco-Leadership Training.pptx


    I. History of


    Most theories in the 20


    Century argues thatgreat leader ere !orn"

    not made.

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    Leadership# process through hich a

    person influences andmoti$ates others to getin$ol$ed in accomplishment

    of particular tas%.

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    #. Leadership has !een descri!edas &a process' of social influence

    in hich a person can enlist theaid and support of others in theaccomplishment of a common

    tas%.. #n organi)ation that isesta!lished as an instrument or

    means for achie$ing definedo!*ecti$es has !een referred toas formal organi)ation.

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    C. # leader is person ho influences agroup of people toards a specific result.

    It is not dependent on the title or formalauthority. +g!onnia(200, defines aneffecti$e leader &as an indi$idual' iththe capacity to consistently succeed in a

    gi$en condition and !e $ieed asmeeting the epectations of anorgani)ation or society./. Leadership has !een defined as a

    process through hich a personinfluences and moti$ates others to getin$ol$ed in accomplished of a particulartas%.

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    Eamples +f1E#T LE#/E1

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    Mahatma andhi

    Mohanda andhi 3aramchandandhi" !etter %non as Mahatmaandhi" as !orn an ordinary !oy

    ith determination to ecel at hathe did. His main characteristics ereresilience" %noledge" people-s%ills"moti$ational approach and leading

    !y eample.

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    Mahatma andhi

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    #!raham Lincoln

    The 45th6resident of the 7nitedtates of #merica is also on of

    the most ell-%non leaders ofall time. His greatest traitsere his determination"

    persistence" !eliefs andcourage.

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    #dolf Hitler

    #lthough despised throughthe orld" #dolf Hitler as

    one of the great leaders ofall time. His oratory s%ills"propaganda" and planning

    made him a leader ofecellence

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  • 8/9/2019 CELT (Campus Eco-Leadership Training.pptx



    +ne of the greatest leaders of alltime" Muhammad led to the spread

    of Islamic and around #ra!ia. Hisgreatest leadership 8ualities erehis courage" leading !y eample"moti$ational approach" persistence"and decision ma%ing.

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  • 8/9/2019 CELT (Campus Eco-Leadership Training.pptx


    Mao 9edong

    Mao as the leader of Chinese1e$olution and the founding

    father of the 6eople:s 1epu!licof China. ecause of him" Chinais a orld poer and potent

    ri$al to the dominant 7nitedtates of #merica.

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    ;elson Mandela

    He as the first outh #frican6resident elected in fully

    democratic elections. His maincharacteristics ere hisdetermination" persistence"

    focus and ill.

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    =idel Castro

    Castro as the leader of Cu!an1e$olution and later ent

    !ecome the 6rime Minister ofCu!a. His trait of courage"strategy" hiring the right people

    and dissemination of dutiesmade him the leader he as.

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    >inston Churchill

    6rime Minister of ritain from4?@0 to 4?@A" Churchill lead

    reat ritain against ;a)iermany during the >orld >arII. Churchill as %non for hisfearlessness" determination"unyielding perse$erance andundying de$otion to his goal.

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    /ifferent Types and Eamples

    of acrificesThe Expected

    #t this !asic le$el" you ma%esacrifices to differentiate yourselfas a %eeper $ersus someone *ustholding a *o!. Bour sacrifices are

    dri$en !y helping others !ut notyet putting others !eforeyourself.

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    Eamples of acrifices at theEpected Le$el

    %ipping Lunch to finish a pro*ect.

    taying late to help a teammateith deadline.

    Dolunteering for additional or%hole already carrying a full load

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    The Transition

    This is for those ho aretransitioning positions of

    management here they:refor the elfare of otherdirect reports" lea$ing less

    time to get your on or%done.

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    Eamples of acrifices

    at the Transition Le$eltepping aside for prime $acationdays so your team can choose the

    first.Coming in early and staying late soyou are a$aila!le to your team.

    Ta%ing or% home !ecause during

    the day you ga$e your time to coachor teach a teammate.

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    This le$el is for teammates homa%e the cut and mo$e !eyond

    management into leadership.The sacrifices don:t feel li%esacrifices !ecause they can

    ma%e !igger impact" and theyare hungry for that calling.

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    Eamples of acrifices at theCalling Le$el

    Changing your outard appearanceand epressions !ecause people are

    atching.i$ing a massi$e amount of time toyour team and your leader. Bou areleading 50 degrees.

    7sing your time and energy to learnand gron.

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    The Comple

    #ppropriate named since at thisstage sacrifices are $ery

    comple. They can !e personaltest a!out your character orris%s to your career" depending

    on the stance you are illing tota%e

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    Eamples of acrifices at TheComple

    6u!licity standing against thepopular $ote !ecause you don:t

    agree ith the agenda.1is%ing your career !ecauseyou choose to spea% up $ersus

    settling and not challengingstatus 8uo

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    6aying The 6rice

    In the !usiness orld" sacrificeis often referred to as &payingthe price'. ut hat does

    paying the price really meanhen it pertains to our roleleaders. In other ords" do e

    ha$e to pay the price to &getthere' or do e &get there'first and then pay the priceF

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    I !elie$e that the price is simplycommitment" and it:s easy tocommit to our sacrifice forsomething ho truly care a!out.Leaders ho are committed to

    putting the team and the companyfirst are certainly ma%ing sacrifices.